//	ROUTINE:	CAIHumanStateCatch::HandleSetupCatch()
void CAIHumanStateCatch::HandleSetupCatch()
	// All of the sequence animations MUST be set by the time we start
	// the initialization process
	UBER_ASSERT( m_eAnimProp1 != kAP_None,
		"CAIHumanStateCatch::UpdateAnimation Goal failed to set m_eAnimProp1");
	UBER_ASSERT( m_eAnimProp2 != kAP_None,
		"CAIHumanStateCatch::UpdateAnimation Goal failed to set m_eAnimProp2");
	UBER_ASSERT( m_eAnimProp3 != kAP_None,
		"CAIHumanStateCatch::UpdateAnimation Goal failed to set m_eAnimProp3");
	// Be sure that we retrieved a MaxCatch value..
	UBER_ASSERT( m_fMaxCatchDuration > 0.0000001,
		"SetupCatch: MaxCatchDuration not set" );

	CAnimationProps Props;
	Props.Set(kAPG_Posture, kAP_Stand);
	Props.Set(kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_Up);
	Props.Set(kAPG_Weapon, GetAI()->GetCurrentWeaponProp());
	Props.Set(kAPG_WeaponAction, m_eAnimProp2); 

	if ( GetAI()->HasTarget() )
		// Setting a target push speed allows the AI to knock the 
		// player back if they collide while the AI Catching
		GetAI()->GetTarget()->SetPushSpeed( GetAI()->GetSpeed() * 2.f );

	// Advance to the first phase..
	m_eStateStatus = kSStat_TriplePhaseOne;
void CAIActionReload::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Reload our randed weapon.

	pAI->SetCurrentWeapon( kAIWeaponType_Ranged );

	// Set animate state.
	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );

	// Set reload animation.

	CAnimationProps	animProps;
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, m_ePosture );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_WPOS_Up );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_ACT_Reload );

	CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
	pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, !LOOP );

	// Torso tracking.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_AimAt );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( true );
void CAIGoalAlert::SetWSSatisfaction( CAIWorldState& WorldState )
	// Bail if the Goal's SmartObject record does not exist.

	AIDB_SmartObjectRecord* pSmartObjectRecord = g_pAIDB->GetAISmartObjectRecord( m_pGoalRecord->eSmartObjectID );
	if( !pSmartObjectRecord )

	// Bail if animation does not exist.

	CAnimationProps Props;
	Props = pSmartObjectRecord->Props;
	Props.Set( kAPG_Weapon, m_pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
	HMODELANIM hAni = m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->GetAni( Props );

	// Goal is satisfied by looping the alert animation.

	WorldState.SetWSProp( kWSK_AnimLooped, m_pAI->m_hObject, kWST_int, (int)hAni );
void CAIActionIdle::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Added an assert when an AI goes into the idle goal with an animation 
	// that is currently locked.  This suggests that the previous behavior 
	// did not perform the expected cleanup. 
	// If this assumption isn't valid, this assert can safely be removed.

	AIASSERT( !pAI->GetAnimationContext()->IsLocked(), pAI->GetHOBJECT(), 
		"CAIActionIdle::ActivateAction : AIs animation is still locked and will be looped.  This may indicate the previous action failed to clean itself up properly."  );

	// If AI is not in any state, set Idle state.
	// Otherwise, the AIActionIdle does not affect the current state.

	if( ( pAI->GetState() == NULL ) ||
		( pAI->GetAnimationContext()->WasLocked() ) ||
		( pAI->GetAnimationContext()->WasPlayingSpecial() ) ||
		( pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBDestStatus() != kNav_Unset ) )
		// Set animate state.

		pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );

		// Set idle animation.

		EnumAnimProp ePosture = pAI->GetAnimationContext()->GetCurrentProp( kAPG_Posture );
		if( ePosture == kAP_None 
			|| ePosture == kAP_POS_Mounted)
			ePosture = kAP_POS_Stand;

		CAnimationProps	animProps;
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, ePosture );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_WPOS_Down );

		CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
		pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, LOOP );

	// Head tracking.

	if( pAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character | kTarget_Object | kTarget_Interest ) 
		&& AIWeaponUtils::HasWeaponType( pAI, kAIWeaponType_Ranged, !AIWEAP_CHECK_HOLSTER ) 
		&& AIWeaponUtils::HasAmmo( pAI, kAIWeaponType_Ranged, !AIWEAP_CHECK_HOLSTER ) )
		pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_AimAt );
		pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( true );
	else {
		pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_LookAt );
		pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( false );
void CAIActionFaceNode::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Find which node we are facing from the goal world state.

	SAIWORLDSTATE_PROP* pProp = wsWorldStateGoal.GetWSProp( kWSK_UsingObject, pAI->m_hObject );
	if( !pProp )

	// Set animate state.

	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );

	CAnimationProps	animProps;
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, kAP_POS_Stand );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_WPOS_Up );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_ACT_Alert );
	CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
	pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, LOOP );

	// Face the node.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceObject( pProp->hWSValue );

	// We are departing a previous node.

	pAI->GetAIWorldState()->SetWSProp( kWSK_UsingObject, pAI->m_hObject, kWST_HOBJECT, 0 );

	// We have a new destination.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBDestStatus( kNav_Set );

	// Loop turning sound.

	HRECORD hRecord = g_pAIDB->GetMiscRecordLink( TURNING_SOUND );
	const char* pszSoundFile = g_pLTDatabase->GetRecordName( hRecord );
	HRECORD hSR = g_pSoundDB->GetSoundDBRecord( pszSoundFile );

	HLTSOUND hLoopSound = g_pServerSoundMgr->PlayDBSoundFromObject( pAI->m_hObject, hSR,
		SMGR_DEFAULT_VOLUME, 1.0f, -1.0f,

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBLoopingSound( hLoopSound );

	// Head tracking.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_None );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( false );
void CAIActionAttackGrenade::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Set grenade as current weapon.

	pAI->SetCurrentWeapon( kAIWeaponType_Thrown );

	// Set animate state.

	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );

	// Set throw animation.

	CAnimationProps	animProps;
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, kAP_POS_Stand );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_ACT_Throw );

	CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
	pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, !LOOP );

	// Get the target.

	HOBJECT hTarget = NULL;
	if( pAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character | kTarget_Object ) )
		hTarget = pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject();

	// Play grenade attack sound.

	if( g_pAICoordinator->FindAlly( pAI->m_hObject, NULL ) )
		g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_Grenade, kAISndCat_Always, hTarget, 0.f );

	// Coordinate frequency of grenade attacks across all AIs.

	SetNextThrowTime( pAI );

	// Torso tracking.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_AimAt );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( true );
//	ROUTINE:	CAIHumanStateCatch::HandleStartCatch()
void CAIHumanStateCatch::HandleStartCatch()
	// Set up the direction and duration of the Catch
	if ( m_hObjectToCatch != LTNULL )
		// Reset the facing direction
		GetAI()->FacePos( m_vIncomingPosition );

	// If we are done with the previous animation (locking is off)
	// then we can enter the next phase
	if( !GetAnimationContext()->IsLocked() )
		LTVector vOrigin = GetAI()->GetPosition();

		// Set up the direction and duration of the Catch
		if ( m_hObjectToCatch != LTNULL )
			// If we have a specific object, then orient ourselves to face it
			g_pLTServer->GetObjectPos( m_hObjectToCatch, &m_vIncomingPosition );	

		// Find the length of the fly animation.

		CAnimationProps Props;
		Props.Set(kAPG_Posture, kAP_Stand);
		Props.Set(kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_Up);
		Props.Set(kAPG_Weapon, GetAI()->GetCurrentWeaponProp());
		Props.Set(kAPG_WeaponAction, m_eAnimProp2);

		// Advance to the next phase..
		m_eStateStatus = kSStat_TriplePhaseTwo;

	// Decide if we ought to abort this phase -- we might not want 
	// to hold the catch for the animations duration
	if( ShouldDropCatch() )
		// Advance to the last phase..
		m_eStateStatus = kSStat_TriplePhaseThree;
void CAIActionFinishBlockNormal::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Bail if the Action's SmartObject record does not exist.

	AIDB_SmartObjectRecord* pSmartObjectRecord = g_pAIDB->GetAISmartObjectRecord( m_pActionRecord->eSmartObjectID );
	if( !pSmartObjectRecord )

	// Set the state.

	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );
	CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
	CAnimationProps props = pSmartObjectRecord->Props;
	props.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
	pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( props, !LOOP );
HMODELANIM CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::GetAlternateDeathAnimation()
	// Were killed in the middle of an activity?

	// jrg - 7/29/02 - don't count the activity if we haven't fully transitioned yet.
	if( ( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() == kState_HumanUseObject ) &&
		( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateStatus() == kSStat_PathComplete ) && 
		(!m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->IsTransitioning())	) 
		CAIHumanStateUseObject* pStateUseObject = (CAIHumanStateUseObject*)m_pAI->GetState();
		EnumAnimProp eActivity = pStateUseObject->GetActivity();

		CAIHuman* pAIHuman = (CAIHuman*)m_pAI;

		CAnimationProps animProps;
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, pStateUseObject->GetPose() );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAIHuman->GetCurrentWeaponProp() );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_Lower );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Awareness, eActivity );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_Death );

		// Find a death animation for this activity.
		if( m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->AnimationExists( animProps ))
			m_bPlayedSpecialDeathAnim = LTTRUE;
			return m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->GetAni( animProps );

	// No alternate.

	return INVALID_ANI;
LTBOOL CAIGoalWork::HandleWorkInterruptionDeactivation()
	// Were interrupted while in the middle of an activity?

	if( ( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() == kState_HumanUseObject ) &&
		( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateStatus() == kSStat_PathComplete ) )
		CAIHumanStateUseObject* pStateUseObject = (CAIHumanStateUseObject*)m_pAI->GetState();
		EnumAnimProp eActivity = pStateUseObject->GetActivity();

		CAnimationProps animProps;
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, pStateUseObject->GetPose() );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, kAP_Weapon3 );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_Lower );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Awareness, eActivity );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_Interrupt );

		// If this activity has an interruption animation,
		// play it and lock deactivation until complete.

		if( m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->AnimationExists( animProps ) )
			m_pAI->SetState( kState_HumanAnimate );
			CAIHumanStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIHumanStateAnimate*)(m_pAI->GetState());
			pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, LTFALSE );
			m_eDeactivationState = kWDS_Interrupting;
			return LTTRUE;

	return LTFALSE;
void CAIActionDismountVehicle::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Sanity check.

	if( !pAI )

	// Bail if AI is not attached to anything.

	HOBJECT hVehicle = pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBAttachedTo();
	if( !hVehicle )

	// Detach the AI from the vehicle.

	std::string strCmd = "DETACH ";
	strCmd += pAI->GetName();
	g_pCmdMgr->QueueMessage( pAI, g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hVehicle), strCmd.c_str() );

	// Record the vehicle the AI was attached to from the Blackboard.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBAttachedTo( NULL );

	// Get vehicle animProp.

	SAIWORLDSTATE_PROP* pProp = pAI->GetAIWorldState()->GetWSProp( kWSK_RidingVehicle, pAI->m_hObject );
	if( !pProp )
	EnumAnimProp eVehicle = pProp->eAnimPropWSValue;

	// Set animate state.

	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );

	// Set idle animation.

	CAnimationProps	animProps;
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, kAP_POS_Stand );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_WPOS_Lower );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_ACT_Dismount );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Activity, eVehicle );

	CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
	pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, !LOOP );

	// Torso tracking.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_None );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( false );
void CAIActionReactToDanger::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Bail if we are not aware of danger.

	CAIWMFact factQuery;
	factQuery.SetFactType( kFact_Danger );
	CAIWMFact* pFact = pAI->GetAIWorkingMemory()->FindWMFact( factQuery );
	if( !pFact )

	// Set animate state.

	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );

	// Set flinch animation.

	CAnimationProps	animProps;
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, kAP_POS_Crouch );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBPrimaryWeaponProp() );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_WPOS_Up );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Activity, kAP_ATVT_Distress );
	animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_ACT_Idle );

	CAIStateAnimate* pStateAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)( pAI->GetState() );
	pStateAnimate->SetAnimation( animProps, !LOOP );

	// Do NOT play a threat sound if threatened by a Turret.
	// Instead, allow turret targeting to play something appropriate.

	if( IsPlayer( pFact->GetSourceObject() ) )
		CPlayerObj* pPlayer = (CPlayerObj*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetSourceObject() );
		if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTurret() )

	// Play threat sound.

	// "Fire!"

	if( IsAINode( pFact->GetSourceObject() ) )
		EnumAISoundType eAISound = kAIS_Danger;
		AINode* pNode = (AINode*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetSourceObject() );
		if( pNode && pNode->GetType() == kNode_Stimulus )
			AINodeStimulus* pNodeStim = (AINodeStimulus*)pNode;
			if( pNodeStim )
				eAISound = pNodeStim->GetAISoundType();
		g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, eAISound, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.f );

	// "Watch out grenade!"
	// "Shit!"

	else if( IsKindOf( pFact->GetSourceObject(), "CProjectile" ) )
		// Don't say anything if ally threw grenade.

		CProjectile* pProjectile = (CProjectile*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetSourceObject() );
		if( pProjectile && IsCharacter( pProjectile->GetFiredFrom() ) )
			CCharacter *pChar = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pProjectile->GetFiredFrom() );
			if( pChar && kCharStance_Like != g_pCharacterDB->GetStance( pAI->GetAlignment(), pChar->GetAlignment() ) )
				ENUM_AI_SQUAD_ID eSquad = g_pAICoordinator->GetSquadID( pAI->m_hObject );
				CAISquad* pSquad = g_pAICoordinator->FindSquad( eSquad );
				if( pSquad && pSquad->GetNumSquadMembers() > 1 )
					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_GrenadeThreat, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.f );
				else {
					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_GrenadeThreatAlone, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.f );

	// "Shit"

		g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_GrenadeThreatAlone, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.f );

	// Search for the source of the danger.

	LTVector vDangerPos = pFact->GetPos();
	SearchForDangerOrigin( pAI, vDangerPos );
void CAIActionSurpriseAttackLaunch::ActivateAction( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal )
	super::ActivateAction( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal );

	// Verify we selected a valid action.

	EnumAnimProp eAction = GetAtNodeAttackProp( 
		*pAI->GetAIWorldState(), pAI->GetHOBJECT(), 
		pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject() );
	if ( kAP_Invalid == eAction )
		AIASSERT( 0, pAI->GetHOBJECT(), "CAIActionSurpriseAttackLaunch::ActivateAction: Failed to find an action despite passing precondition test."  );

	// Verify the node specifies a smartobject.

	const AIDB_SmartObjectRecord* pSmartObject = GetAtNodeSmartObjectRecord( *pAI->GetAIWorldState(), pAI->GetHOBJECT() );
	if ( !pSmartObject )
		AIASSERT( 0, pAI->GetHOBJECT(), "CAIActionSurpriseAttackLaunch::ActivateAction: Failed to smartobject for node despite passing precondition test."  );

	// Notify the surprise node that it has been used.

	AINodeSurprise* pSurprise = GetSurpriseNode( *pAI->GetAIWorldState(), pAI->GetHOBJECT() );
	if ( pSurprise )

	// Depart from a node (this must be done AFTER we get the node)

	SAIWORLDSTATE_PROP* pProp = pAI->GetAIWorldState()->GetWSProp( kWSK_AtNode, pAI->m_hObject );
	if( pProp && pProp->hWSValue )
		AINode* pNode = (AINode*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pProp->hWSValue );
		if( pNode )
			pNode->HandleAIDeparture( pAI );

			// Insure we call the PostActivate to fire off any commands/to 
			// reset the activation time/to dispatch any post activate commands.

			AINodeSmartObject* pNodeSmartObject = AINodeSmartObject::DynamicCast( pNode->GetHOBJECT() );
			if( pNodeSmartObject )

	// Get the nodes smartobject and replace the action with the action 
	// determined dynamically.  The activity specifies the direction/etc.

	CAnimationProps Props = pSmartObject->Props;
	Props.Set( kAPG_Action, eAction );

	// Set the animation to play.

	pAI->SetState( kState_Animate );
	CAIStateAnimate* pAnimate = (CAIStateAnimate*)pAI->GetState();
	pAnimate->SetAnimation( Props, !LOOP );

	// Torso tracking.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetTrackerFlags( kTrackerFlag_AimAt );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBFaceTarget( false );

	// Ignore the AIs radius when validating movement encoding, as this
	// animation should be fit to the geometry by level designers.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBMovementEncodeUseRadius( false );
LTBOOL CAIGoalWork::HandleSpecialDamageDeactivation()
	// No special damage applied.

	if( !m_pAI->GetDamageFlags() )
		return LTFALSE;

	// Get the anim prop for the damage type.

	EnumAnimProp eDamage = kAP_None;
	switch( DamageFlagToType( m_pAI->GetDamageFlags() ) )
			eDamage = kAP_DamageSleeping;

		case DT_STUN:
			eDamage = kAP_DamageStunned;

		case DT_BEAR_TRAP:
			eDamage = kAP_DamageTrapped;

		case DT_GLUE:
			eDamage = kAP_DamageGlued;

			eDamage = kAP_DamageLaughing;

			eDamage = kAP_DamageSlipping;

	// Check if a damage animation exists for the current activity.

	if( ( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() == kState_HumanUseObject ) &&
		( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateStatus() == kSStat_PathComplete ) )
		CAIHumanStateUseObject* pStateUseObject = (CAIHumanStateUseObject*)m_pAI->GetState();
		EnumAnimProp eActivity = pStateUseObject->GetActivity();

		CAnimationProps animProps;
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Posture, pStateUseObject->GetPose() );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Weapon, kAP_Weapon3 );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_WeaponPosition, kAP_Lower );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Awareness, eActivity );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Action, kAP_Idle );
		animProps.Set( kAPG_Mood, eDamage );

		// This activity has a special damage animation,

		if( m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->AnimationExists( animProps ) )
			return LTTRUE;

	// This activity does not have a special damage animation,

	return LTFALSE;