BOOL IsValidPatchFile(LPCTSTR szFilename) { // MSCF const CHAR szMagicMsu[] = {'M', 'S', 'C', 'F'}; const CHAR szMagicExe[] = {'M', 'Z'}; const int TEST_BUFFER_SIZE = 4; CHAR buffer[TEST_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; BOOL bMatched = FALSE; CAtlFile file; if(S_OK == file.Create(szFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING) ) { if(SUCCEEDED(file.Read(buffer, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE))) { LPCTSTR szDot = _tcsrchr(szFilename, _T('.')); if(szDot) { ++szDot; if(_tcsicmp(szDot, _T("msu"))==0) { bMatched = memcmp(buffer, szMagicMsu, 4)==0; } else if(_tcsicmp(szDot, _T("exe"))==0) { bMatched = memcmp(buffer, szMagicExe, 2)==0; } else bMatched = TRUE; } } file.Close(); } return bMatched; }
bool Speller::SaveWords( LPCTSTR path, const WordContainer& words ) { CAtlFile file; bool result = false; if (SUCCEEDED(file.Create(path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_ALWAYS))) { WordContainer::const_iterator it = words.begin(); std::vector<char> data; for (; it != words.end(); ++it) { data.clear(); const StringType text = *it + _T("\n"); UTF16toUTF8(text.c_str(), text.size(), data); if (!data.empty()) file.Write(&data[0], static_cast<DWORD>(data.size())); } result = true; } return result; }
bool Speller::LoadWords( LPCTSTR path, WordContainer& words ) { CAtlFile file; bool result = false; if (SUCCEEDED(file.Create(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING))) { ULONGLONG size = 0; file.GetSize(size); if (size > 0) { std::vector<char> data(static_cast<unsigned>(size)); if (SUCCEEDED(file.Read(&data[0], static_cast<DWORD>(data.size())))) { std::vector<wchar_t> unicode; UTF8toUTF16(&data[0], data.size(), unicode); std::wistringstream in(std::wstring(&unicode[0], unicode.size())); typedef std::istream_iterator<StringType,StringType::value_type, StringType::traits_type> iterator; std::copy(iterator(in),iterator(),std::inserter(words,words.end())); result = true; } } } return result; }
BOOL file_put_contents(LPCTSTR lpszFilename, BYTE *pBuffer, INT nLen) { CAtlFile file; if( FAILED( file.Create(lpszFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, CREATE_ALWAYS) ) ) return FALSE; file.Write( pBuffer, nLen ); file.Close(); return TRUE; }
INT64 file_get_size(LPCTSTR lpszFilename) { CAtlFile file; if( FAILED( file.Create(lpszFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING) ) ) return 0; ULONGLONG filesize = 0; file.GetSize(filesize); return filesize; }
virtual void _output_initialize() { if (SUCCEEDED(_file.Create(_T("debug.txt"), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_ALWAYS))) { SYSTEMTIME st; ::GetLocalTime(&st); debugout(_T("----- %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d -----"), st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); } else _out_type = DEBUGOUT_STRING; }
void DebugTools::SelfPurecallHandler(void) { wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr,filename,MAX_PATH); wcscat_s(filename,L".dmp"); ::MessageBox(nullptr,filename,L"PurecallHandler",0); CAtlFile file; file.Create(filename,FILE_WRITE_DATA,FILE_SHARE_READ,CREATE_ALWAYS); BOOL res=::MiniDumpWriteDump(::GetCurrentProcess(),::GetCurrentProcessId(),file,MiniDumpNormal,nullptr,nullptr,nullptr); file.Close(); exit(0); }
bool CCoBroker::HandleRequestService(const tstring& dstUserId, ULONG dstSvcId, const tstring& srcUserId, ULONG srcSvcId, ULONG rId, ULONG rType, ULONG param, const tstring& params) { TRY_CATCH HRESULT result; EBrokerStartTypes startParam=BST_SAME; tstring url; { tstring::size_type iBeginUrl=params.find(_T(";;")); if(iBeginUrl!=tstring::npos) { tstring::size_type iEndUrl=params.find(_T(";;"),iBeginUrl+2); url=params.substr(iBeginUrl+2,(tstring::npos!=iEndUrl)?iEndUrl-iBeginUrl-2:tstring::npos); } } Log.Add(_MESSAGE_,_T("***HandleRequestService*** url=[%s]"),url.c_str()); const TCHAR SESSION_ID_PARAMETER_NAME[]=_T("supportRequestId="); tstring::size_type iWebSId=url.find(SESSION_ID_PARAMETER_NAME); if(iWebSId!=tstring::npos&&iWebSId+_countof(SESSION_ID_PARAMETER_NAME)<url.size()) { iWebSId+=_countof(SESSION_ID_PARAMETER_NAME)-1; tstring::size_type iWebSIdEnd=url.find_first_of(_T("&#"),iWebSId); if(tstring::npos==iWebSIdEnd) iWebSIdEnd=url.length(); tstring sId=url.substr(iWebSId,iWebSIdEnd-iWebSId); Log.Add(_MESSAGE_,_T("***HandleRequestService*** sId=[%s]"),sId.c_str()); SHA1Hash hash_buf; CRYPTO_INSTANCE.MakeHash((char*)sId.c_str(),sId.length()*sizeof(tstring::value_type),hash_buf); tstring hashString; for(int i=0;i<sizeof(hash_buf);++i) //hashString+=i2tstring((int)(unsigned char)hash_buf[i],16); hashString+=Format(_T("%02x"),(int)(unsigned char)hash_buf[i]); url.insert(iWebSIdEnd,tstring(_T("&sri="))+hashString); } //Log.Add(_WARNING_,_T("***HandleRequestService*** HASHING TURN OFF")); Log.Add(_MESSAGE_,_T("***HandleRequestService*** url=[%s]"),url.c_str()); CAtlFile cnfg; if(S_OK==cnfg.Create(Format(_T("%s\\%s"),GetModulePath(GetCurrentModule()).c_str(),_T("Broker.cfg")).c_str(),GENERIC_READ,0,OPEN_EXISTING)) { TRY_CATCH DWORD readLen=0; readLen=GetFileSize(cnfg.m_h,NULL); if(INVALID_FILE_SIZE==readLen&&readLen>32768) throw MCException_Win("Broker.cfg size obtaining failed or file too large"); std::auto_ptr<char> buf(new char[readLen]); if(!ReadFile(cnfg.m_h,buf.get(),readLen,&readLen,NULL)) throw MCException_Win("Broker.cfg file reading failed"); startParam=EBrokerStartTypes(atol(buf.get())); Log.Add(_MESSAGE_,_T("***HandleRequestService*** file startParam=[0x%x]"),startParam); CATCH_LOG() }
bool CDTManager::SetContiInfo( CString file,CString& url,int64& len,int& cur ) { CAtlFile f; if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=f.Create(file,FILE_GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE,CREATE_ALWAYS)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } f.Write(&len,sizeof len); f.Write(&cur,sizeof cur); f.Write(url.GetBuffer(),url.GetLength()*2+2); f.Close(); return true; }
DWORD CWinTrustVerifier::VerifyFile(LPCWSTR pwszFileFullPath, CWinTrustSignerInfoChain* pSignInfoChain) { assert(pwszFileFullPath); CAtlFile hFile; HRESULT hr = hFile.Create( pwszFileFullPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, OPEN_EXISTING); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return VerifyFile(pwszFileFullPath, hFile, pSignInfoChain); }
BOOL CWinTrustVerifier::IsPEFile(LPCWSTR pwszFileFullPath) { assert(pwszFileFullPath); CAtlFile hFile; HRESULT hr = hFile.Create( pwszFileFullPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, OPEN_EXISTING); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return IsPEFile(hFile); }
HICON CFaviconManager::GetFaviconFromURL(LPCTSTR url) { CString strFaviconURL; CString strHtmlPath; if (SUCCEEDED(::URLDownloadToCacheFile(NULL, url, strHtmlPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH, 0, NULL))) { strHtmlPath.ReleaseBuffer(); CAtlFile file; if (SUCCEEDED(file.Create(strHtmlPath, GENERIC_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING))) { enum { kMaxReadSize = 2000 }; unique_ptr<char[]> htmlContent(new char[kMaxReadSize + 1]); DWORD dwReadSize = 0; file.Read((LPVOID)htmlContent.get(), kMaxReadSize, dwReadSize); htmlContent[dwReadSize] = '\0'; boost::regex rx("<link (?:(?<rel>rel=[\"']?(?:shortcut icon|icon)[\"']?) (?<href>href=[\"']?(?<url>[^ \"]+)[\"']?)|(?<href>href=[\"']?(?<url>[^ \"]+)[\"']?) (?<rel>rel=[\"']?(?:shortcut icon|icon)[\"']?))[^>]+>", boost::regex::icase); boost::cmatch result; if (boost::regex_search(htmlContent.get(), result, rx)) { CString strhref = result["url"].str().c_str(); DWORD dwSize = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH; ::UrlCombine(url, strhref, strFaviconURL.GetBuffer(INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH), &dwSize, 0); strFaviconURL.ReleaseBuffer(); } } } if (strFaviconURL.IsEmpty()) { // ルートにあるFaviconのアドレスを得る DWORD cchResult = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH; if (::CoInternetParseUrl(url, PARSE_ROOTDOCUMENT, 0, strFaviconURL.GetBuffer(INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH), INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, &cchResult, 0) == S_OK) { strFaviconURL.ReleaseBuffer(); strFaviconURL += _T("/favicon.ico"); } } if (strFaviconURL.GetLength() > 0) { CCritSecLock lock(s_cs); CIconHandle hIcon = GetFavicon(strFaviconURL); if (hIcon == NULL) { hIcon = _DownloadFavicon(strFaviconURL); if (hIcon) { s_mapIcon[std::wstring(strFaviconURL)] = hIcon; hIcon = hIcon.DuplicateIcon(); } } else { hIcon = hIcon.DuplicateIcon(); } return hIcon; } return NULL; }
BOOL CTcpAgent::SendSmallFile(CONNID dwConnID, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, const LPWSABUF pHead, const LPWSABUF pTail) { ASSERT(lpszFileName != nullptr); CAtlFile file; HRESULT hr = file.Create(lpszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONGLONG ullLen; hr = file.GetSize(ullLen); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONGLONG ullTotal = ullLen + (pHead ? pHead->len : 0) + (pTail ? pTail->len : 0); if(ullLen > 0 && ullTotal <= MAX_SMALL_FILE_SIZE) { CAtlFileMapping<> fmap; hr = fmap.MapFile(file); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WSABUF bufs[3] = {0}; bufs[1].len = (ULONG)ullLen; bufs[1].buf = fmap; if(pHead) memcpy(&bufs[0], pHead, sizeof(WSABUF)); if(pTail) memcpy(&bufs[2], pTail, sizeof(WSABUF)); return SendPackets(dwConnID, bufs, 3); } } else if(ullLen == 0) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_INVALID); else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE); } } ::SetLastError(hr & 0x0000FFFF); return FALSE; }
BOOL CXmlManager::LoadFromFile( LPCTSTR szfilename ) { BOOL ret = FALSE; CAtlFile file; if(S_OK == file.Create(szfilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING) ) { int nsize = ::GetFileSize(file, NULL); char* szbuf = new char[nsize + 1]; if(szbuf) { if(S_OK == file.Read(szbuf, nsize)) { szbuf[nsize] = 0; ret = LoadFromString(szbuf, nsize); } delete [] szbuf; } } return ret; }
bool CDTManager::GetContiInfo( CString file,CString& url,int64& len,int& cur ) { CAtlFile f; if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=f.Create(file,FILE_GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE,OPEN_EXISTING)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=f.Read(&len,sizeof len)&&f.Read(&cur,sizeof cur)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; f.Read(&cur,sizeof cur); ULONGLONG flen=0; f.GetSize(flen); wchar_t* buf=new wchar_t[((size_t)flen)/2+1]; ZeroMemory(buf,((size_t)flen)/2+1); f.Read(buf,(DWORD)flen); url=buf; delete [] buf; f.Close(); return true; }
BOOL WaitFlagFile(LPCTSTR pszFile, DWORD dwWaitTime, BOOL bDeleteFlagFile, DWORD dwCheckInterval) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL isInfine = (dwWaitTime == INFINITE); DWORD dwBeginTime = ::GetTickCount(); while(isInfine || ::GetTickCount() - dwBeginTime < dwWaitTime) { CAtlFile f; if(SUCCEEDED(f.Create(pszFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING))) { if(bDeleteFlagFile) FHDeleteFile(pszFile); bRet = TRUE; break; } ::Sleep(dwCheckInterval); } return bRet; }
/** * @param uNotifyCode - notification code if the message is from a control. If the message is from an accelerator, this value is 1. If the message is from a menu, this value is zero. * @param nID - specifies the identifier of the menu item, control, or accelerator. * @param hWndCtl - handle to the control sending the message if the message is from a control. Otherwise, this parameter is NULL. */ void CExpressModeDlg::OnSave(UINT /*uNotifyCode*/, int /*nID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/) { try { if (! ValidateXMLDocument()) return; CString strLogFile; GetReportFileName(strLogFile); CCustomFileDialog dlgSaveFile(FALSE, _T("xml"), strLogFile, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, _T("Log Files\0*.log\0All Files\0*.*\0"), m_hWnd); if (dlgSaveFile.DoModal(m_hWnd) == IDOK) { CAtlFile fileLog; if (fileLog.Create(dlgSaveFile.m_szFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS) == S_OK) { CString strLogText; GetErrorLog(strLogText); CT2CW pchUnicodeText(strLogText); int nDestSize = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(pchUnicodeText, strLogText.GetLength(), NULL, 0); if (nDestSize >= 0) { static const BYTE arrUTF8Preamble[] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF }; int nTotalDestSize = sizeof(arrUTF8Preamble) + nDestSize; boost::scoped_array<CHAR> pchDest(new CHAR[nTotalDestSize]); CopyMemory(pchDest.get(), arrUTF8Preamble, sizeof(arrUTF8Preamble)); AtlUnicodeToUTF8(pchUnicodeText, strLogText.GetLength(), pchDest.get() + sizeof(arrUTF8Preamble), nDestSize); fileLog.Write(pchDest.get(), nTotalDestSize); } } } } catch (std::exception& error) { HandleException(error); } }
int OpenMyFileMap() { // Create the file-mapping object. CAtlFileMappingBase myFileMap; // Create a file. CAtlFile myFile; myFile.Create(_T("myMapTestFile"), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE|STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS); // The file handle. HANDLE hFile = (HANDLE)myFile; // Test the file has opened successfully. ATLASSERT(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); // Open the file for file-mapping. // Must give a size as the file is zero by default. if (myFileMap.MapFile(hFile, 1024, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, FILE_MAP_READ) != S_OK) { CloseHandle(hFile); return 0; } // Confirm the size of the mapping file. ATLASSERT(myFileMap.GetMappingSize() == 1024); // Now the file-mapping object is open, a second // process could access the filemap object to exchange // data. return 0; }
void LogViewRE::SaveAs() { CString sFilename; FileType aType; if (!FileDialog::GetSaveAsFilename(GetParent(), sFilename, aType)) { return; } CAtlFile file; HRESULT hr = file.Create(sFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS); if (FAILED(hr)) { CString s, sErr; ::FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, hr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), sErr.GetBuffer(4096), 4096, NULL); sErr.ReleaseBuffer(); s.Format(_T("Can't open file\n%s\n\nfor saving. Windows says:\n\"%s\""), sFilename, sErr); MessageBox(s, L"Save logfile", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return; } UINT format = (TXT == aType) ? SF_TEXT : SF_RTF; EDITSTREAM eds = {(DWORD_PTR)&file, 0, StreamFileOut}; StreamOut(format, eds); }
// 指定したcodepageのテキストとしてファイルを読み込みます CString Util::File::ReadAllText(const CString& path, const UINT codePage) { CString rc; CAtlFile file; if(file.Create(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING) != S_OK){ rc.Format(_T("ERROR: File Not Found[path=%s]\n"), (LPCTSTR)path); return rc; } ULONGLONG size; if(file.GetSize(size) != S_OK){ rc.Format(_T("ERROR: File GetSize[%s]\n"), (LPCTSTR)path); return rc; } CAtlArray<char> buf; buf.SetCount((size_t)size+1); if(file.Read(buf.GetData(), (DWORD)size) != S_OK){ rc.Format(_T("ERROR: File Read[%s]\n"), (LPCTSTR)path); return rc; } buf[(size_t)size] = 0; rc = CA2CT(buf.GetData(), codePage); return rc; }
LPVOID ReadFile(LPCTSTR pPath, DWORD *length /* = NULL */, DWORD *lengthPlusSpace /* = NULL */, DWORD spacepadding /* = 0 */, BOOL bEOF /* = FALSE */, BOOL bFailedMsgBox /* = TRUE */) { CAtlFile file; if(FAILED(file.Create(pPath, GENERIC_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING))) { if(bFailedMsgBox) { /*CString sMsg; sMsg.Format(IDS_ERR_FILENOTFOUND, pPath); MessageBox(NULL, sMsg, _T("ERROR"), MB_OK);*/ } return NULL; } UINT64 len64 = 0; file.GetSize(len64); if(len64 > _UI32_MAX)return NULL; DWORD len = (DWORD)len64; DWORD lenPlusSpace = len + spacepadding; if(lenPlusSpace < len) { lenPlusSpace = len; spacepadding = 0; } LPVOID p = new char[lenPlusSpace + 1]; file.Read(p, len); LPBYTE sp = ((LPBYTE)p)+lenPlusSpace-1; for(;spacepadding;spacepadding--) { *sp = ' '; sp--; } *((LPBYTE)p+lenPlusSpace) = '\0'; if(bEOF)*((LPBYTE)p+len) = 0x1a; file.Close(); if(length!=NULL)*length=len; if(lengthPlusSpace!=NULL)*lengthPlusSpace = lenPlusSpace; return p; }
BOOL file_get_contents( LPCTSTR lpszFilename, CStringA &strA ) { CAtlFile file; if( FAILED( file.Create(lpszFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING) ) ) return FALSE; BOOL bRet = FALSE; do { ULONGLONG filesize = 0; if( FAILED( file.GetSize(filesize) ) ) break; strA = ""; if(filesize>0) { file.Read( strA.GetBuffer((int)filesize), (DWORD)filesize ); strA.ReleaseBuffer((int)filesize); } bRet = TRUE; } while (FALSE); file.Close(); return bRet; }
void ServerAgent::FileSending(std::string filepath) { int msglen=0; int requesttype=0; string filename; GetFileNameFromPath(filepath,filename); int times=10;//传输次数 RequestFileMessage rqmsg; rqmsg.Filename=filename; CString pathstr(; CAtlFile file; HRESULT r=file.Create(pathstr,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING); if (FAILED(r)) { std::cout<<"文件打开错误"<<std::endl; } ULONGLONG filesize; if(FAILED(file.GetSize(filesize))) { std::cout<<"获取文件大小错误"<<std::endl; } std::cout<<"文件"<<filepath<<"大小"<<filesize<<std::endl; times=filesize/packagelen;//计算出要发送的次数 if ((filesize%packagelen)>0) { times++; } m_sendtimes=times; std::cout<<"文件需要发送次数"<<m_sendtimes<<std::endl; rqmsg.TransferTimes=times; MessageData rqmsgdata=rqmsg.GetBytes(); ConnectServer();//连接服务器 boost::system::error_code sendec,recvec; boost::shared_array<char> recbuf(new char[100]); std::size_t rec_num=m_sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(recbuf.get(),100));//先接受4字节的数据 m_sock.send(boost::asio::buffer(rqmsgdata.buf.get(),rqmsgdata.buflen)); m_sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(recbuf.get(),100)); WrtieFileMessage writefilemsg; writefilemsg.packagebytesnum=packagelen;//设定上每包数据的数据量 for (int i=0;i<m_sendtimes;i++) { writefilemsg.packagenum=i; if (i==(m_sendtimes-1)) { if (filesize%packagelen>0) { writefilemsg.packagebytesnum=filesize%packagelen; MessageData data=writefilemsg.GetBytes(); file.Read(data.buf.get()+MSGHEADLEN+WriteFileMessagelen,writefilemsg.packagebytesnum); m_sock.send(boost::asio::buffer(data.buf.get(),data.buflen)); m_SendedBytes+=writefilemsg.packagebytesnum; } else { MessageData data=writefilemsg.GetBytes(); file.Read(data.buf.get()+MSGHEADLEN+WriteFileMessagelen,packagelen); m_sock.send(boost::asio::buffer(data.buf.get(),data.buflen)); m_SendedBytes+=packagelen; } } else { MessageData data=writefilemsg.GetBytes(); file.Read(data.buf.get()+MSGHEADLEN+WriteFileMessagelen,packagelen); m_sock.send(boost::asio::buffer(data.buf.get(),data.buflen)); m_SendedBytes+=packagelen; } rec_num=m_sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(recbuf.get(),100)); } m_Sending=false; }
void CDownloadTask::RunMergeFile(CDownload* pDownload, LPCTSTR szFilename, BOOL bMergeValidation, const Fragments::List& oMissedGaps, float fProgress) { // HANDLE hSource = CreateFile( szFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); QWORD nSourceSize = 0; // qwSourceLength QWORD nSourceOffset = 0; // qwSourceOffset CAtlFile oSource; oSource.Create( szFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, OPEN_EXISTING ); VERIFY_FILE_ACCESS( oSource, szFilename ) if ( ! oSource ) { // Source file open error theApp.Message( MSG_ERROR, IDS_DOWNLOAD_FILE_OPEN_ERROR, szFilename ); return; } oSource.GetSize( nSourceSize ); if ( ! nSourceSize ) return; // Empty source file CSingleLock pLock( &Transfers.m_pSection, TRUE ); if ( ! Downloads.Check( pDownload ) || pDownload->IsCompleted() || pDownload->IsMoving() ) return; // Moot download almost completed if ( m_bMergeValidation && ! pDownload->IsTorrent() && pDownload->NeedTigerTree() && pDownload->NeedHashset() ) { // pLock.Unlock(); // MsgBox( IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_COMPLETE_NOHASH, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); DEBUG_ONLY( theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_COMPLETE_NOHASH ) ); return; // No hashsets } if ( ! pDownload->PrepareFile() ) return; // Destination file open error Fragments::List oList( pDownload->GetEmptyFragmentList() ); if ( ! oMissedGaps.empty() ) { Fragments::List::const_iterator pItr = oMissedGaps.begin(); const Fragments::List::const_iterator pEnd = oMissedGaps.end(); for ( ; pItr != pEnd ; ++pItr ) oList.erase( *pItr ); } if ( ! oList.size() ) return; // No available fragments // Determine offset if needed if ( pDownload->IsMultiFileTorrent() ) { QWORD nOffset = 0; // qwOffset BOOL bFound = FALSE; CBTInfo::CBTFile* pFile; CString strTargetName; const CString strSourceName = PathFindFileName( szFilename ); if ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x8000 ) // Forced selection dialog { int nIndex = pDownload->SelectFile( &pLock ); if ( nIndex == 0 ) { bFound = TRUE; } else if ( nIndex > 0 ) { CBTInfo::CBTFile* pSelectFile = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetAt( pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.FindIndex( nIndex ) ); for ( POSITION pos = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { pFile = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetNext( pos ); if ( pFile->m_sPath == pSelectFile->m_sPath ) { DEBUG_ONLY( theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Merge Selected File: ") + pFile->m_sPath ) ); nSourceOffset = nOffset; bFound = TRUE; // Avoid checks below break; } nOffset += pFile->m_nSize; } } } if ( ! bFound ) // No forced match, try filename { for ( POSITION pos = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { pFile = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetNext( pos ); strTargetName = PathFindFileName( pFile->m_sPath ); if ( strTargetName.CompareNoCase( strSourceName ) == 0 ) { DEBUG_ONLY( theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Merge Filename: ") + pFile->m_sPath ) ); nSourceOffset = nOffset; bFound = TRUE; // Avoid fallback check below break; } nOffset += pFile->m_nSize; } } if ( ! bFound ) // No filename match, try exact size { nOffset = 0; // const CString strExt = PathFindExtension( strSourceName ); for ( POSITION pos = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { pFile = pDownload->m_pTorrent.m_pFiles.GetNext( pos ); if ( pFile->m_nSize == nSourceSize ) // && strExt == PathFindExtension( pFile->m_sPath ) { DEBUG_ONLY( theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Merge Filesize Fallback") ) ); nSourceOffset = nOffset; // bFound = TRUE; break; } nOffset += pFile->m_nSize; } } } pLock.Unlock(); const float fIncrement = fProgress / oList.size(); const DWORD nBufferLength = 256 * 1024; // Was 65536? // Read missing file fragments from selected file auto_array< BYTE > Buf( new BYTE [nBufferLength] ); Fragments::List::const_iterator pItr = oList.begin(); const Fragments::List::const_iterator pEnd = oList.end(); for ( ; ! m_pEvent && pItr != pEnd ; ++pItr ) { m_fProgress += fIncrement; // Update tooltip QWORD qwLength = pItr->end() - pItr->begin(); QWORD qwOffset = pItr->begin(); // Check for overlapped fragments if ( qwOffset + qwLength <= nSourceOffset || nSourceOffset + nSourceSize <= qwOffset ) continue; // No overlaps // Calculate overlapped range end offset QWORD qwEnd = min( qwOffset + qwLength, nSourceOffset + nSourceSize ); // Calculate overlapped range start offset qwOffset = max( qwOffset, nSourceOffset ); // Calculate overlapped range length qwLength = qwEnd - qwOffset; // Calculate file offset if any QWORD qwFileOffset = ( qwOffset > nSourceOffset ) ? qwOffset - nSourceOffset : 0; if ( FAILED( oSource.Seek( qwFileOffset, FILE_BEGIN ) ) ) continue; DWORD dwToRead; while ( ( dwToRead = (DWORD)min( qwLength, (QWORD)nBufferLength ) ) != 0 && ! m_pEvent ) { DWORD dwReaded = 0; if ( SUCCEEDED( oSource.Read( Buf.get(), dwToRead, dwReaded ) ) && dwReaded ) { pLock.Lock(); if ( ! Downloads.Check( pDownload ) || pDownload->IsCompleted() || pDownload->IsMoving() ) return; pDownload->SubmitData( qwOffset, Buf.get(), (QWORD)dwReaded ); pLock.Unlock(); qwOffset += (QWORD)dwReaded; qwLength -= (QWORD)dwReaded; } else { // File error or end of file. Non-Fatal break; } } pLock.Lock(); if ( ! Downloads.Check( pDownload ) || pDownload->IsCompleted() || pDownload->IsMoving() ) return; if ( bMergeValidation ) pDownload->RunValidation(); pDownload->SetModified(); pLock.Unlock(); } // m_bSuccess = true; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 删除单个文件 BOOL slimhelper::DeleteFile(const CString& strFilePath, ULONGLONG qwFileSize, DWORD dwFileAttributes, ISystemSlimCallBack* piCallback) { BOOL retval = FALSE; BOOL bRetCode; CString strOldSecurityDescriptor; HRESULT hr; ULARGE_INTEGER tempSize; if (!piCallback) goto clean0; if (!piCallback->OnBeginProcessItem(strFilePath)) goto clean0; if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwFileAttributes) { dwFileAttributes = ::GetFileAttributes(strFilePath); if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwFileAttributes) goto clean0; } if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED || dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) { tempSize.LowPart = GetCompressedFileSize(strFilePath, &tempSize.HighPart); qwFileSize = tempSize.QuadPart; } else { if (0 == qwFileSize) { CAtlFile file; hr = file.Create(strFilePath, FILE_GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, OPEN_EXISTING); if (FAILED(hr)) goto clean0; tempSize.LowPart = GetFileSize((HANDLE)file, &tempSize.HighPart); qwFileSize = tempSize.QuadPart; } } qwFileSize = FileSizeConver::Instance().FileSizeOnDisk(qwFileSize); if (!GrantFileAccess(strFilePath, strOldSecurityDescriptor)) goto clean0; bRetCode = ::DeleteFile(strFilePath); if (!bRetCode) { if (!::MoveFileEx(strFilePath, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT)) { goto clean0; } } piCallback->OnEndProcessItem(strFilePath, qwFileSize); retval = TRUE; clean0: return retval; }
BOOL CLocalFileDownload::Fetch( INT nCorrurent/*=0*/ ) { m_bStopped = FALSE; try { CFileInStream fin(m_strUrl); if(!fin.Create()) { m_errCode = DLLER_SERVER_FILENOTFOUND; return FALSE; } CString strTmpFile; strTmpFile.Format(_T("%s%s"), m_strFilePath, _T(".tc")); CAtlFile file; if( FAILED( file.Create(strTmpFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS) ) ) { m_errCode = DLERR_CREATEFILE; return FALSE; } m_errCode = DLERR_SUCCESS; m_FileInfo.Reset(fin.GetFileSize(), 0, TRUE); m_DownStat.OnDownBegin(); int64 lastDownloaded = 0, downloadedPercent = m_FileInfo.fileSize/100; const int nBufferSize = 1024; BYTE *pBuffer = new BYTE[nBufferSize]; while(!m_bStopped) { DWORD dwReaded = 0; fin.Read(pBuffer, nBufferSize, &dwReaded); if(dwReaded==0) break; DWORD dwWrited = 0; if( FAILED(file.Write(pBuffer, dwReaded, &dwWrited)) || dwWrited!=dwReaded) { m_errCode = DLERR_WRITEFILE; break; } m_FileInfo.fileDownloaded += dwReaded; if((m_FileInfo.fileDownloaded-lastDownloaded) > downloadedPercent) { m_DownStat.OnDownData(GetTickCount(), (m_FileInfo.fileDownloaded-lastDownloaded)); lastDownloaded = m_FileInfo.fileDownloaded; _Notify(ProcessState_ReceiveData); } } fin.CloseFile(); file.Close(); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pBuffer); m_DownStat.OnDownEnd(); if(m_FileInfo.fileDownloaded==m_FileInfo.fileSize) { MoveFileEx(strTmpFile, m_strFilePath, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); m_errCode = DLERR_SUCCESS; } else { DeleteFile(strTmpFile); m_errCode = DLLER_NETWORK; } } catch (...) { m_errCode = DLERR_WRITEFILE; } return DLERR_SUCCESS==m_errCode; }
BOOL slimhelper::ScanFile(const CString& strFilePath, ULONGLONG qwFileSize, DWORD dwFileAttributes, ISystemSlimCallBack* piCallback) { BOOL retval = FALSE; HANDLE hFind = NULL; HRESULT hr; ULARGE_INTEGER tempSize; ULONGLONG qwSaveSize = 0; BOOL bCompressed = FALSE; if (!piCallback) goto clean0; if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwFileAttributes) { dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(strFilePath); if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwFileAttributes) goto clean0; } if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED || dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) { bCompressed = TRUE; } if (bCompressed) { tempSize.LowPart = GetCompressedFileSize(strFilePath, &tempSize.HighPart); qwFileSize = tempSize.QuadPart; } else { if (0 == qwFileSize) { CAtlFile file; hr = file.Create( strFilePath, FILE_GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, OPEN_EXISTING ); if (FAILED(hr)) goto clean0; tempSize.LowPart = GetFileSize((HANDLE)file, &tempSize.HighPart); qwFileSize = tempSize.QuadPart; } } qwFileSize = FileSizeConver::Instance().FileSizeOnDisk(qwFileSize); piCallback->OnScanItem(strFilePath, qwFileSize, bCompressed); retval = TRUE; clean0: if (hFind) { FindClose(hFind); hFind = NULL; } return retval; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CSoftMgrUpdateHelper::Combine( LPCWSTR lpwszDifflib ) { #if OPEN_VCDIFF // 加载Delta BkDatLibContent delta; CDataFileLoader loader; if(!loader.GetLibDatContent(lpwszDifflib, delta)) return ::HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); // 目标文件路径 wchar_t szDstPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; { ::GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szDstPath, MAX_PATH); ::PathRemoveFileSpecW(szDstPath); wcscat_s(szDstPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\KSoft\\Data\\"); wcscat_s(szDstPath, MAX_PATH, ::PathFindFileNameW(lpwszDifflib)); // //@Issue // 根据名称来判断库类型 // //@Note // 命名规则为:libname_old_new.dat // LPWSTR pSep = wcschr(::PathFindFileNameW(szDstPath), L'_'); if(pSep == NULL) return ::HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pSep[0] = L'\0'; wcscat_s(szDstPath, MAX_PATH, L".dat"); } // 加载字典文件 CAtlFile dictFile; HRESULT hr = dictFile.Create(szDstPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, OPEN_EXISTING); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; ULONGLONG dictSize; hr = dictFile.GetSize(dictSize); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; auto_buffer<char> dict(static_cast<size_t>(dictSize)); if(dict.empty()) return ::HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); DWORD bytesRead; hr = dictFile.Read(, static_cast<DWORD>(dict.size()), bytesRead); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; dictFile.Close(); // 创建目标临时文件 CAtlTemporaryFile tempTarget; hr = tempTarget.Create(); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; // // 开始合并 // //@Note // Dict(Source) + Delta => Target // Output2File output2File(tempTarget); { VCDiffStreamingDecoder decoder; decoder.StartDecoding(&dict[0], dict.size()); size_t beg = 0; size_t end = static_cast<size_t>(delta.nLen); LPCSTR pDelta = reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(delta.pBuffer); while(beg < end) { static const size_t MAX_THUNK_SIZE = 16*1024; size_t size = end - beg; if(size > MAX_THUNK_SIZE) size = MAX_THUNK_SIZE; if(!decoder.DecodeChunkToInterface(pDelta + beg, size, &output2File)) return ::HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); beg += size; } if(!decoder.FinishDecoding()) return ::HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); } // 根据写入文件大小与期望大小来判断是否合并成功 ULONGLONG dstSize; hr = tempTarget.GetPosition(dstSize); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr) || dstSize != output2File.GetTotalBytes()) return ::HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); // 移动到目标路径 return tempTarget.Close(szDstPath); #else return S_OK; #endif }
BOOL slimhelper::RecyclePath(const CString& strFilePath, BOOL bKeepRootDir) { BOOL retval = FALSE; CString strOldSecurityDescriptor; HRESULT hr; int nRetCode; ULARGE_INTEGER tempSize; DWORD dwFileAttributes; BOOL bIsDir = FALSE; SHFILEOPSTRUCTW fileopt = { 0 }; ULONGLONG qwFileSize = 0; TCHAR* szDelPath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH * 2]; CString strFlagFile; RtlZeroMemory(szDelPath, sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_PATH * 2); StringCchCopy(szDelPath, MAX_PATH * 2, strFilePath); fileopt.pFrom = szDelPath; fileopt.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fileopt.fFlags = FOF_SILENT|FOF_NOCONFIRMATION|FOF_NOERRORUI|FOF_ALLOWUNDO; dwFileAttributes = ::GetFileAttributes(strFilePath); if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwFileAttributes) goto clean0; if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) bIsDir = TRUE; GrantFileAccess(strFilePath, strOldSecurityDescriptor, bIsDir); //if (!GrantFileAccess(strFilePath, strOldSecurityDescriptor)) // goto clean0; strFlagFile = strFilePath + _T("\\"); strFlagFile += g_kSlimFlag; if (bIsDir) { ::DeleteFile(strFlagFile); nRetCode = SHFileOperationW(&fileopt); if (32 == nRetCode) goto clean0; if (0x78 == nRetCode || 5 == nRetCode) { GrantDirAccess(strFilePath); ::DeleteFile(strFlagFile); nRetCode = SHFileOperationW(&fileopt);; } if (!nRetCode) { if (bKeepRootDir) { ::CreateDirectory(strFilePath, NULL); // 创建瘦身后的标记文件 // CAtlFile file; // file.Create(strFlagFile, // FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, // FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // CREATE_ALWAYS); } retval = TRUE; } goto clean0; } if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED || dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) { tempSize.LowPart = GetCompressedFileSize(strFilePath, &tempSize.HighPart); qwFileSize = tempSize.QuadPart; } else { CAtlFile file; hr = file.Create(strFilePath, FILE_GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, OPEN_EXISTING); if (FAILED(hr)) goto clean0; tempSize.LowPart = GetFileSize((HANDLE)file, &tempSize.HighPart); qwFileSize = tempSize.QuadPart; } qwFileSize = FileSizeConver::Instance().FileSizeOnDisk(qwFileSize); nRetCode = SHFileOperationW(&fileopt); if (nRetCode) goto clean0; retval = TRUE; clean0: if (szDelPath) { delete[] szDelPath; szDelPath = NULL; } return retval; }
HRESULT FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload(FAsyncDownData *pData) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; FString ReqUrl = pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_DownloadUrl; UrlUnescapeInPlace(ReqUrl.GetBuffer(), 0); CUrl url; url.CrackUrl(ReqUrl); const tchar* pszUserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"; FHInternet hIn = NULL; if (g_AppSettings.m_Proxy.GetLength() > 0) { hIn = InternetOpen(pszUserAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, g_AppSettings.m_Proxy, g_AppSettings.m_ProxyA, 0); } else { hIn = InternetOpen(pszUserAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); } if (NULL == hIn) return E_HTTP_NET_ERROR; FHInternet hCon = InternetConnect(hIn, url.GetHostName(), url.GetPortNumber(), url.GetUserName(), url.GetPassword(), INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if (NULL == hCon) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: InternetConnect() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return E_HTTP_NET_ERROR; } ULONG ulRecvTimeout = 15000; InternetSetOption(hCon, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, &ulRecvTimeout, sizeof(ULONG)); FString StrRes = url.GetUrlPath(); StrRes+= url.GetExtraInfo(); FHInternet hReq = HttpOpenRequest(hCon, "GET", StrRes, NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE, 0); if (NULL == hReq) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: HttpOpenRequest() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return E_HTTP_NET_ERROR; } size_type FileSize = 0; if (!(pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_dwDownloadFlags & HTTP_FLAG_NO_RESUME)) FileSize = GetFileSize(pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_DownloadFile); // See if file already exists on the disk. if (FileSize > 0) { FString StrRange; StrRange.Format("Range: bytes=%I64d-", FileSize); HttpAddRequestHeaders(hReq, StrRange, StrRange.GetLength(), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW); } FString StrVersion; StrVersion.Format("LTV_VERSION: %s", g_AppSettings.m_AppVersion); HttpAddRequestHeaders(hReq, StrVersion, StrVersion.GetLength(), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW); if (!HttpSendRequest(hReq, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { int err = GetLastError(); _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: HttpSendRequest() failed: %d (0x%x)\n", err, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err)); InternetCloseHandle(hCon); InternetCloseHandle(hIn); return E_HTTP_NET_ERROR; } const DWORD dwBufferSize = 8192; char pBuffer[dwBufferSize]; FHttpConnection FConn = hReq; DWORD dwStatusCode = FConn.GetStatusCode(); FString ReqContentType = pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_ContentType; pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_ContentType = FConn.GetHeader(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE); pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_dwStatusCode = dwStatusCode; if (!MatchContentType(ReqContentType, pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_ContentType)) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: Content type mismatch: %s/%s\n", ReqContentType, pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_ContentType); return E_NOINTERFACE; //E_NOINTERFACE = content type mismatch } if (dwStatusCode == 416 && FileSize > 0) { _DBGAlert("FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: Server status code: %d. Download complete\n", dwStatusCode); return S_OK; } if (dwStatusCode < 200 || dwStatusCode > 206) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: Server status code: %d\n", dwStatusCode); if (dwStatusCode == 404) return E_HTTP_NOTFOUND; return E_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS; } CAtlFile OutFile; if (pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_dwDownloadFlags & HTTP_FLAG_NO_RESUME) DeleteFile(pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_DownloadFile); hr = OutFile.Create(pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_DownloadFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS); if (FAILED(hr)) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: CreateFile failed: 0x%x, %d : %s\n", hr, GetLastError(), pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_DownloadFile); return E_HTTP_WRITE_FILE; } size_type llTotalRead = 0; size_type llSizeMax = 0; size_type ContentLen = FConn.GetContentLength(); pData->m_pUrlInfo->m_ContentLength = ContentLen; if (dwStatusCode == 206) { FString FStrRange = FConn.GetHeader(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_RANGE); if (FStrRange) { //Content-Range: bytes 21010-47021/47022 const char* pszBytes = strstr(FStrRange, "bytes "); if (pszBytes != NULL) { pszBytes+=sizeof("bytes"); LONGLONG llOffset = _strtoi64(pszBytes, NULL, 10); hr = OutFile.Seek(llOffset, FILE_BEGIN); llTotalRead = (size_type)llOffset; if (FAILED(hr)) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: Seek to position %d failed: 0x%x, %d\n", hr, GetLastError()); } const char* pszTotal = strchr(pszBytes, '/'); if (pszTotal != NULL) llSizeMax = _strtoi64(pszTotal + 1, NULL, 10); } } } else { if (ContentLen > 0 && ContentLen == FileSize) { OutFile.Close(); return S_OK; } } if (llSizeMax == 0) llSizeMax = ContentLen; pData->pBindStatusCallback.OnProgress((ULONG)llTotalRead, (ULONG)llSizeMax, BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADDATA, L""); DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; for (;;) { if (!InternetReadFile(hReq, pBuffer, dwBufferSize, &dwBytesRead)) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: InternetReadFile() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); OutFile.Close(); return E_HTTP_NET_ERROR; } if (dwBytesRead == 0) { hr = S_OK; break; } DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; hr = OutFile.Write(pBuffer, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: FileWrite failed: 0x%x, %d\n", hr, GetLastError()); OutFile.Close(); return E_HTTP_WRITE_FILE; } llTotalRead+=dwBytesRead; pData->pBindStatusCallback.OnProgress((ULONG)llTotalRead, llSizeMax > 0 ? (ULONG)llSizeMax : llTotalRead , BINDSTATUS_DOWNLOADINGDATA, L""); if (m_pThis->m_Stopping || pData->pBindStatusCallback.m_Abort) { _DBGAlert("**FAsyncDownload::FHttpDownloadTP::ProcessDownload: Download aborted\n", hr, GetLastError()); hr = E_ABORT; break; } } OutFile.Close(); return hr; }