// Sets the collision bounds + the size
void CCollisionProperty::SetCollisionBounds( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs )
	if ( ( m_vecMinsPreScaled != mins ) || ( m_vecMaxsPreScaled != maxs ) )
		m_vecMinsPreScaled = mins;
		m_vecMaxsPreScaled = maxs;

	bool bDirty = false;

	// Check if it's a scaled model
	CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetOuter()->GetBaseAnimating();
	if ( pAnim && pAnim->GetModelScale() != 1.0f )
		// Do the scaling
		Vector vecNewMins = mins * pAnim->GetModelScale();
		Vector vecNewMaxs = maxs * pAnim->GetModelScale();

		if ( ( m_vecMins != vecNewMins ) || ( m_vecMaxs != vecNewMaxs ) )
			m_vecMins = vecNewMins;
			m_vecMaxs = vecNewMaxs;
			bDirty = true;
		// No scaling needed!
		if ( ( m_vecMins != mins ) || ( m_vecMaxs != maxs ) )
			m_vecMins = mins;
			m_vecMaxs = maxs;
			bDirty = true;
	if ( bDirty )
		//ASSERT_COORD( m_vecMins.Get() );
		//ASSERT_COORD( m_vecMaxs.Get() );

		Vector vecSize;
		VectorSubtract( m_vecMaxs, m_vecMins, vecSize );
		m_flRadius = vecSize.Length() * 0.5f;

// Sets the method by which the surrounding collision bounds is set
void CCollisionProperty::SetSurroundingBoundsType( SurroundingBoundsType_t type, const Vector *pMins, const Vector *pMaxs )
	m_nSurroundType = type;
		Assert( !pMins && !pMaxs );
		Assert( pMins && pMaxs );
		m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled = *pMins;
		m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled = *pMaxs;

		// Check if it's a scaled model
		CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetOuter()->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pAnim && pAnim->GetModelScale() != 1.0f )
			// Do the scaling
			Vector vecNewMins = *pMins * pAnim->GetModelScale();
			Vector vecNewMaxs = *pMaxs * pAnim->GetModelScale();

			m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = vecNewMins;
			m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = vecNewMaxs;
			m_vecSurroundingMins = vecNewMins;
			m_vecSurroundingMaxs = vecNewMaxs;

			// No scaling needed!
			m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = *pMins;
			m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = *pMaxs;
			m_vecSurroundingMins = *pMins;
			m_vecSurroundingMaxs = *pMaxs;

		ASSERT_COORD( m_vecSurroundingMins );
		ASSERT_COORD( m_vecSurroundingMaxs );
void PropBreakableCreateAll( int modelindex, IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const breakablepropparams_t &params, CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPrecomputedBreakableCount, bool bIgnoreGibLimit, bool defaultLocation )
        // Check for prop breakable count reset. 
	int nPropCount = props_break_max_pieces_perframe.GetInt(); 
	if ( nPropCount != -1 ) 
		if ( nFrameNumber != gpGlobals->framecount ) 
			nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount = 0; 
			nFrameNumber = gpGlobals->framecount; 
		// Check for max breakable count for the frame. 
		if ( nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount >= nPropCount ) 
	int iMaxBreakCount = bIgnoreGibLimit ? -1 : props_break_max_pieces.GetInt();
	if ( iMaxBreakCount != -1 )
		if ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 )
			iPrecomputedBreakableCount = MIN( iMaxBreakCount, iPrecomputedBreakableCount );
			iPrecomputedBreakableCount = iMaxBreakCount;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
	// On server limit break model creation
	if ( !PropBreakableCapEdictsOnCreateAll(modelindex, pPhysics, params, pEntity, iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )
		DevMsg( "Failed to create PropBreakable: would exceed MAX_EDICTS\n" );
	vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( modelindex );
	if ( !pCollide )

	int nSkin = 0;
	CBaseEntity *pOwnerEntity = pEntity;
	CBaseAnimating *pOwnerAnim = NULL;
	if ( pPhysics )
		pOwnerEntity = static_cast<CBaseEntity *>(pPhysics->GetGameData());
	if ( pOwnerEntity )
		pOwnerAnim = pOwnerEntity->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pOwnerAnim )
			nSkin = pOwnerAnim->m_nSkin;
	matrix3x4_t localToWorld;

	CStudioHdr studioHdr;
	const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelindex );
	if ( model )
		studioHdr.Init( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ) );

	Vector parentOrigin = vec3_origin;
	int parentAttachment = 	Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, "placementOrigin" ) + 1;
	if ( parentAttachment > 0 )
		GetAttachmentLocalSpace( &studioHdr, parentAttachment-1, localToWorld );
		MatrixGetColumn( localToWorld, 3, parentOrigin );
		AngleMatrix( vec3_angle, localToWorld );
	CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> list;
	BreakModelList( list, modelindex, params.defBurstScale, params.defCollisionGroup );

	CUtlVector< CBaseEntity* > spawnedGibs;

	if ( list.Count() )
		for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++ )
			int modelIndex = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( list[i].modelName );
			if ( modelIndex <= 0 )

			// Skip multiplayer pieces that should be spawning on the other dll
#ifdef GAME_DLL
			if ( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 && breakable_multiplayer.GetBool() )
			if ( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_CLIENTSIDE )
				if ( list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_SERVERSIDE )

				if ( !defaultLocation && list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_DEFAULT )

			if ( ( nPropCount != -1 ) && ( nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount > nPropCount ) )

			if ( ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 ) && ( i >= iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )

			matrix3x4_t matrix;
			AngleMatrix( params.angles, params.origin, matrix );

			CStudioHdr studioHdr;
			const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelIndex );
			if ( model )
				studioHdr.Init( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ) );

			// Increment the number of breakable props this frame.

			const float flModelScale = pOwnerAnim->GetModelScale();
			Vector position = vec3_origin;
			QAngle angles = params.angles;
			if ( pOwnerAnim && list[i].placementName[0] )
				if ( list[i].placementIsBone )
					int boneIndex = pOwnerAnim->LookupBone( list[i].placementName );
					if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
						pOwnerAnim->GetBonePosition( boneIndex, position, angles );
						AngleMatrix( angles, position, matrix );
					int attachmentIndex = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, list[i].placementName ) + 1;
					if ( attachmentIndex > 0 )
						pOwnerAnim->GetAttachment( attachmentIndex, matrix );
						MatrixAngles( matrix, angles );
				int placementIndex = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, "placementOrigin" ) + 1;
				Vector placementOrigin = parentOrigin;
				if ( placementIndex > 0 )
					GetAttachmentLocalSpace( &studioHdr, placementIndex-1, localToWorld );
					MatrixGetColumn( localToWorld, 3, placementOrigin );
					placementOrigin -= parentOrigin;

				VectorTransform( list[i].offset - placementOrigin * flModelScale,
					matrix, position );
			Vector objectVelocity = params.velocity;

			if (pPhysics)
				pPhysics->GetVelocityAtPoint( position, &objectVelocity );

			int nActualSkin = nSkin;
			if ( nActualSkin > studioHdr.numskinfamilies() )
				nActualSkin = 0;

			CBaseEntity *pBreakable = NULL;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
			if ( GetGibManager() == NULL || GetGibManager()->AllowedToSpawnGib() )
				pBreakable = BreakModelCreateSingle( pOwnerEntity, &list[i], position, angles, objectVelocity, params.angularVelocity, nActualSkin, params );

			if ( pBreakable )
				spawnedGibs.AddToTail( pBreakable );

#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( GetGibManager() )
					GetGibManager()->AddGibToLRU( pBreakable->GetBaseAnimating() );
				if ( pOwnerEntity && pOwnerEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NOSHADOW ) )
					pBreakable->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );

				// If burst scale is set, this piece should 'burst' away from
				// the origin in addition to travelling in the wished velocity.
				if ( list[i].burstScale != 0.0 )
					Vector vecBurstDir = position - params.origin;

					// If $autocenter wasn't used, try the center of the piece
					if ( vecBurstDir == vec3_origin )
						vecBurstDir = pBreakable->WorldSpaceCenter() - params.origin;

					VectorNormalize( vecBurstDir );

					pBreakable->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecBurstDir * list[i].burstScale * flModelScale *
						params.velocityScale * params.burstScale );

				if ( params.randomAngularVelocity > 0.0f )
					AngularImpulse angRandomImpulse = RandomAngularImpulse( -params.randomAngularVelocity, params.randomAngularVelocity );
					pBreakable->ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse( angRandomImpulse * params.velocityScale );

				// If this piece is supposed to be motion disabled, disable it
				if ( list[i].isMotionDisabled )
					IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject();
					if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
						pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( false );
	// Then see if the propdata specifies any breakable pieces
	else if ( pEntity )
		IBreakableWithPropData *pBreakableInterface = dynamic_cast<IBreakableWithPropData*>(pEntity);
		if ( pBreakableInterface && pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableModel() != NULL_STRING && pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableCount() )
			breakmodel_t breakModel;

			for ( int i = 0; i < pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableCount(); i++ )
				if ( ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 ) && ( i >= iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )

				Q_strncpy( breakModel.modelName, g_PropDataSystem.GetRandomChunkModel(STRING(pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableModel()), pBreakableInterface->GetMaxBreakableSize()), sizeof(breakModel.modelName) );

				breakModel.health = 1;
				breakModel.fadeTime = RandomFloat(5,10);
				breakModel.fadeMinDist = 0.0f;
				breakModel.fadeMaxDist = 0.0f;
				breakModel.burstScale = params.defBurstScale;
				breakModel.collisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS;
				breakModel.isRagdoll = false;
				breakModel.isMotionDisabled = false;
				breakModel.placementName[0] = 0;
				breakModel.placementIsBone = false;

				Vector vecObbSize = pEntity->CollisionProp()->OBBSize();

				// Find a random point on the plane of the original's two largest axis
				int smallestAxis = SmallestAxis( vecObbSize );
				Vector vecMins(0,0,0);
				Vector vecMaxs(1,1,1);
				vecMins[smallestAxis] = 0.5;
				vecMaxs[smallestAxis] = 0.5;
				pEntity->CollisionProp()->RandomPointInBounds( vecMins, vecMaxs, &breakModel.offset );

				// Push all chunks away from the center
				Vector vecBurstDir = breakModel.offset - params.origin;
				VectorNormalize( vecBurstDir );
				Vector vecVelocity = vecBurstDir * params.defBurstScale;

				QAngle vecAngles = pEntity->GetAbsAngles();
				int iSkin = pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableSkin();

				CBaseEntity *pBreakable = NULL;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( GetGibManager() == NULL || GetGibManager()->AllowedToSpawnGib() )
					pBreakable = BreakModelCreateSingle( pOwnerEntity, &breakModel, breakModel.offset, vecAngles, vecVelocity, vec3_origin/*params.angularVelocity*/, iSkin, params );
					if ( !pBreakable )
						DevWarning( "PropBreakableCreateAll: Could not create model %s\n", breakModel.modelName );

				if ( pBreakable )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
					if ( GetGibManager() )
						GetGibManager()->AddGibToLRU( pBreakable->GetBaseAnimating() );
					Vector vecBreakableObbSize = pBreakable->CollisionProp()->OBBSize();

					// Try to align the gibs along the original axis 
					matrix3x4_t matrix;
					AngleMatrix( vecAngles, matrix );
					AlignBoxes( &matrix, vecObbSize, vecBreakableObbSize );
					MatrixAngles( matrix, vecAngles );

					if ( pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject() )
						Vector pos;
						pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetPosition( &pos, NULL );
						pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject()->SetPosition( pos, vecAngles, true );

					pBreakable->SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );

					if ( pOwnerEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NOSHADOW ) )
						pBreakable->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );

	if ( params.connectingParticleNames.Count() > 0 && spawnedGibs.Count() > 1 )
		const int iGibCount = spawnedGibs.Count();
		int iParticlesLeft = iGibCount / 2;
		int iEntIndex0 = RandomInt( 0, iGibCount - 1 );
		while ( iParticlesLeft > 0 )
			const int iEntIndex1 = ( iEntIndex0 + RandomInt( 1, iGibCount - 1 ) ) % iGibCount;
			CBaseEntity *pEnt0 = spawnedGibs[ iEntIndex0 ];
			CBaseEntity *pEnt1 = spawnedGibs[ iEntIndex1 ];

			const int iParticleSystemIndex = RandomInt( 0, params.connectingParticleNames.Count() - 1 );
			DispatchParticleEffect( params.connectingParticleNames[ iParticleSystemIndex ], pEnt0, pEnt1 );
			iEntIndex0 = ( iEntIndex0 + RandomInt( 1, iGibCount - 1 ) ) % iGibCount;