void ScheinrieseApp::findBlobs() {
    CBlobResult blobs;
    int i;
    CBlob *currentBlob;
    IplImage *original, *originalThr;

    // load an image and threshold it
    original = cvLoadImage("pic1.png", 0);
    cvThreshold( original, originalThr, 100, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );

    // find non-white blobs in thresholded image
    blobs = CBlobResult( originalThr, NULL, 255 );
    // exclude the ones smaller than param2 value
    blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, param2 );

    // get mean gray color of biggest blob
    CBlob biggestBlob;
    CBlobGetMean getMeanColor( original );
    double meanGray;

    blobs.GetNth( CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestBlob );
    meanGray = getMeanColor( biggestBlob );

    // display filtered blobs
    cvMerge( originalThr, originalThr, originalThr, NULL, displayedImage );

    for (i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
        currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
        currentBlob->FillBlob( displayedImage, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
// threshold trackbar callback
void on_trackbar( int dummy )
		originalThr = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(original), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);

		displayedImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(original), IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
	// threshold input image
	cvThreshold( original, originalThr, param1, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );

	// get blobs and filter them using its area
	CBlobResult blobs;
	int i;
	CBlob *currentBlob;

	// find blobs in image
	blobs = CBlobResult( originalThr, NULL, 255 );
	blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, param2 );

	// display filtered blobs
	cvMerge( originalThr, originalThr, originalThr, NULL, displayedImage );

	for (i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
		currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
		currentBlob->FillBlob( displayedImage, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
    cvShowImage( wndname, displayedImage );
    void TabletopSegmentor::pcCallback(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr pc_msg) {

        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pc_full, pc_full_frame;
        pcl::fromROSMsg(*pc_msg, pc_full);
        string base_frame("/base_link");
        ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();
        tf_listener.waitForTransform(pc_msg->header.frame_id, base_frame, now, ros::Duration(3.0));
        pcl_ros::transformPointCloud(base_frame, pc_full, pc_full_frame, tf_listener);
        // pc_full_frame is in torso lift frame

        cv::Mat cur_height_img = cv::Mat::zeros(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        BOOST_FOREACH(const pcl::PointXYZRGB& pt, pc_full_frame.points) {
            if(pt.x != pt.x || pt.y != pt.y || pt.z != pt.z)
            int32_t x, y, z;
            x = (pt.x - minx)/(maxx-minx) * imgx;
            y = (pt.y - miny)/(maxy-miny) * imgy;
            z = (pt.z - minz)/(maxz-minz) * 256;
            if(x < 0 || y < 0) continue; 
            if(x >= imgx || y >= imgy) continue;
            if(z < 0 || z >= 256) continue;
            if(cur_height_img.at<uint8_t>(x, y) == 0 || cur_height_img.at<uint8_t>(x, y) < (uint8_t) z)
                cur_height_img.at<uint8_t>(x, y) = (uint8_t) z;
        cv::max(height_img_max, cur_height_img, height_img_max);
        cv::Mat cur_height_img_flt;
        cur_height_img.convertTo(cur_height_img_flt, CV_32F);
        height_img_sum += cur_height_img_flt;
        cv::Mat cur_count(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        cur_count = (cur_height_img > 0) / 255;
        cv::Mat cur_count_flt(imgx, imgy, CV_32F);
        cur_count.convertTo(cur_count_flt, CV_32F);
        height_img_count += cur_count_flt;
        cv::Mat height_img_avg_flt = height_img_sum / height_img_count;
        cv::Mat height_img_avg(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        height_img_avg_flt.convertTo(height_img_avg, CV_8U);
        height_img_avg = height_img_max;

        cv::Mat height_hist(256, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
        for(uint32_t x=0;x<imgx;x++)
            for(uint32_t y=0;y<imgy;y++) {
                if(height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) == 255)
                    height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = 0;
                if(height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) != 0) {
                    height_hist.at<float>(height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y), 0)++;
        ////////////////////// Finding best table height /////////////////////////
        uint32_t gfiltlen = 25;
        float stddev = 256/(maxz-minz) * 0.015;
        cv::Mat gauss_filt(gfiltlen, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<gfiltlen;i++)
            gauss_filt.at<float>(i,0) = 0.39894 / stddev * std::exp(-(i-((float)gfiltlen)/2)*(i-((float)gfiltlen)/2)/(2*stddev*stddev));
        //cout << gauss_filt;
        uint32_t maxval = 0, maxidx = 0;
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<256-gfiltlen;i++) {
            uint32_t sum = 0;
            for(uint32_t j=0;j<gfiltlen;j++) 
                sum += height_hist.at<float>(i+j,0) * gauss_filt.at<float>(j,0);
            if(sum > maxval && i != 0) {
                maxval = sum;
                maxidx = i+gfiltlen/2;
        int32_t table_height = ((int32_t)maxidx);
        //printf("%d %d, ", maxval, maxidx);
        /////////////////////////// Getting table binary /////////////////////
        cv::Mat height_img_thresh(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        height_img_thresh = height_img_avg.clone();
        for(uint32_t x=0;x<imgx;x++)
            for(uint32_t y=0;y<imgy;y++) {
                if(std::fabs(table_height - ((int32_t)height_img_thresh.at<uint8_t>(x,y))) < stddev*2)
                    height_img_thresh.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = 255;
                    height_img_thresh.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = 0;
        IplImage height_img_thresh_ipl = height_img_thresh;
        IplConvKernel* element = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, CV_SHAPE_RECT);
        cvMorphologyEx(&height_img_thresh_ipl, &height_img_thresh_ipl, NULL, element, CV_MOP_CLOSE, num_closes);
        //cvMorphologyEx(&height_img_thresh, &height_img_thresh, NULL, element, CV_MOP_OPEN, 2);

        cv::Mat height_img_thresh_blob = height_img_thresh.clone();
        IplImage blob_img = height_img_thresh_blob;
        CBlobResult blobs = CBlobResult(&blob_img, NULL, 0);
        //blobs.Filter(blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 10);
        CBlob biggestblob;
        blobs.GetNthBlob(CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestblob);
        cv::Mat table_blob(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0)); IplImage table_blob_img = table_blob;
        biggestblob.FillBlob(&table_blob_img, cv::Scalar(150));
        //drawCvBox2D(blob_img, table_roi, cv::Scalar(50), 1);
        CvBox2D table_roi = biggestblob.GetEllipse(); table_roi.angle *= CV_PI/180;
        cv::Mat table_hull(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        IplImage hull_img = table_hull;
        fillCvBox2D(hull_img, table_roi, cv::Scalar(255));
        //printf("Cvbox: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", table_roi.center.x, table_roi.center.y, table_roi.size.width, table_roi.size.height, table_roi.angle);

        //cv::Mat height_morph(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        //cv::Mat tmp_img(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        //IplImage t1 = height_img_thresh; IplImage  = height_morph;

        cv::Mat above_table(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        bitwise_and(height_img_max > table_height + stddev*2, table_hull, above_table);
        IplImage above_table_img = above_table;

        CBlobResult obj_blobs = CBlobResult(&above_table_img, NULL, 0);
        obj_blobs.Filter(obj_blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, obj_min_area);
        CBlob cur_obj_blob;
        vector<float> obj_cents_x, obj_cents_y, obj_cents_r, obj_areas, obj_dists;
        vector<uint32_t> obj_inds;
        for(int i=0;i<obj_blobs.GetNumBlobs();i++) {
            obj_blobs.GetNthBlob(CBlobGetArea(), i, cur_obj_blob);
            CvBox2D obj_box = cur_obj_blob.GetEllipse();
            obj_cents_r.push_back(obj_box.angle * CV_PI/180);
        boost::function<bool(uint32_t, uint32_t)> sortind = boost::bind(&compind, _1, _2, obj_dists);
        sort(obj_inds.begin(), obj_inds.end(), sortind);

        for(uint32_t i=0;i<obj_inds.size();i++) {
            float posey = obj_cents_x[obj_inds[i]], posex = obj_cents_y[obj_inds[i]];
            float poser = -obj_cents_r[obj_inds[i]] + 3*CV_PI/2;
            geometry_msgs::Pose cpose;
            cpose.position.x = posex/imgx*(maxx-minx) + minx;
            cpose.position.y = posey/imgy*(maxy-miny) + miny;
            cpose.position.z = table_height/256.0*(maxz-minz) + minz;
            btMatrix3x3 quatmat; btQuaternion quat;
            quatmat.setEulerZYX(poser, 0 , 0);
            cpose.orientation.x = quat.x(); cpose.orientation.y = quat.y();
            cpose.orientation.z = quat.z(); cpose.orientation.w = quat.w();
            CvPoint centerpt; centerpt.y = posex; centerpt.x = posey;
            printf("[%d](%f, %f, area: %f)\n", i, posex, posey, obj_areas[obj_inds[i]]);
            IplImage height_img_max_ipl = height_img_max;
            cvCircle(&height_img_max_ipl, centerpt, 3, cv::Scalar(200), 2);
        obj_poses.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        obj_poses.header.frame_id = base_frame;

        cv_bridge::CvImage cvb_height_img;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_avg;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_max;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_morph;
        //cvb_height_img.image = obj_img;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_thresh_blob;
        //cvb_height_img.image = table_blob;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_thresh;
        cvb_height_img.image = above_table;
        //cvb_height_img.image = table_edge;
        cvb_height_img.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        cvb_height_img.header.frame_id = base_frame;
        cvb_height_img.encoding = enc::MONO8;
        pc_full_frame.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        pc_full_frame.header.frame_id = base_frame;

        if(obj_poses.poses.size() > 0)
            obj_poses_found = true;

        //delete element;
Auvsi_Recognize::extractLetter( void )
	typedef cv::Vec<unsigned char, 1> VT_binary;
		typedef cv::Vec<T, 2> VT;
		typedef cv::Vec<T, 3> VT;
	typedef cv::Vec<int, 1> IT;

	// Erode input slightly
	cv::Mat input;
	cv::erode( _shape, input, cv::Mat() );

	// Remove any small white blobs left over
	CBlobResult blobs;
	CBlob * currentBlob;
	CBlob biggestBlob;
	IplImage binaryIpl = input;

	blobs = CBlobResult( &binaryIpl, NULL, 0 );
	blobs.GetNthBlob( CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestBlob );

	blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, biggestBlob.Area() );

	for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
    	currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
		currentBlob->FillBlob( &binaryIpl, cvScalar(0));

	// Perform k-means on this region only
	int areaLetter = (int)biggestBlob.Area();
	cv::Mat kMeansInput = cv::Mat( areaLetter, 1, _image.type() );

	// Discard if we couldn't extract a letter
	if( areaLetter <= 0 )
		_letter = cv::Mat( _shape );
		_letter = cv::Scalar(0);

	cv::MatIterator_<VT_binary> binaryIterator = input.begin<VT_binary>();
	cv::MatIterator_<VT_binary> binaryEnd = input.end<VT_binary>();
	cv::MatIterator_<VT> kMeansIterator = kMeansInput.begin<VT>();

	for( ; binaryIterator != binaryEnd; ++binaryIterator )
		if( (*binaryIterator)[0] > 0 )
			(*kMeansIterator) = _image.at<VT>( binaryIterator.pos() );

	// Get k-means labels
	cv::Mat labels = doClustering<T>( kMeansInput, 2, false );	
	int numZeros = areaLetter - cv::countNonZero( labels );
	bool useZeros = numZeros < cv::countNonZero( labels );

	// Reshape into original form
	_letter = cv::Mat( _shape.size(), _shape.type() );
	_letter = cv::Scalar(0);

	binaryIterator = input.begin<VT_binary>();
	binaryEnd = input.end<VT_binary>();
	cv::MatIterator_<IT> labelsIterator = labels.begin<IT>();

	for( int index = 0; binaryIterator != binaryEnd; ++binaryIterator )
		if( (*binaryIterator)[0] > 0 )
			// Whichever label was the minority, we make that value white and all other values black
			unsigned char value = (*labelsIterator)[0];

			if( useZeros )
				if( value )
					value = 0;
					value = 255;
				if( value )
					value = 255;
					value = 0;

			_letter.at<VT_binary>( binaryIterator.pos() ) = VT_binary( value );
Auvsi_Recognize::extractShape( void )
	typedef cv::Vec<T, 1> VT;

	// Reduce input to two colors
	cv::Mat reducedColors = doClustering<T>( _image, 2 );	
	cv::Mat grayScaled, binary;

	// Make output grayscale
	grayScaled = convertToGray( reducedColors );
	//cv::cvtColor( reducedColors, grayScaled, CV_RGB2GRAY );

	// Make binary
	double min, max;
	cv::minMaxLoc( grayScaled, &min, &max );
	cv::threshold( grayScaled, binary, min, 1.0, cv::THRESH_BINARY );	

	// ensure that background is black, image white
	if( binary.at<VT>(0, 0)[0] > 0.0f )
		cv::threshold( grayScaled, binary, min, 1.0, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV );

	binary.convertTo( binary, CV_8U, 255.0f );

	// Fill in all black regions smaller than largest black region with white
	CBlobResult blobs;
	CBlob * currentBlob;
	IplImage binaryIpl = binary;
	blobs = CBlobResult( &binaryIpl, NULL, 255 );
	// Get area of biggest blob
	CBlob biggestBlob;
	blobs.GetNthBlob( CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestBlob );

	// Remove all blobs of smaller area
	blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, biggestBlob.Area() );

	for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
    	currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
		currentBlob->FillBlob( &binaryIpl, cvScalar(255));

	// Fill in all small white regions black 
	blobs = CBlobResult( &binaryIpl, NULL, 0 );
	blobs.GetNthBlob( CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestBlob );

	blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, biggestBlob.Area() );

	for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
    	currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
		currentBlob->FillBlob( &binaryIpl, cvScalar(0));

	binary = cv::Scalar(0);
	biggestBlob.FillBlob( &binaryIpl, cvScalar(255));

	_shape = binary;
    void TabletopDetector::pcCallback(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr pc_msg) {

        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pc_full, pc_full_frame;
        pcl::fromROSMsg(*pc_msg, pc_full);
        string base_frame("/base_link");
        ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();
        tf_listener.waitForTransform(pc_msg->header.frame_id, base_frame, now, ros::Duration(3.0));
        pcl_ros::transformPointCloud(base_frame, pc_full, pc_full_frame, tf_listener);
        // pc_full_frame is in torso lift frame

        cv::Mat cur_height_img = cv::Mat::zeros(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        BOOST_FOREACH(const pcl::PointXYZRGB& pt, pc_full_frame.points) {
            if(pt.x != pt.x || pt.y != pt.y || pt.z != pt.z)
            int32_t x, y, z;
            x = (pt.x - minx)/(maxx-minx) * imgx;
            y = (pt.y - miny)/(maxy-miny) * imgy;
            z = (pt.z - minz)/(maxz-minz) * 256;
            if(x < 0 || y < 0) continue; 
            if(x >= imgx || y >= imgy) continue;
            if(z < 0 || z >= 256) continue;
            if(cur_height_img.at<uint8_t>(x, y) == 0 || cur_height_img.at<uint8_t>(x, y) < (uint8_t) z)
                cur_height_img.at<uint8_t>(x, y) = (uint8_t) z;
        cv::max(height_img_max, cur_height_img, height_img_max);
        cv::Mat cur_height_img_flt;
        cur_height_img.convertTo(cur_height_img_flt, CV_32F);
        height_img_sum += cur_height_img_flt;
        cv::Mat cur_count(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        cur_count = (cur_height_img > 0) / 255;
        cv::Mat cur_count_flt(imgx, imgy, CV_32F);
        cur_count.convertTo(cur_count_flt, CV_32F);
        height_img_count += cur_count_flt;
        cv::Mat height_img_avg_flt = height_img_sum / height_img_count;
        cv::Mat height_img_avg(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        height_img_avg_flt.convertTo(height_img_avg, CV_8U);
        height_img_avg = height_img_max;

        cv::Mat height_hist(256, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
        for(uint32_t x=0;x<imgx;x++)
            for(uint32_t y=0;y<imgy;y++) {
                if(height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) == 255)
                    height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = 0;
                if(height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) != 0) {
                    height_hist.at<float>(height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y), 0)++;
        ////////////////////// Finding best table height /////////////////////////
        uint32_t gfiltlen = 25;
        float stddev = 256/(maxz-minz) * 0.015;
        cv::Mat gauss_filt(gfiltlen, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<gfiltlen;i++)
            gauss_filt.at<float>(i,0) = 0.39894 / stddev * std::exp(-(i-((float)gfiltlen)/2)*(i-((float)gfiltlen)/2)/(2*stddev*stddev));
        //cout << gauss_filt;
        uint32_t maxval = 0, maxidx = 0;
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<256-gfiltlen;i++) {
            uint32_t sum = 0;
            for(uint32_t j=0;j<gfiltlen;j++) 
                sum += height_hist.at<float>(i+j,0) * gauss_filt.at<float>(j,0);
            if(sum > maxval && i != 0) {
                maxval = sum;
                maxidx = i+gfiltlen/2;
        int32_t table_height = ((int32_t)maxidx);
        //printf("%d %d, ", maxval, maxidx);
        /////////////////////////// Getting table binary /////////////////////
        cv::Mat height_img_thresh(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        height_img_thresh = height_img_avg.clone();
        for(uint32_t x=0;x<imgx;x++)
            for(uint32_t y=0;y<imgy;y++) {
                if(std::fabs(table_height - ((int32_t)height_img_thresh.at<uint8_t>(x,y))) < stddev*2)
                    height_img_thresh.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = 255;
                    height_img_thresh.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = 0;
        IplImage height_img_thresh_ipl = height_img_thresh;
        IplConvKernel* element = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, CV_SHAPE_RECT);
        cvMorphologyEx(&height_img_thresh_ipl, &height_img_thresh_ipl, NULL, element, CV_MOP_CLOSE, num_closes);
        //cvMorphologyEx(&height_img_thresh, &height_img_thresh, NULL, element, CV_MOP_OPEN, 2);

        cv::Mat height_img_thresh_blob = height_img_thresh.clone();
        IplImage blob_img = height_img_thresh_blob;
        CBlobResult blobs = CBlobResult(&blob_img, NULL, 0);
        //blobs.Filter(blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 10);
        CBlob biggestblob;
        blobs.GetNthBlob(CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestblob);
        cv::Mat table_blob(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0)); IplImage table_blob_img = table_blob;
        biggestblob.FillBlob(&table_blob_img, cv::Scalar(150));
        //drawCvBox2D(blob_img, table_roi, cv::Scalar(50), 1);
        CvBox2D table_roi = biggestblob.GetEllipse(); table_roi.angle *= CV_PI/180;
        cv::Mat table_hull(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        IplImage hull_img = table_hull;
        fillCvBox2D(hull_img, table_roi, cv::Scalar(255));
        //printf("Cvbox: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", table_roi.center.x, table_roi.center.y, table_roi.size.width, table_roi.size.height, table_roi.angle);

        //cv::Mat height_morph(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        //cv::Mat tmp_img(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        //IplImage t1 = height_img_thresh; IplImage  = height_morph;

        cv::Mat table_edge(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        cv::Sobel(table_blob, table_edge, CV_8U, 0, 1, 1);

        cv::Mat above_table(imgx, imgy, CV_8U);
        bitwise_and(height_img_max > table_height + stddev*2, table_hull, above_table);
        IplImage above_table_img = above_table;

        CBlobResult obj_blobs = CBlobResult(&above_table_img, NULL, 0);
        CBlob biggest_obj_blob;
        double objcentx = 0, objcenty = 0;
        if(obj_blobs.GetNumBlobs() > 0) {
            obj_blobs.GetNthBlob(CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggest_obj_blob);
            CvBox2D obj_box = biggest_obj_blob.GetEllipse();
            objcenty = obj_box.center.x, objcentx = obj_box.center.y;
        //double objcentx = 0, objcenty = 0;

        //cv::Mat table_edge = height_morph.clone();
        //cvMorphologyEx(&height_img, &height_morph, NULL, element, CV_MOP_CLOSE);

        //cvFillPoly(&ipl_hull, rpts, npts, 1, cv::Scalar(255));

        //cv::Mat obj_img(imgx, imgy, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
        //std::vector<int32_t> xfeats, yfeats, zfeats;
        //double sumobjx = 0, sumobjy = 0, sumobja = 0;
        //for(uint32_t y=0;y<imgx;y++) 
        //    for(uint32_t x=0;x<imgx;x++) 
        //        if(table_hull.at<uint8_t>(x,y) == 255 && height_morph.at<uint8_t>(x,y) == 0
        //                && height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y) > table_height + stddev*2) {
        //            obj_img.at<uint8_t>(x,y) = height_img_avg.at<uint8_t>(x,y);
        //            sumobjx += x; sumobjy += y; sumobja ++;
        //            //xfeats.push_back(x); yfeats.push_back(y); 
        //            //zfeats.push_back(height_img.at<uint8_t>(x,y));
        //        }
        //double objcentx = sumobjx/sumobja, objcenty = sumobjy/sumobja;

        CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
        CvSeq* lines = 0;
        cv::Mat lines_img = height_img_max.clone();
        IplImage lines_img_ipl = lines_img;
        IplImage table_edge_ipl = table_edge;
        cvMorphologyEx(&table_edge_ipl, &table_edge_ipl, NULL, element, CV_MOP_DILATE, num_edge_dilate);
        lines = cvHoughLines2(&table_edge_ipl, storage, CV_HOUGH_STANDARD, 1, degree_bins*CV_PI/180, hough_thresh, 0, 0);
        vector<float> theta_bins, rho_bins;
        vector<uint32_t> count_bins;
        for(uint32_t i=0; i < (uint32_t) lines->total; i++) {
            float* line = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(lines, i);
            float rho = line[0];
            float theta = line[1];
            bool found_same = false;
            for(int32_t j=theta_bins.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
                if(fabs(theta_bins[j]/count_bins[j] - theta) < theta_gran &&
                   fabs(rho_bins[j]/count_bins[j] - rho) < rho_gran) {
                    theta_bins[j] += theta;
                    rho_bins[j] += rho;
                    found_same = true;
            if(!found_same) {

            double a = cos(theta), b = sin(theta);
            double x0 = a*rho, y0 = b*rho;
            CvPoint pt1, pt2;
            a = cos(theta); b = sin(theta);
            //a = cos(theta+CV_PI/2); b = sin(theta+CV_PI/2);
            //x0 = objcenty; y0 = objcentx;
            pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000*(-b));
            pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000*(a));
            pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000*(-b));
            pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000*(a));
            cvLine(&lines_img_ipl, pt1, pt2, cv::Scalar(100), 2, 8 );
        //delete[] lines;
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<theta_bins.size();i++) {
            theta_bins[i] /= count_bins[i];
            rho_bins[i] /= count_bins[i];
        vector<float> posesx, posesy, poses_theta, dists_obj;
        vector<uint32_t> pose_inds;
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<theta_bins.size();i++) {
            double theta = theta_bins[i];
            double rho = rho_bins[i];
            double a1 = cos(theta-CV_PI/2), b1 = sin(theta-CV_PI/2);
            double a2 = cos(theta-CV_PI), b2 = sin(theta-CV_PI);
            double vvcl = a2*b1-b2*a1, deltpx = cos(theta)*rho-objcenty, deltpy = sin(theta)*rho-objcentx;
            double pvcr = deltpx*b1 - deltpy*a1;
            double t = pvcr/vvcl;
            double posey = objcenty + t*a2, posex = objcentx + t*b2;
            printf("\naPose %d: (t: %f, %f, %f)[%f, %f](%f, %f)[%f, %f](1 %f, %f)(2 %f, %f)[theta %f, %f]\n", i, t, posex, posey, t*a2, t*b2, a1*rho, b1*rho, objcentx, objcenty, a1, b1, a2, b2, theta, rho);
            if(posex == posex && posey == posey &&
                posex >= 0 && posey >= 0 &&
                posex < imgx && posey < imgy) {
                posesx.push_back(posex); posesy.push_back(posey); poses_theta.push_back(theta);
                float dist = (posex-objcentx)*(posex-objcentx)+(posey-objcenty)*(posey-objcenty);
            //lines_img.at<uint8_t>(posex, posey)
        boost::function<bool(uint32_t, uint32_t)> sortind = boost::bind(&compind, _1, _2, dists_obj);
        sort(pose_inds.begin(), pose_inds.end(), sortind);

        vector<float> retposesx, retposesy, retposesr;
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<pose_inds.size();i++) {
            float posex = posesx[pose_inds[i]], posey = posesy[pose_inds[i]];
            float poser = -poses_theta[pose_inds[i]] + 3*CV_PI/2;
            bool same_found = false;
            for(int32_t j=((int)retposesx.size())-1;j>=0;j--) {
                if(fabs(posex - retposesx[j]) < xgran && 
                   fabs(posey - retposesy[j]) < ygran) {
                    same_found = true;
            if(!same_found) {
                geometry_msgs::Pose cpose;
                cpose.position.x = posex/imgx*(maxx-minx) + minx;
                cpose.position.y = posey/imgy*(maxy-miny) + miny;
                cpose.position.z = table_height/256.0*(maxz-minz) + minz;
                btMatrix3x3 quatmat; btQuaternion quat;
                quatmat.setEulerZYX(poser, 0 , 0);
                cpose.orientation.x = quat.x(); cpose.orientation.y = quat.y();
                cpose.orientation.z = quat.z(); cpose.orientation.w = quat.w();
        grasp_points.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        grasp_points.header.frame_id = base_frame;

        printf("\nCenter (%f, %f)\n", objcentx, objcenty);
        for(uint32_t i=0;i<retposesx.size();i++) {
        //for(uint32_t i=0;i<1;i++) {
            printf("\nPose %d: (%f, %f, r: %f)\n", i, retposesx[i], retposesy[i], retposesr[i]);
            //CvPoint centerpt; centerpt.x = objcenty; centerpt.y = objcentx;
            CvPoint centerpt; centerpt.x = retposesy[i]; centerpt.y = retposesx[i];
            cvCircle(&lines_img_ipl, centerpt, 3, cv::Scalar(200), 2);

        //cv::Mat obj_feats(xfeats.size(), 1, CV_32S, cv::Scalar(0));
        //for(uint32_t i=0;i<xfeats.size();i++) {
        //    obj_feats.at<uint32_t>(i,0) = xfeats[i]; obj_feats.at<uint32_t>(i,1) = yfeats[i]; obj_feats.at<uint32_t>(i,2) = zfeats[i]; 
        //cvflann::KMeansIndexParams kmips;
        //kmips.branching = 32;
        //kmips.iterations = 11;
        //kmips.centers_init = cvflann::CENTERS_RANDOM;
        //kmips.cb_index = 0.2;
        //cv::Mat obj_centers;
        //CvMat obj_feats_mat = obj_feats;
        ////cvflann::Matrix<uint32_t> obj_feats_mat;
        ////cvflann::Matrix<cvflann::EUCLIDEAN> obj_centers_mat;
        //int num_clust = cvflann::hierarchicalClustering<CV_32S,CV_32S>(obj_feats_mat, obj_centers, kmips);
        //printf("\nNum clust: %d \n", num_clust);

        cv::Mat table_edge2 = table_edge.clone();
        IplImage table_edge_ipl2 = table_edge2;
        cvMorphologyEx(&table_edge_ipl2, &table_edge_ipl2, NULL, element, CV_MOP_DILATE, 3);

        BOOST_FOREACH(const pcl::PointXYZRGB& pt, pc_full_frame.points) {
            if(pt.x != pt.x || pt.y != pt.y || pt.z != pt.z)
            int32_t x, y, z;
            x = (pt.x - minx)/(maxx-minx) * imgx;
            y = (pt.y - miny)/(maxy-miny) * imgy;
            z = (pt.z - minz)/(maxz-minz) * 256;
            if(x < 0 || y < 0) continue; 
            if(x >= imgx || y >= imgy) continue;
            if(z < 0 || z >= 256) continue;
            if(table_blob.at<uint8_t>(x,y) == 255 && 
                    std::fabs(table_height - z) < stddev*2) {
                uint32_t red = 0xFFFF0000;
                ((uint32_t*) &pt.rgb)[0] = red;
            if(table_edge2.at<uint8_t>(x,y) == 255 && 
                    std::fabs(table_height - z) < stddev*4) {
                uint32_t blue = 0xFF0000FF;
                ((uint32_t*) &pt.rgb)[0] = blue;

        cv_bridge::CvImage cvb_height_img;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_avg;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_max;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_morph;
        //cvb_height_img.image = obj_img;
        cvb_height_img.image = lines_img;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_thresh_blob;
        //cvb_height_img.image = table_blob;
        //cvb_height_img.image = height_img_thresh;
        //cvb_height_img.image = above_table;
        //cvb_height_img.image = table_edge;
        cvb_height_img.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        cvb_height_img.header.frame_id = base_frame;
        cvb_height_img.encoding = enc::MONO8;
        pc_full_frame.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        pc_full_frame.header.frame_id = base_frame;

        if(grasp_points.poses.size() > 0)
            grasp_points_found = true;

        //delete element;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    CvCapture* capture = cvCreateFileCapture( "recording_01.avi");

    handOrientation rightOrientationLast = NONE, leftOrientationLast = NONE;
    handOrientation rightOrientationCur = NONE, leftOrientationCur = NONE;

	//cvNamedWindow("Input Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	//cvNamedWindow("Skin Pixels", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	cvNamedWindow("Skin Blobs", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

        Mat imageBGR = cvQueryFrame(capture);
        //imshow("Input Image", imageBGR);

        // Convert the image to HSV colors.
        Mat imageHSV = Mat(imageBGR.size(), CV_8UC3);	// Full HSV color image.
        cvtColor(imageBGR, imageHSV, CV_BGR2HSV);				// Convert from a BGR to an HSV image.

        std::vector<Mat> channels(3);
        split(imageHSV, channels);

        Mat planeH = channels[0];
        Mat planeS = channels[1];
        Mat planeV = channels[2];

        // Detect which pixels in each of the H, S and V channels are probably skin pixels.
        threshold(channels[0], channels[0], 150, UCHAR_MAX, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);//18
        threshold(channels[1], channels[1], 60, UCHAR_MAX, CV_THRESH_BINARY);//50
        threshold(channels[2], channels[2], 170, UCHAR_MAX, CV_THRESH_BINARY);//80

        // Combine all 3 thresholded color components, so that an output pixel will only
        // be white if the H, S and V pixels were also white.
        Mat imageSkinPixels = Mat( imageBGR.size(), CV_8UC3);	// Greyscale output image.
        bitwise_and(channels[0], channels[1], imageSkinPixels);				// imageSkin = H {BITWISE_AND} S.
        bitwise_and(imageSkinPixels, channels[2], imageSkinPixels);	// imageSkin = H {BITWISE_AND} S {BITWISE_AND} V.

        // Show the output image on the screen.

        //imshow("Skin Pixels", imageSkinPixels);

        IplImage ipl_imageSkinPixels = imageSkinPixels;

        // Find blobs in the image.
        CBlobResult blobs;

        blobs = CBlobResult(&ipl_imageSkinPixels, NULL, 0);	// Use a black background color.

        // Ignore the blobs whose area is less than minArea.

        blobs.Filter(blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, minBlobArea);

        srand (time(NULL));

        // Show the large blobs.
        IplImage* imageSkinBlobs = cvCreateImage(imageBGR.size(), 8, 3);	//Colored Output//,1); Greyscale output image.
        for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++) {
            CBlob *currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
            currentBlob->FillBlob(imageSkinBlobs, CV_RGB(rand()%255,rand()%255,rand()%255));	// Draw the large blobs as white.

                  cvPoint(currentBlob->GetBoundingBox().x + currentBlob->GetBoundingBox().width,currentBlob->GetBoundingBox().y + currentBlob->GetBoundingBox().height),
                  2);//Draw Bounding Boxes


        cvShowImage("Skin Blobs", imageSkinBlobs);


        //std::cout << "Number of Blobs: "<< blobs.GetNumBlobs() <<endl;

        if(blobs.GetNumBlobs() == 0){
            //picture empty
        }else if(blobs.GetNumBlobs() == 1) {
            //head detected
        }else if(blobs.GetNumBlobs() == 2 || blobs.GetNumBlobs() == 3){
            //head + one hand || head + two hands
            CvRect rect[3];
            int indexHead = -1, indexHandLeft = -1, indexHandRight = -1;

            //Get Bounding Boxes
            for(int i = 0; i< blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++){
                rect[i] = blobs.GetBlob(i)->GetBoundingBox();

            //Detect Head and Hand indexes
            if(blobs.GetNumBlobs() == 2){
                int indexHand = -1;
                if(getCenterPoint(rect[0]).y < getCenterPoint(rect[1]).y){
                    indexHead = 0;
                    indexHand = 1;
                    indexHead = 1;
                    indexHand = 0;

                if(getHandside(rect[indexHead], rect[indexHand]) == LEFT){
                    indexHandLeft = 1;
                    indexHandRight = -1;
                    // right hand
                    indexHandLeft = -1;
                    indexHandRight = 1;

                //two hands
                int indexHand1 = -1;
                int indexHand2 = -1;
                if(getCenterPoint(rect[0]).y < getCenterPoint(rect[1]).y && getCenterPoint(rect[0]).y < getCenterPoint(rect[2]).y){
                    indexHead = 0;
                    indexHand1 = 1;
                    indexHand2 = 2;
                }else if(getCenterPoint(rect[1]).y < getCenterPoint(rect[0]).y && getCenterPoint(rect[1]).y < getCenterPoint(rect[2]).y){
                    indexHead = 1;
                    indexHand1 = 0;
                    indexHand2 = 2;
                    indexHead = 2;
                    indexHand1 = 0;
                    indexHand2 = 1;

                if(getHandside(rect[indexHead], rect[indexHand1]) == LEFT){
                    indexHandLeft = indexHand1;
                    indexHandRight = indexHand2;
                    indexHandLeft = indexHand2;
                    indexHandRight = indexHand1;

            // follow the right hand
            if(indexHandRight > 0) {
                //std::cout << "right hand deteced" <<endl;
                if(isMoving(handRight)) {
                    std::cout << "hand moving" <<endl;
                    handRight.centerPrev = handRight.centerCurr;
                    handRight.centerCurr = getCenterPoint(rect[indexHandRight]);
                } else {
                    std::cout << "hand not moving" <<endl;
                    if(handRight.centerInit.y != 0 && abs(handRight.centerInit.y - handRight.centerCurr.y) > 20) {
                        if(handRight.centerInit.y < handRight.centerCurr.y) {
                            // hand moved down
                            std::cout << "                           hand moved down" <<endl;
                        } else {
                            // hand moved up
                            std::cout << "                           hand moved up" <<endl;
                    handRight.centerInit = getCenterPoint(rect[indexHandRight]);
                    handRight.centerPrev = handRight.centerCurr;
                    handRight.centerCurr = getCenterPoint(rect[indexHandRight]);

            //Get Orientations from Hand rects
            leftOrientationCur = (indexHandLeft != -1)?getOrientationOfRect(rect[indexHandLeft]):NONE;
            rightOrientationCur = (indexHandRight != -1)?getOrientationOfRect(rect[indexHandRight]):NONE;

            //Check Change of Left hand
            /*switch(detectHandStateChange(leftOrientationLast, leftOrientationCur)){
                case PORTRAIT_TO_LANDSCAPE:
                case LANDSCAPE_TO_PORTRAIT:
                case NOCHANGE:

            //Check Change of Right hand
            switch(detectHandStateChange(rightOrientationLast, rightOrientationCur)){
                case PORTRAIT_TO_LANDSCAPE:
                case LANDSCAPE_TO_PORTRAIT:
                case NOCHANGE:

        }else if(blobs.GetNumBlobs() > 3){
            //too much information
            cout<<"too much information"<<endl;

        leftOrientationLast = leftOrientationCur;
        rightOrientationLast = rightOrientationCur;

        // Free all the resources.
        /*cvReleaseImage( &imageBGR );
        cvReleaseImage( &imageHSV );
        cvReleaseImage( &planeH );
        cvReleaseImage( &planeS );
        cvReleaseImage( &planeV );
        cvReleaseImage( &imageSkinPixels );
        cvReleaseImage( &imageSkinBlobs );*/

        //if ESC is pressed then exit loop

	return 0;
void MyWindow::on_updateImages()

        using namespace cv;


        blur(thImage, thImage, Size(blurVal,blurVal));
        GaussianBlur(thImage, thImage, Size(gblurVal,gblurVal), 0);

        using namespace cv;

        Mat dilatekernel;

        if(kernelShape == 0)

            dilatekernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(kernelSizeVal, kernelSizeVal));

        if(kernelShape == 1)

            dilatekernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(kernelSizeVal, kernelSizeVal));

        if(kernelShape == 2)

            dilatekernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_CROSS, Size(kernelSizeVal, kernelSizeVal));

        // First and second both argument selectable


            dilate(thImage, thImage, dilatekernel);


            erode(thImage, thImage, dilatekernel);



            IplImage Iipl = thImage;

            CBlobResult blobs, blobsclutter;
            CBlob * currentBlob;

            blobs = CBlobResult(&Iipl, NULL, bg_r);

            // The last parameter indicates the background. That is the color
            // on which we are searching for the clutter.

            // The last parameter in fillblob is the color with which we want to fill
            // the clutter that we found.

            blobs.Filter(blobs, filter_arg2, CBlobGetArea(), filter_arg4, filter_arg5_area);
            for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
                currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);

            //        blobsclutter = CBlobResult(&Iipl, NULL, 0);
            //        blobsclutter.Filter(blobsclutter, B_INCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 500);
            //        for (int i = 0; i < blobsclutter.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
            //        {
            //            currentBlob = blobsclutter.GetBlob(i);
            //            currentBlob->FillBlob(&Iipl,Scalar(0));
            //        }


        binaryImage = thImage;

        Mat drawing;

            // Drawing contours

            int thresh = 100;
            RNG rng(12345);

            Mat threshold_output;
            vector<vector<Point> > contours;
            vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;

            threshold( thImage, threshold_output, thresh, 255, THRESH_BINARY );
            /// Find contours
            findContours( threshold_output, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0) );

            /// Approximate contours to polygons + get bounding rects and circles
            vector<vector<Point> > contours_poly( contours.size() );
            vector<Rect> boundRect( contours.size() );
            vector<Point2f>center( contours.size() );
            vector<float>radius( contours.size() );

            for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
            { approxPolyDP( Mat(contours[i]), contours_poly[i], 3, true );
                boundRect[i] = boundingRect( Mat(contours_poly[i]) );
                minEnclosingCircle( (Mat)contours_poly[i], center[i], radius[i] );

            // Draw polygonal contour + bonding rects + circles
            drawing = Mat::zeros( threshold_output.size(), CV_8UC3 );
            for( int i = 0; i< contours.size(); i++ )
                Scalar color = Scalar( rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255) );
                    drawContours( colorImage, contours_poly, i, color, 1, 8, vector<Vec4i>(), 0, Point() );
                    rectangle( colorImage, boundRect[i].tl(), boundRect[i].br(), color, 2, 8, 0 );
                    circle( colorImage, center[i], (int)radius[i], color, 2, 8, 0 );



            vector<Vec3f> circles;
            /// Apply the Hough Transform to find the circles
            HoughCircles( thImage, circles, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, thImage.rows/8, 200, 100, min_radius, max_radius);

            /// Draw the circles detected
            for( size_t i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++ )
                Point center(cvRound(circles[i][0]), cvRound(circles[i][1]));
                int radius = cvRound(circles[i][2]);
                // circle center
                circle( colorImage, center, 3, Scalar(0,255,0), -1, 8, 0 );
                // circle outline
                circle( colorImage, center, radius, Scalar(0,0,255), 3, 8, 0 );



            vector<Vec4i> lines;
            HoughLinesP(thImage, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 50, 50, 10 );
            for( size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++ )
                Vec4i l = lines[i];
                line( colorImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0,0,255), 3, CV_AA);


void PanTiltCameraClass::blobTracking(IplImage* hsv_mask,
                                      IplImage* pFour,
                                      IplImage* pImg)
   //--- Get blobs and filter them using the blob area
   CBlobResult blobs;
   CBlob *currentBlob;
   //--- Create a thresholded image and display image --------------------
   //--- Creates binary image
   IplImage* originalThr = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(hsv_mask), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
   //--- Create 3-channel image
   IplImage* display = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(hsv_mask),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
   //--- Copies the original
   cvMerge( hsv_mask, hsv_mask, hsv_mask, NULL, display );
   //--- Makes a copy for processing
   //--- Find blobs in image ---------------------------------------------
   int blobThreshold = 0;
   bool blobFindMoments = true;
   blobs = CBlobResult( originalThr, originalThr, blobThreshold, blobFindMoments);
   //--- filters blobs according to size and radius constraints
   blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, this->minBlobSize );
   //--- display filtered blobs ------------------------------------------
   //--- copies the original in (for background)
   cvMerge( originalThr, originalThr, originalThr, NULL, display );
   CvPoint pts[this->NUMBER_OF_CIRCLES];
   //--- This sequence marks all the blobs
   for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
      currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
      currentBlob->FillBlob( display, CV_RGB(0,0,255));				
      //--- Get blobs centerpoint
      CvPoint bcg;
      bcg.x = (int)(currentBlob->MinX()+((currentBlob->MaxX()-currentBlob->MinX())/2));
      bcg.y = (int)(currentBlob->MinY()+((currentBlob->MaxY()-currentBlob->MinY())/2));
      //--- Print the CG on the picture
      char blobtext[40];
      for(int k=0;k<this->NUMBER_OF_CIRCLES;k++)
   }//for each blob
   //--- Set the ROI in the pFour image
   //Reset region of interest
   //Clean up
   cvReleaseImage( &originalThr );
   cvReleaseImage( &display);
int main(){

	Scalar robotColor = CV_RGB(255, 0, 0);
	Scalar rightColor = CV_RGB(0, 255, 0);
	Scalar leftColor = CV_RGB(0, 0, 255);
	Scalar robotColor_2 = CV_RGB(0, 255, 255);
	Scalar rightColor_2 = CV_RGB(255, 0, 255);
	Scalar leftColor_2 = CV_RGB(255, 255, 0);

	int lowH = 0;
	int highH = 14;
	int top_cut = 120;
	int bot_cut = 70;
	int lowV = 200;
	int type = 0;
	int ticks = 0;
	int nb_errors = 0;
	int len = 150;
	int trace = 25;
	int sensitivity = 100;
	int area = 3000;
	int flip = 0; //set to 0 if no flips are needed, 1 for y axis, 2 for x axis and 3 for both

	namedWindow("My Window", 1);
	createTrackbar("lowH", "My Window", &lowH, 180);
	createTrackbar("highH", "My Window", &highH, 180);
	createTrackbar("top_cut", "My Window", &top_cut, 255);
	createTrackbar("bot_cut", "My Window", &bot_cut, 255);
	createTrackbar("lowV", "My Window", &lowV, 255);
	createTrackbar("LEN", "My Window", &len, 300);
	createTrackbar("TRACE", "My Window", &trace, 100);
	createTrackbar("SENSITIVITY", "My Window", &sensitivity, 200);
	createTrackbar("AREA", "My Window", &area, 7000);
	createTrackbar("FLIP", "My Window", &flip, 3);
	moveWindow("My Window", 0, 0);

	namedWindow("kalman", 1);
	moveWindow("kalman", 500, 0);
	namedWindow("Blobs Image", 1);
	moveWindow("Blobs Image", 500, 300);
	namedWindow("frame", 1);
	moveWindow("frame", 0, 500);
	namedWindow("test", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	moveWindow("test", 0, 500);
	namedWindow("white", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	moveWindow("white", 0, 500);

	//file of video input
	string filename = "testVideo_5.webm";
	ofstream logs;
	ofstream stats;
	logs << "Left_x,Left_y,Left_holds,Right_x,Right_y,Right_holds,confirmed" << endl;

	Point center_window = Point(WIDTH/2, (HEIGHT - top_cut - bot_cut)/2);
	Point center_left = Point(WIDTH/4, .5*max(10, HEIGHT - top_cut - bot_cut));
	Point center_right = Point(3*WIDTH/4, .5*max(10, HEIGHT - top_cut - bot_cut));

	// initialize the kalman filters
	KalmanFilter KF_left(4, 2, 0);
	KalmanFilter KF_right(4, 2, 0);

	Mat_<float> measurement_left(2,1); measurement_left.setTo(Scalar(0));
	Mat_<float> measurement_right(2,1); measurement_right.setTo(Scalar(0));

	initialize_kalman(&KF_left, center_left);
	initialize_kalman(&KF_right, center_right);

	VideoCapture cap(0);

  // VideoCapture cap(filename);

	Mat kf_img(HEIGHT - top_cut - bot_cut, WIDTH, CV_8UC3);
	vector<Point> mousev_left,kalmanv_left;
	vector<Point> mousev_right,kalmanv_right;

	int counter = 0;
	int nb_confirmed = 0;
	int nb_total = 0;
	double average_left = 0;
	double average_right = 0;
	double error_left = 0;
	double error_right = 0;
	double prev_dist = norm(center_left - center_right);
	double new_dist = prev_dist;
	bool left_valid = false;
	bool right_valid = true;
	Mat temp = Mat::zeros(100,400, CV_8UC3);
	putText(temp, "Press any key to start", Point(50,50), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, Scalar(255,255,255));
	putText(temp, "and ESC to end", Point(50, 75), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, Scalar(255,255,255));
	imshow("Blobs Image", temp);

	int key;
	bool eof = false;


		Mat frame;
		Mat prediction_left = KF_left.predict();
		Point new_left(prediction_left.at<float>(0), prediction_left.at<float>(1));
		measurement_left(0) = center_left.x;
		measurement_left(1) = center_left.y;

		Mat estimated_left = KF_left.correct(measurement_left);

		Point statePt_left(estimated_left.at<float>(0),estimated_left.at<float>(1));
		Point measPt_left(measurement_left(0),measurement_left(1));

		Mat prediction_right = KF_right.predict();
		Point new_right(prediction_right.at<float>(0), prediction_right.at<float>(1));
		measurement_right(0) = center_right.x;
		measurement_right(1) = center_right.y;

		Mat estimated_right = KF_right.correct(measurement_right);

		Point statePt_right(estimated_right.at<float>(0),estimated_right.at<float>(1));
		Point measPt_right(measurement_right(0),measurement_right(1));

		ticks ++;
		error_left = norm(statePt_left - measPt_left);
		average_left = ((average_left * (ticks - 1)) + error_left) / ticks;
		error_right = norm(statePt_right - measPt_right);
		average_right = ((average_right * (ticks - 1)) + error_right) / ticks;

		imshow("kalman", kf_img);
		// waitKey(-1);
		kf_img = Scalar::all(0);

		circle(kf_img, statePt_left, 1,  Scalar(255,255,255), -1);
		circle(kf_img, measPt_left, 1, Scalar(0,0,255), -1);
		int nb_mousev_left = mousev_left.size() - 1;
		int nb_kalmanv_left = mousev_left.size() - 1;
		int nb_mousev_right = mousev_left.size() - 1;
		int nb_kalmanv_right = mousev_left.size() - 1;

		for(int i = max(0, nb_mousev_left - trace); i< nb_mousev_left; i++){
			line(kf_img, mousev_left[i], mousev_left[i+1], Scalar(255,255,0), 1);
		for(int i = max(0, nb_kalmanv_left - trace); i< nb_kalmanv_left; i++){
			line(kf_img, kalmanv_left[i], kalmanv_left[i+1], Scalar(0,0,255), 1);


		circle(kf_img, statePt_right, 1,  Scalar(255,255,255), -1);
		circle(kf_img, measPt_right, 1, Scalar(0,0,255), -1);

		for(int i = max(0, nb_mousev_right - trace); i< nb_mousev_right; i++){
			line(kf_img, mousev_right[i], mousev_right[i+1], Scalar(0,255,0), 1);
		for(int i = max(0, nb_kalmanv_right - trace); i< nb_kalmanv_right; i++){
			line(kf_img, kalmanv_right[i], kalmanv_right[i+1], Scalar(255,0,255), 1);

		Rect border(0, top_cut, WIDTH, max(10, HEIGHT - top_cut - bot_cut));
		cap >> frame;


			Mat image;
			int flip_type = 1;
			switch (flip) {
				case 0: break;
				case 1:	break;
				case 2: flip_type = 0;
				case 3: flip_type = -1;
			if(flip) cv::flip(frame, frame, flip_type);

			resize(frame, frame, Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT));
			image = frame(border);
			imshow("frame", image);

			//performs the skin detection
			Mat converted_skin;
			cvtColor(image, converted_skin, CV_BGR2HSV);

			Mat skin_masked;
			inRange(converted_skin, Scalar(min(lowH, highH), 48, 80),Scalar(max(lowH, highH), 255, 255), skin_masked);
			imshow("test", skin_masked);

			//performs the robot detection
			Mat converted_white, white_masked, lights_masked;
			cvtColor(image, converted_white, CV_BGR2GRAY);
			inRange(converted_skin, Scalar(0, 0, 245), Scalar(180, 255, 255), lights_masked);
			threshold(converted_white, white_masked, lowV, 255, type);
			bitwise_or(white_masked, lights_masked, white_masked);
			imshow("white", white_masked);

			Mat copy(converted_skin.size(), converted_skin.type());// = converted.clone();

			//detects hands as blobs
			CBlobResult blobs;
			IplImage temp = (IplImage)skin_masked;
			blobs = CBlobResult(&temp,NULL,1);
			blobs = CBlobResult(skin_masked,Mat(),NUMCORES);
			int numBlobs = blobs.GetNumBlobs();
			if(0 == numBlobs){
				cout << "can't find blobs!" << endl;

			// detects robot as a blob
			CBlobResult robot_blobs;
			IplImage robot_temp = (IplImage) white_masked;
			robot_blobs = CBlobResult(&robot_temp, NULL, 1);
			robot_blobs = CBlobResult(white_masked, Mat(), NUMCORES);
			if(0 == robot_blobs.GetNumBlobs()){
				cout << "can't find robot_blobs!" << endl;

			CBlob *curblob;
			CBlob* blob_1;
			CBlob* blob_2;
			CBlob* leftBlob;
			CBlob* rightBlob;
			CBlob* robotBlob;


			// chooses the two largest blobs for the hands
			Point center_1, center_2;
			int max_1 = 0;
			int max_2 = 0;
			int maxArea_1 = 0;
			int maxArea_2 = 0;
			for(int i=0;i<numBlobs;i++){
				int area = blobs.GetBlob(i)->Area();
				if(area > maxArea_1){
					maxArea_2 = maxArea_1;
					maxArea_1 = area;
					max_2 = max_1;
					max_1 = i;
				} else if(area > maxArea_2){
					maxArea_2 = area;
					max_2 = i;
			int i_1 = max_1;
			int i_2 = max_2;
			double area_left, area_right;
			Rect rect_1;
			Rect rect_2;

			//determines which hand is left/right
			blob_1 = blobs.GetBlob(i_1);
			blob_2 = blobs.GetBlob(i_2);
			center_1 = blob_1->getCenter();
			center_2 = blob_2->getCenter();
			bool left_is_1 = (center_1.x < center_2.x)? true : false;
			leftBlob = (left_is_1)? blob_1 : blob_2;
			rightBlob = (left_is_1)? blob_2 : blob_1;
			center_left = leftBlob->getCenter();
			center_right = rightBlob->getCenter();

			//determine the number of valid hands
			//validity is decided by whether or not the hand followed a logical movement,
			//and if the area of the blob is large enough to be accepted
			int valids = 0;
			rect_1 = leftBlob->GetBoundingBox();
			rectangle(copy, rect_1.tl(), rect_1.br(), leftColor_2, 5);
			error_left = norm(statePt_left - center_left);
			area_left = leftBlob->Area();
			left_valid = error_left < sensitivity && area_left > area;
				leftBlob->FillBlob(copy,leftColor, true);
				valids ++;
			circle(copy, center_left, 5, leftColor_2, -1);

			rect_2 = rightBlob->GetBoundingBox();
			rectangle(copy, rect_2.tl(), rect_2.br(), rightColor_2, 5);
			error_right = norm(statePt_right - center_right);
			area_right = rightBlob->Area();
			right_valid = error_right < sensitivity && area_right > area;
				rightBlob->FillBlob(copy,rightColor, true);
				valids ++;
			circle(copy, center_right, 5, rightColor_2, -1);

			//finds the blob representing the robot
			//we could add a restriction to only choose a blob between the two hands
			//in terms of x-coordinate
			//a Kalman check can easily be done for the robot
			Point robot_center;
			maxArea_1 = 0;
			max_1 = 0;
			numBlobs = robot_blobs.GetNumBlobs();
			if(0 < numBlobs){
				for(int i=0;i<numBlobs;i++){
					curblob = robot_blobs.GetBlob(i);
					robot_center = curblob->getCenter();
					double dist_1 = norm(center_1 - robot_center);
					double dist_2 = norm(center_2 - robot_center);
					if(dist_1 < len || dist_2 < len){
						double area = robot_blobs.GetBlob(i)->Area();
						if(area > maxArea_1){
							max_1 = i;
							maxArea_1 = area;
				int i_3 = max_1;
				curblob = robot_blobs.GetBlob(i_3);
				curblob->FillBlob(copy,robotColor, true);
				robot_center = curblob->getCenter();
				circle(copy, robot_center, 5, robotColor_2, -1);
				Rect rect_3 = curblob->GetBoundingBox();
				rectangle(copy, rect_3.tl(), rect_3.br(), robotColor_2, 5);

				// determines which hand is controlling the robot
				// by cheching the position of the 3 blobs
				// an additional check could be done by verifying if
				//the center of the robot is moving in the same direction
				//as the center of the hand moving it
				bool is_left = false;
				bool is_right = false;
				bool confirmed = false;

				double dist_left = norm(center_left - robot_center);
				double dist_right = norm(center_right - robot_center);
				double dist_both = norm(center_left - center_right);

				Point robot_tl = rect_3.tl();
				Point robot_br = rect_3.br();

				int left_count = 0;
				int right_count = 0;

				if(rect_1.contains(robot_tl)) left_count++;
				if(rect_1.contains(robot_br)) left_count++;
				if(rect_1.contains(robot_center)) left_count++;
				if(rect_2.contains(robot_tl)) right_count++;
				if(rect_2.contains(robot_br)) right_count++;
				if(rect_2.contains(robot_center)) right_count++;

					case 0: break;
					case 1:{
						int area_sum = area_left + area_right;
						if(dist_left > 2* dist_right || dist_right > 2*dist_left){
							if(area_sum > 2 * area && (area_left > 2*area_right || area_right > 2*area_left) &&
							((left_valid && left_count > 0)||(right_valid && right_count > 0))){
								is_left = true;
								is_right = true;
								if(left_count > 2 || right_count > 2) confirmed = true;
						if(left_valid && left_count > 1) {
							is_left = true;
							if(left_count > 2) confirmed = true;
						if(right_valid && right_count > 1) {
							is_right = true;
							if(right_count > 2) confirmed = true;

						//if just one hand is on screen
						if(area_right < area/2){
							if(center_left.x > robot_center.x){
								is_left = true;
							} else{
								is_right = true;
						} else if (area_left < area/2){
							if(center_right.x < robot_center.x){
								is_right = true;
							} else{
								is_left = true;
						case 2:{
							int moreLeft = left_count - right_count;
							int moreRight = right_count - left_count;
							int countSum = left_count + right_count;

							switch (countSum) {
								case 3:{

									switch (left_count) {
										case 3: is_left = true;
										confirmed = true;
										case 2:
										case 1: is_left = true;
										is_right = true;
										confirmed= true;
										case 0: is_right = true;
										confirmed = true;
								case 2:{

									switch (left_count) {
										case 2: is_left = true;
										confirmed = true;
										case 1: is_left = true;
										is_right = true;
										case 0: is_right = true;
										confirmed = true;
								case 1:{

									switch (left_count) {
										case 1: is_left = true;
										case 0: is_right = true;
								case 0:{


						bool found = false;
						for(size_t i = robot_tl.x; i<= robot_br.x && !found; i++){
							for(size_t j = robot_tl.y; j<= robot_br.y && !found; j++){
								int color1 = 0; int color2 = 255;
								Vec3b colour = copy.at<Vec3b>(Point(i, j));
								if(colour[1] == color1 && colour[0] == color2){
									found = true;
									is_left = true;
								if(colour[1] == color2 && colour[0] == color1){
									found = true;
									is_right = true;
						if (found) confirmed = true;

						if(!is_left && !is_right){
							cout << "-- none!";
							if(left_count == 0 && right_count == 0) confirmed = true;
						} else if(is_left && is_right){
							cout << "-- both!";
						} else {

							if (is_left){
								cout << " -- left!";
							} else {
								cout << " -- right!";

imshow("kalman", kf_img);
// up till here

							nb_confirmed ++;
							cout << " -- confirmed" << endl;
						} else {
							cout << endl;
						csv(&logs, center_left.x, center_left.y, is_left, center_right.x, center_right.y, is_right, confirmed);
					nb_total ++;

					// //displayOverlay("Blobs Image","Multi Thread");
					new_dist = norm(center_left - center_right);
					// don't throw errors in the first 10 frames
					if(ticks > 10){
						if(error_left > 20 && error_right > 20 /*&& new_dist < prev_dist*/){
							circle(copy, Point(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2), 100, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 30);
							nb_errors ++;

					prev_dist = new_dist;

					imshow("Blobs Image",copy);

					key = waitKey(10);
		} else{
			eof = true;

		if(27 == key || 1048603 == key || eof){
			double kalman_error_percentage = (nb_errors*100.0)/ticks;
			double confirm_percentage = (nb_confirmed*100.0/nb_total);
			stats << "kalman error frequency: " << kalman_error_percentage << "\%" << endl;
			stats << "confirmed: " << confirm_percentage << "\%" << endl;

			return 0;

IplImage* blobDetection2(IplImage* imgThreshRed, IplImage* imgThreshGreen) {
    // get blobs and filter them using its area
    int i, j;
    //  int areaBlob = 100;
    float distMark = 10;
    CBlobResult blobsRed, blobsGreen, whiteRedBlobs, whiteGreenBlobs;
    CBlob *currentBlob;
    double px, py;

    // Create Image
    IplImage* displayedImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imgThreshRed), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

    // find all the RED related blobs in the image
    blobsRed = CBlobResult(imgThreshRed, NULL, 0);
    // find all the GREEN related blobs in the image
    blobsGreen = CBlobResult(imgThreshGreen, NULL, 0);

    // select the ones with mean gray-level equal to 255 (white) and put
    // them in the whiteBlobs variable
    blobsRed.Filter(whiteRedBlobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 1.0);
    blobsGreen.Filter(whiteGreenBlobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 1.0);

#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT    
    printf("White Blobs: %d\n", whiteBlobs.GetNumBlobs());

    // display filtered blobs
    cvMerge(imgThreshRed, imgThreshRed, imgThreshRed, NULL, displayedImage);

    // RED
    CvPoint2D32f redCenter[whiteRedBlobs.GetNumBlobs()];

    for (i = 0; i < whiteRedBlobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++) {
        currentBlob = whiteRedBlobs.GetBlob(i);
        px = (currentBlob->MaxX() + currentBlob->MinX()) / 2.0;
        py = (currentBlob->MaxY() + currentBlob->MinY()) / 2.0;
        redCenter[i] = cvPoint2D32f(px, py);

#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT    
        printf("%2.2f\t%2.2f\n", px, py);

        if (currentBlob->Area() > areaBlob) {
            // Add Cross to the image
            currentBlob->FillBlob(displayedImage, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
            cvCircle(displayedImage, cvPointFrom32f(redCenter[i]), 2, cvScalar(255, 0, 0), 10, 8, 0);

    // GREEN
    CvPoint2D32f greenCenter[whiteGreenBlobs.GetNumBlobs()];

    for (i = 0; i < whiteGreenBlobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++) {
        currentBlob = whiteGreenBlobs.GetBlob(i);
        px = (currentBlob->MaxX() + currentBlob->MinX()) / 2.0;
        py = (currentBlob->MaxY() + currentBlob->MinY()) / 2.0;
        greenCenter[i] = cvPoint2D32f(px, py);

#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT    
        printf("%2.2f\t%2.2f\n", px, py);

        if (currentBlob->Area() > areaBlob) {
            // Add Cross to the image
            currentBlob->FillBlob(displayedImage, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
            cvCircle(displayedImage, cvPointFrom32f(greenCenter[i]), 2, cvScalar(0, 255, 0), 10, 8, 0);

    // Populating the list of potential robots
    potRobList.robNum = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < robMax; i++)
        potRobList.robList[i].active = 0;

    int redUsage[whiteRedBlobs.GetNumBlobs()];
    int greenUsage[whiteGreenBlobs.GetNumBlobs()];

    for (i = 0; i < whiteRedBlobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++)
        redUsage[i] = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < whiteGreenBlobs.GetNumBlobs(); j++)
        greenUsage[j] = 0;

    // Detect Robots
    float distCenter[whiteRedBlobs.GetNumBlobs()][whiteGreenBlobs.GetNumBlobs()];
    for (i = 0; i < min(whiteRedBlobs.GetNumBlobs(), robMax); i++) {
        currentBlob = whiteRedBlobs.GetBlob(i);
        if (currentBlob->Area() > areaBlob) {
            for (j = 0; j < min(whiteGreenBlobs.GetNumBlobs(), robMax); j++) {
                currentBlob = whiteGreenBlobs.GetBlob(j);
                if (currentBlob->Area() > areaBlob) {
                    distCenter[i][j] = computeDist(redCenter[i], greenCenter[j]);
                    //printf("[%d] - [%d]: %2.2f\n", i, j, distCenter[i][j]);
                    //printf("[%d] - [%d]: %2.2f\n", i, j, distCenter[i][j]);
                    // Print a connection line if this could be a robot
                    if (redUsage[i] == 0 && greenUsage[j] == 0 && checkDistMarker(distCenter[i][j], distMark)) {
                        cvLine(displayedImage, cvPointFrom32f(redCenter[i]), cvPointFrom32f(greenCenter[j]), cvScalar(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0);
                        // Check Robot
                        potRobList.robList[potRobList.robNum] = createRobot(redCenter[i], greenCenter[j]);

                        redUsage[i] = 1;
                        greenUsage[j] = 1;
                        //                        printRobot(potRobList.robList[potRobList.robNum - 1]);

                        CvBox2D tmp;
                        tmp.angle = potRobList.robList[potRobList.robNum - 1].orientation;
                        tmp.center = potRobList.robList[potRobList.robNum - 1].center;
                        tmp.size = cvSize2D32f(30, 50);
                        cvEllipseBox(displayedImage, tmp, cvScalar(255, 255, 0), 4, 3, 0);
                        //			printRobot(potRobList.robList[potRobList.robNum-1]);



    // Matching The List of Potential Robots with previous List of Robots
    //    updateRobotListAndrea(&avRobList, potRobList);
  //  updateRobotList(&avRobList, potRobList);

        // Print robots
        for (i = 0; i < robMax; i++) {
            if (avRobList.robList[i].active == 1) {
                CvBox2D tmp;
                tmp.angle = avRobList.robList[i].orientation;
                tmp.center = avRobList.robList[i].center;
                tmp.size = cvSize2D32f(50, 30);
                cvEllipseBox(displayedImage, tmp, cvScalar(255, 255, 0), 4, 3, 0);

    /* Control Law */

    return displayedImage;

SHModel* ShapeModel( CvCapture* g_capture,StaticBGModel* BGModel , BGModelParams* BGParams){

	int num_frames = 0;
	int total_blobs=0;
	float Sumatorio = 0;
	float SumatorioDes = 0;
	IplImage* frame = NULL;

	STFrame* frameData = NULL;
	SHModel* Shape = NULL;

	CBlobResult blobs;
	CBlob *currentBlob;

	IplImage* ImGris = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize( BGModel->Imed ), 8, 1 );
	IplImage* Imblob = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize( BGModel->Imed ), 8, 3 );
	IplImage* lastBG = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( BGModel->Imed ),8, 1 );
	IplImage* lastIdes = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( BGModel->Imed ), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
	// Iniciar estructura para modelo de forma

	Shape = ( SHModel *) malloc( sizeof( SHModel));
	if ( !Shape ) {error(4);return 0;}
	Shape->FlyAreaDes = 0;
	//Pone a 0 los valores del vector areas

	cvSetCaptureProperty( g_capture,1,BGParams->initDelay ); // establecemos la posición
	while( num_frames < ShParams->FramesTraining ){
		frame = cvQueryFrame( g_capture );
		if ( !frame ) {
		if ( (cvWaitKey(10) & 255) == 27 ) break;

		ImPreProcess( frame, ImGris, BGModel->ImFMask, 0, BGModel->DataFROI);

		// Cargamos datos del fondo
		if(!frameData ) { //en la primera iteración iniciamos el modelo dinamico al estático
			// Iniciar estructura para datos del nuevo frame
			frameData = InitNewFrameData( frame );
			cvCopy(  BGModel->Imed,frameData->BGModel);
			cvSet(frameData->IDesvf, cvScalar(1));
			cvCopy(  BGModel->Imed,lastBG);
		else{	// cargamos los últimos parámetros del fondo.
			cvCopy( lastBG, frameData->BGModel);
			cvCopy( lastIdes,frameData->IDesvf );
	//	obtener la mascara del FG y la lista con los datos de sus blobs.
		// Actualización del fondo
		// establecer parametros

		UpdateBGModel( ImGris,frameData->BGModel,frameData->IDesvf, BGParams, BGModel->DataFROI, BGModel->ImFMask );
		/////// BACKGROUND DIFERENCE. Obtención de la máscara del foreground
		BackgroundDifference( ImGris, frameData->BGModel,frameData->IDesvf, frameData->FG ,BGParams, BGModel->DataFROI);

		// guardamos las imagenes para iniciar el siguiente frame
		cvCopy( frameData->BGModel, lastBG);
		cvCopy(  frameData->IDesvf,lastIdes);

		//Obtener los Blobs y excluir aquellos que no interesan por su tamaño
//		cvSetImageROI(  frameData->FG , BGModel->DataFROI);

		blobs = CBlobResult( frameData->FG, NULL, 100, true );
		blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(),B_GREATER,100);
		blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetPerimeter(),B_GREATER,1000);

		int j = blobs.GetNumBlobs();//numero de blos encontrados en el frame

		total_blobs=total_blobs+j; // Contabiliza los blobs encontrados para todos los frames

		//Recorrer Blob a blob y obtener las caracteristicas del AREA de cada uno de ellos

		for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ ){ //for 1

			currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);

			if(ShParams->SHOW_DATA_AREAS) {
				//printf("Area blob %d = %f ",i,currentBlob->area);
			//Estimar la media de las Areas

			Sumatorio = Sumatorio + currentBlob->area;
			SumatorioDes = SumatorioDes + currentBlob->area*currentBlob->area;

			muestrearAreas( currentBlob->area);
			currentBlob->FillBlob( Imblob, CV_RGB(255,0,0));

		}//Fin del For 1

		Shape->FlyAreaMedia = Sumatorio / total_blobs;
		Shape->FlyAreaDes = (SumatorioDes / total_blobs) - Shape->FlyAreaMedia*Shape->FlyAreaMedia;

		num_frames += 1;
//		cvResetImageROI(frameData->FG);
		DraWWindow(Imblob, frameData, BGModel, SHOW_SHAPE_MODELING, COMPLETO);
		DraWWindow(Imblob, frameData, BGModel, SHAPE,SIMPLE );

	desvanecer( NULL, 20);
	Shape->FlyAreaDes = sqrt(abs(Shape->FlyAreaDes) ) ;
	if( Shape->FlyAreaDes == 0){

	//Mostrar mediana y media para todos los frames

	if(ShParams->SHOW_DATA_AREAS )
		printf("\n MEDIA AREAS: %f \t DESVIACION AREAS: %f",Shape->FlyAreaMedia,Shape->FlyAreaDes);

	free( ShParams);
	liberarSTFrame( frameData );
	cvReleaseImage( &ImGris);
	cvReleaseImage( &Imblob);
	cvReleaseImage( &lastIdes);
	cvReleaseImage( &lastBG);

	return Shape;

}//Fin de la función ShapeModel2
void iptask::markerDetect(void)
     IplImage * frame,*img_hsv,*img_proc,* new1;
     CvMemStorage * storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
     ros::NodeHandle n;
     ros::Publisher marker = n.advertise<ikat_ip_data::ip_marker_data>("marker_data",3);
     ros::Rate looprate(5);
     int count = 0;
     CvSeq * contours,*final_contour;
     int total_con;
     double maxarea;
     marker_data * Data =(marker_data *)malloc(sizeof(marker_data));
     CBlobResult blobs;
     CBlob * currentblob;
     CvPoint2D32f vertices[4];
     //CvCapture * img_video=cvCaptureFromAVI("downward-pipe-15_56_17.avi");
     cvNamedWindow("Image Actual");
     cvNamedWindow("final Image");
         ikat_ip_data::ip_marker_data msg;
         IplImage * img_con=cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame),8,1);
         cvShowImage("Image Actual",frame);
         for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
                 currentblob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
         total_con=cvFindContours(img_proc,storage,&contours,sizeof(CvContour),CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
         CvBox2D rect;
              rect=cvMinAreaRect2(final_contour, storage);
         ROS_INFO("center x :[%f]",msg.Marker_data[0]);
         ROS_INFO("center y :[%f]",msg.Marker_data[1]);
         ROS_INFO("angle : [%f]",msg.Marker_data[2]);
         cvShowImage("final Image",frame);
         char c=cvWaitKey(33);
         if  (c==27)
     cvDestroyWindow("Image Actual");
     cvDestroyWindow("final Image");
float thresholdSegmentation(Rect r, ntk::RGBDImage* current_frame, Mat& dst){
	Mat depth = current_frame->depth();
	Rect& rr = r;
	Mat depthROI = depth(rr), maskROI;
	Mat& rDepthROI = depthROI, &rMaskROI = maskROI;
	double var = 0.3;

	// maskROI for nonZero values in the Face Region
	inRange(depthROI, Scalar::all(0.001), Scalar::all(255), maskROI);
	// Mean depth of Face Region
	Scalar mFace = cv::mean(rDepthROI, rMaskROI);
	//mFace[0]  = mFace[0] - mFace[0] * var;
	inRange(depthROI, Scalar::all(0.001), mFace, maskROI);
	mFace = cv::mean(rDepthROI, rMaskROI);
	//inRange(depthROI, Scalar::all(0.001), mFace, maskROI);
	//mFace = cv::mean(rDepthROI, rMaskROI);

	// Mask for nearer than the mean of face.
	inRange(depth, Scalar::all(0.001), mFace, dst);
	Mat rgbImage = current_frame->rgb();
	Mat outFrame = cvCreateMat(rgbImage.rows, rgbImage.cols, CV_32FC3);
	rgbImage.copyTo(outFrame, dst);
	Mat outFrameROI;
	outFrameROI = outFrame(rr);
	//cvCopy(&rgbImage, &outFrame, &dst);
	//rgbImageROI = rgbImageROI(rr);
	imshow("ROI", outFrameROI);
	//imshow("thresholdSeg", dst);

	// For debug of cvblobslib
	// Display the color image	

	//imshow("faceRIO", maskROI);
	imshow("faceRIO", outFrameROI);
	bool iswrite;
	const int nchannel = 1;
	vector<Rect> faces;
	//iswrite = imwrite("faceROI.png", maskROI);
	iswrite = imwrite("faceROI.png", outFrameROI);
	//iswrite = cvSaveImage("faceROI.jpeg", pOutFrame, &nchannel);

	// ---- blob segmentation on maskROI by using cvblobslib ----
	// ---		Third Trial	---
	//visualizeBlobs("faceROI.png", "faceRIO");

	// ---		First Trial Not Successful		---
	//Mat maskROIThr=cvCreateMat(maskROI.rows, maskROI.cols, CV_8UC1);	
	//maskROIThr = maskROI;
	//IplImage imgMaskROIThr = maskROIThr;
	//IplImage* pImgMaskROIThr = &imgMaskROIThr;
	//cvThreshold(pImgMaskROIThr, pImgMaskROIThr, 0.1, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);

	// ---		Second Trial	---
	IplImage* original = cvLoadImage("faceROI.png", 0);
	IplImage* originalThr = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(original), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	IplImage* displayBiggestBlob = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(original), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
	CBlobResult blobs;
	CBlob biggestBlob;
	//IplImage source = maskROIThr;	IplImage* pSource = &source;
	//blobs = CBlobResult(
	cvThreshold(original, originalThr, 0.1, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
	blobs =  CBlobResult( originalThr, NULL, 255);
	printf("%d blobs \n", blobs.GetNumBlobs());
	blobs.GetNthBlob(CBlobGetArea(), 0, biggestBlob);
	biggestBlob.FillBlob(displayBiggestBlob, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));

	// Drawing the eclipse and Rect on the blob
	Mat mat(displayBiggestBlob);

	cv::RotatedRect blobEllipseContour;
	cv::Rect blobRectContour;
	//RotatedRect blobEllipseContour;
	blobEllipseContour = biggestBlob.GetEllipse();
	blobRectContour = biggestBlob.GetBoundingBox();
	cv::ellipse(mat, blobEllipseContour, cv::Scalar(0,255, 0), 3, CV_AA);
	cv::rectangle(mat, blobRectContour, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3, CV_AA);
	//cv::ellipse(mat, blobEllipseContour);
	float headOritation = blobEllipseContour.angle;
	if (headOritation <= 180)
		headOritation = headOritation - 90;
		headOritation = headOritation - 270;
			cv::format("%f degree", headOritation),
			Point(10,20), 0, 0.5, Scalar(255,0,0,255));

	cv::imshow("faceRIO", mat);
 * thread for displaying the opencv content
void *cv_threadfunc (void *ptr) {
	IplImage* timg = cvCloneImage(rgbimg); // Image we do our processing on
	IplImage* dimg = cvCloneImage(rgbimg); // Image we draw on
	CvSize sz = cvSize( timg->width & -2, timg->height & -2);
	IplImage* outimg = cvCreateImage(sz, 8, 3);

	CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
	CvSeq* squares; // Sequence for squares - sets of 4 points
	CvSeq* contours; // Raw contours list
	CvSeq* result; // Single contour being processed

	CBlobResult blobs;
	CBlob *currentBlob;

	IplImage *pyr = cvCreateImage(cvSize(sz.width/2, sz.height/2), 8, 1);

	// Set region of interest
	cvSetImageROI(timg, cvRect(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height));
	cvSetImageROI(dimg, cvRect(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height));

	// Processing and contours
	while (1) {
		squares = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), storage);

		pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_rgb );
		cvCopy(rgbimg, dimg, 0);
		cvCopy(rgbimg, timg, 0);
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_rgb );

		// cvPyrDown(dimg, pyr, 7);
		// cvPyrUp(pyr, timg, 7);

		IplConvKernel* element = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 2, 2, 0);
		IplConvKernel* element2 = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, 0);
		cvDilate(timg, timg, element, 2);
		cvErode(timg, timg, element2, 3);

		cvThreshold(timg, timg, 200, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

		// Output processed or raw image.
		cvCvtColor(timg, outimg, CV_GRAY2BGR);

		blobs = CBlobResult( timg, (IplImage*)NULL, 0, true );
		// blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 50 );
		printf("Blobs: %d\n", blobs.GetNumBlobs());

		CBlob biggestBlob;
		blobs.GetNthBlob( CBlobGetArea(), 1, biggestBlob );
		biggestBlob.FillBlob( outimg, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0) );
		CvSeq* dest;
		// for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
		// {
		// 	currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
		// 	currentBlob->FillBlob( outimg, CV_RGB(255,0,0) );
		// }

//		cvFindContours(timg, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cvPoint(0,0));
//		while (contours)
//		{
//			// Approximate contour, accuracy proportional to perimeter of contour; may want to tune accuracy.
//			result = cvApproxPoly(contours, sizeof(CvContour), storage, CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, cvContourPerimeter(contours) * 0.02, 0);
//			// Filter small contours and contours w/o 4 vertices (filters noise, finds rectangles)
//			if (result->total == 4 && 
//				fabs(cvContourArea(result, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) > 600 && 
//				cvCheckContourConvexity(result))
//			{
//				// Skipped checking whether angles were close to 90 degrees here; may want to implement.
//				// Probably also want to check if it's square enough to filter out ex. long windows.
//				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
//				{
//					// Write vertices to output sequence
//					cvSeqPush(squares, (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(result, i));
//				}
//			}
//			// Take next contour
//			contours = contours->h_next;
//		}
//		CvSeqReader reader;
//		cvStartReadSeq(squares, &reader, 0);
//		// Read 4 points at a time
//		CvPoint pt[4];
//		CvPoint *rect = pt;
//		CvRect out[4];
//		CvRect *outrect = out;
//		for (int i = 0; i < squares->total; i += 4)
//		{
//			int count = 4;
//			// Which point is which corner is unpredictable.
//			CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[0], reader); 
//			CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[1], reader);
//			CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[2], reader);
//			CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[3], reader);
//			// Draw rectangle on output
//			cvPolyLine(outimg, &rect, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);
//			// Make rectangles
//			// Print (temporary)
//			printf("Rect[0]: %d, %d\n", pt[0].x, pt[0].y);
//			printf("Rect[1]: %d, %d\n", pt[1].x, pt[1].y);
//			printf("Rect[2]: %d, %d\n", pt[2].x, pt[2].y);
//			printf("Rect[3]: %d, %d\n\n", pt[3].x, pt[3].y);
//			fflush(stdout);
//		}
		// Print on order
		if( cvWaitKey( 15 )==27 )

		cvShowImage (FREENECTOPENCV_WINDOW_N,outimg);
double findShadow(IplImage *l_img, int hue,int sat,int val,int threshold, double blobLowLimit,double blobHighLimit){
	// Input HSV value of color blob your seeking, acceptable threshold of that color, and Min and Max blob sizes beeing sought out. 
// Input HSV value of color blob your seeking, acceptable threshold of that color, and Min and Max blob sizes beeing sought out. 
	//Ouput: pointer to data array, size[#ofblobs*3+1]; Format data=[Number of Blobs, Area1,X of center1, y of center1, Area2,X of center2,y of center2,...,areaN,X of centerN, Y of centerN];


	// Image variables
	IplImage* local_copy = cvCloneImage(l_img);
	IplImage* imageSmooth = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,3);//Gausian Filtered image
	IplImage* imageSuperSmooth = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,3);//Gausian Filtered image
	IplImage* imageHSV = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,3); //HSV image
	IplImage* i1 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1);//desired color filtered image
	IplImage* i2 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1);//desired color filtered image
	IplImage* i_ts = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1);//desired color filtered image
	IplImage* planeH = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Hue
	IplImage* planeS = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Saturation
	IplImage* planeV = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Brightness
	IplImage* planeSmoothV = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Brightness
	IplImage* imageSmoothHSV = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,3); //HSV image
	IplImage* obsdetmask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Obs det mask
	IplImage* obsdetmask_dil = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Obs det mask
	IplImage* obsdetmask_b = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Obs det mask
	IplImage* obsdetmask_bdil = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(l_img),8,1); //Obs det mask
	//Blob variables
	CBlobResult mask_bls;
	CBlob	mask_bl;
	CBlobResult blobs;
	CBlob blob;
	CBlobResult blobs1;
	CBlob blob1;
	CBlobGetXCenter getXCenter;
	CBlobGetYCenter getYCenter;
	//Output Variable
	//Gausian Filter
	//Covert RGB to HSV
	cvCvtPixToPlane(imageHSV, planeH,planeS,planeV,0);//Extract the 3 color components
	IplImage* planeH1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imageHSV),8,1); //Hue
	IplImage* planeS1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imageHSV),8,1); //Saturation
	IplImage* planeV1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imageHSV),8,1); //Brightness
	cvCvtPixToPlane(imageHSV, planeH1,planeS1,planeV1,0);//Extract the 3 color components
	cvSet(obsdetmask, cvScalar(0,0,0));
	int maxDark = 0;
	int minDark = 255;
	int minDarknessValue=0;
	int maxDarknessValue = 0;
	int midDarknessValue = 0;
	//Filter image for desired Color, output image with only desired color highlighted remaining
	for( int y = 0; y < planeH1->height; y++ ){
		unsigned char* h = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( planeH1, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		unsigned char* s = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( planeS1, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		unsigned char* v = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( planeV1, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		for( int x = 0; x < planeH1->width*planeH1->nChannels; x += planeH1->nChannels ){
		  //if(x<5){ROS_INFO("hsv[x] is %d,%d,%d",h[x],v[x],x]);}
			//int f= HSV_filter(h[x],s[x],v[x],threshold,minDarknessValue,maxDarknessValue,midDarknessValue,hue,sat,val);
			int diff = abs((h[x]-hue));
			if(((diff < threshold)||(v[x]<MIN_BRIGHT)||(s[x]<MIN_SAT)))
			  ((uchar *)(obsdetmask->imageData + (y+planeH->height-planeH1->height)*obsdetmask->widthStep))[x]=255;
			  ((uchar *)(obsdetmask->imageData + (y+planeH->height-planeH1->height)*obsdetmask->widthStep))[x]=0;
	mask_bls = CBlobResult(obsdetmask_dil,NULL,0);
	mask_bls.Filter(mask_bls,B_EXCLUDE,CBlobGetArea(),B_LESS,MASK_MIN_BLOB); // Filter Blobs with min and max size
	mask_bls.GetNthBlob( CBlobGetArea(), 0, mask_bl );
	cvSet(obsdetmask_b, cvScalar(0,0,0));
	midDarknessValue = .5*(minDarknessValue+maxDarknessValue);
	ROS_INFO("minDark = %d, maxDark = %d, minDV = %d, maxDV = %d",minDark,maxDark,minDarknessValue,maxDarknessValue);
	for( int y = 0; y < planeH->height; y++ ){
		unsigned char* h = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( planeH, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		unsigned char* s = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( planeS, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		unsigned char* v = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( planeV, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		unsigned char* m = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( obsdetmask_bdil, unsigned char, y, 0 );
		for( int x = 0; x < planeH->width*planeH->nChannels; x += planeH->nChannels ){
		  //if(x<5){ROS_INFO("hsv[x] is %d,%d,%d",h[x],v[x],x]);}
			 int f = HSV_filter(h[x],s[x],v[x],m[x],threshold,minDarknessValue,maxDarknessValue,midDarknessValue,hue,sat,val);
				 ((uchar *)(i1->imageData + y*i1->widthStep))[x]=0;
				 ((uchar *)(i_ts->imageData + y*i_ts->widthStep))[x]=0;
				 ((uchar *)(i2->imageData + y*i2->widthStep))[x]=0;
			 else if(f==1)	//dark
				((uchar *)(i1->imageData + y*i1->widthStep))[x]=255;
				((uchar *)(i_ts->imageData + y*i_ts->widthStep))[x]=64;
				((uchar *)(i2->imageData + y*i2->widthStep))[x]=0;
			 else if(f==2)
				((uchar *)(i_ts->imageData + y*i_ts->widthStep))[x]=128;
				((uchar *)(i1->imageData + y*i1->widthStep))[x]=0;
				((uchar *)(i2->imageData + y*i2->widthStep))[x]=0;
			 else if(f==3)
				((uchar *)(i_ts->imageData + y*i_ts->widthStep))[x]=196;
				((uchar *)(i1->imageData + y*i1->widthStep))[x]=0;
				((uchar *)(i2->imageData + y*i2->widthStep))[x]=0;
			 else if(f==4)	//bright
				 ((uchar *)(i_ts->imageData + y*i_ts->widthStep))[x]=255;
				 ((uchar *)(i1->imageData + y*i1->widthStep))[x]=0;
				 ((uchar *)(i2->imageData + y*i2->widthStep))[x]=255;

	//Blob stuff
	blobs = CBlobResult(i1,NULL,0);   //Get blobs of image
	blobs1 =CBlobResult(i2,NULL,0);
	blobs.Filter(blobs,B_INCLUDE,CBlobGetArea(),B_INSIDE,blobLowLimit,blobHighLimit);  // Filter Blobs with min and max size
	//Set up data array
	xCent = new int[blobs.GetNumBlobs()+blobs1.GetNumBlobs()];
	yCent = new int[blobs.GetNumBlobs()+blobs1.GetNumBlobs()];
	valCent = new int[blobs.GetNumBlobs()+blobs1.GetNumBlobs()];
	ROS_INFO("size:%d  ",blobs.GetNumBlobs()+blobs1.GetNumBlobs());
	double data;
	 data=blobs.GetNumBlobs()+blobs1.GetNumBlobs();// Set first data value to total number of blobs
	//cout<<data[0]<<"  ";
	int k=0;
	//ROS_INFO("Blobs gotten.");
	for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
	{ // Get Blob Data 
	    blob = blobs.GetBlob(i);//cycle through each blob
		//data[i*3+1]=blob.area;//blob areaEFF
		xCent[i]= getXCenter(blob); //X min
		yCent[i]= getYCenter(blob); //X max	
		valCent[i]= 1; //Y max 
		blob.FillBlob(local_copy, cvScalar(255, 0, 0)); // This line will give you a visual marker on image for the blob if you want it for testing or something
      //ROS_INFO("loop 1 done.");
      for (int i = 0; i < blobs1.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
      { // Get Blob Data 
	      blob = blobs1.GetBlob(i);//cycle through each blob
		  //data[i*3+1]=blob.area;//blob area
		xCent[blobs.GetNumBlobs()+i]= getXCenter(blob); //X min
		yCent[blobs.GetNumBlobs()+i]= getYCenter(blob); //X max
		valCent[blobs.GetNumBlobs()+i]= -1;

		  blob.FillBlob(local_copy, cvScalar(0, 255, 0)); // This line will give you a visual marker on image for the blob if you want it for testing or something
	data=blobs.GetNumBlobs();// Set first data value to total number of blobs
	//cout<<data[0]<<"  ";
	int k=0;
	//ROS_INFO("Blobs gotten.");
	for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
	{ // Get Blob Data 
	    blob = blobs.GetBlob(i);//cycle through each blob
		//data[i*3+1]=blob.area;//blob areaEFF
		xCent[i]= getXCenter(blob); //X min
		yCent[i]= getYCenter(blob); //X max
		valCent[i]= 1; //Y max 
		blob.FillBlob(local_copy, cvScalar(255, 0, 0)); // This line will give you a visual marker on image for the blob if you want it for testing or something
      return data; //return pointer to data array