// on "init" you need to initialize your instance bool ComponentsTestLayer::init() { bool bRet = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(! CCLayerColor::initWithColor( ccc4(255,255,255,255) ) ); CCNode *root = createGameScene(); CC_BREAK_IF(!root); this->addChild(root, 0, 1); root->getChildByTag(1)->addComponent(CCComAudio::create()); root->getChildByTag(1)->addComponent(PlayerController::create()); root->addComponent(CCComAudio::create()); root->addComponent(CCComAttribute::create()); root->addComponent(SceneController::create()); bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; }
CCNode* CCJsonReader::createObject(cs::CSJsonDictionary * inputFiles, CCNode* parenet) { const char* className = inputFiles->getItemStringValue("classname"); if(strcmp(className, "CCNode") == 0) { CCNode* gb = NULL; if(NULL == parenet) { gb = CCNode::create(); } else { gb = CCNode::create(); parenet->addChild(gb); } setPropertyFromJsonDict(gb, inputFiles); int count = inputFiles->getArrayItemCount("components"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { cs::CSJsonDictionary * subDict = inputFiles->getSubItemFromArray("components", i); if (!subDict) break; const char *comName = subDict->getItemStringValue("classname"); const char *file = subDict->getItemStringValue("file"); const char *pComName = subDict->getItemStringValue("name"); if (file == NULL || strcmp(file, "") == 0) { continue; } CCAssert(file != NULL, "file must be not NULL!"); std::string pPath = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(file); if (comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCSprite") == 0) { cocos2d::CCSprite *pSprite = CCSprite::create(pPath.c_str()); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pSprite, "CCSprite"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCTMXTiledMap") == 0) { cocos2d::CCTMXTiledMap *pTmx = CCTMXTiledMap::create(pPath.c_str()); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pTmx, "CCTMXTiledMap"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCParticleSystemQuad") == 0) { std::string::size_type pos = pPath.find(".plist"); if (pos == pPath.npos) { continue; } cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad *pParticle = CCParticleSystemQuad::create(pPath.c_str()); pParticle->setPosition(0, 0); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pParticle, "CCParticleSystemQuad"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCArmature") == 0) { std::string reDir = pPath; std::string file_path = ""; size_t pos = reDir.find_last_of('/'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { file_path = reDir.substr(0, pos+1); } unsigned long size = 0; const char *des = (char*)(cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(pPath.c_str(),"r" , &size)); cs::CSJsonDictionary *jsonDict = new cs::CSJsonDictionary(); jsonDict->initWithDescription(des); if(NULL == des || strcmp(des, "") == 0) { CCLog("read json file[%s] error!\n", pPath.c_str()); } int childrenCount = DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(jsonDict, "armature_data"); cs::CSJsonDictionary* subData = DICTOOL->getDictionaryFromArray_json(jsonDict, "armature_data", 0); const char *name = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(subData, "name"); childrenCount = DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(jsonDict, "config_file_path"); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; ++i) { const char* plist = DICTOOL->getStringValueFromArray_json(jsonDict, "config_file_path", i); std::string plistpath; plistpath += file_path; plistpath.append(plist); cocos2d::CCDictionary *root = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFile(plistpath.c_str()); CCDictionary* metadata = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary(root, "metadata"); const char* textureFileName = DICTOOL->getStringValue(metadata, "textureFileName"); std::string textupath; textupath += file_path; textupath.append(textureFileName); CCArmatureDataManager::sharedArmatureDataManager()->addArmatureFileInfo(textupath.c_str(), plistpath.c_str(), pPath.c_str()); } CCArmature *pAr = CCArmature::create(name); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pAr, "CCArmature"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); CC_SAFE_DELETE(jsonDict); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCComAudio") == 0) { CCComAudio *pAudio = CCComAudio::create(); pAudio->preloadEffect(pPath.c_str()); gb->addComponent(pAudio); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCComAttribute") == 0) { CCComAttribute *pAttribute = CCComAttribute::create(); gb->addComponent(pAttribute); } else if (comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCBackgroundAudio") == 0) { CCComAudio *pAudio = CCComAudio::create(); pAudio->preloadBackgroundMusic(pPath.c_str()); pAudio->setFile(pPath.c_str()); bool bLoop = subDict->getItemIntValue("loop", 0); pAudio->setIsLoop(bLoop); gb->addComponent(pAudio); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "GUIComponent") == 0) { cocos2d::extension::UILayer *pLayer = cocos2d::extension::UILayer::create(); UIWidget* widget=cocos2d::extension::UIHelper::instance()->createWidgetFromJsonFile(pPath.c_str()); pLayer->addWidget(widget); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pLayer, "GUIComponent"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); } CC_SAFE_DELETE(subDict); } for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles->getArrayItemCount("gameobjects"); i++) { cs::CSJsonDictionary * subDict = inputFiles->getSubItemFromArray("gameobjects", i); if (!subDict) { break; } createObject(subDict, gb); CC_SAFE_DELETE(subDict); } return gb; } return NULL; }
CCNode* SceneReader::createObject(const rapidjson::Value &root, cocos2d::CCNode* parent) { const char *className = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(root, "classname"); //inputFiles->getItemStringValue("classname"); if(strcmp(className, "CCNode") == 0) { CCNode* gb = NULL; if(NULL == parent) { gb = CCNode::create(); } else { gb = CCNode::create(); parent->addChild(gb); } setPropertyFromJsonDict(root, gb); int count = DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(root, "components"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const rapidjson::Value &subDict = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary_json(root, "components", i); if (!DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(subDict)) { break; } const char *comName = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(subDict, "classname"); const char *pComName = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(subDict, "name"); const rapidjson::Value &fileData = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary_json(subDict, "fileData"); std::string pPath; std::string pPlistFile; int nResType = 0; //if (fileData != NULL) if (DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(fileData)) { const char *file = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(fileData, "path"); nResType = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(fileData, "resourceType", - 1); const char *plistFile = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(fileData, "plistFile"); if (file != NULL) { pPath.append(cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(file)); } if (plistFile != NULL) { pPlistFile.append(cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(plistFile)); } } if (comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCSprite") == 0) { cocos2d::CCSprite *pSprite = NULL; if (nResType == 0) { if (pPath.find(".png") == pPath.npos) { continue; } pSprite = CCSprite::create(pPath.c_str()); } else if (nResType == 1) { std::string pngFile = pPlistFile; std::string::size_type pos = pngFile.find(".plist"); if (pos == pPath.npos) { continue; } pngFile.replace(pos, pngFile.length(), ".png"); CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(pPlistFile.c_str(), pngFile.c_str()); pSprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(pPath.c_str()); } else { continue; } CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pSprite, "CCSprite"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pSprite, (void*)(&subDict)); } } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCTMXTiledMap") == 0) { cocos2d::CCTMXTiledMap *pTmx = NULL; if (nResType == 0) { if (pPath.find(".tmx") == pPath.npos) { continue; } pTmx = CCTMXTiledMap::create(pPath.c_str()); } else { continue; } CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pTmx, "CCTMXTiledMap"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pTmx, (void*)(&subDict)); } } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCParticleSystemQuad") == 0) { std::string::size_type pos = pPath.find(".plist"); if (pos == pPath.npos) { continue; } cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad *pParticle = NULL; if (nResType == 0) { pParticle = CCParticleSystemQuad::create(pPath.c_str()); } else { CCLog("unknown resourcetype on CCParticleSystemQuad!"); } pParticle->setPosition(0, 0); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pParticle, "CCParticleSystemQuad"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pParticle, (void*)(&subDict)); } } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCArmature") == 0) { if (nResType != 0) { continue; } std::string reDir = pPath; std::string file_path = ""; size_t pos = reDir.find_last_of('/'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { file_path = reDir.substr(0, pos+1); } rapidjson::Document jsonDict; if(!readJson(pPath.c_str(), jsonDict)) { CCLog("read json file[%s] error!\n", pPath.c_str()); continue; } int childrenCount = DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(jsonDict, "armature_data"); const rapidjson::Value &subData = DICTOOL->getDictionaryFromArray_json(jsonDict, "armature_data", 0); const char *name = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(subData, "name"); childrenCount = DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(jsonDict, "config_file_path"); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; ++i) { const char* plist = DICTOOL->getStringValueFromArray_json(jsonDict, "config_file_path", i); if (plist == NULL) { continue; } std::string plistpath; plistpath += file_path; plistpath.append(plist); cocos2d::CCDictionary *root = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFile(plistpath.c_str()); CCDictionary* metadata = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary(root, "metadata"); const char* textureFileName = DICTOOL->getStringValue(metadata, "textureFileName"); std::string textupath; textupath += file_path; textupath.append(textureFileName); CCArmatureDataManager::sharedArmatureDataManager()->addArmatureFileInfo(textupath.c_str(), plistpath.c_str(), pPath.c_str()); } CCArmature *pAr = CCArmature::create(name); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pAr, "CCArmature"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); const char *actionName = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(subDict, "selectedactionname"); if (actionName != NULL && pAr->getAnimation() != NULL) { pAr->getAnimation()->play(actionName); } if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pAr, (void*)(&subDict)); } } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCComAudio") == 0) { CCComAudio *pAudio = NULL; if (nResType == 0) { pAudio = CCComAudio::create(); } else { continue; } pAudio->preloadEffect(pPath.c_str()); gb->addComponent(pAudio); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pAudio, (void*)(&subDict)); } } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCComAttribute") == 0) { CCComAttribute *pAttribute = NULL; if (nResType == 0) { pAttribute = CCComAttribute::create(); unsigned long size = 0; const char* pData = 0; pData = (char*)(cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(pPath.c_str(), "r", &size)); if(pData != NULL && strcmp(pData, "") != 0) { pAttribute->parse(pData); } } else { CCLog("unknown resourcetype on CCComAttribute!"); continue; } gb->addComponent(pAttribute); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pAttribute, (void*)(&subDict)); } } else if (comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "CCBackgroundAudio") == 0) { CCComAudio *pAudio = NULL; if (nResType == 0) { pAudio = CCComAudio::create(); } else { continue; } #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) // no MP3 support for CC_PLATFORM_WP8 std::string::size_type pos = pPath.find(".mp3"); if (pos == pPath.npos) { continue; } pPath.replace(pos, pPath.length(), ".wav"); #endif pAudio->preloadBackgroundMusic(pPath.c_str()); pAudio->setFile(pPath.c_str()); bool bLoop = (bool)(DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(subDict, "loop")); pAudio->setLoop(bLoop); gb->addComponent(pAudio); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pAudio, (void*)(&subDict)); } pAudio->playBackgroundMusic(pPath.c_str(), bLoop); } else if(comName != NULL && strcmp(comName, "GUIComponent") == 0) { cocos2d::extension::UILayer *pLayer = cocos2d::extension::UILayer::create(); pLayer->scheduleUpdate(); UIWidget* widget = cocos2d::extension::GUIReader::shareReader()->widgetFromJsonFile(pPath.c_str()); pLayer->addWidget(widget); CCComRender *pRender = CCComRender::create(pLayer, "GUIComponent"); if (pComName != NULL) { pRender->setName(pComName); } gb->addComponent(pRender); if (_pListener && _pfnSelector) { (_pListener->*_pfnSelector)(pLayer, (void*)(&subDict)); } } } int length = DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(root, "gameobjects"); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const rapidjson::Value &subDict = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary_json(root, "gameobjects", i); if (!DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(subDict)) { break; } createObject(subDict, gb); } return gb; } return NULL; }