bool CleanupCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; CCleanTypeDlg dlg; dlg.m_pathList = pathList; if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { bRet = DoCleanUp(pathList, dlg.m_CleanType, dlg.m_bDir == BST_CHECKED, dlg.m_bSubmodules == BST_CHECKED, dlg.m_bDryRun == BST_CHECKED, dlg.m_bNoRecycleBin == BST_CHECKED); CShellUpdater::Instance().Flush(); } return bRet; }
bool CleanupCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; CCleanTypeDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { bool quotepath = g_Git.GetConfigValueBool(_T("core.quotepath")); CString cmd; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe clean")); if (dlg.m_bDryRun || !dlg.m_bNoRecycleBin) cmd += _T(" -n "); if(dlg.m_bDir) cmd += _T(" -d "); switch(dlg.m_CleanType) { case 0: cmd += _T(" -fx"); break; case 1: cmd += _T(" -f"); break; case 2: cmd += _T(" -fX"); break; } STRING_VECTOR submoduleList; SubmodulePayload payload(submoduleList); if (dlg.m_bSubmodules) { payload.basePath = CTGitPath(g_Git.m_CurrentDir).GetGitPathString(); if (pathList.GetCount() != 1 || pathList.GetCount() == 1 && !pathList[0].IsEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < pathList.GetCount(); ++i) { CString path; if (pathList[i].IsDirectory()) payload.prefixList.push_back(pathList[i].GetGitPathString()); else payload.prefixList.push_back(pathList[i].GetContainingDirectory().GetGitPathString()); } } if (!GetSubmodulePathList(payload)) return FALSE; std::sort(submoduleList.begin(), submoduleList.end()); } if (dlg.m_bDryRun || dlg.m_bNoRecycleBin) { while (true) { CProgressDlg progress; for (int i = 0; i < this->pathList.GetCount(); ++i) { CString path; if (this->pathList[i].IsDirectory()) path = pathList[i].GetGitPathString(); else path = pathList[i].GetContainingDirectory().GetGitPathString(); progress.m_GitDirList.push_back(g_Git.m_CurrentDir); progress.m_GitCmdList.push_back(cmd + _T(" \"") + path + _T("\"")); } if (dlg.m_bSubmodules) { for (CString dir : submoduleList) { progress.m_GitDirList.push_back(CTGitPath(dir).GetWinPathString()); progress.m_GitCmdList.push_back(cmd); } } INT_PTR idRetry = -1; if (!dlg.m_bDryRun) idRetry = progress.m_PostFailCmdList.Add(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_MSGBOX_RETRY))); INT_PTR result = progress.DoModal(); if (result == IDOK) return TRUE; if (progress.m_GitStatus && result == IDC_PROGRESS_BUTTON1 + idRetry) continue; break; } } else { CSysProgressDlg sysProgressDlg; sysProgressDlg.SetAnimation(IDR_CLEANUPANI); sysProgressDlg.SetTitle(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_APPNAME))); sysProgressDlg.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP_INFO1))); sysProgressDlg.SetLine(2, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROGRESSWAIT))); sysProgressDlg.SetShowProgressBar(false); sysProgressDlg.ShowModeless((HWND)NULL, true); CTGitPathList delList; for (size_t i = 0; i <= submoduleList.size(); ++i) { CGit git; CGit *pGit; if (i == 0) pGit = &g_Git; else { git.m_CurrentDir = submoduleList[i - 1]; pGit = &git; } CString cmdout, cmdouterr; if (pGit->Run(cmd, &cmdout, &cmdouterr, CP_UTF8)) { MessageBox(nullptr, cmdouterr, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } if (sysProgressDlg.HasUserCancelled()) { CMessageBox::Show(nullptr, IDS_SVN_USERCANCELLED, IDS_APPNAME, MB_OK); return FALSE; } int pos = 0; CString token = cmdout.Tokenize(_T("\n"), pos); while (!token.IsEmpty()) { if (token.Mid(0, 13) == _T("Would remove ")) { CString tempPath = token.Mid(13).TrimRight(); if (quotepath) { tempPath = UnescapeQuotePath(tempPath.Trim(_T('"'))); } if (i == 0) delList.AddPath(CTGitPath(tempPath)); else delList.AddPath(CTGitPath(submoduleList[i - 1] + "/" + tempPath)); } token = cmdout.Tokenize(_T("\n"), pos); } if (sysProgressDlg.HasUserCancelled()) { CMessageBox::Show(nullptr, IDS_SVN_USERCANCELLED, IDS_APPNAME, MB_OK); return FALSE; } } delList.DeleteAllFiles(true, false); sysProgressDlg.Stop(); } } #if 0 CProgressDlg progress; progress.SetTitle(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP); progress.SetAnimation(IDR_CLEANUPANI); progress.SetShowProgressBar(false); progress.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP_INFO1))); progress.SetLine(2, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP_INFO2))); progress.ShowModeless(hwndExplorer); CString strSuccessfullPaths, strFailedPaths; for (int i=0; i<pathList.GetCount(); ++i) { SVN svn; if (!svn.CleanUp(pathList[i])) { strFailedPaths += _T("- ") + pathList[i].GetWinPathString() + _T("\n"); strFailedPaths += svn.GetLastErrorMessage() + _T("\n\n"); } else { strSuccessfullPaths += _T("- ") + pathList[i].GetWinPathString() + _T("\n"); // after the cleanup has finished, crawl the path downwards and send a change // notification for every directory to the shell. This will update the // overlays in the left tree view of the explorer. CDirFileEnum crawler(pathList[i].GetWinPathString()); CString sPath; bool bDir = false; CTSVNPathList updateList; while (crawler.NextFile(sPath, &bDir)) { if ((bDir) && (!g_SVNAdminDir.IsAdminDirPath(sPath))) { updateList.AddPath(CTSVNPath(sPath)); } } updateList.AddPath(pathList[i]); CShellUpdater::Instance().AddPathsForUpdate(updateList); CShellUpdater::Instance().Flush(); updateList.SortByPathname(true); for (INT_PTR i=0; i<updateList.GetCount(); ++i) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_UPDATEITEM, SHCNF_PATH, updateList[i].GetWinPath(), NULL); CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) _T(": notify change for path %s\n"), updateList[i].GetWinPath()); } } } progress.Stop(); CString strMessage; if ( !strSuccessfullPaths.IsEmpty() ) { CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_PROC_CLEANUPFINISHED, (LPCTSTR)strSuccessfullPaths); strMessage += tmp; bRet = true; } if ( !strFailedPaths.IsEmpty() ) { if (!strMessage.IsEmpty()) strMessage += _T("\n"); CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_PROC_CLEANUPFINISHED_FAILED, (LPCTSTR)strFailedPaths); strMessage += tmp; bRet = false; } CMessageBox::Show(hwndExplorer, strMessage, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_OK | (strFailedPaths.IsEmpty()?MB_ICONINFORMATION:MB_ICONERROR)); #endif CShellUpdater::Instance().Flush(); return bRet; }
bool CleanupCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; CCleanTypeDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { bool quotepath = g_Git.GetConfigValueBool(_T("core.quotepath")); CString cmd; cmd.Format(_T("git clean")); if (dlg.m_bDryRun || !dlg.m_bNoRecycleBin) cmd += _T(" -n "); if(dlg.m_bDir) cmd += _T(" -d "); switch(dlg.m_CleanType) { case 0: cmd += _T(" -fx"); break; case 1: cmd += _T(" -f"); break; case 2: cmd += _T(" -fX"); break; } if (dlg.m_bDryRun || dlg.m_bNoRecycleBin) { CProgressDlg progress; for (int i = 0; i < this->pathList.GetCount(); ++i) { CString path; if (this->pathList[i].IsDirectory()) path = pathList[i].GetGitPathString(); else path = pathList[i].GetContainingDirectory().GetGitPathString(); progress.m_GitCmdList.push_back(cmd + _T(" \"") + path + _T("\"")); } if (progress.DoModal()==IDOK) return TRUE; } else { CSysProgressDlg sysProgressDlg; sysProgressDlg.SetAnimation(IDR_CLEANUPANI); sysProgressDlg.SetTitle(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_APPNAME))); sysProgressDlg.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP_INFO1))); sysProgressDlg.SetLine(2, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROGRESSWAIT))); sysProgressDlg.SetShowProgressBar(false); sysProgressDlg.ShowModeless((HWND)NULL, true); CString cmdout, cmdouterr; if (g_Git.Run(cmd, &cmdout, &cmdouterr, CP_UTF8)) { MessageBox(NULL, cmdouterr, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } if (sysProgressDlg.HasUserCancelled()) { CMessageBox::Show(NULL, IDS_SVN_USERCANCELLED, IDS_APPNAME, MB_OK); return FALSE; } int pos = 0; CString token = cmdout.Tokenize(_T("\n"), pos); CTGitPathList delList; while (!token.IsEmpty()) { if (token.Mid(0, 13) == _T("Would remove ")) { CString tempPath = token.Mid(13).TrimRight(); if (quotepath) { tempPath = UnescapeQuotePath(tempPath.Trim(_T('"'))); } delList.AddPath(CTGitPath(tempPath)); } token = cmdout.Tokenize(_T("\n"), pos); } if (sysProgressDlg.HasUserCancelled()) { CMessageBox::Show(NULL, IDS_SVN_USERCANCELLED, IDS_APPNAME, MB_OK); return FALSE; } delList.DeleteAllFiles(true, false); sysProgressDlg.Stop(); } } #if 0 CProgressDlg progress; progress.SetTitle(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP); progress.SetAnimation(IDR_CLEANUPANI); progress.SetShowProgressBar(false); progress.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP_INFO1))); progress.SetLine(2, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROC_CLEANUP_INFO2))); progress.ShowModeless(hwndExplorer); CString strSuccessfullPaths, strFailedPaths; for (int i=0; i<pathList.GetCount(); ++i) { SVN svn; if (!svn.CleanUp(pathList[i])) { strFailedPaths += _T("- ") + pathList[i].GetWinPathString() + _T("\n"); strFailedPaths += svn.GetLastErrorMessage() + _T("\n\n"); } else { strSuccessfullPaths += _T("- ") + pathList[i].GetWinPathString() + _T("\n"); // after the cleanup has finished, crawl the path downwards and send a change // notification for every directory to the shell. This will update the // overlays in the left tree view of the explorer. CDirFileEnum crawler(pathList[i].GetWinPathString()); CString sPath; bool bDir = false; CTSVNPathList updateList; while (crawler.NextFile(sPath, &bDir)) { if ((bDir) && (!g_SVNAdminDir.IsAdminDirPath(sPath))) { updateList.AddPath(CTSVNPath(sPath)); } } updateList.AddPath(pathList[i]); CShellUpdater::Instance().AddPathsForUpdate(updateList); CShellUpdater::Instance().Flush(); updateList.SortByPathname(true); for (INT_PTR i=0; i<updateList.GetCount(); ++i) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_UPDATEITEM, SHCNF_PATH, updateList[i].GetWinPath(), NULL); ATLTRACE(_T("notify change for path %s\n"), updateList[i].GetWinPath()); } } } progress.Stop(); CString strMessage; if ( !strSuccessfullPaths.IsEmpty() ) { CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_PROC_CLEANUPFINISHED, (LPCTSTR)strSuccessfullPaths); strMessage += tmp; bRet = true; } if ( !strFailedPaths.IsEmpty() ) { if (!strMessage.IsEmpty()) strMessage += _T("\n"); CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_PROC_CLEANUPFINISHED_FAILED, (LPCTSTR)strFailedPaths); strMessage += tmp; bRet = false; } CMessageBox::Show(hwndExplorer, strMessage, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_OK | (strFailedPaths.IsEmpty()?MB_ICONINFORMATION:MB_ICONERROR)); #endif CShellUpdater::Instance().Flush(); return bRet; }