BOOL CCP_MainApp::InitInstance() { AfxEnableControlContainer(); AfxOleInit(); AfxInitRichEditEx(); DittoCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); if(cmdInfo.m_strFileName.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { try { g_Opt.m_bEnableDebugLogging = g_Opt.GetEnableDebugLogging(); CClip_ImportExport Clip; CppSQLite3DB db;; CClip_ImportExport clip; if(clip.ImportFromSqliteDB(db, false, true)) { ShowCommandLineError("Ditto", theApp.m_Language.GetString("Importing_Good", "Clip placed on clipboard")); } else { ShowCommandLineError("Ditto", theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Importing", "Error importing exported clip")); } } catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) { ASSERT(FALSE); CString csError; csError.Format(_T("%s - Exception - %d - %s"), theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Parsing", "Error parsing exported clip"), e.errorCode(), e.errorMessage()); ShowCommandLineError("Ditto", csError); } return FALSE; } else if(cmdInfo.m_bConnect || cmdInfo.m_bDisconnect) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)CGetSetOptions::GetMainHWND(); if(hWnd) ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SET_CONNECTED, cmdInfo.m_bConnect, cmdInfo.m_bDisconnect); return FALSE; } //if starting from a u3 device we will pass in -U3Start if(cmdInfo.m_bU3) g_Opt.m_bU3 = cmdInfo.m_bU3 ? TRUE : FALSE; g_Opt.LoadSettings(); CInternetUpdate update; long lRunningVersion = update.GetRunningVersion(); CString cs = update.GetVersionString(lRunningVersion); cs.Insert(0, _T("InitInstance - Running Version - ")); Log(cs); CString csMutex("Ditto Is Now Running"); if(g_Opt.m_bU3) { //If running from a U3 device then allow other ditto's to run //only prevent Ditto from running from the same device csMutex += " "; csMutex += GETENV(_T("U3_DEVICE_SERIAL")); } else if(g_Opt.GetIsPortableDitto()) { csMutex += " "; csMutex += g_Opt.GetExeFileName(); } m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, csMutex); DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if(dwError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)CGetSetOptions::GetMainHWND(); if(hWnd) ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SHOW_TRAY_ICON, TRUE, TRUE); return TRUE; } CString csFile = CGetSetOptions::GetLanguageFile(); if(csFile.GetLength() > 0 && !m_Language.LoadLanguageFile(csFile)) { CString cs; cs.Format(_T("Error loading language file - %s - \n\n%s"), csFile, m_Language.m_csLastError); Log(cs); } //The first time we run Ditto on U3 show a web page about ditto if(g_Opt.m_bU3) { if(FileExists(CGetSetOptions::GetDBPath()) == FALSE) { CString csFile = CGetSetOptions::GetPath(PATH_HELP); csFile += "U3_Install.htm"; CHyperLink::GotoURL(csFile, SW_SHOW); } } int nRet = CheckDBExists(CGetSetOptions::GetDBPath()); if(nRet == FALSE) { AfxMessageBox(theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Opening_Database", "Error Opening Database.")); return FALSE; } CMainFrame* pFrame = new CMainFrame; m_pMainWnd = m_pMainFrame = pFrame; // prevent no one having focus on startup TargetActiveWindow(); pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, NULL, NULL); pFrame->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pFrame->UpdateWindow(); // prevent no one having focus on startup ReleaseFocus(); return TRUE; }
bool CCP_MainApp::ImportClips(HWND hWnd) { OPENFILENAME FileName; TCHAR szFileName[400]; TCHAR szDir[400]; memset(&FileName, 0, sizeof(FileName)); memset(szFileName, 0, sizeof(szFileName)); memset(&szDir, 0, sizeof(szDir)); CString csInitialDir = CGetSetOptions::GetLastImportDir(); STRCPY(szDir, csInitialDir); FileName.lStructSize = sizeof(FileName); FileName.lpstrTitle = _T("Import Clips"); FileName.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; FileName.nMaxFile = 400; FileName.lpstrFile = szFileName; FileName.lpstrInitialDir = szDir; FileName.lpstrFilter = _T("Exported Ditto Clips (.dto)\0*.dto\0\0"); FileName.lpstrDefExt = _T("dto"); if(GetOpenFileName(&FileName) == 0) return false; using namespace nsPath; CPath path(FileName.lpstrFile); CString csPath = path.GetPath(); CGetSetOptions::SetLastImportDir(csPath); try { CppSQLite3DB db;; CClip_ImportExport clip; if(clip.ImportFromSqliteDB(db, true, false)) { CShowMainFrame Show; CString cs; cs.Format(_T("%s %d "), theApp.m_Language.GetString("Import_Successfully", "Successfully imported"), clip.m_lImportCount); if(clip.m_lImportCount = 1) cs += theApp.m_Language.GetString("Clip", "clip"); else cs += theApp.m_Language.GetString("Clips", "clips"); MessageBox(hWnd, cs, _T("Ditto"), MB_OK); } else { CShowMainFrame Show; MessageBox(hWnd, theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Importing", "Error importing exported clip"), _T("Ditto"), MB_OK); } } catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) { ASSERT(FALSE); CString csError; csError.Format(_T("%s - Exception - %d - %s"), theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Parsing", "Error parsing exported clip"), e.errorCode(), e.errorMessage()); MessageBox(hWnd, csError, _T("Ditto"), MB_OK); } return true; }
BOOL CCP_MainApp::InitInstance() { LoadLibrary(TEXT("riched20.dll")); AfxEnableControlContainer(); AfxOleInit(); AfxInitRichEditEx(); afxAmbientActCtx = FALSE; Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); DittoCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); //if starting from a u3 device we will pass in -U3Start if(cmdInfo.m_bU3) g_Opt.m_bU3 = cmdInfo.m_bU3 ? TRUE : FALSE; g_Opt.LoadSettings(); if(cmdInfo.m_uacPID > 0) { Log(StrF(_T("Startup up ditto as admin to paste to admin windows, parent process id: %d"), cmdInfo.m_uacPID)); CString mutex; mutex.Format(_T("DittoAdminPaste_%d"), cmdInfo.m_uacPID); m_adminPasteMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, mutex); m_pUacPasteThread = new CUAC_Thread(cmdInfo.m_uacPID); m_pUacPasteThread->Start(); m_pUacPasteThread->WaitForThreadToExit(INT_MAX); return FALSE; } if(cmdInfo.m_strFileName.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { try { g_Opt.m_bEnableDebugLogging = g_Opt.GetEnableDebugLogging(); CClip_ImportExport Clip; CppSQLite3DB db;; CClip_ImportExport clip; if(clip.ImportFromSqliteDB(db, false, true)) { ShowCommandLineError("Ditto", theApp.m_Language.GetString("Importing_Good", "Clip placed on clipboard")); } else { ShowCommandLineError("Ditto", theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Importing", "Error importing exported clip")); } } catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) { ASSERT(FALSE); CString csError; csError.Format(_T("%s - Exception - %d - %s"), theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Parsing", "Error parsing exported clip"), e.errorCode(), e.errorMessage()); ShowCommandLineError("Ditto", csError); } return FALSE; } else if(cmdInfo.m_bConnect || cmdInfo.m_bDisconnect) { //First get the saved hwnd and send it a message //If ditt is running then this will return 1, meening the running ditto process //handled this message //If it didn't handle the message(ditto is not running) then startup this processes of ditto //disconnected from the clipboard LRESULT ret = 0; HWND hWnd = (HWND)CGetSetOptions::GetMainHWND(); if(hWnd) { ret = ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SET_CONNECTED, cmdInfo.m_bConnect, cmdInfo.m_bDisconnect); } //passed off to the running instance of ditto, exit this instance if(ret == 1) { return FALSE; } if(cmdInfo.m_bConnect) { m_connectOnStartup = TRUE; } else if(cmdInfo.m_bDisconnect) { m_connectOnStartup = FALSE; } } else if(cmdInfo.m_bOpenWindow || cmdInfo.m_bCloseWindow) { //First get the saved hwnd and send it a message //If ditt is running then this will return 1, meening the running ditto process //handled this message //If it didn't handle the message(ditto is not running) then startup this processes of ditto //disconnected from the clipboard LRESULT ret = 0; HWND hWnd = (HWND)CGetSetOptions::GetMainHWND(); if(hWnd) { ret = ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_OPEN_CLOSE_WINDWOW, cmdInfo.m_bOpenWindow, cmdInfo.m_bCloseWindow); } return FALSE; } CInternetUpdate update; long lRunningVersion = update.GetRunningVersion(); CString cs = update.GetVersionString(lRunningVersion); cs.Insert(0, _T("InitInstance - Running Version - ")); Log(cs); CString csMutex("Ditto Is Now Running"); if(g_Opt.m_bU3) { //If running from a U3 device then allow other ditto's to run //only prevent Ditto from running from the same device csMutex += " "; csMutex += GETENV(_T("U3_DEVICE_SERIAL")); } else if(g_Opt.GetIsPortableDitto()) { csMutex += " "; csMutex += g_Opt.GetExeFileName(); } m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, csMutex); DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if(dwError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)CGetSetOptions::GetMainHWND(); if(hWnd) ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SHOW_TRAY_ICON, TRUE, TRUE); return TRUE; } CString csFile = CGetSetOptions::GetLanguageFile(); if(m_Language.LoadLanguageFile(csFile) == false) { CString cs; cs.Format(_T("Error loading language file - %s - \n\n%s"), csFile, m_Language.m_csLastError); Log(cs); m_Language.LoadLanguageFile(_T("English.xml")); } //The first time we run Ditto on U3 show a web page about ditto if(g_Opt.m_bU3) { if(FileExists(CGetSetOptions::GetDBPath()) == FALSE) { CString csFile = CGetSetOptions::GetPath(PATH_HELP); csFile += "U3_Install.htm"; CHyperLink::GotoURL(csFile, SW_SHOW); } } int nRet = CheckDBExists(CGetSetOptions::GetDBPath()); if(nRet == FALSE) { AfxMessageBox(theApp.m_Language.GetString("Error_Opening_Database", "Error Opening Database.")); return FALSE; } CMainFrame* pFrame = new CMainFrame; m_pMainWnd = m_pMainFrame = pFrame; pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, NULL, NULL); pFrame->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pFrame->UpdateWindow(); return TRUE; }