bool CloneCommand::Execute() { CTGitPath cloneDirectory; if (!parser.HasKey(_T("hasurlhandler"))) { if (orgCmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { cloneDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, NULL); std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> tszPath(new TCHAR[len]); ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath.get()); if (_tcsncicmp(cloneDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath.get(), len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. cloneDirectory.Reset(); } } else cloneDirectory = orgCmdLinePath; } CCloneDlg dlg; dlg.m_Directory = cloneDirectory.GetWinPathString(); if (parser.HasKey(_T("url"))) dlg.m_URL = parser.GetVal(_T("url")); if (parser.HasKey(_T("exactpath"))) dlg.m_bExactPath = TRUE; if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString recursiveStr; if(dlg.m_bRecursive) recursiveStr = _T("--recursive"); else recursiveStr = _T(""); CString bareStr; if(dlg.m_bBare) bareStr = _T("--bare"); else bareStr = _T(""); CString nocheckoutStr; if (dlg.m_bNoCheckout) nocheckoutStr = _T("--no-checkout"); CString branchStr; if (dlg.m_bBranch) branchStr = _T("--branch ") + dlg.m_strBranch; CString originStr; if (dlg.m_bOrigin) originStr = _T("--origin ") + dlg.m_strOrigin; if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { CAppUtils::LaunchPAgent(&dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); } CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_Directory); if (!dlg.m_bSVN) CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_URL); CString dir=dlg.m_Directory; CString url=dlg.m_URL; // is this a windows format UNC path, ie starts with \\? if (url.Find(_T("\\\\")) == 0) { // yes, change all \ to / // this should not be necessary but msysgit does not support the use \ here yet int atSign = url.Find(_T('@')); if (atSign > 0) { CString path = url.Mid(atSign); path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/')); url = url.Mid(0, atSign) + path; } else url.Replace( _T('\\'), _T('/')); } CString depth; if (dlg.m_bDepth) { depth.Format(_T(" --depth %d"),dlg.m_nDepth); } g_Git.m_CurrentDir = GetExistingDirectoryForClone(dlg.m_Directory); CString cmd; CString progressarg; int ver = CAppUtils::GetMsysgitVersion(); if(ver >= 0x01070002) //above progressarg = _T("--progress"); cmd.Format(_T("git.exe clone %s %s %s %s %s %s -v %s \"%s\" \"%s\""), nocheckoutStr, recursiveStr, bareStr, branchStr, originStr, progressarg, depth, url, dir); // Handle Git SVN-clone if(dlg.m_bSVN) { //g_Git.m_CurrentDir=dlg.m_Directory; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe svn clone \"%s\" \"%s\""), url,dlg.m_Directory); if(dlg.m_bSVNTrunk) cmd+=_T(" -T ")+dlg.m_strSVNTrunk; if(dlg.m_bSVNBranch) cmd+=_T(" -b ")+dlg.m_strSVNBranchs; if(dlg.m_bSVNTags) cmd+=_T(" -t ")+dlg.m_strSVNTags; if(dlg.m_bSVNFrom) { CString str; str.Format(_T("%d:HEAD"),dlg.m_nSVNFrom); cmd+=_T(" -r ")+str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNUserName) { cmd+= _T(" --username "); cmd+=dlg.m_strUserName; } } else { if (g_Git.UsingLibGit2(CGit::GIT_CMD_CLONE)) { CGitProgressDlg GitDlg; CTGitPathList list; g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dir; list.AddPath(CTGitPath(dir)); GitDlg.SetCommand(CGitProgressList::GitProgress_Clone); GitDlg.SetUrl(url); GitDlg.SetPathList(list); GitDlg.SetIsBare(!!dlg.m_bBare); GitDlg.SetRefSpec(dlg.m_bBranch ? dlg.m_strBranch : CString()); GitDlg.SetRemote(dlg.m_bOrigin ? dlg.m_strOrigin : CString()); GitDlg.SetNoCheckout(!!dlg.m_bNoCheckout); GitDlg.DoModal(); return !GitDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } } CProgressDlg progress; progress.m_GitCmd=cmd; progress.m_PostCmdList.Add(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_MENULOG))); progress.m_PostCmdList.Add(CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_STATUSLIST_CONTEXT_EXPLORE))); INT_PTR ret = progress.DoModal(); if (dlg.m_bSVN) ::DeleteFile(g_Git.m_CurrentDir + _T("\\sys$command")); if( progress.m_GitStatus == 0) { if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dlg.m_Directory; SetCurrentDirectory(g_Git.m_CurrentDir); if(g_Git.SetConfigValue(_T("remote.origin.puttykeyfile"), dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile, CONFIG_LOCAL, CP_UTF8)) { CMessageBox::Show(NULL,_T("Fail set config remote.origin.puttykeyfile"),_T("TortoiseGit"),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } } if (ret == IDC_PROGRESS_BUTTON1) { CString cmd = _T("/command:log"); cmd += _T(" /path:\"") + dlg.m_Directory + _T("\""); CAppUtils::RunTortoiseGitProc(cmd); return TRUE; } if (ret == IDC_PROGRESS_BUTTON1 + 1) { ShellExecute(nullptr, _T("explore"), dlg.m_Directory, nullptr, nullptr, SW_SHOW); return TRUE; } } if(ret == IDOK) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
bool CloneCommand::Execute() { CCloneDlg dlg; dlg.m_Directory=this->orgCmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); if (parser.HasKey(_T("url"))) dlg.m_URL = parser.GetVal(_T("url")); if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString recursiveStr; if(dlg.m_bRecursive) recursiveStr = _T("--recursive"); else recursiveStr = _T(""); CString bareStr; if(dlg.m_bBare) bareStr = _T("--bare"); else bareStr = _T(""); if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { CAppUtils::LaunchPAgent(&dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); } CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_Directory); CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_URL); CString dir=dlg.m_Directory; CString url=dlg.m_URL; // is this a windows format UNC path, ie starts with \\? if (url.Find(_T("\\\\")) == 0) { // yes, change all \ to / // this should not be necessary but msysgit does not support the use \ here yet int atSign = url.Find(_T('@')); if (atSign > 0) { CString path = url.Mid(atSign); path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/')); url = url.Mid(0, atSign) + path; } else url.Replace( _T('\\'), _T('/')); } CString depth; if (dlg.m_bDepth) { depth.Format(_T(" --depth %d"),dlg.m_nDepth); } g_Git.m_CurrentDir = this->orgCmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); CString cmd; CString progressarg; int ver = CAppUtils::GetMsysgitVersion(); if(ver >= 0x01070002) //above progressarg = _T("--progress"); cmd.Format(_T("git.exe clone %s %s %s -v %s \"%s\" \"%s\""), recursiveStr, bareStr, progressarg, depth, url, dir); // Handle Git SVN-clone if(dlg.m_bSVN) { //g_Git.m_CurrentDir=dlg.m_Directory; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe svn clone \"%s\" \"%s\""), url,dlg.m_Directory); if(dlg.m_bSVNTrunk) cmd+=_T(" -T ")+dlg.m_strSVNTrunk; if(dlg.m_bSVNBranch) cmd+=_T(" -b ")+dlg.m_strSVNBranchs; if(dlg.m_bSVNTags) cmd+=_T(" -t ")+dlg.m_strSVNTags; if(dlg.m_bSVNFrom) { CString str; str.Format(_T("%d:HEAD"),dlg.m_nSVNFrom); cmd+=_T(" -r ")+str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNUserName) { cmd+= _T(" --username "); cmd+=dlg.m_strUserName; } } CProgressDlg progress; progress.m_GitCmd=cmd; int ret = progress.DoModal(); if( progress.m_GitStatus == 0) { if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dlg.m_Directory; SetCurrentDirectory(g_Git.m_CurrentDir); if(g_Git.SetConfigValue(_T("remote.origin.puttykeyfile"), dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile, CONFIG_LOCAL, CP_UTF8, &dlg.m_Directory)) { CMessageBox::Show(NULL,_T("Fail set config remote.origin.puttykeyfile"),_T("TortoiseGit"),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } } } if(ret == IDOK) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
bool CloneCommand::Execute() { CTGitPath cloneDirectory; if (!parser.HasKey(_T("hasurlhandler"))) { if (orgCmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { cloneDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, nullptr); auto tszPath = std::make_unique<TCHAR[]>(len); ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath.get()); if (_tcsncicmp(cloneDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath.get(), len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. cloneDirectory.Reset(); } } else cloneDirectory = orgCmdLinePath; } CCloneDlg dlg; dlg.m_Directory = cloneDirectory.GetWinPathString(); if (parser.HasKey(_T("url"))) dlg.m_URL = parser.GetVal(_T("url")); if (parser.HasKey(_T("exactpath"))) dlg.m_bExactPath = TRUE; if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString recursiveStr; if(dlg.m_bRecursive) recursiveStr = _T(" --recursive"); CString bareStr; if(dlg.m_bBare) bareStr = _T(" --bare"); CString nocheckoutStr; if (dlg.m_bNoCheckout) nocheckoutStr = _T(" --no-checkout"); CString branchStr; if (dlg.m_bBranch) branchStr = _T(" --branch ") + dlg.m_strBranch; CString originStr; if (dlg.m_bOrigin && !dlg.m_bSVN) originStr = _T(" --origin ") + dlg.m_strOrigin; if(dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) { CAppUtils::LaunchPAgent(&dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); } CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_Directory); if (!dlg.m_bSVN) CAppUtils::RemoveTrailSlash(dlg.m_URL); CString dir=dlg.m_Directory; CString url=dlg.m_URL; // is this a windows format UNC path, ie starts with \\? if (url.Find(_T("\\\\")) == 0) { // yes, change all \ to / // this should not be necessary but msysgit does not support the use \ here yet int atSign = url.Find(_T('@')); if (atSign > 0) { CString path = url.Mid(atSign); path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/')); url = url.Mid(0, atSign) + path; } else url.Replace( _T('\\'), _T('/')); } CString depth; if (dlg.m_bDepth) { depth.Format(_T(" --depth %d"),dlg.m_nDepth); } CString cmd; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe clone --progress%s%s%s%s%s -v%s \"%s\" \"%s\""), (LPCTSTR)nocheckoutStr, (LPCTSTR)recursiveStr, (LPCTSTR)bareStr, (LPCTSTR)branchStr, (LPCTSTR)originStr, (LPCTSTR)depth, (LPCTSTR)url, (LPCTSTR)dir); bool retry = false; auto postCmdCallback = [&](DWORD status, PostCmdList& postCmdList) { if (status) { postCmdList.emplace_back(IDI_REFRESH, IDS_MSGBOX_RETRY, [&]{ retry = true; }); return; } // After cloning, change current directory to the cloned directory g_Git.m_CurrentDir = dlg.m_Directory; if (dlg.m_bAutoloadPuttyKeyFile) // do this here, since it might be needed for actions performed in Log StorePuttyKey(dlg.m_Directory, dlg.m_bOrigin && !dlg.m_strOrigin.IsEmpty() ? dlg.m_strOrigin : _T("origin"), dlg.m_strPuttyKeyFile); postCmdList.emplace_back(IDI_LOG, IDS_MENULOG, [&] { CString cmd = _T("/command:log"); cmd += _T(" /path:\"") + dlg.m_Directory + _T("\""); CAppUtils::RunTortoiseGitProc(cmd); }); postCmdList.emplace_back(IDI_EXPLORER, IDS_STATUSLIST_CONTEXT_EXPLORE, [&]{ CAppUtils::ExploreTo(hWndExplorer, dlg.m_Directory); }); }; // Handle Git SVN-clone if(dlg.m_bSVN) { //g_Git.m_CurrentDir=dlg.m_Directory; cmd.Format(_T("git.exe svn clone \"%s\" \"%s\""), (LPCTSTR)url, (LPCTSTR)dlg.m_Directory); if (dlg.m_bOrigin) { CString str; if (dlg.m_strOrigin.IsEmpty()) str = _T(" --prefix \"\""); else str.Format(_T(" --prefix \"%s/\""), (LPCTSTR)dlg.m_strOrigin); cmd += str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNTrunk) cmd+=_T(" -T ")+dlg.m_strSVNTrunk; if(dlg.m_bSVNBranch) cmd+=_T(" -b ")+dlg.m_strSVNBranchs; if(dlg.m_bSVNTags) cmd+=_T(" -t ")+dlg.m_strSVNTags; if(dlg.m_bSVNFrom) { CString str; str.Format(_T("%d:HEAD"),dlg.m_nSVNFrom); cmd+=_T(" -r ")+str; } if(dlg.m_bSVNUserName) { cmd+= _T(" --username "); cmd+=dlg.m_strUserName; } } else { if (g_Git.UsingLibGit2(CGit::GIT_CMD_CLONE)) { while (true) { retry = false; CGitProgressDlg GitDlg; CTGitPathList list; g_Git.m_CurrentDir = GetExistingDirectoryForClone(dlg.m_Directory); list.AddPath(CTGitPath(dir)); CloneProgressCommand cloneProgressCommand; GitDlg.SetCommand(&cloneProgressCommand); cloneProgressCommand.m_PostCmdCallback = postCmdCallback; cloneProgressCommand.SetUrl(url); cloneProgressCommand.SetPathList(list); cloneProgressCommand.SetIsBare(dlg.m_bBare == TRUE); if (dlg.m_bBranch) cloneProgressCommand.SetRefSpec(dlg.m_strBranch); if (dlg.m_bOrigin) cloneProgressCommand.SetRemote(dlg.m_strOrigin); cloneProgressCommand.SetNoCheckout(dlg.m_bNoCheckout == TRUE); GitDlg.DoModal(); if (!retry) return !GitDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } } } while (true) { retry = false; g_Git.m_CurrentDir = GetExistingDirectoryForClone(dlg.m_Directory); CProgressDlg progress; progress.m_GitCmd=cmd; progress.m_PostCmdCallback = postCmdCallback; INT_PTR ret = progress.DoModal(); if (!retry) return ret == IDOK; } } return FALSE; }