int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  /*--- Local variables ---*/
	unsigned short iDV, nZone = 1, iFFDBox, iPlane, nPlane = 5, iVar;
	double ObjectiveFunc[100], ObjectiveFunc_New[100], Gradient[100], delta_eps, MinPlane, MaxPlane, Plane_P0[5][3], Plane_Normal[5][3];
  vector<double> Xcoord_Airfoil[5], Ycoord_Airfoil[5], Zcoord_Airfoil[5];
	char *cstr;
	ofstream Gradient_file, ObjFunc_file;
	int rank = MASTER_NODE;
  /*--- Initialization ---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < 100; iVar++) {
    ObjectiveFunc[iVar] = 0.0;
    ObjectiveFunc_New[iVar] = 0.0;
    Gradient[iVar] = 0.0;
#ifndef NO_MPI
	/*--- MPI initialization, and buffer setting ---*/
	rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
	/*--- Pointer to different structures that will be used throughout the entire code ---*/
	CFreeFormDefBox** FFDBox = NULL;
	CConfig *config = NULL;
	CGeometry *boundary = NULL;
	CSurfaceMovement *surface_mov = NULL;
	/*--- Definition of the Class for the definition of the problem ---*/
	if (argc == 2) config = new CConfig(argv[1], SU2_GDC, ZONE_0, nZone, VERB_HIGH);
	else {
		char grid_file[200];
		strcpy (grid_file, "default.cfg");
		config = new CConfig(grid_file, SU2_GDC, ZONE_0, nZone, VERB_HIGH);
#ifndef NO_MPI
	/*--- Change the name of the input-output files for the
	 parallel computation ---*/
	/*--- Definition of the Class for the boundary of the geometry ---*/
	boundary = new CBoundaryGeometry(config, config->GetMesh_FileName(), config->GetMesh_FileFormat());
	if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
		cout << endl <<"----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------" << endl;
  /*--- Boundary geometry preprocessing ---*/
	if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Identify vertices." <<endl;
	/*--- Create the control volume structures ---*/
	if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Set boundary control volume structure." << endl;
	boundary->SetBoundControlVolume(config, ALLOCATE);
	/*--- Create plane structure ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Set plane structure." << endl;
  if (boundary->GetnDim() == 2) {
    nPlane = 1;
    Plane_Normal[0][0] = 0.0;   Plane_P0[0][0] = 0.0;
    Plane_Normal[0][1] = 1.0;   Plane_P0[0][1] = 0.0;
    Plane_Normal[0][2] = 0.0;   Plane_P0[0][2] = 0.0;
  else if (boundary->GetnDim() == 3) {
    nPlane = 5; MinPlane = config->GetSection_Limit(0); MaxPlane = config->GetSection_Limit(1);
    for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) {
      Plane_Normal[iPlane][0] = 0.0;    Plane_P0[iPlane][0] = 0.0;
      Plane_Normal[iPlane][1] = 1.0;    Plane_P0[iPlane][1] = MinPlane + iPlane*(MaxPlane - MinPlane)/double(nPlane-1);
      Plane_Normal[iPlane][2] = 0.0;    Plane_P0[iPlane][2] = 0.0;

  /*--- Create airfoil section structure ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Set airfoil section structure." << endl;
  for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) {
    boundary->ComputeAirfoil_Section(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, config,
                                     Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
    cout << endl <<"-------------------- Objective function evaluation ----------------------" << endl;

  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
    /*--- Evaluate objective function ---*/
    for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) {

      if (Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane].size() != 0) {
        cout << "\nSection " << (iPlane+1) << ". Plane (yCoord): " << Plane_P0[iPlane][1] << "." << endl;
        ObjectiveFunc[iPlane]           = boundary->Compute_MaxThickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[1*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.250000, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[2*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.333333, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[3*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.500000, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[4*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.666666, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[5*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.750000, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[6*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Area(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[7*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_AoA(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        ObjectiveFunc[8*nPlane+iPlane]  = boundary->Compute_Chord(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], true);
        cout << "Maximum thickness: "   << ObjectiveFunc[iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "1/4 chord thickness: " << ObjectiveFunc[1*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "1/3 chord thickness: " << ObjectiveFunc[2*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "1/2 chord thickness: " << ObjectiveFunc[3*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "2/3 chord thickness: " << ObjectiveFunc[4*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "3/4 chord thickness: " << ObjectiveFunc[5*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "Area: "                << ObjectiveFunc[6*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "Angle of attack: "     << ObjectiveFunc[7*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
        cout << "Chord: "               << ObjectiveFunc[8*nPlane+iPlane] << "." << endl;
    /*--- Write the objective function in a external file ---*/
		cstr = new char [config->GetObjFunc_Value_FileName().size()+1];
		strcpy (cstr, config->GetObjFunc_Value_FileName().c_str());
		ObjFunc_file.open(cstr, ios::out);
    ObjFunc_file << "TITLE = \"SU2_GDC Simulation\"" << endl;
    if (boundary->GetnDim() == 2) {
      ObjFunc_file << "VARIABLES = \"MAX_THICKNESS\",\"1/4_THICKNESS\",\"1/3_THICKNESS\",\"1/2_THICKNESS\",\"2/3_THICKNESS\",\"3/4_THICKNESS\",\"AREA\",\"AOA\",\"CHORD\"" << endl;
    else if (boundary->GetnDim() == 3) {
      ObjFunc_file << "VARIABLES = ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"MAX_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"1/4_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"1/3_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"1/2_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"2/3_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"3/4_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"AREA_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"AOA_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane-1; iPlane++) ObjFunc_file << "\"CHORD_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
      ObjFunc_file << "\"CHORD_SEC"<< (nPlane) << "\"" << endl;
    ObjFunc_file << "ZONE T= \"Geometrical variables (value)\"" << endl;
    for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane*9-1; iPlane++)
      ObjFunc_file << ObjectiveFunc[iPlane] <<", ";
    ObjFunc_file << ObjectiveFunc[nPlane*9-1] << endl;
	if (config->GetGeometryMode() == GRADIENT) {
		/*--- Definition of the Class for surface deformation ---*/
		surface_mov = new CSurfaceMovement();
		/*--- Definition of the FFD deformation class ---*/
		FFDBox = new CFreeFormDefBox*[MAX_NUMBER_FFD];
		if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
			cout << endl <<"------------- Gradient evaluation using finite differences --------------" << endl;

		/*--- Write the gradient in a external file ---*/
		if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
			cstr = new char [config->GetObjFunc_Grad_FileName().size()+1];
			strcpy (cstr, config->GetObjFunc_Grad_FileName().c_str());
			Gradient_file.open(cstr, ios::out);
		for (iDV = 0; iDV < config->GetnDV(); iDV++) {
			/*--- Bump deformation for 2D problems ---*/
			if (boundary->GetnDim() == 2) {
        if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
          cout << "Perform 2D deformation of the surface." << endl;
        switch ( config->GetDesign_Variable(iDV) ) {
          case HICKS_HENNE : surface_mov->SetHicksHenne(boundary, config, iDV, true); break;
          case DISPLACEMENT : surface_mov->SetDisplacement(boundary, config, iDV, true); break;
          case ROTATION : surface_mov->SetRotation(boundary, config, iDV, true); break;
          case NACA_4DIGITS : surface_mov->SetNACA_4Digits(boundary, config); break;
          case PARABOLIC : surface_mov->SetParabolic(boundary, config); break;
			/*--- Free Form deformation for 3D problems ---*/
			else if (boundary->GetnDim() == 3) {
        /*--- Read the FFD information in the first iteration ---*/
        if (iDV == 0) {
          if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Read the FFD information from mesh file." << endl;
          /*--- Read the FFD information from the grid file ---*/
          surface_mov->ReadFFDInfo(boundary, config, FFDBox, config->GetMesh_FileName(), true);
          /*--- If the FFDBox was not defined in the input file ---*/
          if (!surface_mov->GetFFDBoxDefinition() && (rank == MASTER_NODE)) {
            cout << "The input grid doesn't have the entire FFD information!" << endl;
            cout << "Press any key to exit..." << endl;
          if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
            cout <<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
        if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
          cout << endl << "Design variable number "<< iDV <<"." << endl;
          cout << "Perform 3D deformation of the surface." << endl;
        /*--- Apply the control point change ---*/
        for (iFFDBox = 0; iFFDBox < surface_mov->GetnFFDBox(); iFFDBox++) {
          switch ( config->GetDesign_Variable(iDV) ) {
            case FFD_CONTROL_POINT : surface_mov->SetFFDCPChange(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
            case FFD_DIHEDRAL_ANGLE : surface_mov->SetFFDDihedralAngle(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
            case FFD_TWIST_ANGLE : surface_mov->SetFFDTwistAngle(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
            case FFD_ROTATION : surface_mov->SetFFDRotation(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
            case FFD_CAMBER : surface_mov->SetFFDCamber(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
            case FFD_THICKNESS : surface_mov->SetFFDThickness(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
            case FFD_VOLUME : surface_mov->SetFFDVolume(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox, iDV, true); break;
          /*--- Recompute cartesian coordinates using the new control points position ---*/
          surface_mov->SetCartesianCoord(boundary, config, FFDBox[iFFDBox], iFFDBox);
      /*--- Create airfoil structure ---*/
      for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) {
        boundary->ComputeAirfoil_Section(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, config, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
			/*--- Compute gradient ---*/
			if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
        delta_eps = config->GetDV_Value(iDV);
        if (delta_eps == 0) {
          cout << "The finite difference steps is zero!!" << endl;
          cout << "Press any key to exit..." << endl;
#ifdef NO_MPI

        for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) {
          if (Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane].size() != 0) {
            cout << "\nSection " << (iPlane+1) << ". Plane (yCoord): " << Plane_P0[iPlane][1] << "." << endl;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[iPlane] = boundary->Compute_MaxThickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[1*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.250000, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[1*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[1*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[1*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[2*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.333333, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[2*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[2*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[2*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[3*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.500000, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[3*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[3*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[3*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[4*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.666666, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[4*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[4*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[4*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[5*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Thickness(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, 0.750000, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[5*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[5*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[5*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[6*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Area(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[6*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[6*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[6*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[7*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_AoA(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[7*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[7*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[7*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            ObjectiveFunc_New[8*nPlane + iPlane] = boundary->Compute_Chord(Plane_P0[iPlane], Plane_Normal[iPlane], iPlane, Xcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Ycoord_Airfoil[iPlane], Zcoord_Airfoil[iPlane], false);
            Gradient[8*nPlane + iPlane] = (ObjectiveFunc_New[8*nPlane + iPlane] - ObjectiveFunc[8*nPlane + iPlane]) / delta_eps;
            cout << "Maximum thickness gradient: "    << Gradient[iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "1/4 chord thickness gradient: "  << Gradient[1*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "1/3 chord thickness gradient: "  << Gradient[2*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "1/2 chord thickness gradient: "  << Gradient[3*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "2/3 chord thickness gradient: "  << Gradient[4*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "3/4 chord thickness gradient: "  << Gradient[5*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "Area gradient: "                 << Gradient[6*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "Angle of attack gradient: "      << Gradient[7*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
            cout << "Chord gradient: "                << Gradient[8*nPlane + iPlane] << "." << endl;
        if (iDV == 0) {
          Gradient_file << "TITLE = \"SU2_GDC Simulation\"" << endl;

          if (boundary->GetnDim() == 2) {
            Gradient_file << "VARIABLES = \"DESIGN_VARIABLE\",\"MAX_THICKNESS\",\"1/4_THICKNESS\",\"1/3_THICKNESS\",\"1/2_THICKNESS\",\"2/3_THICKNESS\",\"3/4_THICKNESS\",\"AREA\",\"AOA\",\"CHORD\"" << endl;
          else if (boundary->GetnDim() == 3) {
            Gradient_file << "VARIABLES = \"DESIGN_VARIABLE\",";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"MAX_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"1/4_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"1/3_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"1/2_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"2/3_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"3/4_THICKNESS_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"AREA_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"AOA_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane-1; iPlane++) Gradient_file << "\"CHORD_SEC"<< (iPlane+1) << "\", ";
            Gradient_file << "\"CHORD_SEC"<< (nPlane) << "\"" << endl;
          Gradient_file << "ZONE T= \"Geometrical variables (gradient)\"" << endl;
        Gradient_file << (iDV) <<", ";
        for (iPlane = 0; iPlane < nPlane*9-1; iPlane++)
          Gradient_file << Gradient[iPlane] <<", ";
        Gradient_file << Gradient[nPlane*9-1] << endl;
				if (iDV != (config->GetnDV()-1)) cout <<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

		if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
#ifndef NO_MPI
	/*--- Finalize MPI parallelization ---*/
	/*--- End solver ---*/
	if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
		cout << endl <<"------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_GDC) ------------------------" << endl << endl;