LONG CBenubirdAutoProxy::AddFile(LPCTSTR file) { //for default TCHAR szDefaultLib[0x100]; memset(szDefaultLib,0,0x100*sizeof(TCHAR)); g_dbDefaultLibrary.GetDefaultLibrary_For_Default(szDefaultLib); CView *pViewPtr = IsOpenedLibPath(szDefaultLib); CTFiles lTFiles; CIntArray lAddedFilesIDs; CStringList lFileNames; lFileNames.AddTail(file); CLibraryView* pView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CLibraryView, pViewPtr); int lAddedFiles = 0; lAddedFiles = pView->m_Repository.AddFiles(lFileNames); //int lAddedFiles = gRepository.AddFiles(lFileNames); pyj if (lAddedFiles > 0) { m_pDialog->InitFindText(); //? if(((CLibraryDoc*)m_pDialog->GetActiveDocument())->GetMode() == CLibraryDoc::e_ModeHome) // ((CLibraryView*)m_pDialog->GetActiveView())->Refresh(); } return lAddedFiles; }
CDB* initDB(CDB::DBType dbType, const CHAR* dbUser, const CHAR* dbPasswd, const CHAR* dbName, const CHAR* dbHost, INT dbPort) { INT rt = 0; CDB* uniDB; if(dbType == CDB::DB_MYSQL) { uniDB = new CDBMysql(); UniINFO("new DBMySql ok."); rt = uniDB->connDB(dbUser, dbPasswd, dbName, dbHost, dbPort); } /* else if(dbType == CDB::DB_REDIS) { uniDB = new CDBRedis(); UniINFO("new DBRedis ok."); rt = uniDB->connDB(dbUser, dbPasswd, dbName, dbHost, dbPort); }*/ else if(dbType == CDB::DB_REDIS) { uniDB = new CDBRedisCluster(); UniINFO("new DBRedisCluster ok."); rt = uniDB->connDB(dbUser, dbPasswd, dbName, dbHost, dbPort); if (rt < 0) UniERROR("DBRedisCluster setup error"); } else { UniERROR("DBType %d is not supported yet. The program will exit now...", dbType); exit(0); } if(rt>0) { UniINFO("Connecting db %s@%s:%s succeed. dbType:%d ", dbName, dbUser, dbHost, dbType); } else { UniERROR("Connecting db %s@%s:%s error. dbType:%d, Error info:%s ",dbName, dbUser, dbHost, dbType, uniDB->getErrMsg() ); return NULL; } return uniDB; }
int main() { CDB *pDB = NULL; // Create a database object through the exported function and class factory // object. CDBSrvFactory *pDBFactory=NULL; DllGetClassFactoryObject(&pDBFactory); pDBFactory->CreateDB(&pDB); pDBFactory->Release(); // We no longer need the factory. if (NULL != pDB) { pDB->Release(); } return 0; }
void CBenubirdAutoProxy::Show(void) { g_strDBG.Empty(); g_strDBG.Format(_T("------------------------------------- show AutoProxy %X"),this); OutputDebugString(g_strDBG); //for default TCHAR szDefaultLib[0x100]; memset(szDefaultLib,0,0x100*sizeof(TCHAR)); g_dbDefaultLibrary.GetDefaultLibrary_For_Default(szDefaultLib); OutputDebugString(_T("------------------------ 11")); theApp.CreateLibraryView(szDefaultLib); AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetAppModuleState()); theApp.m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // Display the main Benubird application // ---------------------------------- // Used to bring the dialogs displayed during the right-click menu // to the foreground. For some reason, they were hiding in the background // and other methods were failing... // http://visualcpp.net/index.php?qID=52 // ---------------------------------- /* HWND hCurrWnd; int iMyTID; int iCurrTID; hCurrWnd = ::GetForegroundWindow(); iMyTID = GetCurrentThreadId(); iCurrTID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hCurrWnd,0); AttachThreadInput(iMyTID, iCurrTID, TRUE); SetForegroundWindow(theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetSafeHwnd()); AttachThreadInput(iMyTID, iCurrTID, FALSE); */ // ---------------------------------- }
CGameDB(const char* pszMode, CDB& parent) : CDB("game.dat", pszMode) { vTxn.push_back (parent.GetTxn ()); ownTxn.push_back (false); }
CGameDB(const char* pszMode, CDB& parent) : CDB("game.dat", pszMode) { vTxn.push_back(parent.GetTxn()); fHaveParent = true; }