bool CAcceleratorManager::Write() { CDWordArray AccelsDatasArray; CDWordArray CmdDatasArray; int iCount = 0; CCmdAccelOb*pCmdAccel; CAccelsOb* pAccel; DWORD dwAccelData; WORD wKey; POSITION pos = m_mapAccelTable.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_mapAccelTable.GetNextAssoc(pos, wKey, pCmdAccel); CmdDatasArray.RemoveAll(); POSITION pos = pCmdAccel->m_Accels.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pAccel = pCmdAccel->m_Accels.GetNext(pos); // if (!pAccel->m_bLocked) { dwAccelData = pAccel->GetData(); CmdDatasArray.Add(dwAccelData); // } } if (CmdDatasArray.GetSize() > 0) { CmdDatasArray.InsertAt(0, MAKELONG(pCmdAccel->m_wIDCommand, CmdDatasArray.GetSize())); AccelsDatasArray.Append(CmdDatasArray); iCount++; } } // AccelsDatasArray.InsertAt(0, MAKELONG(65535, iCount)); int count = AccelsDatasArray.GetSize(); DWORD *data = (DWORD *)malloc(count * sizeof(DWORD)); ASSERT(data != NULL); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) data[index] = AccelsDatasArray[index]; regSetBinaryValue("keyboard", (char *)data, count*sizeof(DWORD)); AccelsDatasArray.RemoveAll(); CmdDatasArray.RemoveAll(); free(data); return true; }
BOOL CWindowGroups::ArrangeWindows(CWnd *pParentWindow) { int i; RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const DWORD dwYStep = static_cast<DWORD>(NewGUI_Scale(WG_Y_STEP, pParentWindow)); CDWordArray aPos; aPos.RemoveAll(); const DWORD dwXOffset = static_cast<DWORD>(NewGUI_Scale(WG_OFFSET_LEFT, pParentWindow)); const DWORD dwYOffset = static_cast<DWORD>(NewGUI_Scale(WG_OFFSET_TOP, pParentWindow)); for(i = 0; i < m_aWindows.GetSize(); i++) aPos.Add(dwYOffset); for(i = 0; i < m_aWindows.GetSize(); i++) { if((m_aFlags.GetAt(i) & WGF_REPOSITION) == 0) continue; CWnd *p = (CWnd *)m_aWindows.GetAt(i); if(p != NULL) { p->GetWindowRect(&rect); rect.right = rect.right - rect.left; // Coords to sizes rect.bottom = rect.bottom -; } = (LONG)aPos.GetAt((int)m_aGroupIDs.GetAt(i)); rect.left = dwXOffset; if(p != NULL) p->MoveWindow(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, TRUE); aPos.SetAt((int)m_aGroupIDs.GetAt(i), (DWORD) + dwYStep); } aPos.RemoveAll(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CRegistry::Read(LPCTSTR pszKey, LPPOINT& lpPoint) { ASSERT(m_hKey); const int iMaxChars = 20; CDWordArray dwcArray; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData = iMaxChars; BYTE* byData = (BYTE*)::calloc(iMaxChars, sizeof(TCHAR)); ASSERT(byData); LONG lReturn = RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, pszKey, NULL, &dwType, byData, &dwData); if(lReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_BINARY) { ASSERT(dwData < iMaxChars); CMemFile file(byData, dwData); CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::load); ar.m_bForceFlat = FALSE; ASSERT(ar.IsLoading()); ASSERT(dwcArray.IsSerializable()); dwcArray.RemoveAll(); dwcArray.SetSize(5); dwcArray.Serialize(ar); ar.Close(); file.Close(); lpPoint->x = dwcArray.GetAt(0); lpPoint->y = dwcArray.GetAt(1); } m_Info.lMessage = lReturn; m_Info.dwType = REG_POINT; m_Info.dwSize = sizeof(POINT); if(byData) { free(byData); byData = NULL; } if(lReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
int CTDCTaskListCtrl::GetSelectedTaskIDs(CDWordArray& aTaskIDs, DWORD& dwFocusedTaskID) const { aTaskIDs.RemoveAll(); aTaskIDs.SetSize(m_lcTasks.GetSelectedCount()); int nCount = 0; POSITION pos = m_lcTasks.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (pos) { int nItem = m_lcTasks.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); aTaskIDs[nCount] = m_lcTasks.GetItemData(nItem); nCount++; } dwFocusedTaskID = GetFocusedListTaskID(); ASSERT((!aTaskIDs.GetSize() && (dwFocusedTaskID == 0)) || (Misc::FindT(aTaskIDs, dwFocusedTaskID) >= 0)); return aTaskIDs.GetSize(); }
void CHexEdit :: GetNumbers ( CDWordArray & cArray ) { // Get the array into shape. cArray.RemoveAll ( ) ; CString strRaw ; GetWindowText ( strRaw ) ; TCHAR * szBuff = (TCHAR*)new TCHAR[ strRaw.GetLength ( ) + 1 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ] ; _tcscpy ( szBuff , (LPCTSTR)strRaw ) ; // Use good ol' strtok to do the deed. TCHAR * pCurr = _tcstok ( szBuff , k_DELIMS ) ; while ( NULL != pCurr ) { // Try and convert it to an value. I'm taking the easy way out. DWORD dwAddr ; int iRet = _stscanf ( pCurr , _T ( "%x" ) , &dwAddr ) ; if ( 1 != iRet ) { CString sMsg ; sMsg.FormatMessage ( IDS_LOADADDRBADCONVERSION , pCurr ) ; AfxMessageBox ( sMsg ) ; } else { cArray.Add ( dwAddr ) ; } pCurr = _tcstok ( NULL , k_DELIMS ) ; } delete [] szBuff ; }
BOOL CBCGPRegistry::Read (LPCTSTR pszKey, CDWordArray& dwcArray) { dwcArray.RemoveAll (); dwcArray.SetSize (0); return Read (pszKey, (CObject&) dwcArray); }
bool CHistogram::CalcHistogram() { int i=0, j=0, k=0; int nIndex=0, nPtCnt=0, nGroupIndex=0; int nColIndex=0, nRowCount=0, nDataType=0; double fTmp=0; CDWordArray arrCol; CMapManager dataMap; CDoubleMatrix dataMatrix; CIntVector vIndex; CDoubleVector v; CTString szTemp(""); CTString szFldNameX(""); CTString szFldNameY(""); if (m_tVarY.iCount > 0) { for (i=0; i<m_tVarY.iCount; i++) { nGroupIndex = m_tVarY.pValue[i]; szFldNameY = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldName(nGroupIndex); for (j=0; j<m_tVarX.iCount; j++) { nColIndex = m_tVarX.pValue[j]; arrCol.Add(nGroupIndex); arrCol.Add(nColIndex); szFldNameX = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldName(nColIndex); nRowCount = m_pDataInterface->GetColsData(arrCol,dataMatrix,dataMap); if (nRowCount < 1) { szTemp.Format("%s中的有效数据太少(分组变量=%s,数据变量=%s),无法绘图,请检查,Line=%d,File=%s",m_szChartName.GetData(),szFldNameY.GetData(),szFldNameX.GetData(),__LINE__,__FILE__); m_szErrMsg += szTemp; arrCol.RemoveAll(); dataMap.Clear(); dataMatrix.destroy(); continue; } //有效数据 v.create(nRowCount); CDoubleVector v1 = dataMatrix(0); CDoubleVector v2 = dataMatrix(1); v1.Sort(vIndex); fTmp = v1(0); nIndex = 0; for (k=0; k<nRowCount; k++) { if (fTmp == v1(k)) { v(nIndex) = v2(vIndex(k)-1); nIndex ++; continue; } szTemp = GetLabel(dataMap,0,nGroupIndex,fTmp); szTemp = "\n" + szTemp; //直方图 v.resize(nIndex); CalcHistogram(v,szFldNameX+szTemp); v.destroy(); v.create(nRowCount); fTmp = v1(k); nIndex =0; v(nIndex) = v2(vIndex(k)-1); } //最后 szTemp = GetLabel(dataMap,0,nGroupIndex,fTmp); szTemp = "\n" + szTemp; //直方图 v.resize(nIndex); CalcHistogram(v,szFldNameX+szTemp); v.destroy(); v.create(nRowCount); //释放内存 vIndex.destroy(); dataMap.Clear(); arrCol.RemoveAll(); dataMatrix.destroy(); } } } else { for (i=0; i<m_tVarX.iCount; i++) { nColIndex = m_tVarX.pValue[i]; arrCol.Add(nColIndex); szFldNameX = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldName(nColIndex); nRowCount = m_pDataInterface->GetColsData(arrCol,dataMatrix,0); if (nRowCount < 1) { szTemp.Format("%s中的有效数据太少(%s),无法绘图,请检查,Line=%d,File=%s",m_szChartName.GetData(),szFldNameX.GetData(),__LINE__,__FILE__); m_szErrMsg += szTemp; arrCol.RemoveAll(); dataMatrix.destroy(); continue; } //有效数据 v = dataMatrix(0); //直方图 CalcHistogram(v,szFldNameX); //释放内存 arrCol.RemoveAll(); dataMatrix.destroy(); } } return true; }
bool CBox::CalcBox2() { int i=0, nCount=0; int nDataType = 0, nColIndex=0, nRowCount=0; CDWordArray arrCol; CDoubleMatrix dataMatrix; CTString szTemp(""); CTString szFldName(""); bool bHasBox=false; CTStringArray arrFldName; if (m_tVarX.iCount < 1) { m_szErrMsg.Format("盒状图中的数据不完整,至少需要一个变量,请检查!Line=%d,File=%s",__LINE__,__FILE__); return false; } m_szErrMsg.Empty(); //数据处理 TDataPointStrArr *pDPFB = NULL; CTChartBoxplot *pBox = new CTChartBoxplot; if (m_bSplit) //分开 { for (i=0; i<m_tVarX.iCount; i++) { nColIndex = m_tVarX.pValue[i]; nDataType = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldType(nColIndex); szFldName = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldName(nColIndex); if (nDataType != fInt && nDataType != fDouble && nDataType != fBoolean && nDataType != fCurrency) { szTemp.Format("盒状图中的X轴参数(%s)不是数字型,无法绘图,请检查!Line=%d,File=%s",szFldName.GetData(),__LINE__,__FILE__); m_szErrMsg += szTemp; continue; } arrCol.RemoveAll(); dataMatrix.destroy(); arrCol.Add(nColIndex); nRowCount = m_pDataInterface->GetColsData(arrCol,dataMatrix,0); if (nRowCount < 1) { szTemp.Format("盒状图中的X轴变量(%s)有效数据太少,无法绘图,请检查!Line=%d,File=%s",szFldName.GetData(),__LINE__,__FILE__); m_szErrMsg += szTemp; continue; } //计算盒状图 CIntVector vecInd; CDoubleVector w; CDoubleVector v = dataMatrix(0); pBox->SetParam(false,false,false); pBox->CalcPercent(v,w,vecInd); pBox->CalcBoxPlot(v,(void **)&pDPFB,nCount); pDPFB->strName += SEP_RISER + szFldName; pBox->SetBoxplot(pDPFB,1,StrArr); delete pDPFB; bHasBox = true; } } else { for (i=0; i<m_tVarX.iCount; i++) { nColIndex = m_tVarX.pValue[i]; nDataType = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldType(nColIndex); szFldName = m_pDataInterface->GetFieldName(nColIndex); if (nDataType != fInt && nDataType != fDouble && nDataType != fBoolean && nDataType != fCurrency) { szTemp.Format("盒状图中的X轴参数(%s)不是数字型,无法绘图,请检查!Line=%d,File=%s\n",szFldName.GetData(),__LINE__,__FILE__); m_szErrMsg += szTemp; continue; } arrCol.Add(nColIndex); arrFldName.Add(szFldName); } if (arrCol.GetSize() < 1) { m_szErrMsg.Format("盒状图中的X轴参数均为非数字型,无法绘图,请检查!Line=%d,File=%s\n",__LINE__,__FILE__); return false; } //读数据 nRowCount = m_pDataInterface->GetColsData(arrCol,dataMatrix,0); if (nRowCount < 1) { m_szErrMsg.Format("盒状图中的X轴变量有效数据太少,无法绘图,请检查!Line=%d,File=%s\n",__LINE__,__FILE__); return false; } for (i=0; i<arrCol.GetSize(); i++) { //计算盒状图 CIntVector vecInd; CDoubleVector w; CDoubleVector v = dataMatrix(i); pBox->SetParam(false,false,false); pBox->CalcPercent(v,w,vecInd); pBox->CalcBoxPlot(v,(void **)&pDPFB,nCount); pDPFB->strName += SEP_RISER + arrFldName.GetAt(i); pBox->SetBoxplot(pDPFB,1,StrArr); delete pDPFB; bHasBox = true; } } if (m_szErrMsg.GetLength() > 0) { CRsltElementText *pText = new CRsltElementText(MSG_TITLE_STR); CTString szMsg = GetLastErrMsg(); pText->AddString(szMsg); m_pResult->Add(pText); } //Add if (bHasBox) { CRsltElementChart *pChart = new CRsltElementChart("盒状图",pBox); pBox->SetXAxilLabel("组项"); m_pResult->SetName("盒状图"); m_pResult->Add(pChart); } else { delete pBox; pBox = NULL; } return true; }