// CDatabaseManagerImpl::Disconnect
bool CDatabaseManagerImpl::Disconnect ( uint hConnection )
    ClearLastErrorMessage ();

    // Check connection
    if ( !MapContains ( m_ConnectionTypeMap, hConnection ) )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( "Invalid connection" );
        return false;

    // Start disconnect
    CDbJobData* pJobData = m_JobQueue->AddCommand ( EJobCommand::DISCONNECT, hConnection, "" );

    // Complete disconnect
    m_JobQueue->PollCommand ( pJobData, -1 );

    // Check for problems
    if ( pJobData->result.status == EJobResult::FAIL )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( pJobData->result.strReason );
        return false;

    // Remove connection refs
    MapRemove ( m_ConnectionTypeMap, hConnection );
    m_JobQueue->IgnoreConnectionResults ( hConnection );
    return true;
// CDatabaseManagerImpl::QueryPoll
// ulTimeout = 0   -  No wait if not ready
// ulTimeout > 0   -  Wait(ms) if not ready
// ulTimeout = -1  -  Wait infinity+1 if not ready
bool CDatabaseManagerImpl::QueryPoll ( CDbJobData* pJobData, uint ulTimeout )
    ClearLastErrorMessage ();

    if ( m_JobQueue->PollCommand ( pJobData, ulTimeout ) )
        if ( pJobData->result.status == EJobResult::FAIL )
            SetLastErrorMessage ( pJobData->result.strReason );
        return true;

    return false;
// CDatabaseManagerImpl::DatabaseConnect
// strType is one of the supported database types i.e. "sqlite"
uint CDatabaseManagerImpl::Connect ( const SString& strType, const SString& strHost, const SString& strUsername, const SString& strPassword, const SString& strOptions )
    ClearLastErrorMessage ();

    SString strCombo = strType + "\1" + strHost + "\1" + strUsername + "\1" + strPassword + "\1" + strOptions;

    // Start connect
    CDbJobData* pJobData = m_JobQueue->AddCommand ( EJobCommand::CONNECT, 0, strCombo );

    // Complete connect
    m_JobQueue->PollCommand ( pJobData, -1 );

    // Check for problems
    if ( pJobData->result.status == EJobResult::FAIL )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( pJobData->result.strReason );
        return INVALID_DB_HANDLE;

    // Process result
    MapSet ( m_ConnectionTypeMap, pJobData->result.connectionHandle, strType );
    return pJobData->result.connectionHandle;