bool CMainFrame::MakeWave(const WAVEGEN_PARMS& Parms) { POSITION pos = theApp.GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); CDocTemplate *pTpl = theApp.GetNextDocTemplate(pos); CWaveShopDoc *pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CWaveShopDoc, pTpl->CreateNewDocument()); if (pDoc == NULL) return(FALSE); bool retc, canceled; { CProgressDlg ProgDlg; if (!ProgDlg.Create()) // create progress dialog AfxThrowResourceException(); ProgDlg.SetWindowText(LDS(IDS_MAIN_GENERATING_AUDIO)); retc = CWaveGenDlg::MakeWave(Parms, pDoc->m_Wave, &ProgDlg); canceled = ProgDlg.Canceled(); } // destroy progress dialog if (!retc) { // if generation failed if (!canceled) // if user canceled AfxMessageBox(IDS_MAIN_CANT_MAKE_WAVE); return(FALSE); } CDocument *pEmptyDoc = pTpl->OpenDocumentFile(NULL); // create new view if (pEmptyDoc == NULL || m_View == NULL) return(FALSE); CString title = pEmptyDoc->GetTitle(); pEmptyDoc->RemoveView(m_View); // remove empty document from view pDoc->SetTitle(title); // copy empty document's title to generated document pDoc->AddView(m_View); // add generated document to view m_View->OnInitialUpdate(); OnActivateView(m_View); // view is still linked to empty document's undo manager; must relink m_View->SetUndoManager(&pDoc->m_UndoMgr); // link view to undo manager pDoc->m_UndoMgr.SetRoot(m_View); // link undo manager to view return(TRUE); }
int OpenPocket( const vector<CRossPocketItem>& UnitNos, CString Title) { CDocTemplate* tmpl = GetRossPocketTemplate();; CDocument* pDocument = tmpl->CreateNewDocument(); if (pDocument == NULL) { TRACE0("CDocTemplate::CreateNewDocument returned NULL.\n"); AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DOC); return false; } ASSERT_VALID(pDocument); pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; // don't destroy if something goes wrong CFrameWnd* pFrame = tmpl->CreateNewFrame(pDocument, NULL); pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = TRUE; if (pFrame == NULL) { AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DOC); delete pDocument; // explicit delete on error return FALSE; }; ASSERT_VALID(pFrame); pDocument->SetPathName(CString("An entry subset by ")+Title); // open an existing document tmpl->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, pDocument, TRUE); POSITION pos = pDocument->GetFirstViewPosition(); CPocketForm* V = (CPocketForm*)(pDocument->GetNextView(pos)); V->m_PocketItems = UnitNos; V->m_WordList.InsertColumn(1,"Словарный вход", LVCFMT_LEFT, 200); V->m_WordList.InsertColumn(2,"Номер значения", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60); V->m_WordList.InsertColumn(2,"Название словаря", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60); V->m_WordList.SetItemCountEx(UnitNos.size()); V->m_UnitsSize.Format ("Число словарных входов : %i", V->m_WordList.GetItemCount()); V->UpdateData(FALSE); V->m_WordList.UpdateData(FALSE); V->m_WordList.Invalidate(); V->m_Title = Title; // установка размеров V->GetParent()->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0,0, 535 , 500, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE); return true; };
void CMainFrame::OnButtonHomepage() { // TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码 CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); // Get the correct document template. POSITION pos = pApp->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = pApp->GetNextDocTemplate(pos); // Create a new frame. CFrameWnd* pFrame = pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame( pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument(), (CFrameWnd*)AfxGetMainWnd()); // Activate the frame. pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, NULL); CXiYuanView* pView = (CXiYuanView*)pFrame->GetActiveView(); pView->Navigate2(_T(""), NULL, NULL); //CXiYuanView *pView = (CXiYuanView*)this->GetActiveView(); ////assert(pView); //LPDISPATCH *ppDisp=NULL ; //pView->SetRegisterAsBrowser(TRUE); //*ppDisp = pView->GetApplication(); //BOOL cancel = false; //pView->OnNewWindow2(ppDisp,&cancel); //打开爱思主页新选项卡 // Get a pointer to the application object. //CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); // //// Get the correct document template. //POSITION pos = pApp->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); //CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = pApp->GetNextDocTemplate(pos); //// Create a new frame. //CFrameWnd* pFrame = pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame( // pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument(), // (CFrameWnd*)AfxGetMainWnd()); //// Activate the frame. //pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, NULL); //CXiYuanView* pView = (CXiYuanView*)pFrame->GetActiveView(); //// Pass pointer of WebBrowser object. //pView->SetRegisterAsBrowser(TRUE); //LPDISPATCH ppDisp = pView->GetApplication(); // ////assert(ppDisp); //BOOL Cancel = TRUE; //pView->OnNewWindow2(&ppDisp,& Cancel); }
////////////////// // Load document. This function is responsible for opening the document // and setting m_pOpenDoc to the document loaded. BOOL CExtractImageApp::LoadDoc(LPCTSTR lpFileName) { ASSERT(lpFileName!=NULL); CString sFileName = lpFileName; CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = CanOpenDocument(sFileName); if (pDocTemplate) { if(!m_pDoc) { m_pDoc = pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument(); m_pDoc->m_bAutoDelete = TRUE; } if (m_pDoc) { // load content of file, code taken from MFC OnOpenDocument and modified /*CFileException fe; ::CFile* pFile = m_pDoc->GetFile(sFileName, ::CFile::modeRead, &fe); if (pFile == NULL) return FALSE;*/ m_pDoc->DeleteContents(); return m_pDoc->OnOpenDocument(sFileName); /*CArchive loadArchive(pFile, CArchive::load | CArchive::bNoFlushOnDelete); loadArchive.m_pDocument = m_pDoc; loadArchive.m_bForceFlat = FALSE; try { if (pFile->GetLength() != 0) m_pDoc->Serialize(loadArchive); // load me loadArchive.Close(); m_pDoc->ReleaseFile(pFile, FALSE); } catch(CException *e) { //e->ReportError(); m_pDoc->ReleaseFile(pFile, TRUE); m_pDoc->DeleteContents(); // remove failed contents e->Delete(); return FALSE; }*/ // return TRUE; //delete pDoc; } } return FALSE; }
void CMainFrame::OnButtonSport() { // TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码 CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); // Get the correct document template. POSITION pos = pApp->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = pApp->GetNextDocTemplate(pos); // Create a new frame. CFrameWnd* pFrame = pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame( pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument(), (CFrameWnd*)AfxGetMainWnd()); // Activate the frame. pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, NULL); CXiYuanView* pView = (CXiYuanView*)pFrame->GetActiveView(); pView->Navigate2(_T(""), NULL, NULL); }
void CMainFrame::OnButtonSearch() { // TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码 CString path; path=L""+m_search+L"&mod=content&action=search"; // TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码 CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); // Get the correct document template. POSITION pos = pApp->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = pApp->GetNextDocTemplate(pos); // Create a new frame. CFrameWnd* pFrame = pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame( pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument(), (CFrameWnd*)AfxGetMainWnd()); // Activate the frame. pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, NULL); CXiYuanView* pView = (CXiYuanView*)pFrame->GetActiveView(); pView->Navigate2(path, NULL, NULL); }
// called by the CPageCMenu::OnWizardNext() after the page where the user chooses // the carla.set file so that subsequent page can show some of the information // (e.g. abbreviation) we'll read in that file BOOL CProjectDoc::readCarlaMenuSettings(CString& sPath, CString& sSrcAbrev, CString& sTargAbrev, char& cCommentChar) { const char* lpzPath = LPCTSTR(sPath); SFMFile f(lpzPath, '*'); // comment won't be found in this kind of file if(!f.isOpen()) { CString s("Couldn't open CARLAMenu File named:"); s += sPath; MessageBox( NULL, s, NULL, MB_OK); return FALSE; } CString sMarker, sField; BOOL bEnabled; // note that we currently don't store the abreviations or control directories // instead, we store paths to each file relative to the project file while(f.getField(sMarker, sField, &bEnabled)) { try { // note: within CStudio we don't really have a set // source and target languages; we just have languages // that are at any one time assigned to be the source // or the target during processing. // The following make the languages found here be the // source or target initially, // according to how they were in the CARLAMenu settings file. if(sMarker == "src") { sSrcAbrev = sField; } else if(sMarker == "trg") { sTargAbrev = sField; } else if(sMarker == "comm") // notice, it's part of the whole cmenu project, not each lang as you would expect { sField.TrimLeft(); if(sField.GetLength()) cCommentChar = sField[0]; } else if(sMarker == "lang") // FIELD example: \lang xyz c:\srcinfo { // we need to figure out if this is the src or trg lang CString sLang, sDir; // and set the corresponding directory variable CParseStream stream(sField); THROW_STR_IF_NOT(stream.word(sLang, FALSE), sField); // for some reason, some \lang fields aren't the src or the target (see Cline:anufo). // I don't know what these are in there for or what to do with them if(sLang != sSrcAbrev && sLang != sTargAbrev) { //f.logSkip("CarlaMenu-Import",sMarker,sField, "Was neither the source nor target."); } else { if(!stream.word(sDir, FALSE)) { // if the path isn't specified, sDir = getDirectory(lpzPath);// then expect the path to the langauge.set file to be the same as the carla.set file } // make sure the directory ends in a slash (CARLAMenu allows both ways) if(sDir[sDir.GetLength()-1] != '\\') // look at last character sDir += "\\"; /**** when I tried to make the langdoc this way, I get a failed assert like the views weren't being setup correctly. CLangModelsDoc* pLangDoc = new CLangModelsDoc(sLang, sDir); // since we didn't do a new or open, need to create the window CFrameWnd* pf = ((CCarlaStudioApp*)AfxGetApp())->getLangDocTemplate() ->CreateNewFrame( pLangDoc, NULL); pf->ActivateFrame(); ***/ gsNewLangAbrev = sLang; gsDirContainingCarlaSet = sDir; CDocTemplate* pT = theApp.getDocTemplate(CLangModelsDoc::getRegFileTypeID()); CLangModelsDoc* pLangDoc = (CLangModelsDoc*) pT->CreateNewDocument(); ASSERTX(pLangDoc); gsNewLangAbrev = ""; gsDirContainingCarlaSet = ""; // during that previous construction the lang registered itself with this project if(sLang == sSrcAbrev) setSourceLangDoc(pLangDoc); else if(sLang == sTargAbrev) setTargetLangDoc(pLangDoc); else ASSERTX(FALSE); // get this if a lang appeared that didn't have a corresponding \src or \trg } } else ; //TRACE("CARLAMENU Skipping Field [%s]\n", sMarker); } catch(CString sError) { CString s("loadCarlaMenuFile() Couldn't parse: "); s += sError; MessageBox( NULL, s, NULL, MB_OK); } } return TRUE; }