int CAnalyzer::iAnalyze(CEString sWordform,
                        vector<CHasher>& vecPossibleWordforms,
                        BOOL bGuess)
    // Be careful: it changes the input
    if (sWordform.uiLength() <= 0 || m_pDb == NULL) // || vecPossibleWordforms == NULL)
        return -1;

// Multiple stress marks??

    CEString sWordformOriginal(sWordform);
    int iStressPosStem = -1, iStressPosEnding = -1;
    int iStressPos = sWordform.uiFindOneOf(0, L"<\u0301");
    if (ecNotFound == iStressPos)
        iStressPos = -1;
        sWordform.sErase(iStressPos, 1);

    wsmatch result;
    bool b_match = regex_match(wstring(sWordform), result, (const wregex)L"^([^<\u0301]*)([<\u0301])(.*)$");
    if (b_match == true)
        CEString sLeft = (CEString)result[1];
        CEString str_delimiter = (CEString)result[2];
        CEString sRight = (CEString)result[3];
        sWordform = sLeft + sRight;
        if (str_delimiter[0] == L'<')       // кор<ова
            iStressPos = sLeft.length();
        else                                // коро\u0301ва
            iStressPos = sLeft.length() - 1;
        iStressPos = -1;

    wsmatch result;
    bool bMatch = sWordform.bRegexMatch(L"^([^<\u0301]*)([<\u0301])(.*)$");
    if (bMatch == true)
        CEString sLeft = sWordform.sGetRegexMatch(0);
        CEString sDelimiter = sWordform.sGetRegexMatch(1);
        CEString sRight = sWordform.sGetRegexMatch(2);
        sWordform = sLeft + sRight;
        if (sDelimiter[0] == L'<')       // кор<ова
            iStressPos = sLeft.uiLength();
        else                                // коро\u0301ва
            iStressPos = sLeft.uiLength() - 1;
        iStressPos = -1;

    CEString sLeft, sRight;
    vector<stStemLinks> vecStems;
    for (int iLeft = sWordform.uiLength(); iLeft >= 0; --iLeft)
        sLeft = sWordform.sSubstr(0, iLeft);
        sRight = sWordform.sSubstr(iLeft, sWordform.uiLength() - iLeft);

        // Stress positions for the stem and the ending
        if (iStressPos == -1)
            iStressPosStem = iStressPosEnding = -2;
        else if (iStressPos >= sLeft.uiLength())
            iStressPosStem = -1;
            iStressPosEnding = iStressPos - sLeft.uiLength();
            iStressPosStem = iStressPos;
            iStressPosEnding = -1;
        iLookUpStems(vecStems, sLeft, iStressPosStem);
        if (vecStems.empty())
        iCheckEndings(vecPossibleWordforms, vecStems, sLeft, sRight, iStressPosEnding);

    // If we have no result, try cutting of possible prefixes
    if (vecPossibleWordforms.empty())
        for (int iLeft = min(sWordformOriginal.uiLength(), 4); iLeft >= 1; --iLeft)
            sLeft = sWordformOriginal.sSubstr(0, iLeft);
            sRight = sWordformOriginal.sSubstr(iLeft, sWordformOriginal.uiLength() - iLeft);
            if (iLeft == 4)
                if (sLeft == L"пол-")
                    int iResult = iAnalyze(sRight, vecPossibleWordforms, bGuess);
                    if (iResult > 0)
                        for (int iWf = iResult - 1; iWf >= 0; --iWf)
                            if (vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_ePos != POS_NOUN ||
                                vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eNumber != NUM_SG ||
                                vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eCase != CASE_GEN)
                                vecPossibleWordforms.erase(vecPossibleWordforms.begin() + iWf);
                        if (vecPossibleWordforms.size() > 0)
                            return vecPossibleWordforms.size();
            else if (iLeft == 3)
                if (sLeft == L"пол")
                    int iResult = iAnalyze(sRight, vecPossibleWordforms, bGuess);
                    if (iResult > 0)
                        for (int iWf = iResult - 1; iWf >= 0; --iWf)
                            if (vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_ePos != POS_NOUN ||
                                vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eNumber != NUM_SG ||
                                vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eCase != CASE_GEN)
                                vecPossibleWordforms.erase(vecPossibleWordforms.begin() + iWf);
                        if (vecPossibleWordforms.size() > 0)
                            return vecPossibleWordforms.size();
            else if (iLeft == 2)
                if (sLeft == L"не")
                    int iResult = iAnalyze(sRight, vecPossibleWordforms, bGuess);
                    if (iResult > 0)
                        for (int iWf = iResult - 1; iWf >= 0; --iWf)
                            if (vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_ePos != POS_NOUN ||
                                vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_ePos != POS_ADJ ||
                                vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_ePos != POS_VERB ||
                                (vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_ePos == POS_VERB &&
                                 (vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eSubparadigm == SUBPARADIGM_PRESENT_TENSE ||
                                  vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eSubparadigm == SUBPARADIGM_PAST_TENSE ||
                                  vecPossibleWordforms[iWf].m_eSubparadigm == SUBPARADIGM_INFINITIVE)))
                                vecPossibleWordforms.erase(vecPossibleWordforms.begin() + iWf);
                        if (vecPossibleWordforms.size() > 0)
                            return vecPossibleWordforms.size();
    // Now, if we haven't found anything, we may guess the lexeme
    if (vecPossibleWordforms.empty() && bGuess == TRUE)
        for (int iLeft = 0; iLeft <= sWordform.uiLength(); ++iLeft)
            sLeft = sWordform.sSubstr (0, iLeft);
            sRight = sWordform.sSubstr (iLeft, sWordform.uiLength() - iLeft);

            // Stress positions for the stem and the ending
            if (iStressPos == -1)
                iStressPosStem = iStressPosEnding = -2;
            else if (iStressPos >= sLeft.uiLength())
                iStressPosStem = -1;
                iStressPosEnding = iStressPos - sLeft.uiLength();
                iStressPosStem = iStressPos;
                iStressPosEnding = -1;
            iCheckEndings (vecPossibleWordforms, vecStems, sLeft, sRight, iStressPosEnding);
            if ((bContainsPlausibleVariants (vecPossibleWordforms) && sRight.uiLength() <= 3) ||
                vecPossibleWordforms.size() >= 4)
        if (vecPossibleWordforms.size() > 4)
            LeaveMostPlausible (vecPossibleWordforms);
    return vecPossibleWordforms.size();
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    wstring sReplaceableB (L"0123456789012345");
    wstring sReplacedB = sReplaceableB.replace (5, 6, L"abcd");

    CEString sReplacableC(L"0123456789012345678901234567890123567890");
    CEString sReplacedCC = sReplacableC.sReplace(L"567890", L"abcd");
    CEString sReplacedC = sReplacableC.sReplace(5, 6, L"abcd");

    sReplaceableB = L"0123456789";
    sReplacedB = sReplaceableB.replace (5, 3, L"a");

    sReplaceableB = L"0123456789";
    sReplacedB = sReplaceableB.replace (8, 2, L"ab");

    sReplaceableB = L"0123456789";
    sReplacedB = sReplaceableB.replace (5, 3, L"a");

    sReplaceableB = L"0123456789";
    sReplacedB = sReplaceableB.replace (8, 2, L"abc");

    wstring sEraseableB (L"0123456789");
    wstring sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase (5, 3);

    sEraseableB = L"0123456789";
    sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase (5, 5);

    sEraseableB = L"0123456789";
    sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase (5, 7);

    sEraseableB = L"0123456789";
    sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase (5);

    sEraseableB = L"0123456789";
    sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase();

        sEraseableB = L"0123456789";
        sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase (12, 7);
    catch (...)

        sEraseableB = L"0123456789";
        sErasedB = sEraseableB.erase (12);
    catch (...)

    // Ctors
    CEString sEmptyString;
    if (0 != sEmptyString.uiLength() || 0 != sEmptyString.uiGetNumOfTokens() || 
        0 != sEmptyString.uiGetNumOfFields() || 0 != sEmptyString.uiGetVisibleLength())
        ERROR_LOG (L"Initialization error");

    CEString sCopy (sEmptyString);
    if (0 != sCopy.uiLength() || 0 != sCopy.uiGetNumOfTokens() || 
        0 != sCopy.uiGetNumOfFields() || 0 != sCopy.uiGetVisibleLength())
        ERROR_LOG (L"Initialization error");

    sCopy = L"0123456789";
    CEString sCopy2 (sCopy);

    sCopy2.SetBreakChars (L" -/");
    CEString sCopy3 (sCopy2);

    CEString sFromCString (L"0123456789");
    if (10 != sFromCString.uiLength() || 1 != sFromCString.uiGetNumOfTokens() || 
        1 != sFromCString.uiGetNumOfFields() || 10 != sFromCString.uiGetVisibleLength())
        ERROR_LOG (L"Initialization error");

// TODO: operator ()

    CEString sSquareBracketsTest (L"0123456789");
    sSquareBracketsTest[1] = L'a';
    if (sSquareBracketsTest != L"0a23456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Square brackets operator error");

    sSquareBracketsTest = L"0123456789";
    sSquareBracketsTest[0] = L'a';
    if (sSquareBracketsTest != L"a123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Square brackets operator error");

    sSquareBracketsTest = L"0123456789";
    sSquareBracketsTest[9] = L'a';
    if (sSquareBracketsTest != L"012345678a")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Square brackets operator error");

    sSquareBracketsTest = L"0123456789";
    CEString sLetter = sSquareBracketsTest[1];
    if (L"1" != sLetter)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Square brackets operator error");

    // Comparison
    ERelation eRet = CEString::eCompare (L"1234567", L"1234567");
    if (ecEqual != eRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    eRet = CEString::eCompare (L"1234567", L"1234566");
    if (eRet != ecGreater)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    eRet = CEString::eCompare (L"1234566", L"1234567");
    if (eRet != ecLess)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    eRet = CEString::eCompare (L"123456", L"1234567");
    if (eRet != ecLess)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    eRet = CEString::eCompare (L"1234567", L"123456");
    if (eRet != ecGreater)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    eRet = CEString::eCompareNoCase (L"AbCdEfG", L"ABCDEFg");
    if (ecEqual != eRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    eRet = CEString::eCompareNoCase (L"АбВгДЕ", L"АБВГДе");
    if (ecEqual != eRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bool bRet = CEString::bIn (L'2', L"0123456789");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bIn() failed.");

    bRet = CEString::bIn (L'a', L"0123456789");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bIn() failed.");

    CEString sSearcheable (L"0123456789");
    unsigned int uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiFind (L"123");
    if (1 != uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiFind() failed.");

    uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiFind (L"abc");
    if (ecNotFound != uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiFind() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"aBcDeFgHiJ";
    uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiFindNoCase (L"bCDEF");
    if (ecNotFound == uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiFindNoCase() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"012345543210";
    uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiRFind (L"5");
    if (6 != uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiRFind() failed.");

//    unsigned int uiRFindNoCase (const wchar_t * szRhs) const

    sSearcheable = L"0123456789";
    uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiFindFirstOf (L"234");
    if (2 != uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiFindFirstOf() failed.");

//    unsigned int uiFindFirstOfNoCase (const wchar_t * szSet) const
    sSearcheable = L"0120120123456789";
    uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiFindOneOf (3, L"234");
    if (5 != uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiFindOneOf() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"0123456789";
    uiFindRet = sSearcheable.uiFindLastOf (L"234");
    if (4 != uiFindRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"uiFindLastOf() failed.");

//    unsigned int uiFindLastOfNoCase (const wchar_t * szSet) const
    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWith (L"012");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWith() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWith (L"234");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWith() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"aBcDeFgHiJ";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithNoCase (L"abcd");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithNoCase() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"0123456789";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithOneOf (L"012");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithOneOf() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithOneOf (L"123");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithOneOf() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"aBcDeFgHiJ";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithOneOfNoCase (L"abc");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithOneOf() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithOneOfNoCase (L"bc");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithOneOf() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"аБвГдЕёжзи";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithOneOfNoCase (L"абв");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithOneOf() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bStartsWithOneOfNoCase (L"бв");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWithOneOf() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"0123456789";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWith (L"789");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWith() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWith (L"123");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bStartsWith() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"abcdeFgHiJ";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithNoCase (L"hij");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithNoCase() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithNoCase (L"ghi");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithNoCase() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"абвгдЕёЖзИ";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithNoCase (L"жзи");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithNoCase() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithNoCase (L"ёжз");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithNoCase() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"0123456789";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithOneOf (L"ab9");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithOneOf() failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithOneOf (L"ab8");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithOneOf() failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"aBcDeFgHiJ";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithOneOfNoCase (L"abj");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithOneOfNoCase failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithOneOfNoCase (L"abc");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithOneOfNoCase failed.");

    sSearcheable = L"абвгдЕёЖзИ";
    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithOneOfNoCase (L"abи");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithOneOfNoCase failed.");

    bRet = sSearcheable.bEndsWithOneOfNoCase (L"abc");
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"bEndsWithOneOfNoCase failed.");

    // Operators
    CEString sLhs (L"01234");
    CEString sRhs (L"56789");
    bRet = (sLhs == sRhs);
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bRet = (sLhs == L"01234");
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bRet = (L"01234" == sLhs);
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

//    CString csLhs (L"01234");
//    CString csRhs (L"56789");
//    bRet = (L"01234" == csLhs);
//    if (!bRet)
//    {
//        ERROR_LOG (L"CString behavior does not match CEString behavior");
//    }

    bRet = (sLhs < sRhs);
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bRet = (sLhs > sRhs);
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bRet = (sLhs <= sRhs);
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bRet = (sLhs >= sRhs);
    if (bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    bRet = (sLhs >= sLhs);
    if (!bRet)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Comparison error");

    sEmptyString = L"0123456";
    if (sEmptyString != L"0123456")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Assignemnt or comparison error");

    sEmptyString = sRhs;
    if (sEmptyString != sRhs)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Assignemnt or comparison error");

    //CEString sResult = sLhs + sRhs;
    //if (sResult != L"0123456789")
    //    ERROR_LOG (L"Concatenation or comparison error");
    //sResult += L"<--Concatenated";
    //if (sResult != L"0123456789<--Concatenated")
    //    ERROR_LOG (L"Concatenation or comparison error");

    CEString sInsertable (L"0123789");
    CEString sInserted = sInsertable.sInsert (4, L"456");
    if (sInserted != sInsertable || sInsertable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Insertion error");

    sInsertable = L"012456789";
    sInserted = sInsertable.sInsert (3, L'3');
    if (sInserted != sInsertable || sInsertable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Insertion error");

    CEString sErasable (L"012abcd3456789");
    CEString sErased = sErasable.sErase (3, 4);
    if (sErased != sErasable || sErasable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Erase error");
    sErasable = L"0123456789";
    sErased = sErasable.sErase (3, 7);
    if (sErased != sErasable || sErasable != L"012")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Erase error");

    sErasable = L"0123456789";
    sErased = sErasable.sErase (3, 40);
    if (sErased != sErasable || sErasable != L"012")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Erase error");

    sErasable = L"0123456789";
    sErased = sErasable.sErase (3);
    if (sErased != sErasable || sErasable != L"012")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Erase error");

    sErasable = L"0123456789a";
    sErased = sErasable.sErase (10);
    if (sErased != sErasable || sErasable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Erase error");

    if (!sErasable.bIsEmpty() || sErasable.uiLength() != 0)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Erase error");

    sErasable = L"0123456789";

    CEString sConvertToUppercase(L"aAbBcC");
    if (sConvertToUppercase != L"AABBCC")
        ERROR_LOG(L"ToUpper error");

    sConvertToUppercase = CEString::sToUpper(L"aAbBcC");
    if (sConvertToUppercase != L"AABBCC")
        ERROR_LOG(L"ToUpper error");

    CEString sConvertToUppercaseCyr(L"aABbcCаАбБвВ");
    if (sConvertToUppercaseCyr != L"AABBCCААББВВ")
        ERROR_LOG(L"ToUpper error for Cyrillic");

    sConvertToUppercaseCyr = CEString::sToUpper(L"aAbBcCаАбБвВ");
    if (sConvertToUppercaseCyr != L"AABBCCААББВВ")
        ERROR_LOG(L"sToUpper error for Cyrillic");

    CEString sConvertToLowercase(L"aABbcC");
    if (sConvertToLowercase != L"aabbcc")
        ERROR_LOG(L"ToLower error");

    sConvertToLowercase = CEString::sToLower(L"aAbBcC");
    if (sConvertToLowercase != L"aabbcc")
        ERROR_LOG(L"ToLower error");

    CEString sConvertToLowercaseCyr(L"aABbcCаАбБвВ");
    if (sConvertToLowercaseCyr != L"aabbccааббвв")
        ERROR_LOG(L"ToLower error for Cyrillic");

    sConvertToLowercaseCyr = CEString::sToLower(L"aAbBcCаАбБвВ");
    if (sConvertToLowercaseCyr != L"aabbccааббвв")
        ERROR_LOG(L"sToLower error for Cyrillic");

    CEString sFromAscii = CEString::sToString("abcdefgxyzABCDEFGXYZ01234567890.,!");
    if (sFromAscii != L"abcdefgxyzABCDEFGXYZ01234567890.,!")
        ERROR_LOG(L"sToString error for ascii conversion");

    CEString sReplaceable(L"01abcd6789");
    CEString sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (2, L"2345");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"0123456abc";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (7, L"789");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"0123456a89";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (7, L'7');
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"012345678a";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (9, L'9');
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"01234abc89";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (5, 3, L"567");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"01234aaa6789";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (5, 3, L"5");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"01234567ab";
    sErased = sReplaceable.sReplace (8, 2, L"89");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"0123456789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"01234567a9";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (8, 2, L"8");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"012345678")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"01234567ab";
    sReplaced = sReplaceable.sReplace (8, 2, L"890");
    if (sReplaced != sReplaceable || sReplaceable != L"01234567890")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    sReplaceable = L"0ё2345ё78ёё";
    sReplaceable.Replace (0, 10, L'ё', L'е');
    if (sReplaceable != L"0е2345е78ее")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Replace error");

    CEString sTrimmable (L"     01234     ");
    if (sTrimmable != L"01234     ")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    if (sTrimmable != L"01234")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    sTrimmable = L"     01234     ";
    if (sTrimmable != L"01234")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    sTrimmable = L"=&=&=01234&&&==";
    sTrimmable.TrimLeft (L"=&");
    if (sTrimmable != L"01234&&&==")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    sTrimmable.Trim (L"=&");
    if (sTrimmable != L"01234")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    sTrimmable = L"=&=&=01234&&&==";
    sTrimmable.Trim (L"=&");
    if (sTrimmable != L"01234")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    CEString sReversable (L"0123456789");
    if (sReversable != L"9876543210")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Reversing error");

    CEString sWhole (L"0123456789");
    CEString sSubstr = sWhole.sSubstr (1, 3);
    if (sSubstr != L"123")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    sSubstr = sWhole.sSubstr (7);
    if (sSubstr != L"789")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Trim or comparison error");

    CEString sFields (L"123 456 789");
    sFields.SetBreakChars (L" ");
    CEString sField = sFields.sGetField (1);
    if (sField != L"456")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    StToken stToken = sFields.stGetField (0);
    if (3 != stToken.uiLength || 0 != stToken.uiOffset || ecTokenText != stToken.eType)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    stToken = sFields.stGetField (0, ecTokenSpace);
    if (1 != stToken.uiLength || 3 != stToken.uiOffset || ecTokenSpace != stToken.eType)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

//        stToken = sFields.stGetField (99);
//        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");   // Exception expected
    catch (CException& ex)
//        ::MessageBox (NULL, ex.sGetDescription().c_str(), L"Kai Exception", MB_ICONWARNING);

//    ST_Token st_GetFieldFromOffset (int i_offset,
//                                    et_TokenType eo_type = ec_TokenText);

    stToken = sFields.stGetTokenFromOffset (6);
    if (3 != stToken.uiLength || 4 != stToken.uiOffset || ecTokenText != stToken.eType)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    ETokenType eType = sFields.eGetTokenType (1);
//    et_TokenType eo_GetTokenType (int i_offset, int i_at);
    if (ecTokenBreakChars != eType)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    stToken = sFields.stGetToken (1);
    if (1 != stToken.uiLength || 3 != stToken.uiOffset || ecTokenSpace != stToken.eType)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    const StToken& rstToken = sFields.rstGetToken (1);
    if (1 != stToken.uiLength || 3 != stToken.uiOffset || ecTokenSpace != stToken.eType)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    CEString sToken = sFields.sGetToken (1);
    if (sToken != L" ")
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

        CEString sToken1 = sFields.sGetToken(999);
        if (sToken1 != L" ")
            ERROR_LOG(L"Tokenizer or comparison error");
    catch (CException ex)
        CEString sMsg(L"Exception: ");
        sMsg += ex.szGetDescription();

    bool b_ = sFields.bGetNextToken(stToken);
    if (!b_ || ecTokenText != stToken.eType || 4 != stToken.uiOffset || 3 != stToken.uiLength)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    b_ = sFields.bGetPrevToken (stToken);
    if (!b_ || ecTokenBreakChars != stToken.eType || 3 != stToken.uiOffset || 1 != stToken.uiLength)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    unsigned int uiTokenNum = sFields.uiGetTokenNum (stToken);
    if (1 != uiTokenNum)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    unsigned int uiFields = sFields.uiGetNumOfFields();
    if (3 != uiFields)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    uiFields = sFields.uiGetNumOfFields (ecTokenSpace);
    if (2 != uiFields)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

//    uiFields = sFields.uiGetNumOfFields (3, 6);

    uiFields = sFields.uiNFields();
    if (3 != uiFields)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

//    uiFields = sFields.uiNFields (3, 6); 

    unsigned int uiTokens = sFields.uiGetNumOfTokens();
    if (5 != uiTokens)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    uiTokens = sFields.uiNTokens();
    if (5 != uiTokens)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    unsigned int uiVLength = sFields.uiGetVisibleLength();
    if (11 != uiVLength)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

    unsigned int uiFLength = sFields.uiGetFieldLength (1);
    if (3 != uiFLength)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Tokenizer or comparison error");

//    CEString s (L"abcdefg");
//    wchar_t * szData = (wchar_t*)s;

    CEString sSyllables (L"бавогузюы");
    sSyllables.SetVowels (L"аеёиоуыэюя");
    unsigned int uiSyllables = sSyllables.uiGetNumOfSyllables();
    if (5 != uiSyllables)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Syllable count error");

    uiSyllables = sSyllables.uiNSyllables();
    if (5 != uiSyllables)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Syllable count error");

    // Vowels & consonants
    unsigned int uiVowelPos = sSyllables.uiGetVowelPos (3);
    if (7 != uiVowelPos)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Vowel position error");
    unsigned int uiSyllPos = sSyllables.uiGetSyllableFromVowelPos (7);
    if (3 != uiSyllPos)
        ERROR_LOG (L"Syllable position error");

        CEString sConvert = CEString::sToString (9999999999999);
        if (L"9999999999999" != sConvert)
            ERROR_LOG(L"Large int conversion error");
        int i_ = 999999;
        sConvert = CEString::sToString (i_);
        if (L"999999" != sConvert)
            ERROR_LOG(L"Int conversion error");

        CEString sConvert = CEString::sToString(999999999.9999);
        double d_ = 999999.999;
        sConvert = CEString::sToString(d_);

    // Done!

