void CFontTexCreaterDlg::OnBnClickedExe() { CComboBox* ccb = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1) ; if( !ccb ) return ; // font type int sel = ccb->GetCurSel() ; func_setFontInd( g_nFtIns , sel ) ; // texture size int texW = 1024 ; int texH = 1024 ; CEdit* pEdt = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDT_TEXTURE_W ) ; if( pEdt ) { wchar_t buf[256] ; pEdt->GetWindowText( buf , 256 ) ; texW = _wtoi( buf ) ; } pEdt = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDT_TEXTURE_H ) ; if( pEdt ) { wchar_t buf[256] ; pEdt->GetWindowText( buf , 256 ) ; texH = _wtoi( buf ) ; } char *canvas = new char[texW*texH] ; memset( canvas , 0 , texW*texH ) ; func_setCanvas( g_nFtIns ,canvas , texW , texH , 0 ) ; func_drawGlyphFromFile( g_nFtIns , "finalCode.txt" ) ; //func_drawAllGlyphs( g_nFtIns ) ; // { FreeImage_Initialise() ; FIBITMAP* bm = FreeImage_Allocate( texW , texH , 24 ) ; RGBQUAD clr ; for( int y = 0 ; y < texH ; y ++ ) { for( int x = 0 ; x < texW ; x ++ ) { char val = canvas[ y * texW + x ] ; clr.rgbBlue = val ; clr.rgbGreen = val ; clr.rgbRed = val ; clr.rgbReserved = 255 ; FreeImage_SetPixelColor( bm , x , texH - 1 - y , &clr ) ; } } //memcpy( bm->data , canvas , texW*texH ) ; FreeImage_Save( FIF_BMP , bm , "fontTex.bmp" ) ; FreeImage_Unload( bm ) ; FreeImage_DeInitialise() ; } // FILE* pf = fopen( "fontBuf" , "wb+" ) ; fwrite( canvas , texW * texH , 1 , pf ) ; fclose( pf ) ; //delete []canvas ; }
void CEditBar::OnKillFocus() { CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->GetSel(m_nCurSelStart , m_nCurSelEnd); }
void campaign_tree_view::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { int i; CString str; CEdit *box; CListBox *listbox; CClientDC dc(this); OnPrepareDC(&dc); dc.DPtoLP(&point); if (nFlags & MK_CONTROL) { listbox = (CListBox *) &Campaign_tree_formp->m_filelist; i = listbox->GetCurSel(); Mission_dropping = -1; if (i != LB_ERR) { Mission_dropping = i; SetCapture(); } Last_draw_size = CSize(0, 0); Dragging_rect.SetRect(0, 0, 1, 1); dc.DrawDragRect(Dragging_rect, Last_draw_size, NULL, CSize(0, 0)); } else { if ( (Cur_campaign_link >= 0) && Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop) { // HACK!! UPDATE mission loop desc before changing selections // save mission loop desc char buffer[MISSION_DESC_LENGTH]; box = (CEdit *) Campaign_tree_formp->GetDlgItem(IDC_MISSISON_LOOP_DESC); box->GetWindowText(buffer, MISSION_DESC_LENGTH); if (strlen(buffer)) { if (Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_txt) { free(Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_txt); } Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_txt = strdup(buffer); } else { Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_txt = NULL; } // HACK!! UPDATE mission loop desc before changing selections // save mission loop desc box = (CEdit *) Campaign_tree_formp->GetDlgItem(IDC_LOOP_BRIEF_ANIM); box->GetWindowText(buffer, MISSION_DESC_LENGTH); if (strlen(buffer)) { if (Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_anim) { free(Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_anim); } Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_anim = strdup(buffer); } else { Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_anim = NULL; } // HACK!! UPDATE mission loop desc before changing selections // save mission loop desc box = (CEdit *) Campaign_tree_formp->GetDlgItem(IDC_LOOP_BRIEF_SOUND); box->GetWindowText(buffer, MISSION_DESC_LENGTH); if (strlen(buffer)) { if (Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_sound) { free(Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_sound); } Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_sound = strdup(buffer); } else { Links[Cur_campaign_link].mission_loop_brief_sound = NULL; } } Mission_dragging = Cur_campaign_mission = Cur_campaign_link = -1; for (i=0; i<Campaign.num_missions; i++) if (Elements[i].box.PtInRect(point)) { SetCapture(); Mission_dragging = Cur_campaign_mission = i; Dragging_rect = Elements[i].box; Rect_offset = Dragging_rect.TopLeft() - point; Last_draw_size = CSize(4, 4); if (Campaign.missions[Cur_campaign_mission].num_goals < 0) // haven't loaded goal names yet (or notes) read_mission_goal_list(Cur_campaign_mission); if (Campaign.missions[Cur_campaign_mission].notes) { str = convert_multiline_string(Campaign.missions[Cur_campaign_mission].notes); box = (CEdit *) Campaign_tree_formp->GetDlgItem(IDC_HELP_BOX); if (box) box->SetWindowText(str); } Campaign_tree_formp->mission_selected(Cur_campaign_mission); break; } } Invalidate(); UpdateWindow(); Campaign_tree_formp->load_tree(); if (Mission_dragging != -1) { CRect rect = Dragging_rect; dc.LPtoDP(&rect); dc.DrawDragRect(rect, Last_draw_size, NULL, CSize(0, 0)); } CScrollView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); }
void CAddBlogInfoDlg::OnOK() { // 入力内容チェック CEdit *p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGUSERNAME ); p->GetWindowText( m_blogUserName ); if ( m_blogUserName.GetLength() == 0 ) { MessageBox( "「ユーザ名、または ID」を設定してください ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGPASSWORD ); p->GetWindowText( m_blogPassword ); if ( m_blogPassword.GetLength() == 0 ) { MessageBox( "「パスワード」を設定してください ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } if ( m_blogKind == unset ) { MessageBox( "「blog の種類」を設定してください ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->GetWindowText( m_blogName ); if ( m_blogName.GetLength() == 0 ) { if ( (m_blogKind == movableType) || (m_blogKind == bloggerAPI) || (m_blogKind == metaWeblog) || (m_blogKind == mtAPI) || (m_blogKind == atomAPI) || (m_blogKind == newPostOnly) || (m_blogKind == typepad) || (m_blogKind == typepadJapan) || (m_blogKind == cocolog) || (m_blogKind == cocologFree) || (m_blogKind == blogzine) || (m_blogKind == newsHandler) || (m_blogKind == ameblo) || (m_blogKind == seesaa) || (m_blogKind == netLaputa) || (m_blogKind == blogG) || (m_blogKind == fc2blog) || (m_blogKind == gooBlog) || (m_blogKind == msnSpaces) || (m_blogKind == drecomX) || (m_blogKind == yaplogX) || (m_blogKind == jugemX) || (m_blogKind == webryX) || (m_blogKind == livedoor) || (m_blogKind == lovelog) || (m_blogKind == sonet) || (m_blogKind == vox) || (m_blogKind == hatena) || (m_blogKind == blogger) || (m_blogKind == exciteBlog) || (m_blogKind == echoo) || (m_blogKind == rakuten) ) { // 追加情報取得 OnButtonMoreInfo(); } if ( m_blogName.GetLength() == 0 ) { MessageBox( "「blog 名」を設定してください ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } } if ( (m_blogKind == movableType) || (m_blogKind == bloggerAPI) || (m_blogKind == metaWeblog) || (m_blogKind == mtAPI) || (m_blogKind == atomAPI) || (m_blogKind == newPostOnly) || (m_blogKind == typepad) || (m_blogKind == typepadJapan) || (m_blogKind == cocolog) || (m_blogKind == cocologFree) || (m_blogKind == blogzine) || (m_blogKind == newsHandler) || (m_blogKind == ameblo) || (m_blogKind == seesaa) || (m_blogKind == netLaputa) || (m_blogKind == blogG) || (m_blogKind == fc2blog) || (m_blogKind == gooBlog) || (m_blogKind == msnSpaces) || (m_blogKind == drecomX) || (m_blogKind == yaplogX) || (m_blogKind == jugemX) || (m_blogKind == webryX) || (m_blogKind == livedoor) || (m_blogKind == lovelog) || (m_blogKind == sonet) || (m_blogKind == vox) || (m_blogKind == hatena) || (m_blogKind == blogger) ) { if ( m_blogID.GetLength() == 0 ) { p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); p->GetWindowText( m_blogID ); if ( m_blogID.GetLength() == 0 ) { MessageBox( "「blog ID」を設定してください ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } } if ( m_useCbox ) { p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_ENDPOINTURL ); p->GetWindowText( m_endpointURL ); } if ( m_endpointURL.GetLength() == 0 ) { p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_ENDPOINTURL ); p->GetWindowText( m_endpointURL ); if ( m_endpointURL.GetLength() == 0 ) { MessageBox( "「エンドポイントURL」を設定してください ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } } } CDialog::OnOK(); }
void PreferencesDialog::setText(int id, char* value) { CEdit* edit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(id); if (edit) edit->SetWindowText(value); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Overrides OnEditBegin() to provide a CEdit cell value editor //! //! @param owner The list control starting edit //! @param nRow The index of the row for the cell to edit //! @param nCol The index of the column for the cell to edit //! @return Pointer to the cell editor to use (NULL if cell edit is not possible) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CWnd* CGridColumnTraitEdit::OnEditBegin(CGridListCtrlEx& owner, int nRow, int nCol) { // Get position of the cell to edit CRect rectCell = GetCellEditRect(owner, nRow, nCol); // Get the text-style of the cell to edit DWORD dwStyle = m_EditStyle; HDITEM hditem = { 0 }; hditem.mask = HDI_FORMAT; VERIFY(owner.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItem(nCol, &hditem)); if (hditem.fmt & HDF_CENTER) dwStyle |= ES_CENTER; else if (hditem.fmt & HDF_RIGHT) dwStyle |= ES_RIGHT; else dwStyle |= ES_LEFT; // Create edit control to edit the cell CEdit* pEdit = CreateEdit(owner, nRow, nCol, dwStyle, rectCell); VERIFY(pEdit != NULL); if (pEdit == NULL) return NULL; // Configure font pEdit->SetFont(owner.GetCellFont()); // First column (Label) doesn't have a margin when imagelist is assigned if (nCol == 0 && owner.GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL) != NULL) pEdit->SetMargins(0, 0); // First column (Label) doesn't have a margin when checkboxes are enabled else if (nCol == 0 && owner.GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES) pEdit->SetMargins(1, 0); // Label column doesn't have margin when not first in column order else if (nCol == 0 && owner.GetFirstVisibleColumn() != nCol) pEdit->SetMargins(1, 0); else if (dwStyle & ES_CENTER) pEdit->SetMargins(0, 0); else if (dwStyle & ES_RIGHT) pEdit->SetMargins(0, 7); else pEdit->SetMargins(4, 0); if (m_EditLimitText != UINT_MAX) pEdit->SetLimitText(m_EditLimitText); CString cellText = owner.GetItemText(nRow, nCol); pEdit->SetWindowText(cellText); pEdit->SetSel(0, -1, 0); return pEdit; }
void CAddBlogInfoDlg::switchBlogName() { CEdit *cp = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); if ( m_mode ) m_blogName = ""; if ( m_useCbox ) { m_blogName = "BlogPet 飼育箱"; cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else if ( /* (m_blogKind == movableType) || */ (m_blogKind == bloggerAPI) || (m_blogKind == metaWeblog) || (m_blogKind == mtAPI) || (m_blogKind == atomAPI) ) cp->SetReadOnly( FALSE ); else if ( (m_blogKind == typepad) || (m_blogKind == typepadJapan) || (m_blogKind == cocolog) || (m_blogKind == cocologFree) || (m_blogKind == blogzine) || (m_blogKind == newsHandler) || (m_blogKind == ameblo) || (m_blogKind == seesaa) || (m_blogKind == netLaputa) || (m_blogKind == blogG) || (m_blogKind == fc2blog) || (m_blogKind == gooBlog) || (m_blogKind == msnSpaces) || (m_blogKind == drecomX) || (m_blogKind == yaplogX) || (m_blogKind == jugemX) || (m_blogKind == webryX) || (m_blogKind == livedoor) || (m_blogKind == lovelog) || (m_blogKind == sonet) || (m_blogKind == vox) || (m_blogKind == hatena) || (m_blogKind == blogger) || (m_blogKind == tumblr) ) { cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else if ( m_blogKind == kinugasa ) { m_blogName = "キヌガサ"; cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else if ( m_blogKind == mixi ) { m_blogName = "mixi"; cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else if ( m_blogKind == fc2network ) { m_blogName = "FC2NETWORK"; cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else if ( m_blogKind == colors ) { m_blogName = "COLORS"; cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else if ( m_blogKind == openPne ) { m_blogName = "OpenPNE"; cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); } else cp->SetReadOnly( TRUE ); cp->SetWindowText( m_blogName ); }
void ExtFrame::AdjustEdit(CSpinButtonCtrl& spin, CEdit& edit, bool two) { int rangeMin; int rangeMax; spin.GetRange32(rangeMin, rangeMax); if(rangeMin <= rangeMax) { int length = edit.GetWindowTextLength(); char* temp = new char[length + 1]; edit.GetWindowText(temp, length + 1); int value; bool changed = false; if(length == 0) { value = rangeMin; changed = true; } else { value = atoi(temp); if(value < rangeMin) { value = rangeMin; changed = true; } else if(value > rangeMax) { value = rangeMax; changed = true; } } char numValue[33]; _itoa_s(value, numValue, 10); length = (int)strlen(numValue); if(length == 0) { edit.SetWindowText(two ? "00" : "0"); } else if(two) { if(length == 1) { char num[33]; *num = '0'; strcpy_s(num + 1, sizeof(num) - 1, numValue); edit.SetWindowText(num); } else if(changed) { edit.SetWindowText(numValue); } } else { if(length == 2) { if(*numValue == '0') { edit.SetWindowText(numValue + 1); } else if(changed) { edit.SetWindowText(numValue); } } else if(changed) { edit.SetWindowText(numValue); } } delete[] temp; } }
void CDlg_SetBatchNumbers::OnAdd() { CString str, strU; UINT nID; if (IsDlgButtonChecked (IDC_SETOFNUMBERS) == BST_CHECKED) { int from, to, step, wc; from = GetDlgItemInt (IDC_FROM); to = GetDlgItemInt (IDC_TO); step = GetDlgItemInt (IDC_STEP); wc = GetDlgItemInt (IDC_WB); if (to == 0) { nID = IDC_TO; goto _l0Err; } if (step == 0) { nID = IDC_STEP; goto _l0Err; } if (wc == 0) { nID = IDC_WB; goto _l0Err; } if (to <= from) { MessageBox (LS (L_TOMBGTFROM), LS (L_INPERR), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); ((CEdit*) GetDlgItem (IDC_TO))->SetSel (0, -1); GetDlgItem (IDC_TO)->SetFocus (); return; } if (false == CheckSetOfNumbersParameters (from, to, step, wc)) return; str.Format ("%d-%d", from, to); strU.Format ("%s %d %s %d", LS (L_DLGFROM), from, LS (L_DLGTO), to); strU.Remove (':'); if (step != 1) { CString str2; str2.Format ("%c%d", BATCHLIST_STEP_SYMBOL, step); str += str2; str2.Format (" %s %d", LS (L_DLGSTEP), step); str2.Remove (':'); strU += str2; } if (wc != 1) { CString str2; str2.Format ("%c%d", BATCHLIST_WILDCARD_SYMBOL, wc); str += str2; str2.Format (" %s %d", LS (L_DLGWILDBYTES), wc); str2.Remove (':'); strU += str2; } } else { int n = GetDlgItemInt (IDC_NUMBER); str.Format ("%d", n); strU = str; } m_wndSets.AddString (strU); CString *pstr; pstr = new CString; *pstr = str; m_wndSets.SetItemData (m_wndSets.GetCount () - 1, (DWORD)pstr); return; _l0Err: str.Format (LS (L_ENTERGREATER), 0); MessageBox (str, LS (L_INPERR), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); CEdit *pE = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem (nID); pE->SetSel (0, -1); pE->SetFocus (); }
void CDlgUserConvFormat::OutputFormatString(const wchar_t *sText) { CEdit *pEdit = m_nOutputFormatType ? &m_editTag2File : &m_editFile2Tag; pEdit->ReplaceSel(sText, FALSE); pEdit->SetFocus(); }
void ExtFrame::ScrollEnd(CEdit& edit) { int length = edit.GetWindowTextLength(); edit.PostMessage(EM_SETSEL, length, length); }
static void ClearEditCtrl(CEdit& edit) { edit.SetWindowTextA(""); AppendTextToEditCtrl(edit, "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); edit.SetWindowTextA(""); }
BOOL CCompletionPage::OnSetActive() { WTL::CString strText, strText2; SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_FINISH); CStatic ctlStaticResult; ctlStaticResult.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BIND_RESULT)); CEdit ctlEditResult; ctlEditResult.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_BIND_SETTING)); // add bind type to list strText2.LoadString( (NMT_AGGREGATE == m_pWizData->m_nBindType) ? IDS_LOGDEV_TYPE_AGGREGATED_DISK : (NMT_RAID0 == m_pWizData->m_nBindType) ? IDS_LOGDEV_TYPE_DISK_RAID0 : (NMT_RAID1 == m_pWizData->m_nBindType) ? IDS_LOGDEV_TYPE_DISK_RAID1 : (NMT_RAID4 == m_pWizData->m_nBindType) ? IDS_LOGDEV_TYPE_DISK_RAID4 : IDS_LOGDEV_TYPE ); strText.FormatMessage(IDS_BNZ_COMPLETE_RESULT_TYPE_FMT, strText2); ctlEditResult.AppendText(strText); ctlEditResult.AppendText(_T("\n")); // add disk titles to list strText.LoadString(IDS_BNZ_COMPLETE_RESULT_DISKS); int i; NBUnitDevicePtrList::iterator itr; CNBUnitDevice *UnitDiskObject, *UnitDiskObjectFailed; for(i = 0, itr = m_pWizData->listUnitDevicesBind.begin(); itr != m_pWizData->listUnitDevicesBind.end(); ++itr, i++) { UnitDiskObject = *itr; if(m_pWizData->m_BindResult == i) UnitDiskObjectFailed = UnitDiskObject; if(itr != m_pWizData->listUnitDevicesBind.begin()) strText += _T(", "); strText += UnitDiskObject->GetName(); } ctlEditResult.AppendText(strText); ctlEditResult.AppendText(_T("\n")); if(m_pWizData->m_BindResult == m_pWizData->m_nDiskCount) { // success strText.LoadString(IDS_BNZ_COMPLETE_SUCCESS); ctlStaticResult.SetWindowText(strText); // size pGetDiskSizeString(strText2, m_pWizData->m_nBindType, m_pWizData->m_nDiskCount, m_pWizData->listUnitDevicesBind); strText.FormatMessage(IDS_BNZ_COMPLETE_RESULT_SIZE_FMT, strText2); ctlEditResult.AppendText(strText); ctlEditResult.AppendText(_T("\n")); } else { // fail strText.LoadString(IDS_BNZ_COMPLETE_FAIL); ctlStaticResult.SetWindowText(strText); if(m_pWizData->m_BindResult != 0xFFFFFFFF) // single disk error { strText.FormatMessage(IDS_BNZ_COMPLETE_RESULT_FAILED_ON_FMT, UnitDiskObjectFailed->GetName()); ctlEditResult.AppendText(strText); ctlEditResult.AppendText(_T("\n")); } GetDescription(strText, m_pWizData->dwBindLastError); ctlEditResult.AppendText(strText); ctlEditResult.AppendText(_T("\n")); } return TRUE; }
void CCuDlgLogFileAdd::OnBrowse() { CString strText = _T(""); #if !defined (MAINWIN) strText = _T("C:"); strText += FILENAME_SEPARATOR; #endif CString strCaption; BOOL bOK = FALSE; TCHAR tchszBuffer [_MAX_PATH]; if (strText.GetLength() > _MAX_PATH) lstrcpyn (tchszBuffer, strText, _MAX_PATH); else lstrcpy (tchszBuffer, strText); LPMALLOC pIMalloc; if (!SUCCEEDED(::SHGetMalloc(&pIMalloc))) { TRACE0("SHGetMalloc failed.\n"); return; } // // Initialize a BROWSEINFO structure, strCaption.LoadString(IDS_CHOOSE_FOLDER); BROWSEINFO brInfo; ::ZeroMemory(&brInfo, sizeof(brInfo)); brInfo.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; brInfo.pidlRoot = NULL; brInfo.pszDisplayName = tchszBuffer; brInfo.lpszTitle = (LPCTSTR)strCaption; brInfo.lpfn = &mycallback; brInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)&brInfo; brInfo.ulFlags = BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN | BIF_STATUSTEXT; // // Only want folders (no printers, etc.) brInfo.ulFlags |= BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; // // Display the browser. ITEMIDLIST* browseList = NULL; browseList = ::SHBrowseForFolder(&brInfo); // // if the user selected a folder . . . if (browseList) { // // Convert the item ID to a pathname, if(::SHGetPathFromIDList(browseList, tchszBuffer)) { TRACE1("You chose==>%s\n",tchszBuffer); bOK = TRUE; } // // Free the PIDL pIMalloc->Free(browseList); } else { bOK = FALSE; } // // Cleanup and release the stuff we used pIMalloc->Release(); if (bOK) { CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit *) GetDlgItem(IDC_LOG_FILENAME); if (pEdit) pEdit->SetWindowText(tchszBuffer); } }
void CCardInfDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent) { switch (nIDEvent) { case 1: { //卡序列号缓冲 unsigned char myserial[4]; unsigned char status; /*if (!FileExists(FileName)) {//如果文件不存在 ShowMessageb("无法在应用程序的文件夹找到IC卡读写卡器动态库"); return; //返回 }*/ typedef unsigned char(__stdcall *ppiccrequest)(unsigned char* serial); HINSTANCE hDLL = LoadLibrary(_T("OUR_MIFARE.dll"));// 加载DLL ppiccrequest piccrequest; piccrequest = (ppiccrequest)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "piccrequest"); //提取动态库 //piccrequest = (unsigned char(__stdcall *piccrequest)(unsigned char *serial))GetProcAddress(hDll, "piccread"); while (true) { status = piccrequest(myserial); //返回值处理 //调用读卡函数,如果没有寻到卡返回1,拿卡太快返回2,没注册发卡机返回4,没有驱动程序返回3 switch (status) { case '0': { // 获取输入框对象 CEdit* edit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_phy_number); CString ID_str; ID_str.Format(_T("%s"), myserial); edit->SetWindowTextW(ID_str); break; } case '1': //MessageBox(_T("没有寻找到卡!")); break; case '2': //MessageBox(_T("拿卡太快!")); break; case '3': //MessageBox(_T("没有驱动程序!")); break; case '4': //MessageBox(_T("没注册发卡机!")); break; } } } case 2: { CString temp; temp.Format(_T("%d/%d"), indicator, 20512); GetDlgItem(IDC_Search_ID)->SetWindowTextW(temp); if (r > 1) KillTimer(2); break; } case 3: { CString temp; temp.Format(_T("%d/%d"), indicator_ID, 20698); GetDlgItem(IDC_getInf)->SetWindowTextW(temp); if (r_ID > 1) KillTimer(3); break; } default: break; } CDialogEx::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
void CProcessingOptions::OnClickedRadioEntireImage() { CEdit * ctrlEditCoverage = reinterpret_cast<CEdit *> (GetDlgItem(IDC_PERCENT_COVERAGE)); ctrlEditCoverage->EnableWindow(FALSE); }
bool CStudio::EventProcess(const Event &event) { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CSlider* slider; if ( m_dialog != SD_NULL ) // dialogue exists? { return EventDialog(event); } if ( event.type == EVENT_FRAME ) { EventFrame(event); } pw = static_cast< CWindow* >(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3)); if ( pw == nullptr ) return false; edit = static_cast<CEdit*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT)); if ( edit == nullptr ) return false; if ( event.type == pw->GetEventTypeClose() ) { Event newEvent = event; newEvent.type = EVENT_STUDIO_OK; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT ) // text modifief? { ColorizeScript(edit); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_LIST ) // list clicked? { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(const_cast<char *>(m_helpFilename.c_str()), -1); // TODO change to std::string when RobotMain changes } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_NEW ) // new? { m_script->New(edit, ""); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN ) // open? { StartDialog(SD_OPEN); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE ) // save? { StartDialog(SD_SAVE); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_UNDO ) // undo? { edit->Undo(); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_CUT ) // cut? { edit->Cut(); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_COPY ) // copy? { edit->Copy(); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_PASTE ) // paste? { edit->Paste(); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE ) // size? { slider = static_cast< CSlider* >(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE)); if ( slider == nullptr ) return false; m_main->SetFontSize(9.0f+slider->GetVisibleValue()*12.0f); ViewEditScript(); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_TOOL && // instructions? m_dialog == SD_NULL ) { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(SATCOM_HUSTON, false); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_HELP && // help? m_dialog == SD_NULL ) { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(SATCOM_PROG, false); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE ) // compile? { if ( m_script->GetScript(edit) ) // compile { std::string res; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_STUDIO_COMPOK, res); SetInfoText(res, false); } else { std::string error; m_script->GetError(error); SetInfoText(error, false); } } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_RUN ) // run/stop? { if ( m_script->IsRunning() ) { Event newEvent = event; newEvent.type = EVENT_OBJECT_PROGSTOP; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); // stop } else { if ( m_script->GetScript(edit) ) // compile { SetInfoText("", false); Event newEvent = event; newEvent.type = EVENT_OBJECT_PROGSTART; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); // start } else { std::string error; m_script->GetError(error); SetInfoText(error, false); } } } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME ) // real time? { m_bRealTime = !m_bRealTime; m_script->SetStepMode(!m_bRealTime); UpdateFlux(); UpdateButtons(); } if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_STEP ) // step? { m_script->Step(event); } if ( event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN ) { if ( event.key.key == m_main->GetInputBinding(INPUT_SLOT_CBOT).primary || event.key.key == m_main->GetInputBinding(INPUT_SLOT_CBOT).secondary ) { if ( m_helpFilename.length() > 0 ) { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(const_cast<char *>(m_helpFilename.c_str()), -1); // TODO change to std::string when RobotMain changes } } } if ( event.type == EVENT_WINDOW3 ) // window is moved? { m_editActualPos = m_editFinalPos = pw->GetPos(); m_editActualDim = m_editFinalDim = pw->GetDim(); m_main->SetWindowPos(m_editActualPos); m_main->SetWindowDim(m_editActualDim); AdjustEditScript(); } if ( event.type == pw->GetEventTypeReduce() ) { if ( m_bEditMinimized ) { m_editFinalPos = m_main->GetWindowPos(); m_editFinalDim = m_main->GetWindowDim(); m_bEditMinimized = false; m_bEditMaximized = false; } else { m_editFinalPos.x = 0.00f; m_editFinalPos.y = -0.44f; m_editFinalDim.x = 1.00f; m_editFinalDim.y = 0.50f; m_bEditMinimized = true; m_bEditMaximized = false; } m_main->SetEditFull(m_bEditMaximized); pw = static_cast< CWindow* >(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3)); if ( pw != nullptr ) { pw->SetMaximized(m_bEditMaximized); pw->SetMinimized(m_bEditMinimized); } } if ( event.type == pw->GetEventTypeFull() ) { if ( m_bEditMaximized ) { m_editFinalPos = m_main->GetWindowPos(); m_editFinalDim = m_main->GetWindowDim(); m_bEditMinimized = false; m_bEditMaximized = false; } else { m_editFinalPos.x = 0.00f; m_editFinalPos.y = 0.00f; m_editFinalDim.x = 1.00f; m_editFinalDim.y = 1.00f; m_bEditMinimized = false; m_bEditMaximized = true; } m_main->SetEditFull(m_bEditMaximized); pw = static_cast< CWindow* >(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3)); if ( pw != nullptr ) { pw->SetMaximized(m_bEditMaximized); pw->SetMinimized(m_bEditMinimized); } } return true; }
void CProcessingOptions::OnClickedRadioLikelihood() { CEdit * ctrlEditCoverage = reinterpret_cast<CEdit *> (GetDlgItem(IDC_PERCENT_COVERAGE)); ctrlEditCoverage->EnableWindow(TRUE); }
LRESULT CNdasDevicePropGeneralPage::OnInitDialog(HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) { ATLASSERT(m_pDevice != 0); m_hCursor = AtlLoadSysCursor(IDC_ARROW); m_wndDeviceName.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_NAME)); m_wndDeviceId.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_ID)); m_wndDeviceStatus.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_STATUS)); m_wndDeviceWriteKey.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_WRITE_KEY)); m_wndAddRemoveWriteKey.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_ADD_WRITE_KEY)); m_wndUnitDeviceGroup.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_GROUP)); m_wndUnitDeviceIcon.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_TYPE_ICON)); m_wndUnitDeviceType.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_TYPE)); m_wndUnitDeviceStatus.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_STATUS)); m_wndUnitDeviceCapacity.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_CAPACITY)); m_wndUnitDeviceROHosts.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_RO_HOSTS)); m_wndUnitDeviceRWHosts.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_RW_HOSTS)); m_wndLogDeviceTree.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGDEV_TREE)); m_wndUnitDeviceList = GetDlgItem(IDC_UNITDEVICE_LIST); // Temporary edit control to get an effective password character { CEdit wndPassword; wndPassword.Create(m_hWnd, NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD | ES_PASSWORD); m_chConcealed = wndPassword.GetPasswordChar(); wndPassword.DestroyWindow(); } BOOL fSuccess = m_imageList.CreateFromImage( IDB_UNITDEVICES, 32, 1, CLR_DEFAULT, IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_DEFAULTSIZE); ATLASSERT(fSuccess && "Loading IDB_UNITDEVICES failed"); _GrabUnitDeviceControls(); // get the bold font CFontHandle boldFont; { CFontHandle dlgFont = GetFont(); LOGFONT logFont; dlgFont.GetLogFont(&logFont); logFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; ATLVERIFY(boldFont.CreateFontIndirect(&logFont)); } m_wndUnitDeviceType.SetFont(boldFont); // Cover up control, be sure to create this after FillUnitDeviceControls() { CRect rect; m_wndUnitDeviceGroup.GetClientRect(&rect); ::MapWindowPoints(m_wndUnitDeviceGroup, HWND_DESKTOP, reinterpret_cast<LPPOINT>(&rect), 2); ::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hWnd, reinterpret_cast<LPPOINT>(&rect), 2); rect.DeflateRect(10,50,10,10); m_wndNA.Create(m_hWnd, rect, NULL, WS_CHILD | SS_CENTER); CString str = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_UNITDEVICE_NONE); ATLTRACE("NA: %ws\n", str); m_wndNA.SetWindowText(str); m_wndNA.SetFont(GetFont()); m_wndNA.EnableWindow(FALSE); } { CRect rect; m_wndLogDeviceTree.GetWindowRect(&rect); ::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hWnd, reinterpret_cast<LPPOINT>(&rect), 2); // rect.DeflateRect(10,10,10,10); CString str = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_LOGDEV_INFO_UNAVAILABLE); m_wndLogDeviceNA.Create(m_hWnd, rect, str, WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | BS_FLAT | BS_CENTER | BS_VCENTER | BS_TEXT); // m_wndLogDeviceNA.Create( Create(m_hWnd, rect, NULL, WS_CHILD | SS_CENTER, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); ATLTRACE(_T("LogDevice N/A: %s"), str); // m_wndLogDeviceNA.SetWindowText(str); m_wndLogDeviceNA.SetFont(GetFont()); m_wndLogDeviceNA.EnableWindow(FALSE); } _InitData(); // Support F5 to refresh ACCEL accel = {0}; accel.fVirt = FVIRTKEY; accel.key = VK_F5; accel.cmd = IDC_REFRESH_HOST; m_hAccel = ::CreateAcceleratorTable(&accel, 1); ATLASSERT(NULL != m_hAccel); return 0; }
/******************************************************************************* Function Name : pomEditItem Inputs : nRow - Index of the Row nColumn - Index of the Column Output : CEdit * - Pointer to the control Description : This function will create and show a editbox. Member of : CFlexListCtrl Author(s) : Raja N Date Created : 22.07.2004 Modifications : *******************************************************************************/ CEdit* CFlexListCtrl::pomEditItem(int nItem, int nSubItem) { // Item rect and Client rect CRect omRect, omClientRect; // Set the item to be visible if(!EnsureVisible(nItem, TRUE)) { return NULL; } // Get the item rect GetSubItemRect(nItem, nSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, omRect); // Now scroll if we need to expose the column GetClientRect(omClientRect); if( omRect.left < 0 || omRect.left > omClientRect.right ) { CSize size(omRect.left,0); Scroll(size); omRect.left -= size.cx; } omRect.right = omRect.left + GetColumnWidth(nSubItem); // If the size is bigger then the client size then resizes if(omRect.right > omClientRect.right) { omRect.right = omClientRect.right; } // Get Column alignment LV_COLUMN lvcol; lvcol.mask = LVCF_FMT; GetColumn(nSubItem, &lvcol); DWORD dwStyle; // Get the justification style of the list item if((lvcol.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) == LVCFMT_LEFT) { dwStyle = ES_LEFT; } else if((lvcol.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) == LVCFMT_RIGHT) { dwStyle = ES_RIGHT; } else { dwStyle = ES_CENTER; } // Include standard styles dwStyle |=WS_BORDER|WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL; // Get the item text CString omStrText = GetItemText(nItem, nSubItem); // Create the control now CEdit* pomEdit = NULL; pomEdit = new CEditItem(nItem, nSubItem, omStrText); if( pomEdit != NULL ) { pomEdit->Create(dwStyle, omRect, this, IDC_CONTROL); } else { CString omStrErr; omStrErr.Format( defFLC_CREATE_FAILED, defEDIT_ITEM ); AfxMessageBox( omStrErr ); } // Retrun the window pointer return pomEdit; }
void CAddBlogInfoDlg::OnButtonMoreInfo() { // 追加情報取得 CEdit *p; #define MAX_BLOGS 30 /* 同一システム内最大設置可能blog数 */ if ( (m_blogKind == movableType) || (m_blogKind == metaWeblog) || (m_blogKind == mtAPI) || (m_blogKind == atomAPI) ) { // エンドポイントURLの自動取得を試みる // -- トップページ URL を取得 char topPageURL[MAX_URLLENGTH + 1]; CEndPointDlg dialog; int res = dialog.DoModal(); if ( (res == IDOK) && (dialog.m_endPointURL.GetLength() > 0) ) { strcpy( topPageURL, (const char *)dialog.m_endPointURL ); m_blogURL = topPageURL; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_blogURL ); // -- エンドポイントURL と blog ID を取得 char id[MAX_BLOGIDLENGTH + 1]; char *url = NULL; memset( id, 0x00, MAX_BLOGIDLENGTH + 1 ); if ( m_blogKind == atomAPI ) { CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 url = getEndpointURLbyAutoDiscoveryOnAtomAPI( topPageURL, id ); } else { CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 url = getEndpointURLbyAutoDiscovery( topPageURL, id ); } if ( url && *url ) { MessageBox( "エンドポイントURLの取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); m_endpointURL = url; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_ENDPOINTURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_endpointURL ); if ( id[0] ) { p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); m_blogID = id; p->SetWindowText( m_blogID ); // -- blog名の取得 BLOGINF blogInfo[MAX_BLOGS]; int numOfBlogs = MAX_BLOGS; int r; setTargetURL( m_endpointURL ); if ( m_blogKind == atomAPI ) { // --- Atom API 系の場合 CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 r = getBlogIDsOnAtomAPI( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); } else { // --- blogger API 系の場合 CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 r = getBlogIDs( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); /* blogger API */ } if ( r == 1 ) { MessageBox( "blog名の取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); m_blogName = utf2sjis( blogInfo[0].blogName ); /* 確定 */ p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogName ); } else if ( r > 1 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < r; i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( (const char *)m_blogID, blogInfo[i].blogID ) ) { MessageBox( "blog名の取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); m_blogName = utf2sjis( blogInfo[i].blogName ); /* 確定 */ p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogName ); break; } } } else { MessageBox( "blog名の取得に失敗しました。\n\n" "ユーザ名、パスワードが正しいか確認してください。 ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); } } } else MessageBox( "エンドポイントURLの取得に失敗しました。\n\n" "ユーザ名、パスワードが正しいか確認してください。 ", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); } } else if ( (m_blogKind == bloggerAPI) || (m_blogKind == typepad) || (m_blogKind == typepadJapan) || (m_blogKind == cocolog) || (m_blogKind == cocologFree) || (m_blogKind == blogzine) || (m_blogKind == newsHandler) || (m_blogKind == ameblo) || (m_blogKind == seesaa) || (m_blogKind == netLaputa) || (m_blogKind == blogG) || (m_blogKind == fc2blog) || (m_blogKind == gooBlog) || (m_blogKind == msnSpaces) || (m_blogKind == drecomX) || (m_blogKind == yaplogX) || (m_blogKind == jugemX) || (m_blogKind == webryX) || (m_blogKind == livedoor) || (m_blogKind == lovelog) || (m_blogKind == sonet) || (m_blogKind == vox) || (m_blogKind == hatena) || (m_blogKind == blogger) ) { // blog ID の自動取得を試みる // -- 複数の blog が存在する場合は一覧表示し、 // ユーザに選択してもらう if ( m_blogPassword.GetLength() <= 0 ) { // blog ID の取得にはパスワード必須 MessageBox( "blog ID の自動取得を試みます。\n" "blog ID の自動取得には、「blog にloginする" "ときのパスワード」が必要です。 \n" "blog にloginするときのパスワードを設定して" "ください。", "設定確認", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); return; } BLOGINF blogInfo[MAX_BLOGS]; int numOfBlogs = MAX_BLOGS; int r; /* --- 投稿可能な blog 一覧の取得 */ if ( m_blogKind == jugemX ) { if ( m_blogUserName.GetLength() > 0 ) { char url[MAX_URLLENGTH]; const char *q = strchr( m_endpointURL, '$' ); if ( q ) q++; else q = ".jugem.jp/admin/xmlrpc.php"; sprintf( url, "http://%s%s", (const char *)m_blogUserName, q ); m_endpointURL = url; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_ENDPOINTURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_endpointURL ); } } if ( m_blogKind == hatena ) { if ( strstr( m_endpointURL, "{hatenaID}" ) ) { m_endpointURL = "http://d.hatena.ne.jp/" + m_blogUserName + "/atom/blog"; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_ENDPOINTURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_endpointURL ); } } blogInfo[0].blogName[0] = NUL; setTargetURL( m_endpointURL ); if ( (m_blogKind == livedoor) || (m_blogKind == lovelog) || (m_blogKind == sonet) || (m_blogKind == ameblo) || (m_blogKind == vox) || (m_blogKind == hatena) || (m_blogKind == blogger) ) { // --- Atom API 系の場合 CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 r = getBlogIDsOnAtomAPI( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); /* 備考: 本家の blogger.com に対しては blogger API */ /* ではなく Atom API を適用する */ } else { // --- blogger API 系の場合 CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 r = getBlogIDs( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); /* blogger API */ } if ( (r >= 1) && (blogInfo[0].blogName[0] == NUL) ) { /* FC2BLOG のように取得に失敗しても r == 1 となる blog 対策 */ MessageBox( "blog ID の取得に失敗しました。\n" "ユーザ名、パスワードが正しいか確認してください。 ", "取得失敗", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); } else if ( r == 1 ) { MessageBox( "blog ID の取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); m_blogName = utf2sjis( blogInfo[0].blogName ); /* 確定 */ m_blogID = blogInfo[0].blogID; /* 確定 */ m_blogURL = blogInfo[0].url; /* 確定 */ if ( m_blogID == "" ) if ( (m_blogKind == msnSpaces) || (m_blogKind == webryX) ) m_blogID = "MyBlog"; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogName ); p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogID ); if ( !strncmp( m_blogURL, m_endpointURL, strlen(m_endpointURL) ) ) { if ( m_blogKind == livedoor ) m_blogURL = "http://blog.livedoor.jp/" + m_blogUserName + "/"; if ( m_blogKind == lovelog ) m_blogURL = "http://blog.dion.ne.jp/" + m_blogUserName + "/"; if ( m_blogKind == ameblo ) m_blogURL = "http://ameblo.jp/" + m_blogUserName + "/"; if ( m_blogKind == sonet ) m_blogURL = "http://blog.so-net.ne.jp/" + m_blogUserName + "/"; } p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_blogURL ); } else if ( r > 1 ) { /* ---- 投稿先 blog の選択 */ int rr = selectBlog( blogInfo, r ); if ( (rr >= 0) && (rr < r) ) { r = rr; m_blogName = utf2sjis( blogInfo[r].blogName ); /* 確定 */ m_blogID = blogInfo[r].blogID; /* 確定 */ m_blogURL = blogInfo[r].url; /* 確定 */ if ( m_blogID == "" ) if ( (m_blogKind == msnSpaces) || (m_blogKind == webryX) ) m_blogID = "MyBlog"; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogName ); p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogID ); p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_blogURL ); MessageBox( "blog ID の取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } } else { MessageBox( "blog ID の取得に失敗しました。\n" "ユーザ名、パスワードが正しいか確認してください。 ", "取得失敗", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); } } else if ( m_blogKind == newPostOnly ) { m_blogID = "0"; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogID ); } else if ( (m_blogKind == exciteBlog) || (m_blogKind == echoo) || (m_blogKind == rakuten) || (m_blogKind == tumblr) ) { BLOGINF blogInfo[MAX_BLOGS]; int numOfBlogs = MAX_BLOGS; int r = 0; CWaitCursor cur; // マウスカーソルを砂時計表示 switch ( m_blogKind ) { case exciteBlog: r = getBlogIDsExciteBlog( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); break; case echoo: r = getBlogIDsEchoo( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); break; case rakuten: r = getBlogIDsRakuten( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); break; case tumblr: r = getBlogIDsTumblr( m_blogUserName, m_blogPassword, &numOfBlogs, blogInfo ); break; } if ( r > 1 ) { /* ---- 投稿先 blog の選択 */ int rr = selectBlog( blogInfo, r ); if ( (rr >= 0) && (rr < r) ) { r = rr; m_blogName = blogInfo[r].blogName; /* 確定 */ m_blogID = blogInfo[r].blogID; /* 確定 */ m_blogURL = blogInfo[r].url; /* 確定 */ p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogName ); p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogID ); p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_blogURL ); MessageBox( "blog ID の取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } } else if ( r == 1 ) { MessageBox( "blog URL の取得に成功しました。 ", "取得成功", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION ); m_blogURL = blogInfo[0].url; m_blogName = blogInfo[0].blogName; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGNAME ); p->SetWindowText( (const char *)m_blogName ); p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGURL ); p->SetWindowText( m_blogURL ); if ( m_blogKind == exciteBlog ) { m_blogID = blogInfo[0].blogID; p = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_BLOGID ); p->SetWindowText( m_blogID ); } } else if ( r <= 0 ) { MessageBox("blog URL の取得に失敗しました。" "ユーザ名、パスワードが正しいか確認してください。 ", "取得失敗", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING ); } } }
LRESULT FavHubProperties::OnInitDialog(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, BOOL&) { // Translate dialog SetWindowText(CTSTRING(FAVORITE_HUB_PROPERTIES)); SetDlgItemText(IDCANCEL, CTSTRING(CANCEL)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_HUB, CTSTRING(HUB)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_IDENT, CTSTRING(FAVORITE_HUB_IDENTITY)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_NAME, CTSTRING(HUB_NAME)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_ADDRESS, CTSTRING(HUB_ADDRESS)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_HUB_DESC, CTSTRING(DESCRIPTION)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_NICK, CTSTRING(NICK)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_PASSWORD, CTSTRING(PASSWORD)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_USER_DESC, CTSTRING(DESCRIPTION)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FH_CONN, CTSTRING(FAVORITE_HUB_CONNECTION)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STEALTH, CTSTRING(STEALTH_MODE)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FAV_NO_PM, CTSTRING(FAV_NO_PM)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_SHOW_JOIN, CTSTRING(FAV_SHOW_JOIN)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HIDE_SHARE, CTSTRING(HIDE_SHARE)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FAV_SEARCH_INTERVAL, CTSTRING(MINIMUM_SEARCH_INTERVAL)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FAVGROUP, CTSTRING(GROUP)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOGMAINCHAT, CTSTRING(FAV_LOG_CHAT)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_CHAT_NOTIFY, CTSTRING(CHAT_NOTIFY)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FAILOVER, CTSTRING(ACCEPT_FAILOVERS_FAV)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_AWAY_MSG_LBL, CTSTRING(CUSTOM_AWAY_MESSAGE)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOGMAINCHAT, CTSTRING(FAV_LOG_CHAT)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HUBSETTINGS, CTSTRING(GLOBAL_SETTING_OVERRIDES)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_SEARCH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT, CTSTRING(USE_DEFAULT)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FAV_SHAREPROFILE_CAPTION, CTSTRING(SHARE_PROFILE)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PROFILES, CTSTRING(EDIT_PROFILES)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROFILES_NOTE, CTSTRING(PROFILES_NOTE)); // Fill in values SetDlgItemText(IDC_HUBNAME, Text::toT(entry->getName()).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HUBDESCR, Text::toT(entry->getDescription()).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HUBADDR, Text::toT(entry->getServerStr()).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_NICK, Text::toT(entry->get(HubSettings::Nick)).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HUBPASS, Text::toT(entry->getPassword()).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_USERDESC, Text::toT(entry->get(HubSettings::Description)).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EMAIL, Text::toT(entry->get(HubSettings::Email)).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_AWAY_MSG, Text::toT(entry->get(HubSettings::AwayMsg)).c_str()); CheckDlgButton(IDC_STEALTH, entry->getStealth() ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(IDC_FAV_NO_PM, entry->getFavNoPM() ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(IDC_SHOW_JOIN, toInt(entry->get(HubSettings::ShowJoins))); CheckDlgButton(IDC_SHOW_JOIN_FAV, toInt(entry->get(HubSettings::FavShowJoins))); CheckDlgButton(IDC_LOGMAINCHAT, toInt(entry->get(HubSettings::LogMainChat))); CheckDlgButton(IDC_CHAT_NOTIFY, toInt(entry->get(HubSettings::ChatNotify))); CheckDlgButton(IDC_FAILOVER, toInt(entry->get(HubSettings::AcceptFailovers))); CheckDlgButton(IDC_FAV_NO_PM, entry->getFavNoPM() ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); auto searchInterval = entry->get(HubSettings::SearchInterval); CheckDlgButton(IDC_SEARCH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT, searchInterval == HubSettings::getMinInt() ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); SetDlgItemText(IDC_FAV_SEARCH_INTERVAL_BOX, Util::toStringW(searchInterval).c_str()); bool isAdcHub = entry->isAdcHub(); CComboBox combo; combo.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAVGROUP_BOX)); combo.AddString(_T("---")); combo.SetCurSel(0); const FavHubGroups& favHubGroups = FavoriteManager::getInstance()->getFavHubGroups(); for(const auto& name: favHubGroups | map_keys) { int pos = combo.AddString(Text::toT(name).c_str()); if(name == entry->getGroup()) combo.SetCurSel(pos); } combo.Detach(); // TODO: add more encoding into wxWidgets version, this is enough now // FIXME: following names are Windows only! combo.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_ENCODING)); combo.AddString(_T("System default")); combo.AddString(_T("English_United Kingdom.1252")); combo.AddString(_T("Czech_Czech Republic.1250")); combo.AddString(_T("Russian_Russia.1251")); combo.AddString(Text::toT(Text::utf8).c_str()); ctrlProfile.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAV_SHAREPROFILE)); appendProfiles(); hideShare = entry->getShareProfile() && entry->getShareProfile()->getToken() == SP_HIDDEN; CheckDlgButton(IDC_HIDE_SHARE, hideShare ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); if(isAdcHub) { combo.SetCurSel(4); // select UTF-8 for ADC hubs combo.EnableWindow(false); if (hideShare) ctrlProfile.EnableWindow(false); } else { ctrlProfile.EnableWindow(false); if(entry->getEncoding().empty()) { combo.SetCurSel(0); } else { combo.SetWindowText(Text::toT(entry->getEncoding()).c_str()); } } combo.Detach(); // connection modes auto appendCombo = [](CComboBox& combo, int curMode) { combo.InsertString(0, CTSTRING(DEFAULT)); combo.InsertString(1, CTSTRING(DISABLED)); combo.InsertString(2, CTSTRING(ACTIVE_MODE)); combo.InsertString(3, CTSTRING(PASSIVE_MODE)); if(curMode == HubSettings::getMinInt()) combo.SetCurSel(0); else if(curMode == SettingsManager::INCOMING_DISABLED) combo.SetCurSel(1); else if(curMode == SettingsManager::INCOMING_ACTIVE) combo.SetCurSel(2); else if(curMode == SettingsManager::INCOMING_PASSIVE) combo.SetCurSel(3); }; modeCombo4.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE4)); modeCombo6.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE6)); appendCombo(modeCombo4, entry->get(HubSettings::Connection)); appendCombo(modeCombo6, entry->get(HubSettings::Connection6)); //external ips SetDlgItemText(IDC_SERVER4, Text::toT(entry->get(HubSettings::UserIp)).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_SERVER6, Text::toT(entry->get(HubSettings::UserIp6)).c_str()); fixControls(); CEdit tmp; tmp.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_HUBNAME)); tmp.SetFocus(); tmp.SetSel(0,-1); tmp.Detach(); tmp.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_NICK)); tmp.LimitText(35); tmp.Detach(); tmp.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_USERDESC)); tmp.LimitText(50); tmp.Detach(); tmp.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EMAIL)); tmp.LimitText(50); tmp.Detach(); tmp.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_HUBPASS)); tmp.SetPasswordChar('*'); tmp.Detach(); CUpDownCtrl updown; updown.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAV_SEARCH_INTERVAL_SPIN)); updown.SetRange32(5, 9999); updown.Detach(); CenterWindow(GetParent()); loaded = true; return FALSE; }
void CDlgPanel::OnBnClickedButtonStart() { if (m_pManager) { int nType = m_pCmbType->GetCurSel(); if (nType == 0) { //采集 CWnd* pCapWnd = GetDlgVideo(); BOOL bInCap = m_pManager->IsInCapture(); if (!bInCap) { CComboBox* pComboxMediaSource = m_pCmbSourceType; CComboBox* pVideoCombo = m_pCmbCamera ; CComboBox* pAudioCombo = m_pCmbMic ; CEdit* pEdtRtspSource = m_pEdtRtspStream; SOURCE_TYPE eType = (SOURCE_TYPE)pComboxMediaSource->GetCurSel(); int nCamId = 0; int nAudioId = 0; char szURL[128] = {0,}; CString strTemp = _T(""); //视频参数设置 int nWidth = m_sAVCapParamInfo.nVWidth; int nHeight = m_sAVCapParamInfo.nVHeight; int nFps = m_sAVCapParamInfo.nFps; int nBitrate = m_sAVCapParamInfo.nBitrate; char szDataType[64]; strcpy_s(szDataType, m_sAVCapParamInfo.strColorFormat ) ; //音频参数设置 int nASampleRate = m_sAVCapParamInfo.nASampleRate; int nAChannels =m_sAVCapParamInfo.nAChannels; if (eType == SOURCE_LOCAL_CAMERA) { nCamId = pVideoCombo->GetCurSel(); nAudioId = pAudioCombo->GetCurSel(); strTemp = _T("本地音视频采集"); } else if ((eType == SOURCE_SCREEN_CAPTURE)) { nCamId = -1; nAudioId = pAudioCombo->GetCurSel(); strTemp = _T("屏幕采集"); strcpy_s(szDataType , "RGB24"); int nRet =m_pManager->GetScreenCapSize(nWidth, nHeight); if (nRet<1) { m_pManager->LogErr(_T("屏幕采集获取长宽失败,本地预览失败!")); return; } } else { //Start wchar_t wszURL[128] = {0,}; if (NULL != pEdtRtspSource) pEdtRtspSource->GetWindowTextW(wszURL, sizeof(wszURL)); if (wcslen(wszURL) < 1) return; CString strURL = wszURL; CString strRTSP = strURL.Mid(0,4); if (strRTSP!=_T("rtsp")&&strRTSP!=_T("RTSP")) { strURL = _T("rtsp://")+strURL; } __WCharToMByte(strURL, szURL, sizeof(szURL)/sizeof(szURL[0])); strTemp = _T("网络音视频流采集"); } int nRet = m_pManager->StartCapture( eType, nCamId, nAudioId, pCapWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), szURL, nWidth, nHeight, nFps,nBitrate, szDataType, nASampleRate , nAChannels ); if (nRet>0) { strTemp +=_T("成功!"); m_pManager->LogErr(strTemp); } else { strTemp +=_T("失败!"); m_pManager->LogErr(strTemp); return; } //推送 //获取服务器流地址信息 ServerURLInfo URLInfo; memset(&URLInfo, 0, sizeof(ServerURLInfo)); if (m_pMainDlg) { m_pMainDlg-> GetPushServerInfo(&URLInfo); } bool bPushRtmp = false; //流名称格式化 FormatStreamName(URLInfo.sdpName); nRet = m_pManager->StartPush(URLInfo.pushServerAddr, URLInfo.pushServerPort,URLInfo.sdpName, URLInfo.nPushBufferLenth, bPushRtmp); CString strMsg = _T(""); CString strIp; CString strName; strIp = URLInfo.pushServerAddr; strName = URLInfo.sdpName; if (nRet>=0) { strMsg.Format(_T("推送EasyDarwin服务器URL:rtsp://%s:%d/%s 成功!"), strIp , URLInfo.pushServerPort, strName); m_pManager->LogErr(strMsg); m_btnStart.SetWindowText(TEXT("Stop")); if (bPushRtmp) { strMsg.Format(_T("连接RTMP服务器成功,推送RTMP服务器URL:rtmp://%s:1935/live/%s 成功!"), strIp , strName); m_pManager->LogErr(strMsg); } } else { strMsg.Format(_T("推送EasyDarwin服务器URL:rtsp://%s:%d/%s 失败!"), strIp, URLInfo.pushServerPort,strName); m_pManager->LogErr(strMsg); if (bPushRtmp) { if (nRet == -1) strMsg.Format(_T("连接RTMP服务器失败!"), strIp , strName); else strMsg.Format(_T("推送RTMP服务器URL:rtmp://%s:1935/live/%s 失败!"), strIp , strName); m_pManager->LogErr(strMsg); } } } else { m_pManager->LogErr(_T("停止推送!")); m_pManager->StopPush(); m_pManager->StopCapture(); m_btnStart.SetWindowText(TEXT("Start")); m_pManager->LogErr(_T("本地预览停止")); pCapWnd->Invalidate(); } } else //直播 { //RTSP CWnd* pPlayWnd = GetDlgVideo(); BOOL bInPlay = m_pManager->IsInPlaying(); if (!bInPlay) { char szIp[128] = {0,}; wchar_t wszIp[128] = {0,}; if (NULL != m_pEdtRtspStream) m_pEdtRtspStream->GetWindowTextW(wszIp, sizeof(wszIp)); if (wcslen(wszIp) < 1) return; __WCharToMByte(wszIp, szIp, sizeof(szIp)/sizeof(szIp[0])); int nRet = m_pManager->StartPlay(szIp, pPlayWnd->GetSafeHwnd()); m_btnStart.SetWindowText(TEXT("Stop")); CString strMsg = _T(""); if (nRet>0) { strMsg.Format(_T("直播预览URL:%s 成功!"), wszIp); } else { strMsg.Format(_T("直播预览URL:%s 失败!"), wszIp); } m_pManager->LogErr(strMsg); } else { m_pManager->StopPlay(); m_btnStart.SetWindowText(TEXT("Start")); pPlayWnd->Invalidate(); m_pManager->LogErr(_T("停止直播")); } } } }
long CMUSHclientDoc::SpellCheckCommand(long StartCol, long EndCol) { if (!App.m_bSpellCheckOK) return -1; CEdit * pEdit = NULL; CWnd * pWnd = NULL; // find command window for(POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CView* pView = GetNextView(pos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView))) { CSendView* pmyView = (CSendView*)pView; // what is the current selection? pWnd = pmyView; pEdit = & (pmyView->GetEditCtrl()); break; } // end of being a CSendView } // end of loop through views if (pEdit == NULL) return -1; // couldn't find it int nStartChar, nEndChar; // get current selection pEdit->GetSel (nStartChar, nEndChar); // make wanted selection 1-relative if (StartCol > 0) StartCol--; bool bHaveSelection = EndCol > StartCol && StartCol >= 0 && EndCol >= 0; // select what the scripter wanted if (bHaveSelection) pEdit->SetSel (StartCol, EndCol); if (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua) { lua_settop(App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, 0); // clear stack lua_getglobal (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, SPELLCHECKFUNCTION); if (!lua_isfunction (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, -1)) return true; // assume ok, what can we do? CString strText; bool bAll = GetSelection (pEdit, strText); lua_pushstring (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, strText); // string to be checked lua_pushboolean (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, bAll); // doing all? int narg = lua_gettop(App.m_SpellChecker_Lua) - 1; // all but the function int error = CallLuaWithTraceBack (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, narg, 1); if (error) { LuaError (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, "Run-time error", SPELLCHECKFUNCTION, "Command-line spell-check"); lua_close (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua); App.m_SpellChecker_Lua = NULL; App.m_bSpellCheckOK = false; return -1; } if (lua_isstring (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, -1)) { const char * p = lua_tostring (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, -1); if (bAll) pEdit->SetSel (0, -1, TRUE); pEdit->ReplaceSel (p, true); // put original selection back pEdit->SetSel (nStartChar, nEndChar); return 1; // spell checked ok } // put original selection back pEdit->SetSel (nStartChar, nEndChar); return 0; // they cancelled } return -1; } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::SpellCheckCommand
void CEditBar::OnSetFocus() { CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->SetSel(m_nCurSelStart, m_nCurSelEnd, TRUE); }
void CReviewPage::Initialize() { // All we have to do is to remind the user the various options // he has choosen. // Title m_sSummary.Empty(); CString m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format("You are about to install the TeXLive %s Software.\r\n\r\n", TEXLIVE_VERSION); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; // Space needed and available m_sTmp.Format("You have %d kb available on your disk\r\nand you need %d kb to install the files requested.\r\n\r\n", g_dwSpaceAvailable, g_dwSpaceNeeded); // Folder Name m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format("Menu entries will be stored in a folder named %s\r\n\r\n", g_sFolderName); // Directories m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Root Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sInstallRootDir); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Main Texmf Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sTexmfMain); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Local Texmf Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sTexmfLocal); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Extra Texmf Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sTexmfExtra); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Home Texmf Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sTexmfHome); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Var Texmf Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sVarTexmf); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format(" Var Fonts Dir: %s\r\n", (const char *) g_sVarTexFonts); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; // Doc and source m_sTmp.Format("TeX packages will be installed %s their documentation.\r\n", g_bInstallDocumentation ? "with" : "without"); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format("TeX packages will be installed %s their source files.\r\n", g_bInstallSource ? "with" : "without"); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format("XEmTeX support files will %s be installed.\r\n", g_bInstallXEmTeX ? "" : "not"); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format("\r\n"); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; m_sTmp.Format("\r\nSelected Packages:\r\n"); m_sSummary += m_sTmp; POSITION pos; TPM *tpm; CString sKey; pos = g_vSourceTPM.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { g_vSourceTPM.GetNextAssoc(pos, sKey, tpm); m_sTmp.Format("%s(%ld),\r\n", sKey, tpm->GetSize(false)); if (tpm->IsSelected()) { m_sSummary += m_sTmp; } } UpdateData(FALSE); CEdit *editSummary = reinterpret_cast<CEdit *>(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_SUMMARY)); editSummary->SetSel(-1, -1); }
BOOL CEditBar::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { CWnd* pWnd; CEdit* pEdit; if ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN ) { if ( ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetActiveView()->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg) ) return TRUE; switch ( pMsg->wParam ) { case VK_RETURN: { tokenSetup=0; if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x1000) {tokenSetup = 2;} if(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x1000){tokenSetup = 1;} pWnd = ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetActiveView(); if ( pWnd ) pWnd->PostMessage(WM_USER+100 , 0 , 0 ); return TRUE; } case VK_TAB: { // Check we are in extending mode pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); if ( m_bExtending ) { // substitute word by new value if ( !m_posCurPos ) m_posCurPos= m_lstTabWords.GetHeadPosition (); CString strWord = m_lstTabWords.GetNext(m_posCurPos); CString str = m_strStartLine; str += strWord; str+= m_strEndLine; m_bExtendingChange = TRUE; pEdit->SetWindowText (str); pEdit->SetSel (m_strStartLine.GetLength () + strWord.GetLength (), m_strStartLine.GetLength () + strWord.GetLength ()); m_bExtendingChange = FALSE; return TRUE; } // ok, get current line, word etc CString strText; pEdit->GetWindowText (strText); if ( !strText.GetLength () ) return TRUE; int start, end; pEdit->GetSel (start, end); if ( end <= 0 || strText[end-1] == ' ') return TRUE; m_strEndLine = strText.Right(strText.GetLength() - end); strText = strText.Left(end); int cpos = strText.ReverseFind(' '); CString strWord; if ( cpos < 0 ) { strWord = strText; m_strStartLine.Empty (); } else { strWord = strText.Right(strText.GetLength () - cpos-1); m_strStartLine = strText.Left (cpos +1); } m_lstTabWords.RemoveAll (); // now find all words same as this one CSmcDoc* pDoc = (CSmcDoc*)((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetActiveDocument (); if ( !pDoc ) return TRUE; m_lstTabWords.AddHead(strWord ); POSITION pos = pDoc->m_lstTabWords.GetHeadPosition (); while ( pos ) { CString str = pDoc->m_lstTabWords.GetNext(pos); if ( !strnicmp(str, strWord, strWord.GetLength()) ) { m_lstTabWords.AddTail (str); } } if ( m_lstTabWords.GetCount () < 2 ) { m_lstTabWords.RemoveAll (); return TRUE; } m_bExtending = TRUE; m_posCurPos = m_lstTabWords.GetHeadPosition(); m_lstTabWords.GetNext (m_posCurPos); strWord = m_lstTabWords.GetNext (m_posCurPos); strText = m_strStartLine + strWord + m_strEndLine; m_bExtendingChange = TRUE; pEdit ->SetWindowText (strText); int selpos = m_strStartLine.GetLength () + strWord.GetLength (); pEdit->SetSel (selpos, selpos); m_bExtendingChange = FALSE; return TRUE; } break; case VK_UP: if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0 ) { PrevLine(); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; case VK_DOWN: if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0 ) { NextLine(); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; case 'C': if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x1000){ pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->Copy(); return TRUE; } break; case VK_DELETE: if ( GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x1000){ pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->Cut(); return TRUE; } break; case 'X': if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x1000){ pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->Cut(); return TRUE; } break; case VK_INSERT: if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x1000){ pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->Copy(); return TRUE; } if ( GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x1000){ /*pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->Paste();*/ DoPaste(); return TRUE; } break; case 'V': if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x1000){ /*pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT); pEdit->Paste();*/ DoPaste(); return TRUE; } break; default: break; }; } if ( pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ) { if ( ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetActiveView()->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg) ) return TRUE; } return CDialogBar::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
void CInteractionAreaDialog::ExtractActionParameters(int nAction) { int nEditId = 0; AreaActionTypeId nActionTypeId, nNextActionTypeId; switch (nAction) { case ACTION_ACTIVATION: nEditId = IDC_ACTIVATION_DESTINATION; nActionTypeId = (AreaActionTypeId)m_wndClickAction.GetItemData(m_wndClickAction.GetCurSel()); if(m_cbActivStartReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_START_REPLAY; else if (m_cbActivStopReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_STOP_REPLAY; else nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_NO_ACTION; break; case ACTION_MOUSEDOWN: nEditId = IDC_MOUSEDOWN_DESTINATION; nActionTypeId = (AreaActionTypeId)m_wndDownAction.GetItemData(m_wndDownAction.GetCurSel()); if(m_cbMousedownStartReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_START_REPLAY; else if (m_cbMousedownStopReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_STOP_REPLAY; else nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_NO_ACTION; break; case ACTION_MOUSEUP: nEditId = IDC_MOUSEUP_DESTINATION; nActionTypeId = (AreaActionTypeId)m_wndUpAction.GetItemData(m_wndUpAction.GetCurSel()); if(m_cbMouseupStartReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_START_REPLAY; else if (m_cbMouseupStopReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_STOP_REPLAY; else nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_NO_ACTION; break; case ACTION_MOUSEIN: nEditId = IDC_MOUSEIN_DESTINATION; nActionTypeId = (AreaActionTypeId)m_wndEnterAction.GetItemData(m_wndEnterAction.GetCurSel()); if(m_cbMouseinStartReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_START_REPLAY; else if (m_cbMouseinStopReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_STOP_REPLAY; else nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_NO_ACTION; break; case ACTION_MOUSEOUT: nEditId = IDC_MOUSEOUT_DESTINATION; nActionTypeId = (AreaActionTypeId)m_wndLeaveAction.GetItemData(m_wndLeaveAction.GetCurSel()); if(m_cbMouseoutStartReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_START_REPLAY; else if (m_cbMouseoutStopReplay.GetCheck()) nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_STOP_REPLAY; else nNextActionTypeId = INTERACTION_NO_ACTION; break; } m_nActionTypeId[nAction] = nActionTypeId; m_nNextActionTypeId[nAction] = nNextActionTypeId; if (nActionTypeId == INTERACTION_OPEN_URL || nActionTypeId == INTERACTION_OPEN_FILE) { CEdit *pEdit = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(nEditId); if (pEdit) pEdit->GetWindowText(m_csActionPath[nAction]); } }
// ************************************************************************** // EditSubLabel () // // Description: // Edit the subitem value. Creates a CEdit object sized and placed to cover // list control cell. This edit box is needed to receive user input, and // will delete itself when its parent window is destroyed. // // Parameters: // int nItem Index of item // int nCol Column of item // // Returns: // CEdit* - Pointer to a CEdit object to be used to edit cell. // ************************************************************************** CEdit* CKListEditCtrl::EditSubLabel (int nItem, int nCol) { int cnColumns = 0; int nColOffset = 0; // Make sure that the item is visible: if (!EnsureVisible (nItem, TRUE)) return (NULL); // Get the number of columns: CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*) GetDlgItem (0); cnColumns = pHeader->GetItemCount (); // Make sure that column is valid: if (nCol >= cnColumns || GetColumnWidth (nCol) < 5) return (NULL); // Get the column offset (from left boundary): nColOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nCol; i++) nColOffset += GetColumnWidth (i); // Get selected item's rectangle: CRect rect; GetItemRect (nItem, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS); // Scroll if we need to expose the column: CRect rcClient; GetClientRect (&rcClient); if (nColOffset + rect.left < 0 || nColOffset + rect.left > rcClient.right) { CSize size; size.cx = nColOffset + rect.left; size.cy = 0; Scroll (size); rect.left -= size.cx; } // Get column alignment: LV_COLUMN lvcol; lvcol.mask = LVCF_FMT; GetColumn (nCol, &lvcol); DWORD dwStyle; switch (lvcol.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) { case LVCFMT_LEFT: dwStyle = ES_LEFT; break; case LVCFMT_RIGHT: dwStyle = ES_RIGHT; break; default: dwStyle = ES_CENTER; break; } rect.left += (nColOffset + 4); rect.right = rect.left + GetColumnWidth (nCol) - 10; if (rect.right > rcClient.right) rect.right = rcClient.right; // Defile edit control (base class) style: dwStyle |= WS_BORDER | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL; // Create a new CKListEdit box (not to be confused with CKListEditCtrl): CEdit *pEdit = new CKListEdit (nItem, nCol, GetItemText (nItem, nCol)); // Set style, size and position using base class: pEdit->Create (dwStyle, rect, this, IDC_LISTEDIT); // Update currently selected item: m_nSelItem = nItem; // Return pointer to new CKListEdit control: return (pEdit); }
BOOL CFontTexCreaterDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically // when the application's main window is not a dialog SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon // TODO: Add extra initialization here g_dllMdl = ::LoadLibraryA( "FTProxy.dll" ) ; if( g_dllMdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printf( "LoadModule FTProxy.dll failed." ) ; return - 1 ; } func_createIns = (FT_CreateInstance)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_CreateInstance" ) ; func_destroyIns =(FT_DestroyInstance)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_DestroyInstance" ) ; func_setCanvas =(FT_SetCanvas)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_SetCanvas" ) ; func_setFont =(FT_SetFont)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_SetFont" ) ; func_setFontInd = (FT_SetFontInd)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_SetFontInd" ) ; func_drawGlyph =(FT_DrawGlyph)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_DrawGlyph" ) ; func_drawGlyphs =(FT_DrawGlyphs)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_DrawGlyphs" ) ; func_setLogFunc =(FT_SetLogFunc)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_SetLogFunc" ) ; func_drawAllGlyphs = (FT_DrawAllGphphs)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_DrawAllGphphs" ) ; func_drawGlyphFromFile = (FT_DrawGlyphsFromFile)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_DrawGlyphFromFile" ) ; func_getCfgCnt = (FT_GetCfgCnt)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_GetCfgCnt" ) ; func_getCfg = (FT_GetCfg)::GetProcAddress( g_dllMdl , "FTProxy_GetCfg" ) ; //for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i ++ ) // Sleep( 1500 ) ; // g_nFtIns = func_createIns( "font.cfg" ) ; // m_pCfgCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1) ; if( m_pCfgCombo ) { int cfgCnt = func_getCfgCnt( g_nFtIns ) ; for( int i = 0 ; i < cfgCnt ; i ++ ) { const char* desc = func_getCfg( g_nFtIns , i ) ; wchar_t wBf[512] ; memset( wBf , 0 , 512*sizeof(wchar_t) ) ; ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , 0 , desc , strlen(desc) , wBf , 512 ) ; m_pCfgCombo->AddString( wBf ) ; } } // CEdit* pEdt = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDT_TEXTURE_W) ; pEdt->SetWindowText( _T("1024") ) ; pEdt = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDT_TEXTURE_H) ; pEdt->SetWindowText( _T("1024") ) ; return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }