Retrieve the field text for the given field type and contact item ID.

The behaviour differs when a specific field type is not given i.e. when
aFieldType is KUidContactFieldMatchAll:

- First tries to find an email for the given contact item ID.
- If there is no email then it retrieves the first entry in Fast Access fields
for the given contact item ID.
- If there is no Fast Access fields then it retrieves the first entry in the
text fields blob for the given contact item ID.

Text for all other field types are retrieved from the text fields blob.

The caller must determine that the given contact item ID exists before calling
this method.
void CCntPplViewSession::TextFieldL(RSqlStatement& aSqlStatement, const CCntSqlStatement& aCntSqlStmt, const CContactTemplate& aSystemTemplate, TFieldType aFieldType, TDes& aText)
	TPtrC8 textHeader;
	aSqlStatement.ColumnBinary(aCntSqlStmt.ParameterIndex(KContactTextFieldHeader()), textHeader);
	RDesReadStream textHeaderStream(textHeader);
    CEmbeddedStore* textHeaderStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(textHeaderStream);
	RStoreReadStream textHeaderStoreStream;

	TPtrC textFieldPtrC = aSqlStatement.ColumnTextL(aCntSqlStmt.ParameterIndex(KContactTextFields()));
	HBufC* textFieldsBuf = textFieldPtrC.AllocLC();
	if(aFieldType == KUidContactFieldMatchAll)
		if (TCntPersistenceUtility::FindTxtFieldInTextBlobL(textHeaderStoreStream, textFieldsBuf, aSystemTemplate, aFieldType, aText) == EFalse)
			CContactDatabase::TTextFieldMinimal	fastAccessText;
			if (HasTxtFieldInFastAccessFieldsL(aSqlStatement, aCntSqlStmt, fastAccessText))
		if (SpecificTxtFieldInFastAccessFieldsL(aSqlStatement, aCntSqlStmt, aFieldType, aText) == EFalse)
			TCntPersistenceUtility::FindTxtFieldInTextBlobL(textHeaderStoreStream, textFieldsBuf, aSystemTemplate, aFieldType, aText);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &textHeaderStream); //textHeaderStore, textHeaderStream, textHeaderStoreStream, textFieldsBuf
Utility method used to read text blob fields from contacts database. Provides a mechanism to
fill a contact item with informations stored in text blobs within contact database.
A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.

@param 		aTextHeader reference to a read stream from which header values will be read
@param 		aTextValues reference to a descriptor from which text values will be read
@param		aItem Contact item to be filled with information from text blob field.
@param		aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from text blob field
@param		aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
@leave		KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadTextBlobL(CEmbeddedStore& aTextHeaderStore, TPtrC& aTextValues, CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate)
	HBufC* textFieldsBuf = aTextValues.AllocLC();
	if (aTemplate) 
		// If a system template is provided, we create a new CContactItemFieldSet object
		// and restore it based on provided template (CContactItemField objects composing
		// template). CContactItem object will be set with the newly created CContactItemFieldSet.
		CContactItemFieldSet* original = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
		RestoreTextL(*original, aTextHeaderStore, aTextHeaderStore.Root(), textFieldsBuf, aView, aTemplate);
		for(TInt loop = 0;loop < original->Count();loop++)
			CContactItemField* additionalField = CContactItemField::NewLC((*original)[loop]);
		// If there is no template provided, we will fill the CContactItemField set provided
		// in the curent CContactItem object
		RestoreTextL(aItem.CardFields(), aTextHeaderStore, aTextHeaderStore.Root(), textFieldsBuf, aView, NULL);
Utility method used to write text and binary blob fields into write streams. The write
streams will be used to persist the blob informations in contact database.
Provides a mechanism to get information from a contact item and store them in the
right blob fields within contact database. Template can be NULL. 

@param		aTextHeader reference to a write stream in which text header will be written
@param		aTextValues reference to a write stream in which text values will be written.
			From the caller point of view this reference should be a reference to a RSqlParamWriteStream instance
@param		aBinaryHeader reference to a write stream in which binary header will be written
@param		aBinaryValues reference to a write stream in which binary values will be written.
@param		aItem Contact item to be filled with information from text blob field.
@param      aSysTemplate System template item.
void TCntPersistenceUtility::WriteBlobL(CEmbeddedStore& aTextEmbeddedStore, RWriteStream& aTextValues, CEmbeddedStore& aBinaryEmbeddedStore, CEmbeddedStore& aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore, const CContactItem& aItem, const CContactTemplate* aSysTemplate)
	CContactItemFieldSet& fieldSet = aItem.CardFields();
	CContactItemFieldSet* textFieldSet = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
	CContactItemFieldSet* binaryFieldSet = CContactItemFieldSet::NewLC();
	for(TInt i = 0; i < fieldSet.Count(); ++i)
		CContactItemField* item	= CContactItemField::NewL((aItem.CardFields())[i]);
		if(item->StorageType() == KStorageTypeText)
	TStreamId rootId = textFieldSet->StoreL(aTextEmbeddedStore, aSysTemplate, aTextValues, aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore, NULL);// *textEmbeddedBlobStore); 

	rootId = binaryFieldSet->StoreL(aBinaryEmbeddedStore, aSysTemplate, aTextValues, aBinaryEmbeddedBlobStore, NULL); 
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, textFieldSet);  //binaryFieldSet, textFieldSet
Outputs a binary column/value representing header fields

@param	aFieldIndex	column index in the curently executed sql statement

void CDbSqlDumper::FieldHeaderColL(TInt aFieldIndex)
	TAutoClose<RSqlColumnReadStream> headerBlob;
	TAutoClose<RStoreReadStream> stream;

	headerBlob.iObj.ColumnBinary(iSqlStatement, aFieldIndex);
	CEmbeddedStore* headerStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(headerBlob.iObj);
	stream.iObj.OpenLC(*headerStore, headerStore->Root());


	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream.iObj); //OpenLC
void CApaModelDoor::CopyStoreL(const CEmbeddedStore& aSourceStore,RWriteStream& aTargetStream)
// static method
// copies an embedded store containing a doc to aTargetStream
	// read the contents of aSourceStore's rootstream (so I can write it out in a mo')
	CStreamDictionary* root=ReadStreamDictionaryLC(aSourceStore,aSourceStore.Root());
	// copy the source store directly
	MStreamBuf* host=aSourceStore.Host();
	TStreamPos pos=aSourceStore.Position(aSourceStore.Root());
	RReadStream stream(host);
	// write the root stream
	aTargetStream<< *root;
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // root
Filling content for the given view contact object.

@param aViewContact reference to the view contact object to be filled
@param aSqlStmt the sql statement which contains the retrieved content for the view object. 
void CCntPplViewSession::FillViewItemL(CViewContact& aViewContact, RSqlStatement& aSqlStmt, const TContactViewPreferences& aViewPrefs)
		//The view gets fields only from fast access columns	
		const TInt KTextDefCount = iTextDef->Count();
		for(TInt index = 0; index < KTextDefCount; ++index)
			const TDesC& KColumnName = TCntPersistenceUtility::GetFastAccessColumnNameById(iTextDef->At(index).iFieldType.iUid);
			ASSERT(KColumnName.Length() > 0);
			TPtrC fieldPtrC = aSqlStmt.ColumnTextL(iCntSqlStatement->ParameterIndex(KColumnName));
   			AddFieldInViewContactL(aViewContact, fieldPtrC, aViewPrefs);
			} //for
		TBool searchFastAccessFields = EFalse;
		// iTextDef contains the fields that should be included in the view.
		// The array of all the field objects in a contact item is returned from
		// the Contacts table.  
		RPointerArray<CContactItemField> fields;
		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(TCntPersistenceUtility::ResetAndDestroyRPointerArray, &fields));
		TPtrC8 textHeader;
		aSqlStmt.ColumnBinary(iCntSqlStatement->ParameterIndex(KContactTextFieldHeader()), textHeader);
		RDesReadStream textHeaderStream(textHeader);
        CEmbeddedStore* textHeaderStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(textHeaderStream);
    	RStoreReadStream textHeaderStoreStream;
		TPtrC textFieldPtrC = aSqlStmt.ColumnTextL(iCntSqlStatement->ParameterIndex(KContactTextFields()));
		HBufC* textFieldsBuf = textFieldPtrC.AllocLC();
		TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadTextBlobL(textHeaderStoreStream, textFieldsBuf, *iTextDef, iContactProperties.SystemTemplateL(), fields, searchFastAccessFields);
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &textHeaderStream); //textHeaderStore, textHeaderStream, textHeaderStoreStream, textFieldsBuf
		// Loop through fields, checking for fields from fast access fields, and add 
		// the fields to the view contact object.
		const TInt KFieldsNumMax = fields.Count();
		for(TInt fieldsIndex = 0; fieldsIndex < KFieldsNumMax; ++fieldsIndex)
			// this doesn't own the instance stored in fields array.
			CContactItemField* itemField = fields[fieldsIndex];

			if(itemField == NULL)

			// The array of fields retrieved from the text fields blob does not
			// contain the text data Fast Access fields. If the searchFastAccessFields 
			// flags have been set then get the data from Fast Access columns
			// before adding the data to the view.
			TPtrC fieldText;
			if(searchFastAccessFields && itemField->ContentType().FieldTypeCount() > 0)
				//Check the field name of the first field type(key field type) 
				//in the field's field types array
    			const TDesC& KColumnName = TCntPersistenceUtility::GetFastAccessColumnNameById(itemField->ContentType().FieldType(0).iUid);
				if(KColumnName.Length() > 0)
					//this is a fast access field.
			AddFieldInViewContactL(aViewContact, fieldText, aViewPrefs);