文件: ConcSys.hpp 项目: HUST-PLT/crab
 void add_thread (ThreadId t, CFG cfg, 
                  VarNameIt sh_begin, VarNameIt sh_end)
   auto it = m_cfg_map.find (t);
   if (it != m_cfg_map.end ())
   std::set<varname_t> shared_vs;
   shared_vs.insert (sh_begin, sh_end);
   std::set<varname_t> local_vs;
   for (auto &b: boost::make_iterator_range (cfg.begin (), cfg.end ()))
     for (auto &s: b)
       auto ls = s.getLive ();
       if (ls.defs_begin () != ls.defs_end ())
         local_vs.insert (ls.defs_begin (), ls.defs_end ());
       if (ls.uses_begin () != ls.uses_end ())
         local_vs.insert (ls.uses_begin (), ls.uses_end ());
   set_difference (local_vs, shared_vs);
   m_cfg_map.insert (std::make_pair (t, cfg));
   m_gv_map.insert (std::make_pair (t, shared_vs));
   m_lv_map.insert (std::make_pair (t, local_vs));
void lfort::runUninitializedVariablesAnalysis(
    const DeclContext &dc,
    const CFG &cfg,
    AnalysisDeclContext &ac,
    UninitVariablesHandler &handler,
    UninitVariablesAnalysisStats &stats) {
  CFGBlockValues vals(cfg);
  if (vals.hasNoDeclarations())

  stats.NumVariablesAnalyzed = vals.getNumEntries();

  // Precompute which expressions are uses and which are initializations.
  ClassifyRefs classification(ac);

  // Mark all variables uninitialized at the entry.
  const CFGBlock &entry = cfg.getEntry();
  ValueVector &vec = vals.getValueVector(&entry);
  const unsigned n = vals.getNumEntries();
  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n ; ++j) {
    vec[j] = Uninitialized;

  // Proceed with the workist.
  DataflowWorklist worklist(cfg, *ac.getAnalysis<PostOrderCFGView>());
  llvm::BitVector previouslyVisited(cfg.getNumBlockIDs());
  llvm::BitVector wasAnalyzed(cfg.getNumBlockIDs(), false);
  wasAnalyzed[cfg.getEntry().getBlockID()] = true;
  PruneBlocksHandler PBH(cfg.getNumBlockIDs());

  while (const CFGBlock *block = worklist.dequeue()) {
    PBH.currentBlock = block->getBlockID();

    // Did the block change?
    bool changed = runOnBlock(block, cfg, ac, vals,
                              classification, wasAnalyzed, PBH);
    if (changed || !previouslyVisited[block->getBlockID()])
    previouslyVisited[block->getBlockID()] = true;

  if (!PBH.hadAnyUse)

  // Run through the blocks one more time, and report uninitialized variabes.
  for (CFG::const_iterator BI = cfg.begin(), BE = cfg.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
    const CFGBlock *block = *BI;
    if (PBH.hadUse[block->getBlockID()]) {
      runOnBlock(block, cfg, ac, vals, classification, wasAnalyzed, handler);
void clang::runUninitializedVariablesAnalysis(
    const DeclContext &dc,
    const CFG &cfg,
    AnalysisDeclContext &ac,
    UninitVariablesHandler &handler,
    UninitVariablesAnalysisStats &stats) {
  CFGBlockValues vals(cfg);
  if (vals.hasNoDeclarations())

  stats.NumVariablesAnalyzed = vals.getNumEntries();

  // Mark all variables uninitialized at the entry.
  const CFGBlock &entry = cfg.getEntry();
  for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator i = entry.succ_begin(), 
        e = entry.succ_end(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (const CFGBlock *succ = *i) {
      ValueVector &vec = vals.getValueVector(&entry, succ);
      const unsigned n = vals.getNumEntries();
      for (unsigned j = 0; j < n ; ++j) {
        vec[j] = Uninitialized;

  // Proceed with the workist.
  DataflowWorklist worklist(cfg);
  llvm::BitVector previouslyVisited(cfg.getNumBlockIDs());
  llvm::BitVector wasAnalyzed(cfg.getNumBlockIDs(), false);
  wasAnalyzed[cfg.getEntry().getBlockID()] = true;

  while (const CFGBlock *block = worklist.dequeue()) {
    // Did the block change?
    bool changed = runOnBlock(block, cfg, ac, vals, wasAnalyzed);
    if (changed || !previouslyVisited[block->getBlockID()])
    previouslyVisited[block->getBlockID()] = true;
  // Run through the blocks one more time, and report uninitialized variabes.
  for (CFG::const_iterator BI = cfg.begin(), BE = cfg.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
    const CFGBlock *block = *BI;
    if (wasAnalyzed[block->getBlockID()]) {
      runOnBlock(block, cfg, ac, vals, wasAnalyzed, &handler);
void FindUnreachableCode(AnalysisDeclContext &AC, Preprocessor &PP,
                         Callback &CB) {

  CFG *cfg = AC.getCFG();
  if (!cfg)

  // Scan for reachable blocks from the entrance of the CFG.
  // If there are no unreachable blocks, we're done.
  llvm::BitVector reachable(cfg->getNumBlockIDs());
  unsigned numReachable =
    scanMaybeReachableFromBlock(&cfg->getEntry(), PP, reachable);
  if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())
  // If there aren't explicit EH edges, we should include the 'try' dispatch
  // blocks as roots.
  if (!AC.getCFGBuildOptions().AddEHEdges) {
    for (CFG::try_block_iterator I = cfg->try_blocks_begin(),
         E = cfg->try_blocks_end() ; I != E; ++I) {
      numReachable += scanMaybeReachableFromBlock(*I, PP, reachable);
    if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())

  // There are some unreachable blocks.  We need to find the root blocks that
  // contain code that should be considered unreachable.  
  for (CFG::iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *block = *I;
    // A block may have been marked reachable during this loop.
    if (reachable[block->getBlockID()])
    DeadCodeScan DS(reachable, PP);
    numReachable += DS.scanBackwards(block, CB);
    if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())
void MallocOverflowSecurityChecker::checkASTCodeBody(const Decl *D,
                                             AnalysisManager &mgr,
                                             BugReporter &BR) const {

  CFG *cfg = mgr.getCFG(D);
  if (!cfg)

  // A list of variables referenced in possibly overflowing malloc operands.
  llvm::SmallVector<MallocOverflowCheck, 2> PossibleMallocOverflows;

  for (CFG::iterator it = cfg->begin(), ei = cfg->end(); it != ei; ++it) {
    CFGBlock *block = *it;
    for (CFGBlock::iterator bi = block->begin(), be = block->end();
         bi != be; ++bi) {
      if (const CFGStmt *CS = bi->getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
        if (const CallExpr *TheCall = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(CS->getStmt())) {
          // Get the callee.
          const FunctionDecl *FD = TheCall->getDirectCallee();

          if (!FD)

          // Get the name of the callee. If it's a builtin, strip off the prefix.
          IdentifierInfo *FnInfo = FD->getIdentifier();
          if (!FnInfo)

          if (FnInfo->isStr ("malloc") || FnInfo->isStr ("_MALLOC")) {
            if (TheCall->getNumArgs() == 1)
              CheckMallocArgument(PossibleMallocOverflows, TheCall->getArg(0),

  OutputPossibleOverflows(PossibleMallocOverflows, D, BR, mgr);
void UnreachableCodeChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
                                              BugReporter &B,
                                              ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  CFGBlocksSet reachable, visited;

  if (Eng.hasWorkRemaining())

  const Decl *D = nullptr;
  CFG *C = nullptr;
  ParentMap *PM = nullptr;
  const LocationContext *LC = nullptr;
  // Iterate over ExplodedGraph
  for (ExplodedGraph::node_iterator I = G.nodes_begin(), E = G.nodes_end();
      I != E; ++I) {
    const ProgramPoint &P = I->getLocation();
    LC = P.getLocationContext();
    if (!LC->inTopFrame())

    if (!D)
      D = LC->getAnalysisDeclContext()->getDecl();

    // Save the CFG if we don't have it already
    if (!C)
      C = LC->getAnalysisDeclContext()->getUnoptimizedCFG();
    if (!PM)
      PM = &LC->getParentMap();

    if (Optional<BlockEntrance> BE = P.getAs<BlockEntrance>()) {
      const CFGBlock *CB = BE->getBlock();

  // Bail out if we didn't get the CFG or the ParentMap.
  if (!D || !C || !PM)

  // Don't do anything for template instantiations.  Proving that code
  // in a template instantiation is unreachable means proving that it is
  // unreachable in all instantiations.
  if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D))
    if (FD->isTemplateInstantiation())

  // Find CFGBlocks that were not covered by any node
  for (CFG::const_iterator I = C->begin(), E = C->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *CB = *I;
    // Check if the block is unreachable
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check if the block is empty (an artificial block)
    if (isEmptyCFGBlock(CB))

    // Find the entry points for this block
    if (!visited.count(CB->getBlockID()))
      FindUnreachableEntryPoints(CB, reachable, visited);

    // This block may have been pruned; check if we still want to report it
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check for false positives
    if (isInvalidPath(CB, *PM))

    // It is good practice to always have a "default" label in a "switch", even
    // if we should never get there. It can be used to detect errors, for
    // instance. Unreachable code directly under a "default" label is therefore
    // likely to be a false positive.
    if (const Stmt *label = CB->getLabel())
      if (label->getStmtClass() == Stmt::DefaultStmtClass)

    // Special case for __builtin_unreachable.
    // FIXME: This should be extended to include other unreachable markers,
    // such as llvm_unreachable.
    if (!CB->empty()) {
      bool foundUnreachable = false;
      for (CFGBlock::const_iterator ci = CB->begin(), ce = CB->end();
           ci != ce; ++ci) {
        if (Optional<CFGStmt> S = (*ci).getAs<CFGStmt>())
          if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S->getStmt())) {
            if (CE->getBuiltinCallee() == Builtin::BI__builtin_unreachable ||
                CE->isBuiltinAssumeFalse(Eng.getContext())) {
              foundUnreachable = true;
      if (foundUnreachable)

    // We found a block that wasn't covered - find the statement to report
    SourceRange SR;
    PathDiagnosticLocation DL;
    SourceLocation SL;
    if (const Stmt *S = getUnreachableStmt(CB)) {
      // In macros, 'do {...} while (0)' is often used. Don't warn about the
      // condition 0 when it is unreachable.
      if (S->getBeginLoc().isMacroID())
        if (const auto *I = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(S))
          if (I->getValue() == 0ULL)
            if (const Stmt *Parent = PM->getParent(S))
              if (isa<DoStmt>(Parent))
      SR = S->getSourceRange();
      DL = PathDiagnosticLocation::createBegin(S, B.getSourceManager(), LC);
      SL = DL.asLocation();
      if (SR.isInvalid() || !SL.isValid())

    // Check if the SourceLocation is in a system header
    const SourceManager &SM = B.getSourceManager();
    if (SM.isInSystemHeader(SL) || SM.isInExternCSystemHeader(SL))

    B.EmitBasicReport(D, this, "Unreachable code", "Dead code",
                      "This statement is never executed", DL, SR);
void UnreachableCodeChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
                                              BugReporter &B,
                                              ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  CFGBlocksSet reachable, visited;

  if (Eng.hasWorkRemaining())

  CFG *C = 0;
  ParentMap *PM = 0;
  // Iterate over ExplodedGraph
  for (ExplodedGraph::node_iterator I = G.nodes_begin(), E = G.nodes_end();
      I != E; ++I) {
    const ProgramPoint &P = I->getLocation();
    const LocationContext *LC = P.getLocationContext();

    // Save the CFG if we don't have it already
    if (!C)
      C = LC->getAnalysisContext()->getUnoptimizedCFG();
    if (!PM)
      PM = &LC->getParentMap();

    if (const BlockEntrance *BE = dyn_cast<BlockEntrance>(&P)) {
      const CFGBlock *CB = BE->getBlock();

  // Bail out if we didn't get the CFG or the ParentMap.
  if (!C || !PM)

  ASTContext &Ctx = B.getContext();

  // Find CFGBlocks that were not covered by any node
  for (CFG::const_iterator I = C->begin(), E = C->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *CB = *I;
    // Check if the block is unreachable
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check if the block is empty (an artificial block)
    if (isEmptyCFGBlock(CB))

    // Find the entry points for this block
    if (!visited.count(CB->getBlockID()))
      FindUnreachableEntryPoints(CB, reachable, visited);

    // This block may have been pruned; check if we still want to report it
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check for false positives
    if (CB->size() > 0 && isInvalidPath(CB, *PM))

    // Special case for __builtin_unreachable.
    // FIXME: This should be extended to include other unreachable markers,
    // such as llvm_unreachable.
    if (!CB->empty()) {
      CFGElement First = CB->front();
      if (const CFGStmt *S = First.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
        if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S->getStmt())) {
          if (CE->isBuiltinCall(Ctx) == Builtin::BI__builtin_unreachable)

    // We found a block that wasn't covered - find the statement to report
    SourceRange SR;
    SourceLocation SL;
    if (const Stmt *S = getUnreachableStmt(CB)) {
      SR = S->getSourceRange();
      SL = S->getLocStart();
      if (SR.isInvalid() || SL.isInvalid())

    // Check if the SourceLocation is in a system header
    const SourceManager &SM = B.getSourceManager();
    if (SM.isInSystemHeader(SL) || SM.isInExternCSystemHeader(SL))

    B.EmitBasicReport("Unreachable code", "Dead code", "This statement is never"
        " executed", SL, SR);
/// CheckFallThrough - Check that we don't fall off the end of a
/// Statement that should return a value.
/// \returns AlwaysFallThrough iff we always fall off the end of the statement,
/// MaybeFallThrough iff we might or might not fall off the end,
/// NeverFallThroughOrReturn iff we never fall off the end of the statement or
/// return.  We assume NeverFallThrough iff we never fall off the end of the
/// statement but we may return.  We assume that functions not marked noreturn
/// will return.
static ControlFlowKind CheckFallThrough(AnalysisContext &AC) {
    CFG *cfg = AC.getCFG();
    if (cfg == 0) return UnknownFallThrough;

    // The CFG leaves in dead things, and we don't want the dead code paths to
    // confuse us, so we mark all live things first.
    llvm::BitVector live(cfg->getNumBlockIDs());
    unsigned count = reachable_code::ScanReachableFromBlock(cfg->getEntry(),

    bool AddEHEdges = AC.getAddEHEdges();
    if (!AddEHEdges && count != cfg->getNumBlockIDs())
        // When there are things remaining dead, and we didn't add EH edges
        // from CallExprs to the catch clauses, we have to go back and
        // mark them as live.
        for (CFG::iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) {
            CFGBlock &b = **I;
            if (!live[b.getBlockID()]) {
                if (b.pred_begin() == b.pred_end()) {
                    if (b.getTerminator() && isa<CXXTryStmt>(b.getTerminator()))
                        // When not adding EH edges from calls, catch clauses
                        // can otherwise seem dead.  Avoid noting them as dead.
                        count += reachable_code::ScanReachableFromBlock(b, live);

    // Now we know what is live, we check the live precessors of the exit block
    // and look for fall through paths, being careful to ignore normal returns,
    // and exceptional paths.
    bool HasLiveReturn = false;
    bool HasFakeEdge = false;
    bool HasPlainEdge = false;
    bool HasAbnormalEdge = false;
    for (CFGBlock::pred_iterator I=cfg->getExit().pred_begin(),
            E = cfg->getExit().pred_end();
            I != E;
            ++I) {
        CFGBlock& B = **I;
        if (!live[B.getBlockID()])
        if (B.size() == 0) {
            if (B.getTerminator() && isa<CXXTryStmt>(B.getTerminator())) {
                HasAbnormalEdge = true;

            // A labeled empty statement, or the entry block...
            HasPlainEdge = true;
        Stmt *S = B[B.size()-1];
        if (isa<ReturnStmt>(S)) {
            HasLiveReturn = true;
        if (isa<ObjCAtThrowStmt>(S)) {
            HasFakeEdge = true;
        if (isa<CXXThrowExpr>(S)) {
            HasFakeEdge = true;
        if (const AsmStmt *AS = dyn_cast<AsmStmt>(S)) {
            if (AS->isMSAsm()) {
                HasFakeEdge = true;
                HasLiveReturn = true;
        if (isa<CXXTryStmt>(S)) {
            HasAbnormalEdge = true;

        bool NoReturnEdge = false;
        if (CallExpr *C = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
            if (std::find(B.succ_begin(), B.succ_end(), &cfg->getExit())
                    == B.succ_end()) {
                HasAbnormalEdge = true;
            Expr *CEE = C->getCallee()->IgnoreParenCasts();
            if (getFunctionExtInfo(CEE->getType()).getNoReturn()) {
                NoReturnEdge = true;
                HasFakeEdge = true;
            } else if (DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CEE)) {
                ValueDecl *VD = DRE->getDecl();
                if (VD->hasAttr<NoReturnAttr>()) {
                    NoReturnEdge = true;
                    HasFakeEdge = true;
        // FIXME: Remove this hack once temporaries and their destructors are
        // modeled correctly by the CFG.
        if (CXXExprWithTemporaries *E = dyn_cast<CXXExprWithTemporaries>(S)) {
            for (unsigned I = 0, N = E->getNumTemporaries(); I != N; ++I) {
                const FunctionDecl *FD = E->getTemporary(I)->getDestructor();
                if (FD->hasAttr<NoReturnAttr>() ||
                        FD->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()->getNoReturnAttr()) {
                    NoReturnEdge = true;
                    HasFakeEdge = true;
        // FIXME: Add noreturn message sends.
        if (NoReturnEdge == false)
            HasPlainEdge = true;
    if (!HasPlainEdge) {
        if (HasLiveReturn)
            return NeverFallThrough;
        return NeverFallThroughOrReturn;
    if (HasAbnormalEdge || HasFakeEdge || HasLiveReturn)
        return MaybeFallThrough;
    // This says AlwaysFallThrough for calls to functions that are not marked
    // noreturn, that don't return.  If people would like this warning to be more
    // accurate, such functions should be marked as noreturn.
    return AlwaysFallThrough;
LiveVariables *
LiveVariables::computeLiveness(AnalysisDeclContext &AC,
                                 bool killAtAssign) {

  // No CFG?  Bail out.
  CFG *cfg = AC.getCFG();
  if (!cfg)
    return nullptr;

  // The analysis currently has scalability issues for very large CFGs.
  // Bail out if it looks too large.
  if (cfg->getNumBlockIDs() > 300000)
    return nullptr;

  LiveVariablesImpl *LV = new LiveVariablesImpl(AC, killAtAssign);

  // Construct the dataflow worklist.  Enqueue the exit block as the
  // start of the analysis.
  DataflowWorklist worklist(*cfg, AC);
  llvm::BitVector everAnalyzedBlock(cfg->getNumBlockIDs());

  // FIXME: we should enqueue using post order.
  for (CFG::const_iterator it = cfg->begin(), ei = cfg->end(); it != ei; ++it) {
    const CFGBlock *block = *it;
    // FIXME: Scan for DeclRefExprs using in the LHS of an assignment.
    // We need to do this because we lack context in the reverse analysis
    // to determine if a DeclRefExpr appears in such a context, and thus
    // doesn't constitute a "use".
    if (killAtAssign)
      for (CFGBlock::const_iterator bi = block->begin(), be = block->end();
           bi != be; ++bi) {
        if (Optional<CFGStmt> cs = bi->getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
          if (const BinaryOperator *BO =
                  dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(cs->getStmt())) {
            if (BO->getOpcode() == BO_Assign) {
              if (const DeclRefExpr *DR =
                    dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(BO->getLHS()->IgnoreParens())) {
                LV->inAssignment[DR] = 1;
  while (const CFGBlock *block = worklist.dequeue()) {
    // Determine if the block's end value has changed.  If not, we
    // have nothing left to do for this block.
    LivenessValues &prevVal = LV->blocksEndToLiveness[block];
    // Merge the values of all successor blocks.
    LivenessValues val;
    for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator it = block->succ_begin(),
                                       ei = block->succ_end(); it != ei; ++it) {
      if (const CFGBlock *succ = *it) {     
        val = LV->merge(val, LV->blocksBeginToLiveness[succ]);
    if (!everAnalyzedBlock[block->getBlockID()])
      everAnalyzedBlock[block->getBlockID()] = true;
    else if (prevVal.equals(val))

    prevVal = val;
    // Update the dataflow value for the start of this block.
    LV->blocksBeginToLiveness[block] = LV->runOnBlock(block, val);
    // Enqueue the value to the predecessors.
  return new LiveVariables(LV);
/// CheckFallThrough - Check that we don't fall off the end of a
/// Statement that should return a value.
/// \returns AlwaysFallThrough iff we always fall off the end of the statement,
/// MaybeFallThrough iff we might or might not fall off the end,
/// NeverFallThroughOrReturn iff we never fall off the end of the statement or
/// return.  We assume NeverFallThrough iff we never fall off the end of the
/// statement but we may return.  We assume that functions not marked noreturn
/// will return.
static ControlFlowKind CheckFallThrough(AnalysisContext &AC) {
  CFG *cfg = AC.getCFG();
  if (cfg == 0) return UnknownFallThrough;

  // The CFG leaves in dead things, and we don't want the dead code paths to
  // confuse us, so we mark all live things first.
  llvm::BitVector live(cfg->getNumBlockIDs());
  unsigned count = reachable_code::ScanReachableFromBlock(cfg->getEntry(),

  bool AddEHEdges = AC.getAddEHEdges();
  if (!AddEHEdges && count != cfg->getNumBlockIDs())
    // When there are things remaining dead, and we didn't add EH edges
    // from CallExprs to the catch clauses, we have to go back and
    // mark them as live.
    for (CFG::iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) {
      CFGBlock &b = **I;
      if (!live[b.getBlockID()]) {
        if (b.pred_begin() == b.pred_end()) {
          if (b.getTerminator() && isa<CXXTryStmt>(b.getTerminator()))
            // When not adding EH edges from calls, catch clauses
            // can otherwise seem dead.  Avoid noting them as dead.
            count += reachable_code::ScanReachableFromBlock(b, live);

  // Now we know what is live, we check the live precessors of the exit block
  // and look for fall through paths, being careful to ignore normal returns,
  // and exceptional paths.
  bool HasLiveReturn = false;
  bool HasFakeEdge = false;
  bool HasPlainEdge = false;
  bool HasAbnormalEdge = false;

  // Ignore default cases that aren't likely to be reachable because all
  // enums in a switch(X) have explicit case statements.
  CFGBlock::FilterOptions FO;
  FO.IgnoreDefaultsWithCoveredEnums = 1;

  for (CFGBlock::filtered_pred_iterator
	 I = cfg->getExit().filtered_pred_start_end(FO); I.hasMore(); ++I) {
    const CFGBlock& B = **I;
    if (!live[B.getBlockID()])

    // Destructors can appear after the 'return' in the CFG.  This is
    // normal.  We need to look pass the destructors for the return
    // statement (if it exists).
    CFGBlock::const_reverse_iterator ri = B.rbegin(), re = B.rend();
    bool hasNoReturnDtor = false;
    for ( ; ri != re ; ++ri) {
      CFGElement CE = *ri;

      // FIXME: The right solution is to just sever the edges in the
      // CFG itself.
      if (const CFGImplicitDtor *iDtor = ri->getAs<CFGImplicitDtor>())
        if (iDtor->isNoReturn(AC.getASTContext())) {
          hasNoReturnDtor = true;
          HasFakeEdge = true;
      if (isa<CFGStmt>(CE))
    if (hasNoReturnDtor)
    // No more CFGElements in the block?
    if (ri == re) {
      if (B.getTerminator() && isa<CXXTryStmt>(B.getTerminator())) {
        HasAbnormalEdge = true;
      // A labeled empty statement, or the entry block...
      HasPlainEdge = true;

    CFGStmt CS = cast<CFGStmt>(*ri);
    Stmt *S = CS.getStmt();
    if (isa<ReturnStmt>(S)) {
      HasLiveReturn = true;
    if (isa<ObjCAtThrowStmt>(S)) {
      HasFakeEdge = true;
    if (isa<CXXThrowExpr>(S)) {
      HasFakeEdge = true;
    if (const AsmStmt *AS = dyn_cast<AsmStmt>(S)) {
      if (AS->isMSAsm()) {
        HasFakeEdge = true;
        HasLiveReturn = true;
    if (isa<CXXTryStmt>(S)) {
      HasAbnormalEdge = true;

    bool NoReturnEdge = false;
    if (CallExpr *C = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
      if (std::find(B.succ_begin(), B.succ_end(), &cfg->getExit())
            == B.succ_end()) {
        HasAbnormalEdge = true;
      Expr *CEE = C->getCallee()->IgnoreParenCasts();
      QualType calleeType = CEE->getType();
      if (calleeType == AC.getASTContext().BoundMemberTy) {
        calleeType = Expr::findBoundMemberType(CEE);
        assert(!calleeType.isNull() && "analyzing unresolved call?");
      if (getFunctionExtInfo(calleeType).getNoReturn()) {
        NoReturnEdge = true;
        HasFakeEdge = true;
      } else if (DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CEE)) {
        ValueDecl *VD = DRE->getDecl();
        if (VD->hasAttr<NoReturnAttr>()) {
          NoReturnEdge = true;
          HasFakeEdge = true;
    // FIXME: Add noreturn message sends.
    if (NoReturnEdge == false)
      HasPlainEdge = true;
  if (!HasPlainEdge) {
    if (HasLiveReturn)
      return NeverFallThrough;
    return NeverFallThroughOrReturn;
  if (HasAbnormalEdge || HasFakeEdge || HasLiveReturn)
    return MaybeFallThrough;
  // This says AlwaysFallThrough for calls to functions that are not marked
  // noreturn, that don't return.  If people would like this warning to be more
  // accurate, such functions should be marked as noreturn.
  return AlwaysFallThrough;
void FindUnreachableCode(AnalysisContext &AC, Callback &CB) {
  CFG *cfg = AC.getCFG();
  if (!cfg)

  // Scan for reachable blocks.
  llvm::BitVector reachable(cfg->getNumBlockIDs());
  unsigned numReachable = ScanReachableFromBlock(cfg->getEntry(), reachable);

    // If there are no unreachable blocks, we're done.
  if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())

  SourceRange R1, R2;

  llvm::SmallVector<ErrLoc, 24> lines;
  bool AddEHEdges = AC.getAddEHEdges();

  // First, give warnings for blocks with no predecessors, as they
  // can't be part of a loop.
  for (CFG::iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    CFGBlock &b = **I;
    if (!reachable[b.getBlockID()]) {
      if (b.pred_empty()) {
        if (!AddEHEdges
        && dyn_cast_or_null<CXXTryStmt>(b.getTerminator().getStmt())) {
            // When not adding EH edges from calls, catch clauses
            // can otherwise seem dead.  Avoid noting them as dead.
          numReachable += ScanReachableFromBlock(b, reachable);
        SourceLocation c = GetUnreachableLoc(b, R1, R2);
        if (!c.isValid()) {
            // Blocks without a location can't produce a warning, so don't mark
            // reachable blocks from here as live.
        lines.push_back(ErrLoc(c, R1, R2));
          // Avoid excessive errors by marking everything reachable from here
        numReachable += ScanReachableFromBlock(b, reachable);

  if (numReachable < cfg->getNumBlockIDs()) {
      // And then give warnings for the tops of loops.
    for (CFG::iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) {
      CFGBlock &b = **I;
      if (!reachable[b.getBlockID()])
          // Avoid excessive errors by marking everything reachable from here
        lines.push_back(ErrLoc(MarkLiveTop(&b, reachable,
                               SourceRange(), SourceRange()));

  llvm::array_pod_sort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), LineCmp);

  for (llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ErrLoc>::iterator I=lines.begin(), E=lines.end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (I->Loc.isValid())
      CB.HandleUnreachable(I->Loc, I->R1, I->R2);
int main(int argc, const char* const argv[])
    // PRINT_ZONES = true;

    if(argc < 3)
        std::cerr << "ERROR: need args. " << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Example: ./cfg huge.cfg 2 " << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const char* const filename = argv[1];

    unsigned times;
        times = std::stoul(argv[2]);
        std::cerr << "ERROR: second arg must be a number" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Simulates work when randomly accessing strings;
    std::string workDummy;

    CFG cfg;
    for(unsigned t = 0; t < times; ++t)
            Zone zone("parsing");
            cfg = CFG(filename);

            std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to open or parse file " << filename << std::endl;
            return 1;

        std::vector<std::string> keys;

            Zone zone("iteration");
            for(auto& key_value: cfg)

            Zone zone("random access");
            for(const std::string& key: keys)
                const auto found = cfg.find(key);
                // assert(key == found->first);
                workDummy = key + "=" + found->second ;

        // Test that find() does not accidentally find something not in the config file
        assert(cfg.find("<<<NOT=HERE>>>") == cfg.end());

    // Ensures workDummy is not optimized away
    std::cout << workDummy << std::endl;

    return 0;