文件: hsc.cpp 项目: OPLx/adplug
bool ChscPlayer::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
  binistream	*f = fp.open(filename);
  int		i;

  // file validation section
  if (
    || !fp.extension(filename, ".hsc")
    || fp.filesize(f) > (59187 + 1)  // +1 is for some files that have a trailing 0x00 on the end
    || fp.filesize(f) < (1587 + 1152) // no 0x00 byte here as this is the smallest possible size
  ) {
    AdPlug_LogWrite("ChscPlayer::load(\"%s\"): Not a HSC file!\n", filename.c_str());
    return false;

  int total_patterns_in_hsc = (fp.filesize(f) - 1587) / 1152;

  // load section
  for(i=0;i<128*12;i++)		// load instruments
    *((unsigned char *)instr + i) = f->readInt(1);
  for (i=0;i<128;i++) {			// correct instruments
    instr[i][2] ^= (instr[i][2] & 0x40) << 1;
    instr[i][3] ^= (instr[i][3] & 0x40) << 1;
    instr[i][11] >>= 4;			// slide
  for(i=0;i<51;i++) {	// load tracklist
    song[i] = f->readInt(1);
    // if out of range, song ends here
    if (
      ((song[i] & 0x7F) > 0x31)
      || ((song[i] & 0x7F) >= total_patterns_in_hsc)
    ) song[i] = 0xFF;
  for(i=0;i<50*64*9;i++)			// load patterns
    *((char *)patterns + i) = f->readInt(1);

  rewind(0);					// rewind module
  return true;
bool ChspLoader::load(const char *filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
  binistream	*f = fp.open(filename); if(!f) return false;
  unsigned long	i, j, orgsize, filesize;
  unsigned char	*cmp, *org;

  // file validation section
  if(!fp.extension(filename, ".hsp")) { fp.close(f); return false; }

  filesize = fp.filesize(f);
  orgsize = f->readInt(2);
  if(orgsize > 59187) { fp.close(f); return false; }

  // load section
  cmp = new unsigned char[filesize];
  for(i = 0; i < filesize; i++) cmp[i] = f->readInt(1);

  org = new unsigned char[orgsize];
  for(i = 0, j = 0; i < filesize; j += cmp[i], i += 2) {	// RLE decompress
    if(j >= orgsize) break;	// memory boundary check
    memset(org + j, cmp[i + 1], j + cmp[i] < orgsize ? cmp[i] : orgsize - j - 1);
  delete [] cmp;

  memcpy(instr, org, 128 * 12);		// instruments
  for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) {		// correct instruments
    instr[i][2] ^= (instr[i][2] & 0x40) << 1;
    instr[i][3] ^= (instr[i][3] & 0x40) << 1;
    instr[i][11] >>= 4;		// slide
  memcpy(song, org + 128 * 12, 51);	// tracklist
  memcpy(patterns, org + 128 * 12 + 51, orgsize - 128 * 12 - 51);	// patterns
  delete [] org;

  return true;
bool CdmoLoader::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
  int i,j;
  binistream *f;

  // check header
  dmo_unpacker *unpacker = new dmo_unpacker;
  unsigned char chkhdr[16];

  if(!fp.extension(filename, ".dmo")) return false;
  f = fp.open(filename); if(!f) return false;

  f->readString((char *)chkhdr, 16);

  if (!unpacker->decrypt(chkhdr, 16))
      delete unpacker;
      return false;

  // get file size
  long packed_length = fp.filesize(f);

  unsigned char *packed_module = new unsigned char [packed_length];

  // load file
  f->readString((char *)packed_module, packed_length);

  // decrypt

  long unpacked_length = 0x2000 * ARRAY_AS_WORD(packed_module, 12);
  unsigned char *module = new unsigned char [unpacked_length];

  // unpack
  if (!unpacker->unpack(packed_module+12,module,unpacked_length))
      delete unpacker;
      delete [] packed_module;
      delete [] module;
      return false;

  delete unpacker;
  delete [] packed_module;

  // "TwinTeam" - signed ?
  if (memcmp(module,"TwinTeam Module File""\x0D\x0A",22))
      delete module;
      return false;

  // load header
  binisstream	uf(module, unpacked_length);
  uf.setFlag(binio::BigEndian, false); uf.setFlag(binio::FloatIEEE);


  uf.ignore(22);				// ignore DMO header ID string
  uf.readString(header.name, 28);

  uf.ignore(2);				// _unk_1
  header.ordnum  = uf.readInt(2);
  header.insnum  = uf.readInt(2);
  header.patnum  = uf.readInt(2);
  uf.ignore(2);				// _unk_2
  header.is      = uf.readInt(2);
  header.it      = uf.readInt(2);


  for (i=0;i<9;i++)
    header.chanset[i] = 0x10 + i;

  uf.ignore(32);				// ignore panning settings for all 32 channels

  // load orders
  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) orders[i] = uf.readInt(1);

  orders[header.ordnum] = 0xFF;

  // load pattern lengths
  unsigned short my_patlen[100];
  for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) my_patlen[i] = uf.readInt(2);

  // load instruments
  for (i = 0; i < header.insnum; i++)

      uf.readString(inst[i].name, 28);

      inst[i].volume = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].dsk    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].c2spd  = uf.readInt(4);
      inst[i].type   = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d00    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d01    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d02    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d03    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d04    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d05    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d06    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d07    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d08    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d09    = uf.readInt(1);
      inst[i].d0a    = uf.readInt(1);
       * Originally, riven sets d0b = d0a and ignores 1 byte in the
       * stream, but i guess this was a typo, so i read it here.
      inst[i].d0b    = uf.readInt(1);

  // load patterns
  for (i = 0; i < header.patnum; i++) {
    long cur_pos = uf.pos();

    for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
      while (1) {
	unsigned char token = uf.readInt(1);

	if (!token)

	unsigned char chan = token & 31;

	// note + instrument ?
	if (token & 32) {
	  unsigned char bufbyte = uf.readInt(1);

	  pattern[i][j][chan].note = bufbyte & 15;
	  pattern[i][j][chan].oct = bufbyte >> 4;
	  pattern[i][j][chan].instrument = uf.readInt(1);

	// volume ?
	if (token & 64)
	  pattern[i][j][chan].volume = uf.readInt(1);

	// command ?
	if (token & 128) {
	  pattern[i][j][chan].command = uf.readInt(1);
	  pattern[i][j][chan].info = uf.readInt(1);

    uf.seek(cur_pos + my_patlen[i]);
文件: adtrack.cpp 项目: EQ4/adplug
bool CadtrackLoader::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
  binistream *f = fp.open(filename); if(!f) return false;
  binistream *instf;
  char note[2];
  unsigned short rwp;
  unsigned char chp, octave, pnote = 0;
  int i,j;
  AdTrackInst myinst;

  // file validation
  if(!fp.extension(filename, ".sng") || fp.filesize(f) != 36000)
    { fp.close(f); return false; }

  // check for instruments file
  std::string instfilename(filename, 0, filename.find_last_of('.'));
  instfilename += ".ins";
  AdPlug_LogWrite("CadtrackLoader::load(,\"%s\"): Checking for \"%s\"...\n",
		  filename.c_str(), instfilename.c_str());
  instf = fp.open(instfilename);
  if(!instf || fp.filesize(instf) != 468) { fp.close(f); return false; }

  // give CmodPlayer a hint on what we're up to
  realloc_patterns(1,1000,9); realloc_instruments(9); realloc_order(1);
  init_trackord(); flags = NoKeyOn;
  (*order) = 0; length = 1; restartpos = 0; bpm = 120; initspeed = 3;

  // load instruments from instruments file
  for(i=0;i<9;i++) {
    for(j=0;j<2;j++) {
      myinst.op[j].appampmod = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].appvib = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].maintsuslvl = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].keybscale = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].octave = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].freqrisevollvldn = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].softness = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].attack = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].decay = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].release = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].sustain = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].feedback = instf->readInt(2);
      myinst.op[j].waveform = instf->readInt(2);
    convert_instrument(i, &myinst);

  // load file
    for(chp=0;chp<9;chp++) {
      // read next record
      f->readString(note, 2); octave = f->readInt(1); f->ignore();
      switch(*note) {
      case 'C': if(note[1] == '#') pnote = 2; else pnote = 1; break;
      case 'D': if(note[1] == '#') pnote = 4; else pnote = 3; break;
      case 'E': pnote = 5; break;
      case 'F': if(note[1] == '#') pnote = 7; else pnote = 6; break;
      case 'G': if(note[1] == '#') pnote = 9; else pnote = 8; break;
      case 'A': if(note[1] == '#') pnote = 11; else pnote = 10; break;
      case 'B': pnote = 12; break;
      case '\0':
	if(note[1] == '\0')
	  tracks[chp][rwp].note = 127;
	else {
	  return false;
      default: fp.close(f); return false;
      if((*note) != '\0') {
	tracks[chp][rwp].note = pnote + (octave * 12);
	tracks[chp][rwp].inst = chp + 1;

  return true;
文件: lds.cpp 项目: EQ4/adplug
bool CldsPlayer::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
  binistream	*f;
  unsigned int	i, j;
  SoundBank	*sb;

  // file validation section (actually just an extension check)
  if(!fp.extension(filename, ".lds")) return false;
  f = fp.open(filename); if(!f) return false;

  // file load section (header)
  mode = f->readInt(1);
  if(mode > 2) { fp.close(f); return false; }
  speed = f->readInt(2);
  tempo = f->readInt(1);
  pattlen = f->readInt(1);
  for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) chandelay[i] = f->readInt(1);
  regbd = f->readInt(1);

  // load patches
  numpatch = f->readInt(2);
  soundbank = new SoundBank[numpatch];
  for(i = 0; i < numpatch; i++) {
    sb = &soundbank[i];
    sb->mod_misc = f->readInt(1); sb->mod_vol = f->readInt(1);
    sb->mod_ad = f->readInt(1); sb->mod_sr = f->readInt(1);
    sb->mod_wave = f->readInt(1); sb->car_misc = f->readInt(1);
    sb->car_vol = f->readInt(1); sb->car_ad = f->readInt(1);
    sb->car_sr = f->readInt(1); sb->car_wave = f->readInt(1);
    sb->feedback = f->readInt(1); sb->keyoff = f->readInt(1);
    sb->portamento = f->readInt(1); sb->glide = f->readInt(1);
    sb->finetune = f->readInt(1); sb->vibrato = f->readInt(1);
    sb->vibdelay = f->readInt(1); sb->mod_trem = f->readInt(1);
    sb->car_trem = f->readInt(1); sb->tremwait = f->readInt(1);
    sb->arpeggio = f->readInt(1);
    for(j = 0; j < 12; j++) sb->arp_tab[j] = f->readInt(1);
    sb->start = f->readInt(2); sb->size = f->readInt(2);
    sb->fms = f->readInt(1); sb->transp = f->readInt(2);
    sb->midinst = f->readInt(1); sb->midvelo = f->readInt(1);
    sb->midkey = f->readInt(1); sb->midtrans = f->readInt(1);
    sb->middum1 = f->readInt(1); sb->middum2 = f->readInt(1);

  // load positions
  numposi = f->readInt(2);
  positions = new Position[9 * numposi];
  for(i = 0; i < numposi; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
       * patnum is a pointer inside the pattern space, but patterns are 16bit
       * word fields anyway, so it ought to be an even number (hopefully) and
       * we can just divide it by 2 to get our array index of 16bit words.
      positions[i * 9 + j].patnum = f->readInt(2) / 2;
      positions[i * 9 + j].transpose = f->readInt(1);

  AdPlug_LogWrite("CldsPlayer::load(\"%s\",fp): loading LOUDNESS file: mode = "
		  "%d, pattlen = %d, numpatch = %d, numposi = %d\n",
		  filename.c_str(), mode, pattlen, numpatch, numposi);

  // load patterns
  f->ignore(2);		// ignore # of digital sounds (not played by this player)
  patterns = new unsigned short[(fp.filesize(f) - f->pos()) / 2 + 1];
  for(i = 0; !f->eof(); i++)
    patterns[i] = f->readInt(2);

  return true;