bool CGUIControl::OnInfo()
  CGUIAction action = GetAction(ACTION_SHOW_INFO);
  if (action.HasAnyActions())
    return action.ExecuteActions(GetID(), GetParentID());
  return false;
void CGUIButtonControl::OnClick()
  // Save values, as the click message may deactivate the window
  int controlID = GetID();
  int parentID = GetParentID();
  CGUIAction clickActions = m_clickActions;

  // button selected, send a message
  CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, controlID, parentID, 0);

  clickActions.ExecuteActions(controlID, parentID);
bool CGUIWindow::OnMove(int fromControl, int moveAction)
  const CGUIControl *control = GetFirstFocusableControl(fromControl);
  if (!control) control = GetControl(fromControl);
  if (!control)
  { // no current control??
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to find control %i in window %u",
              fromControl, GetID());
    return false;
  vector<int> moveHistory;
  int nextControl = fromControl;
  while (control)
  { // grab the next control direction
    CGUIAction action;
    if (!control->GetNavigationAction(moveAction, action))
      return false;
    action.ExecuteActions(nextControl, GetParentID());
    nextControl = action.GetNavigation();
    if (!nextControl) // 0 isn't valid control id
      return false;
    // check our history - if the nextControl is in it, we can't focus it
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < moveHistory.size(); i++)
      if (nextControl == moveHistory[i])
        return false; // no control to focus so do nothing
    control = GetFirstFocusableControl(nextControl);
    if (control)
      break;  // found a focusable control
    control = GetControl(nextControl); // grab the next control and try again
  if (!control)
    return false;   // no control to focus
  // if we get here we have our new control so focus it (and unfocus the current control)
  SET_CONTROL_FOCUS(nextControl, 0);
  return true;