void CTypeDialog::setPredefToDocument () { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = View->GetDocument (); if (doc) { CGeorgesEditDocSub *current = doc->getSelectedObject (); CString str; // Add the predef vector<vector<string> > stringVector; stringVector.resize (Predef.ListCtrl.GetItemCount()); uint predef; for (predef=0; predef<(uint)Predef.ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); predef++) { stringVector[predef].resize (2); // Add the label and value str = Predef.ListCtrl.GetItemText (predef, 0); stringVector[predef][0] = (const char*)str; str = Predef.ListCtrl.GetItemText (predef, 1); stringVector[predef][1] = (const char*)str; } doc->modify (new CActionStringVectorVector (IAction::TypePredef, stringVector, *doc, doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), 0)); } }
void CLeftView::OnDelete() { // Get tree selection HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item) { // Edit the label ? CEdit *edit = TreeCtrl.GetEditControl(); if (edit) { edit->SetWindowText (""); } else { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode) { // Document modified doc->modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormArrayDelete, NULL, 0, *doc, subObject->getFormName ().c_str (), toString (subObject->getIdInParent ()).c_str (), doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subObject->getSlot ())); } } } } } } } }
void CLeftView::OnEditUndo() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { doc->OnEditUndo(); } }
void CLeftView::OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { doc->OnUpdateEditUndo(pCmdUI) ; } }
void CLeftView::OnEditFetch3() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditFetch3(); } }
void CChildFrame::OnMDIActivate(BOOL bActivate, CWnd* pActivateWnd, CWnd* pDeactivateWnd) { CMDIChildWnd::OnMDIActivate(bActivate, pActivateWnd, pDeactivateWnd); // Get the doc CGeorgesEditDoc* pDoc = GetRightPane()->GetDocument(); if (pDoc) { pDoc->onActivateView ((bActivate==TRUE)); } }
void CTypeDialog::setTypeToDocument () { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = View->GetDocument (); if (doc) { CGeorgesEditDocSub *current = doc->getSelectedObject (); doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::TypeType, toString (ComboType.GetCurSel ()).c_str (), *doc, "", "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), 0)); } }
void IAction::update (bool updateLeftView, TUpdateRightView rightViewFlag, CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, const char *_FormName) { // Right and left view CGeorgesEditView *rightView = doc.getRightView (); nlassert (rightView); CLeftView *leftView = doc.getLeftView (); nlassert (leftView); // Update left view ? if (updateLeftView) doc.updateDocumentStructure (); // Set the current view.. uint subSelection = leftView->getCurrentSelectionId (); if (subSelection != _SelId) { doc.changeSubSelection (_SelId, NULL); return; } if (leftView->getCurrentSelectionId () == 1) { rightView->HeaderDialog.getFromDocument (*doc.getHeaderPtr ()); } else if (doc.isType ()) { rightView->TypeDialog.getFromDocument (*(doc.getTypePtr())); } else if (doc.isDfn ()) { rightView->DfnDialog.getFromDocument (*(doc.getDfnPtr())); } else if (doc.isForm ()) { if (rightViewFlag == DoNothing) { } else if (rightViewFlag == UpdateLabels) { rightView->FormDialog.updateLabels (); } else if (rightViewFlag == UpdateValues) { rightView->FormDialog.updateValues (); } else if (rightViewFlag == Redraw) { rightView->FormDialog.getFromDocument (); } } }
void CTypeDialog::setIncrementToDocument () { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = View->GetDocument (); if (doc) { CGeorgesEditDocSub *current = doc->getSelectedObject (); CString str; Increment.UpdateData (); Increment.GetWindowText (str); doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::TypeIncrement, str, *doc, "", "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), 0)); } }
void CTypeDialog::setUIToDocument () { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = View->GetDocument (); if (doc) { CGeorgesEditDocSub *current = doc->getSelectedObject (); int curSel = ComboUIType.GetCurSel (); if (curSel != CB_ERR) { curSel = (CType::TUI)ComboUIType.GetItemData (curSel); } else { curSel = CType::Edit; } doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::TypeUI, toString (curSel).c_str (), *doc, "", "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), 0)); } }
BOOL CLeftView::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (theApp.m_pMainWnd->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg)) return TRUE; // Key ? if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) { // Tabulation ? if ((int) pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB) { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { // Right view ? CGeorgesEditView* pView = doc->getRightView (); if (pView->isFocusable ()) { doc->switchToView (pView); // Shift ? if (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SHIFT) & (1<<15)) pView->setFocusLastWidget (); } } return TRUE; } else if ((int) pMsg->wParam == VK_INSERT) { OnInsert (); return TRUE; } else if ((int) pMsg->wParam == VK_DELETE) { OnDelete (); return TRUE; } } return CView::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
void CLeftView::OnEditPaste() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { // What is selected ? HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item != NULL) { // Edit the label ? CEdit *edit = TreeCtrl.GetEditControl(); if (edit) { edit->SendMessage (WM_PASTE); } else { // Get the sub data CGeorgesEditDocSub *subData = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); if (subData) { // Get thte node type CGeorgesEditDocSub::TSub subType = subData->getType (); // Good type for copy ? if (subType == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Document is modified by this view if (theApp.FillMemStreamWithClipboard (subData->getFormName ().c_str(), doc, subData->getSlot ())) { doc->modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormPaste, theApp.MemStream.buffer (), theApp.MemStream.length(), *doc, subData->getFormName ().c_str(), "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subData->getSlot ())); } } } } } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeorgesImpl::LineDown () { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CMainFrame* pWnd = dynamic_cast< CMainFrame* >( theApp.m_pMainWnd ); CMDIChildWnd *pChild = pWnd->MDIGetActive (); if (pChild == NULL) return; // Get active document CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc *)pChild->GetActiveDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the left view CLeftView* pView = doc->getLeftView (); // Check type CGeorgesEditDocSub *subDoc = doc->getSelectedObject (); if (subDoc) { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc->getRootNode (subDoc->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (subDoc->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a type entry ? if ( (type == UFormDfn::EntryType) && !array ) { // Select next if ((subDoc->getIdInParent ()+1) < subDoc->getParent ()->getChildrenCount ()) doc->changeSubSelection (subDoc->getParent ()->getChild (subDoc->getIdInParent ()+1), pView); } } } }
CActionStringVectorVector::CActionStringVectorVector (IAction::TTypeAction type, const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &stringVector, CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, uint selId, uint slot) : IAction (type, selId, slot) { // Set the new value _NewValue = stringVector; // Backup old value switch (_Type) { case DfnStructure: { // Dfn const NLGEORGES::CFormDfn &dfn = *(doc.getDfnPtr ()); // Add the struct element _OldValue.resize (dfn.getNumEntry ()); uint elm; for (elm=0; elm<_OldValue.size (); elm++) { // Resize the entry _OldValue[elm].resize (5); // Add the label and value _OldValue[elm][0] = dfn.getEntry (elm).getName (); switch (elm, dfn.getEntry (elm).getType ()) { case UFormDfn::EntryType: _OldValue[elm][1] = dfn.getEntry (elm).getArrayFlag () ? "Type array" : "Type"; _OldValue[elm][4] = dfn.getEntry (elm).getFilenameExt (); break; case UFormDfn::EntryDfn: _OldValue[elm][1] = dfn.getEntry (elm).getArrayFlag () ? "Dfn array" : "Dfn"; break; case UFormDfn::EntryVirtualDfn: _OldValue[elm][1] = "Virtual Dfn"; break; } _OldValue[elm][2] = dfn.getEntry (elm).getFilename (); _OldValue[elm][3] = dfn.getEntry (elm).getDefault (); } setLabel ("Dfn Structure", doc); } break; case TypePredef: { // Type const NLGEORGES::CType &type = *(doc.getTypePtr ()); uint predef; _OldValue.resize (type.Definitions.size()); for (predef=0; predef<_OldValue.size(); predef++) { // Add the label and value _OldValue[predef].resize (2); _OldValue[predef][0] = type.Definitions[predef].Label; _OldValue[predef][1] = type.Definitions[predef].Value; } setLabel ("Type Predef", doc); } break; } }
bool IAction::doAction (CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, bool redo, bool &modified, bool firstTime) { uint index = (uint)redo; doc.logValueChange (_LogLabel.c_str (), _Log[index].c_str (), _LogPresent[index]); return true; }
bool CActionStringVector::doAction (CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, bool redo, bool &modified, bool firstTime) { IAction::doAction (doc, redo, modified, firstTime); modified = false; bool ok = true; uint index = (uint)redo; switch (_Type) { case DfnParents: { // Get document pointer CFormDfn *dfn = doc.getDfnPtr (); nlassert (dfn); // Add the parents dfn->setNumParent (_Value[index].size ()); uint parent; for (parent=0; parent<_Value[index].size (); parent++) { try { // Set the parent dfn->setParent (parent, doc.FormLoader, _Value[index][parent].c_str ()); modified = true; } catch (Exception &e) { ok = false; char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Error while loading Dfn file (%s): %s", _Value[index][parent].c_str (), e.what()); theApp.outputError (message); // Next parent parent--; } } modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, ""); } break; case FormParents: { // Get the form NLGEORGES::CForm &form = *(doc.getFormPtr ()); // Remove parent form.clearParents (); // Get the result value uint count = _Value[index].size (); uint value; for (value = 0; value<count; value++) { // Load the parent if (!_Value[index].empty ()) { // Try to load the form NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CForm> parentForm = (CForm*)doc.FormLoader.loadForm (_Value[index][value].c_str ()); if (parentForm) { if ((&form) != parentForm) { // Check it is the same dfn if (parentForm->Elements.FormDfn == form.Elements.FormDfn) { // This is the parent form selector if (form.insertParent (value, _Value[index][value].c_str(), parentForm)) { } else { ok = false; char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Internal error while assign the form (%s) as parent.", _Value[index][value].c_str()); theApp.outputError (msg); } } else { ok = false; char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "The parent form (%s) doesn't use the same DFN than the current form.", _Value[index][value].c_str()); theApp.outputError (msg); } } else { ok = false; char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Can't assign a form it self as parent."); theApp.outputError (msg); } } else { ok = false; char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Can't read the form %s.", _Value[index][value].c_str()); theApp.outputError (msg); } } } modified = true; update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; /*case FormArrayReplace: case FormArrayAppend: { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (slot); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true) ); // Is a type entry ? if ((type == UFormDfn::EntryType) && array) { // Create the array bool created; nlverify ( elm->createNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, created) ); nlassert (node); // Get the atom CFormElmArray *arrayPtr = safe_cast<CFormElmArray*>(node); // Replace ? if (_Type == FormArrayReplace) { arrayPtr->clean (); } // For each element uint arraySize = arrayPtr->Elements.size(); for (uint i=0; i<_Value[index].size (); i++) { // Name char name[512]; smprintf (name, 512, "[%d]", i+arraySize); // Create the atom node nlverify ( arrayPtr->createNodeByName (name, &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, created) ); nlassert (node); // Get the atom CFormElmAtom *atom = safe_cast<CFormElmAtom*>(node); // Set the value atom->setValue (_Value[index][i].c_str()); } modified = true; update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } break;*/ } return ok; }
CActionStringVector::CActionStringVector (IAction::TTypeAction type, const std::vector<std::string> &stringVector, CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, const char *formName, uint selId, uint slot) : IAction (type, selId, slot) { // Set the new value _FormName = formName; _NewValue = stringVector; // Backup old value switch (_Type) { case DfnParents: { // Dfn const NLGEORGES::CFormDfn &dfn = *(doc.getDfnPtr ()); // Add the parents _OldValue.resize (dfn.getNumParent ()); uint parent; for (parent=0; parent<dfn.getNumParent (); parent++) { // Add the label and value _OldValue[parent] = dfn.getParentFilename (parent); } setLabel ("Dfn Parents", doc); } break; case FormParents: { // Get the form const NLGEORGES::CForm &form = *(doc.getFormPtr ()); // Resize old string array _OldValue.resize (form.getParentCount ()); // For each parent uint parent; for (parent=0; parent<form.getParentCount (); parent++) { // Get the parent filename _OldValue[parent] = form.getParentFilename (parent); } setLabel ("Form Parents", doc); } break; /* case FormArrayReplace: case FormArrayAppend: { // Get the form const NLGEORGES::CForm &form = *(doc.getFormPtr ()); // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (slot); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (formName, &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true) ); // Get the atom _OldValue.clear (); if (node) { // Get the atom CFormElmArray *arrayPtr = safe_cast<CFormElmArray*>(node); uint size; nlverify (arrayPtr->getArraySize (size)); _OldValue.resize (size); uint elm; for (elm=0; elm<_OldValue.size (); elm++) { if (arrayPtr->Elements[elm]) { CFormElmAtom *atom = safe_cast<CFormElmAtom*>(arrayPtr->Elements[elm]); atom->getValue (_OldValue[elm], false); } } } if (_Type == FormArrayReplace) setLabel ("Form Array Replace", doc); else setLabel ("Form Array Append", doc); } break;*/ default: nlstop; } }
bool CActionString::doAction (CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, bool redo, bool &modified, bool firstTime) { IAction::doAction (doc, redo, modified, firstTime); modified = false; bool ok = true; uint index = (uint)redo; switch (_Type) { case TypeType: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); type->Type = (CType::TType)(atoi (_Value[index].c_str ())); modified = true; update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case TypeUI: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); type->UIType = (CType::TUI)(atoi (_Value[index].c_str ())); modified = true; update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case TypeDefault: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); type->Default = _Value[index]; modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case TypeMin: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); type->Min = _Value[index]; modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case TypeMax: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); type->Max = _Value[index]; modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case TypeIncrement: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); type->Increment = _Value[index]; modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case FormTypeValue: case FormValue: { // Empty ? if (!_Value[index].empty ()) { // Get / create the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool created; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->createNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, created) ); nlassert (node); // Set the atom value CFormElmAtom *atom = safe_cast<CFormElmAtom*> (node); atom->setValue (_Value[index].c_str ()); modified = true; if (firstTime) update (created, UpdateLabels, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); else update (created, UpdateValues, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } else { if (FormTypeValue == _Type) { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDnfArray; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDnfArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); nlassert (node); CFormElmAtom *atom = safe_cast<CFormElmAtom*> (node); atom->setValue (""); } else { // Remove the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->deleteNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array) ); nlassert ((FormTypeValue == _Type)||(node == NULL)); } modified = true; update (true, UpdateValues, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } break; case HeaderVersion: { uint v0, v1; if (sscanf (_Value[index].c_str (), "Version %d.%d", &v0, &v1)==2) { CFileHeader *header = doc.getHeaderPtr (); header->MajorVersion = v0; header->MinorVersion = v1; modified = true; update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } break; case HeaderState: { CFileHeader *header = doc.getHeaderPtr (); header->State = (CFileHeader::TState)atoi (_Value[index].c_str ()); modified = true; update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case HeaderComments: { doc.getHeaderPtr ()->Comments = _Value[index]; modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case FormArrayRename: { int idInParent = atoi (_UserData.c_str ()); // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool vdfnArray; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, vdfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); if (node) { CFormElmArray* array = safe_cast<CFormElmArray*> (node->getParent ()); array->Elements[idInParent].Name = _Value[index]; modified = true; update (true, DoNothing, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } break; case FormArrayInsert: { int idInParent = atoi (_NewValue.c_str ()); // Insert ? if (redo) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->arrayInsertNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, true, idInParent) ); modified = true; } else { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->arrayDeleteNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, true, idInParent) ); modified = true; } update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; default: nlstop; } return ok; }
CActionString::CActionString (IAction::TTypeAction type, const char *newValue, CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, const char *formName, const char *userData, uint selId, uint slot) : IAction (type, selId, slot) { // Set the new value _NewValue = newValue; _FormName = formName; _Log[1] = newValue; _UserData = userData; // Backup old value switch (_Type) { case TypeType: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); _OldValue = toString ((int)(type->Type)); setLabel ("Type Type", doc); _Log[1] = type->getTypeName ((UType::TType)atoi (newValue)); } break; case TypeUI: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); _OldValue = toString ((int)(type->UIType)); setLabel ("Type UI", doc); _Log[1] = type->getUIName ((CType::TUI)atoi (newValue)); } break; case TypeDefault: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); _OldValue = type->Default; setLabel ("Type Default", doc); } break; case TypeMin: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); _OldValue = type->Min; setLabel ("Type Min", doc); } break; case TypeMax: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); _OldValue = type->Max; setLabel ("Type Max", doc); } break; case TypeIncrement: { CType *type = doc.getTypePtr (); _OldValue = type->Increment; setLabel ("Type Increment", doc); } break; case FormTypeValue: case FormValue: { // Form const NLGEORGES::CForm &form = *(doc.getFormPtr ()); nlverify (doc.getRootNode (_Slot)->getValueByName (_OldValue, formName, UFormElm::NoEval, NULL)); setLabel (formName, doc); } break; case HeaderVersion: { CFileHeader *header = doc.getHeaderPtr (); char versionText[512]; smprintf (versionText, 512, "Version %d.%d", header->MajorVersion, header->MinorVersion); _OldValue = versionText; setLabel ("Header Version", doc); } break; case HeaderState: { CFileHeader *header = doc.getHeaderPtr (); _OldValue = toString ((int)(header->State)).c_str (); setLabel ("Header State", doc); } break; case HeaderComments: { _OldValue = doc.getHeaderPtr ()->Comments; setLabel ("Header Comments", doc); } break; case FormArrayRename: { setLabel ((formName+string (" Renamed")).c_str (), doc); int idInParent = atoi (_UserData.c_str ()); // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool vdfnArray; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (slot); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, vdfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); if (node) { CFormElmArray* array = safe_cast<CFormElmArray*> (node->getParent ()); _OldValue = array->Elements[idInParent].Name; } } break; case FormArrayInsert: { // do nothing setLabel ("Array Insert", doc); } break; default: nlstop; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeorgesImpl::PutText (const std::string& _sText) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CMainFrame *pWnd = dynamic_cast< CMainFrame* >( theApp.m_pMainWnd ); CChildFrame *pChild = (CChildFrame*)pWnd->MDIGetActive (); if (pChild == NULL) return; // Get active document CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc *)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (doc) { // Get the left view CLeftView* pView = doc->getLeftView (); // Check type CGeorgesEditDocSub *subDoc = doc->getSelectedObject (); if (subDoc) { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc->getRootNode (subDoc->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (subDoc->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // It is an array ? if (array&&(type == UFormDfn::EntryType)) { // Modify the node doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormTypeValue, _sText.c_str(), *doc, subDoc->getFormName ().c_str (), "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subDoc->getSlot ())); doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormArrayRename, _sText.c_str(), *doc, subDoc->getFormName ().c_str (), toString (subDoc->getIdInParent ()).c_str (), doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subDoc->getSlot ())); doc->updateDocumentStructure (); doc->UpdateAllViews (pView); } else if ((UFormDfn::EntryDfn)&&(!array)) { // Get the right view CGeorgesEditView* view = doc->getRightView (); if (view->FormDialog.WidgetFocused != 0xffffffff) { // Set the string doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormValue, _sText.c_str(), *doc, view->FormDialog.Widgets[view->FormDialog.WidgetFocused]->getFormName ().c_str (), "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subDoc->getSlot ())); doc->updateDocumentStructure (); doc->UpdateAllViews (pView); } } } } }
bool CActionStringVectorVector::doAction (CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, bool redo, bool &modified, bool firstTime) { IAction::doAction (doc, redo, modified, firstTime); modified = false; bool ok = true; uint index = (uint)redo; // Backup old value switch (_Type) { case DfnStructure: { // Dfn NLGEORGES::CFormDfn &dfn = *(doc.getDfnPtr ()); // Add the entries dfn.setNumEntry (_Value[index].size ()); uint elm; for (elm=0; elm<_Value[index].size (); elm++) { // Ref on the entry CFormDfn::CEntry &entry = dfn.getEntry (elm); // Get the name entry.setName (_Value[index][elm][0].c_str ()); // Get the filename string &filename = _Value[index][elm][2]; // Get the type string &type= _Value[index][elm][1]; if ((type == "Type") || (type == "Type array")) { // Set the type entry.setType (doc.FormLoader, filename.c_str ()); // Set the default value string &def = _Value[index][elm][3]; entry.setDefault (def.c_str ()); // Set the default extension string &ext = _Value[index][elm][4]; entry.setFilenameExt (ext.c_str ()); } else if ((type == "Dfn") || (type == "Dfn array")) { // Set the type entry.setDfn (doc.FormLoader, filename.c_str ()); } else if (type == "Virtual Dfn") { // Set the type entry.setDfnPointer (); } entry.setArrayFlag ((type == "Type array") || (type == "Dfn array")); } modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, ""); } break; case TypePredef: { // Type CType &type = *(doc.getTypePtr ()); // Add the predef type.Definitions.resize (_Value[index].size ()); uint predef; for (predef=0; predef<type.Definitions.size(); predef++) { // Add the label and value type.Definitions[predef].Label = _Value[index][predef][0]; type.Definitions[predef].Value = _Value[index][predef][1]; } modified = true; if (!firstTime) update (false, Redraw, doc, ""); } break; default: nlstop; } return ok; }
BOOL CLeftView::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) { // Selection change ? NMHDR *pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam; switch (pnmh->code) { case TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT: { // Get tree selection LPNMTVDISPINFO ptvdi = (LPNMTVDISPINFO) lParam; if (ptvdi->item.hItem) { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (ptvdi->item.hItem); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode) { // Edit the tree *pResult = 0; return TRUE; } } } } } } *pResult = 1; return TRUE; } break; case TVN_ENDLABELEDIT: { // Get tree selection LPNMTVDISPINFO ptvdi = (LPNMTVDISPINFO) lParam; if (ptvdi->item.hItem) { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (ptvdi->item.hItem); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode && (ptvdi->item.mask & TVIF_TEXT)) { // Change the node name TreeCtrl.SetItemText (ptvdi->item.hItem, ptvdi->item.pszText); doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormArrayRename, ptvdi->item.pszText, *doc, subObject->getFormName ().c_str (), toString (subObject->getIdInParent ()).c_str(), doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subObject->getSlot ())); return TRUE; } } } } } } *pResult = 1; return TRUE; } break; case TVN_SELCHANGED: { LPNMTREEVIEW itemData = (LPNMTREEVIEW) lParam; // Unbold old item if (itemData->itemOld.hItem) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(itemData->itemOld.hItem, 0, TVIS_BOLD); CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument(); if (doc) { CGeorgesEditDocSub *data = (CGeorgesEditDocSub *)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (itemData->itemNew.hItem); nlassert (data); doc->changeSubSelection (data, this); TreeCtrl.SetFocus (); } } break; case NM_RCLICK: { // Get item clicked TVHITTESTINFO tvhti; GetCursorPos(&tvhti.pt); ::ScreenToClient(TreeCtrl, &tvhti.pt); tvhti.flags = LVHT_NOWHERE; TreeView_HitTest(TreeCtrl, &tvhti); // Item clicked ? if(TVHT_ONITEM & tvhti.flags) { // Select the item if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem ()) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (), 0, TVIS_BOLD); TreeCtrl.SelectItem (tvhti.hItem); TreeCtrl.SetItemState(tvhti.hItem, TVIS_BOLD, TVIS_BOLD); // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (tvhti.hItem); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is the parent array ? deleteInsert = array; } } // Show right click menu // Create menu CMenu mainMenu; mainMenu.LoadMenu (IDR_LEFT_VIEW_CONTEXT); CMenu *popup = mainMenu.GetSubMenu (0); // Enable disable items popup->EnableMenuItem (4, MF_BYPOSITION|(deleteInsert?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); popup->EnableMenuItem (5, MF_BYPOSITION|(deleteInsert?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); popup->EnableMenuItem (6, MF_BYPOSITION|(deleteInsert?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); ::ClientToScreen(TreeCtrl, &tvhti.pt); popup->TrackPopupMenu (TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, tvhti.pt.x, tvhti.pt.y, this, NULL); } } } } break; } return CView::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult); }
bool CActionBuffer::doAction (CGeorgesEditDoc &doc, bool redo, bool &modified, bool firstTime) { IAction::doAction (doc, redo, modified, firstTime); modified = false; bool ok = true; uint index = (uint)redo; // Backup old value switch (_Type) { case FormPaste: { // Fill memstream with the new buffer theApp.FillMemStreamWithBuffer (&_Value[index][0], _Value[index].size ()); // Reserial the document nlverify (theApp.SerialFromMemStream (_FormName.c_str (), &doc, _Slot)); modified = true; update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case FormArrayDelete: { if (redo) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->arrayDeleteNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, true, atoi (_UserData.c_str ())) ); modified = true; } else { // Insert a node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->arrayInsertNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, true, atoi (_UserData.c_str ())) ); // Paste the node // Fill memstream with the new buffer theApp.FillMemStreamWithBuffer (&_OldValue[0], _OldValue.size ()); // Reserial the document nlverify (theApp.SerialFromMemStream (_FormName.c_str (), &doc, _Slot)); modified = true; } update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } break; case FormArraySize: { if (redo) { // Get the size int size = 0; if ( _UserData.empty() || (sscanf (_UserData.c_str(), "%d", &size) == 1) ) { if (size < 0) size = 0; // Array exist ? if (size > 0) { // Get / create the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool created; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->createNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, created) ); nlassert (node); // Get the array node CFormElmArray *arrayPtr = safe_cast<CFormElmArray*> (node); // Backup old size uint oldSize = arrayPtr->Elements.size (); // Erase old element uint i; for (i=size; i<oldSize; i++) { // Delete the element if (arrayPtr->Elements[i].Element) delete arrayPtr->Elements[i].Element; } // Resize the array arrayPtr->Elements.resize (size); // Insert element for (i=oldSize; i<(uint)size; i++) { // Create empty sub node char index[512]; smprintf (index, 512, "[%d]", i); nlverify ( arrayPtr->createNodeByName (index, &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, created) ); } // Document modified modified = true; update (true, UpdateValues, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } else { // Remove the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->deleteNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array) ); nlassert ( (node == NULL) || (node->getForm () != doc.getFormPtr ()) ); // Document modified modified = true; update (true, UpdateValues, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } } else { // Fill memstream with the new buffer theApp.FillMemStreamWithBuffer (&_OldValue[0], _OldValue.size ()); // Reserial the document nlverify (theApp.SerialFromMemStream (_FormName.c_str (), &doc, _Slot)); modified = true; update (true, UpdateValues, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } break; case FormVirtualDfnName: { if (redo) { // Result ok ? if (!_UserData.empty()) { // Try to load the DFN CSmartPtr<CFormDfn> newDfn = doc.FormLoader.loadFormDfn (_UserData.c_str (), false); if (newDfn) { // Get / create the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool created; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->createNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, created) ); nlassert (node); // Get the atom CFormElmVirtualStruct *vStruct = safe_cast<CFormElmVirtualStruct*> (node); // Assign it vStruct->DfnFilename = _UserData.c_str (); // Build the dfn vStruct->build (newDfn); modified = true; update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } else { ok = false; // Output error char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Can't read the dfn %s.", _UserData.c_str()); theApp.outputError (msg); update (false, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } else { // Delete the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; CForm *form=doc.getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc.getRootNode (_Slot); nlverify ( elm->deleteNodeByName (_FormName.c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array) ); // Document is modified by this view modified = true; update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } else { // Fill memstream with the new buffer theApp.FillMemStreamWithBuffer (&_OldValue[0], _OldValue.size ()); // Reserial the document nlverify (theApp.SerialFromMemStream (_FormName.c_str (), &doc, _Slot)); modified = true; update (true, Redraw, doc, _FormName.c_str ()); } } break; default: nlstop; } return ok; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeorgesImpl::PutGroupText (const std::vector<std::string>& _vText, bool append) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CMainFrame *pWnd = dynamic_cast< CMainFrame* >( theApp.m_pMainWnd ); CChildFrame *pChild = (CChildFrame*)pWnd->MDIGetActive (); if (pChild == NULL) return; // Get active document CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc *)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (doc) { // Get the left view CLeftView* pView = doc->getLeftView (); // Check type CGeorgesEditDocSub *subDoc = doc->getSelectedObject (); if (subDoc) { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc->getRootNode (subDoc->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (subDoc->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a type entry ? if ((type == UFormDfn::EntryType) && array) { std::string formName = subDoc->getFormName (); uint slot = subDoc->getSlot (); // Current node size uint size = 0; if (node) { CFormElmArray *arrayPtr = safe_cast<CFormElmArray*>(node); nlverify (arrayPtr->getArraySize (size)); } // Modify the size of the array char value[512]; smprintf (value, 512, "%d", _vText.size () + ((append)?size:0)); doc->modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormArraySize, NULL, 0, *doc, formName.c_str (), value, doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), slot)); uint i; for (i=0; i<_vText.size (); i++) { uint index = i + ((append)?size:0); std::string formNameAtom = formName + "[" + toString (index) + "]"; doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormTypeValue, _vText[i].c_str (), *doc, formNameAtom.c_str (), "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), slot)); doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormArrayRename, _vText[i].c_str(), *doc, formNameAtom.c_str (), toString (index).c_str (), doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), slot)); } } } } }