CL_String CL_PathHelp::get_fullname( const CL_String &fullpath, const CL_String &filename, const CL_String &extension, PathType path_type) { if (!extension.empty() && extension[0] == '.') return add_trailing_slash(fullpath, path_type) + filename + extension; else if (!extension.empty()) return add_trailing_slash(fullpath, path_type) + filename + "." + extension; else return add_trailing_slash(fullpath, path_type) + filename; }
CL_String CL_PathHelp::get_fullname( const CL_String &location, const CL_String &basepath, const CL_String &filename, const CL_String &extension, PathType path_type) { CL_String fullname = location; fullname += add_trailing_slash(basepath, path_type); fullname += filename; if (!extension.empty() && extension[0] == '.') fullname += extension; else if (!extension.empty()) fullname += "." + extension; return fullname; }
CL_String HTMLPage::download_url(const CL_String &page_url, const CL_String &refererer_url) { HTMLUrl url(page_url, refererer_url); CL_Console::write_line("Downloading URL: %1", url.to_string()); CL_String8 request; request = cl_format("GET %1 HTTP/1.1\r\n", url.path+url.query); if (refererer_url.empty()) request += cl_format("Host: %1\r\nConnection: close\r\nAccept: text/plain, text/html\r\nUser-Agent: CSSTokenize/0.1\r\n\r\n",; else request += cl_format("Host: %1\r\nConnection: close\r\nReferer: %2\r\nAccept: text/plain, text/html\r\nUser-Agent: CSSTokenize/0.1\r\n\r\n",, refererer_url); //MessageBoxW(0, CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(cl_format("GET %1 HTTP/1.1\r\n", url.path+url.query)).c_str(), L"Download URL", MB_OK);; CL_TCPConnection connection(CL_SocketName(, url.port)); connection.set_nodelay(true); connection.send(, request.length(), true); CL_String response; while (connection.get_read_event().wait(15000)) { char buffer[16*1024]; int received =, 16*1024, false); if (received == 0) break; response.append(buffer, received); } connection.disconnect_graceful(); CL_String response_header = response.substr(0, response.find("\r\n\r\n")); CL_String content = response.substr(response_header.length() + 4); if (response_header.find("Transfer-Encoding: chunked") != CL_String::npos) { CL_String::size_type start = 0; while (true) { CL_String::size_type end = content.find("\r\n", start); if (end == CL_String::npos) end = content.length(); CL_String str_length = content.substr(start, end-start); int length = CL_StringHelp::text_to_int(str_length, 16); content = content.substr(0, start) + content.substr(end+2); start += length; end = content.find("\r\n", start); if (end == CL_String::npos) end = content.length(); content = content.substr(0, start) + content.substr(end+2); if (length == 0) break; } } return content; }
CL_String CL_PathHelp::remove_trailing_slash(const CL_String &path) { if (path.empty()) return path; if (path[path.length()-1] == '/' || path[path.length()-1] == '\\') return path.substr(0, path.length()-1); return path; }
void RankingFindQueryImpl::submit() { G_ASSERT(!m_playerId.empty() && "player id not set"); m_parent->start(); Game &game = Game::getInstance(); Client &client = game.getNetworkConnection(); RankingClient &rankingClient = client.getRankingClient(); m_recvSlot = rankingClient.sig_entriesReceived.connect( this, &RankingFindQueryImpl::onEntriesReceived); m_token = rankingClient.findEntry(m_playerId); }
void CL_ImageProviderFactory::save( CL_PixelBuffer buffer, const CL_String &filename, CL_VirtualDirectory &directory, const CL_String &type_ ) { CL_String type = type_; if (type.empty()) type = CL_PathHelp::get_extension(filename, CL_PathHelp::path_type_virtual); if (types.find(type) == types.end()) throw CL_Exception("Unknown image provider type " + type); CL_ImageProviderType *factory = types[type]; factory->save(buffer, filename, directory); }
bool CL_Directory::create(const CL_String &dir_name) { if (dir_name.empty()) return false; // this will be a full path CL_String full_path; // calculate the full path #ifdef WIN32 DWORD buff_len = ::GetFullPathName(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(dir_name).c_str(), 0, 0, 0); if (buff_len == 0) // can't calculate, return bad status return false; else { std::vector<TCHAR> buffer_vector; buffer_vector.resize(buff_len + 1); TCHAR *buffer = &(buffer_vector[0]); TCHAR *buffer_ptr_to_filename = 0; // Obtaining full path buff_len = ::GetFullPathName(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(dir_name).c_str(), buff_len, buffer, &buffer_ptr_to_filename); if (buff_len == 0) // can't obtain full path, return bad status return false; else // ok, save it full_path = buffer; } #else // TODO: add here Linux version of GetFullPathName full_path = dir_name; #endif #ifdef WIN32 return ::CreateDirectory(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(full_path).c_str(), NULL) != 0; #else return ::mkdir(full_path.c_str(), 0755) == 0; #endif }
CL_String CL_PathHelp::add_trailing_slash(const CL_String &path, PathType path_type) { if (path.empty()) return path; if (path_type == path_type_file) { #ifdef WIN32 if (path[path.length()-1] != '/' && path[path.length()-1] != '\\') return path + "\\"; #else if (path[path.length()-1] != '/' && path[path.length()-1] != '\\') return path + "/"; #endif return path; } else { if (path[path.length()-1] != '/') return path + "/"; return path; } }
bool CL_Directory::remove(const CL_String &dir_name, bool delete_files, bool delete_sub_directories) { if (dir_name.empty()) return false; // this will be a full path CL_String full_path; // calculate the full path #ifdef WIN32 DWORD buff_len = ::GetFullPathName(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(dir_name).c_str(), 0, 0, 0); if (buff_len == 0) // can't calculate, return bad status return false; else { std::vector<TCHAR> buffer_vector; buffer_vector.resize(buff_len + 1); TCHAR *buffer = &(buffer_vector[0]); TCHAR *buffer_ptr_to_filename = 0; // Obtaining full path buff_len = ::GetFullPathName(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(dir_name).c_str(), buff_len, buffer, &buffer_ptr_to_filename); if (buff_len == 0) // can't obtaing full path, return bad status return false; else // ok, save it full_path = buffer; } #else // TODO: add here Linux version of GetFullPathName full_path = dir_name; #endif // This scope needed for deleting directiory at end of function, // because scanner lock current dir :( { CL_DirectoryScanner scanner; if (!scanner.scan(full_path)) // can't even start scaning return false; // FIXME: probably bug in directory_scanner, it return "" // for first file :( if ( while(true) { // If found sub_directory, try remove it, // also checking for "." and "..", because they are unremovable if (scanner.is_directory() && delete_sub_directories && scanner.get_name() != "." && scanner.get_name() != "..") { // FIXME: directory_scanner lock directory, so it can't be // removed, this is workaround CL_String sub_dir_path = scanner.get_pathname(); bool scann_successfull =; // delete files in sub_directory if (!CL_Directory::remove(sub_dir_path.c_str(), delete_files, delete_sub_directories)) return false; if (!scann_successfull) break; else continue; } else { // Check for deleting file (or whatever is not directory), // if this is allowed if (delete_files && !scanner.is_directory()) { // delete a file #ifdef WIN32 if (::DeleteFile(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(scanner.get_pathname()).c_str()) == 0) return false; #else if (::remove(scanner.get_pathname().c_str()) != 0) return false; #endif if (! break; } // This is for "." and ".." else { if (! break; } } } } // Finaly remove the directory (or sub_directory if in recursion) #ifdef WIN32 return ::RemoveDirectory(CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(full_path).c_str()) != 0; #else return ::rmdir(full_path.c_str()) == 0; #endif }
CL_Resource CL_ResourceManager::create_resource(const CL_String &resource_id, const CL_String &type) { if (resource_exists(resource_id)) throw CL_Exception(cl_format("Resource %1 already exists", resource_id)); std::vector<CL_String> path_elements = CL_PathHelp::split_basepath(resource_id); CL_String name = CL_PathHelp::get_filename(resource_id); // Walk tree as deep as we can get: CL_DomNode parent = impl->document.get_document_element(); CL_DomNode cur = parent.get_first_child(); std::vector<CL_String>::iterator path_it = path_elements.begin(); while (!cur.is_null() && path_it != path_elements.end()) { if (cur.is_element() && cur.get_namespace_uri() == impl->ns_resources && cur.get_local_name() == "section") { CL_DomElement element = cur.to_element(); CL_String name = element.get_attribute_ns(impl->ns_resources, "name"); if (name == *path_it) { ++path_it; parent = cur; cur = cur.get_first_child(); continue; } } cur = cur.get_next_sibling(); } // Create any missing parent nodes: CL_String prefix = parent.get_prefix(); while (path_it != path_elements.end()) { CL_DomElement section; if (prefix.empty()) { section = impl->document.create_element_ns( impl->ns_resources, (*path_it) ); } else { section = impl->document.create_element_ns( impl->ns_resources,(prefix + ":" + *path_it)); } parent.append_child(section); parent = section; ++path_it; } // Create node: CL_DomElement resource_node; if (prefix.empty()) { resource_node = impl->document.create_element_ns( impl->ns_resources, (type)); } else { resource_node = impl->document.create_element_ns( impl->ns_resources,(prefix + ":" + type)); } resource_node.set_attribute_ns( impl->ns_resources, prefix.empty() ? "name" : (prefix + ":name"), name); parent.append_child(resource_node); // Create resource: impl->resources[resource_id] = CL_Resource(resource_node, *this); return impl->resources[resource_id]; }
CL_String CL_PathHelp::normalize( const CL_String &input_path, PathType path_type) { if (input_path.empty()) return CL_String(); CL_String location = get_location(input_path, path_type); CL_String path = input_path.substr(location.length()); bool ends_in_slash = false; if (input_path[input_path.size()-1] == '/' || input_path[input_path.size()-1] == '\\') { ends_in_slash = true; if (input_path.size() == 1) { #ifdef WIN32 if (path_type == path_type_file) { return "\\"; } #endif return "/"; } } std::vector<CL_String> elements; bool absolute = false; int level = 0; CL_String::size_type pos = 0, last_pos = 0; while (true) { pos = path.find_first_of("/\\", last_pos); if (pos == CL_String::npos) pos = path.length(); if (pos == 0) { absolute = true; } else { CL_String element = path.substr(last_pos, pos-last_pos); if (element.empty() && pos != path.length()) throw CL_Exception(cl_format("Unable to normalize invalid path %1", input_path)); if (element.empty()) { } else if (element == ".") { } else if (element == "..") { level--; if (!elements.empty()) { if (elements[elements.size()-1] != "..") elements.erase(elements.begin() + elements.size() - 1); else elements.push_back(".."); } else { elements.push_back(".."); } if (absolute && level < 0) throw CL_Exception(cl_format("Unable to normalize invalid path %1", input_path)); } else { elements.push_back(element); level++; } } if (pos == path.length()) break; last_pos = pos+1; } CL_String normalized_path; if (absolute) { #ifdef WIN32 if (path_type == path_type_file) normalized_path += "\\"; else normalized_path += "/"; #else normalized_path += "/"; #endif } for (CL_String::size_type i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { #ifdef WIN32 if (path_type == path_type_file) normalized_path += elements[i] + "\\"; else normalized_path += elements[i] + "/"; #else normalized_path += elements[i] + "/"; #endif } if (!elements.empty() && !ends_in_slash) normalized_path = normalized_path.substr(0, normalized_path.length()-1); return location + normalized_path; }