void CRegisteredCommands::CallCommandHandler(CLuaMain* pLuaMain, const CLuaFunctionRef& iLuaFunction, const char* szKey, const char* szArguments,
                                             CClient* pClient)

    CLuaArguments Arguments;

    // First, try to call a handler with the same number of arguments
    if (pClient)
        switch (pClient->GetClientType())
            case CClient::CLIENT_PLAYER:
            case CClient::CLIENT_CONSOLE:


    if (szArguments)
        // Create a copy and strtok modifies the string
        char* szTempArguments = new char[strlen(szArguments) + 1];
        strcpy(szTempArguments, szArguments);

        char* arg;
        arg = strtok(szTempArguments, " ");

        while (arg)
            arg = strtok(NULL, " ");

        delete[] szTempArguments;

    // Call the handler with the arguments we pushed
    Arguments.Call(pLuaMain, iLuaFunction);
// Handle the changing state of collision between one colshape and one entity
void CClientColManager::HandleHitDetectionResult ( bool bHit, CClientColShape* pShape, CClientEntity* pEntity )
    if ( bHit )
        // If they havn't collided yet
        if ( !pEntity->CollisionExists ( pShape ) )
            // Add the collision and the collider
            pShape->AddCollider ( pEntity );
            pEntity->AddCollision ( pShape );

            // Can we call the event?
            if ( pShape->GetAutoCallEvent () )
                // Call the event
                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.PushElement ( pEntity );
                Arguments.PushBoolean ( ( pShape->GetDimension () == pEntity->GetDimension () ) );
                pShape->CallEvent ( "onClientColShapeHit", Arguments, true );

                CLuaArguments Arguments2;
                Arguments2.PushElement ( pShape );
                Arguments2.PushBoolean ( ( pShape->GetDimension () == pEntity->GetDimension () ) );
                pEntity->CallEvent ( "onClientElementColShapeHit", Arguments2, true );

            // Run whatever callback the collision item might have attached
            pShape->CallHitCallback ( *pEntity );
        // If they collided before
        if ( pEntity->CollisionExists ( pShape ) )
            // Remove the collision and the collider
            pShape->RemoveCollider ( pEntity );
            pEntity->RemoveCollision ( pShape );

            // Call the event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushElement ( pEntity );
            Arguments.PushBoolean ( ( pShape->GetDimension () == pEntity->GetDimension () ) );
            pShape->CallEvent ( "onClientColShapeLeave", Arguments, true );

            CLuaArguments Arguments2;
            Arguments2.PushElement ( pShape );
            Arguments2.PushBoolean ( ( pShape->GetDimension () == pEntity->GetDimension () ) );
            pEntity->CallEvent ( "onClientElementColShapeLeave", Arguments2, true );

            pShape->CallLeaveCallback ( *pEntity );
void CPickup::Callback_OnLeave ( CColShape& Shape, CElement& Element )
    if ( IS_PLAYER ( &Element ) )
        CPlayer& Player = static_cast < CPlayer& > ( Element );

        // Matching interior
        if ( GetInterior () == Element.GetInterior () )
            // Matching dimension
            if ( GetDimension () == Element.GetDimension () )
                // Is he alive?
                if ( !Player.IsDead () )
                    // Call the onPickupHit event
                    CLuaArguments Arguments;
                    Arguments.PushElement ( &Player );
                    CallEvent ( "onPickupLeave", Arguments );

                    CLuaArguments Arguments2;
                    Arguments2.PushElement ( this );       // pickup
                    Element.CallEvent ( "onPlayerPickupLeave", Arguments2 );            
void CClientMarker::Callback_OnLeave ( CClientColShape& Shape, CClientEntity& Entity )
    if ( IS_PLAYER ( &Entity ) )
        // Call the marker hit event
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        Arguments.PushElement ( &Entity );            // player that hit it
        Arguments.PushBoolean ( ( Shape.GetDimension () == Entity.GetDimension () ) ); // matching dimension?
        CallEvent ( "onClientMarkerLeave", Arguments, true );
bool CClientGUIElement::_CallbackEvent2 ( CGUIElement* pCGUIElement )
	CLuaArguments Arg;
    if ( pCGUIElement )
        CClientGUIElement* pElement = m_pGUIManager->Get ( pCGUIElement );
        if ( pElement )
	        Arg.PushElement ( pElement );
	CallEvent ( _szCallbackFunc2, Arg, true );
	return true;
void CKeyBinds::Call ( CKeyBind* pKeyBind )
    if ( pKeyBind && !pKeyBind->IsBeingDeleted () )
        switch ( pKeyBind->GetType () )
            case KEY_BIND_FUNCTION:
                CKeyFunctionBind* pBind = static_cast < CKeyFunctionBind* > ( pKeyBind );
                if ( pBind->luaMain && VERIFY_FUNCTION ( pBind->m_iLuaFunction ) )
                    CLuaArguments Arguments;
                    Arguments.PushElement ( m_pPlayer );
                    Arguments.PushString ( pBind->boundKey->szKey );
                    Arguments.PushString ( ( pBind->bHitState ) ? "down" : "up" );
                    Arguments.PushArguments ( pBind->m_Arguments );
                    Arguments.Call ( pBind->luaMain, pBind->m_iLuaFunction );
                CControlFunctionBind* pBind = static_cast < CControlFunctionBind* > ( pKeyBind );
                if ( pBind->luaMain && VERIFY_FUNCTION ( pBind->m_iLuaFunction ) )
                    CLuaArguments Arguments;
                    Arguments.PushElement ( m_pPlayer );
                    Arguments.PushString ( pBind->boundControl->szControl );
                    Arguments.PushString ( ( pBind->bHitState ) ? "down" : "up" );
                    Arguments.PushArguments ( pBind->m_Arguments );
                    Arguments.Call ( pBind->luaMain, pBind->m_iLuaFunction );
void CObjectSync::StopSync ( CObject* pObject )
    // Tell the player that used to sync it
    CPlayer* pSyncer = pObject->GetSyncer ();
    pSyncer->Send ( CObjectStopSyncPacket ( pObject ) );

    // Unmark him as the syncing player
    pObject->SetSyncer ( NULL );

    // Call the onElementStopSync event
    CLuaArguments Arguments;
    Arguments.PushElement ( pSyncer );  // Old syncer
    pObject->CallEvent ( "onElementStopSync", Arguments );
bool CClientGUIElement::_CallbackEvent1 ( CGUIElement* pCGUIElement )
    CLuaArguments Arg;
    if ( pCGUIElement )
        CClientGUIElement* pElement = m_pGUIManager->Get ( pCGUIElement );
        if ( pElement )
            Arg.PushElement ( pElement );
            pElement->CallEvent ( _strCallbackFunc1, Arg, true );
            return true;
    return false;
void CObjectSync::StartSync ( CPlayer* pPlayer, CObject* pObject )
    if ( !pObject->IsSyncable () )

    // Tell the player
    pPlayer->Send ( CObjectStartSyncPacket ( pObject ) );

    // Mark him as the syncing player
    pObject->SetSyncer ( pPlayer );

    // Call the onElementStartSync event
    CLuaArguments Arguments;
    Arguments.PushElement ( pPlayer );  // New syncer
    pObject->CallEvent ( "onElementStartSync", Arguments );
void CClientPickup::Callback_OnLeave ( CClientColShape& Shape, CClientEntity& Entity )
    if ( IS_PLAYER ( &Entity ) )
        bool bMatchingDimensions = (GetDimension () == Entity.GetDimension ()); // Matching dimensions?

        // Call the pickup leave event (source = the pickup that was left)
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        Arguments.PushElement ( &Entity ); // The element that left the pickup
        Arguments.PushBoolean ( bMatchingDimensions );
        CallEvent ( "onClientPickupLeave", Arguments, true);

        // Call the player pickup leave event (source = the player that left the pickup)
        CLuaArguments Arguments2;
        Arguments2.PushElement ( this ); // The pickup that was left (this)
        Arguments2.PushBoolean ( bMatchingDimensions );
        Entity.CallEvent ( "onClientPlayerPickupLeave", Arguments2, true );
void CRPCFunctions::PlayerTarget ( NetBitStreamInterface & bitStream )
    if ( m_pSourcePlayer->IsJoined () )
        ElementID TargetID;
        bitStream.ReadCompressed ( TargetID );

        CElement* pTarget = NULL;
        if ( TargetID != INVALID_ELEMENT_ID ) pTarget = CElementIDs::GetElement ( TargetID );
        m_pSourcePlayer->SetTargetedElement ( pTarget );

        // Call our script event
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        if ( pTarget ) Arguments.PushElement ( pTarget );
        else Arguments.PushBoolean ( false );

        m_pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerTarget", Arguments );
void CPickup::Callback_OnCollision ( CColShape& Shape, CElement& Element )
    if ( IS_PLAYER ( &Element ) )
        CPlayer& Player = static_cast < CPlayer& > ( Element );

        // Is he alive?
        if ( !Player.IsDead () )
            // Matching interior
            if ( GetInterior () == Element.GetInterior () )
                // Matching dimension
                if ( GetDimension () == Element.GetDimension () )
                    // Call the onPickupHit event
                    CLuaArguments Arguments;
                    Arguments.PushElement ( &Player );
                    bool bContinue1 = CallEvent ( "onPickupHit", Arguments );

                    CLuaArguments Arguments2;
                    Arguments2.PushElement ( this );       // pickup
                    bool bContinue2 = Element.CallEvent ( "onPlayerPickupHit", Arguments2 );

                    if ( bContinue1 && bContinue2 )
                        // Does it still exist?
                        if ( !IsBeingDeleted () )
                            // Can we USE the pickup?
                            if ( CanUse ( Player ) )
                                // USE the pickup
                                Use ( Player );
void CRPCFunctions::RequestStealthKill ( NetBitStreamInterface & bitStream )
    ElementID ID;
    bitStream.ReadCompressed ( ID );
    CElement * pElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( ID );
    if ( pElement )
        int elementType = pElement->GetType ();
        if ( elementType == CElement::PLAYER || elementType == CElement::PED )
            CPed * pTarget = static_cast < CPed * > ( pElement );

            // Are they both alive?
            if ( !m_pSourcePlayer->IsDead () && !pTarget->IsDead () )
                //Do we have any record of the killer currently having a knife?
                if ( m_pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponType( 1 ) == 4 )
                    // Are they close enough?
                    if ( DistanceBetweenPoints3D ( m_pSourcePlayer->GetPosition (), pTarget->GetPosition () ) <= STEALTH_KILL_RANGE )
                        CLuaArguments Arguments;
                        Arguments.PushElement ( pTarget );
                        if ( m_pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerStealthKill", Arguments, false ) )
                            // Start the stealth kill
                            CStaticFunctionDefinitions::KillPed ( pTarget, m_pSourcePlayer, 4 /*WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE*/, 9/*BODYPART_HEAD*/, true );
                    //You shouldn't be able to get here without cheating to get a knife.
                    if ( !g_pGame->GetConfig ()->IsDisableAC ( "2" ) )
                        CStaticFunctionDefinitions::KickPlayer ( m_pSourcePlayer, NULL, "AC #2: You were kicked from the game" );
void CMarker::Callback_OnLeave ( CColShape& Shape, CElement& Element )
    // Matching interior?
    if ( GetInterior () == Element.GetInterior () )
        // Call the marker hit event
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        Arguments.PushElement ( &Element ); // Hit element
        Arguments.PushBoolean ( GetDimension () == Element.GetDimension () );        // Matching dimension?
        CallEvent ( "onMarkerLeave", Arguments );

        if ( IS_PLAYER ( &Element ) )
            CLuaArguments Arguments2;
            Arguments2.PushElement ( this );        // marker
            Arguments2.PushBoolean ( GetDimension () == Element.GetDimension () );        // Matching dimension?
            Element.CallEvent ( "onPlayerMarkerLeave", Arguments2 );
void CClientWeapon::FireInstantHit ( CVector & vecOrigin, CVector & vecTarget )
    CVector vecDirection = vecTarget - vecOrigin;
    vecDirection.Normalize ();
    CClientEntity * pAttachedTo = GetAttachedTo ();    
    CEntity * pColEntity = NULL;
    CColPoint * pColPoint = NULL;
    SLineOfSightBuildingResult pBuildingResult;
    CEntitySAInterface * pEntity = NULL;

    if ( m_Type != WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN )
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( true );
        if ( m_pWeapon->ProcessLineOfSight ( &vecOrigin, &vecTarget, &pColPoint, &pColEntity, m_weaponConfig.flags, &pBuildingResult, m_Type, &pEntity ) )
            vecTarget = pColPoint->GetPosition ();

        // Don't continue without a valid colpoint
        if ( !pColPoint )

        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( false );

        // return if shoot if target is blocked is false and we aren't pointing at our target
        if ( ( m_pTarget != NULL && m_pTarget->GetGameEntity ( ) != NULL && m_pTarget->GetGameEntity()->GetInterface ( ) != pEntity ) && m_weaponConfig.bShootIfTargetBlocked == false )

        // Execute our weapon fire event
        CClientEntity * pClientEntity = m_pManager->FindEntitySafe ( pColEntity );
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        if ( pClientEntity )
            Arguments.PushElement ( pClientEntity );            // entity that got hit
            Arguments.PushNil ( ); // Probably a building.
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fX ); // pos x
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fY ); // pos y
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fZ ); // pos z
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fX ); // Normal x
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fY ); // Normal y
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fZ ); // Normal z
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetSurfaceTypeB ( ) ); // Surface type "B"
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetLightingForTimeOfDay ( ) ); // Lighting
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPieceTypeB ( ) ); // Piece
        if ( !CallEvent ( "onClientWeaponFire", Arguments, true ) )

        DoGunShells ( vecOrigin, vecDirection );

        CVector vecCollision;
        if ( g_pGame->GetWaterManager ()->TestLineAgainstWater ( vecOrigin, vecTarget, &vecCollision ) )
            g_pGame->GetFx ()->TriggerBulletSplash ( vecCollision );
            g_pGame->GetAudioEngine ()->ReportBulletHit ( NULL, SURFACE_TYPE_WATER_SHALLOW, &vecCollision, 0.0f );
        m_pMarker2->SetPosition ( vecTarget );
        m_pWeapon->DoBulletImpact ( m_pObject, pEntity, &vecOrigin, &vecTarget, pColPoint, 0 );
        if ( pColEntity && pColEntity->GetEntityType () == ENTITY_TYPE_PED )
            ePedPieceTypes hitZone = ( ePedPieceTypes ) pColPoint->GetPieceTypeB ();
            short sDamage = m_pWeaponInfo->GetDamagePerHit ();
            m_pWeapon->GenerateDamageEvent ( dynamic_cast < CPed * > ( pColEntity ), m_pObject, m_Type, sDamage, hitZone, 0 );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( true );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( false );
        // Fire instant hit is off by a few degrees
        FireShotgun ( m_pObject, vecOrigin, vecTarget, vecRotation );
    if ( pColPoint )
        pColPoint->Destroy ();
void CClientWeapon::FireInstantHit ( CVector vecOrigin, CVector vecTarget, bool bServerFire, bool bRemote )
    CVector vecDirection = vecTarget - vecOrigin;
    vecDirection.Normalize ();
    CClientEntity * pAttachedTo = GetAttachedTo ();    
    CVector vecOriginalTarget = vecTarget;
    CEntity * pColEntity = NULL;
    CColPoint * pColPoint = NULL;
    SLineOfSightBuildingResult pBuildingResult;
    CEntitySAInterface * pEntity = NULL;

    if ( m_Type != WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN )
        CVector vecWeaponFirePosition;
        if ( !IsLocalEntity ( ) && m_pOwner )
            CClientPlayer * pPlayer = m_pOwner;
            CClientPed * pLocalPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer();
            if ( pLocalPlayer && pPlayer )
                CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocalPlayer->GetRealOccupiedVehicle ();

                // Move both players to where they should be for shot compensation
                if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer () )
                    if ( !pVehicle || pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat() == 0 )
                        // Warp back in time to where we were when this player shot (their latency)

                        // We don't account for interpolation here, +250ms seems to work better
                        // ** Changed ajustment to +125ms as the position of this clients player on the firers screen
                        // has been changed. See CClientPed::UpdateTargetPosition() **
                        CVector vecPosition;
                        unsigned short usLatency = ( pPlayer->GetLatency () + 125 );
                        g_pClientGame->GetNetAPI()->GetInterpolation ( vecPosition, usLatency );

                        // Move the entity back
                        if ( pVehicle )
                            pVehicle->GetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition );
                            pVehicle->SetPosition ( vecPosition, false, false );
                            pLocalPlayer->GetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition );
                            pLocalPlayer->SetPosition ( vecPosition, false, false );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( true );
        if ( m_pWeapon->ProcessLineOfSight ( &vecOrigin, &vecTarget, &pColPoint, &pColEntity, m_weaponConfig.flags, &pBuildingResult, m_Type, &pEntity ) )
            vecTarget = pColPoint->GetPosition ();

        // Don't continue without a valid colpoint
        if ( !pColPoint )
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( false );

        // return if shoot if target is blocked is false and we aren't pointing at our target
        if ( ( m_pTarget != NULL && m_pTarget->GetGameEntity ( ) != NULL && m_pTarget->GetGameEntity()->GetInterface ( ) != pEntity ) && m_weaponConfig.bShootIfTargetBlocked == false && bRemote == false )
            if ( pColPoint )
                pColPoint->Destroy ();

        // Execute our weapon fire event
        CClientEntity * pClientEntity = m_pManager->FindEntitySafe ( pColEntity );
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        if ( pClientEntity )
            Arguments.PushElement ( pClientEntity );            // entity that got hit
            Arguments.PushNil ( ); // Probably a building.
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fX ); // pos x
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fY ); // pos y
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fZ ); // pos z
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fX ); // Normal x
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fY ); // Normal y
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fZ ); // Normal z
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetSurfaceTypeB ( ) ); // Surface type "B"
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetLightingForTimeOfDay ( ) ); // Lighting
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPieceTypeB ( ) ); // Piece
        if ( !CallEvent ( "onClientWeaponFire", Arguments, true ) )
            if ( pColPoint )
                pColPoint->Destroy ();

        DoGunShells ( vecOrigin, vecDirection );

        CVector vecCollision;
        if ( g_pGame->GetWaterManager ()->TestLineAgainstWater ( vecOrigin, vecTarget, &vecCollision ) )
            g_pGame->GetFx ()->TriggerBulletSplash ( vecCollision );
            g_pGame->GetAudioEngine ()->ReportBulletHit ( NULL, SURFACE_TYPE_WATER_SHALLOW, &vecCollision, 0.0f );
        m_pMarker2->SetPosition ( vecTarget );
        m_pWeapon->DoBulletImpact ( m_pObject, pEntity, &vecOrigin, &vecTarget, pColPoint, 0 );

        if ( !IsLocalEntity ( ) && m_pOwner )
            CClientPed * pPed = m_pOwner;
            CClientPed * pLocalPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer();
            if ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPLAYER )
                // Restore compensated positions            
                if ( !pPed->IsLocalPlayer () )
                    CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocalPlayer->GetRealOccupiedVehicle ();
                    if ( !pVehicle )
                        pLocalPlayer->SetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition, false, false );
                    else if ( pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat() == 0 )
                        pVehicle->SetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition, false, false );
        if ( !IsLocalEntity ( ) && GetOwner ( ) == g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer ( ) && bServerFire == false )
            g_pClientGame->GetNetAPI ( )->SendBulletSyncCustomWeaponFire ( this, vecOrigin, vecOriginalTarget );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( true );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( false );
        // Fire instant hit is off by a few degrees
        FireShotgun ( m_pObject, vecOrigin, vecTarget, vecRotation );
    if ( pColPoint )
        pColPoint->Destroy ();
bool CVehiclePuresyncPacket::Read ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )
    // Got a player to read?
    if ( m_pSourceElement )
        CPlayer * pSourcePlayer = static_cast < CPlayer * > ( m_pSourceElement );

        // Player is in a vehicle?
        CVehicle* pVehicle = pSourcePlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            // Read out the time context
            unsigned char ucTimeContext = 0;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( ucTimeContext ) )
                return false;

            // Only read this packet if it matches the current time context that
            // player is in.
            if ( !pSourcePlayer->CanUpdateSync ( ucTimeContext ) )
                return false;

            // Read out the keysync data
            CControllerState ControllerState;
            if ( !ReadFullKeysync ( ControllerState, BitStream ) )
                return false;

            // Read out its position
            SPositionSync position ( false );
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &position ) )
                return false;
            pSourcePlayer->SetPosition ( position.data.vecPosition );

            // Jax: don't allow any outdated packets through
            unsigned char ucSeat;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( ucSeat ) )
                return false;
            if ( ucSeat != pSourcePlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat () )
                // Mis-matching seats can happen when we warp into a different one,
                // which will screw up the whole packet
                return false;

            // Read out the vehicle matrix only if he's the driver
            unsigned int uiSeat = pSourcePlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat ();
            if ( uiSeat == 0 )
                // Read out the vehicle rotation in degrees
                SRotationDegreesSync rotation;
                if( !BitStream.Read ( &rotation ) )
                    return false;

                // Set it
                pVehicle->SetPosition ( position.data.vecPosition );
                pVehicle->SetRotationDegrees ( rotation.data.vecRotation );

                // Move speed vector
                SVelocitySync velocity;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &velocity ) )
                    return false;

                pVehicle->SetVelocity ( velocity.data.vecVelocity );
                pSourcePlayer->SetVelocity ( velocity.data.vecVelocity );

                // Turn speed vector
                SVelocitySync turnSpeed;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &turnSpeed ) )
                    return false;

                pVehicle->SetTurnSpeed ( turnSpeed.data.vecVelocity );

                // Health
                SVehicleHealthSync health;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &health ) )
                    return false;
                float fPreviousHealth = pVehicle->GetHealth ();                
                float fHealth = health.data.fValue;

                // Less than last time?
                if ( fHealth < fPreviousHealth )
                    // Grab the delta health
                    float fDeltaHealth = fPreviousHealth - fHealth;

					if ( fDeltaHealth > 0.0f )
						// Call the onVehicleDamage event
						CLuaArguments Arguments;
						Arguments.PushNumber ( fDeltaHealth );
						pVehicle->CallEvent ( "onVehicleDamage", Arguments );
                pVehicle->SetHealth ( fHealth );

                // Trailer chain
                CVehicle* pTowedByVehicle = pVehicle;
                CVehicle* pTrailer = NULL;
                ElementID TrailerID;
                bool bHasTrailer;
                if ( !BitStream.ReadBit ( bHasTrailer ) )
                    return false;

                while ( bHasTrailer )
                    BitStream.ReadCompressed ( TrailerID );
                    CElement* pElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( TrailerID );
                    if ( pElement )
                        pTrailer = static_cast < CVehicle* > ( pElement );
                    // Read out the trailer position and rotation
                    SPositionSync trailerPosition ( false );
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &trailerPosition ) )
                        return false;

                    SRotationDegreesSync trailerRotation;
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &trailerRotation ) )
                        return false;

                    // If we found the trailer
                    if ( pTrailer )
                        // Set its position and rotation
                        pTrailer->SetPosition ( trailerPosition.data.vecPosition );
                        pTrailer->SetRotationDegrees ( trailerRotation.data.vecRotation );
                        // Is this a new trailer, attached?
                        CVehicle* pCurrentTrailer = pTowedByVehicle->GetTowedVehicle ();
                        if ( pCurrentTrailer != pTrailer )
                            // If theres a trailer already attached
                            if ( pCurrentTrailer )
                                pTowedByVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( NULL );
                                pCurrentTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( NULL );

                                // Tell everyone to detach them
                                CVehicleTrailerPacket AttachPacket ( pTowedByVehicle, pCurrentTrailer, false );
                                g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AttachPacket );

                                // Execute the attach trailer script function
                                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                                Arguments.PushElement ( pTowedByVehicle );
                                pCurrentTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerDetach", Arguments );

                            // If something else is towing this trailer
                            CVehicle* pCurrentVehicle = pTrailer->GetTowedByVehicle ();
                            if ( pCurrentVehicle )
                                pCurrentVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( NULL );
                                pTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( NULL );

                                // Tell everyone to detach them
                                CVehicleTrailerPacket AttachPacket ( pCurrentVehicle, pTrailer, false );
                                g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AttachPacket );

                                // Execute the attach trailer script function
                                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                                Arguments.PushElement ( pCurrentVehicle );
                                pTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerDetach", Arguments );

                            pTowedByVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( pTrailer );
                            pTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( pTowedByVehicle );

                            // Execute the attach trailer script function
                            CLuaArguments Arguments;
                            Arguments.PushElement ( pTowedByVehicle );
                            bool bContinue = pTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerAttach", Arguments );

                            // Attach or detach trailers depending on the event outcome
                            CVehicleTrailerPacket TrailerPacket ( pTowedByVehicle, pTrailer, bContinue );
                            g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( TrailerPacket );

                    pTowedByVehicle = pTrailer;

                    if ( BitStream.ReadBit ( bHasTrailer ) == false )
                        return false;

                // If there was a trailer before
                CVehicle* pCurrentTrailer = pTowedByVehicle->GetTowedVehicle ();
                if ( pCurrentTrailer )
                    pTowedByVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( NULL );
                    pCurrentTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( NULL );

                    // Tell everyone else to detach them
                    CVehicleTrailerPacket AttachPacket ( pTowedByVehicle, pCurrentTrailer, false );
                    g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AttachPacket );

                    // Execute the detach trailer script function
                    CLuaArguments Arguments;
                    Arguments.PushElement ( pTowedByVehicle );
                    pCurrentTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerDetach", Arguments );                    

            // Player health
            SPlayerHealthSync health;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &health ) )
                return false;
            float fHealth = health.data.fValue;

            float fOldHealth = pSourcePlayer->GetHealth ();
			float fHealthLoss = fOldHealth - fHealth;

            // Less than last packet's frame?
            if ( fHealth < fOldHealth && fHealthLoss > 0 )
                // Call the onPlayerDamage event
                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.PushNil ();
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( fHealthLoss );
                pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerDamage", Arguments );
            pSourcePlayer->SetHealth ( fHealth );

			// Armor
            SPlayerArmorSync armor;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &armor ) )
                return false;
            float fArmor = armor.data.fValue;

			float fOldArmor = pSourcePlayer->GetArmor ();
			float fArmorLoss = fOldArmor - fArmor;

			// Less than last packet's frame?
			if ( fArmor < fOldArmor && fArmorLoss > 0 )
				// Call the onPlayerDamage event
				CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.PushNil ();
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
				Arguments.PushNumber ( fArmorLoss );

				pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerDamage", Arguments );					
            pSourcePlayer->SetArmor ( fArmor );

            // Flags
            SVehiclePuresyncFlags flags;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &flags ) )
                return false;

            pSourcePlayer->SetWearingGoggles ( flags.data.bIsWearingGoggles );
            pSourcePlayer->SetDoingGangDriveby ( flags.data.bIsDoingGangDriveby );            

            // Weapon sync
            if ( flags.data.bHasAWeapon )
                SWeaponSlotSync slot;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &slot ) )
                    return false;

                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponSlot ( slot.data.uiSlot );

                if ( flags.data.bIsDoingGangDriveby && CWeaponNames::DoesSlotHaveAmmo ( slot.data.uiSlot ) )
                    // Read the ammo states
                    SWeaponAmmoSync ammo ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponType (), false, true );
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &ammo ) )
                        return false;
                    pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponAmmoInClip ( ammo.data.usAmmoInClip );

                    // Read aim data
                    SWeaponAimSync aim ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponRange (), true );
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &aim ) )
                        return false;
                    pSourcePlayer->SetAimDirection ( aim.data.fArm );
                    pSourcePlayer->SetSniperSourceVector ( aim.data.vecOrigin );
                    pSourcePlayer->SetTargettingVector ( aim.data.vecTarget );

                    // Read the driveby direction
                    SDrivebyDirectionSync driveby;
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &driveby ) )
                        return false;
                    pSourcePlayer->SetDriveByDirection ( driveby.data.ucDirection );
                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponSlot ( 0 );

            // Vehicle specific data if he's the driver
            if ( uiSeat == 0 )
                ReadVehicleSpecific ( pVehicle, BitStream );

                // Set vehicle specific stuff if he's the driver
                pVehicle->SetSirenActive ( flags.data.bIsSirenOrAlarmActive );
                pVehicle->SetSmokeTrailEnabled ( flags.data.bIsSmokeTrailEnabled );
                pVehicle->SetLandingGearDown ( flags.data.bIsLandingGearDown );
                pVehicle->SetOnGround ( flags.data.bIsOnGround );
                pVehicle->SetInWater ( flags.data.bIsInWater );
                pVehicle->SetDerailed ( flags.data.bIsDerailed );
                pVehicle->SetHeliSearchLightVisible ( flags.data.bIsHeliSearchLightVisible );

            // Read the vehicle_look_left and vehicle_look_right control states
            // if it's an aircraft.
            if ( flags.data.bIsAircraft )
                ControllerState.LeftShoulder2 = BitStream.ReadBit () * 255;
                ControllerState.RightShoulder2 = BitStream.ReadBit () * 255;

            pSourcePlayer->GetPad ()->NewControllerState ( ControllerState );

            // Success
            return true;

    return false;
void CMapManager::SpawnPlayer ( CPlayer& Player, const CVector& vecPosition, float fRotation, unsigned short usModel, unsigned char ucInterior, unsigned short usDimension, CTeam* pTeam )
    // Don't force them off their team if the spawnpoint doesn't have one
    if ( pTeam == NULL )
        pTeam = Player.GetTeam ();

    ElementID TeamID = ( pTeam ) ? pTeam->GetID () : INVALID_ELEMENT_ID;

    // Change the time context to avoid old sync packets arriving causing players
    // to slide from previous location to the new one.
    unsigned char ucTimeContext = Player.GenerateSyncTimeContext ();

    // Tell everyone where he spawns
    m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( CPlayerSpawnPacket ( Player.GetID (), vecPosition, fRotation, usModel, ucInterior, usDimension, TeamID, ucTimeContext ) );

    // Remove him from any occupied vehicle
    CVehicle* pVehicle = Player.GetOccupiedVehicle ();
    if ( pVehicle )
        pVehicle->SetOccupant ( NULL, Player.GetOccupiedVehicleSeat () );
        Player.SetOccupiedVehicle ( NULL, 0 );

    // If this guy was jacking someone, make sure its aborted
    pVehicle = Player.GetJackingVehicle ();
    if ( pVehicle )
        if ( Player.GetVehicleAction () == CPlayer::VEHICLEACTION_JACKING )
            CPed * pOccupant = pVehicle->GetOccupant ( 0 );
            if ( pOccupant )
                pOccupant->SetVehicleAction ( CPlayer::VEHICLEACTION_NONE );

                // Tell everyone
                CVehicleInOutPacket Reply ( pVehicle->GetID (), 0, CGame::VEHICLE_NOTIFY_JACK_RETURN, pOccupant->GetID (), Player.GetID () );
                Reply.SetSourceElement ( &Player );
                m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( Reply );
        if ( pVehicle->GetJackingPlayer () == &Player )
            pVehicle->SetJackingPlayer ( NULL );

    // Update the player data
    Player.SetSpawned ( true );
    Player.SetHealth ( Player.GetMaxHealth () );
    Player.SetIsDead ( false );
    Player.SetWearingGoggles ( false );
    Player.SetHasJetPack ( false );
    Player.SetPosition ( vecPosition );
    Player.SetRotation ( fRotation );
    Player.SetModel ( usModel );
    Player.SetVehicleAction ( CPlayer::VEHICLEACTION_NONE );
    Player.SetTeam ( pTeam, true );
    Player.SetInterior ( ucInterior );
    Player.SetDimension ( usDimension );
    Player.AttachTo ( NULL );

    // Call onPlayerSpawn
    CLuaArguments OnPlayerSpawnArguments;
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fX );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fY );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fZ );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( fRotation );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushElement ( pTeam );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( usModel );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( ucInterior );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( usDimension );
    Player.CallEvent ( "onPlayerSpawn", OnPlayerSpawnArguments );
void CRPCFunctions::CursorEvent ( NetBitStreamInterface & bitStream )
    SMouseButtonSync button;
    unsigned char ucButton;

    CVector2D vecCursorPosition;
    unsigned short usX;
    unsigned short usY;

    SPositionSync position ( false );
    CVector vecPosition;

    bool bHasCollisionElement;
    ElementID elementID;

    if ( bitStream.Read ( &button ) &&
            bitStream.ReadCompressed ( usX ) &&
            bitStream.ReadCompressed ( usY ) &&
            bitStream.Read ( &position ) &&
            bitStream.ReadBit ( bHasCollisionElement ) &&
            ( !bHasCollisionElement || bitStream.ReadCompressed ( elementID ) ) )
        ucButton = button.data.ucButton;
        vecCursorPosition.fX = static_cast < float > ( usX );
        vecCursorPosition.fY = static_cast < float > ( usY );
        vecPosition = position.data.vecPosition;
        if ( !bHasCollisionElement )
            elementID = INVALID_ELEMENT_ID;

    if ( m_pSourcePlayer->IsJoined () )
        // Get the button and state
        const char* szButton = NULL;
        const char* szState = NULL;
        switch ( ucButton )
        case 0:
            szButton = "left";
            szState = "down";
        case 1:
            szButton = "left";
            szState = "up";
        case 2:
            szButton = "middle";
            szState = "down";
        case 3:
            szButton = "middle";
            szState = "up";
        case 4:
            szButton = "right";
            szState = "down";
        case 5:
            szButton = "right";
            szState = "up";
        if ( szButton && szState )
            CElement* pElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( elementID );
            if ( pElement )
                // Call the onElementClicked event
                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.PushString ( szButton );
                Arguments.PushString ( szState );
                Arguments.PushElement ( m_pSourcePlayer );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fX );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fY );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fZ );
                pElement->CallEvent ( "onElementClicked", Arguments );
            // Call the onPlayerClick event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushString ( szButton );
            Arguments.PushString ( szState );
            if ( pElement )
                Arguments.PushElement ( pElement );
                Arguments.PushNil ();
            Arguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fX );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fY );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fZ );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( vecCursorPosition.fX );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( vecCursorPosition.fY );
            m_pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerClick", Arguments );

            // TODO: iterate server-side element managers for the click events, eg: colshapes
void CPickup::Use ( CPlayer& Player )
    // Call the onPickupUse event
    CLuaArguments Arguments;
    Arguments.PushElement ( &Player );
    if ( !CallEvent ( "onPickupUse", Arguments ) )
        CLuaArguments Arguments2;
        Arguments2.PushElement ( this );      // pickup
        Player.CallEvent ( "onPlayerPickupUse", Arguments2 );
        CLuaArguments Arguments2;
        Arguments2.PushElement ( this );      // pickup
        if ( Player.CallEvent ( "onPlayerPickupUse", Arguments2 ) )
            // Tell all the other players to hide it if the respawn intervals are bigger than 0
            if ( m_ulRespawnIntervals > 0 )
                // Save our last used time
                m_ulLastUsedTime = GetTime ();
                // Mark us as not spawned
                m_bSpawned = false;
                // Mark us as hidden
                SetVisible ( false );
            // Tell him to play the sound and hide/show it
            Player.Send ( CPickupHitConfirmPacket ( this, true ) );
            // Tell everyone else to hide/show it as neccessary
            g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( CPickupHitConfirmPacket ( this, false ), &Player );
            // Handle it depending on the type
            switch ( m_ucType )
                // Health pickup?
                case CPickup::HEALTH:
                    float fHealth = Player.GetHealth ();
                    float fNewHealth = fHealth + m_fAmount;
                    if ( fNewHealth > 200.0f )
                        fNewHealth = 200.0f;

                    CStaticFunctionDefinitions::SetElementHealth ( &Player, fNewHealth );


                // Armor pickup?
                case CPickup::ARMOR:
                    float fArmor = Player.GetArmor ();
                    float fNewArmor = fArmor + m_fAmount;
                    if ( fNewArmor > 100.0f )
                        fNewArmor = 100.0f;

                    CStaticFunctionDefinitions::SetPedArmor ( &Player, fNewArmor );


                // Weapon pickup?
                case CPickup::WEAPON:
                    // Give him the weapon
                    CStaticFunctionDefinitions::GiveWeapon ( &Player, m_ucWeaponType, m_usAmmo );
                default: break;
bool CPlayerPuresyncPacket::Read ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )
    if ( m_pSourceElement )
        CPlayer * pSourcePlayer = static_cast < CPlayer * > ( m_pSourceElement );

        // Read out the time context
        unsigned char ucTimeContext = 0;
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( ucTimeContext ) )
            return false;

        // Only read this packet if it matches the current time context that
        // player is in.
        if ( !pSourcePlayer->CanUpdateSync ( ucTimeContext ) )
            return false;

        // Read out keys
        CControllerState ControllerState;
        ReadFullKeysync ( ControllerState, BitStream );
        pSourcePlayer->GetPad ()->NewControllerState ( ControllerState );

        // Read the flags
        SPlayerPuresyncFlags flags;
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( &flags ) )
            return false;

        pSourcePlayer->SetInWater ( flags.data.bIsInWater );
        pSourcePlayer->SetOnGround ( flags.data.bIsOnGround );
        pSourcePlayer->SetHasJetPack ( flags.data.bHasJetPack );
        pSourcePlayer->SetDucked ( flags.data.bIsDucked );
        pSourcePlayer->SetWearingGoggles ( flags.data.bWearsGoogles );
        pSourcePlayer->SetChoking ( flags.data.bIsChoking );
        pSourcePlayer->SetAkimboArmUp ( flags.data.bAkimboTargetUp );
        pSourcePlayer->SetOnFire ( flags.data.bIsOnFire );
        pSourcePlayer->SetStealthAiming ( flags.data.bStealthAiming );

        // Contact element
        CElement* pContactElement = NULL;
        if ( flags.data.bHasContact )
            ElementID Temp;
            if ( !BitStream.ReadCompressed ( Temp ) )
                return false;
            pContactElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( Temp );
        CElement * pPreviousContactElement = pSourcePlayer->GetContactElement ();
        pSourcePlayer->SetContactElement ( pContactElement );

        if ( pPreviousContactElement != pContactElement )
            // Call our onPlayerContact event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            if ( pPreviousContactElement )
                Arguments.PushElement ( pPreviousContactElement );
                Arguments.PushNil ();
            if ( pContactElement )
                Arguments.PushElement ( pContactElement );
                Arguments.PushNil ();

            pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerContact", Arguments );

        // Player position
        SPositionSync position ( false );
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( &position ) )
            return false;

        if ( pContactElement )
            pSourcePlayer->SetContactPosition ( position.data.vecPosition );

            // Get the true position
            CVector vecTempPos = pContactElement->GetPosition ();
            position.data.vecPosition += vecTempPos;
        pSourcePlayer->SetPosition ( position.data.vecPosition );

        // Player rotation
        SPedRotationSync rotation;
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( &rotation ) )
            return false;
        pSourcePlayer->SetRotation ( rotation.data.fRotation );

        // Move speed vector
        if ( flags.data.bSyncingVelocity )
            SVelocitySync velocity;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &velocity ) )
                return false;
            pSourcePlayer->SetVelocity ( velocity.data.vecVelocity );

        // Health ( stored with damage )
        SPlayerHealthSync health;
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( &health ) )
            return false;
        float fHealth = health.data.fValue;

        // Armor
        SPlayerArmorSync armor;
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( &armor ) )
            return false;

        float fArmor = armor.data.fValue;
        float fOldArmor = pSourcePlayer->GetArmor ();
        float fArmorLoss = fOldArmor - fArmor;

        pSourcePlayer->SetArmor ( fArmor );

        // Read out and set the camera rotation
        float fCameraRotation;
        if ( !BitStream.Read ( fCameraRotation ) )
            return false;
        pSourcePlayer->SetCameraRotation ( fCameraRotation );

        if ( flags.data.bHasAWeapon )
            if ( BitStream.Version () >= 0x0d )
                // Check client has the weapon we think he has
                unsigned char ucWeaponType;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( ucWeaponType ) )
                    return false;

                if ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponType () != ucWeaponType )
                    return false;

            // Current weapon slot
            SWeaponSlotSync slot;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &slot ) )
                return false;
            unsigned int uiSlot = slot.data.uiSlot;

            pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponSlot ( uiSlot );

            if ( CWeaponNames::DoesSlotHaveAmmo ( uiSlot ) )
                // Read out the ammo states
                SWeaponAmmoSync ammo ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponType (), true, true );
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &ammo ) )
                    return false;
                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponAmmoInClip ( ammo.data.usAmmoInClip );
                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponTotalAmmo ( ammo.data.usTotalAmmo );

                // Read out the aim data
                SWeaponAimSync sync ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponRange (), ( ControllerState.RightShoulder1 || ControllerState.ButtonCircle ) );
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &sync ) )
                    return false;

                // Set the arm directions and whether or not arms are up
                pSourcePlayer->SetAimDirection ( sync.data.fArm );

                // Read the aim data only if he's shooting or aiming
                if ( sync.isFull() )
                    pSourcePlayer->SetSniperSourceVector ( sync.data.vecOrigin );
                    pSourcePlayer->SetTargettingVector ( sync.data.vecTarget );
                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponAmmoInClip ( 1 );
                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponTotalAmmo ( 1 );
            pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponSlot ( 0 );
            pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponAmmoInClip ( 1 );
            pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponTotalAmmo ( 1 );

        // Read out damage info if changed
        if ( BitStream.ReadBit () == true )
            ElementID DamagerID;
            if ( !BitStream.ReadCompressed ( DamagerID ) )
                return false;

            SWeaponTypeSync weaponType;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &weaponType ) )
                return false;

            SBodypartSync bodyPart;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &bodyPart ) )
                return false;

            pSourcePlayer->SetDamageInfo ( DamagerID, weaponType.data.ucWeaponType, bodyPart.data.uiBodypart );

        // If we know the player's dead, make sure the health we send on is 0
        if ( pSourcePlayer->IsDead () )
            fHealth = 0.0f;

        float fOldHealth = pSourcePlayer->GetHealth ();
        float fHealthLoss = fOldHealth - fHealth;
        pSourcePlayer->SetHealth ( fHealth );

        // Less than last packet's frame?
        if ( fHealthLoss > 0 || fArmorLoss > 0 )
            float fDamage = 0.0f;
            if ( fHealthLoss > 0 ) fDamage += fHealthLoss;
            if ( fArmorLoss > 0 ) fDamage += fArmorLoss;

            // Call the onPlayerDamage event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            CElement* pKillerElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( pSourcePlayer->GetPlayerAttacker () );
            if ( pKillerElement ) Arguments.PushElement ( pKillerElement );
            else Arguments.PushNil ();
            Arguments.PushNumber ( pSourcePlayer->GetAttackWeapon () );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( pSourcePlayer->GetAttackBodyPart () );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( fDamage );

            pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerDamage", Arguments );

        // Success
        return true;

    return false;