BOOL CNetRssProtocol::Start() { bStarted=1; CString sFile=GetUserFolder()+"RssLatest.txt"; if(isFileExist(sFile)){ CFile file(sFile, CFile::modeRead); // создать файл CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::load); aLoadedRss.Serialize(ar); } return TRUE; }
PRGINTERFACE_API void DataIntegrateForCheck(CMapStringToString &mstr, int indexmax, bool colormark) { g_jherr.Empty(); for(int cnt = 31; cnt <= 40; cnt++){ CString err; if(CHECK_REC_FAIL == sjCheckOneRecord(g_Cfg,sizeof(g_Cfg)/sizeof(PRECBASE2),mstr,cnt,colormark,false,err,false)) g_jherr += err; } mstr.SetAt("jdjg",g_jherr);//检定结果 }
PRGINTERFACE_API void DataIntegrateForCompensate(CMapStringToString &mstr,int indexmax) { g_jherr.Empty(); for(int cnt = 1; cnt <= 400; cnt++){ CString err; if(CHECK_REC_FAIL == sjCheckOneRecordFull(g_Cfg,sizeof(g_Cfg)/sizeof(PRECBASE2),mstr,cnt,true,true,err,false,true)) g_jherr += err; } mstr.SetAt("jdjg",g_jherr);//检定结果 }
CString CDownloadManager::GetDownloadDirectory(const CMapStringToString& mapSharedPaths) { CString csDirectory; if (!mapSharedPaths.Lookup("online", csDirectory)) { CString csProgramFilesDir; Util::GetProgramFilesDir(csProgramFilesDir); Util::ConstructPath(csDirectory, csProgramFilesDir, "Mindscape\\Online"); } return csDirectory; }
PRGINTERFACE_API void DataIntegrateForCompensate(CMapStringToString &mstr,int indexmax) { CString perrecord; int ipos = indexmax; zero = 0.0; if(mstr.Lookup(_T("Z19"),perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)){ zero = atof(perrecord); } z14 = 0; if(mstr.Lookup(_T("Z14"),perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)){ z14 = atoi(perrecord); } while(ipos-- > 0) { CString sid; double accuracy; sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); if(mstr.Lookup(sid,perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)) { if(perrecord.Find("--") >= 0) continue; sid.Format("jhsel%d",INDEX2GROUP(ipos)); if(!mstr.Lookup(sid,sid) || sid.FindOneOf("0123456789") < 0) continue;//retrieve the jhsel accuracy = atof(sid)/100.0; int iid = CheckPrecious(sid); if(iid < 0) continue;//translate the jhsel perrecord = DataIntergrate(ipos,atof(perrecord),g_PrecBase[iid].iDigipos-2,g_PrecBase[iid].iMantissa); sid=SJD2SByPosition(GetDiffData(ipos,atof(perrecord),accuracy),INDEX2GROUP(ipos)+g_PrecBase[iid].iDigipos-3); if(!CheckData(ipos,atof(perrecord),accuracy)) { sid = "<font color='red'>"+sid+"</font>"; } perrecord = sid; sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); mstr.SetAt(sid,perrecord); } } }
DWORD CHttpClient::WGet( LPCTSTR lpszRegCode, LPCTSTR lpszUserName, LPCTSTR lpszPasswd, LPCTSTR lpszVersion, CString &strResult, int nWantLen ) { CMapStringToString map; map.SetAt( szRegCodeKey, lpszRegCode ); map.SetAt( szUserNameKey, m_strUserName ); map.SetAt( szPasswdKey, m_strPasswd ); map.SetAt( szVersionKey, lpszVersion ); CString strDiskSerial = GetDiskSerial( ); map.SetAt( szDiskSerialKey, strDiskSerial ); CString strURL; strURL.Format( szHttpURLFormat, m_strServer, m_nPort, szWebpathWGet ); CString strResultLocal, strValue; DWORD dwRet = RequestPost( strURL, &map, &strResultLocal, NULL, NULL ); if( HTTP_STATUS_OK == dwRet ) { int nIndex = strResultLocal.Find( szWGetResultKey ); if( -1 != nIndex ) strValue = strResultLocal.Mid( nIndex+strlen(szWGetResultKey), nWantLen ); } if( strValue.GetLength() == nWantLen ) { strResult = strValue; return dwRet; } return dwRet; }
BOOL CConfigLoader::SaveConfig( CString szSection, CString szFileName ) { if( szFileName.GetLength() > 0 ) m_szFileName = szFileName; CString szKey; CString szValue; POSITION posKey = NULL; CMapStringToString *lpKeyMap = NULL; if( m_SectionMap.Lookup( szSection, lpKeyMap ) ) { posKey = lpKeyMap->GetStartPosition(); while(posKey) { lpKeyMap->GetNextAssoc( posKey, szKey, szValue ); WritePrivateProfileString( szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName ); } } return TRUE; }
CString ExtractTag(CString tag, CMapStringToString& attribs, bool& fClosing) { tag.Trim(); attribs.RemoveAll(); fClosing = !tag.IsEmpty() ? tag[0] == '/' : false; tag.TrimLeft('/'); int i = tag.Find(' '); if (i < 0) { i = tag.GetLength(); } CString type = tag.Left(i).MakeLower(); tag = tag.Mid(i).Trim(); while ((i = tag.Find('=')) > 0) { CString attrib = tag.Left(i).Trim().MakeLower(); tag = tag.Mid(i + 1); for (i = 0; i < tag.GetLength() && _istspace(tag[i]); i++) { ; } tag = i < tag.GetLength() ? tag.Mid(i) : _T(""); if (!tag.IsEmpty() && tag[0] == '\"') { tag = tag.Mid(1); i = tag.Find('\"'); } else { i = tag.Find(' '); } if (i < 0) { i = tag.GetLength(); } CString param = tag.Left(i).Trim(); if (!param.IsEmpty()) { attribs[attrib] = param; } tag = i + 1 < tag.GetLength() ? tag.Mid(i + 1) : _T(""); } return type; }
PRGINTERFACE_API void DataIntegrateForCheck(CMapStringToString &mstr, int indexmax, bool colormark) { CString perrecord; CString jherr(""); int ipos = indexmax; zero = 0.0; if(mstr.Lookup(_T("Z19"),perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)){ zero = atof(perrecord); } z14 = 0; if(mstr.Lookup(_T("Z14"),perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)){ z14 = atoi(perrecord); } while(ipos-- > 0) { CString sid; double accuracy; sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); if(mstr.Lookup(sid,perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)) { if(perrecord.Find("--") >= 0) continue; sid.Format("jhsel%d",INDEX2GROUP(ipos)); if(!mstr.Lookup(sid,sid) || (sid.FindOneOf("0123456789") < 0) ) continue;//retrieve the jhsel accuracy = atof(sid)/100.0; int iid = CheckPrecious(sid); if(iid < 0) continue;//translate the jhsel//translate the jhsel perrecord = DataIntergrate(ipos,atof(perrecord),g_PrecBase[iid].iDigipos-2,g_PrecBase[iid].iMantissa); if((!CheckData(ipos,atof(perrecord),accuracy))) { //add the a message to the error CString stmp; stmp.Format("%s盘第%d点不合格;\n",Panhao[INDEX2GROUP(ipos)],INDEX2REST(ipos)); jherr += stmp; if(colormark) perrecord = "<font color='red'>"+perrecord+"</font>"; } sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); mstr.SetAt(sid,perrecord); } } mstr.SetAt("jdjg",jherr);//检定结果 }
BOOL MR_ReadPredefinedConstants(const char *pFileName) { BOOL lReturnValue = TRUE; FILE *lFile = fopen(pFileName, "r"); if(lFile == NULL) { lReturnValue = FALSE; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to open %s(defines file)\n", pFileName); } else { char lBuffer[250]; while(lReturnValue && fgets(lBuffer, sizeof(lBuffer), lFile)) { CString lLine = MR_PreProcLine(lBuffer); if(MR_BeginByKeyword(lLine, "#define")) { char lKey[100]; char lValue[100]; if(sscanf(lLine, " #define %s %s ", lKey, &lValue) != 2) { lReturnValue = FALSE; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: syntax error in defines file\n"); } else { // add the define to the list gDefineMap.SetAt(lKey, lValue); } } } fclose(lFile); } return lReturnValue; }
HRESULT GetRibbonText(BSTR * RibbonXml) { LPBYTE content = NULL; DWORD content_length = 0; ASSERT_RETURN_VALUE(LoadResourceFromModule( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_RESOURCE_H), L"TEXT", &content, &content_length), S_FALSE); CMemFile mf(content, content_length); CTextFileRead rdr(&mf); CMapStringToString replacements; CString line; while (rdr.ReadLine(line)) { CSimpleArray<CString> tokens; CString token; token.Preallocate(30); for (LPCWSTR pos = line; *pos; ++pos) { if (*pos == ' ' || *pos == '\t') { if (!token.IsEmpty()) { tokens.Add(token); token = CString(); } } else { token += *pos; } } if (!token.IsEmpty()) tokens.Add(token); if (tokens.GetSize() != 3) continue; if (tokens[0] != "#define") continue; replacements[tokens[1]] = tokens[2]; } CString ribbon = LoadTextFromModule(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), IDR_RIBBON); for (int pos = 0; pos < ribbon.GetLength(); ++pos) { if (ribbon[pos] != '{') continue; int endpos = ribbon.Find('}', pos); ASSERT_CONTINUE(endpos != -1); CString token = ribbon.Mid(pos+1, endpos-pos-1); CString token_found; ASSERT_CONTINUE(replacements.Lookup(token, token_found)); ribbon.Delete(pos, endpos-pos+1); ribbon.Insert(pos, token_found); pos += (token_found.GetLength()-1); } *RibbonXml = ribbon.AllocSysString(); return S_OK; }
CString GetNDCRulFile(CString& sNDC,CString& sMobnum,DWORD& dwMaxLen) { dwMaxLen=0; static CFileInfoArray dir; static BOOL bAdded=0; static CMapStringToString aNDCIndex; if(bAdded==0){ bAdded=1; dir.AddDir(GetAppFolder()+"Sms/","*.rul",TRUE,0,FALSE); for(int i=0;i<dir.GetSize();i++){ CString sItemPath=dir[i].GetFilePath(); CString sContent; ReadFile(sItemPath,sContent); sContent.Replace("\r",""); sContent+="\n"; CString sLen=CDataXMLSaver::GetInstringPart("SmsMaxLength=","\n",sContent); CString sNDCs=CDataXMLSaver::GetInstringPart("SmsNdcList=","\n",sContent); CString sName=CDataXMLSaver::GetInstringPart("WndTitle=","\n",sContent); if(sNDCs!=""){ CStringArray aNDCs; ConvertToArray(sNDCs,aNDCs,','); for(int j=0;j<aNDCs.GetSize();j++){ CString sOld=aNDCIndex[aNDCs[j]]; if(sOld!=""){ sOld+="|"; } sOld+=sItemPath+"\t"+sLen+"\t"+sName; aNDCIndex.SetAt(aNDCs[j],sOld); } } } } CString sNDCData=aNDCIndex[sNDC]; if(sNDCData.Find("|")!=-1){ // Выбор :( CStringArray aOperators; ConvertToArray(sNDCData,aOperators,'|'); CStringArray aOperatorsNames; int i=0; for(i=0;i<aOperators.GetSize();i++){ CStringArray aDats; ConvertToArray(aOperators[i],aDats,'\t'); if(aDats.GetSize()>=3){ aOperatorsNames.Add(aDats[2]); } } i=SelectFromMenu(aOperatorsNames,0); if(i>=0){ sNDCData=aOperators[i]; }else{ return "000"; } } if(sNDCData!=""){ CStringArray aDats; ConvertToArray(sNDCData,aDats,'\t'); if(aDats.GetSize()>=2){ dwMaxLen=atol(aDats[1]); return aDats[0]; } } // Доверяем гуглу? CString sRetFile=GetAppFolder()+"Sms/default.rul"; if(isFileExist(sRetFile)){ CString sContent; ReadFile(sRetFile,sContent); CString sCList=CDataXMLSaver::GetInstringPart("SmsCarriersList=","\n",sContent); CStringArray aCarriers; ConvertToArray(sCList,aCarriers,','); int i=SelectFromMenu(aCarriers,0); if(i>0){ dwMaxLen=1000; sMobnum=sNDC+sMobnum; sNDC=Format("%i",i); return sRetFile; } if(i<0){ return "000"; } } return ""; }
BOOL CNetRssProtocol::SendNet_StatusExch(const char* szRec,const char* szProtocol) { if(CString(szProtocol)=="sms"){ return 1; } if(objSettings.lRSSLocUser){ if(isScreenSaverActiveOrCLocked()){ return -1; } } CString szRecipient=GetCompNameNoProtocol(szRec); int iPerson=objSettings.AddrBook.FindPersonByIP(szRecipient,TRUE); if(iPerson!=-1){ if(objSettings.AddrBook.aPersons[iPerson]->IsGroup()){ // Групповой-заблокирован return -1; }; } CWebWorld url; CString sRSS=url.GetWebPage(szRecipient); if(sRSS==""){ // Не доступен return -1; } #ifdef _DEBUG CString sFile=CString("lastblog")+szRecipient+".xml";// MakeSafeFileName(sFile); SaveFile(CString("c://")+sFile,sRSS); #endif int iStatus=1; XDoc* feedDoc=parseXML(sRSS); XNode* feed=0; if(feedDoc){ feed=feedDoc->GetRoot(); if(!feed){ delete feedDoc; return -1; } CString sLnewsBuildDate=aLoadedRss[szRecipient]; int iMaxNews=objSettings.dwProtocolRSSMAxNews; if(sLnewsBuildDate==""){ iMaxNews=5; } CString sLnewsBuildDateToSet=""; BOOL bAtom=0; CString sGlobalTitle; if(feed->GetChild("channel",1)==GetEmptyNode() && feed->GetChild("title",1)!=GetEmptyNode()){ // Atom!!! bAtom=1; sGlobalTitle=feed->GetChild("title",1)->value; }else{ sGlobalTitle=feed->GetChild("channel",1)->GetChild("title",1)->value; } CString sFrom=""; if(iPerson!=-1){ sFrom=objSettings.AddrBook.aPersons[iPerson]->GetTitle(); }else{ sFrom=sGlobalTitle+"/rss"; } CXMLNodes feedItems; if(bAtom){ feed->FindByTagName("entry",FALSE,feedItems); }else{ feed->GetChild("channel",1)->FindByTagName("item",FALSE,feedItems); } int iCount=0; int iLenCount=feedItems.GetSize(); if(iLenCount==0){ // Может rdf??? feed->FindByTagName("item",FALSE,feedItems); iLenCount=feedItems.GetSize(); } CString sSummary; while(iCount<iLenCount && iCount<iMaxNews){ XNode* item=feedItems[iCount]; CString sPubDate; if(bAtom){ sPubDate=item->GetChild("issued",1)->value; }else{ sPubDate=item->GetChild("pubDate",1)->value; if(sPubDate==""){ //rdf??? sPubDate=item->GetChild("dc:date",1)->value; } } //sPubDate=UnescapeString(sPubDate); StripTags(sPubDate); DeEntitize(sPubDate); CString sTitle; sTitle=item->GetChild("title",1)->value; //sTitle=UnescapeString(sTitle); StripTags(sTitle); DeEntitize(sTitle); if(sTitle==""){ sTitle=sGlobalTitle; } CString sAuthor; if(bAtom){ LPXNode pAut; pAut=item->GetChild("author",1); if(pAut->iBeginPos!=-1 && pAut->iEndPos!=-1){ sAuthor=sRSS.Mid(pAut->iBeginPos,pAut->iEndPos-pAut->iBeginPos); } }else{ sAuthor=item->GetChild("author",1)->value; if(sAuthor==""){ //rdf??? sAuthor=item->GetChild("dc:creator",1)->value; } } //sAuthor=UnescapeString(sAuthor); StripTags(sAuthor); DeEntitize(sAuthor); if(sAuthor!=""){ sTitle+=" ("; sTitle+=sAuthor; sTitle+=")"; } LPXNode pDesk; if(bAtom){ pDesk=item->GetChild("content",1); }else{ pDesk=item->GetChild("description",1); } CString sDesk; if(pDesk->iBeginPos!=-1 && pDesk->iEndPos!=-1){ sDesk=sRSS.Mid(pDesk->iBeginPos,pDesk->iEndPos-pDesk->iBeginPos); } /* if(sDesk.Find("%20")!=-1){ sDesk=UnescapeString(sDesk); } */ CString sDeskL=sDesk; sDeskL.MakeLower(); if(sDeskL.Find(";div")!=-1 || sDeskL.Find(";span")!=-1){ // Для извращенных... DeEntitize(sDesk); StripTags(sDesk); }else{ // Это по правильному StripTags(sDesk); DeEntitize(sDesk); } sDesk.TrimLeft(); sDesk.TrimRight(); CString sLink; if(bAtom){ CXMLNodes feedLinks; item->FindByTagName("link",FALSE,feedLinks); for(int j=0;j<feedLinks.GetSize();j++){ XNode* itemLnk=feedLinks[j]; sLink=itemLnk->GetAttr("href")->value; CString sType=itemLnk->GetAttr("type")->value; sType.MakeLower(); if(sType.Find("text")!=-1){ break;// Наша линка! } } }else{ sLink=item->GetChild("link",1)->value; } sLink=UnescapeString(sLink); StripTags(sLink); DeEntitize(sLink); sLink.TrimLeft(); sLink.TrimRight(); { CSmartLock SL(&csRssFeeds,TRUE); CString sRnewsBuildDate=sLink+"\t"+sPubDate+" "+sTitle+" "+sDesk; if(sLnewsBuildDate==sRnewsBuildDate){ if(iCount==0){ iStatus=1; } break; } if(sLnewsBuildDateToSet==""){// Запомнили самую первую новость sLnewsBuildDateToSet=sRnewsBuildDate; } /* #ifdef _DEBUG else{ sDesk+="\nOld id-text:"+sLnewsBuildDate; sDesk+="\nNew id-text:"+sRnewsBuildDate; } #endif */ } if(sPubDate!=""){ COleDateTime dt; dt.ParseDateTime(sPubDate); if(dt.GetStatus()==COleDateTimeSpan::valid){ sTitle=dt.Format("%x %X. ")+sTitle; } } CString sNews=sTitle; sNews+="\n"; if(sDesk!=""){ sNews+="\n"; sNews+=sDesk; } if(sLink!=""){ sNews+="\n\n"; sNews+=_l("Read more")+": "; sNews+=sLink; } CDataXMLSaver::Xml2Str(sNews); if(objSettings.lRSSSummar){ sSummary+="\n"; sSummary+="\n"; sSummary+=sTitle; sSummary+="\n"; sSummary+=_l("Read more")+": "; sSummary+=sLink; }else{ CString sAttach=""; if(objSettings.dwProtocolRSSOType){ sAttach+=Format("["DEF_OPENTYPE"%i]",objSettings.dwProtocolRSSOType); } OpenMessage(sFrom,"",sNews,"",sAttach,sGlobalTitle); } iCount++; } if(sSummary!=""){ CString sAttach=""; if(objSettings.dwProtocolRSSOType){ sAttach+=Format("["DEF_OPENTYPE"%i]",objSettings.dwProtocolRSSOType); } sSummary.TrimLeft(); OpenMessage(sFrom,"",sSummary,"",sAttach,sGlobalTitle); } if(feedDoc){ delete feedDoc; } if(sLnewsBuildDateToSet!=""){ aLoadedRss.SetAt(szRecipient,sLnewsBuildDateToSet); } } if(iPerson!=-1){ objSettings.AddrBook.aPersons[iPerson]->iOnlineStatus=iStatus; RefreshUserStatusIcon(iPerson); } return 0; }
PRGINTERFACE_API void PrepareArrayForReport(CMapStringToString &mstr) { //check the start position of the resister group int grpoffset=0; CString skey,sval,perrecord; zero = 0.0; if(mstr.Lookup(_T("Z19"),perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)){ zero = atof(perrecord); } z14 = 0; if(mstr.Lookup(_T("Z14"),perrecord) && (perrecord.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)){ z14 = atoi(perrecord); } do{ skey.Format("Z%d",31+grpoffset++*20); if(mstr.Lookup(skey,sval) && sval.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0) break; }while(grpoffset<9); --grpoffset; for (int grpindex = 0;grpindex < 8;grpindex++){ skey.Format("Z%d",31+grpindex*20); if (mstr.Lookup(skey,sval) && (sval.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0) ) { if(sval.FindOneOf("0123456789") != -1) { skey.Format("Z%d",31+grpindex*20+12); mstr.SetAt(skey,CString(Panhao[grpindex])); skey.Format("jhsel%d",grpindex); if(mstr.Lookup(skey,sval) && (sval.FindOneOf("0123456789") >= 0)) { sval = _T("±")+sval; skey.Format("Z%d",31+grpindex*20+13); mstr.SetAt(skey,sval); } } } } return; //move the table and insert "/" at corresponding place for ( grpindex = 0;grpindex < 8;grpindex++) for (int subindex = 0;subindex< 14;subindex++){ skey.Format("Z%d",31+grpindex*20+subindex); if (!mstr.Lookup(skey,sval) || sval.FindOneOf("0123456789") < 0) mstr.SetAt(skey,_T("/")); else if(sval.FindOneOf("0123456789") == -1) mstr.SetAt(skey,_T("/")); else { mstr.RemoveKey(skey); skey.Format("Z%d",31+(grpindex-grpoffset)*20+subindex); mstr.SetAt(skey,sval); } } }
// Inserts a video object in MMS message // Input: csObjPath=String with file path void CMMSSender::InsertVideo(CString csObjPath) { CMapStringToString mssContentType; mssContentType.SetAt("avi","video/avi"); mssContentType.SetAt("asf","video/x-ms-asf"); mssContentType.SetAt("mpg","video/mpeg"); mssContentType.SetAt("mpeg","video/mpeg"); mssContentType.SetAt("wmv","video/x-ms-wmv"); CString csContentType; int nPosPunto=csObjPath.ReverseFind('.'); if(nPosPunto!=-1) { CString csExtension=csObjPath.Mid(nPosPunto+1); mssContentType.Lookup(csExtension,csContentType); if(csContentType.IsEmpty()) return; } CString csData; CString csURL; CString csCookie; CString csHeaders; CString csRetHeaders; CString csRetData; BYTE* pbtFile=(BYTE*)malloc(OBJ_BUFFER_SIZE); memset(pbtFile,0,OBJ_BUFFER_SIZE); BYTE* pbtContents=(BYTE*)malloc(OBJ_BUFFER_SIZE); memset(pbtContents,0,OBJ_BUFFER_SIZE); int nPosicionDatos=0; CString csSeparator="---------------------------7d77df567a4b9"; // Object data generation CString csFilenamePart; csFilenamePart.Format("--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\n\r\n",csSeparator,csObjPath,csContentType); memcpy(&pbtContents[nPosicionDatos],csFilenamePart.GetBuffer(0),csFilenamePart.GetLength()); nPosicionDatos+=csFilenamePart.GetLength(); CFile fl; BOOL bRes=fl.Open(csObjPath,CFile::modeRead); if(bRes) { int nLeidos=fl.Read(pbtFile,OBJ_BUFFER_SIZE); fl.Close(); memcpy(&pbtContents[nPosicionDatos],pbtFile,nLeidos); nPosicionDatos+=nLeidos; } CString csFinal; csFinal.Format("\r\n--%s--\r\n",csSeparator); memcpy(&pbtContents[nPosicionDatos],csFinal.GetBuffer(0),csFinal.GetLength()); nPosicionDatos+=csFinal.GetLength(); CString csContentType2; csContentType2.Format("multipart/form-data; boundary=%s",csSeparator); csHeaders = "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" "Accept-Language: es\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; csHeaders += "Content-type: "+csContentType2+"\r\n"; csHeaders += "Cookie: "+m_csCookie+"\r\n"; csURL.Format("http://%s/do/multimedia/uploadEnd",m_csServer); UINT nCode=PostHTTP(csURL,pbtContents,nPosicionDatos,csHeaders,csRetHeaders,csRetData); free(pbtFile); free(pbtContents); }
BOOL CCapDownload::retrievePackages() { CString csCertFile, csId, csValue; COptDownloadPackage *pOptDownloadPackage; CMapStringToStringArray *pMapArray = NULL; CMapStringToString *pMap = NULL; INT_PTR nPack = 0; /*** * * Environnement checking * ***/ // Working directory if (directoryCreate(getDownloadFolder()) == FALSE) { m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, _T("DOWNLOAD => Cannot create working directory (%s)"), LookupError(GetLastError())); return FALSE; } // Open package history file, create it if needed CFilePackageHistory cFileHistory; if (!cFileHistory.Open(getPackageHistoryFilename(), FALSE, TRUE)) { m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, _T("DOWNLOAD => Cannot create history file <%>"), getPackageHistoryFilename()); return FALSE; } if (!m_pPrologResp->isDownloadRequired()) { m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => No package available for download")); return FALSE; } // Trying to create suspend Download tool if (!suspendDownload()) { m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, _T("DOWNLOAD => Cannot suspend Download and Setup Tool using <%s> file"), OCS_DOWNLOAD_SUSPEND); return FALSE; } // Trying to get exclusive access to download if (!lockDownload()) { m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, _T("DOWNLOAD => Cannot lock directory <%s>"), getDownloadFolder()); resumeDownload(); return FALSE; } // Get generic download parameters and write them for using with download tool pMapArray = m_pPrologResp->getDownloadParameters(); if ((pMapArray == NULL) || pMapArray->IsEmpty()) { m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => No download parameter available")); unlockDownload(); resumeDownload(); return FALSE; } // There is only one record for download parameters pMap = pMapArray->GetAt(0); pMap->Lookup(_T("FRAG_LATENCY"), m_csDownloadFragLatency); pMap->Lookup(_T("CYCLE_LATENCY"), m_csDownloadCycleLatency); pMap->Lookup(_T("PERIOD_LATENCY"), m_csDownloadPeriodLatency); pMap->Lookup(_T("PERIOD_LENGTH"), m_csDownloadPeriodLength); pMap->Lookup(_T("TIMEOUT"), m_csDownloadTimeout); pMap->Lookup(_T("EXECUTION_TIMEOUT"), m_csCommandTimeout); if (m_csCommandTimeout.IsEmpty()) m_csCommandTimeout = COMMAND_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; pMap->Lookup(_T("ON"), m_csDownloadOn); writeConfig(); delete pMapArray; pMapArray = NULL; // Now get each package information pMapArray = m_pPrologResp->getDownloadPackages(); for (nPack = 0; (pMapArray != NULL) && (nPack<pMapArray->GetCount()); nPack++) { if (((pMap = pMapArray->GetAt(nPack)) == NULL) || pMap->IsEmpty()) continue; csId.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("ID"), csId); // Try to find if package was not previously downloaded, parsing package history file CString csHistBuf; BOOL bAlreadySetup = FALSE; cFileHistory.SeekToBegin(); while (cFileHistory.ReadPackage(csHistBuf)) { if (csHistBuf.Find(csId) != -1) { // Package ID found in history bAlreadySetup = TRUE; break; } } pOptDownloadPackage = new COptDownloadPackage(this); pOptDownloadPackage->setId(csId); // If CERT_PATH or CERT_FILE option is provided csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("CERT_PATH"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setCertPath(csValue); csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("CERT_FILE"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setCertFile(csValue); // Set URL where to download INFO metadata csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("INFO_LOC"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setInfoLocation(csValue); // Set URL where to download fragment csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("PACK_LOC"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setPackLocation(csValue); // Set if we have to force package setup, even if already installed csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("FORCE"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setForce(csValue); // Set if we have to schedule package setup at specified date csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("SCHEDULE"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setSchedule(csValue); // Set post execution command if package action succeeded csValue.Empty(); pMap->Lookup(_T("POSTCMD"), csValue); pOptDownloadPackage->setPostCmd(csValue); if (bAlreadySetup && !pOptDownloadPackage->isForced()) { // Package ID found in history, do not download m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_NOTICE, _T("DOWNLOAD => Will not download package <%s>, already in the package history"), csId); sendMessage(csId, SUCCESS_ALREADY_SETUP); // Delete already download directory if needed pOptDownloadPackage->clean(); delete pOptDownloadPackage; } else { // Package not already downloaded, or setup forced, put it in the download queue if (pOptDownloadPackage->isForced()) m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => Package <%s> forced, ignoring package history check"), csId); m_tPackages.Add(pOptDownloadPackage); } } cFileHistory.Close(); delete pMapArray; // Cleaning file history for duplicates switch (CFilePackageHistory::CleanDuplicates(getPackageHistoryFilename())) { case 1: m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => Package history file successfully cleaned for duplicate IDs")); break; case 2: m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => Package history file cleaning not required")); break; default: m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => Failed to clean Package history file for duplicate IDs")); break; } // Now, prepare directories and download instructions for download tool for (nPack = 0; nPack<m_tPackages.GetSize(); nPack++) { pOptDownloadPackage = (COptDownloadPackage*)(m_tPackages[nPack]); // Check if package is not expired if (pOptDownloadPackage->isExpired(m_csDownloadTimeout)) { ULONG ulNow = time(NULL); m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, _T("DOWNLOAD => Package <%s> timed out (now:%lu, since:%lu, Timeout:%s)"), pOptDownloadPackage->getId(), ulNow, (ULONG)pOptDownloadPackage->getTimeStamp(), m_csDownloadTimeout); if (sendMessage(pOptDownloadPackage->getId(), ERR_TIMEOUT)) // Server successfully notified => remove package if (!pOptDownloadPackage->clean()) m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, _T("DOWNLOAD => Failed to remove timed out package <%s>"), pOptDownloadPackage->getId()); } else { // Check if package not already added to download queue if (pOptDownloadPackage->makeDirectory() && !fileExists(pOptDownloadPackage->getLocalMetadataFilename())) { // Download metadata from deployment server if (pOptDownloadPackage->downloadInfoFile()) m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_NOTICE, _T("DOWNLOAD => Package <%s> added to download queue"), pOptDownloadPackage->getId()); else // Error dowloading metadata => remove package directory to avoid error message into download tool pOptDownloadPackage->clean(); } else m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T("DOWNLOAD => Package <%s> already in download queue, keeping on package"), pOptDownloadPackage->getId()); } } // Now, allow Download tool unlockDownload(); resumeDownload(); return TRUE; }
DWORD CHttpClient::Request(LPCTSTR lpszURL, CString &strPostData, CFile *pFileSave, CString *pstrResult, PROGRESS_CALLBACK fnCallback, void *cookie ) { DWORD dwRet = HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; if( NULL == lpszURL || strlen(lpszURL) == 0 ) return dwRet; int nContentLength = 0; int nContentLengthLocal = 0; int nContentLengthFinished = 0; int nContentLengthTotal = 0; // prepare header CString strHeader; CMapStringToString mapHeader; if( pFileSave && pFileSave->GetPosition() > 0 ) { nContentLengthFinished = (int)pFileSave->GetPosition(); CString strRange; strRange.Format( "bytes=%u-", nContentLengthFinished ); mapHeader.SetAt( szRange, strRange ); } if( pstrResult && pstrResult->GetLength() > 0 ) { nContentLengthFinished = pstrResult->GetLength(); CString strRange; strRange.Format( "bytes=%u-", nContentLengthFinished ); mapHeader.SetAt( szRange, strRange ); } if( m_strCookie.GetLength() > 0 ) mapHeader.SetAt( szCookieKey, m_strCookie ); MakeHttpHeader( mapHeader, strHeader ); // default type and flags DWORD dwHttpRequestFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT; // | INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION; CString strProxy; if( !m_strProxyAddress.IsEmpty() ) strProxy = FormatProxyString( m_nProxyType, m_strProxyAddress, m_nProxyPort ); CInternetSession session( szUserAgentValue, 1, m_nAccessType, strProxy, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE ); // 以下SetOption似乎不起作用 if( !strProxy.IsEmpty() && !m_strProxyAddress.IsEmpty() ) { session.SetOption( INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)m_strProxyUser, m_strProxyUser.GetLength() ); session.SetOption( INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)m_strProxyPasswd, m_strProxyPasswd.GetLength() ); } session.SetOption( INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, 300000 ); session.SetOption( INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, 30000 ); session.SetOption( INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 30000 ); CHttpConnection* pServer = NULL; CHttpFile* pFile = NULL; try { // check to see if this is a reasonable URL DoOpenURL( lpszURL, dwHttpRequestFlags, strHeader, strPostData, &session, &pServer, &pFile, fnCallback, cookie ); if( NULL == pServer || NULL == pFile ) ThrowTearException( ERR_TEAR_INTERRUPTED ); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_MOVED || dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT || dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_METHOD) { CString strNewLocation = GetNewLocation( pFile ); // close up the redirected site pFile->Close(); delete pFile; pFile = NULL; pServer->Close(); delete pServer; pServer = NULL; // progress callback if( fnCallback ) fnCallback( PROG_REDIRECTING, 0, NULL, cookie ); // open new url DoOpenURL( strNewLocation, dwHttpRequestFlags, strHeader, strPostData, &session, &pServer, &pFile, fnCallback, cookie ); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); } if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT) dwRet = HTTP_STATUS_OK; if (dwRet != HTTP_STATUS_OK) ThrowTearException( ERR_TEAR_INTERRUPTED ); CString strInfo; pFile->QueryInfo( HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE, strInfo ); pFile->QueryInfo( HTTP_QUERY_COOKIE, strInfo ); if( strInfo.GetLength() ) m_strCookie = strInfo; pFile->QueryInfo( HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, strInfo ); nContentLength = atol( strInfo ); nContentLengthTotal = nContentLength + nContentLengthFinished; if( pstrResult && nContentLengthTotal > 0 ) pstrResult->GetBuffer( nContentLengthTotal+5 ); DWORD dwCheckSum = 0; BOOL bHasCheckSum = FALSE; CString strCheckSum; pFile->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, strCheckSum); int nPlace = strCheckSum.Find( szCheckSumKeySuffix ); if ( -1 != nPlace ) { strCheckSum = strCheckSum.Mid( nPlace+strlen(szCheckSumKeySuffix) ); nPlace = strCheckSum.Find( '\n' ); if( nPlace > 0 ) { dwCheckSum = atol( strCheckSum.Left( nPlace ) ); bHasCheckSum = TRUE; } } if( fnCallback ) fnCallback( PROG_TRANSFERRING, 0, NULL, cookie ); DWORD dwCheckSumLocal = 0; TCHAR sz[1028]; int nRead = pFile->Read(sz+4, 1023); while (nRead > 0) { sz[4+nRead] = '\0'; if( NULL != pFileSave ) pFileSave->Write( sz+4, nRead ); if( NULL != pstrResult ) *pstrResult += (TCHAR *)(sz+4); nContentLengthLocal += nRead; if( fnCallback && nContentLengthTotal > 0 ) fnCallback( PROG_PROGRESS, DWORD(STKLIB_MAXF_PROGRESS*(nContentLengthFinished+nContentLengthLocal)/nContentLengthTotal), NULL, cookie ); if( bHasCheckSum ) { *((DWORD *)sz) = dwCheckSumLocal; dwCheckSumLocal = CRC32( sz, nRead ); } nRead = pFile->Read(sz+4, 1023); } if( pstrResult && nContentLengthTotal > 0 ) pstrResult->ReleaseBuffer(); if( (nContentLength > 0 && nContentLengthLocal != nContentLength) || (bHasCheckSum && dwCheckSum != dwCheckSumLocal) ) ThrowTearException( ERR_TEAR_DATATRANSFER ); if( fnCallback ) fnCallback( PROG_PROGRESS, STKLIB_MAX_PROGRESS, NULL, cookie ); } catch (CInternetException* pEx) { // catch errors from WinINet if (HTTP_STATUS_OK == dwRet) dwRet = HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL; TCHAR szErr[1024]; pEx->GetErrorMessage(szErr, 1024); m_strLastErrorMessage = szErr; pEx->Delete(); } catch (CTearException* pEx) { TCHAR szErr[1024]; pEx->GetErrorMessage(szErr, 1024); m_strLastErrorMessage = szErr; pEx->Delete(); } catch( CException * pEx ) { TCHAR szErr[1024]; pEx->GetErrorMessage(szErr, 1024); m_strLastErrorMessage = szErr; pEx->Delete(); } if (pFile != NULL) { pFile->Close(); delete pFile; } if (pServer != NULL) { pServer->Close(); delete pServer; } session.Close(); if(nContentLength > 0 && nContentLengthLocal != nContentLength) return Request( lpszURL, strPostData, pFileSave, pstrResult, fnCallback, cookie ); return dwRet; }
void CDz3Handler::DataIntegrateForCompensate(CMapStringToString& mstr,int indexmax) { mstr.SetAt("0.005","0"); mstr.SetAt("0.01","1"); mstr.SetAt("0.02","2"); mstr.SetAt("0.05","3"); mstr.SetAt("0.1","4"); mstr.SetAt("0.2","5"); mstr.SetAt("0.5","6"); mstr.SetAt("1","7"); mstr.SetAt("2","8"); mstr.SetAt("5","9"); mstr.SetAt("5","10"); static int g_Digipos[] = {-7,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-3}; static int g_Mantissa[]= { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; CString perrecord; int ipos = indexmax; while(ipos-- > 0) { CString sid; double accuracy; sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); if(mstr.Lookup(sid,perrecord)) { if(perrecord.Find("--") >= 0) continue; sid.Format("jhsel%d",INDEX2GROUP(ipos)); if(!mstr.Lookup(sid,sid)) continue;//retrieve the jhsel accuracy = atof(sid)/100.0; if(!mstr.Lookup(sid,sid)) continue;//translate the jhsel perrecord = DataIntergrate(ipos,atof(perrecord),g_Digipos[atoi(sid)]-2,g_Mantissa[atoi(sid)]); sid=SJD2SByPosition(GetDiffData(ipos,atof(perrecord),accuracy),INDEX2GROUP(ipos)+g_Digipos[atoi(sid)]-3); if(!CheckData(ipos,atof(perrecord),accuracy)) { sid = "<font color='red'>"+sid+"</font>"; } perrecord = sid; sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); mstr.SetAt(sid,perrecord); } } }
void CDz3Handler::DataIntegrateForCheck(CMapStringToString& mstr,int indexmax,bool colormark) { mstr.SetAt("0.005","0"); mstr.SetAt("0.01","1"); mstr.SetAt("0.02","2"); mstr.SetAt("0.05","3"); mstr.SetAt("0.1","4"); mstr.SetAt("0.2","5"); mstr.SetAt("0.5","6"); mstr.SetAt("1","7"); mstr.SetAt("2","8"); mstr.SetAt("5","9"); static int g_Digipos[] = {-7,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-3}; static int g_Mantissa[]= { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; CString perrecord; CString jherr(""); int ipos = indexmax; while(ipos-- > 0) { CString sid; double accuracy; sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); if(mstr.Lookup(sid,perrecord)) { if(perrecord.Find("--") >= 0) continue; sid.Format("jhsel%d",INDEX2GROUP(ipos)); if(!mstr.Lookup(sid,sid)) continue;//retrieve the jhsel accuracy = atof(sid)/100.0; if(!mstr.Lookup(sid,sid)) continue;//translate the jhsel perrecord = DataIntergrate(ipos,atof(perrecord),g_Digipos[atoi(sid)]-2,g_Mantissa[atoi(sid)]); if((!CheckData(ipos,atof(perrecord),accuracy))) { //add the a message to the error CString stmp; stmp.Format("%s盘第%d点不合格;\n",Panhao[INDEX2GROUP(ipos)],INDEX2REST(ipos)); jherr += stmp; if(colormark) perrecord = "<font color='red'>"+perrecord+"</font>"; } sid.Format("Z%d",ipos); mstr.SetAt(sid,perrecord); } } mstr.SetAt("jdjg",jherr);//检定结果 }
void CDownloadManager::GetSharedPaths(CMapStringToString& mapSharedPaths) { char chKey[MAX_PATH], szSharedPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey = NULL, hSharedKey = NULL; DWORD retCode; DWORD dwLength = 0; CString csSharedPathKey; mapSharedPaths.RemoveAll(); TRY { if ( (retCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cbSharedKey, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for(int i=0;retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS;i++) { retCode = RegEnumKey(hKey, i, chKey, MAX_PATH); if(retCode == (DWORD) ERROR_SUCCESS) { hSharedKey = NULL; csSharedPathKey = cbSharedKey; csSharedPathKey += "\\"; csSharedPathKey += chKey; if ( (retCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCSTR)csSharedPathKey, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSharedKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwLength = sizeof(szSharedPath); if ((retCode = RegQueryValueEx( hSharedKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szSharedPath, &dwLength)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString csKey = chKey; csKey.MakeLower(); mapSharedPaths.SetAt(csKey, szSharedPath); } RegCloseKey(hSharedKey); } } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (hSharedKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hSharedKey); } csSharedPathKey.Empty(); } END_CATCH_ALL }
void CObjektPool :: BesondInfo( const short j, const short k, CAtkisSatz* pSatz ) { CCfg *pConfiguration= &((CEDBSExtension*)g_pTE)->Configuration; CRule_Layer *pRule_Layer; CGeoObj *pGOBI = NULL; CPunktFolge* pBIpoints1 = NULL; CPunktFolge* pBIpoints2 = NULL; CxString strTemp; CxString strText, txt; CRule_Info *pRule_Info = NULL; CxString strRegeln("ALK-Regeln"); CxString strRule; CxString strObjNum; CxString strAktualitaet; CxString strObjNumBI; CxString strInfoArt; CxString strArtBI; CxString strFolie, strObjArt, strObjArtBI; int iArtGeo; bool tText_erzeugt; try { strObjNum = pSatz->OF_Objektnummer( j ); strAktualitaet = pSatz->OF_Aktuali( j ); // strObjNum.TrimAll(); strFolie = pSatz -> OF_Folie(j); strFolie.TrimAll(); pRule_Layer = g_pMetaData->GetRule_Layer( strFolie ); if( NULL == pRule_Layer ) return; if( 0 == pRule_Layer->ImportMode() ) return; strObjArt = pSatz -> OF_Objektart( j ); strObjArt.TrimAll(); strObjArtBI = pSatz -> OF_BI_Objektart( j, k ); strObjArtBI.TrimAll(); strArtBI = pSatz -> OF_BI_Art( j, k ); strArtBI.TrimAll(); strInfoArt = strArtBI; strInfoArt += "/"; //#FJE980805 strInfoArt += strObjArtBI; /* if ( strArtBI == "44" ) { // UNIX-Umlaute ausbauen strInfoArt = strText.Left( 2 ); strText = strText.Mid( 2 ); strText.Transform(2); } */ // pGO = g_pObjektPool->GetGeoObj( strObjNum + "H" ); // pGO->Folie() = strFolie; // pGO->Objektart() = strObjArt; // pGO->Aktualitaet() = m_Aktuali; //=== Regeln für besondere Informationen suchen ======================================== strRule = strFolie + strObjArt + strObjArtBI + strArtBI; pRule_Info = g_pMetaData->GetRule_Info( strRule ); if( NULL == pRule_Info ) return; strText = pSatz -> OF_BI_Text( j, k ); strText.TrimAll(); if( pConfiguration->m_sCodePage ) strText.Transform(pConfiguration->m_sCodePage); if( pRule_Info->ObjektartBI_bestimmt_Objektklasse_Hauptgeometrie() ) { CGeoObj *pGO; pGO = g_pObjektPool->GetGeoObj( strObjNum + "H" ); if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateAttributeRegeln ) pGO->AddAttribute( strRegeln, strRule ); pGO->Folie() = strFolie; pGO->Objektart() = strObjArtBI; g_pMetaData->ObjectClassesTRiAS().Lookup( pRule_Info->ObjectClassTRiAS_Hauptgeometrie(), (CObject*&)pGO->ObjectClassTRiAS() ); } //=== Regeln für Texte ============================================================ tText_erzeugt = false; if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateBItext) { if( 0 != pRule_Info->Importmodus_Attr() ) { CxString strTextToCreate; strTemp = pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Text().Left(1); if( strTemp == "\"" ) { strTextToCreate = pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Text().Mid( 1, pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Text().GetLength() - 2 ); } else if( !strText.IsEmpty() ) { if( strTemp == "§" ) { //--- Konvertierung für Hausnummern ------------------------------------------------ if( "§Hausnummer" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Text() ) { if( strText.Left(2) == "HA" ) { CxString strHANR, strHANRZ, strArt, strObjArt; int ix1, ix2; strHANR = strText; strHANR = strHANR.Mid(23,3); if( strHANR == "P01" || strHANR == " 01" || strHANR == "001") { strHANR = strText; strHANR = strHANR.Mid(15,8); strHANRZ = strHANR; while( isdigit((int)*strHANRZ.Left(1)) ) strHANRZ = strHANRZ.Mid(1); strHANRZ.TrimAll(); strHANR.Format("%ld", strHANR.Long()); if( !strHANRZ.IsEmpty() ) strHANR += strHANRZ; for( ix1 = 0,ix2 = pSatz -> OF_AnzahlBesInfo( j ); ix1 < ix2; ix1++ ) { strArt = pSatz -> OF_BI_Art( j, ix1 ); strObjArt = pSatz -> OF_BI_Objektart( j, ix1 ); if( strArt == "21" ) { if( strObjArt == " 1031" ) { strHANR.Empty(); break; } } else continue; } strTextToCreate = strHANR; } } else strTextToCreate = strText; } //--- Konvertierung für Flurstückskennzeichen ------------------------------------- else if( "§Flurstückskennzeichen" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Text() ) { if( strText.Left(2) == "FS" ) { long z, n; z = ((CxString)strText.Mid(11,5)).Long(); n = ((CxString)strText.Mid(16,3)).Long(); if( 0 == n ) strTextToCreate.printf( "%lu", z ); else strTextToCreate.printf( "%lu/%lu", z, n ); } else strTextToCreate = strText; } //--- Konvertierung für Flurkennzeichen ------------------------------------- else if( "§Flurkennzeichen" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Text() ) { if( strText.Left(2) == "FL" ) { long f; f = ((CxString)strText.Mid(8,3)).Long(); strTextToCreate.printf( "Fl. %lu", f ); } else strTextToCreate = strText; } } else { strTextToCreate = strText; } } if( strTextToCreate.IsEmpty() ) tText_erzeugt = false; else { tText_erzeugt = true; strObjNumBI = strObjNum + "T"; strObjNumBI += "_"; txt.Format("%03d", j); strObjNumBI += txt; strObjNumBI += "_"; txt.Format("%03d", k); strObjNumBI += txt; /* strObjNumBI = strObjNum; strObjNumBI += "_"; // txt.Format("%06ld", pSatz->m_lEDBSSatzNummer); txt.Format("%08ld", pSatz->m_lNumParserCalls); strObjNumBI += txt; strObjNumBI += "_"; txt.Format("%03d", k); strObjNumBI += txt; strObjNumBI += "_"; strObjNumBI += key; strObjNumBI += "T"; strObjNumBI += pSatz->OF_BI_ArtGeo(j,k); strObjNumBI += "T"; */ pBIpoints1 = pSatz -> OF_BI_Points( j, k ); if( pBIpoints1 ) { pGOBI = g_pObjektPool->GetGeoObj( strObjNumBI ); if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateAttributeRegeln ) pGOBI->AddAttribute( strRegeln, strRule ); pGOBI->tBI = true; pGOBI->Folie() = strFolie; pGOBI->Objektart() = strObjArtBI; // pGOBI->Aktualitaet() = m_Aktuali; g_pMetaData->ObjectClassesTRiAS().Lookup( pRule_Info->Objektklasse_Text(), (CObject*&)pGOBI->ObjectClassTRiAS() ); if( pBIpoints1->GetSize() > 1 ) { pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( 1 ); if( pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1).Hoch() == pSatz -> GrundPunktHoch() && pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1).Rechts() == pSatz -> GrundPunktRechts() ) { (*pBIpoints2)[0] = new CPunkt( pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0).Hoch(), pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1).Rechts(), pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1).Dreh() ); } else { (*pBIpoints2)[0] = new CPunkt( pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0).Hoch(), pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0).Rechts(), pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0).Dreh() ); } AddLineBI( strObjNumBI, pBIpoints2, pGOBI, "BI", strFolie, strObjArtBI ); delete pBIpoints2; pBIpoints2 = NULL; } else AddLineBI( strObjNumBI, pBIpoints1, pGOBI, "BI", strFolie, strObjArtBI ); pGOBI->ObjTyp() = 'T'; pGOBI->ObjLabel() = strTextToCreate; } } } } //=== Regeln für Attribute ======================================================== if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateBIattr && !strText.IsEmpty() ) { CMapStringToString mapAttrToCreate; CxString strAttrToCreate; if( 0 != pRule_Info->Importmodus_Attr() ) { strTemp = pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr().Left(1); if( strTemp == "\"" ) { strAttrToCreate = pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr().Mid( 1, pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr().GetLength() - 2 ); mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( pRule_Info->AttributeName(), strAttrToCreate ); } else if( strTemp == "§" ) { //--- Konvertierungen ------------------------------------------------------------- if( "{" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr().Mid(1,1) ) { // Attributmenge CxString strAttrNames(pRule_Info->AttributeName() + ";"); if( "§{Gebaeudekennzeichen}" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr() ) { if( strText.Left(2) == "HA" ) { if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Laenderschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Laenderschluessel", strText.Mid( 2, 2 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Regierungsbeziksschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Regierungsbeziksschluessel", strText.Mid( 4, 1 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Kreisschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Kreisschluessel", strText.Mid( 5, 2 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Gemeindeschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Gemeindeschluessel", strText.Mid( 7, 3 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Strassenschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Strassenschluessel", strText.Mid( 10, 5 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Hausnummer;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Hausnummer", strText.Mid( 15, 4 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Hausnummernzusatz;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Hausnummernzusatz", strText.Mid( 19, 4 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Gebaeudenummer;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Gebaeudenummer", strText.Mid( 23, 3 ) ); } } if( "§{Flurstueckskennzeichen}" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr() ) { if( strText.Left(2) == "FS" ) { if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Bundeslandschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Bundeslandschluessel", strText.Mid( 2, 2 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Gemarkungsschluessel;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Gemarkungsschluessel", strText.Mid( 4, 4 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Flur;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Flur", strText.Mid( 8, 3 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Flurstueckszaehler;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Flurstueckszaehler", strText.Mid( 11, 5 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Flurstuecksnenner;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Flurstuecksnenner", strText.Mid( 16, 3 ) ); if( 0 <= strAttrNames.Find("Flurstuecksfolgenummer;") ) mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( "Flurstuecksfolgenummer", strText.Mid( 19, 2 ) ); } } } else { // Einzelattribut if( "§WLDGE-Flurstueckskennzeichen" == pRule_Info->Konvertierung_Attr() ) { strAttrToCreate = strText.Mid( 2, 6 ) + "-" + strText.Mid( 8, 3 ) + "-" + strText.Mid( 11, 5 ) + "/" + strText.Mid( 16, 3 ) + "." + strText.Mid( 19, 2 ); mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( pRule_Info->AttributeName(), strAttrToCreate ); } } } else mapAttrToCreate.SetAt( pRule_Info->AttributeName(), strText ); if( !mapAttrToCreate.IsEmpty() ) { CGeoObj *pGO; pGO = g_pObjektPool->GetGeoObj( strObjNum + "H" ); if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateAttributeRegeln ) pGO->AddAttribute( strRegeln, strRule ); if( 0 == pGO->AnzahlLinien() && !tText_erzeugt ) { double dblH; double dblR; if( pGO->Folie().IsEmpty() ) pGO->Folie() = strFolie; if( pGO->Objektart().IsEmpty() ) pGO->Objektart() = strObjArt; // pGO->Aktualitaet() = m_Aktuali; dblH = pSatz -> GrundPunktHoch(); dblR = pSatz -> GrundPunktRechts(); if (( dblH != 0.0 ) && ( dblR != 0.0 )) pGO -> SetzPunkt( dblH, dblR ); } POSITION pos; CString strAttrName; CString strAttrValue; for ( pos = mapAttrToCreate.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { mapAttrToCreate.GetNextAssoc( pos, strAttrName, strAttrValue ); pGO -> AddAttribute( strAttrName, strAttrValue ); g_pTriasInterface -> NeuesMerkmal( strAttrName ); } mapAttrToCreate.RemoveAll(); } } } //=== Regeln für Geometrien ======================================================= if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateBIgeom && strText.IsEmpty() && !tText_erzeugt ) { if( 0 != pRule_Info->Importmodus_Detailgeometrie() ) { strObjNumBI = strObjNum + "D"; strObjNumBI += "_"; txt.Format("%03d", j); strObjNumBI += txt; txt.Format("%03d", k); strObjNumBI += txt; strObjNumBI += strObjArtBI; txt.Format("%08ld", pSatz->m_lNumParserCalls); strObjNumBI += txt; /* strObjNumBI = strObjNum; strObjNumBI += "_"; // txt.Format("%06ld", pSatz->m_lEDBSSatzNummer); txt.Format("%08ld", pSatz->m_lNumParserCalls); strObjNumBI += txt; strObjNumBI += "_"; txt.Format("%03d", k); strObjNumBI += txt; strObjNumBI += "_"; strObjNumBI += strObjArt + strInfoArt; strObjNumBI += "T"; strObjNumBI += pSatz->OF_BI_ArtGeo(j,k); */ pBIpoints1 = pSatz -> OF_BI_Points( j, k ); if( pBIpoints1 ) { int iAnzahlPunkte = 0; iArtGeo = atoi(pSatz->OF_BI_ArtGeo(j,k)); switch( iArtGeo ) { case _EinzelpunktInBesondererAusrichtung: #pragma message( "Einzelpunkte verarbeiten" ) pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( *pBIpoints1, false ); break; case _Gerade: pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( *pBIpoints1, false ); break; case _Polygonzug: pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( *pBIpoints1, false ); break; case _Kreisbogen_rechts: { if( pBIpoints1->GetSize() == 3 ) { SAFEARRAY *psa = NULL; ConvertArc1( (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1)).Hoch(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1)).Rechts(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(2)).Hoch(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(2)).Rechts(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0)).Hoch(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0)).Rechts(), &psa ); if( psa ) { iAnzahlPunkte = psa->rgsabound[0].cElements / 2; if( iAnzahlPunkte > 0 ) { pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( iAnzahlPunkte ); do { --iAnzahlPunkte; (*pBIpoints2)[iAnzahlPunkte] = new CPunkt( *(((double*)psa->pvData) + iAnzahlPunkte*2), *(((double*)psa->pvData) + iAnzahlPunkte*2 + 1) ); } while( iAnzahlPunkte > 0); } SafeArrayDestroy( psa ); psa = NULL; } } else { //Korrektur für Kreise aus zwei Punkten pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( *pBIpoints1, false ); } } break; case _Kreisbogen_links: { if( pBIpoints1->GetSize() == 3 ) { SAFEARRAY *psa = NULL; ConvertArc1( (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0)).Hoch(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(0)).Rechts(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(2)).Hoch(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(2)).Rechts(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1)).Hoch(), (pBIpoints1->GetPoint(1)).Rechts(), &psa ); if( psa ) { iAnzahlPunkte = psa->rgsabound[0].cElements / 2; if( iAnzahlPunkte > 0 ) { pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( iAnzahlPunkte ); do { --iAnzahlPunkte; (*pBIpoints2)[iAnzahlPunkte] = new CPunkt( *(((double*)psa->pvData) + iAnzahlPunkte*2), *(((double*)psa->pvData) + iAnzahlPunkte*2 + 1) ); } while( iAnzahlPunkte > 0); } SafeArrayDestroy( psa ); psa = NULL; } } else { //Korrektur für Kreise aus zwei Punkten pBIpoints2 = new CPunktFolge( *pBIpoints1, false ); } } break; /* case _Kurve: iAnzahlPunkte = 0; pPF = new CPunktFolge( iAnzahlPunkte + 2 ); (*pPF)[0] = new CPunkt( pSatz -> GrundPunktHoch(), pSatz -> GrundPunktRechts()); (*pPF)[iAnzahlPunkte + 1] = new CPunkt( pSatz -> EndPunktHoch( i ), pSatz -> EndPunktRechts( i )); break; */ default: // _ASSERT(0); break; } } if( pBIpoints2 ) { pGOBI = g_pObjektPool->GetGeoObj( strObjNumBI ); if( pConfiguration->m_tCreateAttributeRegeln ) pGOBI->AddAttribute( strRegeln, strRule ); pGOBI->tBI = true; pGOBI->Folie() = strFolie; if( pRule_Info->Objektart_bestimmt_Objektklasse_Detailgeometrie() ) { pGOBI->Objektart() = strObjArt; g_pMetaData->ObjectClassesTRiAS().Lookup( g_pMetaData->m_strObjectClassesTRiAS + strFolie + strObjArt, (CObject*&)pGOBI->ObjectClassTRiAS() ); } else { pGOBI->Objektart() = strObjArtBI; g_pMetaData->ObjectClassesTRiAS().Lookup( pRule_Info->Objektklasse_Detailgeometrie(), (CObject*&)pGOBI->ObjectClassTRiAS() ); } AddLineBI( strObjNumBI, pBIpoints2, pGOBI, "BI", strFolie, strObjArtBI ); delete pBIpoints2; pBIpoints2 = NULL; } } } /* if( pConfiguration->m_tDefaultObjectMapping ) { //========================================================================== / * lH = pSatz -> GrundPunktHoch(); lR = pSatz -> GrundPunktRechts(); if (( lH != 0.0 ) && ( lR != 0.0 )) pGO -> SetzPunkt( lH, lR ); if ( pGO -> Objektart().IsEmpty()) pGO -> Objektart() = strObjArt; else if ( pGO -> Objektart().Find( strObjArt ) < 0 ) { txt = strObjArt; txt += ", "; txt += pGO -> Objektart(); pGO -> Objektart() = txt; } * / //=== Standard D-Regeln ============================================================================= } else { if ( !strText.IsEmpty() && ( strText != "NNNN" )) { //=== C-Regeln ============================================================================= / * key = strObjArt; key += strInfoArt; key += ":"; key += strText; if ( g_pTriasInterface -> Get_C_Rule( key, newkey )) { if ( !newkey.IsEmpty()) { strNewKey = newkey; strNewKey.Teilen( newkey, strText, '#' ); pGO -> AddAttribute( newkey, strText ); g_pTriasInterface -> NeuesMerkmal( newkey ); } } * / } lH = pSatz -> GrundPunktHoch(); lR = pSatz -> GrundPunktRechts(); if (( lH != 0.0 ) && ( lR != 0.0 )) pGO -> SetzPunkt( lH, lR ); if ( pGO -> Objektart().IsEmpty()) pGO -> Objektart() = strObjArt; else if ( pGO -> Objektart().Find( strObjArt ) < 0 ) { txt = strObjArt; txt += ", "; txt += pGO -> Objektart(); pGO -> Objektart() = txt; } //=== D-Regeln ============================================================================= } */ } catch( ... ) { AfxMessageBox( "Unerwarteter Fehler in BesondInfo",0,0); } } // BesondInfo
int main() { CMapStringToString map; if( !map.IsEmpty() ) _fail; if( map.GetCount() != 0 ) _fail; if( map.GetSize() != 0 ) _fail; map.SetAt( _T("0"), _T(" ") ); map.SetAt( _T("1"), _T("A") ); map.SetAt( _T("2"), _T("B") ); CString value; if( !map.Lookup( _T("0"), value ) ) _fail; if( value != _T(" ") ) _fail; if( !map.Lookup( _T("1"), value ) ) _fail; if( value != _T("A") ) _fail; if( !map.Lookup( _T("2"), value ) ) _fail; if( value != _T("B") ) _fail; if( map.Lookup( _T("3"), value ) ) _fail; POSITION position = map.GetStartPosition(); CString key; BOOL bFound0 = FALSE; BOOL bFound1 = FALSE; BOOL bFound2 = FALSE; while( position != NULL ) { map.GetNextAssoc( position, key, value ); if( key == _T("0") ) { if( bFound0 ) _fail; if( value != _T(" ") ) _fail; bFound0 = TRUE; } else if( key == _T("1") ) { if( bFound1 ) _fail; if( value != _T("A") ) _fail; bFound1 = TRUE; } else if( key == _T("2") ) { if( bFound2 ) _fail; if( value != _T("B") ) _fail; bFound2 = TRUE; } else { _fail; } } if( !bFound0 ) _fail; if( !bFound1 ) _fail; if( !bFound2 ) _fail; map.RemoveKey( _T("0") ); if( map.Lookup( _T("0"), value ) ) _fail; CMapStringToString smap1; CMapStringToString smap2; smap1[_T("0")] = _T(" "); smap1[_T("1")] = _T("A"); smap1[_T("2")] = _T("B"); CMemFile file; CArchive ar( &file, CArchive::store ); smap1.Serialize( ar ); ar.Close(); file.Seek( 0, CFile::begin ); CArchive ar2( &file, CArchive::load ); smap2.Serialize( ar2 ); ar2.Close(); if( smap2[_T("0")] != _T(" ") ) _fail; if( smap2[_T("1")] != _T("A") ) _fail; if( smap2[_T("2")] != _T("B") ) _fail; _PASS; }
// // ======================================================================================================================= // Map_ImportFile Timo 09/01/99:: called by CXYWnd::Paste & Map_ImportFile if Map_ImportFile ( prefab ), the buffer // may contain brushes in old format ( conversion needed ) // ======================================================================================================================= // void Map_ImportBuffer(char *buf, bool renameEntities) { entity_t *ent; brush_t *b = NULL; CPtrArray ptrs; Select_Deselect(); Undo_Start("import buffer"); g_qeglobals.d_parsed_brushes = 0; if (buf) { CMapStringToString mapStr; StartTokenParsing(buf); g_qeglobals.d_num_entities = 0; // // Timo will be used in Entity_Parse to detect if a conversion between brush // formats is needed // g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false; g_qeglobals.bOldBrushes = false; g_qeglobals.bPrimitBrushes = false; g_qeglobals.mapVersion = 1.0; if (GetToken(true)) { if (stricmp(token, "Version") == 0) { GetToken(false); g_qeglobals.mapVersion = atof(token); common->Printf("Map version: %1.2f\n", g_qeglobals.mapVersion); } else { UngetToken(); } } idDict RemappedNames; // since I can't use "map <string, string>"... sigh. So much for STL... while (1) { // // use the selected brushes list as it's handy ent = Entity_Parse (false, // &selected_brushes); // ent = Entity_Parse(false, &active_brushes); if (!ent) { break; } // end entity for undo Undo_EndEntity(ent); // end brushes for undo for (b = ent->brushes.onext; b && b != &ent->brushes; b = b->onext) { Undo_EndBrush(b); } if (!strcmp(ValueForKey(ent, "classname"), "worldspawn")) { // world brushes need to be added to the current world entity b = ent->brushes.onext; while (b && b != &ent->brushes) { brush_t *bNext = b->onext; Entity_UnlinkBrush(b); Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, b); ptrs.Add(b); b = bNext; } } else { // the following bit remaps conflicting target/targetname key/value pairs CString str = ValueForKey(ent, "target"); CString strKey; CString strTarget(""); if (str.GetLength() > 0) { if (FindEntity("target", str.GetBuffer(0))) { if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey)) { idStr key; UniqueTargetName(key); strKey = key; mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey); } strTarget = strKey; SetKeyValue(ent, "target", strTarget.GetBuffer(0)); } } /* * str = ValueForKey(ent, "name"); if (str.GetLength() > 0) { if * (FindEntity("name", str.GetBuffer(0))) { if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey)) { * UniqueTargetName(strKey); mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey); } Entity_SetName(ent, * strKey.GetBuffer(0)); } } */ CString cstrNameOld = ValueForKey(ent, "name"); Entity_Name(ent, renameEntities); CString cstrNameNew = ValueForKey(ent, "name"); if (cstrNameOld != cstrNameNew) { RemappedNames.Set(cstrNameOld, cstrNameNew); } // // if (strTarget.GetLength() > 0) SetKeyValue(ent, "target", // strTarget.GetBuffer(0)); // add the entity to the end of the entity list // ent->next = &entities; ent->prev = entities.prev; entities.prev->next = ent; entities.prev = ent; g_qeglobals.d_num_entities++; for (b = ent->brushes.onext; b != &ent->brushes; b = b->onext) { ptrs.Add(b); } } } // now iterate through the remapped names, and see if there are any target-connections that need remaking... // // (I could probably write this in half the size with STL, but WTF, work with what we have...) // int iNumKeyVals = RemappedNames.GetNumKeyVals(); for (int iKeyVal=0; iKeyVal < iNumKeyVals; iKeyVal++) { const idKeyValue *pKeyVal = RemappedNames.GetKeyVal( iKeyVal ); LPCSTR psOldName = pKeyVal->GetKey().c_str(); LPCSTR psNewName = pKeyVal->GetValue().c_str(); entity_t *pEntOld = FindEntity("name", psOldName); // original ent we cloned from entity_t *pEntNew = FindEntity("name", psNewName); // cloned ent if (pEntOld && pEntNew) { CString cstrTargetNameOld = ValueForKey(pEntOld, "target"); if (!cstrTargetNameOld.IsEmpty()) { // ok, this ent was targeted at another ent, so it's clone needs updating to point to // the clone of that target, so... // entity_t *pEntOldTarget = FindEntity("name", cstrTargetNameOld); if ( pEntOldTarget ) { LPCSTR psNewTargetName = RemappedNames.GetString( cstrTargetNameOld ); if (psNewTargetName && psNewTargetName[0]) { SetKeyValue(pEntNew, "target", psNewTargetName); } } } } } } // // ::ShowWindow(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity, FALSE); // ::LockWindowUpdate(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity); // g_bScreenUpdates = false; for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.GetSize(); i++) { Brush_Build(reinterpret_cast < brush_t * > (ptrs[i]), true, false); Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast < brush_t * > (ptrs[i]), true, false); } // ::LockWindowUpdate(NULL); g_bScreenUpdates = true; ptrs.RemoveAll(); // // reset the "need conversion" flag conversion to the good format done in // Map_BuildBrushData // g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false; Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); // Sys_MarkMapModified(); mapModified = 1; Undo_End(); }
CMapStringToString myMap; CString myStr[4]={_T("One"), _T("Two"), _T("Three"), _T("Four")}; CMapStringToString::CPair* pCurVal; myMap.InitHashTable(257); // Add 4 elements to the map. myMap.SetAt(myStr[0], _T("Odd")); myMap.SetAt(myStr[1], _T("Even")); myMap.SetAt(myStr[2], _T("Odd")); myMap.SetAt(myStr[3], _T("Even")); pCurVal = myMap.PGetFirstAssoc(); while (pCurVal != NULL) { _tprintf_s(_T("Current key value at %s: %s\n"), pCurVal->key, pCurVal->value); pCurVal= myMap.PGetNextAssoc(pCurVal); }
// //================ //Map_ImportFile // Timo 09/01/99 : called by CXYWnd::Paste & Map_ImportFile // if Map_ImportFile ( prefab ), the buffer may contain brushes in old format ( conversion needed ) //================ // void Map_ImportBuffer (char* buf) { entity_t* ent; brush_t* b = NULL; CPtrArray ptrs; Select_Deselect(); Undo_Start("import buffer"); g_qeglobals.d_parsed_brushes = 0; if (buf) { CMapStringToString mapStr; StartTokenParsing (buf); g_qeglobals.d_num_entities = 0; // Timo // will be used in Entity_Parse to detect if a conversion between brush formats is needed g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false; g_qeglobals.bOldBrushes = false; g_qeglobals.bPrimitBrushes = false; while (1) { // use the selected brushes list as it's handy //ent = Entity_Parse (false, &selected_brushes); ent = Entity_Parse (false, &active_brushes); if (!ent) break; //end entity for undo Undo_EndEntity(ent); //end brushes for undo for(b = ent->brushes.onext; b && b != &ent->brushes; b = b->onext) { Undo_EndBrush(b); } if (!strcmp(ValueForKey (ent, "classname"), "worldspawn")) { // world brushes need to be added to the current world entity b=ent->brushes.onext; while (b && b != &ent->brushes) { brush_t* bNext = b->onext; Entity_UnlinkBrush(b); Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, b); ptrs.Add(b); b = bNext; } } else { // the following bit remaps conflicting target/targetname key/value pairs CString str = ValueForKey(ent, "target"); CString strKey; CString strTarget(""); if (str.GetLength() > 0) { if (FindEntity("target", str.GetBuffer(0))) { if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey)) { UniqueTargetName(strKey); mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey); } strTarget = strKey; SetKeyValue(ent, "target", strTarget.GetBuffer(0)); } } str = ValueForKey(ent, "targetname"); if (str.GetLength() > 0) { if (FindEntity("targetname", str.GetBuffer(0))) { if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey)) { UniqueTargetName(strKey); mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey); } SetKeyValue(ent, "targetname", strKey.GetBuffer(0)); } } //if (strTarget.GetLength() > 0) // SetKeyValue(ent, "target", strTarget.GetBuffer(0)); // add the entity to the end of the entity list ent->next = &entities; ent->prev = entities.prev; entities.prev->next = ent; entities.prev = ent; g_qeglobals.d_num_entities++; for (b=ent->brushes.onext ; b != &ent->brushes ; b=b->onext) { ptrs.Add(b); } } } } //::ShowWindow(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity, FALSE); //::LockWindowUpdate(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity); g_bScreenUpdates = false; for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.GetSize(); i++) { Brush_Build(reinterpret_cast<brush_t*>(ptrs[i]), true, false); Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast<brush_t*>(ptrs[i]), true, false); } //::LockWindowUpdate(NULL); g_bScreenUpdates = true; ptrs.RemoveAll(); // reset the "need conversion" flag // conversion to the good format done in Map_BuildBrushData g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert=false; Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL); //Sys_MarkMapModified(); modified = true; Undo_End(); }