Mat CmShow::Complex(CMat& _ang, CMat& _mag, CStr& title, float minMagShowAng, int flag)
    CV_Assert(_ang.size() == _mag.size() && _ang.channels() == 1 && _mag.channels() == 1);
    Mat ang, mag;
    _ang.convertTo(ang, CV_32F);
    _mag.convertTo(mag, CV_32F);
    if (flag & SHOW_MAG_LOG) {
        cv::log(mag + 1, mag);
    normalize(mag, mag, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8U);
    minMagShowAng *= 255;
    int rows = ang.rows, cols = ang.cols;
    Mat img8U3C(rows, flag & MAG_AS_SAT ? cols : cols * 2, CV_8UC3);
    if (!(flag & MAG_AS_SAT))
        cvtColor(mag, img8U3C(Rect(cols, 0, cols, rows)), CV_GRAY2BGR);

    Mat showAng = img8U3C(Rect(0, 0, cols, rows));
    Ornt2HueFunc ornt2HueFunc = flag & ORNT2HUE_SYM4 ? Ornt2HueSym4 : Ornt2Hue;
    for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)	{
        float* angV = ang.ptr<float>(y);
        byte* magV = mag.ptr<byte>(y);
        byte* angShow = showAng.ptr<byte>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++, angShow += 3) {
            if (magV[x] < minMagShowAng)
            angShow[0] = ornt2HueFunc(angV[x]);
            angShow[1] = flag & MAG_AS_SAT ? magV[x] : 255;
            angShow[2] = 255;

    cvtColor(showAng, showAng, CV_HSV2BGR);
    SaveShow(img8U3C, title);
    return img8U3C;
Mat CmShow::Complex(CMat& _cmplx, CStr& title, float minMagShowAng, int flag)
    CV_Assert(_cmplx.channels() == 2 && _cmplx.data != NULL);
    Mat ang(_cmplx.size(), CV_32FC1), mag(_cmplx.size(), CV_32FC1), cmplx;
    _cmplx.convertTo(cmplx, CV_32F);

    for (int y = 0; y < cmplx.rows; y++) {
        float* cpV = cmplx.ptr<float>(y);
        float* angV = ang.ptr<float>(y);
        float* magV = mag.ptr<float>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < cmplx.cols; x++, cpV+=2) {
            magV[x] = sqrt(cpV[0] * cpV[0] + cpV[1] * cpV[1]);
            angV[x] = cvFastArctan(cpV[1], cpV[0]);
    return Complex(ang, mag, title, minMagShowAng, flag);
void BenchMarkLatex::printMat(CMat &_mat1d, CStr texFile, bool descendOrder)
	FILE* f = fopen(_S(texFile), "w");
	if (f == NULL){
		printf("Can't open file %s\n", _S(texFile));
	CV_Assert(_mat1d.rows == _numMethod);

	Mat mat1d = _mat1d.reshape(1);
	int dataWidth = mat1d.cols;
	string strAlign = "|l||";
	for (int i = 0; i < _mat1d.cols; i++){
		for (int c = 0; c < _mat1d.channels(); c++)
			strAlign += "c";
		strAlign += "|";
	fprintf(f, "\\begin{tabular}{%s} \\hline\n\t\\tabTitle \\\\", _S(strAlign));
	const char* rankCommand[3] = {"\\first", "\\second", "\\third"};
	Mat rnk1i = getRankIdx(mat1d, descendOrder);
	for (int i = 0; i < _numMethod; i++){
		if (find(_subNumbers.begin(), _subNumbers.end(), i) != _subNumbers.end())
			fprintf(f, "\t\\hline \\hline\n");
		fprintf(f, "\t\\textbf{%-5s ", _S(_methodNames[i] + "}"));
		for (int j = 0; j < dataWidth; j++){
			int idx = rnk1i.at<int>(i, j);
			if (idx < 3)
				fprintf(f, "& %s{%5.3f} ", rankCommand[idx], mat1d.at<double>(i, j));
				fprintf(f, "& %5.3f ", mat1d.at<double>(i, j));
		fprintf(f, "\\\\\n");
	fprintf(f, "\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n");

void CmShow::mulChannelMat(CMat &mulChaMatNf, CStr &title, int numShow)
    printf("An %dX%d mat with %d channels, with range:\n", mulChaMatNf.rows, mulChaMatNf.cols, mulChaMatNf.channels());
    vecM mats;
    split(mulChaMatNf, mats);
    numShow = min((int)mats.size(), numShow);
    for (int i = 0; i < numShow; i++) {
        double minV, maxV;
        minMaxLoc(mats[i], &minV, &maxV);
        printf("\t%d[%g %g]\n", i, minV, maxV);
        normalize(mats[i], mats[i], 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
        SaveShow(mats[i], format(_S(title), i));