VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg::VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg(QWidget *pParent, const CMachine &machine) : QIWithRetranslateUI<QIDialog>(pParent) { /* Apply UI decorations */ Ui::VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg::setupUi(this); /* Alt key filter */ QIAltKeyFilter *altKeyFilter = new QIAltKeyFilter(this); altKeyFilter->watchOn(mLeName); /* Setup connections */ connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()), &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpHelpDialog())); connect (mLeName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(nameChanged(const QString &))); /* Check if machine have immutable attachments */ int immutableMediums = 0; if (machine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused) { foreach (const CMediumAttachment &attachment, machine.GetMediumAttachments()) { CMedium medium = attachment.GetMedium(); if (!medium.isNull() && !medium.GetParent().isNull() && medium.GetBase().GetType() == KMediumType_Immutable) ++ immutableMediums; } }
VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg::VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg(QWidget *pParent, const CMachine &machine) : QIWithRetranslateUI<QIDialog>(pParent) { #ifdef Q_WS_MAC /* No sheets in another mode than normal for now. Firstly it looks ugly and * secondly in some cases it is broken. */ if ( vboxGlobal().isSheetWindowsAllowed(pParent) || qobject_cast<VBoxSnapshotsWgt*>(pParent)) setWindowFlags(Qt::Sheet); #endif /* Q_WS_MAC */ /* Apply UI decorations */ Ui::VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg::setupUi(this); /* Alt key filter */ QIAltKeyFilter *altKeyFilter = new QIAltKeyFilter(this); altKeyFilter->watchOn(mLeName); /* Setup connections */ connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()), &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpHelpDialog())); connect (mLeName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(nameChanged(const QString &))); /* Check if machine have immutable attachments */ int immutableMediums = 0; if (machine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused) { foreach (const CMediumAttachment &attachment, machine.GetMediumAttachments()) { CMedium medium = attachment.GetMedium(); if (!medium.isNull() && !medium.GetParent().isNull() && medium.GetBase().GetType() == KMediumType_Immutable) ++ immutableMediums; } }
void UIGInformationUpdateTaskStorage::run() { /* Acquire corresponding machine: */ CMachine machine = property("machine").value<CMachine>(); if (machine.isNull()) return; /* Prepare table: */ UITextTable table; /* Gather information: */ if (machine.GetAccessible()) { /* Iterate over all the machine controllers: */ bool fSomeInfo = false; foreach (const CStorageController &controller, machine.GetStorageControllers()) { /* Add controller information: */ QString strControllerName = QApplication::translate("UIMachineSettingsStorage", "Controller: %1"); table << UITextTableLine(strControllerName.arg(controller.GetName()), QString()); fSomeInfo = true; /* Populate map (its sorted!): */ QMap<StorageSlot, QString> attachmentsMap; foreach (const CMediumAttachment &attachment, machine.GetMediumAttachmentsOfController(controller.GetName())) { /* Prepare current storage slot: */ StorageSlot attachmentSlot(controller.GetBus(), attachment.GetPort(), attachment.GetDevice()); AssertMsg(controller.isOk(), ("Unable to acquire controller data: %s\n", msgCenter().formatRC(controller.lastRC()).toAscii().constData())); if (!controller.isOk()) continue; /* Prepare attachment information: */ QString strAttachmentInfo = vboxGlobal().details(attachment.GetMedium(), false, false); /* That temporary hack makes sure 'Inaccessible' word is always bold: */ { // hack QString strInaccessibleString(VBoxGlobal::tr("Inaccessible", "medium")); QString strBoldInaccessibleString(QString("<b>%1</b>").arg(strInaccessibleString)); strAttachmentInfo.replace(strInaccessibleString, strBoldInaccessibleString); } // hack /* Append 'device slot name' with 'device type name' for optical devices only: */ KDeviceType deviceType = attachment.GetType(); QString strDeviceType = deviceType == KDeviceType_DVD ? QApplication::translate("UIGInformation", "[Optical Drive]", "details (storage)") : QString(); if (!strDeviceType.isNull()) strDeviceType.append(' '); /* Insert that attachment information into the map: */ if (!strAttachmentInfo.isNull()) { /* Configure hovering anchors: */ const QString strAnchorType = deviceType == KDeviceType_DVD || deviceType == KDeviceType_Floppy ? QString("mount") : deviceType == KDeviceType_HardDisk ? QString("attach") : QString(); const CMedium medium = attachment.GetMedium(); const QString strMediumLocation = medium.isNull() ? QString() : medium.GetLocation(); attachmentsMap.insert(attachmentSlot, QString("<a href=#%1,%2,%3,%4>%5</a>") .arg(strAnchorType, controller.GetName(), gpConverter->toString(attachmentSlot), strMediumLocation, strDeviceType + strAttachmentInfo)); } } /* Iterate over the sorted map: */ QList<StorageSlot> storageSlots = attachmentsMap.keys(); QList<QString> storageInfo = attachmentsMap.values(); for (int i = 0; i < storageSlots.size(); ++i) table << UITextTableLine(QString(" ") + gpConverter->toString(storageSlots[i]), storageInfo[i]); } if (!fSomeInfo) table << UITextTableLine(QApplication::translate("UIGInformation", "Not Attached", "details (storage)"), QString()); }
/** * Refreshes the precomposed strings containing such media parameters as * location, size by querying the respective data from the associated * media object. * * Note that some string such as #size() are meaningless if the media state is * KMediumState_NotCreated (i.e. the medium has not yet been checked for * accessibility). */ void UIMedium::refresh() { /* Detect basic parameters */ mId = mMedium.isNull() ? QUuid().toString().remove ('{').remove ('}') : mMedium.GetId(); mIsHostDrive = mMedium.isNull() ? false : mMedium.GetHostDrive(); if (mMedium.isNull()) mName = VBoxGlobal::tr ("Empty", "medium"); else if (!mIsHostDrive) mName = mMedium.GetName(); else if (mMedium.GetDescription().isEmpty()) mName = VBoxGlobal::tr ("Host Drive '%1'", "medium").arg (QDir::toNativeSeparators (mMedium.GetLocation())); else mName = VBoxGlobal::tr ("Host Drive %1 (%2)", "medium").arg (mMedium.GetDescription(), mMedium.GetName()); mLocation = mMedium.isNull() || mIsHostDrive ? QString ("--") : QDir::toNativeSeparators (mMedium.GetLocation()); if (mType == UIMediumType_HardDisk) { mHardDiskFormat = mMedium.GetFormat(); mHardDiskType = vboxGlobal().mediumTypeString (mMedium); mStorageDetails = gpConverter->toString((KMediumVariant)mMedium.GetVariant()); mIsReadOnly = mMedium.GetReadOnly(); /* Adjust the parent if its possible */ CMedium parentMedium = mMedium.GetParent(); Assert (!parentMedium.isNull() || mParent == NULL); if (!parentMedium.isNull() && (mParent == NULL || mParent->mMedium != parentMedium)) { /* Search for the parent (might be there) */ const VBoxMediaList &list = vboxGlobal().currentMediaList(); for (VBoxMediaList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++ it) { if ((*it).mType != UIMediumType_HardDisk) break; if ((*it).mMedium == parentMedium) { mParent = unconst (&*it); break; } } } } else { mHardDiskFormat = QString::null; mHardDiskType = QString::null; mIsReadOnly = false; } /* Detect sizes */ if (mState != KMediumState_Inaccessible && mState != KMediumState_NotCreated && !mIsHostDrive) { mSize = vboxGlobal().formatSize (mMedium.GetSize()); if (mType == UIMediumType_HardDisk) mLogicalSize = vboxGlobal().formatSize(mMedium.GetLogicalSize()); else mLogicalSize = mSize; } else { mSize = mLogicalSize = QString ("--"); } /* Detect usage */ mUsage = QString::null; if (!mMedium.isNull()) { mCurStateMachineIds.clear(); QVector <QString> machineIds = mMedium.GetMachineIds(); if (machineIds.size() > 0) { QString sUsage; CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox(); for (QVector <QString>::ConstIterator it = machineIds.begin(); it != machineIds.end(); ++ it) { CMachine machine = vbox.FindMachine(*it); /* UIMedium object can wrap newly created CMedium object which belongs to * not yet registered machine, like while creating VM clone. * We can skip such a machines in usage string. * CVirtualBox::FindMachine() will return null machine for such case. */ if (machine.isNull()) continue; QString sName = machine.GetName(); QString sSnapshots; QVector <QString> snapIds = mMedium.GetSnapshotIds (*it); for (QVector <QString>::ConstIterator jt = snapIds.begin(); jt != snapIds.end(); ++ jt) { if (*jt == *it) { /* The medium is attached to the machine in the current * state, we don't distinguish this for now by always * giving the VM name in front of snapshot names. */ mCurStateMachineIds.push_back (*jt); continue; } CSnapshot snapshot = machine.FindSnapshot(*jt); if (!snapshot.isNull()) // can be NULL while takeSnaphot is in progress { if (!sSnapshots.isNull()) sSnapshots += ", "; sSnapshots += snapshot.GetName(); } } if (!sUsage.isNull()) sUsage += ", "; sUsage += sName; if (!sSnapshots.isNull()) { sUsage += QString (" (%2)").arg (sSnapshots); mIsUsedInSnapshots = true; } else mIsUsedInSnapshots = false; } if (!sUsage.isEmpty()) mUsage = sUsage; } } /* Compose the tooltip */ if (!mMedium.isNull()) { mToolTip = mRow.arg (QString ("<p style=white-space:pre><b>%1</b></p>").arg (mIsHostDrive ? mName : mLocation)); if (mType == UIMediumType_HardDisk) { mToolTip += mRow.arg (VBoxGlobal::tr ("<p style=white-space:pre>Type (Format): %1 (%2)</p>", "medium") .arg (mHardDiskType).arg (mHardDiskFormat)); } mToolTip += mRow.arg (VBoxGlobal::tr ("<p>Attached to: %1</p>", "image") .arg (mUsage.isNull() ? VBoxGlobal::tr ("<i>Not Attached</i>", "image") : mUsage)); switch (mState) { case KMediumState_NotCreated: { mToolTip += mRow.arg (VBoxGlobal::tr ("<i>Checking accessibility...</i>", "medium")); break; } case KMediumState_Inaccessible: { if (mResult.isOk()) { /* Not Accessible */ mToolTip += mRow.arg ("<hr>") + mRow.arg (VBoxGlobal::highlight (mLastAccessError, true /* aToolTip */)); } else { /* Accessibility check (eg GetState()) itself failed */ mToolTip += mRow.arg ("<hr>") + mRow.arg (VBoxGlobal::tr ("Failed to check media accessibility.", "medium")) + mRow.arg (UIMessageCenter::formatErrorInfo (mResult) + "."); } break; } default: break; } } /* Reset mNoDiffs */ mNoDiffs.isSet = false; }
void UIMedium::refresh() { /* Reset ID parameters: */ m_strId = nullID(); m_strRootId = nullID(); m_strParentId = nullID(); /* Reset cache parameters: */ //m_strKey = nullID(); /* Reset name/location/size parameters: */ m_strName = VBoxGlobal::tr("Empty", "medium"); m_strLocation = m_strSize = m_strLogicalSize = QString("--"); /* Reset hard drive related parameters: */ m_strHardDiskType = QString(); m_strHardDiskFormat = QString(); m_strStorageDetails = QString(); m_strEncryptionPasswordID = QString(); /* Reset data parameters: */ m_strUsage = QString(); m_strToolTip = QString(); m_machineIds.clear(); m_curStateMachineIds.clear(); /* Reset m_noDiffs: */ m_noDiffs.isSet = false; /* Reset flags: */ m_fHidden = false; m_fUsedByHiddenMachinesOnly = false; m_fReadOnly = false; m_fUsedInSnapshots = false; m_fHostDrive = false; m_fEncrypted = false; /* For non NULL medium: */ if (!m_medium.isNull()) { /* Refresh medium ID: */ m_strId = normalizedID(m_medium.GetId()); /* Refresh root medium ID: */ m_strRootId = m_strId; /* Init medium key if necessary: */ if (m_strKey.isNull()) m_strKey = m_strId; /* Check whether this is host-drive medium: */ m_fHostDrive = m_medium.GetHostDrive(); /* Refresh medium name: */ if (!m_fHostDrive) m_strName = m_medium.GetName(); else if (m_medium.GetDescription().isEmpty()) m_strName = VBoxGlobal::tr("Host Drive '%1'", "medium").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_medium.GetLocation())); else m_strName = VBoxGlobal::tr("Host Drive %1 (%2)", "medium").arg(m_medium.GetDescription(), m_medium.GetName()); /* Refresh medium location: */ if (!m_fHostDrive) m_strLocation = QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_medium.GetLocation()); /* Refresh medium size and logical size: */ if (!m_fHostDrive) { /* Only for created and accessible mediums: */ if (m_state != KMediumState_Inaccessible && m_state != KMediumState_NotCreated) { m_strSize = vboxGlobal().formatSize(m_medium.GetSize()); if (m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk) m_strLogicalSize = vboxGlobal().formatSize(m_medium.GetLogicalSize()); else m_strLogicalSize = m_strSize; } } /* For hard drive medium: */ if (m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk) { /* Refresh hard drive disk type: */ m_strHardDiskType = vboxGlobal().mediumTypeString(m_medium); /* Refresh hard drive format: */ m_strHardDiskFormat = m_medium.GetFormat(); /* Refresh hard drive storage details: */ qlonglong iMediumVariant = 0; foreach (const KMediumVariant &enmVariant, m_medium.GetVariant()) iMediumVariant |= enmVariant; m_strStorageDetails = gpConverter->toString((KMediumVariant)iMediumVariant); /* Check whether this is read-only hard drive: */ m_fReadOnly = m_medium.GetReadOnly(); /* Refresh parent hard drive ID: */ CMedium parentMedium = m_medium.GetParent(); if (!parentMedium.isNull()) m_strParentId = normalizedID(parentMedium.GetId()); /* Only for created and accessible mediums: */ if (m_state != KMediumState_Inaccessible && m_state != KMediumState_NotCreated) { /* Refresh root hard drive ID: */ while (!parentMedium.isNull()) { m_strRootId = normalizedID(parentMedium.GetId()); parentMedium = parentMedium.GetParent(); } /* Refresh encryption attributes: */ if (m_strRootId != m_strId) { m_strEncryptionPasswordID = root().encryptionPasswordID(); m_fEncrypted = root().isEncrypted(); } else { QString strCipher; CMedium medium(m_medium); const QString strEncryptionPasswordID = medium.GetEncryptionSettings(strCipher); if (medium.isOk()) { m_strEncryptionPasswordID = strEncryptionPasswordID; m_fEncrypted = true; } } } }