void CMultiMetricMap_setListOfMaps( CMultiMetricMap& self, TSetOfMetricMapInitializers& initializers) { self.setListOfMaps(initializers); }
// ------------------------------------------------------ // BenchmarkGridmaps // ------------------------------------------------------ void BenchmarkGridmaps() { randomGenerator.randomize(333); CMultiMetricMap metricMap; TSetOfMetricMapInitializers mapInit; // Create gridmap: mapInit.loadFromConfigFile( CConfigFile(iniFile), "METRIC_MAPS" ); metricMap.setListOfMaps(&mapInit); // prepare the laser scan: CObservation2DRangeScan scan1; scan1.aperture = M_PIf; scan1.rightToLeft = true; scan1.validRange.resize( SCANS_SIZE ); scan1.scan.resize(SCANS_SIZE); ASSERT_( sizeof(SCAN_RANGES_1) == sizeof(float)*SCANS_SIZE ); memcpy( &scan1.scan[0], SCAN_RANGES_1, sizeof(SCAN_RANGES_1) ); memcpy( &scan1.validRange[0], SCAN_VALID_1, sizeof(SCAN_VALID_1) ); #if 1 CRawlog rawlog; rawlog.loadFromRawLogFile("/Trabajo/Code/MRPT/share/mrpt/datasets/2006-01ENE-21-SENA_Telecom Faculty_one_loop_only.rawlog"); scan1 = *rawlog.getAsObservations(400)->getObservationByClass<CObservation2DRangeScan>(); #endif ASSERT_( metricMap.m_gridMaps.size() ); COccupancyGridMap2DPtr gridMap = metricMap.m_gridMaps[0]; COccupancyGridMap2D gridMapCopy( *gridMap ); int i, N; CTicTac tictac; // test 1: getcell // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { N = 10000000; cout << "Running test #1: getCell... "; cout.flush(); //COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType cell; float p=0; tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { p += gridMap->getCell( 0, 0 ); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1e9*T/N << " ns/iter. p=" << p << endl; // the "p" is to avoid optimizing out the entire loop! } // test 2: setcell // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { N = 10000000; cout << "Running test #2: setCell... "; cout.flush(); float p=0.8f; tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { gridMap->setCell( 0, 0, p ); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1e9*T/N << " ns/iter." << endl; // the "p" is to avoid optimizing out the entire loop! } // test 3: updateCell // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { N = 1000000; cout << "Running test #3: updateCell... "; cout.flush(); float p=0.57f; tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { gridMap->updateCell( 0, 0, p ); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1e9*T/N << " ns/iter." << endl; // the "p" is to avoid optimizing out the entire loop! } // test 4: updateCell_fast // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { N = 10000000; cout << "Running test #4: updateCell_fast... "; cout.flush(); float p=0.57f; COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType logodd_obs = COccupancyGridMap2D::p2l( p ); //float p_1 = 1-p; COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType *theMapArray = gridMap->getRow(0); unsigned theMapSize_x = gridMap->getSizeX(); COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType logodd_thres_occupied = COccupancyGridMap2D::OCCGRID_CELLTYPE_MIN+logodd_obs; tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { COccupancyGridMap2D::updateCell_fast_occupied( 2, 2, logodd_obs,logodd_thres_occupied, theMapArray, theMapSize_x); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1e9*T/N << " ns/iter." << endl; // the "p" is to avoid optimizing out the entire loop! } #if 0 for (i=50;i<51;i++) { CPose3D pose3D(0.21,0.34,0,-2); //scan1.validRange.assign(scan1.validRange.size(), false); //scan1.validRange[i]=true; gridMap->clear(); gridMap->resizeGrid(-5,20,-15,15); gridMap->insertObservation( &scan1, &pose3D ); gridMap->saveAsBitmapFile(format("./gridmap_with_widening_%04i.png",i)); } #endif // test 5: Laser insertion // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { gridMap->insertionOptions.wideningBeamsWithDistance = false; N = 3000; cout << "Running test #5: Laser insert. w/o widen... "; cout.flush(); tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { #if 1 CPose2D pose( randomGenerator.drawUniform(-1.0,1.0), randomGenerator.drawUniform(-1.0,1.0), randomGenerator.drawUniform(-M_PI,M_PI) ); CPose3D pose3D(pose); #else CPose3D pose3D; #endif gridMap->insertObservation( &scan1, &pose3D ); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1000*T/N << " ms/iter, scans/sec:" << N/T << endl; CPose3D pose3D; gridMap->clear(); gridMap->insertObservation( &scan1, &pose3D ); gridMap->saveAsBitmapFile("./gridmap_without_widening.png"); } // test 6: Laser insertion without widening // -------------------------------------------------- if (1) { gridMap->insertionOptions.wideningBeamsWithDistance = true; N = 3000; cout << "Running test #6: Laser insert. widen... "; cout.flush(); tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { #if 1 CPose2D pose( randomGenerator.drawUniform(-1.0,1.0), randomGenerator.drawUniform(-1.0,1.0), randomGenerator.drawUniform(-M_PI,M_PI) ); CPose3D pose3D(pose); #else CPose3D pose3D; #endif gridMap->insertObservation( &scan1, &pose3D ); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1000*T/N << " ms/iter, scans/sec:" << N/T << endl; CPose3D pose3D; gridMap->clear(); gridMap->insertObservation( &scan1, &pose3D ); gridMap->saveAsBitmapFile("./gridmap_with_widening.png"); } // test 7: Grid resize // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { N = 400; cout << "Running test #7: Grid resize... "; cout.flush(); tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { *gridMap = gridMapCopy; gridMap->resizeGrid(-30,30,-40,40); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1000*T/N << " ms/iter" << endl; } // test 8: Likelihood computation // ---------------------------------------- if (1) { N = 5000; *gridMap = gridMapCopy; CPose3D pose3D(0,0,0); gridMap->insertObservation( &scan1, &pose3D ); cout << "Running test #8: Likelihood... "; cout.flush(); double R = 0; tictac.Tic(); for (i=0;i<N;i++) { CPose2D pose( randomGenerator.drawUniform(-1.0,1.0), randomGenerator.drawUniform(-1.0,1.0), randomGenerator.drawUniform(-M_PI,M_PI) ); R+=gridMap->computeObservationLikelihood(&scan1,pose); } double T = tictac.Tac(); cout << "-> " << 1000*T/N << " ms/iter" << endl; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------ // MAIN // ------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { printf(" observations2map - Part of the MRPT\n"); printf(" MRPT C++ Library: %s - BUILD DATE %s\n", MRPT_getVersion().c_str(), MRPT_getCompilationDate().c_str()); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); // Process arguments: if ((argc!=4 && argc!=6) || (argc==6 && 0!=mrpt::system::os::_strcmp(argv[4],"-s") ) ) { cout << "Use: observations2map <config_file.ini> <observations.simplemap> <outputmap_prefix> [-s INI_FILE_SECTION_NAME] " << endl; cout << " Default: INI_FILE_SECTION_NAME = MappingApplication" << endl; cout << "Push any key to exit..." << endl; os::getch(); return -1; } string configFile = std::string( argv[1] ); string inputFile = std::string( argv[2] ); string outprefix = std::string( argv[3] ); if (argc>4) { METRIC_MAP_CONFIG_SECTION = string(argv[5]); } // Load simplemap: cout << "Loading simplemap..."; mrpt::slam::CSimpleMap simplemap; CFileGZInputStream f( inputFile.c_str() ); f >> simplemap; cout <<"done: " << simplemap.size() << " observations." << endl; // Create metric maps: TSetOfMetricMapInitializers mapCfg; mapCfg.loadFromConfigFile( CConfigFile( configFile ), METRIC_MAP_CONFIG_SECTION ); CMultiMetricMap metricMap; metricMap.setListOfMaps( &mapCfg ); // Build metric maps: cout << "Building metric maps..."; metricMap.loadFromProbabilisticPosesAndObservations( simplemap ); cout << "done." << endl; // Save metric maps: // --------------------------- metricMap.saveMetricMapRepresentationToFile( outprefix ); // grid maps: size_t i; for (i=0;i<metricMap.m_gridMaps.size();i++) { string str = format( "%s_gridmap_no%02u.gridmap", outprefix.c_str(), (unsigned)i ); cout << "Saving gridmap #" << i << " to " << str << endl; CFileGZOutputStream f(str); f << *metricMap.m_gridMaps[i]; cout << "done." << endl; } return 0; } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << "Program finished for an exception!!" << std::endl; mrpt::system::pause(); return -1; } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Untyped exception!!" << std::endl; mrpt::system::pause(); return -1; } }