bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseAPETag(APE::Tag *ape, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { if (!ape) return false; const APE::ItemListMap itemListMap = ape->itemListMap(); for (APE::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = itemListMap.begin(); it != itemListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "ARTIST") SetArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ALBUM ARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ALBUM") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TITLE") tag.SetTitle(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TRACKNUMBER") tag.SetTrackNumber(it->second.toString().toInt()); else if (it->first == "DISCNUMBER") tag.SetPartOfSet(it->second.toString().toInt()); else if (it->first == "YEAR") tag.SetYear(it->second.toString().toInt()); else if (it->first == "GENRE") SetGenre(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "COMMENT") tag.SetComment(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "ENCODEDBY") {} else if (it->first == "COMPILATION") tag.SetCompilation(it->second.toString().toInt() == 1); else if (it->first == "LYRICS") tag.SetLyrics(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN") tag.SetReplayGainTrackGain((int)(atof(it->second.toString().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN") tag.SetReplayGainAlbumGain((int)(atof(it->second.toString().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK") tag.SetReplayGainTrackPeak((float)atof(it->second.toString().toCString(true))); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK") tag.SetReplayGainAlbumPeak((float)atof(it->second.toString().toCString(true))); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID") tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized APE tag: %s", it->first.toCString(true)); } return true; }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseMP4Tag(MP4::Tag *mp4, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { if (!mp4) return false; MP4::ItemListMap& itemListMap = mp4->itemListMap(); for (MP4::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = itemListMap.begin(); it != itemListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "\251nam") tag.SetTitle(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "\251ART") SetArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "\251alb") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "aART") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "\251gen") SetGenre(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "\251cmt") tag.SetComment(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "cpil") tag.SetCompilation(it->second.toBool()); else if (it->first == "trkn") tag.SetTrackNumber(it->second.toIntPair().first); else if (it->first == "disk") tag.SetPartOfSet(it->second.toIntPair().first); else if (it->first == "\251day") tag.SetYear(it->second.toStringList().front().toInt()); else if (it->first == " Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == " Album Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == " Album Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == " Track Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "covr") { MP4::CoverArtList coverArtList = it->second.toCoverArtList(); for (MP4::CoverArtList::ConstIterator pt = coverArtList.begin(); pt != coverArtList.end(); ++pt) { string mime; switch (pt->format()) { case MP4::CoverArt::PNG: mime = "image/png"; break; case MP4::CoverArt::JPEG: mime = "image/jpeg"; break; default: break; } if (mime.empty()) continue; tag.SetCoverArtInfo(pt->data().size(), mime); if (art) art->set((const uint8_t *)pt->data().data(), pt->data().size(), mime); break; // one is enough } } } return true; }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseXiphComment(Ogg::XiphComment *xiph, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { if (!xiph) return false; const Ogg::FieldListMap& fieldListMap = xiph->fieldListMap(); for (Ogg::FieldListMap::ConstIterator it = fieldListMap.begin(); it != fieldListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "ARTIST") SetArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ALBUMARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ALBUM ARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ALBUM") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TITLE") tag.SetTitle(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TRACKNUMBER") tag.SetTrackNumber(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "DISCNUMBER") tag.SetPartOfSet(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "YEAR") tag.SetYear(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "DATE") tag.SetYear(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "GENRE") SetGenre(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "COMMENT") tag.SetComment(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "ENCODEDBY") {} else if (it->first == "ENSEMBLE") {} else if (it->first == "COMPILATION") tag.SetCompilation(it->second.front().toInt() == 1); else if (it->first == "LYRICS") tag.SetLyrics(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN") tag.SetReplayGainTrackGain((int)(atof(it->second.front().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN") tag.SetReplayGainAlbumGain((int)(atof(it->second.front().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK") tag.SetReplayGainTrackPeak((float)atof(it->second.front().toCString(true))); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK") tag.SetReplayGainAlbumPeak((float)atof(it->second.front().toCString(true))); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID") tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "RATING") { // Vorbis ratings are a mess because the standard forgot to mention anything about them. // If you want to see how emotive the issue is and the varying standards, check here: // // The most common standard in that thread seems to be a 0-100 scale for 1-5 stars. // So, that's what we'll support for now. int iRating = it->second.front().toInt(); if (iRating > 0 && iRating <= 100) tag.SetRating((iRating / 20) + '0'); } else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized XipComment name: %s", it->first.toCString(true)); } return true; }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseTag(Ogg::XiphComment *xiph, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { if (!xiph) return false; FLAC::Picture pictures[3]; ReplayGain replayGainInfo; const Ogg::FieldListMap& fieldListMap = xiph->fieldListMap(); for (Ogg::FieldListMap::ConstIterator it = fieldListMap.begin(); it != fieldListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "ARTIST") SetArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ARTISTS") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistHints(StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ALBUMARTIST" || it->first == "ALBUM ARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ALBUMARTISTS" || it->first == "ALBUM ARTISTS") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistHints(StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "ALBUM") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TITLE") tag.SetTitle(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TRACKNUMBER") tag.SetTrackNumber(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "DISCNUMBER") tag.SetDiscNumber(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "YEAR") tag.SetYear(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "DATE") tag.SetYear(it->second.front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "GENRE") SetGenre(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "COMMENT") tag.SetComment(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "CUESHEET") tag.SetCueSheet(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "ENCODEDBY") {} else if (it->first == "ENSEMBLE") {} else if (it->first == "COMPILATION") tag.SetCompilation(it->second.front().toInt() == 1); else if (it->first == "LYRICS") tag.SetLyrics(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN") replayGainInfo.ParseGain(ReplayGain::TRACK, it->second.front().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN") replayGainInfo.ParseGain(ReplayGain::ALBUM, it->second.front().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK") replayGainInfo.ParsePeak(ReplayGain::TRACK, it->second.front().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK") replayGainInfo.ParsePeak(ReplayGain::ALBUM, it->second.front().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(SplitMBID(StringListToVectorString(it->second))); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(SplitMBID(StringListToVectorString(it->second))); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID") tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(it->second.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "RATING") { // Vorbis ratings are a mess because the standard forgot to mention anything about them. // If you want to see how emotive the issue is and the varying standards, check here: // // The most common standard in that thread seems to be a 0-100 scale for 1-5 stars. // So, that's what we'll support for now. int iRating = it->second.front().toInt(); if (iRating > 0 && iRating <= 100) tag.SetUserrating((iRating / 20) + '0'); } else if (it->first == "METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE") { const char* b64 = it->second.front().toCString(); std::string decoded_block = Base64::Decode(b64, it->second.front().size()); ByteVector bv(, decoded_block.size()); TagLib::FLAC::Picture* pictureFrame = new TagLib::FLAC::Picture(bv); if (pictureFrame->type() == FLAC::Picture::FrontCover) pictures[0].parse(bv); else if (pictureFrame->type() == FLAC::Picture::Other) pictures[1].parse(bv); delete pictureFrame; } else if (it->first == "COVERART") { const char* b64 = it->second.front().toCString(); std::string decoded_block = Base64::Decode(b64, it->second.front().size()); ByteVector bv(, decoded_block.size()); pictures[2].setData(bv); // Assume jpeg if (pictures[2].mimeType().isEmpty()) pictures[2].setMimeType("image/jpeg"); } else if (it->first == "COVERARTMIME") { pictures[2].setMimeType(it->second.front()); } else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized XipComment name: %s", it->first.toCString(true)); } // Process the extracted picture frames; 0 = CoverArt, 1 = Other, 2 = COVERART/COVERARTMIME for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (pictures[i].data().size()) { std::string mime = pictures[i].mimeType().toCString(); if (, 6, "image/") != 0) continue; TagLib::uint size = pictures[i].data().size(); tag.SetCoverArtInfo(size, mime); if (art) art->set((const uint8_t*)pictures[i].data().data(), size, mime); break; } if (xiph->comment() != String::null) tag.SetComment(xiph->comment().toCString(true)); tag.SetReplayGain(replayGainInfo); return true; }
void CMusicInfoTagLoaderMP4::ParseTag( unsigned int metaKey, const char* pMetaData, int metaSize, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { switch ( metaKey ) { case g_TitleAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; // we use utf8 internally tag.SetLoaded( true ); tag.SetTitle( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_ArtistAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; tag.SetArtist( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_AlbumAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; tag.SetAlbum( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_AlbumArtistAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; tag.SetAlbumArtist( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_DayAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; SYSTEMTIME dateTime; dateTime.wYear = atoi( dataWorkspace.get() ); tag.SetReleaseDate( dateTime ); break; } case g_GenreAtomName: { // When a genre number is specified, we need to translate to a string for display.. // Note that AAC/iTunes genre numbers are the same as ID3 numbers, but are offset by 1. const char* pGenre = ID3_V1GENRE2DESCRIPTION( (unsigned char)pMetaData[ 1 ] - 1 ); if ( pGenre ) { tag.SetGenre( pGenre ); } break; } case g_CompilationAtomName: { if (metaSize == 1) tag.SetCompilation(*pMetaData == 1); break; } case g_CommentAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; tag.SetComment( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_LyricsAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; tag.SetLyrics( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_CustomGenreAtomName: { // We need to zero-terminate the string, which needs workspace.. auto_aptr<char> dataWorkspace( new char[ metaSize + 1 ] ); memcpy( dataWorkspace.get(), pMetaData, metaSize ); dataWorkspace[ metaSize ] = '\0'; tag.SetGenre( dataWorkspace.get() ); break; } case g_TrackNumberAtomName: { tag.SetTrackNumber( (unsigned char)pMetaData[ 3 ] ); break; } case g_DiscNumberAtomName: { tag.SetPartOfSet( (unsigned char)pMetaData[ 3 ] ); break; } case g_CoverArtAtomName: { // This cover-art handling is pretty much what was in the old MP4 tag processing code.. // note that according to the type // of image (PNG=14 or JPG=13) is contained in pMetadata[-5] std::string mimeType; if (pMetaData[-5] == 13) mimeType = "image/jpeg"; else if (pMetaData[-5] == 14) mimeType = "image/png"; else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Unknown art mimetype %d", pMetaData[-5]); tag.SetCoverArtInfo(metaSize, mimeType); if (art) art->set((const uint8_t*)pMetaData, metaSize, mimeType); break; } default: break; } }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseID3v2Tag(ID3v2::Tag *id3v2, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { // tag.SetURL(strFile); if (!id3v2) return false; ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *pictures[3] = {}; const ID3v2::FrameListMap& frameListMap = id3v2->frameListMap(); for (ID3v2::FrameListMap::ConstIterator it = frameListMap.begin(); it != frameListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "TPE1") SetArtist(tag, GetID3v2StringList(it->second)); else if (it->first == "TALB") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.front()->toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TPE2") SetAlbumArtist(tag, GetID3v2StringList(it->second)); else if (it->first == "TIT2") tag.SetTitle(it->second.front()->toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TCON") SetGenre(tag, GetID3v2StringList(it->second)); else if (it->first == "TRCK") tag.SetTrackNumber(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10)); else if (it->first == "TPOS") tag.SetPartOfSet(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10)); else if (it->first == "TYER") tag.SetYear(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10)); else if (it->first == "TCMP") tag.SetCompilation((strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10) == 0) ? false : true); else if (it->first == "TENC") {} // EncodedBy else if (it->first == "TCOP") {} // Copyright message else if (it->first == "TDRC") tag.SetYear(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10)); else if (it->first == "TDRL") tag.SetYear(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10)); else if (it->first == "TDTG") {} // Tagging time else if (it->first == "TLAN") {} // Languages else if (it->first == "USLT") // Loop through any lyrics frames. Could there be multiple frames, how to choose? for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator lt = it->second.begin(); lt != it->second.end(); ++lt) { ID3v2::UnsynchronizedLyricsFrame *lyricsFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::UnsynchronizedLyricsFrame *> (*lt); if (lyricsFrame) tag.SetLyrics(lyricsFrame->text().to8Bit(true)); } else if (it->first == "COMM") // Loop through and look for the main (no description) comment for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ct = it->second.begin(); ct != it->second.end(); ++ct) { ID3v2::CommentsFrame *commentsFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::CommentsFrame *> (*ct); if (commentsFrame && commentsFrame->description().isEmpty()) tag.SetComment(commentsFrame->text().to8Bit(true)); } else if (it->first == "TXXX") // Loop through and process the UserTextIdentificationFrames for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ut = it->second.begin(); ut != it->second.end(); ++ut) { ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame *frame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame *> (*ut); if (!frame) continue; // First field is the same as the description StringList stringList = frame->fieldList(); stringList.erase(stringList.begin()); if (frame->description() == "MusicBrainz Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(stringList.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (frame->description() == "MusicBrainz Album Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(stringList.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (frame->description() == "MusicBrainz Album Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(stringList.front().to8Bit(true)); else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_track_gain") tag.SetReplayGainTrackGain((int)(atof(stringList.front().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5)); else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_album_gain") tag.SetReplayGainAlbumGain((int)(atof(stringList.front().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5)); else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_track_peak") tag.SetReplayGainTrackPeak((float)atof(stringList.front().toCString(true))); else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_album_peak") tag.SetReplayGainAlbumPeak((float)atof(stringList.front().toCString(true))); else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:%s", frame->description().toCString(true)); } else if (it->first == "UFID") // Loop through any UFID frames and set them for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ut = it->second.begin(); ut != it->second.end(); ++ut) { ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame *ufid = reinterpret_cast<ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame*> (*ut); if (ufid->owner() == "") { // MusicBrainz pads with a \0, but the spec requires binary, be cautious char cUfid[64]; int max_size = std::min((int)ufid->identifier().size(), 63); strncpy(cUfid, ufid->identifier().data(), max_size); cUfid[max_size] = '\0'; tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(cUfid); } } else if (it->first == "APIC") // Loop through all pictures and store the frame pointers for the picture types we want for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator pi = it->second.begin(); pi != it->second.end(); ++pi) { ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *pictureFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *> (*pi); if (!pictureFrame) continue; if (pictureFrame->type() == ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::FrontCover) pictures[0] = pictureFrame; else if (pictureFrame->type() == ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Other) pictures[1] = pictureFrame; else if (pi == it->second.begin()) pictures[2] = pictureFrame; } else if (it->first == "POPM") // Loop through and process ratings for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ct = it->second.begin(); ct != it->second.end(); ++ct) { ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame *popFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame *> (*ct); if (!popFrame) continue; // ratings trump others (of course) if (popFrame->email() == "*****@*****.**") tag.SetRating(popFrame->rating() / 51 + '0'); else if (tag.GetRating() == '0') { if (popFrame->email() != "Windows Media Player 9 Series" && popFrame->email() != "no@email" && popFrame->email() != "*****@*****.**" && popFrame->email() != "*****@*****.**") CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized ratings schema detected: %s", popFrame->email().toCString(true)); tag.SetRating(POPMtoXBMC(popFrame->rating())); } } else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized ID3 frame detected: %c%c%c%c", it->first[0], it->first[1], it->first[2], it->first[3]); } // for // Process the extracted picture frames; 0 = CoverArt, 1 = Other, 2 = First Found picture for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (pictures[i]) { string mime = pictures[i]->mimeType().to8Bit(true); TagLib::uint size = pictures[i]->picture().size(); tag.SetCoverArtInfo(size, mime); if (art) art->set((const uint8_t*)pictures[i]->picture().data(), size, mime); // Stop after we find the first picture for now. break; } return true; }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseTag(MP4::Tag *mp4, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { if (!mp4) return false; ReplayGain replayGainInfo; MP4::ItemListMap& itemListMap = mp4->itemListMap(); for (MP4::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = itemListMap.begin(); it != itemListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "\251nam") tag.SetTitle(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "\251ART") SetArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") SetArtistHints(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "\251alb") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "aART") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") SetAlbumArtistHints(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "\251gen") SetGenre(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") tag.SetMood(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "\251cmt") tag.SetComment(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "\251wrt") AddArtistRole(tag, "Composer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "Conductor", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); //No MP4 standard tag for "ensemble" else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "Lyricist", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "Remixer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "Engineer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "Producer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "DJMixer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "") AddArtistRole(tag, "Mixer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); //No MP4 standard tag for musician credits else if (it->first == "") {} // Publisher. Known unsupported, supress warnings else if (it->first == "cpil") tag.SetCompilation(it->second.toBool()); else if (it->first == "trkn") tag.SetTrackNumber(it->second.toIntPair().first); else if (it->first == "disk") tag.SetDiscNumber(it->second.toIntPair().first); else if (it->first == "\251day") tag.SetYear(it->second.toStringList().front().toInt()); else if (it->first == "") replayGainInfo.ParseGain(ReplayGain::TRACK, it->second.toStringList().front().toCString()); else if (it->first == "") replayGainInfo.ParseGain(ReplayGain::ALBUM, it->second.toStringList().front().toCString()); else if (it->first == "") replayGainInfo.ParsePeak(ReplayGain::TRACK, it->second.toStringList().front().toCString()); else if (it->first == "") replayGainInfo.ParsePeak(ReplayGain::ALBUM, it->second.toStringList().front().toCString()); else if (it->first == " Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(SplitMBID(StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList()))); else if (it->first == " Album Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(SplitMBID(StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList()))); else if (it->first == " Album Artist") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == " Album Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == " Track Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(it->second.toStringList().front().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "covr") { MP4::CoverArtList coverArtList = it->second.toCoverArtList(); for (MP4::CoverArtList::ConstIterator pt = coverArtList.begin(); pt != coverArtList.end(); ++pt) { std::string mime; switch (pt->format()) { case MP4::CoverArt::PNG: mime = "image/png"; break; case MP4::CoverArt::JPEG: mime = "image/jpeg"; break; default: break; } if (mime.empty()) continue; tag.SetCoverArtInfo(pt->data().size(), mime); if (art) art->set(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(pt->data().data()), pt->data().size(), mime); break; // one is enough } } } if (mp4->comment() != String::null) tag.SetComment(mp4->comment().toCString(true)); tag.SetReplayGain(replayGainInfo); return true; }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseTag(APE::Tag *ape, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { if (!ape) return false; ReplayGain replayGainInfo; const APE::ItemListMap itemListMap = ape->itemListMap(); for (APE::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = itemListMap.begin(); it != itemListMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "ARTIST") SetArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ARTISTS") SetArtistHints(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ALBUMARTIST" || it->first == "ALBUM ARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ALBUMARTISTS" || it->first == "ALBUM ARTISTS") SetAlbumArtistHints(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ALBUM") tag.SetAlbum(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TITLE") tag.SetTitle(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "TRACKNUMBER" || it->first == "TRACK") tag.SetTrackNumber(it->second.toString().toInt()); else if (it->first == "DISCNUMBER" || it->first == "DISC") tag.SetDiscNumber(it->second.toString().toInt()); else if (it->first == "YEAR") tag.SetYear(it->second.toString().toInt()); else if (it->first == "GENRE") SetGenre(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "MOOD") tag.SetMood(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "COMMENT") tag.SetComment(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "CUESHEET") tag.SetCueSheet(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "ENCODEDBY") {} else if (it->first == "COMPOSER") AddArtistRole(tag, "Composer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "CONDUCTOR") AddArtistRole(tag, "Conductor", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if ((it->first == "BAND") || (it->first == "ENSEMBLE")) AddArtistRole(tag, "Orchestra", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "LYRICIST") AddArtistRole(tag, "Lyricist", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "MIXARTIST") AddArtistRole(tag, "Remixer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ARRANGER") AddArtistRole(tag, "Arranger", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "ENGINEER") AddArtistRole(tag, "Engineer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "PRODUCER") AddArtistRole(tag, "Producer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "DJMIXER") AddArtistRole(tag, "DJMixer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "MIXER") AddArtistRole(tag, "Mixer", StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "PERFORMER") // Picard uses PERFORMER tag as musician credits list formatted "name (instrument)" AddArtistInstrument(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "LABEL") {} // Publisher. Known unsupported, supress warnings else if (it->first == "COMPILATION") tag.SetCompilation(it->second.toString().toInt() == 1); else if (it->first == "LYRICS") tag.SetLyrics(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN") replayGainInfo.ParseGain(ReplayGain::TRACK, it->second.toString().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN") replayGainInfo.ParseGain(ReplayGain::ALBUM, it->second.toString().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK") replayGainInfo.ParsePeak(ReplayGain::TRACK, it->second.toString().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK") replayGainInfo.ParsePeak(ReplayGain::ALBUM, it->second.toString().toCString(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(SplitMBID(StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList()))); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(SplitMBID(StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList()))); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTIST") SetAlbumArtist(tag, StringListToVectorString(it->second.toStringList())); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (it->first == "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID") tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(it->second.toString().to8Bit(true)); else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized APE tag: %s", it->first.toCString(true)); } tag.SetReplayGain(replayGainInfo); return true; }