void CObjectTeleporter::ShowDirectionArrow( bool bShow )
	if ( bShow != m_bShowDirectionArrow )
		if ( m_iDirectionBodygroup >= 0 )
			SetBodygroup( m_iDirectionBodygroup, bShow ? 1 : 0 );
		m_bShowDirectionArrow = bShow;

		if ( bShow )
			CObjectTeleporter *pMatch = GetMatchingTeleporter();

			Assert( pMatch );

			Vector vecToOwner = pMatch->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
			QAngle angleToExit;
			VectorAngles( vecToOwner, Vector(0,0,1), angleToExit );
			angleToExit -= GetAbsAngles();

			// pose param is flipped and backwards, adjust.
			//m_flYawToExit = anglemod( -angleToExit.y + 180.0 );
			m_flYawToExit = AngleNormalize( -angleToExit.y + 180.0 );
			// For whatever reason the original code normalizes angle 0 to 360 while pose param
			// takes angle from -180 to 180. I have no idea how did this work properly
			// in official TF2 all this time. (Nicknine)
void CObjectTeleporter::ShowDirectionArrow( bool bShow )
	if ( bShow != m_bShowDirectionArrow )
		if ( m_iDirectionBodygroup >= 0 )
			SetBodygroup( m_iDirectionBodygroup, bShow ? 1 : 0 );
		m_bShowDirectionArrow = bShow;

		if ( bShow )
			CObjectTeleporter *pMatch = GetMatchingTeleporter();

			Assert( pMatch );

			Vector vecToOwner = pMatch->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
			QAngle angleToExit;
			VectorAngles( vecToOwner, Vector(0,0,1), angleToExit );
			angleToExit -= GetAbsAngles();

			// pose param is flipped and backwards, adjust.
			m_flYawToExit = anglemod( -angleToExit.y + 180 );