int VSIMemFilesystemHandler::Rename( const char *pszOldPath, const char *pszNewPath ) { CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hMutex ); CPLString osOldPath = pszOldPath; CPLString osNewPath = pszNewPath; NormalizePath( osOldPath ); NormalizePath( osNewPath ); if ( == 0 ) return 0; if( oFileList.find(osOldPath) == oFileList.end() ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } else { VSIMemFile* poFile = oFileList[osOldPath]; oFileList.erase( oFileList.find(osOldPath) ); Unlink(osNewPath); oFileList[osNewPath] = poFile; poFile->osFilename = osNewPath; return 0; } }
// This is a performance critical function, especially on geosciml schemas, // and we make careful to not do any string copy or other memory allocation // in it. bool GMLASXPathMatcher::MatchesRefXPath( const CPLString& osXPath, const std::vector<XPathComponent>& oRefXPath) const { size_t iPos = 0; size_t iIdxInRef = 0; bool bDirectChild = oRefXPath[0].m_bDirectChild; while( iPos < osXPath.size() && iIdxInRef < oRefXPath.size() ) { bDirectChild = oRefXPath[iIdxInRef].m_bDirectChild; size_t iPosNextSlash = osXPath.find('/', iPos); bool bNodeMatch; if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) { bNodeMatch =, std::string::npos, oRefXPath[iIdxInRef].m_osValue) == 0; } else { bNodeMatch =, iPosNextSlash - iPos, oRefXPath[iIdxInRef].m_osValue) == 0; } if( !bNodeMatch ) { if( bDirectChild ) return false; if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) return false; iPos = iPosNextSlash + 1; continue; } if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) iPos = osXPath.size(); else iPos = iPosNextSlash + 1; iIdxInRef ++; bDirectChild = true; } return (!bDirectChild || iPos == osXPath.size()) && iIdxInRef == oRefXPath.size(); }
int VSIMemFilesystemHandler::Rename( const char *pszOldPath, const char *pszNewPath ) { CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hMutex ); CPLString osOldPath = pszOldPath; CPLString osNewPath = pszNewPath; NormalizePath( osOldPath ); NormalizePath( osNewPath ); if( == 0 ) return 0; if( oFileList.find(osOldPath) == oFileList.end() ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } std::map<CPLString, VSIMemFile*>::iterator it = oFileList.find(osOldPath); while( it != oFileList.end() && it->first.ifind(osOldPath) == 0 ) { const CPLString osRemainder = it->first.substr(osOldPath.size()); if( osRemainder.empty() || osRemainder[0] == '/' ) { const CPLString osNewFullPath = osNewPath + osRemainder; Unlink_unlocked(osNewFullPath); oFileList[osNewFullPath] = it->second; it->second->osFilename = osNewFullPath; oFileList.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } return 0; }
OGRErr OGRShapeLayer::Repack() { if( !bUpdateAccess ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "The REPACK operation is not permitted on a read-only shapefile." ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if( hDBF == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Attempt to repack a shapefile with no .dbf file not supported."); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build a list of records to be dropped. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int *panRecordsToDelete = (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int)*(nTotalShapeCount+1)); int nDeleteCount = 0; int iShape = 0; OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; for( iShape = 0; iShape < nTotalShapeCount; iShape++ ) { if( DBFIsRecordDeleted( hDBF, iShape ) ) panRecordsToDelete[nDeleteCount++] = iShape; } panRecordsToDelete[nDeleteCount] = -1; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If there are no records marked for deletion, we take no */ /* action. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nDeleteCount == 0 ) { CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_NONE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find existing filenames with exact case (see #3293). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osDirname(CPLGetPath(pszFullName)); CPLString osBasename(CPLGetBasename(pszFullName)); CPLString osDBFName, osSHPName, osSHXName; char **papszCandidates = CPLReadDir( osDirname ); int i = 0; while(papszCandidates != NULL && papszCandidates[i] != NULL) { CPLString osCandidateBasename = CPLGetBasename(papszCandidates[i]); CPLString osCandidateExtension = CPLGetExtension(papszCandidates[i]); if ( == 0) { if (EQUAL(osCandidateExtension, "dbf")) osDBFName = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, papszCandidates[i], NULL); else if (EQUAL(osCandidateExtension, "shp")) osSHPName = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, papszCandidates[i], NULL); else if (EQUAL(osCandidateExtension, "shx")) osSHXName = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, papszCandidates[i], NULL); } i++; } CSLDestroy(papszCandidates); papszCandidates = NULL; if (osDBFName.size() == 0) { /* Should not happen, really */ CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup any existing spatial index. It will become */ /* meaningless when the fids change. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( CheckForQIX() ) DropSpatialIndex(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a new dbf file, matching the old. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DBFHandle hNewDBF = NULL; CPLString oTempFile(CPLFormFilename(osDirname, osBasename, NULL)); oTempFile += "_packed.dbf"; hNewDBF = DBFCloneEmpty( hDBF, oTempFile ); if( hNewDBF == NULL ) { CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to create temp file %s.", oTempFile.c_str() ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copy over all records that are not deleted. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iDestShape = 0; int iNextDeletedShape = 0; for( iShape = 0; iShape < nTotalShapeCount && eErr == OGRERR_NONE; iShape++ ) { if( panRecordsToDelete[iNextDeletedShape] == iShape ) iNextDeletedShape++; else { void *pTuple = (void *) DBFReadTuple( hDBF, iShape ); if( pTuple == NULL ) eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; else if( !DBFWriteTuple( hNewDBF, iDestShape++, pTuple ) ) eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; } } if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); VSIUnlink( oTempFile ); return eErr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup the old .dbf and rename the new one. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DBFClose( hDBF ); DBFClose( hNewDBF ); hDBF = hNewDBF = NULL; VSIUnlink( osDBFName ); if( VSIRename( oTempFile, osDBFName ) != 0 ) { CPLDebug( "Shape", "Can not rename DBF file: %s", VSIStrerror( errno ) ); CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now create a shapefile matching the old one. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( hSHP != NULL ) { SHPHandle hNewSHP = NULL; if (osSHPName.size() == 0 || osSHXName.size() == 0) { /* Should not happen, really */ CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } oTempFile = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, osBasename, NULL); oTempFile += "_packed.shp"; hNewSHP = SHPCreate( oTempFile, hSHP->nShapeType ); if( hNewSHP == NULL ) { CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copy over all records that are not deleted. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ iNextDeletedShape = 0; for( iShape = 0; iShape < nTotalShapeCount && eErr == OGRERR_NONE; iShape++ ) { if( panRecordsToDelete[iNextDeletedShape] == iShape ) iNextDeletedShape++; else { SHPObject *hObject; hObject = SHPReadObject( hSHP, iShape ); if( hObject == NULL ) eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; else if( SHPWriteObject( hNewSHP, -1, hObject ) == -1 ) eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; if( hObject ) SHPDestroyObject( hObject ); } } if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); VSIUnlink( CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shp" ) ); VSIUnlink( CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shx" ) ); return eErr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup the old .shp/.shx and rename the new one. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SHPClose( hSHP ); SHPClose( hNewSHP ); hSHP = hNewSHP = NULL; VSIUnlink( osSHPName ); VSIUnlink( osSHXName ); oTempFile = CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shp" ); if( VSIRename( oTempFile, osSHPName ) != 0 ) { CPLDebug( "Shape", "Can not rename SHP file: %s", VSIStrerror( errno ) ); CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } oTempFile = CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shx" ); if( VSIRename( oTempFile, osSHXName ) != 0 ) { CPLDebug( "Shape", "Can not rename SHX file: %s", VSIStrerror( errno ) ); CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } } CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete ); panRecordsToDelete = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Reopen the shapefile */ /* */ /* We do not need to reimplement OGRShapeDataSource::OpenFile() here */ /* with the fully featured error checking. */ /* If all operations above succeeded, then all necessery files are */ /* in the right place and accessible. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLAssert( NULL == hSHP ); CPLAssert( NULL == hDBF && NULL == hNewDBF ); CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler ); const char* pszAccess = NULL; if( bUpdateAccess ) pszAccess = "r+"; else pszAccess = "r"; hSHP = SHPOpen ( CPLResetExtension( pszFullName, "shp" ) , pszAccess ); hDBF = DBFOpen ( CPLResetExtension( pszFullName, "dbf" ) , pszAccess ); CPLPopErrorHandler(); if( NULL == hSHP || NULL == hDBF ) { CPLString osMsg(CPLGetLastErrorMsg()); CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "%s", osMsg.c_str() ); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update total shape count. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nTotalShapeCount = hDBF->nRecords; return OGRERR_NONE; }
int OGRSOSIDataSource::Open( const char *pszFilename, int bUpdate ) { papoBuiltGeometries = NULL; poFileadm = NULL; poBaseadm = NULL; char *pszPos; if ( bUpdate ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Update access not supported by the SOSI driver." ); return FALSE; } /* Check that the file exists otherwise HO_TestSOSI() emits an error */ VSIStatBuf sStat; if( VSIStat(pszFilename, &sStat) != 0 ) return FALSE; pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename ); /* We ignore any layer parameters for now. */ pszPos = strchr(pszName, ','); if (pszPos != NULL) { pszPos[0] = '\0'; } /* Confirm that we are dealing with a SOSI file. Used also by data * format auto-detection in some ogr utilities. */ UT_INT64 nEnd = 0; int bIsSosi = HO_TestSOSI ( pszName, &nEnd ); if ( bIsSosi == UT_FALSE ) { return FALSE; /* No error message: This is used by file format auto-detection */ } short nStatus = 0, nDetStatus = 0; /* immediate status, detailed status */ /* open index base and sosi file */ poBaseadm = LC_OpenBase(LC_BASE); nStatus = LC_OpenSos(pszName, LC_BASE_FRAMGR, LC_GML_IDX, LC_INGEN_STATUS, &poFileadm, &nDetStatus); if ( nStatus == UT_FALSE ) { char *pszErrorMessage; LC_StrError(nDetStatus, &pszErrorMessage); CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "File %s could not be opened by SOSI Driver: %s", pszName, pszErrorMessage ); return FALSE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------* * Prefetch all the information needed to determine layers * * and prebuild LineString features for later assembly. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* allocate room for one pointer per feature */ nNumFeatures = static_cast<unsigned int>(poFileadm->lAntGr); void* mem = VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nNumFeatures, sizeof(void*)); if (mem == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { papoBuiltGeometries = (OGRGeometry**)mem; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<nNumFeatures; i++) papoBuiltGeometries[i] = NULL; /* Various iterators and return values used to iterate through SOSI features */ short nName, nNumLines; long nNumCoo; unsigned short nInfo; LC_SNR_ADM oSnradm; LC_BGR oNextSerial; LC_BGR *poNextSerial; poNextSerial =&oNextSerial; bool bPointLayer = FALSE; /* Initialize four layers for the different geometry types */ bool bCurveLayer = FALSE; bool bPolyLayer = FALSE; bool bTextLayer = FALSE; poPolyHeaders = new S2I(); poPointHeaders = new S2I(); poCurveHeaders = new S2I(); poTextHeaders = new S2I(); LC_SBSn(&oSnradm, poFileadm, 0, nNumFeatures); /* Set FYBA search limits */ LC_InitNextBgr(poNextSerial); /* Prebuilding simple features and extracting layer information. */ while (LC_NextBgr(poNextSerial,LC_FRAMGR)) { /* Fetch next group information */ nName = LC_RxGr(poNextSerial, LES_OPTIMALT, &nNumLines, &nNumCoo, &nInfo); S2S oHeaders; S2S::iterator iHeaders; int iH; /* Extract all strings from group header. */ for (short i=1; i<=nNumLines; i++) { char *pszLine = LC_GetGi(i); /* Get one header line */ if ((pszLine[0] == ':')||(pszLine[0] == '(')) continue; /* If we have a continued REF line, skip it. */ if (pszLine[0] == '!') continue; /* If we have a comment line, skip it. */ char *pszUTFLine = CPLRecode(pszLine, pszEncoding, CPL_ENC_UTF8); /* switch to UTF encoding here, if it is known. */ char *pszUTFLineIter = pszUTFLine; while (pszUTFLineIter[0] == '.') pszUTFLineIter++; /* Skipping the dots at the beginning of a SOSI line */ char *pszPos2 = strstr(pszUTFLineIter, " "); /* Split header and value */ if (pszPos2 != NULL) { CPLString osKey = CPLString(std::string(pszUTFLineIter,pszPos2)); /* FIXME: clean instantiation of CPLString? */ CPLString osValue = CPLString(pszPos2+1); oHeaders[osKey]=osValue; /* Add to header map */ switch (nName) { /* Add to header list for the corresponding layer, if it is not */ case L_FLATE: { /* in there already */ if (poPolyHeaders->find(osKey) == poPolyHeaders->end()) { iH = static_cast<int>(poPolyHeaders->size()); (*poPolyHeaders)[osKey] = iH; } break; } case L_KURVE: case L_LINJE: case L_BUEP: { /* FIXME: maybe not use the same headers for both */ if (poCurveHeaders->find(osKey) == poCurveHeaders->end()) { iH = static_cast<int>(poCurveHeaders->size()); (*poCurveHeaders)[osKey] = iH; } break; } case L_PUNKT: case L_SYMBOL: { if (poPointHeaders->find(osKey) == poPointHeaders->end()) { iH = static_cast<int>(poPointHeaders->size()); (*poPointHeaders)[osKey] = iH; } break; } case L_TEKST: { if (poTextHeaders->find(osKey) == poTextHeaders->end()) { iH = static_cast<int>(poTextHeaders->size()); (*poTextHeaders)[osKey] = iH; } break; } } } CPLFree(pszUTFLine); } /* Feature-specific tasks */ switch (nName) { case L_PUNKT: { /* Pre-build a point feature. Activate point layer. */ bPointLayer = TRUE; buildOGRPoint(oNextSerial.lNr); break; } case L_FLATE: { /* Activate polygon layer. */ bPolyLayer = TRUE; /* cannot build geometries that reference others yet */ break; } case L_KURVE: case L_LINJE: { /* Pre-build a line feature. Activate line/curve layer. */ bCurveLayer = TRUE; buildOGRLineString(static_cast<int>(nNumCoo), oNextSerial.lNr); break; } case L_BUEP: { /* Pre-build a line feature as interpolation from an arc. Activate line/curve layer. */ bCurveLayer = TRUE; buildOGRLineStringFromArc(oNextSerial.lNr); break; } case L_TEKST: { /* Pre-build a text line contour feature. Activate text layer. */ /* Todo: observe only points 2ff if more than one point is given for follow mode */ bTextLayer = TRUE; buildOGRMultiPoint(static_cast<int>(nNumCoo), oNextSerial.lNr); break; } case L_HODE: { /* Get SRS from SOSI header. */ unsigned short nMask = LC_TR_ALLT; LC_TRANSPAR oTrans; if (LC_GetTransEx(&nMask,&oTrans) == UT_FALSE) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "TRANSPAR section not found - No reference system information available."); return FALSE; } poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); /* Get coordinate system from SOSI header. */ int nEPSG = sosi2epsg(oTrans.sKoordsys); if (poSRS->importFromEPSG(nEPSG) != OGRERR_NONE) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "OGR could not load coordinate system definition EPSG:%i.", nEPSG); return FALSE; } /* Get character encoding from SOSI header. */ iHeaders = oHeaders.find("TEGNSETT"); if (iHeaders != oHeaders.end()) { CPLString osLine = iHeaders->second; if ("ISO8859-1")==0) { pszEncoding = CPL_ENC_ISO8859_1; } else if ("ISO8859-10")==0) { pszEncoding = CPL_ENC_ISO8859_10; } else if ("UTF-8")==0) { pszEncoding = CPL_ENC_UTF8; } } break; } default: { break; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Create a corresponding layers. One per geometry type * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int l_nLayers = 0; if (bPolyLayer) l_nLayers++; if (bCurveLayer) l_nLayers++; if (bPointLayer) l_nLayers++; if (bTextLayer) l_nLayers++; this->nLayers = l_nLayers; /* allocate some memory for up to three layers */ papoLayers = (OGRSOSILayer **) VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(sizeof(void*), l_nLayers); if( papoLayers == NULL ) { this->nLayers = 0; return FALSE; } /* Define each layer, using a proper feature definition, geometry type, * and adding every SOSI header encountered in the file as field. */ S2I::iterator i; if (bPolyLayer) { S2I * poHeadersNew = new S2I(); OGRFeatureDefn *poFeatureDefn = defineLayer("polygons", wkbPolygon, poPolyHeaders, &poHeadersNew); delete poPolyHeaders; poPolyHeaders = poHeadersNew; poFeatureDefn->Reference(); papoLayers[--l_nLayers] = new OGRSOSILayer( this, poFeatureDefn, poFileadm, poPolyHeaders ); } else { delete poPolyHeaders; poPolyHeaders = NULL; } if (bCurveLayer) { S2I * poHeadersNew = new S2I(); OGRFeatureDefn *poFeatureDefn = defineLayer("lines", wkbLineString, poCurveHeaders, &poHeadersNew); delete poCurveHeaders; poCurveHeaders = poHeadersNew; poFeatureDefn->Reference(); papoLayers[--l_nLayers] = new OGRSOSILayer( this, poFeatureDefn, poFileadm, poCurveHeaders ); } else { delete poCurveHeaders; poCurveHeaders = NULL; } if (bPointLayer) { S2I * poHeadersNew = new S2I(); OGRFeatureDefn *poFeatureDefn = defineLayer("points", wkbPoint, poPointHeaders, &poHeadersNew); delete poPointHeaders; poPointHeaders = poHeadersNew; poFeatureDefn->Reference(); papoLayers[--l_nLayers] = new OGRSOSILayer( this, poFeatureDefn, poFileadm, poPointHeaders ); } else { delete poPointHeaders; poPointHeaders = NULL; } if (bTextLayer) { S2I * poHeadersNew = new S2I(); OGRFeatureDefn *poFeatureDefn = defineLayer("text", wkbMultiPoint, poTextHeaders, &poHeadersNew); delete poTextHeaders; poTextHeaders = poHeadersNew; poFeatureDefn->Reference(); papoLayers[--l_nLayers] = new OGRSOSILayer( this, poFeatureDefn, poFileadm, poTextHeaders ); } else { delete poTextHeaders; poTextHeaders = NULL; } return TRUE; }
int OGRPDSDataSource::Open( const char * pszFilename ) { pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Does this appear to be a .PDS table file? // -------------------------------------------------------------------- VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; char szBuffer[512]; int nbRead = (int)VSIFReadL(szBuffer, 1, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, fp); szBuffer[nbRead] = '\0'; const char* pszPos = strstr(szBuffer, "PDS_VERSION_ID"); int bIsPDS = (pszPos != NULL); if (!bIsPDS) { VSIFCloseL(fp); return FALSE; } if (!oKeywords.Ingest(fp, pszPos - szBuffer)) { VSIFCloseL(fp); return FALSE; } VSIFCloseL(fp); CPLString osRecordType = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "RECORD_TYPE", "" ); CPLString osFileRecords = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "FILE_RECORDS", "" ); CPLString osRecordBytes = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "RECORD_BYTES", "" ); int nRecordSize = atoi(osRecordBytes); if (osRecordType.size() == 0 || osFileRecords.size() == 0 || osRecordBytes.size() == 0 || nRecordSize <= 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "One of RECORD_TYPE, FILE_RECORDS or RECORD_BYTES is missing"); return FALSE; } CleanString(osRecordType); if ("FIXED_LENGTH") != 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Only RECORD_TYPE=FIXED_LENGTH is supported"); return FALSE; } CPLString osTable = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "^TABLE", "" ); if (osTable.size() != 0) LoadTable(pszFilename, nRecordSize, "TABLE"); else { VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; while(TRUE) { CPLPushErrorHandler(CPLQuietErrorHandler); const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(fp, 256, NULL); CPLPopErrorHandler(); CPLErrorReset(); if (pszLine == NULL) break; char** papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2( pszLine, " =", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS ); int nTokens = CSLCount(papszTokens); if (nTokens == 2 && papszTokens[0][0] == '^' && strstr(papszTokens[0], "TABLE") != NULL) { LoadTable(pszFilename, nRecordSize, papszTokens[0] + 1); } CSLDestroy(papszTokens); papszTokens = NULL; } VSIFCloseL(fp); } return nLayers != 0; }
int OGRPDSDataSource::LoadTable(const char* pszFilename, int nRecordSize, CPLString osTableID ) { CPLString osTableFilename; int nStartBytes; CPLString osTableLink = "^"; osTableLink += osTableID; CPLString osTable = oKeywords.GetKeyword( osTableLink, "" ); if( osTable[0] == '(' ) { osTableFilename = GetKeywordSub(osTableLink, 1, ""); CPLString osStartRecord = GetKeywordSub(osTableLink, 2, ""); nStartBytes = (atoi(osStartRecord.c_str()) - 1) * nRecordSize; if (osTableFilename.size() == 0 || osStartRecord.size() == 0 || nStartBytes < 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Cannot parse %s line", osTableLink.c_str()); return FALSE; } CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilename); CleanString( osTableFilename ); osTableFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osTableFilename, NULL ); } else { osTableFilename = oKeywords.GetKeyword( osTableLink, "" ); if (osTableFilename.size() != 0 && osTableFilename[0] >= '0' && osTableFilename[0] <= '9') { nStartBytes = atoi(osTableFilename.c_str()) - 1; if (strstr(osTableFilename.c_str(), "<BYTES>") == NULL) nStartBytes *= nRecordSize; osTableFilename = pszFilename; } else { CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilename); CleanString( osTableFilename ); osTableFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osTableFilename, NULL ); nStartBytes = 0; } } CPLString osTableName = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "NAME"), "" ); if (osTableName.size() == 0) { if (GetLayerByName(osTableID.c_str()) == NULL) osTableName = osTableID; else osTableName = CPLSPrintf("Layer_%d", nLayers+1); } CleanString(osTableName); CPLString osTableInterchangeFormat = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "INTERCHANGE_FORMAT"), "" ); CPLString osTableRows = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "ROWS"), "" ); int nRecords = atoi(osTableRows); if (osTableInterchangeFormat.size() == 0 || osTableRows.size() == 0 || nRecords < 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "One of TABLE.INTERCHANGE_FORMAT or TABLE.ROWS is missing"); return FALSE; } CleanString(osTableInterchangeFormat); if ("ASCII") != 0 &&"BINARY") != 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Only INTERCHANGE_FORMAT=ASCII or BINARY is supported"); return FALSE; } VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(osTableFilename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot open %s", osTableFilename.c_str()); return FALSE; } CPLString osTableStructure = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "^STRUCTURE"), "" ); if (osTableStructure.size() != 0) { CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilename); CleanString( osTableStructure ); osTableStructure = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osTableStructure, NULL ); } GByte* pabyRecord = (GByte*) VSIMalloc(nRecordSize + 1); if (pabyRecord == NULL) { VSIFCloseL(fp); return FALSE; } pabyRecord[nRecordSize] = 0; papoLayers = (OGRLayer**) CPLRealloc(papoLayers, (nLayers + 1) * sizeof(OGRLayer*)); papoLayers[nLayers] = new OGRPDSLayer(osTableID, osTableName, fp, pszFilename, osTableStructure, nRecords, nStartBytes, nRecordSize, pabyRecord,"ASCII") == 0); nLayers++; return TRUE; }
static CPLXMLNode * GDALWMSDatasetGetConfigFromURL(GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo) { const char* pszBaseURL = poOpenInfo->pszFilename; if (EQUALN(pszBaseURL, "WMS:", 4)) pszBaseURL += 4; CPLString osLayer = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "LAYERS"); CPLString osVersion = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "VERSION"); CPLString osSRS = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "SRS"); CPLString osCRS = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "CRS"); CPLString osBBOX = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "BBOX"); CPLString osFormat = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "FORMAT"); CPLString osTransparent = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "TRANSPARENT"); /* GDAL specific extensions to alter the default settings */ CPLString osOverviewCount = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "OVERVIEWCOUNT"); CPLString osTileSize = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "TILESIZE"); CPLString osMinResolution = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "MINRESOLUTION"); CPLString osBBOXOrder = CPLURLGetValue(pszBaseURL, "BBOXORDER"); CPLString osBaseURL = pszBaseURL; /* Remove all keywords to get base URL */ osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "VERSION", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "REQUEST", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "LAYERS", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "SRS", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "CRS", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "BBOX", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "FORMAT", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "TRANSPARENT", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "STYLES", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "WIDTH", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "HEIGHT", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "OVERVIEWCOUNT", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "TILESIZE", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "MINRESOLUTION", NULL); osBaseURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osBaseURL, "BBOXORDER", NULL); if (osBaseURL.size() > 0 && osBaseURL[osBaseURL.size() - 1] == '&') osBaseURL.resize(osBaseURL.size() - 1); if (osVersion.size() == 0) osVersion = "1.1.1"; CPLString osSRSTag; CPLString osSRSValue; if(VersionStringToInt(osVersion.c_str())>= VersionStringToInt("1.3.0")) { if (osSRS.size()) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "WMS version 1.3 and above expects CRS however SRS was set instead."); } osSRSValue = osCRS; osSRSTag = "CRS"; } else { if (osCRS.size()) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "WMS version 1.1.1 and below expects SRS however CRS was set instead."); } osSRSValue = osSRS; osSRSTag = "SRS"; } if (osSRSValue.size() == 0) osSRSValue = "EPSG:4326"; if (osBBOX.size() == 0) { if ("yxYX") == 0) osBBOX = "-90,-180,90,180"; else osBBOX = "-180,-90,180,90"; } char** papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(osBBOX, ",", 0, 0); if (CSLCount(papszTokens) != 4) { CSLDestroy(papszTokens); return NULL; } const char* pszMinX = papszTokens[0]; const char* pszMinY = papszTokens[1]; const char* pszMaxX = papszTokens[2]; const char* pszMaxY = papszTokens[3]; if ("yxYX") == 0) { std::swap(pszMinX, pszMinY); std::swap(pszMaxX, pszMaxY); } double dfMinX = CPLAtofM(pszMinX); double dfMinY = CPLAtofM(pszMinY); double dfMaxX = CPLAtofM(pszMaxX); double dfMaxY = CPLAtofM(pszMaxY); if (dfMaxY <= dfMinY || dfMaxX <= dfMinX) { CSLDestroy(papszTokens); return NULL; } int nTileSize = atoi(osTileSize); if (nTileSize <= 128 || nTileSize > 2048) nTileSize = 1024; int nXSize, nYSize; int nOverviewCount = (osOverviewCount.size()) ? atoi(osOverviewCount) : 20; if (osMinResolution.size() != 0) { double dfMinResolution = CPLAtofM(osMinResolution); while (nOverviewCount > 20) { nOverviewCount --; dfMinResolution *= 2; } nXSize = (int) ((dfMaxX - dfMinX) / dfMinResolution + 0.5); nYSize = (int) ((dfMaxY - dfMinY) / dfMinResolution + 0.5); } else { double dfRatio = (dfMaxX - dfMinX) / (dfMaxY - dfMinY); if (dfRatio > 1) { nXSize = nTileSize; nYSize = (int) (nXSize / dfRatio); } else { nYSize = nTileSize; nXSize = (int) (nYSize * dfRatio); } if (nOverviewCount < 0 || nOverviewCount > 20) nOverviewCount = 20; nXSize = nXSize * (1 << nOverviewCount); nYSize = nYSize * (1 << nOverviewCount); } int bTransparent = osTransparent.size() ? CSLTestBoolean(osTransparent) : FALSE; if (osFormat.size() == 0) { if (!bTransparent) { osFormat = "image/jpeg"; } else { osFormat = "image/png"; } } char* pszEscapedURL = CPLEscapeString(osBaseURL.c_str(), -1, CPLES_XML); char* pszEscapedLayerURL = CPLEscapeString(osLayer.c_str(), -1, CPLES_URL); char* pszEscapedLayerXML = CPLEscapeString(pszEscapedLayerURL, -1, CPLES_XML); CPLString osXML = CPLSPrintf( "<GDAL_WMS>\n" " <Service name=\"WMS\">\n" " <Version>%s</Version>\n" " <ServerUrl>%s</ServerUrl>\n" " <Layers>%s</Layers>\n" " <%s>%s</%s>\n" " <ImageFormat>%s</ImageFormat>\n" " <Transparent>%s</Transparent>\n" " <BBoxOrder>%s</BBoxOrder>\n" " </Service>\n" " <DataWindow>\n" " <UpperLeftX>%s</UpperLeftX>\n" " <UpperLeftY>%s</UpperLeftY>\n" " <LowerRightX>%s</LowerRightX>\n" " <LowerRightY>%s</LowerRightY>\n" " <SizeX>%d</SizeX>\n" " <SizeY>%d</SizeY>\n" " </DataWindow>\n" " <BandsCount>%d</BandsCount>\n" " <BlockSizeX>%d</BlockSizeX>\n" " <BlockSizeY>%d</BlockSizeY>\n" " <OverviewCount>%d</OverviewCount>\n" "</GDAL_WMS>\n", osVersion.c_str(), pszEscapedURL, pszEscapedLayerXML, osSRSTag.c_str(), osSRSValue.c_str(), osSRSTag.c_str(), osFormat.c_str(), (bTransparent) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", (osBBOXOrder.size()) ? osBBOXOrder.c_str() : "xyXY", pszMinX, pszMaxY, pszMaxX, pszMinY, nXSize, nYSize, (bTransparent) ? 4 : 3, nTileSize, nTileSize, nOverviewCount); CPLFree(pszEscapedURL); CPLFree(pszEscapedLayerURL); CPLFree(pszEscapedLayerXML); CSLDestroy(papszTokens); CPLDebug("WMS", "Opening WMS :\n%s", osXML.c_str()); return CPLParseXMLString(osXML); }