void CPUT_DX11::UpdatePerFrameConstantBuffer( double totalSeconds )
    if( mpPerFrameConstantBuffer )
        ID3D11Buffer *pBuffer = mpPerFrameConstantBuffer->GetNativeBuffer();

        // update parameters of constant buffer
        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mapInfo;
        mpContext->Map( pBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mapInfo );
            // TODO: remove construction of XMM type
            CPUTFrameConstantBuffer *pCb = (CPUTFrameConstantBuffer*)mapInfo.pData;
            CPUTCamera *pCamera     = gpSample->GetCamera();
            if( pCamera )
                pCb->View               = XMMATRIX((float*)pCamera->GetViewMatrix());
                pCb->Projection         = XMMATRIX((float*)pCamera->GetProjectionMatrix());
            pCb->LightColor         = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3((float*)&mLightColor)); // TODO: Get from light
            float totalSecondsFloat = (float)totalSeconds;
            pCb->TotalSeconds       = XMLoadFloat(&totalSecondsFloat);
            pCb->AmbientColor       = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3((float*)&mAmbientColor));
CPUTCamera *CPUTAssetLibrary::GetCameraByName(const cString &name)
    CPUTCamera *pCamera = (CPUTCamera *) FindAssetByName(name, mpCameraList);
    if (pCamera != NULL)
        return pCamera;

    return NULL;
CPUTCamera *CPUTAssetLibrary::GetCamera(const cString &name)
    // TODO: Should we prefix camera names with a path anyway?  To keek them unique?
    // If we already have one by this name, then return it
    CPUTCamera *pCamera = FindCamera(name, true);
        return pCamera;
    return NULL;
// Set the render state before drawing this object
void CPUTModelDX11::UpdateShaderConstants(CPUTRenderParameters &renderParams)
    ID3D11DeviceContext *pContext  = ((CPUTRenderParametersDX*)&renderParams)->mpContext;
    pContext->Map( mpModelConstantBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mapInfo );
        CPUTModelConstantBuffer *pCb = (CPUTModelConstantBuffer*)mapInfo.pData;

        // TODO: remove construction of XMM type
        XMMATRIX     world((float*)GetWorldMatrix());
        pCb->World = world;

        CPUTCamera *pCamera   = renderParams.mpCamera;
        XMVECTOR    cameraPos = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ));
        if( pCamera )
            XMMATRIX    view((float*)pCamera->GetViewMatrix());
            XMMATRIX    projection((float*)pCamera->GetProjectionMatrix());
            float      *pCameraPos = (float*)&pCamera->GetPosition();
            cameraPos = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( pCameraPos[0], pCameraPos[1], pCameraPos[2] ));

            // Note: We compute viewProjection to a local to avoid reading from write-combined memory.
            // The constant buffer uses write-combined memory.  We read this matrix when computing WorldViewProjection.
            // It is very slow to read it directly from the constant buffer.
            XMMATRIX viewProjection  = view * projection;
            pCb->ViewProjection      = viewProjection;
            pCb->WorldViewProjection = world * viewProjection;
            XMVECTOR determinant     = XMMatrixDeterminant(world);
            pCb->InverseWorld        = XMMatrixInverse(&determinant, XMMatrixTranspose(world));
        // TODO: Have the lights set their render states?

        XMVECTOR lightDirection = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( gLightDir.x, gLightDir.y, gLightDir.z ));
        pCb->LightDirection     = XMVector3Normalize(lightDirection);
        pCb->EyePosition        = cameraPos;
        float *bbCWS = (float*)&mBoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace;
        float *bbHWS = (float*)&mBoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace;
        float *bbCOS = (float*)&mBoundingBoxCenterObjectSpace;
        float *bbHOS = (float*)&mBoundingBoxHalfObjectSpace;
        pCb->BoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace  = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( bbCWS[0], bbCWS[1], bbCWS[2] )); ;
        pCb->BoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace    = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( bbHWS[0], bbHWS[1], bbHWS[2] )); ;
        pCb->BoundingBoxCenterObjectSpace = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( bbCOS[0], bbCOS[1], bbCOS[2] )); ;
        pCb->BoundingBoxHalfObjectSpace   = XMLoadFloat3(&XMFLOAT3( bbHOS[0], bbHOS[1], bbHOS[2] )); ;

        // Shadow camera
        XMMATRIX    shadowView, shadowProjection;
        CPUTCamera *pShadowCamera = gpSample->GetShadowCamera();
        if( pShadowCamera )
            shadowView = XMMATRIX((float*)pShadowCamera->GetViewMatrix());
            shadowProjection = XMMATRIX((float*)pShadowCamera->GetProjectionMatrix());
            pCb->LightWorldViewProjection = world * shadowView * shadowProjection;
bool drawCallback(CPUTModel* pModel, CPUTRenderParameters &renderParams, CPUTMesh* pMesh, CPUTMaterialEffect* pMaterial, CPUTMaterialEffect* , void* )
	UINT mVertexCount = 0;
	UINT mIndexCount = 0;
	int index = 0;
	float rows = 0.0;
	float columns = 0.0;
	float instances = 0.0;
	float angle_value = 0.0;

	// Uniform locations
	GLint vpMatrixBufferLoc = -1;
	GLint worldMatrixBufferLoc = -1;
	float4x4 viewProj;
    float4x4 parents_world;
	rows = (float) currentRowCount;
	columns = (float) currentColCount;

	angle_value = 360.0 / columns;

	const int numInstances = (int)columns * (int) rows;

	parents_world = pModel->GetParentsWorldMatrix();
    CPUTCamera *pCamera   = renderParams.mpCamera;
	// Set Uniform Data
		viewProj = *pCamera->GetViewMatrix() * *pCamera->GetProjectionMatrix();
	// Drawing
	mVertexCount = ((CPUTMeshOGL*)pMesh)->GetVertexCount();
	mIndexCount = ((CPUTMeshOGL*)pMesh)->GetIndexCount();
	CPUTBufferOGL * mpIndexBuffer = ((CPUTMeshOGL*)pMesh)->GetIndexBuffer();

	if(mVertexCount == 0 && mIndexCount == 0)
        return false;

	CPUTMaterialEffectOGL *pMatEffect = (CPUTMaterialEffectOGL*) pMaterial;
	GLuint shaderProgID = pMatEffect->GetShaderID();
    vpMatrixBufferLoc = glGetUniformLocation( shaderProgID, "viewProjMatrix" );
	worldMatrixBufferLoc = glGetUniformLocation( shaderProgID, "worldMatrix" );

	if( isInstanced )

		glUniformMatrix4fv( vpMatrixBufferLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat *) &viewProj );
        glUniformMatrix4fv( worldMatrixBufferLoc, numInstances, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat *) &world[0] );

		if(mpIndexBuffer != NULL)
			GL_CHECK(glDrawElementsInstancedEXT( GL_TRIANGLES, mIndexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL, numInstances ));
			GL_CHECK(glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, numInstances, mVertexCount));
		index = 0;
		glUniformMatrix4fv( vpMatrixBufferLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat *) &viewProj );

		for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
			for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
				glUniformMatrix4fv( worldMatrixBufferLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat *) &world[index] );
				if(mpIndexBuffer != NULL)
					GL_CHECK(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, mIndexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL));
					GL_CHECK(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, mVertexCount));


	return true;
// Set the render state before drawing this object
void CPUTModelOGL::UpdateShaderConstants(CPUTRenderParameters &renderParams)
    float4x4     world(*GetWorldMatrix());
    float4x4     NormalMatrix(*GetWorldMatrix());

	//Local transform if node baked into animation
	if(mSkeleton && mpCurrentAnimation)
		world        = GetParentsWorldMatrix();
		NormalMatrix = GetParentsWorldMatrix();

    if( renderParams.mpPerModelConstants )
        CPUTBufferOGL *pBuffer = (CPUTBufferOGL*)(renderParams.mpPerModelConstants);
        CPUTModelConstantBuffer cb;
        cb.World = world;
        cb.InverseWorld = cb.World;

        CPUTCamera *pCamera   = renderParams.mpCamera;

            cb.WorldViewProjection = cb.World * *pCamera->GetViewMatrix() * *pCamera->GetProjectionMatrix();

        float4x4    shadowView, shadowProjection;
        CPUTCamera *pShadowCamera = gpSample->GetShadowCamera();
        if( pShadowCamera )
            shadowView = *pShadowCamera->GetViewMatrix();
            shadowProjection = *pShadowCamera->GetProjectionMatrix();
            cb.LightWorldViewProjection = cb.World * shadowView * shadowProjection;

        cb.BoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace  = float4(mBoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace, 0);
        cb.BoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace    = float4(mBoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace, 0);
        cb.BoundingBoxCenterObjectSpace = float4(mBoundingBoxCenterObjectSpace, 0);
        cb.BoundingBoxHalfObjectSpace   = float4(mBoundingBoxHalfObjectSpace, 0);

		//TODO: Should this process if object not visible?
		//Only do this if Model has a skin and is animated
		if(mSkeleton && mpCurrentAnimation)
            ASSERT(0, _L("Skinning constant buffer temporarily disabled"));
			//ASSERT(mSkeleton->mNumberOfJoints < 255, _L("Skin Exceeds maximum number of allowable joints: 255"));
			//for(UINT i = 0; i < mSkeleton->mNumberOfJoints; ++i)
			//	CPUTJoint *pJoint = &mSkeleton->mJointsList[i];
			//	cb.SkinMatrix[i] = pJoint->mInverseBindPoseMatrix * pJoint->mScaleMatrix * pJoint->mRTMatrix;
			//	float4x4 skinNormalMatrix = cb.SkinMatrix[i];
			//	skinNormalMatrix.invert(); skinNormalMatrix.transpose();  
			//	cb.SkinNormalMatrix[i] = skinNormalMatrix;

        pBuffer->SetSubData(0, sizeof(CPUTModelConstantBuffer), &cb);

#warning "Need to do something with uniform buffers here"