//  Function Name:  SetReleaseState 
//  Description:    Takes and stores picture
//  Parameters:                    
//  Returns:        void
//  Summary:        When this function is called, the picture is first taken
//                  and then stored by calling GetReleaseData.   
//  Author:         CannonSDK
void CCameraConnect::StartRelease(char* szSavePath)
	cdError		err;
	BOOL		fRes;
	CProgress	CProg;
	//char		szSavePath[MAX_PATH];
	cdUInt32	NumData;
	/* UI is locked so that information may not be changed. */
	err = CDLockUI( m_hSource );
	if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
	//	goto	camerr;
	/* It sets up so that a complete message may be disregarded. */
	m_fProgramRelease = TRUE;
	/* A special camera ends a view finder. */
		if( m_fVFEnd )
			/* A view finder is ended. */
			err = CDTermViewfinder( m_hSource );
			if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
			//	goto	camerr;
			/* A thread is ended. */
			m_fVFEnd = FALSE;
			WaitForSingleObject( g_CpVFThread->m_hThread, INFINITE );
			//m_CViewFinder.SetWindowText( "Start" );
//			Invalidate();
//			UpdateWindow();	
	/* A photograph is taken. */
	NumData = 0;
	err = CDRelease( m_hSource, FALSE, NULL, NULL, cdPROG_NO_REPORT, &NumData );
	if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
	//	goto	camerr;
	/* The directory to save is acquired. */
	//GetSavePath( szSavePath, MAX_PATH );
	/* The photoed picture is saved. */
	fRes = CProg.GetReleaseData( m_hSource, NumData, szSavePath, this );
	if( !fRes )
	//	goto	apierr;
	else if( GETERRORID(CProg.m_LastErr) == cdOPERATION_CANCELLED )
		m_fProgramRelease = FALSE;
		CDUnlockUI( m_hSource );
	else if( GETERRORID(CProg.m_LastErr) != cdOK )
		err = CProg.m_LastErr;
	//	goto	camerr;
	/* The lock of UI is canceled. */
	err = CDUnlockUI( m_hSource );
	if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
	//	goto	camerr;
	/* It sets up so that a complete message may be received. */
	m_fProgramRelease = FALSE;

//  Function Name:  WindowProc 
//  Description:    Used for handling windows messages 
//  Parameters:     UINT message
//                  WPARAM wParam
//                  LPARAM lparam
//                  char *cpBuffer               
//  Returns:        BOOL
//  Summary:        This functions gets called in the CPictureWizardDlg's WindowProc
//                  Within the CPictureWizardDlg's WindowProc functions, we are 
//                  also calling this function since there is a possibility that 
//                  the release button was pressed.  The 'message' tells us what sort of 
//                  message was generated prior to calling WindowProc.  If a picture is 
//                  taken, the ReleaseCallBackFunction will be called setting the message
//                  to g_ReleaseOnMessage 
//  Author:         CannonSDK
BOOL CCameraConnect::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, char* cpBuffer)
	cdError		err;
	BOOL		fRes;
	CProgress	CProg;
	//char		szSavePath[MAX_PATH];
	cdUInt32	NumData;
	if( message == g_ReleaseOnMessage )
		/* UI is locked so that information may not be changed. */
		err = CDLockUI( m_hSource );
		if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
			//goto	camerr;
		/* It sets up so that a complete message may be disregarded. */
		m_fProgramRelease = TRUE;
		/* A special camera ends a view finder. */
			if( m_fVFEnd )
				/* A view finder is ended. */
				err = CDTermViewfinder( m_hSource );
				if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
					//goto	camerr;
				/* A thread is ended. */
				m_fVFEnd = FALSE;
				WaitForSingleObject( g_CpVFThread->m_hThread, INFINITE );
				// this is something that will have to be done on the dlg
				//m_CViewFinder.SetWindowText( "Start" );				
		/* A photograph is taken. */
		NumData = 0;		
		err = CDRelease( m_hSource, FALSE, NULL, NULL, cdPROG_NO_REPORT, &NumData );
		if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
			//goto	camerr;
		/* The directory to save is acquired. */
		// this is actually done in the dlg
		//GetSavePath( szSavePath, MAX_PATH );
		//szSavePath = cpBuffer;

		/* The photoed picture is saved. */
		//fRes = CProg.GetReleaseData( m_hSource, NumData, cpBuffer );
		// Determine if we should take the left picture or the right 
		if (pCPictureWizardDlg->horizontal) // left picture
			//to indicate that horizontal picture is taken
			pCPictureWizardDlg->horizontal = false;
			//set the file name for the horizontal(true) picture 
			fRes = CProg.GetReleaseData( m_hSource, NumData, FileName, this );

			//display horizonal picture in left box
			if (pCPictureWizardDlg->m_jpgLeft.Load(_T(FileName)))
		else // right picture
			//set the file name for the vertical (false) picture
			fRes = CProg.GetReleaseData( m_hSource, NumData, FileName, this );

			//diplay vertical picture in right box
			if (pCPictureWizardDlg->m_jpgRight.Load(_T(FileName)))
				pCPictureWizardDlg->m_jpgRight.Scale(PICTURE_WINDOW_WIDTH, PICTURE_WINDOW_HEIGHT);

		if( !fRes )
			//goto	apierr;
		else if( GETERRORID(CProg.m_LastErr) == cdOPERATION_CANCELLED )
			m_fProgramRelease = FALSE;
			CDUnlockUI( m_hSource );
			return	TRUE;
		else if( GETERRORID(CProg.m_LastErr) != cdOK )
			err = CProg.m_LastErr;
			//goto	camerr;
		/* The lock of UI is canceled. */
		err = CDUnlockUI( m_hSource );
		if( GETERRORID(err) != cdOK )
			//goto	camerr;
		/* It sets up so that a complete message may be received. */
		m_fProgramRelease = FALSE;
		//bPictDone = TRUE;
		return	TRUE;
	return TRUE;	