 string CRedisClient::subscribe()
     CResult result;
     auto t = result.getArry().rbegin();
     return *t;
bool CRedisClient::hscan(const string &key, int64_t cursor, MapString &values, const string &match, uint64_t count )
    static uint64_t lastCur = 0;
    uint64_t realCur = 0;
    CResult result;

    if ( cursor >= 0 )
        realCur = cursor;
        realCur = lastCur;

    Command cmd( "HSCAN" );
    cmd << key << realCur;

    if ( "" != match )
          cmd << "MATCH" << match;

    if ( 0 != count )
           cmd << "COUNT" << count;

    _getArry( cmd, result );
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = result.getArry().begin();
   lastCur = _valueFromString<uint64_t>( it->getString() );
   _getStringMapFromArry( it->getArry(), values );
   return ( lastCur == 0 ? false : true );
uint64_t CRedisClient::hgetall(const string &key, CRedisClient::MapString &values)
    CResult result;
    hgetall( key, result );
    ReplyType type = result.getType();

    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HGETALL: data recv is not arry" );

    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = result.getArry().begin();
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it2 = it;
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator end = result.getArry().end();

    for ( ; it != end; ++it )
        it2 = it++;		// the next element is value.
        values.insert( MapString::value_type( *it2, *it ) );
    return values.size();
void CRedisClient::hmget(const string &key, const CRedisClient::VecString &fields, CResult &result)
    Command cmd( "HMGET" );
    cmd << key;

    VecString::const_iterator it = fields.begin();
    VecString::const_iterator end = fields.end();
    for ( ; it != end; ++it )
        cmd << *it;

    _sendCommand( cmd );
    _getReply( result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HMGET: data recved is not arry" );
bool RedisClient::migrate(  const string& key ,const string& host , const uint16_t& port ,
		const uint16_t& db , const uint16_t& timeout )
	CResult result;
	BuildCommand cmd("MIGRATE");
	cmd << host << port << key << db << timeout;

	SharedPtr<RedisConnection> connObj = GetRedisConnection();
		LOG_ERROR("Send MIGRATE Command Error,cmd:%s",cmd.getCommand().c_str());
		return false;

	ReplyType type = result.getType();
	if ( REDIS_REPLY_STATUS == type )
		//"+NOKEY" may returned
		if (  result.compare(0,2,"OK")==0 || result.compare(0,2,"ok")==0 )
			return true;

	return false;
文件: pict.cpp 项目: cscomic/pict
int __cdecl wmain
    IN int      argc,
    IN wchar_t* args[]
    time_t start = time( NULL );

    CModelData modelData;

    if( !ParseArgs( argc, args, modelData ) )
        return( ErrorCode_BadOption );

    if( !modelData.ReadModel( wstring( args[ 1 ] )))
        return( ErrorCode_BadModel );

    if( !modelData.ReadRowSeedFile( modelData.RowSeedsFile ))
        return( ErrorCode_BadRowSeedFile );

    GcdRunner gcdRunner( modelData );

    ErrorCode err = gcdRunner.Generate();
    if( err != ErrorCode_Success )
        return err;

    time_t end = time( NULL );

    // if r has been provided then print out the seed
    // TODO: change to not use SWITCH_RANDOMIZE const
    if( modelData.ProvidedArguments.find( SWITCH_RANDOMIZE ) != modelData.ProvidedArguments.end() )
        wcerr << L"Used seed: " << static_cast<int>( modelData.RandSeed ) << endl;

    CResult result = gcdRunner.GetResult();

    if( modelData.Statistics )
        PrintStatisticsCaption( wstring( L"Generation time" ));
        printTimeDifference( start, end );
        result.PrintOutput( modelData );

    return( ErrorCode_Success );
void Segmentor::getGoldActions(const vector<Instance>& vecInsts, vector<vector<CAction> >& vecActions) {

	static Metric segEval, posEval;
	static CStateItem state[m_classifier.MAX_SENTENCE_SIZE];
	static CResult output;
	static CAction answer;
	static int numInstance, actionNum;
	for (numInstance = 0; numInstance < vecInsts.size(); numInstance++) {
		const Instance &instance = vecInsts[numInstance];

		actionNum = 0;
		state[actionNum].initSentence(&instance.chars, &instance.candidateLabels);

		while (!state[actionNum].IsTerminated()) {
			state[actionNum].getGoldAction(instance, m_classifier.fe._postagAlphabet, answer);
			state[actionNum].move(state + actionNum + 1, answer, m_classifier.fe._postagAlphabet);

		if (actionNum - 1 != instance.charsize()) {
			std::cout << "action number is not correct, please check" << std::endl;

		instance.evaluate(output, segEval, posEval);

		if (!segEval.bIdentical() || !posEval.bIdentical()) {
			std::cout << "error state conversion!" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "output instance:" << std::endl;
			for (int tmpK = 0; tmpK < instance.words.size(); tmpK++) {
				std::cout << instance.words[tmpK] << "_" << instance.postags[tmpK] << " ";
			std::cout << std::endl;

			std::cout << "predicated instance:" << std::endl;
			for (int tmpK = 0; tmpK < output.size(); tmpK++) {
				std::cout << output.words[tmpK] << "_" << output.postags[tmpK] << " ";
			std::cout << std::endl;


		if ((numInstance + 1) % m_options.verboseIter == 0) {
			cout << numInstance + 1 << " ";
			if ((numInstance + 1) % (40 * m_options.verboseIter) == 0)
				cout << std::endl;
		if (m_options.maxInstance > 0 && numInstance == m_options.maxInstance)
void CRedisClient::time(string& currentseconds,string& microseconds)
    CResult result;
    Command cmd( "TIME" );
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = result.getArry().begin();
int RedisClient::scan( VecString& values , const int& index , const string& pattern ,
		const int& count )
	BuildCommand cmd("SCAN");
	string val;
	SInt64 nextNo;
	CResult arry;

	cmd << index;

	if ( !pattern.empty() )
		LOG_DEBUG("PATTERN:%s", pattern.c_str());
		cmd << "MATCH" << pattern;

	if ( count > 0 && count != 10 )
		LOG_DEBUG("PATTERN:%s", pattern.c_str());
		cmd << "COUNT" << count;

	if ( !_getArry(cmd, arry) )
		return -1;

	CResult::ListCResult arrList = arry.getArry();
	if ( arrList.size() != 2 )
		return -2;

	CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = arrList.begin();

	val = it->getString(); //throw TypeErr
	std::istringstream istr(val);
	istr >> nextNo;

	if ( istr.fail() )
		LOG_ERROR("%s: data received is unexpected",val.c_str());
	LOG_DEBUG("nextNo:%ld", nextNo);

	CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator itKeybgein = it->getArry().begin();
	CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator itKeyend = it->getArry().end();

	while ( itKeybgein != itKeyend )
		val = itKeybgein->getString();

	return nextNo;
bool RedisClient::scriptExists( const string& script )
	BuildCommand cmd("SCRIPT");
	cmd << "EXISTS" << script;

	CResult rst;
	_getArry(cmd, rst);
	CResult::ListCResult lst = rst.getArry();
	CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = lst.begin();
	return it->getInt();
文件: console.cpp 项目: Ryozuki/ddnet
void CConsole::ConUserCommandStatus(IResult *pResult, void *pUser)
	CConsole* pConsole = static_cast<CConsole *>(pUser);
	CResult Result;
	Result.m_pCommand = "access_status";
	char aBuf[4];
	str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_USER);

	pConsole->ConCommandStatus(&Result, pConsole);
// クリエイト
CResult* CResult::Create(MODE_PHASE mode, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9* pDevice)
	CResult* pTitle = NULL;

	// 作成
	pTitle = new CResult;

	// 初期化
	pTitle->Init(mode, pDevice);

	return pTitle;
void CRedisClient::hmset(const string &key, const CRedisClient::MapString &pairs)
    CResult result;
    hmset( key, pairs ,result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_STATUS != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HMSET: data recved is not status" );
uint64_t CRedisClient::hlen(const string &key)
   CResult result;
   hlen( key, result );

   ReplyType type = result.getType();
   if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
   }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_INTEGERER != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HLEN: data recved is not intergerer" );
   return result.getInt();
bool CRedisClient::hsetnx(const string &key, const string &field, const string &value)
    CResult result;
    hsetnx( key, field, value,result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_INTEGERER != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HSETNX: data recved is not intergerer" );
    return ( result.getInt()==1?true:false );
uint64_t CRedisClient::hincrby(const string &key, const string &field, uint64_t increment)
    CResult result;
    hincrby( key, field, increment,result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_INTEGERER != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HINCRBY: data recved is not intgerer" );
    return result.getInt();
float CRedisClient::hincrbyfloat(const string &key, const string &field, float increment)
    CResult result;
    hincrbyfloat( key, field, increment,result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_STRING != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HINCRBYFLOAT: data recved is not string" );
    return _valueFromString<float>(  result.getString() );
bool CRedisClient::hexists(const string &key, const string &field)
    CResult result;
    hexists( key, field, result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();

    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_INTEGERER != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HEXISTS: data recv is not intgerer" );
    return result.getInt();
uint64_t CRedisClient::hdel( const string &key, const CRedisClient::VecString &fields )
    CResult result;
    hdel( key, fields, result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();

    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_INTEGERER != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HDEL: data recv is not intgerer" );
    return result.getInt();
uint64_t CRedisClient::hkeys(const string &key, CRedisClient::VecString &values)
    CResult result;
    hkeys( key, result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
   if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
       throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
   }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY != type )
        throw ProtocolErr("HKEYS: data recved is not arry");

   _getValueFromArry( result.getArry(), values );
   return values.size();
 void CRedisClient::psubscribe( const VecString& pattern, CResult& result)
	Command cmd( "PSUBSCRIBE" );
	VecString::const_iterator it = pattern.begin();
	for ( ; it != pattern.end(); ++it )
		cmd << *it;
	_getArry( cmd, result );
		_getReply( result );
uint8_t CRedisClient::hset(const std::string &key, const std::string &field, const std::string &value)
    CResult result;

   hset( key, field, value, result );
   ReplyType type = result.getType();
   if ( type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );

   if ( type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGERER )
       throw ProtocolErr( "HSET: data recved is not integerer" );
   return result.getInt();
bool CRedisClient::setXX(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
    CResult result;
    _set( key, value, result,"XX" );

    if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR )
       throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    } else if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_NIL )
        return false;
    }else if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS )
        return true;
        throw ProtocolErr( "SET: data recved is not status" );
bool TestDspCmdDirGetVmList::getResultVmList(QList<QDomDocument>& listResult, CResult& _result)
   QString  errorMsg;
   int      errorLine, errorColumn;


   for (int i = 0; i < _result.GetParamsCount(); i++)
      if (!listResult[i].setContent(_result.GetParamToken(i), false, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn ))
         WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "error in result: [idx=%d], errorMsg=%s, line=%d, column=%d", i
            , errorMsg.toUtf8().data(), errorLine, errorColumn);
         WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "[%s]\n", _result.GetParamToken(i).toUtf8().data());
         return false;
   return true;
uint64_t CRedisClient::hvals(const string &key, CRedisClient::VecString &values)
    CResult result;
    hvals( key, result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY != type )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HVALS: data recved is not arry");
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = result.getArry().begin();
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator end = result.getArry().end();
    for ( ; it != end; ++it )
        values.push_back( static_cast<string>(*it) );
    return values.size();
bool CRedisClient::get( const std::string &key, std::string &value )
    CResult result;
    get( key, result );

    ReplyType type = result.getType();
    if ( type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( type == REDIS_REPLY_NIL )
        return false;
    }else if ( type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING )
        value = result.getString();
        return true;
        throw ProtocolErr( "GET: data recved is not string" );
void CRedisClient::_set(const std::string &key,const std::string &value)
    CResult result;
    _set( key, value, result );

    if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS )
        if ( result.getStatus() == "OK" )
            throw ProtocolErr( "SET: data recved is not OK" );
        throw ProtocolErr( "SET: data recved is not status" );
std::string CResult::display( const CResult &ele, int indent )
    ReplyType e = ele.getType( );
    string type =CResult::getTypeString( e );
    std::stringstream out;
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY == e )
       CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = ele.getArry().begin() ;
        indent += 3;

        out <<"{\n";
        for ( int i = 0; i < indent; i++ )
            out << " ";

        indent += 3;
        out << "type:" << type <<", value:[" << std::endl;
        for ( ; it!=ele.getArry().end(); it++ )
            for ( int i = 0; i < indent; i++ )
                out << " ";

            out << display( *it, indent )  << std::endl;

        for ( int i = 0; i < indent-3; i++ )
            out << " ";
        out << "]\n";

        for ( int i = 0; i < indent-6; i++ )
            out << " ";
        out << "};";
        out << "{type: " << type << " ,value: " << std::string( ele ) << "};";
    return out.str() ;
bool CRedisClient::hscan(const string &key, int64_t cursor, VecString& values,const string &match, uint64_t count )
    static uint64_t lastCur = 0;
    uint64_t realCur = 0;
    CResult result;

    if ( cursor >= 0 )
        realCur = cursor;
        realCur = lastCur;

    hscan( key, realCur, match, count, result );
    ReplyType type = result.getType() ;
    if ( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    }else if ( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY != type )
         throw ProtocolErr( "HSCAN: data recved is not arry" );
    CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = result.getArry().begin();

    if ( REDIS_REPLY_STRING != it->getType() )
        throw ProtocolErr( "HSCAN: first ele is not string" );

    lastCur = _valueFromString<uint64_t>( it->getString() );

    _getValueFromArry( it->getArry(), values );

    return ( lastCur == 0 ? false : true );
bool CRedisClient::setEX(const std::string &key, const std::string &value, long time, SET_OPTION opt )
    string suffix;
    if ( DEFAULT == opt )
    else if ( NX == opt )
        suffix = "NX";
    }else if ( XX == opt )
        suffix = "XX";
        return false;

    CResult result;
    _set( key, value, result,"EX", time,suffix );

    if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR )
        throw ReplyErr( result.getErrorString() );
    else if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS )
       return true;
    }else if ( result.getType() == REDIS_REPLY_NIL )
        return false;
        throw ProtocolErr( "SET: data recved is not status" );