void CRoboMXApp::ApplyPic(void) { if(m_bPicLoaded){ m_iBgImage.Destroy(); HWND hMain = m_pMainWnd->GetWindow(GW_CHILD)->GetSafeHwnd(); SetWindowLong(hMain, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)m_pOldWndProc); m_bPicLoaded = FALSE; SendMessage(hMain, WM_ERASEBKGND, (WPARAM)::GetDC(hMain), 0); } if(g_sSettings.GetUseImage()){ //hBmp = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), g_sSettings.GetImage(),IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR|LR_LOADFROMFILE); //if (hBmp == NULL){ if(m_iBgImage.Load(g_sSettings.GetImage()) == E_FAIL){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERROR_BG_LOAD, MB_OK); } else{ m_bPicLoaded = TRUE; HWND hMain = m_pMainWnd->GetWindow(GW_CHILD)->GetSafeHwnd(); m_pOldWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLong(hMain, GWL_WNDPROC); SetWindowLong(hMain, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)NewWndProc); SendMessage(hMain, WM_ERASEBKGND, (WPARAM)::GetDC(hMain), 0); } } }
void CLoginCfg::Load() { m_lcLogin.DeleteAllItems(); POSITION pos = g_sSettings.GetLoginIterator(); while(pos){ CString strPass; UINT uMode; g_sSettings.IterateLogins(pos, strPass, uMode); if(!strPass.IsEmpty() && uMode != 0){ int nPos = m_lcLogin.InsertItem(0, strPass); if(nPos < 0) continue; //error m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 1, ((uMode & LOGIN_MAIN) == LOGIN_MAIN) ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 2, ((uMode & LOGIN_SUB) == LOGIN_SUB) ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 3, ((uMode & UM_VOICED) == UM_VOICED) ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 4, ((uMode & UM_AGENT) == UM_AGENT) ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 5, ((uMode & UM_ADMIN) == UM_ADMIN) ? "x" : ""); } } UINT uMode = g_sSettings.GetDefaultUserMode(); if((uMode & UM_VOICED) == UM_VOICED) m_bDefVoice = TRUE; if((uMode & UM_ADMIN) == UM_ADMIN) m_bDefAdmin = TRUE; if((uMode & UM_AGENT) == UM_AGENT) m_bDefAgent = TRUE; UpdateData(FALSE); }
bool CClientService::ConnectPipes () { LOGINFO (TEXT ("Connecting pipes to JVM")); m_oPipesSemaphore.Wait (); if (!m_poPipes) { m_oPipesSemaphore.Signal (); LOGFATAL (TEXT ("Pipes not created")); assert (0); return false; } if (!m_poJVM) { m_oPipesSemaphore.Signal (); LOGFATAL (TEXT ("JVM not created")); assert (0); return false; } CSettings oSettings; const TCHAR *pszPipeName = oSettings.GetConnectionPipe (); LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Connecting to ") << pszPipeName); unsigned long lTimeout = m_poJVM->FirstConnection () ? oSettings.GetStartTimeout () : oSettings.GetConnectTimeout (); m_lSendTimeout = lTimeout; m_lShortTimeout = oSettings.GetSendTimeout (); unsigned long lTime = GetTickCount (); CNamedPipe *poPipe; do { poPipe = CNamedPipe::ClientWrite (pszPipeName); if (poPipe) { break; } else { int ec = GetLastError (); if (ec == ENOENT) { if (GetTickCount () - lTime > lTimeout) { m_oPipesSemaphore.Signal (); LOGWARN (TEXT ("Timeout waiting for JVM service to open ") << pszPipeName); return false; } else { if (m_poJVM->IsAlive ()) { LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Waiting for JVM service to open pipe")); CThread::Sleep (oSettings.GetServicePoll ()); } else { m_oPipesSemaphore.Signal (); LOGWARN (TEXT ("JVM service terminated before opening ") << pszPipeName); return false; } } } else { m_oPipesSemaphore.Signal (); LOGWARN (TEXT ("Couldn't connect to ") << pszPipeName << TEXT (", error ") << ec); return false; } } } while (true); LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Connected to service")); bool bResult = m_poPipes->Connect (m_pszLanguageID, poPipe, lTimeout); if (!bResult) { LOGWARN (TEXT ("Couldn't connect to JVM service, error ") << GetLastError ()); } delete poPipe; m_oPipesSemaphore.Signal (); return bResult; }
bool CControllerManager::SaveControllerSettings(LPCTSTR pszName) const { int Index=FindController(pszName); if (Index<0) return false; const ControllerInfo &Info=m_ControllerList[Index]; if (!Info.fSettingsChanged) return true; CSettings Settings; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; if (!Info.pController->GetIniFileName(szFileName,lengthof(szFileName))) return false; if (Settings.Open(szFileName,CSettings::OPEN_WRITE) && Settings.SetSection(Info.pController->GetIniFileSection())) { const int NumButtons=Info.pController->NumButtons(); const CCommandList &CommandList=GetAppClass().CommandList; for (int i=0;i<NumButtons;i++) { TCHAR szName[64]; LPCTSTR pszText=NULL; ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Button%d_Command"),i); if (Info.Settings.AssignList[i]!=0) pszText=CommandList.GetCommandTextByID(Info.Settings.AssignList[i]); Settings.Write(szName,pszText!=NULL?pszText:TEXT("")); } if (!Info.pController->IsActiveOnly()) Settings.Write(TEXT("ActiveOnly"),Info.Settings.fActiveOnly); } return true; }
bool CVideoDecoderOptions::ReadSettings(CSettings &Settings) { CMediaViewer &MediaViewer = GetAppClass().CoreEngine.m_DtvEngine.m_MediaViewer; VideoDecoderSettings DecoderSettings; int Value; MediaViewer.GetVideoDecoderSettings(&DecoderSettings); Settings.Read(TEXT("EnableDeinterlace"), &DecoderSettings.bEnableDeinterlace); if (Settings.Read(TEXT("DeinterlaceMethod"), &Value)) DecoderSettings.DeinterlaceMethod = static_cast<TVTVIDEODEC_DeinterlaceMethod>(Value); Settings.Read(TEXT("AdaptProgressive"), &DecoderSettings.bAdaptProgressive); Settings.Read(TEXT("AdaptTelecine"), &DecoderSettings.bAdaptTelecine); Settings.Read(TEXT("SetInterlacedFlag"), &DecoderSettings.bSetInterlacedFlag); Settings.Read(TEXT("Brightness"), &DecoderSettings.Brightness); Settings.Read(TEXT("Contrast"), &DecoderSettings.Contrast); Settings.Read(TEXT("Hue"), &DecoderSettings.Hue); Settings.Read(TEXT("Saturation"), &DecoderSettings.Saturation); Settings.Read(TEXT("NumThreads"), &DecoderSettings.NumThreads); Settings.Read(TEXT("EnableDXVA2"), &DecoderSettings.bEnableDXVA2); MediaViewer.SetVideoDecoderSettings(DecoderSettings); return true; }
CRunnerThread (CClientService *poService) : CThread () { LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Runner thread created")); CSettings oSettings; m_poService = poService; m_msgStash = NULL; m_lHeartbeatTimeout = oSettings.GetHeartbeatTimeout (); }
void Run () { CSettings settings; ASSERT (settings.GetConnectionPipe ()); LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Connecting to ") << settings.GetConnectionPipe ()); CNamedPipe *poPipe = CNamedPipe::ClientWrite (settings.GetConnectionPipe ()); ASSERT (poPipe); LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Client connected")); ClientConnect cc; memset (&cc, 0, sizeof (cc)); cc._userName = TEST_USERNAME; cc._CPPToJavaPipe = TEST_CPP2JAVA; cc._JavaToCPPPipe = TEST_JAVA2CPP; cc._languageID = TEST_LANGUAGE; #ifdef _DEBUG cc._debug = FUDGE_TRUE; #endif /* ifdef _DEBUG */ FudgeMsg msg; ASSERT (ClientConnect_toFudgeMsg (&cc, &msg) == FUDGE_OK); FudgeMsgEnvelope env; ASSERT (FudgeMsgEnvelope_create (&env, 0, 0, 0, msg) == FUDGE_OK); fudge_byte *ptrBuffer; fudge_i32 cbBuffer; ASSERT (FudgeCodec_encodeMsg (env, &ptrBuffer, &cbBuffer) == FUDGE_OK); FudgeMsgEnvelope_release (env); FudgeMsg_release (msg); LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Writing connection packet")); ASSERT (poPipe->Write (ptrBuffer, cbBuffer, TIMEOUT_CONNECT) == (size_t)cbBuffer); LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Connection packet written")); delete ptrBuffer; LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Disconnecting")); delete poPipe; }
CSettings* CSettings::NewLC() { CSettings* self = new (ELeave) CSettings(); _CPUSH(self); self->ConstructL(); return self; }
bool CLogoDialog::fill_users(void) { QString s; CSettings settings; QStringList sls; QString CurUserName; //user name CurUserName=qgetenv( "USER" );//current user name (by OS) if(CurUserName==QString::fromUtf8(""))//OS no support qgetenv { QDir dir(QDir::home()); CurUserName=dir.dirName(); } if(settings.load(QString::fromUtf8("USERS"),s)) { if(s.length()>0) sls=s.split(","); } if(sls.count()<=0)//empty? ui->comboBoxUser->addItem(CurUserName);//add user name fom OS else ui->comboBoxUser->addItems(sls);//add lastest users //- sls.clear(); return true; }
void CSelectLanguageDlg::OnOK() { // Declare variables CSettings * pSettings = CSettings::Instance(); CPath * pPath = CPath::Instance(); CString sLanguage, sLanguageFile = _T("default"); // Get data m_cboLanguage.GetWindowText(sLanguage); // Now, get the right file for (int i = 0; i < m_iLanguageCount; i++) { // Is this the right language if (m_arrLanguages[i].sDescription == sLanguage) { // Yes, it is sLanguageFile = m_arrLanguages[i].sFilename; } } // Set language in settings pSettings->SetLanguage(sLanguageFile); // Should we even save it to settings.ini? if (m_chkRemember.GetCheck() != 0) { // Save to settings.ini WritePrivateProfileString(_T("UPDATER"), _T("language"), sLanguageFile, CInternalData::Instance()->GetSettingsFile()); } // Call original function CDialog::OnOK(); }
UINT DialogThreadFunktion(LPVOID param) { CSettings dialog; dialog.DoModal(); settingdialogopened=false; return 0; }
long CRequestBuilder::GetDefaultTimeout () { static long volatile s_lDefaultTimeout = 0; if (!s_lDefaultTimeout) { CSettings oSettings; s_lDefaultTimeout = oSettings.GetSendTimeout () * 2; } return s_lDefaultTimeout; }
void CFindDialog::saveSearchSettings() const { CSettings s; s.setValue(_settingsRootCategory + SETTINGS_BACKWARDS, searchBackwards()); s.setValue(_settingsRootCategory + SETTINGS_CASE_SENSITIVE, caseSensitive()); s.setValue(_settingsRootCategory + SETTINGS_REGEX, regex()); s.setValue(_settingsRootCategory + SETTINGS_WHOLE_WORDS, wholeWords()); }
/// Exitlude actions to stop the service, e.g. to remove any state that was created as part of _ServiceStartup. /// /// @param[in] nReason how the service was run (e.g. SERVICE_RUN_INLINE) - different actions may be required /// depending on whether the code is running direct from main() or through another mechanism. static void _ServiceStop (int nReason) { CSettings oSettings; #ifndef _WIN32 if (nReason == SERVICE_RUN_DAEMON) { const TCHAR *pszPID = oSettings.GetPidFile (); if (pszPID) { LOGINFO (TEXT ("Removing PID file ") << pszPID); unlink (pszPID); } } #endif /* ifndef _WIN32 */ }
bool CSideBarOptions::WriteSettings(CSettings &Settings) { Settings.Clear(); Settings.Write(TEXT("ShowPopup"),m_fShowPopup); Settings.Write(TEXT("ShowToolTips"),m_fShowToolTips); Settings.Write(TEXT("ShowChannelLogo"),m_fShowChannelLogo); Settings.Write(TEXT("PopupOpacity"),m_PopupOpacity); Settings.Write(TEXT("Place"),(int)m_Place); Settings.Write(TEXT("ItemCount"),(int)m_ItemNameList.size()); for (size_t i=0;i<m_ItemNameList.size();i++) { TCHAR szName[32]; StdUtil::snprintf(szName,lengthof(szName),TEXT("Item%d"),(int)i); Settings.Write(szName,m_ItemNameList[i]); } /* const CCommandList *pCommandList=m_pSideBar->GetCommandList(); for (size_t i=0;i<m_ItemList.size();i++) { TCHAR szName[32]; StdUtil::snprintf(szName,lengthof(szName),TEXT("Item%d"),i); if (m_ItemList[i]==ITEM_SEPARATOR) Settings.Write(szName,TEXT("")); else Settings.Write(szName,pCommandList->GetCommandTextByID(m_ItemList[i])); } */ return true; }
bool CChannelManager::LoadChannelSettings(LPCTSTR pszFileName,LPCTSTR pszDriverName) { if (m_TuningSpaceList.IsEmpty() || m_fChannelFileHasStreamIDs) return true; CSettings Settings; int SpaceCount; TRACE(TEXT("ストリーム情報の読み込み : \"%s\" [%s]\n"),pszFileName,pszDriverName); if (!Settings.Open(pszFileName,CSettings::OPEN_READ) || !Settings.SetSection(::PathFindFileName(pszDriverName))) return false; if (Settings.Read(TEXT("SpaceCount"),&SpaceCount) && SpaceCount>0) { for (int i=0;i<SpaceCount;i++) { int NumChannels; TCHAR szName[64]; ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Space%d_Count"),i); if (Settings.Read(szName,&NumChannels) && NumChannels>0) { for (int j=0;j<NumChannels;j++) { int ChannelIndex; int NumServices; unsigned int NetworkID,TSID,ServiceID; ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Space%d_ChannelMap%d"),i,j); if (Settings.Read(szName,&ChannelIndex)) { ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Space%d_Channel%d_NID"),i,ChannelIndex); if (!Settings.Read(szName,&NetworkID)) NetworkID=0; ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Space%d_Channel%d_TSID"),i,ChannelIndex); if (!Settings.Read(szName,&TSID)) TSID=0; if (NetworkID!=0 || TSID!=0) { ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Space%d_Channel%d_Count"),i,ChannelIndex); if (Settings.Read(szName,&NumServices) && NumServices>0) { for (int k=0;k<NumServices;k++) { ::wsprintf(szName,TEXT("Space%d_Channel%d_Service%d_SID"),i,ChannelIndex,k); if (Settings.Read(szName,&ServiceID) && ServiceID!=0) UpdateStreamInfo(i,ChannelIndex,NetworkID,TSID,ServiceID); } } } } } } } } return true; }
/// Creates a description of the service for registering with the service control /// manager. /// /// @return the table static SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY *_CreateDispatchTable () { CSettings oSettings; PCTSTR pszServiceName = oSettings.GetServiceName (); size_t cchServiceName = _tcslen (pszServiceName); SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = (SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY*)malloc (sizeof (SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY) * 2 + (cchServiceName + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!pEntry) { LOGFATAL (TEXT ("Out of memory")); return NULL; } memcpy (pEntry[0].lpServiceName = (PTSTR)(pEntry + 1), pszServiceName, cchServiceName * sizeof (TCHAR)); pEntry[0].lpServiceProc = ServiceMain; pEntry[1].lpServiceName = NULL; pEntry[1].lpServiceProc = NULL; return pEntry; }
void CSubChannelCfg::OnOK() { UpdateData(TRUE); g_sSettings.SetSubFirstIsSupoer(m_bFirstIsSuper); g_sSettings.SetAutoCloseSub(m_bAutoClose); g_sSettings.SetLimitSub(m_uMax); UINT uMode = 0; uMode = g_sSettings.GetChannelMode(); if(m_bEnable){ uMode |= CM_SUBCHANNELS; } else{ uMode &= ~CM_SUBCHANNELS; } g_sSettings.SetChannelMode(uMode); switch(m_nSubLevel){ case 0: // everyone uMode = UM_NORMAL; break; case 1: // voice admin agent uMode = UM_ADMIN|UM_AGENT|UM_VOICED; break; case 2: // admin agent uMode = UM_ADMIN|UM_AGENT; break; case 3:// admin uMode = UM_ADMIN; break; default: // host uMode = UM_HOST; break; } g_sSettings.SetSubPermission(uMode); g_sSettings.SetDisplaySubText(m_bDisplaySubs); g_sSettings.SetSubListed(m_bSubList); g_sSettings.Save(); CWnd* pWnd = AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd; if(pWnd){ pWnd->SendMessage(UWM_SETTINGS, 0, 0); } }
void CLoginCfg::OnAdd() { if(!UpdateData(TRUE)) return; if(m_strPassword.IsEmpty()){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_PASSWORDEMPTY, MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK); return; } if(!m_bMain && !m_bSub){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_NOCHANNELLOGIN, MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK); return; } if(!m_bVoice && !m_bAgent && !m_bAdmin){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_NOUSERMODE, MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK); return; } for(int i = 0; i < m_lcLogin.GetItemCount(); i++){ if(m_lcLogin.GetItemText(i, 0) == m_strPassword){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_LOGINEXISTS, MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK); return; } } int nPos = m_lcLogin.InsertItem(0, m_strPassword); if(nPos < 0) return; m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 1, m_bMain ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 2, m_bSub ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 3, m_bVoice ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 4, m_bAgent ? "x" : ""); m_lcLogin.SetItemText(nPos, 5, m_bAdmin ? "x" : ""); UINT uMode = 0; if(m_bMain) uMode |= LOGIN_MAIN; if(m_bSub) uMode |= LOGIN_SUB; if(m_bVoice) uMode |= UM_VOICED; if(m_bAgent) uMode |= UM_AGENT; if(m_bAdmin) uMode |= UM_ADMIN; g_sSettings.AddLogin(m_strPassword, uMode); m_strPassword.Empty(); m_bMain = FALSE; m_bSub = FALSE; m_bVoice = FALSE; m_bAgent = FALSE; m_bAdmin = FALSE; UpdateData(FALSE); }
/// Prelude actions to start up the service, e.g. to set any global variables from the settings or perform /// any system specific actions. E.g. the Windows implementation registers with the service control manager /// and can optionally set the security descriptor on the process to allow clients to kill/restart it. /// /// @param[in] nReason how the startup is occuring (e.g. SERVICE_RUN_INLINE) - different actions may be /// required depending on whether the code is running direct from main() or through another mechansim static void _ServiceStartup (int nReason) { CSettings oSettings; #ifdef _WIN32 if (nReason == SERVICE_RUN_SCM) { g_hServiceStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler (oSettings.GetServiceName (), ServiceHandler); } PCTSTR pszSDDL = oSettings.GetServiceSDDL (); if (pszSDDL) { LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Setting security descriptor ") << pszSDDL); PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psdRelative; if (ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor (pszSDDL, SDDL_REVISION_1, &psdRelative, NULL)) { DWORD cbAbsolute = 1024; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psdAbsolute = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)malloc (cbAbsolute); DWORD cbD = 1024; PACL paclD = (PACL)malloc (cbD); DWORD cbS = 1024; PACL paclS = (PACL)malloc (cbS); DWORD cbOwner = 1024; PSID psidOwner = (PSID)malloc (cbOwner); DWORD cbPGroup = 1024; PSID psidPGroup = (PSID)malloc (cbPGroup); if (MakeAbsoluteSD (psdRelative, psdAbsolute, &cbAbsolute, paclD, &cbD, paclS, &cbS, psidOwner, &cbOwner, psidPGroup, &cbPGroup)) { DWORD dwError = SetSecurityInfo (GetCurrentProcess (), SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, paclD, NULL); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOGINFO (TEXT ("Security descriptor set on process handle")); } else { LOGWARN (TEXT ("Couldn't set security descriptor on process handle, error ") << GetLastError ()); } } else { LOGWARN (TEXT ("Couldn't create absolute security description, error ") << GetLastError ()); } free (psdAbsolute); free (paclD); free (paclS); free (psidOwner); free (psidPGroup); LocalFree (psdRelative); } else { LOGWARN (TEXT ("Couldn't parse SDDL ") << pszSDDL << TEXT (", error ") << GetLastError ()); } } else { LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("No security descriptor specified")); } #endif /* ifdef _WIN32 */ g_lBusyTimeout = oSettings.GetBusyTimeout (); _ReportStateStarting (); }
bool CDriverManager::LoadTunerSpec(LPCTSTR pszFileName) { CSettings Settings; if (!Settings.Open(pszFileName,CSettings::OPEN_READ) || !Settings.SetSection(TEXT("TunerSpec"))) return false; CSettings::EntryList Entries; if (!Settings.GetEntries(&Entries)) return false; for (auto it=Entries.begin();it!=Entries.end();++it) { TunerSpecInfo Info; Info.TunerMask=it->Name; Info.Spec.Flags=0; std::vector<TVTest::String> Attributes; if (TVTest::StringUtility::Split(it->Value,TEXT("|"),&Attributes)) { static const struct { LPCTSTR pszName; unsigned int Flag; } FlagList[] = { {TEXT("network"), TunerSpec::FLAG_NETWORK}, {TEXT("file"), TunerSpec::FLAG_FILE}, {TEXT("virtual"), TunerSpec::FLAG_VIRTUAL}, {TEXT("volatile"), TunerSpec::FLAG_VOLATILE}, {TEXT("no-enum-channel"), TunerSpec::FLAG_NOENUMCHANNEL}, }; for (int i=0;i<lengthof(FlagList);i++) { for (auto itAttr=Attributes.begin();itAttr!=Attributes.end();++itAttr) { TVTest::StringUtility::Trim(*itAttr); if (TVTest::StringUtility::CompareNoCase(*itAttr,FlagList[i].pszName)==0) { Info.Spec.Flags|=FlagList[i].Flag; break; } } } } m_TunerSpecList.push_back(Info); } return true; }
bool CInformationPanel::WriteSettings(CSettings &Settings) { for (int i=0;i<NUM_ITEMS;i++) { const CItem *pItem=m_ItemList[i]; Settings.Write(pItem->GetName(),pItem->IsVisible()); } return true; }
bool CControllerManager::ReadSettings(CSettings &Settings) { TCHAR szText[256]; if (Settings.Read(TEXT("CurController"),szText,lengthof(szText))) m_CurController=szText; return true; }
LRESULT CSettingsDlg::OnClickedCancel(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { int nTab = m_tab_ctrl.GetCurSel(); int lres = 1; if(nTab != 3) { if(_Settings.m_initial_scripts_folder != _Settings.GetScriptsFolder()) { _Settings.SetScriptsFolder(_Settings.m_initial_scripts_folder, true); } CWindow* pWnd; TC_ITEM tci; tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM; int cnt = m_tab_ctrl.GetItemCount(); for (int i = cnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m_tab_ctrl.GetItem(i, &tci); pWnd = (CWindow*)tci.lParam; if(pWnd) { pWnd->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDCANCEL, 0), 0); } } } else { TC_ITEM tci; tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM; m_tab_ctrl.GetItem(nTab, &tci); CWindow* pWnd = (CWindow*)tci.lParam; if(pWnd) { lres = pWnd->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDCANCEL, 0), 0); } } if(lres) EndDialog(wID); return 0; }
void CLoginCfg::OnOK() { if(!UpdateData(TRUE)) return; UINT uMode = UM_NORMAL; if(m_bDefVoice) uMode |= UM_VOICED; if(m_bDefAdmin) uMode |= UM_ADMIN; if(m_bDefAgent) uMode |= UM_AGENT; g_sSettings.SetDefaultUserMode(uMode); g_sSettings.Save(); CWnd* pWnd = AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd; if(pWnd){ pWnd->SendMessage(UWM_SETTINGS, 0, 0); } }
bool CInformationPanel::ReadSettings(CSettings &Settings) { for (int i=0;i<NUM_ITEMS;i++) { CItem *pItem=m_ItemList[i]; bool f; if (Settings.Read(pItem->GetName(),&f)) pItem->SetVisible(f); } return true; }
bool CGeneralOptions::WriteSettings(CSettings &Settings) { Settings.Write(TEXT("DriverDirectory"),m_BonDriverDirectory); Settings.Write(TEXT("DefaultDriverType"),(int)m_DefaultDriverType); Settings.Write(TEXT("DefaultDriver"),m_DefaultBonDriverName); Settings.Write(TEXT("Driver"),GetAppClass().CoreEngine.GetDriverFileName()); Settings.Write(TEXT("Resident"),m_fResident); Settings.Write(TEXT("KeepSingleTask"),m_fKeepSingleTask); Settings.Write(TEXT("StandaloneProgramGuide"),m_fStandaloneProgramGuide); Settings.Write(TEXT("Enable1SegFallback"),m_fEnable1SegFallback); return true; }
void CRenameDlg::OnOK() { if(!UpdateData(TRUE)) return; if(m_strName.GetLength() < 1){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERROR_NAME_SHORT, MB_ICONINFORMATION); return; } if((m_strName.Find(" ") >= 0) || (m_strName.Find("\\rtf") >= 0)){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERROR_NAME_INVALID, MB_ICONINFORMATION); return; } if(m_bWPNOnly == 2){ Util::MakeValidUserName(m_strName, FALSE, 0); } else{ Util::MakeValidUserName(m_strName, m_bAllRooms, m_bAllRooms ? GetApp()->GetMainFrame()->m_wClientID : 0); } if(m_strName.GetLength() > 45){ AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERROR_NAME_LONG, MB_ICONINFORMATION); return; } UpdateData(FALSE); g_sSettings.SetNickname(m_strName); g_sSettings.SetLine(m_nLine); g_sSettings.SetFiles(m_dwFiles); CDialog::OnOK(); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { std::string filename = "settings.ini"; CSettings* settings = new CSettings(filename); if (!settings->LoadSettings()) { std::cout << "Unable to load settings.ini"; return 1; } std::map<std::string, std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>> attribmap = settings->GetAttributes(); std::map<std::string, std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>::iterator itr = attribmap.begin(); std::map<std::string, std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>::iterator end = attribmap.end(); for (; itr != end; itr++) { std::string def = (*itr).first.c_str(); std::cout << def << std::endl; std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> section = settings->GetSection(def); for (std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>::const_iterator it = section.begin(); it != section.end(); it++) { std::cout << (*it).first << " = " << (*it).second << std::endl; } } settings->Set("[Default]", "TESTSTR", "\"re-changed line with ; in quotes\""); settings->SaveSettings(); return 0; }
bool CInputDialogWaregroup::settings(bool bUpdate) { bool b; CSettings settings; QList<QString> lsSType,lsSValue,lsSUpdateType,lsSUpdateValue; lsSType.push_back(QString("DLG_WAREGROUP_TREE")); //- b=settings.load(lsSType,lsSValue);//load all settings if(b) { if(!bUpdate)//set { //tree width if(lsSValue.count()>0) settings.set_tree_width(ui->treeWidgetParents,lsSValue[0],500); } if(bUpdate)//write { //tree width if(lsSValue.count()>0) { if(settings.get_tree_width(ui->treeWidgetParents,lsSValue[0]))//setting change? { lsSUpdateType.push_back(lsSType[0]); lsSUpdateValue.push_back(lsSValue[0]); } } //write updates if(lsSUpdateType.count()>0 && lsSUpdateType.count()==lsSUpdateValue.count()) b=settings.write(lsSUpdateType,lsSUpdateValue); } } //- lsSValue.clear(); lsSType.clear(); lsSUpdateValue.clear(); lsSUpdateType.clear(); return b; }