int CSpecialApp::SplitCString1(CString strIn, CSimpleArray<CString>& vec_String, TCHAR division) { vec_String.RemoveAll(); if (!strIn.IsEmpty()) { int nCount = 0; int nPos = -1; nPos = strIn.Find(division); CString strTemp = strIn; while (nPos != -1) { CString strSubString = strTemp.Left(nPos); strTemp = strTemp.Right(strTemp.GetLength() - nPos-1); nPos = strTemp.Find(division); nCount++; vec_String.Add(strSubString); } if (nCount == vec_String.GetSize()) { CString str; int nSize = strIn.ReverseFind(division); str = strIn.Right(strIn.GetLength()-nSize-1); vec_String.Add(str); } } return vec_String.GetSize(); }
BOOL WriteRegMString( HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR pszSubKey, LPCTSTR pszValue, const CSimpleArray<CString> &ms ) { INT nLen = 0; for(int i=0; i<ms.GetSize(); ++i) { nLen += ms[i].GetLength() + 1; } nLen += (nLen==0 ? 2 : 1); TCHAR *pbuf = new TCHAR[nLen]; if( !pbuf ) return FALSE; ZeroMemory(pbuf, sizeof(TCHAR)*nLen ); TCHAR *p = pbuf; for(int i=0; i<ms.GetSize(); ++i) { const CString &str = ms[i]; _tcscpy(p, str); p += str.GetLength() + 1; } BOOL bRet = ERROR_SUCCESS==SHSetValue(hkey, pszSubKey, pszValue, REG_MULTI_SZ, pbuf, nLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); delete pbuf; return bRet; }
INT FixUpdateGarbage() { CSimpleArray<CString> arrSubKeys; LPCTSTR szPathUpdates = _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Updates"); EnumRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPathUpdates, _FixUpdateGarbage, (LPVOID)&arrSubKeys); for(int i=0; i<arrSubKeys.GetSize(); ++i) { CString strSubKey; strSubKey.Format(_T("%s\\%s"), szPathUpdates, arrSubKeys[i]); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubKey); } return arrSubKeys.GetSize(); }
int CLDEditTxtFile::_LoadTxtFileWithItems(CSimpleArray<CString>& arrFileItems) { int nRet = -1; USES_CONVERSION; char pszFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; StringCbPrintfA(pszFilePath, sizeof(pszFilePath), "%s", W2A(m_strTxtFile)); FILE* pFile = NULL; //open file fopen_s(&pFile, const_cast<char*>(pszFilePath), "r"); if (NULL == pFile) return nRet; char pszFileValue[1024] = {0}; ZeroMemory(pszFileValue, sizeof(pszFileValue)); arrFileItems.RemoveAll(); while(NULL != fgets(pszFileValue, sizeof(pszFileValue), pFile)) { if (NULL != m_pStop && TRUE == *m_pStop) return nRet; arrFileItems.Add(CString(pszFileValue)); ZeroMemory(pszFileValue, sizeof(pszFileValue)); } if (NULL != pFile) fclose(pFile); pFile = NULL; nRet = arrFileItems.GetSize(); return nRet; }
void CBkIgnoreDlg::NeedUpdateSoft(CSoftListItemData* datalist) { if (datalist->m_bIgnore) datalist->m_bIgnore = FALSE; CSimpleArray<CSoftListItemData*> arrData; for (int i = 0; i < m_arrData.GetSize(); i++) { CSoftListItemData *pData = m_arrData[i]; if (pData && pData->m_bIgnore) arrData.Add(pData); } m_arrData.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < arrData.GetSize(); i++) { CSoftListItemData *pData = arrData[i]; if (pData && pData->m_bIgnore) m_arrData.Add(pData); } int nIgnoreCount = m_arrData.GetSize(); this->FormatRichText( IDC_CTL_UPDATE_IGNORE_TITLE, BkString::Get(IDS_DLG_UPDATE_IGNORE_COUNT_FORMAT), nIgnoreCount ); m_necessList->SetItemCount(nIgnoreCount); if (nIgnoreCount == 0) { this->SetItemVisible(IDC_CTL_UPDATE_IGNORE_WND,FALSE); this->SetItemVisible(IDC_CTL_UPDATE_IGNORE_NONE,TRUE); this->EnableItem( IDC_UPDATE_CHECK_IGNORE_ALL, FALSE); this->EnableItem( IDC_CTL_UPDATE_IGNORE_SEL, FALSE); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Retrieves a font setting value for the view //! //! @param strName Name of setting //! @return Value of the setting //------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOGFONT CViewConfigSection::GetLogFontSetting(const CString& strName) const { LOGFONT font = { 0 }; CSimpleArray<CString> strArray; GetArraySetting(strName, strArray); if (strArray.GetSize() != 13) return font; #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ _tcscpy_s(font.lfFaceName, sizeof(font.lfFaceName) / sizeof(TCHAR), strArray[0]); #else _tcsncpy(font.lfFaceName, strArray[0], sizeof(font.lfFaceName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); #endif font.lfHeight = _ttoi(strArray[1]); font.lfWidth = _ttoi(strArray[2]); font.lfEscapement = _ttoi(strArray[3]); font.lfOrientation = _ttoi(strArray[4]); font.lfWeight = _ttoi(strArray[5]); font.lfItalic = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[6])); font.lfUnderline = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[7])); font.lfStrikeOut = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[8])); font.lfCharSet = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[9])); font.lfOutPrecision = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[10])); font.lfQuality = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[11])); font.lfPitchAndFamily = static_cast<BYTE>(_ttoi(strArray[12])); return font; }
bool MtlGetDropFileName(IDataObject *pDataObject, CSimpleArray<CString> &arrFileNames) { if ( !MTL::MtlIsDataAvailable(pDataObject, CF_HDROP) ) return false; FORMATETC formatetc = { CF_HDROP, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; STGMEDIUM stgmedium; HRESULT hr = pDataObject->GetData(&formatetc, &stgmedium); if (FAILED(hr) || stgmedium.hGlobal == NULL) { return false; } HDROP hDropInfo = (HDROP) stgmedium.hGlobal; UINT nFiles = ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, (UINT) -1, NULL, 0); for (UINT iFile = 0; iFile < nFiles; iFile++) { TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH]; szFileName[0] = 0; ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, iFile, szFileName, _MAX_PATH); arrFileNames.Add( CString(szFileName) ); } ::DragFinish(hDropInfo); // required? ::ReleaseStgMedium(&stgmedium); if (arrFileNames.GetSize() > 0) return true; else return false; }
void CEventManager::FireEvent(EventQueueItem_t *pEI) { CListener *pListener; if (pEI->Flags & ET_BROADCAST) { int i; CSimpleArray<CListener *> FireOrder; // firing an event can cause a listener to be removed from the list // so we make a copy of the list, and then fire each one. for (i = 0 ; i < m_ListenerList.GetSize() ; i++) FireOrder.Add(m_ListenerList[i]); for (i = 0 ; i < FireOrder.GetSize() ; i++) { pListener = FireOrder[i]; // only fire the event if it's still in the list! (if it's not then pListener is invalid..) if (m_ListenerList.Find(pListener) >= 0) pListener->OnEvent(pEI->EventID,pEI->pData); } } else { pEI->pFrom->OnEvent(pEI->EventID,pEI->pData); } }
void CDonutClipboardBar::OnUpdateClipboard() { if (CMainOption::s_bIgnoreUpdateClipboard) return; clbTRACE( _T("OnUpdateClipboard\n") ); CString strText = MtlGetClipboardText(); if ( strText.IsEmpty() ) return; CWebBrowser2 browser = DonutGetIWebBrowser2( GetTopLevelParent() ); if ( !browser.IsBrowserNull() ) { CString strUrl = browser.GetLocationURL(); if (strUrl == strText) return; } if ( _check_flag(CLPV_EX_FLUSH, m_dwExStyle) ) m_box.ResetContent(); CSimpleArray<CString> arrExt; MtlBuildExtArray( arrExt, MtlGetWindowText(m_edit) ); CSimpleArray<CString> arrUrl; MtlBuildUrlArray(arrUrl, arrExt, strText); if (arrUrl.GetSize() == 0) { return; } else { if ( _check_flag(CLPV_EX_FLUSH, m_dwExStyle) ) m_box.ResetContent(); } for (int i = 0; i < arrUrl.GetSize(); ++i) { if (m_box.GetCount() == 0) m_box.AddString(arrUrl[i]); else m_box.InsertString(0, arrUrl[i]); } if ( _check_flag(CLPV_EX_DIRECT, m_dwExStyle) ) { for (int i = 0; i < arrUrl.GetSize(); ++i) { DonutOpenFile(m_hWnd, arrUrl[i], 0); } } }
bool GetListCheckedItems(CListViewCtrlEx &listCtrl, CSimpleArray<int> &arr) { for(int i=0; i<listCtrl.GetItemCount(); ++i) { if( listCtrl.GetCheckState(i) ) { T_VulListItemData *pItem = (T_VulListItemData*) listCtrl.GetItemData( i ); if(pItem) arr.Add( pItem->nID ); } } if(arr.GetSize()==0) { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("没有选择内容"), NULL, MB_OK); } return arr.GetSize()>0; }
int CLDEditTxtFile::GetAllItems(CSimpleArray<CString>& arrItems) { arrItems.RemoveAll(); arrItems = m_arrFileItem; return arrItems.GetSize(); }
bool CVulEngine::RepairAll( HWND hWnd, const CSimpleArray<int> &arrVulIds, const CSimpleArray<int> &arrSoftVulIds ) { m_bRepairCanceled = FALSE; if(m_hThreadVulRepair!=NULL) _SafeTerminateThread( m_hThreadVulRepair ); if(arrVulIds.GetSize()==0 && arrSoftVulIds.GetSize()==0) { return false; } m_arrRepairVulIds.RemoveAll(); m_arrRepairVulSoftIds.RemoveAll(); CopySimpleArray(arrVulIds, m_arrRepairVulIds); CopySimpleArray(arrSoftVulIds, m_arrRepairVulSoftIds); m_hThreadVulRepair = (HANDLE) CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadFunc_Repair, (void*)hWnd, 0, NULL); return true; }
/** * called when all item processed */ virtual void OnUploadComplete(const CSimpleArray<UploadInfo> &items, const CSimpleArray<UploadResult> &result) { printf("UploaderListenerImpl::UploadComplete\n"); for (int i = 0; i < result.GetSize(); ++i) { UploadResult res = result[i]; printf("file: %s\n", (CStringA)res.files.image.file); } }
void MtlInitVariantFromArray(CComVariant &v, CSimpleArray<BYTE> &arrSrc) { int nSize = arrSrc.GetSize(); // Set the correct type and make sure SafeArray can hold data _MtlCreateOneDimArray(v, (DWORD) nSize); // Copy the data into the SafeArray _MtlCopyBinaryData(v.parray, arrSrc.GetData(), (DWORD) nSize); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Retrieves a integer-array setting value for the view //! //! @param strName Name of setting //! @param values integer-array //! @param strDelimiter The delimiter for splitting a single string into an array //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CViewConfigSection::GetArraySetting(const CString& strName, CSimpleArray<int>& values, const CString& strDelimiter) const { CSimpleArray<CString> strArray; GetArraySetting(strName, strArray, strDelimiter); for (int i = 0; i < strArray.GetSize(); ++i) { int value = _ttoi(strArray[i]); values.Add(value); } }
HDROP MtlCreateDropFile(CSimpleArray<CString> &arrFiles) { if (arrFiles.GetSize() == 0) return NULL; //filename\0...\0filename\0...\0filename\0\0 int nLen = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < arrFiles.GetSize(); ++i) { nLen += arrFiles[i].GetLength(); nLen += 1; // for '\0' separator } nLen += 1; // for the last '\0' HDROP hDrop = (HDROP) ::GlobalAlloc( GHND, sizeof (DROPFILES) + nLen * sizeof (TCHAR) ); if (hDrop == NULL) return NULL; LPDROPFILES lpDropFiles; lpDropFiles = (LPDROPFILES) ::GlobalLock(hDrop); lpDropFiles->pFiles = sizeof (DROPFILES); lpDropFiles->pt.x = 0; lpDropFiles->pt.y = 0; lpDropFiles->fNC = FALSE; #ifdef _UNICODE lpDropFiles->fWide = TRUE; #else lpDropFiles->fWide = FALSE; #endif TCHAR * psz = (TCHAR *) (lpDropFiles + 1); for (i = 0; i < arrFiles.GetSize(); ++i) { ::lstrcpy(psz, arrFiles[i]); psz += arrFiles[i].GetLength() + 1; // skip a '\0' separator } ::GlobalUnlock(hDrop); return hDrop; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Converts a string-array setting value into a delimited string //! //! @param values String-array //! @param strDelimiter The delimiter for combining the values of an array to a string //! @return The string-array combined into a single string //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CString CViewConfigSection::ConvertArraySetting(const CSimpleArray<CString>& values, const CString& strDelimiter) const { CString strValue; for (int i = 0; i < values.GetSize(); ++i) { if (!strValue.IsEmpty()) strValue += strDelimiter; strValue += values[i]; } return strValue; }
void CVulEngine::IgnoreVuls( CSimpleArray<int> &arr, bool bIgnore ) { if(m_pVulScan==NULL) { m_pVulScan = CreateVulFix(); } for(int i=0; i<arr.GetSize(); ++i) { m_pVulScan->Ignore(arr[i], bIgnore); } m_pVulScan->PersistIgnored(); }
void COfficeInfo<T_REGISTRY>::Init(const CSimpleArray<TOfficeVersion> &arrOfficeVersions) { CObjGuard guard(m_objLock); ReloadOfficeInfo(); m_OfficeLangs.clear(); for( int i = 0; i < m_arrVIFiles.GetSize(); i ++ ) { const T_OfficeFileEntry &verfile = m_arrVIFiles[i]; for(int j=0; j<arrOfficeVersions.GetSize(); ++j) { const TOfficeVersion &ver = arrOfficeVersions[j]; // 如果符合区间 if( ver.type==verfile.type ) { // 检测office 的大版本 int nOfficeVer = 0; if(!ver.strVFrom.IsEmpty()) nOfficeVer = _ttoi(ver.strVFrom); else if(!ver.strVTo.IsEmpty()) nOfficeVer = _ttoi(ver.strVTo); if( nOfficeVer!=0 && nOfficeVer==verfile.nOfficeVer && VersionInRange(verfile.lVersion, ver.strVFrom, ver.strVTo) ) { DWORD dwLang = 0; dwLang = verfile.dwLangID; _TOfficeInfo _officeinfo = {ver.type, dwLang}; CString strVer = ver.strName; strVer.MakeLower(); m_OfficeLangs[ strVer ] = _officeinfo; break; } } } } #ifdef _DEBUG for( _TMapOfficeversionLang::iterator it=m_OfficeLangs.begin(); it!=m_OfficeLangs.end(); ++it ) { ATLTRACE( L"[Init<%d>] ver:%s, lang:%d, type:%d", T_REGISTRY, it->first, it->second.dwLang, it->second.nOfficeType ); } #endif m_Inited = TRUE; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Retrieves a color setting value for the view //! //! @param strName Name of setting //! @param colorDefval Default value to return if no value was found //! @return Value of the setting //------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLORREF CViewConfigSection::GetColorSetting(const CString& strName, const COLORREF colorDefval) const { CSimpleArray<CString> strArray; GetArraySetting(strName, strArray); if (strArray.GetSize() != 3) return colorDefval; int r = _ttoi(strArray[0]); int g = _ttoi(strArray[1]); int b = _ttoi(strArray[2]); return RGB(r, g, b); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Converts an integer-array setting value into a delimited string //! //! @param values Integer-array //! @param strDelimiter The delimiter for combining the values of an array to a string //! @return The string-array combined into a single string //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CString CViewConfigSection::ConvertArraySetting(const CSimpleArray<int>& values, const CString& strDelimiter) const { CString strValue; CString strArray; for (int i = 0; i < values.GetSize(); ++i) { if (!strArray.IsEmpty()) strArray += strDelimiter; strValue.Format(_T("%d"), values[i]); strArray += strValue; } return strArray; }
BOOL HasIgnored(int nID,CSimpleArray<int>& arrayIgnoredID) { BOOL bFind = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < arrayIgnoredID.GetSize();i++) { if (nID == arrayIgnoredID[i]) { bFind = TRUE; goto Exit0; } } Exit0: return bFind; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Adds a profile to the official list of column configuration profiles //! //! @param strProfile Name of the profile //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CViewConfigSectionProfiles::AddProfile(const CString& strProfile) { // Add the strProfile to the list if not already there CSimpleArray<CString> profiles; GetProfiles(profiles); for (int i = 0; i < profiles.GetSize(); ++i) if (profiles[i] == strProfile) return; CString noconst(strProfile); profiles.Add(noconst); WriteSetting(m_ViewName, _T("CurrentProfiles"), ConvertArraySetting(profiles, _T(", "))); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Retrieves a rectangle setting value for the view //! //! @param strName Name of setting //! @param rectDefval Default value to return if no value was found //! @return Value of the setting //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRect CViewConfigSection::GetRectSetting(const CString& strName, const CRect& rectDefval) const { CSimpleArray<CString> strArray; GetArraySetting(strName, strArray); if (strArray.GetSize() != 4) return rectDefval; CRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0); rect.left = _ttoi(strArray[0]); = _ttoi(strArray[1]); rect.right = _ttoi(strArray[2]); rect.bottom = _ttoi(strArray[3]); return rect; }
bool GetListCheckedItems(CListViewCtrlEx &listCtrl, CSimpleArray<int> &arr, BOOL *pIsRadio) { if(pIsRadio) *pIsRadio = FALSE; for(int i=0; i<listCtrl.GetItemCount(); ++i) { if( listCtrl.GetCheckState(i, pIsRadio) ) { T_VulListItemData *pItem = (T_VulListItemData*) listCtrl.GetItemData( i ); if(pItem) arr.Add( pItem->nID ); } } return arr.GetSize()>0; }
int CLDEditTxtFile::WriteItemsToFile(CString strFile, CSimpleArray<CString> arrItems) { int nRet = -1; USES_CONVERSION; CBkProcPrivilege privilege; if (!privilege.EnableShutdown()) return -1; char pszFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CString strDesFile = strFile; StringCbPrintfA(pszFilePath, sizeof(pszFilePath), "%s_tmp", W2A(strFile)); DWORD dwFileAttr = ::GetFileAttributes(strFile); // dwFileAttr &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; ::SetFileAttributes(strFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); FILE* pFile = NULL; //open file fopen_s(&pFile, const_cast<char*>(pszFilePath), "w+b"); if (NULL == pFile) { ::SetFileAttributes(strFile, dwFileAttr); return nRet; } //write file int nCount = arrItems.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if (NULL != m_pStop && TRUE == *m_pStop) break; CString strValue = arrItems[i]; if (TRUE == strValue.IsEmpty()) continue; fputs(CW2A(strValue.GetBuffer(-1)), pFile); if (strValue.Right(1) != "\n") fputs("\r\n", pFile); strValue.ReleaseBuffer(-1); } if (NULL != pFile) fclose(pFile); pFile = NULL; MoveFileEx(CString(pszFilePath), strDesFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); ::SetFileAttributes(strDesFile, dwFileAttr); nRet = 0; return nRet; }
int RepairCOMVul(const CSimpleArray<LPTVulSoft>& arr) { int count = 0; for(int i=0; i<arr.GetSize(); ++i) { LPTVulSoft pItem = arr[i]; int state = GetSoftItemState(pItem->state, pItem->nDisableCom); if(state==VUL_DISABLE_COM) { ++count; theEngine->m_pSoftVulScan->EnableVulCOM( pItem->nID, FALSE ); } } return count; }
void CDonutClipboardBar::OpenClipboardUrl() { CString strText = MtlGetClipboardText(); if ( strText.IsEmpty() ) return; CSimpleArray<CString> arrExt; MtlBuildExtArray( arrExt, GetExtsList() ); CSimpleArray<CString> arrUrl; MtlBuildUrlArray(arrUrl, arrExt, strText); for (int i = 0; i < arrUrl.GetSize(); ++i) { DonutOpenFile(m_hWnd, arrUrl[i], 0); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Removes a profile from the official list of column configuration profiles //! //! @param strProfile Name of the profile //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CViewConfigSectionProfiles::DeleteProfile(const CString& strProfile) { if (strProfile.IsEmpty()) return; // Remove any settings RemoveSection(JoinSectionName(m_ViewName, strProfile)); // Remove the strProfile from the list CSimpleArray<CString> profiles; GetProfiles(profiles); for (int i = 0; i < profiles.GetSize(); ++i) if (profiles[i] == strProfile) profiles.RemoveAt(i); WriteSetting(m_ViewName, _T("CurrentProfiles"), ConvertArraySetting(profiles, _T(", "))); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Retrieves the section name of the currently active configuration profile //! //! @return Current section name //------------------------------------------------------------------------ const CString& CViewConfigSectionProfiles::GetSectionName() const { if (m_CurrentSection == m_ViewName) { CString strProfile = ReadSetting(m_ViewName, _T("ActiveProfile"), _T("")); if (strProfile.IsEmpty()) { CSimpleArray<CString> profiles; GetProfiles(profiles); if (profiles.GetSize()>0) strProfile = profiles[0]; } m_CurrentSection = JoinSectionName(m_ViewName, strProfile); } return m_CurrentSection; }