bool OfflineDataStore::GetRegKeyForDocNum(const CStdString& sDocID, CRegKey& rkResult) { CStdString sNoVersionDocID = RemoveVersionLabel(sDocID); sNoVersionDocID.MakeLower(); CRegKey rk; long lResult = rk.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, GetRegistryKeyName()); DWORD dwIndex = 0; while(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CStdString sResult; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH; lResult = rk.EnumKey(dwIndex, sResult.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), &dwLength); sResult.ReleaseBuffer(); sResult.MakeLower(); dwIndex++; if(sResult.Find(sNoVersionDocID) != -1) { return (rkResult.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, GetKeyNameForDocID(sResult)) == ERROR_SUCCESS); } } return false; }
void PathReadWriter::GetPathList(const CStdString& sPathList, std::vector<CStdString>& pathList) { pathList.clear(); pathList.reserve(std::count(sPathList.begin(), sPathList.end(), _T(';')) + 1); int nStartPos = 0; for (int nEndPos = (int) sPathList.find(_T(';')); nEndPos >= 0; nEndPos = (int) sPathList.find(_T(';'), nStartPos = nEndPos + 1)) { CStdString sSubPath = sPathList.Mid(nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos).Trim(); if (!sSubPath.IsEmpty()) { ::PathRemoveBackslash(sSubPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH)); sSubPath.ReleaseBuffer(); pathList.push_back(sSubPath); } } CStdString sSubPath = sPathList.Mid(nStartPos).Trim(); if (!sSubPath.IsEmpty()) { ::PathRemoveBackslash(sSubPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH)); sSubPath.ReleaseBuffer(); pathList.push_back(sSubPath); } }
CStdString NetworkDriveHelper::MapNetworkDrive() { NETRESOURCE nr; CStdString sDisk = GetUnusedDiskName(); TCHAR* pDisk = sDisk.GetBuffer(); CStdString sPath = GetUNCShareName(); TCHAR* pPath = sPath.GetBuffer(); nr.dwScope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED; nr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; nr.dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC; nr.dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; nr.lpLocalName = pDisk; nr.lpRemoteName = pPath; nr.lpComment = _T("Mapped network drive for Workshare LFS Testing"); nr.lpProvider = NULL; DWORD dwErr = WNetAddConnection2(&nr, NULL, NULL, 0); sDisk.ReleaseBuffer(); sPath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR || dwErr == ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED) return pDisk; return _T(""); }
CStdString CTestUtils::GetTrunkPath() { CStdString sModuleName; CStdString sLongModuleName; HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle(L"testrunner.dll"); GetModuleFileName(hMod, sModuleName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sModuleName.ReleaseBuffer(); DWORD dRet = GetLongPathName(sModuleName, sLongModuleName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sLongModuleName.ReleaseBuffer(); if (dRet == 0) { sLongModuleName = sModuleName; } sModuleName = sLongModuleName; sModuleName.ToLower(); if ((sModuleName.Find(ARCHDIR + _T( "\\debug\\")) != -1) || (sModuleName.Find(ARCHDIR + _T( "\\release\\")) != -1)) { return PathBefore(sModuleName, ARCHDIR ); } // This won't work for paths beyond the root without win32\\release but at least it doesn't crash // applications like deltaview when it is doing a regserver return PathBefore(sModuleName, "\\"); }
bool CImageCode::GetImage(CStdString strURL, CStdString strLocFile) { BOOL bRes = InternetGetFile(strURL.GetBuffer(), strLocFile.GetBuffer()); if (bRes) { return true; } return false; }
CStdString CMarkupSTL::x_TextToDoc( const char * szText, bool bAttrib ) const { // Convert text as seen outside XML document to XML friendly // replacing special characters with ampersand escape codes // E.g. convert "6>7" to "6>7" // // < less than // & ampersand // > greater than // // and for attributes: // // ' apostrophe or single quote // " double quote // static _TCHAR* szaReplace[] = { _T("<"),_T("&"),_T(">"),_T("'"),_T(""") }; const _TCHAR* pFind = bAttrib?_T("<&>\'\""):_T("<&>"); CStdString csText; const _TCHAR* pSource = szText; int nDestSize = _tcslen(pSource); nDestSize += nDestSize / 10 + 7; _TCHAR* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize); int nLen = 0; _TCHAR cSource = *pSource; _TCHAR* pFound; while ( cSource ) { if ( nLen > nDestSize - 6 ) { csText.ReleaseBuffer(nLen); nDestSize *= 2; pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize); } if ( (pFound=_tcschr(pFind,cSource)) != NULL ) { pFound = szaReplace[pFound-pFind]; _tcscpy(&pDest[nLen],pFound); nLen += _tcslen(pFound); } else { _tccpy( &pDest[nLen], pSource ); ++nLen; } pSource += _tclen( pSource ); cSource = *pSource; } csText.ReleaseBuffer(nLen); return csText; }
CStdString CWorkshareMenu::GetSystemPath(LONG lPathClsid) const { typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK* PROC_SHGetFolderPath)(HWND, int, HANDLE, DWORD, LPTSTR); CStdString sPath = L""; bool bUsingOldDll = false; HMODULE hModShFolder = LoadLibrary(_T("shfolder.dll")); if (hModShFolder == NULL) return sPath; PROC_SHGetFolderPath proc = (PROC_SHGetFolderPath) GetProcAddress(hModShFolder, FOLDERPROCNAME); if (proc != NULL) { HRESULT hr = proc (NULL, lPathClsid, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, sPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH)); sPath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (FAILED(hr)) { CStdString sErr; sErr.Format(_T("Failed to get the system path (CSIDL): %d. Error: %d"), lPathClsid, hr); OutputDebugString(sErr.c_str()); } } FreeLibrary(hModShFolder); return sPath; }
CStdString CTestUtils::GetPath(int nFolder) { CStdString sFolder; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, nFolder, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, sFolder.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH)); sFolder.ReleaseBuffer(); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? sFolder : _T(""); }
CStdString SystemFolderInfo::GetProfilesDirectory() { CStdString profileDirectory; HMODULE dllHandle = ::LoadLibrary(_T("userenv.dll")); if(dllHandle == NULL) { LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Failed to load userenv.dll")); return profileDirectory; } PROC_GetProfilesDir proc = (PROC_GetProfilesDir)::GetProcAddress(dllHandle, PROFILESPROCNAME); if(NULL == proc) { LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Failed to get function 'GetProfilesDirectory'")); ::FreeLibrary(dllHandle); return profileDirectory; } DWORD size = _MAX_PATH; BOOL bSuccess = proc(profileDirectory.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), &size); profileDirectory.ReleaseBuffer(); if(!bSuccess) LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Failed to call function 'GetProfilesDirectory'")); ::FreeLibrary(dllHandle); return profileDirectory; }
bool OfflineDocIDResolver::GetOfflineDocumentInfo(const CStdString& sOnlineLibraryToSearch, const CStdString& sDocNum, CStdString& sOfflineDocNum, CStdString& sOfflineLibrary) const { CRegKey key; if(key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sOnlineLibraryToSearch) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CStdString sErr = _T("Failed to Open Key : HKCU\\") + sOnlineLibraryToSearch; LOG_WS_ERROR(sErr.c_str()); return false; } DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwLength =MAX_PATH; long lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; while((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS || lResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { DWORD dwLength =MAX_PATH; lResult = key.EnumKey(dwIndex , sOfflineLibrary.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), &dwLength , NULL); sOfflineLibrary.ReleaseBuffer(); if(lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) return false; if(SearchOfflineLibrary(sOnlineLibraryToSearch + _T("\\") + sOfflineLibrary, sDocNum, sOfflineDocNum)) return true; dwIndex++; } return false; }
CStdString ServerSettingsDialog::GetUsername() const { CStdString sRetval; GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_USERNAME).GetWindowText( sRetval.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH ); sRetval.ReleaseBuffer(); return sRetval; }
CStdString ServerSettingsDialog::GetPassword() const { CStdString sRetval; GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD).GetWindowText( sRetval.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH ); sRetval.ReleaseBuffer(); return sRetval; }
void TestWindowActivate::TestAttach() { STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; ZeroMemory(&ProcessInformation, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; assertMessage(!m_csWordPath.IsEmpty(),_T("Word path is empty - highly improbable state of affairs if you ask me")); CStdString sCommandLine = m_csWordPath + _T(" /W "); assertMessage(CreateProcess(NULL, sCommandLine.GetBuffer(), 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation) != 0,_T("Failed to create the Word process")); sCommandLine.ReleaseBuffer(); CWSWindow win; win.Attach(ProcessInformation.dwProcessId); assertTest(win.GetWindowFromProcID()); win.Activate(); Sleep(1000); TerminateProcess(ProcessInformation.hProcess, 0); }
bool SharePointConnectRegistrar::RegisterItem() { STARTUPINFO si; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ); si.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO ); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION) ); CStdString sInstallDir = m_pProcessController->GetInstallDir(); CStdString sAppName = L"WCRegisterConnectSettings.exe"; CStdString sRegXml = L"Workshare.Connect.SharePoint.Registration.xml"; CStdString sCmdLine = sInstallDir + L"\\"+ sAppName + L" \"" + sInstallDir + "\\" + sRegXml + L"\""; BOOL b = ::CreateProcess( NULL, sCmdLine.GetBuffer(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ); sCmdLine.ReleaseBuffer(); if( !b ) return false; DWORD dwExitCode; ::WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); if( ::GetExitCodeProcess( pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode ) == 0 ) { ::CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); ::CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); return false;; } ::CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); ::CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); return true; }
CStdString cXData::cItem_hwnd::GetValue () const { CStdString value; int size = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd); GetWindowText(hwnd, value.GetBuffer(size + 1), size + 1); value.ReleaseBuffer(); return value; }
void COptionsDlgSelector::ValidateRenderingSetOptions() { CStdString sOptionsFile; m_cboOptionsFile.GetWindowText(sOptionsFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sOptionsFile.ReleaseBuffer(); if (m_bPageModified) { // Right-Click doesn't come in here, so start the timing from here LOG_WS_FUNCTION_SCOPE_MSG(_T("DeltaView Total Comparison Time")); if (!sOptionsFile.IsEmpty() && sOptionsFile.CompareNoCase(CStdString::LoadResource(IDS_TXTEX_customRenderingSet6129,_T("Custom rendering set"))) != 0)/* TXTEX_IGNORE */ { if (!RenderingSet::LoadRenderingSetIfRequired(sOptionsFile)) { GetApp()->ShowMessageEx(this->m_hWnd, CStdStringW::LoadResource(IDS_TXTEX_theOptionsFileSpecifiedDoesNotHaveCorrectInformationPleaseMakeSureThisIsaValidOptionsFileCurrentSettingsWillBeApplied5086,_T("The options file specified does not have the correct information - please make sure this is a valid options file.\n\nCurrent settings will be applied.")), WsOK, WsDefault, WsErrorIcon, L"", CDeltaVwApp::GetProductHelpID(HIDC_INVALID_OPTIONS_FILE), LOG_LOCATION); } } } }
bool OfflineDocIDResolver::SearchOfflineLibrary(const CStdString& sLibraryToSearch, const CStdString& sDocNum, CStdString& sOfflineDocKey ) const { CRegKey key; if( key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sLibraryToSearch) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { CStdString sErr = _T("Failed to Open Key : HKCU\\") + sLibraryToSearch; LOG_WS_ERROR(sErr.c_str()); return false; } DWORD dwIndex = 0; long lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; while((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS || lResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { DWORD dwLength =MAX_PATH; lResult = key.EnumKey(dwIndex , sOfflineDocKey.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), &dwLength , NULL); sOfflineDocKey.ReleaseBuffer(); if(lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) return false; DWORD dw = GetDWORDValue(sLibraryToSearch + _T("\\") + sOfflineDocKey, _T("DocNumber")); CStdString str; str.Format( _T("%d"), dw ); if( str == sDocNum ) return true; dwIndex++; } return false; }
void COptionsDlgSelector::OnOptionsSelect() { try { AnalyticsHelper::SendDeltaViewStatistics(L"DeltaView Event: Select to change rendering set"); CStdString sOptionSetName; m_cboOptionsFile.GetWindowText(sOptionSetName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sOptionSetName.ReleaseBuffer(); bool bResult = DoShowNewRenderingSetDialog(sOptionSetName.c_str(), GetParent()->m_hWnd, false); if(bResult) { GetApp()->SetShouldRerunComparison(false); //// refresh the contents of the rendering options list as it might have changed!! std::vector<std::wstring> vecRenderingSets; RenderingSet::GetRenderingSetList(vecRenderingSets); m_cboOptionsFile.ResetContent(); PopulateRenderingSetList(); ResetOKAsDefault(true); } } catch(_com_error &e) { LOG_WS_ERROR_RESULT(e); } catch(...) { _ASSERTE(!_T("Catch ... How did we get here?")); LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Unknown Exception")); } }
CStdStringA TerDateTimeFormatter::GetFormattedTime(SYSTEMTIME& st, const CStdStringA& sFormatPicture) { CStdString sDate; int ir = GetTimeFormat(m_locale, 0, &st, sFormatPicture.c_str(), sDate.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sDate.ReleaseBuffer(); return sDate; }
CStdString CTestUtils::GetLongModuleName() { CStdString sModuleName; CStdString sLongModuleName; HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); GetModuleFileName(hMod, sModuleName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sModuleName.ReleaseBuffer(); DWORD dRet = GetLongPathName(sModuleName, sLongModuleName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sLongModuleName.ReleaseBuffer(); if (dRet == 0) { sLongModuleName = sModuleName; } return sLongModuleName; }
CStdStringA TerDateTimeFormatter::GetDefaultTimeFormat() { CStdString sFormat; int ir = GetLocaleInfo(m_locale, LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, sFormat.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); sFormat.ReleaseBuffer(); //GetSystemLocale return sFormat; }
bool MythRecorder::CheckChannel(MythChannel &channel) { m_recorder_t->Lock(); CStdString channelNum; channelNum.Format("%i",channel.Number()); bool retval=CMYTH->RecorderCheckChannel(*m_recorder_t,channelNum.GetBuffer())==0; m_recorder_t->Unlock(); return retval; }
//初始化 int CServerSocket::Init(int nPort) { WSADATA wsaData; int errid; int iResult = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData ); if ( iResult != NO_ERROR ) { errid = WSAGetLastError(); g_log.Trace(LOGL_TOP,LOGT_ERROR,__TFILE__, __LINE__,_T("WSAStartup,错误, error:%d"), errid); printf("WSAStartup() 错误:\n"); } // 创建socket m_socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if ( m_socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { errid = WSAGetLastError(); g_log.Trace(LOGL_TOP,LOGT_ERROR,__TFILE__, __LINE__,_T("socket,错误, error:%d"), errid); printf( "socket() 错误: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return -1; } // 绑定socket sockaddr_in service; service.sin_family = AF_INET; service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( "" ); service.sin_port = htons( nPort ); if ( ::bind( m_socket, (SOCKADDR*) &service, sizeof(service) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { ::MessageBox(0,_T("舟大师运行时发现一个错误,\r\n请检查是否有第三方软件(如:防火墙)禁止了Mcproc.exe权限\r\n"),_T("\n运行时检测"),MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); #ifdef _DEBUG CStdString strErro; strErro.Format(_T("bind 端口:%d ,错误码:%d "),nPort, GetLastError()); ::MessageBox(0,strErro.GetBuffer(0),_T("\n运行时检测"),MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); #endif closesocket(m_socket); WSACleanup(); return -1; } // 监听socket if ( listen( m_socket, 1 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { ::MessageBox(0,_T("舟大师运行时发现一个错误,\r\n请检查是否有第三方软件(如:防火墙)禁止了Mcproc.exe权限\r\n"),_T("\n运行时检测"),MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); closesocket(m_socket); WSACleanup(); return -1; } m_ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_bRun = TRUE; return 0; }
bool MythRecorder::SetChannel(MythChannel &channel) { m_recorder_t->Lock(); if(!IsRecording()) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR,"%s: Recorder %i is not recording",__FUNCTION__,ID(),channel.Name().c_str()); m_recorder_t->Unlock(); return false; } CStdString channelNum; channelNum.Format("%i",channel.Number()); if(CMYTH->RecorderPause(*m_recorder_t)!=0) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR,"%s: Failed to pause recorder %i",__FUNCTION__,ID()); m_recorder_t->Unlock(); return false; } if(!CheckChannel(channel)) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR,"%s: Recorder %i doesn't provide channel %s",__FUNCTION__,ID(),channel.Name().c_str()); m_recorder_t->Unlock(); return false; } if(CMYTH->RecorderSetChannel(*m_recorder_t,channelNum.GetBuffer())!=0) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR,"%s: Failed to change recorder %i to channel %s",__FUNCTION__,ID(),channel.Name().c_str()); m_recorder_t->Unlock(); return false; } if(CMYTH->LivetvChainSwitchLast(*m_recorder_t)!=1) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR,"%s: Failed to switch chain for recorder %i",__FUNCTION__,ID(),channel.Name().c_str()); m_recorder_t->Unlock(); return false; } *livechainupdated=0; int i=20; while(*livechainupdated==0&&i--!=0) { m_recorder_t->Unlock(); cSleep(100); m_recorder_t->Lock(); } m_recorder_t->Unlock(); for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { if(!IsRecording()) cSleep(1); else break; } return true; }
std::string regQueryString(HKEY hKey , const char * name, const char * def) { unsigned long type=0,count=0; if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,(LPCTSTR)name,0,&type,0,&count) == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_SZ) { CStdString buff; if (!RegQueryValueEx(hKey,(LPCTSTR)name,0,&type,(LPBYTE)buff.GetBuffer(count-1),&count)) { buff.ReleaseBuffer(); return buff; } } return def ? def : ""; }
CStdString CMarkupSTL::x_TextFromDoc( int nLeft, int nRight ) const { // Convert XML friendly text to text as seen outside XML document // replacing ampersand escape codes with special characters // E.g. convert "6>7" to "6>7" // // Conveniently the result is always the same or shorter in length // static _TCHAR* szaCode[] = { _T("lt;"),_T("amp;"),_T("gt;"),_T("apos;"),_T("quot;") }; static int anCodeLen[] = { 3,4,3,5,5 }; static _TCHAR* szSymbol = _T("<&>\'\""); CStdString csText; const _TCHAR* pSource = m_csDoc; int nDestSize = nRight - nLeft + 1; _TCHAR* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize); int nLen = 0; int nCharLen; int nChar = nLeft; while ( nChar <= nRight ) { if ( pSource[nChar] == _T('&') ) { // Look for matching &code; for ( int nMatch = 0; nMatch < 5; ++nMatch ) { if ( nChar <= nRight - anCodeLen[nMatch] && _tcsncmp(szaCode[nMatch],&pSource[nChar+1],anCodeLen[nMatch]) == 0 ) { pDest[nLen++] = szSymbol[nMatch]; nChar += anCodeLen[nMatch] + 1; break; } } // If no match is found it means XML doc is invalid // no devastating harm done, ampersand code will just be left in result if ( nMatch == 5 ) { pDest[nLen++] = _T('&'); ++nChar; } } else { nCharLen = _tclen(&pSource[nChar]); _tccpy( &pDest[nLen], &pSource[nChar] ); nLen += nCharLen; nChar += nCharLen; } } csText.ReleaseBuffer(nLen); return csText; }
bool CMarkupSTL::Load( const char * szFileName ) { CStdString csDoc; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; //The following will not work for files larger than 2GB int nLength = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); #if defined(_UNICODE) // Allocate Buffer for UTF-8 file data unsigned char* pBuffer = new unsigned char[nLength + 1]; DWORD numread; if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, nLength, &numread, 0)) nLength = numread; else nLength = 0; pBuffer[nLength] = '\0'; // Convert file from UTF-8 to Windows UNICODE (AKA UCS-2) int nWideLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,(const char*)pBuffer,nLength,NULL,0); nLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,(const char*)pBuffer,nLength, csDoc.GetBuffer(nWideLength),nWideLength); ASSERT( nLength == nWideLength ); delete [] pBuffer; #else DWORD numread; if (ReadFile(hFile, csDoc.GetBuffer(nLength), nLength, &numread, 0)) nLength = numread; else nLength = 0; #endif csDoc.ReleaseBuffer(nLength); CloseHandle(hFile); return SetDoc( csDoc ); }
bool DotNetRegistrar::UnregisterItem() { CStdString sFileName; CStdString sParams; CreateUnregisterCommandString(sFileName, sParams); CFilePath exePath( GetDotNetRegistrationFileName() ); //this was retrieved in CreateRegisterCommandString, but we want one without enclosing quotes CStdStringA sCommand ; sCommand.Format("\"%s\" %s", CStdStringA(exePath.GetFileName()), CStdStringA( sParams ) ); CStdString sBatchFile = GetExecutionPath() + _T("\\Register.bat"); _tremove( sBatchFile.c_str()); CreateTextFile( sBatchFile, sCommand ); ASSERT( CGeneral::FileExists( sBatchFile )); bool res = true; try { CStdString cmdLine = sBatchFile; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); if ( !CreateProcess( NULL, cmdLine.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) ) { cmdLine.ReleaseBuffer(); res = false; } cmdLine.ReleaseBuffer(); if ( res ) { // Wait around for 15 seconds WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 15000); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } } catch(...) { _tremove( sBatchFile.c_str()); throw; } _tremove( sBatchFile.c_str()); return res; }
void cXData::cItem_result::OnDoubleClick(cXData * owner) { int pos = ListView_GetSelectionMark(hwnd); if (pos == -1 || this->jidColumn == -1) return; CStdString jid; ListView_GetItemText(hwnd, pos, this->jidColumn, jid.GetBuffer(200), 200); jid.ReleaseBuffer(); if (owner->Jab().FindContact(jid) == -1) { int id = owner->Jab().GetPlug()->ICMessage(IMC_CNT_ADD, kJabber::net, (int)jid.c_str()); if (id == -1) return; owner->Jab().GetPlug()->DTsetStr(DTCNT, id, CNT_GROUP, owner->Jab().GetPlug()->DTgetStr(DTCFG, 0, CFG_CURGROUP)); owner->Jab().GetPlug()->ICMessage(IMC_CNT_CHANGED, id); } }
CStdString CDefragStorage::GetTempPathName() { CStdString sTempPath; ::GetTempPath(_MAX_PATH, sTempPath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH)); sTempPath.ReleaseBuffer(); sTempPath += _T("workshare\\"); if (!DirectoryExists(sTempPath)) _tmkdir(sTempPath.c_str()); sTempPath += TEMP_FILE_DIR + GetPID() + _T("\\"); return sTempPath; }