/// \brief Parses the string that was passed in
void ArrayReaderParser::ParseString ()
  CStr msg("Incorrectly formated string in U2DREL");
  CToken t1(m_str, "\"");;
  CStr   str;

    m_valid = true;
    str = t1.GetNextToken();
      CToken token(str, " ");
      str = token.GetNextToken();
      if (str.CompareNoCase("HDF5") != 0)
        throw EException(msg);

      str = token.GetNextToken();
      // see if the string is "CONSTANT"
      if (str.CompareNoCase("constant") == 0)
        m_const = true;
        str = token.GetNextToken();

      // read the multiplier
      if(sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf", &m_mult) != 1)
        throw EException(msg);

      str = token.GetNextToken(); // read the IPRN flag
      if (sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d", &m_IPRN) != 1)
        throw EException(msg);
    if (m_const)

    m_file = t1.GetNextToken(); // read the filename
    if (m_file.IsEmpty())
      throw EException(msg);

    m_path = t1.GetNextToken(); // read the path
    if (m_path.IsEmpty())
      throw EException(msg);

    str = t1.GetNextToken();
      CToken token(str, " ");
      str = token.GetNextToken(); // read the number of dimensions
      if ("1" != str && "2" != str && "3" != str)
        throw EException(msg);
      unsigned int nDim(0);
      if (sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d", &nDim) != 1)
        throw EException(msg);

      // read the indices so we know how to read the array
      std::pair<int, int> myPair;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<nDim; i++)
        myPair.first = myPair.second = 0;
        str = token.GetNextToken();
        if (sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d", &myPair.first) != 1)
          throw EException(msg);
        str = token.GetNextToken();
        if (sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d", &myPair.second) != 1)
          throw EException(msg);

      if (nDim != m_indices.size())
        throw EException(msg);
  catch (EException &e)
    CStr out(e.what());
    if (!out.IsEmpty())
    m_valid = false;
} // ArrayReaderParser::ParseString