// these two functions aren't needed other than to make Quake-type games happy and/or stop memory managers
//	complaining about leaks if they report them before the global StringEd package object calls it's own dtor.
// but here they are for completeness's sake I guess...
void SE_Init(void)
	TheStringPackage.Clear( SE_FALSE );

#ifdef _DEBUG
//	int iNumLanguages = SE_GetNumLanguages();

	se_language = Cvar_Get("se_language", "english", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NORESTART);
	se_debug = Cvar_Get("se_debug", "0", 0);
	sp_leet = Cvar_Get("sp_leet", "0", CVAR_ROM );

	// if doing a buildscript, load all languages...
	extern cvar_t *com_buildScript;
	if (com_buildScript->integer == 2)
		int iLanguages = SE_GetNumLanguages();
		for (int iLang = 0; iLang < iLanguages; iLang++)
            LPCSTR psLanguage = SE_GetLanguageName( iLang );	// eg "german"			
			Com_Printf( "com_buildScript(2): Loading language \"%s\"...\n", psLanguage );
			SE_LoadLanguage( psLanguage );

	LPCSTR psErrorMessage = SE_LoadLanguage( se_language->string );
	if (psErrorMessage)
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "SE_Init() Unable to load language: \"%s\"!\nError: \"%s\"\n", se_language->string,psErrorMessage );

void SE_ShutDown(void)
	TheStringPackage.Clear( SE_FALSE );
void SE_NewLanguage(void)
	TheStringPackage.Clear( SE_TRUE );