BOOL GetPointColor(SPickQuery::SResult* R, u32& alpha) { CSurface* surf = R->e_mesh->GetSurfaceByFaceID(R->tag); VERIFY(surf); Shader_xrLC* c_sh = EDevice.ShaderXRLC.Get(surf->_ShaderXRLCName()); if (!c_sh->flags.bRendering) return FALSE; const Fvector2* cuv[3]; R->e_mesh->GetFaceTC (R->tag,cuv); // barycentric coords // note: W,U,V order Fvector B; B.set (1.0f - R->u - R->v,R->u,R->v); // calc UV Fvector2 uv; uv.x = cuv[0]->x*B.x + cuv[1]->x*B.y + cuv[2]->x*B.z; uv.y = cuv[0]->y*B.x + cuv[1]->y*B.y + cuv[2]->y*B.z; int U = iFloor(uv.x*float(surf->m_ImageData->w) + .5f); int V = iFloor(uv.y*float(surf->m_ImageData->h)+ .5f); U %= surf->m_ImageData->w; if (U<0) U+=surf->m_ImageData->w; V %= surf->m_ImageData->h; if (V<0) V+=surf->m_ImageData->h; alpha = color_get_A(surf->m_ImageData->layers.back()[V*surf->m_ImageData->w+U]); return TRUE; }
bool ESceneAIMapTool::GenerateMap(bool bFromSelectedOnly) { std::sort(m_ignored_materials.begin(),m_ignored_materials.end()); bool bRes = false; if (!GetSnapList()->empty()){ if (!RealUpdateSnapList()) return false; if (m_Nodes.empty()){ ELog.DlgMsg(mtError,"Append at least one node."); return false; } if (!{ // evict resources ExecCommand (COMMAND_EVICT_OBJECTS); ExecCommand (COMMAND_EVICT_TEXTURES); // prepare collision model u32 avg_face_cnt = 0; u32 avg_vert_cnt = 0; u32 mesh_cnt = 0; Fbox snap_bb; { snap_bb.invalidate (); for (ObjectIt o_it=m_SnapObjects.begin(); o_it!=m_SnapObjects.end(); o_it++){ CSceneObject* S = dynamic_cast<CSceneObject*>(*o_it); VERIFY(S); avg_face_cnt += S->GetFaceCount(); avg_vert_cnt += S->GetVertexCount(); mesh_cnt += S->Meshes()->size(); Fbox bb; S->GetBox (bb); snap_bb.merge (bb); } } SPBItem* pb = UI->ProgressStart(mesh_cnt,"Prepare collision model..."); CDB::Collector* CL = ETOOLS::create_collector(); Fvector verts[3]; for (ObjectIt o_it=m_SnapObjects.begin(); o_it!=m_SnapObjects.end(); o_it++) { CSceneObject* S = dynamic_cast<CSceneObject*>(*o_it); VERIFY(S); CEditableObject* E = S->GetReference(); VERIFY(E); EditMeshVec& _meshes = E->Meshes(); for (EditMeshIt m_it=_meshes.begin(); m_it!=_meshes.end(); m_it++) { pb->Inc(AnsiString().sprintf("%s [%s]",S->Name,(*m_it)->Name().c_str()).c_str()); const SurfFaces& _sfaces = (*m_it)->GetSurfFaces(); for (SurfFaces::const_iterator sp_it=_sfaces.begin(); sp_it!=_sfaces.end(); sp_it++) { CSurface* surf = sp_it->first; // test passable //. SGameMtl* mtl = GMLib.GetMaterialByID(surf->_GameMtl()); //. if (mtl->; Shader_xrLC* c_sh = Device.ShaderXRLC.Get(surf->_ShaderXRLCName()); if (!c_sh->flags.bCollision) continue; // collect tris const IntVec& face_lst = sp_it->second; for (IntVec::const_iterator it=face_lst.begin(); it!=face_lst.end(); it++) { E->GetFaceWorld (S->_Transform(),*m_it,*it,verts); ETOOLS::collector_add_face_d(CL,verts[0],verts[1],verts[2], surf->_GameMtl() /* *it */); if (surf-> ETOOLS::collector_add_face_d(CL,verts[2],verts[1],verts[0], surf->_GameMtl() /* *it */); } } } } UI->ProgressEnd(pb); UI->SetStatus ("Building collision model..."); // create CFModel m_CFModel = ETOOLS::create_model_cl(CL); ETOOLS::destroy_collector(CL); } // building Scene->lock (); CTimer tm; tm.Start(); BuildNodes (bFromSelectedOnly); tm.GetElapsed_sec(); Scene->unlock (); //. Log("-test time: ", g_tm.GetElapsed_sec()); Log("-building time: ",tm.GetElapsed_sec()); //. Msg("-Rate: %3.2f Count: %d",(g_tm.GetElapsed_sec()/tm.GetElapsed_sec())*100.f,g_tm.count); // unload CFModel ETOOLS::destroy_model(m_CFModel); Scene->UndoSave (); bRes = true; UI->SetStatus (""); }else{ ELog.DlgMsg(mtError,"Fill snap list before generating slots!"); } return bRes; }
BOOL ESceneAIMapTool::CreateNode(Fvector& vAt, SAINode& N, bool bIC) { // *** Query and cache polygons for ray-casting Fvector PointUp; PointUp.set(vAt); PointUp.y += RCAST_Depth; SnapXZ (PointUp,m_Params.fPatchSize); Fvector PointDown; PointDown.set(vAt); PointDown.y -= RCAST_Depth; SnapXZ (PointDown,m_Params.fPatchSize); Fbox BB; BB.set (PointUp,PointUp); BB.grow(m_Params.fPatchSize/2); // box 1 Fbox B2; B2.set (PointDown,PointDown); B2.grow(m_Params.fPatchSize/2); // box 2 BB.merge (B2); if (m_CFModel) { /* for(u32 i=0; i<m_CFModel->get_tris_count(); ++i) { CDB::TRI* tri = (m_CFModel->get_tris()+i); if(tri->material!=0) Msg("non-default material"); } */ Scene->BoxQuery(PQ,BB,CDB::OPT_FULL_TEST,m_CFModel); }else Scene->BoxQuery(PQ,BB,CDB::OPT_FULL_TEST,GetSnapList()); DWORD dwCount = PQ.r_count(); if (dwCount==0){ // Log("chasm1"); return FALSE; // chasm? } // *** Transfer triangles and compute sector // R_ASSERT(dwCount<RCAST_MaxTris); static xr_vector<tri> tris; tris.reserve(RCAST_MaxTris); tris.clear(); for (DWORD i=0; i<dwCount; i++) { SPickQuery::SResult* R = PQ.r_begin()+i; if (R->e_obj&&R->e_mesh) { CSurface* surf = R->e_mesh->GetSurfaceByFaceID(R->tag); //. SGameMtl* mtl = GMLib.GetMaterialByID(surf->_GameMtl()); //. if (mtl->; Shader_xrLC* c_sh = Device.ShaderXRLC.Get(surf->_ShaderXRLCName()); if (!c_sh->flags.bCollision) continue; } /* if(m_CFModel) { u16 mtl_id = R->material; if(std::find(m_ignored_materials.begin(), m_ignored_materials.end(), mtl_id) != m_ignored_materials.end() ) { //. Msg("--ignore"); continue; } } */ tris.push_back (tri()); tri& D = tris.back(); Fvector* V = R->verts; D.v[0] = &V[0]; D.v[1] = &V[1]; D.v[2] = &V[2]; D.N.mknormal(*D.v[0],*D.v[1],*D.v[2]); if (D.N.y<=0) tris.pop_back (); } if (tris.size()==0){ // Log("chasm2"); return FALSE; // chasm? } static xr_vector<Fvector> points; points.reserve(RCAST_Total); points.clear(); static xr_vector<Fvector> normals; normals.reserve(RCAST_Total);normals.clear(); Fvector P,D; D.set(0,-1,0); float coeff = 0.5f*m_Params.fPatchSize/float(RCAST_Count); for (int x=-RCAST_Count; x<=RCAST_Count; x++) { P.x = vAt.x + coeff*float(x); for (int z=-RCAST_Count; z<=RCAST_Count; z++) { P.z = vAt.z + coeff*float(z); P.y = vAt.y + 10.f; float tri_min_range = flt_max; int tri_selected = -1; float range,u,v; for (i=0; i<DWORD(tris.size()); i++){ if (ETOOLS::TestRayTriA(P,D,tris[i].v,u,v,range,false)){ if (range<tri_min_range){ tri_min_range = range; tri_selected = i; } } } if (tri_selected>=0) { P.y -= tri_min_range; points.push_back(P); normals.push_back(tris[tri_selected].N); } } } if (points.size()<3) { // Msg ("Failed to create node at [%f,%f,%f].",vAt.x,vAt.y,vAt.z); return FALSE; } //. float rc_lim = bIC?0.015f:0.7f; if (float(points.size())/float(RCAST_Total) < rc_lim) { // Msg ("Partial chasm at [%f,%f,%f].",vAt.x,vAt.y,vAt.z); return FALSE; } // *** Calc normal Fvector vNorm; vNorm.set(0,0,0); for (DWORD n=0; n<normals.size(); n++) vNorm.add(normals[n]); vNorm.div(float(normals.size())); vNorm.normalize(); /* { // second algorithm (Magic) Fvector N,O; N.set(vNorm); O.set(points[0]); Mgc::OrthogonalPlaneFit( points.size(),(Mgc::Vector3*)points.begin(), *((Mgc::Vector3*)&O), *((Mgc::Vector3*)&N) ); if (N.y<0) N.invert(); N.normalize(); vNorm.lerp(vNorm,N,.3f); vNorm.normalize(); } */ // *** Align plane Fvector vOffs; vOffs.set(0,-1000,0); Fplane PL;,vNorm); for (DWORD p=0; p<points.size(); p++) { float dist = PL.classify(points[p]); if (dist>0) { vOffs = points[p];,vNorm); } } // *** Create node and register it (vOffs,vNorm); // build plane D.set (0,1,0); N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(PointDown,D,N.Pos); // "project" position // *** Validate results vNorm.set(0,1,0); if (vNorm.dotproduct(N.Plane.n)<_cos(deg2rad(60.f))) return FALSE; float y_old = vAt.y; float y_new = N.Pos.y; if (y_old>y_new) { // down if (y_old-y_new > m_Params.fCanDOWN ) return FALSE; } else { // up if (y_new-y_old > m_Params.fCanUP ) return FALSE; } // *** Validate plane { Fvector PLP; D.set(0,-1,0); int num_successed_rays = 0; for (int x=-RCAST_Count; x<=RCAST_Count; x++) { P.x = N.Pos.x + coeff*float(x); for (int z=-RCAST_Count; z<=RCAST_Count; z++) { P.z = N.Pos.z + coeff*float(z); P.y = N.Pos.y; N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(P,D,PLP); // "project" position P.y = PLP.y+RCAST_VALID*0.01f; float tri_min_range = flt_max; int tri_selected = -1; float range,u,v; for (i=0; i<tris.size(); i++){ if (ETOOLS::TestRayTriA(P,D,tris[i].v,u,v,range,false)){ if (range<tri_min_range){ tri_min_range = range; tri_selected = i; } } } if (tri_selected>=0){ if (tri_min_range<RCAST_VALID) num_successed_rays++; } } } float perc = float(num_successed_rays)/float(RCAST_Total); //. if (!bIC&&(perc < 0.5f)){ float perc_lim = bIC?0.015f:0.5f; if (perc < perc_lim){ // Msg ("Floating node."); return FALSE; } } // *** Mask check // ??? return TRUE; }