BOOL CALLBACK DebugInfoCallback
	HANDLE   /* hProcess */ , 
	ULONG    ActionCode, 
	ULONG64  CallbackData, 
	ULONG64  UserContext
	// Note: This function should return TRUE only if it handles the event, 
	// otherwise it must return FALSE (see documentation). 

	CSymbolEngine* pEngine = (CSymbolEngine*)UserContext;

	if( pEngine == 0 )
		_ASSERTE( !_T("Engine pointer is null.") );
		return FALSE;

	if( ActionCode == CBA_DEBUG_INFO ) 
		if( CallbackData != 0 ) 
			_ASSERTE( !::IsBadStringPtr( (const TCHAR*)CallbackData, UINT_MAX ) ); 

			pEngine->OnEngineNotify( TString( (const TCHAR*)CallbackData ) );

			return TRUE; 

	return FALSE; 
static DWORD64 __stdcall GetModBase ( HANDLE hProcess , DWORD64 dwAddr )
    // Check in the symbol engine first.

    // This is what the MFC stack trace routines forgot to do so their
    //  code will not get the info out of the symbol engine.
    stIHM.SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_MODULE ) ;

    if ( g_cSym.SymGetModuleInfo ( dwAddr , &stIHM ) )
        return ( stIHM.BaseOfImage ) ;
        // Let's go fishing.

        if ( 0 != VirtualQueryEx ( hProcess         ,
                                   (LPCVOID)dwAddr  ,
                                   &stMBI           ,
                                   sizeof ( stMBI )  ) )
            // Try and load it.
            DWORD dwNameLen = 0 ;
            TCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ] ;

            dwNameLen = GetModuleFileName ( (HINSTANCE)
                                                stMBI.AllocationBase ,
                                            szFile                   ,
                                            MAX_PATH                  );

            HANDLE hFile = NULL ;

            if ( 0 != dwNameLen )
                hFile = CreateFile ( szFile       ,
                                     GENERIC_READ    ,
                                     FILE_SHARE_READ ,
                                     NULL            ,
                                     OPEN_EXISTING   ,
                                     0               ,
                                     0                ) ;

            g_cSym.SymLoadModule ( hFile                            ,
                                   ( dwNameLen ? szFile : NULL )    ,
                                   NULL                             ,
                                   (DWORD)stMBI.AllocationBase      ,
                                   0                                 ) ;
            return ( (DWORD)stMBI.AllocationBase ) ;

    return ( 0 ) ;
void xrCore::_initialize	(LPCSTR _ApplicationName, LogCallback cb, BOOL init_fs, LPCSTR fs_fname)
	strcpy_s					(ApplicationName,_ApplicationName);
	if (0==init_counter) {
		_clear87	();
		_control87	( _PC_53,   MCW_PC );
		_control87	( _RC_CHOP, MCW_RC );
		_control87	( _RC_NEAR, MCW_RC );
		_control87	( _MCW_EM,  MCW_EM );
		// Init COM so we can use CoCreateInstance
//		HRESULT co_res = 

		strcpy_s			(Params,sizeof(Params),GetCommandLine());
		_strlwr_s			(Params,sizeof(Params));

		string_path		fn,dr,di;

		// application path
        _splitpath		(fn,dr,di,0,0);
        strconcat		(sizeof(ApplicationPath),ApplicationPath,dr,di);
#ifndef _EDITOR
		strcpy_s		(g_application_path,sizeof(g_application_path),ApplicationPath);

		// working path
        if( strstr(Params,"-wf") )
            string_path				c_name;
            sscanf					(strstr(Core.Params,"-wf ")+4,"%[^ ] ",c_name);
            SetCurrentDirectory     (c_name);

		// User/Comp Name
		DWORD	sz_user		= sizeof(UserName);
		GetUserName			(UserName,&sz_user);

		DWORD	sz_comp		= sizeof(CompName);
		GetComputerName		(CompName,&sz_comp);

		// Mathematics & PSI detection
		CPU::Detect			();
		Memory._initialize	(strstr(Params,"-mem_debug") ? TRUE : FALSE);

		InitLog				();
		_initialize_cpu		();

#ifdef DEBUG
		Debug._initialize	(FALSE);
		Debug._initialize	(TRUE);
		rtc_initialize		();

		xr_FS				= xr_new<CLocatorAPI>	();

		xr_EFS				= xr_new<EFS_Utils>		();
//.		R_ASSERT			(co_res==S_OK);
	if (init_fs){
		u32 flags			= 0;
		if (0!=strstr(Params,"-build"))	 flags |= CLocatorAPI::flBuildCopy;
		if (0!=strstr(Params,"-ebuild")) flags |= CLocatorAPI::flBuildCopy|CLocatorAPI::flEBuildCopy;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (strstr(Params,"-cache"))  flags |= CLocatorAPI::flCacheFiles;
		else flags &= ~CLocatorAPI::flCacheFiles;
#endif // DEBUG
#ifdef _EDITOR // for EDITORS - no cache
		flags 				&=~ CLocatorAPI::flCacheFiles;
#endif // _EDITOR
		flags |= CLocatorAPI::flScanAppRoot;

#ifndef	_EDITOR
	#ifndef ELocatorAPIH
		if (0!=strstr(Params,"-file_activity"))	 flags |= CLocatorAPI::flDumpFileActivity;
		FS._initialize		(flags,0,fs_fname);
		Msg					("'%s' build %d, %s\n","xrCore",build_id, build_date);
		EFS._initialize		();
#ifdef DEBUG
    #ifndef	_EDITOR
		Msg					("CRT heap 0x%08x",_get_heap_handle());
		Msg					("Process heap 0x%08x",GetProcessHeap());
#endif // DEBUG
	SetLogCB				(cb);

	LPAPI_VERSION ver = ImagehlpApiVersion();
	if ( NULL == GetProcAddress ( GetModuleHandle("dbghelp.dll"), "EnumerateLoadedModulesEx") )
		string256 msg;		
		DWORD dwVer[2];
		WORD *v4 = (WORD*) &dwVer;
		CSymbolEngine SE;
		SE.GetInMemoryFileVersion("dbghelp.dll", dwVer[0], dwVer[1]);

		sprintf_s(msg, 256, "”старевший файл dbghelp.dll (%d.%d.%d.%d), его рекомендуетс¤ удалить.", 
								v4[1], v4[0], v4[3], v4[2]);
		MessageBox(NULL, msg, "DebugHlp Warning", MB_OK);

void DoStackTrace ( LPTSTR szString  ,
                    DWORD  dwSize     )
    HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess ( ) ;

    // If the symbol engine is not initialized, do it now.
    if ( FALSE == g_bSymIsInit )
        DWORD dwOpts = SymGetOptions ( ) ;

        // Turn on load lines.
        SymSetOptions ( dwOpts                |
                        SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES      ) ;

        if ( FALSE == g_cSym.SymInitialize ( hProcess ,
                                             NULL     ,
                                             FALSE     ) )
            TRACE ( "DiagAssert : Unable to initialize the "
                    "symbol engine!!!\n" ) ;
#ifdef _DEBUG
            DebugBreak ( ) ;
            g_bSymIsInit = TRUE ;

    // The symbol engine is initialized so do the stack walk.

    // The array of addresses.
    ADDRVECTOR vAddrs ;

    // The thread information.
    CONTEXT    stCtx  ;

    stCtx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL ;

    // Get the thread context.  Since I am doing this on the CURRENT
    // executing thread, the context will be from down in the bowls of
    // KERNEL32.DLL.  Probably GetThreadContext itself.
    if ( GetThreadContext ( GetCurrentThread ( ) , &stCtx ) )
        STACKFRAME stFrame ;
        DWORD      dwMachine ;

        ZeroMemory ( &stFrame , sizeof ( STACKFRAME ) ) ;

        stFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat ;

#if defined (_M_IX86)
        dwMachine                = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ;

        stFrame.AddrPC.Offset    = stCtx.Eip    ;
        stFrame.AddrStack.Offset = stCtx.Esp    ;
        stFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = stCtx.Ebp    ;
        stFrame.AddrStack.Mode   = AddrModeFlat ;
        stFrame.AddrFrame.Mode   = AddrModeFlat ;

#elif defined (_M_ALPHA)
        dwMachine                = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA ;
        stFrame.AddrPC.Offset    = (unsigned long)stCtx.Fir ;
#error ( "Unknown machine!" )

        // Loop for the first 512 stack elements.
        for ( DWORD i = 0 ; i < 512 ; i++ )
            if ( FALSE == StackWalk ( dwMachine              ,
                                      hProcess               ,
                                      hProcess               ,
                                      &stFrame               ,
                                      &stCtx                 ,
                                      NULL                   ,
                                      SymFunctionTableAccess ,
                                      GetModBase             ,
                                      NULL                    ) )
                break ;
            // Also check that the address is not zero.  Sometimes
            // StackWalk returns TRUE with a frame of zero.
            if ( 0 != stFrame.AddrPC.Offset )
                vAddrs.push_back ( stFrame.AddrPC.Offset ) ;

        // Now start converting the addresses.
        DWORD dwSizeLeft = dwSize ;
        DWORD dwSymSize ;

        TCHAR szSym [ MAX_PATH * 2 ] ;
        LPTSTR szCurrPos = szString ;

        BOOL bSeenDiagAssert = FALSE ;
        ADDRVECTOR::iterator loop ;
        for ( loop =  vAddrs.begin ( ) ;
              loop != vAddrs.end ( )   ;
              loop++                     )
            dwSymSize = ConvertAddress ( *loop , szSym ) ;
            // Throw out everything with DiagAssert.cpp in it.
            if ( _tcsstr ( szSym , _T ( "DiagAssert.cpp" ) ) )
                bSeenDiagAssert = TRUE ;
                continue ;
            // Throw out anything before the functions in
            // DiagAssert.cpp
            if ( FALSE == bSeenDiagAssert )
                continue ;
            if ( dwSizeLeft < dwSymSize )
                break ;
            _tcscpy ( szCurrPos , szSym ) ;
            szCurrPos += dwSymSize ;
            dwSizeLeft -= dwSymSize ;
static DWORD ConvertAddress ( DWORD dwAddr , LPTSTR szOutBuff )
    char szTemp [ MAX_PATH + sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) ] ;



    LPTSTR pCurrPos = szOutBuff ;

    ZeroMemory ( pIHS , MAX_PATH + sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) ) ;
    ZeroMemory ( &stIHM , sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_MODULE ) ) ;

    pIHS->SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) ;
    pIHS->Address = dwAddr ;
    pIHS->MaxNameLength = MAX_PATH ;

    stIHM.SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_MODULE ) ;

    // Always stick the address in first.
    pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos , _T ( "0x%08X " ) , dwAddr ) ;

    // Get the module name.
    if ( 0 != g_cSym.SymGetModuleInfo ( dwAddr , &stIHM ) )
        // Strip off the path.
        LPTSTR szName = _tcsrchr ( stIHM.ImageName , _T ( '\\' ) ) ;
        if ( NULL != szName )
            szName++ ;
            szName = stIHM.ImageName ;
        pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos , _T ( "%s: " ) , szName ) ;
        pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos , _T ( "<unknown module>: " ) );

    // Get the function.
    DWORD dwDisp ;
    if ( 0 != g_cSym.SymGetSymFromAddr ( dwAddr , &dwDisp , pIHS ) )
        if ( 0 == dwDisp )
            pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos , _T ( "%s" ) , pIHS->Name);
            pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos               ,
                                   _T ( "%s + %d bytes" ) ,
                                   pIHS->Name             ,
                                   dwDisp                  ) ;

        // If I got a symbol, give the source and line a whirl.

        ZeroMemory ( &stIHL , sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ) ;

        stIHL.SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ;

        if ( 0 != g_cSym.SymGetLineFromAddr ( dwAddr  ,
                                              &dwDisp ,
                                              &stIHL   ) )
            // Put this on the next line and indented a bit.
            pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos                  ,
                                  _T ( "\n\t\t%s, Line %d" ) ,
                                  stIHL.FileName             ,
                                  stIHL.LineNumber            ) ;
            if ( 0 != dwDisp )
                pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos             ,
                                       _T ( " + %d bytes" ) ,
                                       dwDisp                ) ;
        pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos , _T ( "<unknown symbol>" ) ) ;

    // Tack on a CRLF.
    pCurrPos += wsprintf ( pCurrPos , _T ( "\n" ) ) ;

    return ( pCurrPos - szOutBuff ) ;
static DWORD __stdcall GetModBase ( HANDLE hProcess , DWORD dwAddr )
    // Check in the symbol engine first.

    // This is what the MFC stack trace routines forgot to do so their
    // code will not get the info out of the symbol engine.
    stIHM.SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_MODULE ) ;

    // Check to see if the module is already loaded.
    if ( g_cSym.SymGetModuleInfo ( dwAddr , &stIHM ) )
        return ( stIHM.BaseOfImage ) ;
        // The module is not loaded, so let's go fishing.

        // Do the VirtualQueryEx to see if I can find the start of
        // this module.  Since the HMODULE is the start of a module
        // in memory, viola, this will give me the HMODULE.
        if ( 0 != VirtualQueryEx ( hProcess         ,
                                   (LPCVOID)dwAddr  ,
                                   &stMBI           ,
                                   sizeof ( stMBI )  ) )
            // Try and load it.
            DWORD dwNameLen = 0 ;
            TCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ] ;

            // Using the address base for the memory location, try
            // to grab the module filename.
            dwNameLen = GetModuleFileName ( (HINSTANCE)
                                                stMBI.AllocationBase ,
                                            szFile                   ,
                                            MAX_PATH                  );

            HANDLE hFile = NULL ;

            if ( 0 != dwNameLen )
                // Very cool, I found the DLL.  Now open it up for
                // reading.
                hFile = CreateFile ( szFile       ,
                                     GENERIC_READ    ,
                                     FILE_SHARE_READ ,
                                     NULL            ,
                                     OPEN_EXISTING   ,
                                     0               ,
                                     0                ) ;
            // Go ahead and try to load the module anyway.
#ifdef _DEBUG
            DWORD dwRet =
            g_cSym.SymLoadModule ( hFile                            ,
                                   ( dwNameLen ? szFile : NULL )    ,
                                   NULL                             ,
                                   (DWORD)stMBI.AllocationBase      ,
                                   0                                 ) ;
#ifdef _DEBUG
            if ( 0 == dwRet )
                TRACE ( "SymLoadModule failed : 0x%08X\n" ,
                        GetLastError ( )                   ) ;
#endif  // _DEBUG
            return ( (DWORD)stMBI.AllocationBase ) ;
    return ( 0 ) ;
void DoStackTrace ( LPTSTR szString  ,
                    DWORD  dwSize    ,
                    DWORD  dwNumSkip  )
    HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess ( ) ;

    // If the symbol engine is not initialized, do it now.
    if ( FALSE == g_bSymIsInit )
        DWORD dwOpts = SymGetOptions ( ) ;

        // Turn on load lines.
        SymSetOptions ( dwOpts                |
                        SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES      ) ;

        if ( FALSE == g_cSym.SymInitialize ( hProcess ,
                                             NULL     ,
                                             FALSE     ) )
            //dsi_PrintToConsole("DoStackTrace : Unable to initialize the symbol engine!!!");
            g_bSymIsInit = TRUE ;

    // The symbol engine is initialized so do the stack walk.

    // The array of addresses.
    ADDRVECTOR vAddrs ;

    // The thread information.
    CONTEXT    stCtx  ;

    stCtx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL ;

    if ( GetThreadContext ( GetCurrentThread ( ) , &stCtx ) )
        STACKFRAME stFrame ;
        DWORD      dwMachine ;

        ZeroMemory ( &stFrame , sizeof ( STACKFRAME ) ) ;

        stFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat ;

#ifdef _M_IX86
        dwMachine                = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ;
		dwMachine				 = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64;
#ifdef _M_IX86
        stFrame.AddrPC.Offset    = stCtx.Eip    ;
        stFrame.AddrStack.Offset = stCtx.Esp    ;
		stFrame.AddrPC.Offset	 = stCtx.Rip	;
		stFrame.AddrStack.Offset = stCtx.Rsp	;
        stFrame.AddrStack.Mode   = AddrModeFlat ;
#ifdef _M_IX86
        stFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = stCtx.Ebp    ;
		stFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = stCtx.Rbp	;
        stFrame.AddrFrame.Mode   = AddrModeFlat ;

        // Loop for the first 512 stack elements.
        for ( DWORD i = 0 ; i < 512 ; i++ )
            if ( FALSE == StackWalk ( dwMachine              ,
                                      hProcess               ,
                                      hProcess               ,
                                      &stFrame               ,
                                      &stCtx                 ,
                                      NULL                   ,
                                      SymFunctionTableAccess ,
                                      GetModBase             ,
                                      NULL                    ) )
				// [KLS 4/5/02] The optimization bug doesn't occur if you touch the 
				// variable "i" here (e.g., call dsi_PrintToConsole("i = %d", i); )
				// ...I love compiler bugs ;)

				break ;
            if ( i > dwNumSkip )
                // Also check that the address is not zero.  Sometimes
                //  StackWalk returns TRUE with a frame of zero.
                if ( 0 != stFrame.AddrPC.Offset )
                    vAddrs.push_back ( stFrame.AddrPC.Offset ) ;

        // Now start converting the addresses.
        DWORD dwSizeLeft = dwSize ;
        DWORD dwSymSize ;

        TCHAR szSym [ MAX_PATH * 2 ] ;
        LPTSTR szCurrPos = szString ;

        ADDRVECTOR::iterator loop ;
        for ( loop =  vAddrs.begin ( ) ;
              loop != vAddrs.end ( )   ;
              loop++                     )

            dwSymSize = ConvertAddress ( *loop , szSym ) ;
            if ( dwSizeLeft < dwSymSize )
                break ;
            _tcscpy ( szCurrPos , szSym ) ;
            szCurrPos += dwSymSize ;
            dwSizeLeft -= dwSymSize ;