void TE_Explosion( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
	const Vector* pPos, int modelindex, float scale, int framerate, int flags, int radius, int magnitude, const Vector* pNormal, unsigned char materialType )
	g_TEExplosion.m_vecOrigin		= *pPos;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nModelIndex		= modelindex;	
	g_TEExplosion.m_fScale			= scale;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nFrameRate		= framerate;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nFlags			= flags;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nRadius			= radius;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nMagnitude		= magnitude;

	// Make a copy here so we can re-use it below
	g_TEExplosion.m_vecNormal		= pNormal ? (*pNormal) : Vector(0,0,1);

	g_TEExplosion.m_chMaterialType	= materialType;

	// Send it over the wire
	g_TEExplosion.Create( filter, delay );
void TE_Explosion( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
	const Vector* pos, int modelindex, float scale, int framerate, int flags, int radius, int magnitude, const Vector* normal, unsigned char materialType )
	g_TEExplosion.m_vecOrigin		= *pos;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nModelIndex		= modelindex;	
	g_TEExplosion.m_fScale			= scale;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nFrameRate		= framerate;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nFlags			= flags;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nRadius			= radius;
	g_TEExplosion.m_nMagnitude		= magnitude;

	if ( normal )
		g_TEExplosion.m_vecNormal	= *normal;
		g_TEExplosion.m_vecNormal	= Vector(0,0,1);
	g_TEExplosion.m_chMaterialType	= materialType;

	// Send it over the wire
	g_TEExplosion.Create( filter, delay );