// Serialization
bool CVTFTexture::Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf )
	if (!m_pImageData)
		Warning("*** Unable to serialize... have no image data!\n");
		return false;

	VTFFileHeader_t header;
	Q_strncpy( header.fileTypeString, "VTF", 4 );
	header.version[0] = VTF_MAJOR_VERSION;
	header.version[1] = VTF_MINOR_VERSION;
	header.headerSize = sizeof(VTFFileHeader_t);

	header.width = m_nWidth;
	header.height = m_nHeight;
	header.flags = m_nFlags;
	header.numFrames = m_nFrameCount;
	header.numMipLevels = m_nMipCount;
	header.imageFormat = m_Format;
	VectorCopy( m_vecReflectivity, header.reflectivity );
	header.bumpScale = m_flBumpScale;

	// FIXME: Why is this needed?
	header.startFrame = m_iStartFrame;

	header.lowResImageWidth = m_nLowResImageWidth;
	header.lowResImageHeight = m_nLowResImageHeight;
	header.lowResImageFormat = m_LowResImageFormat;

	buf.Put( &header, sizeof(VTFFileHeader_t) );
	if (!buf.IsValid())
		return false;

	// Write the low-res image
	if (m_pLowResImageData)
		int iLowResImageSize = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( m_nLowResImageWidth, 
			m_nLowResImageHeight, m_LowResImageFormat, false );
		buf.Put( m_pLowResImageData, iLowResImageSize );
		if (!buf.IsValid())
			return false;
		// If we have a non-zero image size, we better have bits!
		Assert((m_nLowResImageWidth == 0) || (m_nLowResImageHeight == 0));
	// Write out the image
	WriteImageData( buf );
	return buf.IsValid();
 * Save a navigation area to the opened binary stream
void CNavArea::Save( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int version ) const
	// save ID
	fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( m_id );

	// save attribute flags
	fileBuffer.PutInt( m_attributeFlags );

	// save extent of area
	fileBuffer.Put( &m_nwCorner, 3*sizeof(float) );
	fileBuffer.Put( &m_seCorner, 3*sizeof(float) );

	// save heights of implicit corners
	fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_neZ );
	fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_swZ );

	// save connections to adjacent areas
	// in the enum order NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST
	for( int d=0; d<NUM_DIRECTIONS; d++ )
		// save number of connections for this direction
		unsigned int count = m_connect[d].Count();
		fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( count );

		FOR_EACH_VEC( m_connect[d], it )
			NavConnect connect = m_connect[d][ it ];
			fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( connect.area->m_id );
	// build the final pool
	void GetTableAndPool( CUtlVector< unsigned int > &offsets, CUtlBuffer &buffer )

		offsets.EnsureCapacity( m_StringMap.GetNumStrings() );
		buffer.EnsureCapacity( m_nOffset );

		unsigned int currentOffset = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < m_StringMap.GetNumStrings(); i++ )
			offsets.AddToTail( currentOffset );

			const char *pString = m_StringMap.String( i );
			buffer.Put( pString, strlen( pString ) + 1 ); 

			currentOffset += strlen( pString ) + 1;
		Assert( currentOffset == m_nOffset );

		// align string pool to end on dword boundary
		while ( buffer.TellMaxPut() & 0x03 )
			buffer.PutChar( '\0' );
// Binary buffer attribute
bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, const CUtlBinaryBlock &src )
	int nLength = src.Length();
	if ( !buf.IsText() )
		buf.PutInt( nLength );
		if ( nLength != 0 )
			buf.Put( src.Get(), nLength );
		return buf.IsValid();

	// Writes out uuencoded binaries
	for ( int i = 0; i < nLength; ++i )
		if ( (i % 40) == 0 )
			buf.PutChar( '\n' );

		char b1 = src[i] & 0xF;
		char b2 = src[i] >> 4;

		char c1 = ( b1 <= 9 ) ? b1 + '0' : b1 - 10 + 'A';
		char c2 = ( b2 <= 9 ) ? b2 + '0' : b2 - 10 + 'A';

		buf.PutChar( c2 );
		buf.PutChar( c1 );

	buf.PutChar( '\n' );
	return buf.IsValid();
// Get the preload data for a vvd file
bool GetPreloadData_VVD( const char *pFilename, CUtlBuffer &fileBufferIn, CUtlBuffer &preloadBufferOut )
	vertexFileHeader_t *pHeader = (vertexFileHeader_t *)fileBufferIn.Base();

	unsigned int id = BigLong( pHeader->id );
	unsigned int version = BigLong( pHeader->version );

	// ensure caller's buffer is clean
	// caller determines preload size, via TellMaxPut()

	if ( id != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID )
		// bad version
		Msg( "Can't preload: '%s', expecting id %d got id %d\n", pFilename, MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID, id );
		return false;

	if ( version != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION )
		// bad version
		Msg( "Can't preload: '%s', expecting version %d got version %d\n", pFilename, MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION, version );
		return false;

	unsigned int nPreloadSize = sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t );

	preloadBufferOut.Put( fileBufferIn.Base(), nPreloadSize );

	return true;
bool CBaseGameStats::SaveToFileNOW( bool bForceSyncWrite /* = false */ )
	if ( !StatsTrackingIsFullyEnabled() )
		return false;

	// this code path is only for old format stats.  Products that use new format take a different path.
	if ( !gamestats->UseOldFormat() )
		return false;

	CUtlBuffer buf;
	buf.Put( s_szPseudoUniqueID, 16 );

	if( ShouldTrackStandardStats() )
		m_BasicStats.SaveToBuffer( buf ); 

	gamestats->AppendCustomDataToSaveBuffer( buf );

	char fullpath[ 512 ] = { 0 };
	if ( filesystem->FileExists( GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID ) )
		filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID, fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );
		// filename is local to game dir for Steam, so we need to prepend game dir for regular file save
		char gamePath[256];
		engine->GetGameDir( gamePath, 256 );
		Q_StripTrailingSlash( gamePath );
		Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s/%s", gamePath, GetStatSaveFileName() );
		Q_strlower( fullpath );
		Q_FixSlashes( fullpath );

	// StatsLog( "SaveToFileNOW '%s'\n", fullpath );

	if( CBGSDriver.m_bShuttingDown || bForceSyncWrite ) //write synchronously
		filesystem->WriteFile( fullpath, GAMESTATS_PATHID, buf );

		StatsLog( "Shut down wrote to '%s'\n", fullpath );
		// Allocate memory for async system to use (and free afterward!!!)
		size_t nBufferSize = buf.TellPut();
		void *pMem = malloc(nBufferSize);
		CUtlBuffer statsBuffer( pMem, nBufferSize );
		statsBuffer.Put( buf.Base(), nBufferSize );

		// Write data async
		filesystem->AsyncWrite( fullpath, statsBuffer.Base(), statsBuffer.TellPut(), true, false );

	return true;
// Purpose: Empty the output buffer --- called whenever buffer fills up.
// Input  : boolean - 
METHODDEF(boolean) empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
	JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = (JPEGDestinationManager_t *)cinfo->dest;

	CUtlBuffer *buf = dest->pBuffer;
	buf->Put(dest->buffer, OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE);

	dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
	dest->pub.free_in_buffer = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;

	return TRUE;
// Purpose: Terminate destination --- called by jpeg_finish_compress
// after all data has been written.  Usually needs to flush buffer.
// NB: *not* called by jpeg_abort or jpeg_destroy; surrounding
// application must deal with any cleanup that should happen even
// for error exit.
void term_destination( j_compress_ptr cinfo )
	JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = (JPEGDestinationManager_t *) cinfo->dest;
	size_t datacount = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE - dest->pub.free_in_buffer;
	CUtlBuffer *buf = dest->pBuffer;

	/* Write any data remaining in the buffer */
	if (datacount > 0) 
		buf->Put( dest->buffer, datacount );
void CCompiledKeyValuesWriter::WriteStringTable( CUtlBuffer& buf )
	int i;
	CUtlVector< int >	offsets;

	CUtlBuffer stringBuffer;

	offsets.AddToTail( stringBuffer.TellPut() );

	stringBuffer.PutString( "" );
	// save all the rest
	int c = m_StringTable.GetNumStrings();
	for ( i = 1; i < c; i++)
		offsets.AddToTail( stringBuffer.TellPut() );
		stringBuffer.PutString( m_StringTable.String( i ) );

	buf.Put( offsets.Base(), offsets.Count() * sizeof( int ) );

	buf.PutInt( stringBuffer.TellPut() );
	buf.Put( stringBuffer.Base(), stringBuffer.TellPut() );
void CCompiledKeyValuesWriter::WriteFile( char const *outfile )
	CUtlBuffer buf;

	// Write the data file out
	KVHeader_t header;
	header.fileid		= COMPILED_KEYVALUES_ID;
	header.numStrings	= m_StringTable.GetNumStrings();

	buf.Put( &header, sizeof( header ) );

	WriteStringTable( buf );
	WriteData( buf );
	WriteFiles( buf );

	g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( outfile, NULL, buf );
/// store the directory
void PlaceDirectory::Save( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer )
	// store number of entries in directory
	IndexType count = (IndexType)m_directory.Count();
	fileBuffer.PutUnsignedShort( count );

	// store entries		
	for( int i=0; i<m_directory.Count(); ++i )
		const char *placeName = TheNavMesh->PlaceToName( m_directory[i] );

		// store string length followed by string itself
		unsigned short len = (unsigned short)(strlen( placeName ) + 1);
		fileBuffer.PutUnsignedShort( len );
		fileBuffer.Put( placeName, len );

	fileBuffer.PutUnsignedChar( m_hasUnnamedAreas );
bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, const VMatrix &src )
	if ( buf.IsText() )
		buf.Printf( "\n" );
		SerializeFloats( buf, 4, src[0] );
		buf.Printf( "\n" );
		SerializeFloats( buf, 4, src[1] );
		buf.Printf( "\n" );
		SerializeFloats( buf, 4, src[2] );
		buf.Printf( "\n" );
		SerializeFloats( buf, 4, src[3] );
		buf.Printf( "\n" );
		buf.Put( &src, sizeof(VMatrix) );
	return buf.IsValid();
void CNetworkStringTable::WriteStringTable( CUtlBuffer& buf )
	int numstrings = GetNumStrings();
	buf.PutInt( numstrings );
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < numstrings; i++ )
		buf.PutString( GetString( i ) );
		int userDataSize;
		const void *pUserData = GetStringUserData( i, &userDataSize );
		if ( userDataSize > 0 )
			buf.PutChar( 1 );
			buf.PutShort( (short)userDataSize );
			buf.Put( pUserData, userDataSize );
			buf.PutChar( 0 );
// Serialization of image data
bool CVTFTexture::WriteImageData( CUtlBuffer &buf )
	// NOTE: We load the bits this way because we store the bits in memory
	// differently that the way they are stored on disk; we store on disk
	// differently so we can only load up 
	// NOTE: The smallest mip levels are stored first!!
	for (int iMip = m_nMipCount; --iMip >= 0; )
		int iMipSize = ComputeMipSize( iMip );

		for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < m_nFrameCount; ++iFrame)
			for (int iFace = 0; iFace < m_nFaceCount; ++iFace)
				unsigned char *pMipBits = ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip );
				buf.Put( pMipBits, iMipSize );

	return buf.IsValid();
CMacroTextureData* LoadMacroTextureFile( const char *pFilename )
	FileHandle_t hFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( pFilename, "rb" );
		return NULL;

	// Read the file in.
	CUtlVector<char> tempData;
	tempData.SetSize( g_pFileSystem->Size( hFile ) );
	g_pFileSystem->Read( tempData.Base(), tempData.Count(), hFile );
	g_pFileSystem->Close( hFile );
	// Now feed the data into a CUtlBuffer (great...)
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	buf.Put( tempData.Base(), tempData.Count() );

	// Now make a texture out of it.
	IVTFTexture *pTex = CreateVTFTexture();
	if ( !pTex->Unserialize( buf ) )
		Error( "IVTFTexture::Unserialize( %s ) failed.", pFilename );

	pTex->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, false );	// Get it in a format we like.

	// Now convert to a CMacroTextureData.
	CMacroTextureData *pData = new CMacroTextureData;
	pData->m_Width = pTex->Width();
	pData->m_Height = pTex->Height();
	pData->m_ImageData.EnsureCapacity( pData->m_Width * pData->m_Height * 4 );
	memcpy( pData->m_ImageData.Base(), pTex->ImageData(), pData->m_Width * pData->m_Height * 4 );

	DestroyVTFTexture( pTex );

	Msg( "-- LoadMacroTextureFile: %s\n", pFilename );
	return pData;
// Get the preload data for a vtx file
bool GetPreloadData_VTX( const char *pFilename, CUtlBuffer &fileBufferIn, CUtlBuffer &preloadBufferOut )
	OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *pHeader = (OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *)fileBufferIn.Base();

	unsigned int version = BigLong( pHeader->version );

	// ensure caller's buffer is clean
	// caller determines preload size, via TellMaxPut()

		// bad version
		Msg( "Can't preload: '%s', expecting version %d got version %d\n", pFilename, OPTIMIZED_MODEL_FILE_VERSION, version );
		return false;

	unsigned int nPreloadSize = sizeof( OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t );

	preloadBufferOut.Put( fileBufferIn.Base(), nPreloadSize );

	return true;
// Get the preload data for a vhv file
bool GetPreloadData_VHV( const char *pFilename, CUtlBuffer &fileBufferIn, CUtlBuffer &preloadBufferOut )
	HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t *pHeader = (HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t *)fileBufferIn.Base();

	unsigned int version = BigLong( pHeader->m_nVersion );

	// ensure caller's buffer is clean
	// caller determines preload size, via TellMaxPut()

	if ( version != VHV_VERSION )
		// bad version
		Msg( "Can't preload: '%s', expecting version %d got version %d\n", pFilename, VHV_VERSION, version );
		return false;

	unsigned int nPreloadSize = sizeof( HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t );

	preloadBufferOut.Put( fileBufferIn.Base(), nPreloadSize );

	return true;
// A Scene image file contains all the compiled .XCD
bool CSceneImage::CreateSceneImageFile( CUtlBuffer &targetBuffer, char const *pchModPath, bool bLittleEndian, bool bQuiet, ISceneCompileStatus *pStatus )
	CUtlVector<fileList_t>	vcdFileList;
	CUtlSymbolTable			vcdSymbolTable( 0, 32, true );

	Msg( "\n" );

	// get all the VCD files according to the seacrh paths
	char searchPaths[512];
	g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) );
	char *pPath = strtok( searchPaths, ";" );
	while ( pPath )
		int currentCount = vcdFileList.Count();

		char szPath[MAX_PATH];
		V_ComposeFileName( pPath, "scenes/*.vcd", szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

		scriptlib->FindFiles( szPath, true, vcdFileList );

		Msg( "Scenes: Searching '%s' - Found %d scenes.\n", szPath, vcdFileList.Count() - currentCount );

		pPath = strtok( NULL, ";" );

	if ( !vcdFileList.Count() )
		Msg( "Scenes: No Scene Files found!\n" );
		return false;

	// iterate and convert all the VCD files
	bool bGameIsTF = V_stristr( pchModPath, "\\tf" ) != NULL;
	for ( int i=0; i<vcdFileList.Count(); i++ )
		const char *pFilename = vcdFileList[i].fileName.String();
		const char *pSceneName = V_stristr( pFilename, "scenes\\" );
		if ( !pSceneName )

		if ( !bLittleEndian && bGameIsTF && V_stristr( pSceneName, "high\\" ) )

		// process files in order they would be found in search paths
		// i.e. skipping later processed files that match an earlier conversion
		UtlSymId_t symbol = vcdSymbolTable.Find( pSceneName );
		if ( symbol == UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL )
			vcdSymbolTable.AddString( pSceneName );

			pStatus->UpdateStatus( pFilename, bQuiet, i, vcdFileList.Count() );

			if ( !CreateTargetFile_VCD( pFilename, "", false, bLittleEndian ) )
				Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Failed on '%s' conversion!\n", pFilename );


	if ( !g_SceneFiles.Count() )
		// nothing to do
		return true;

	Msg( "Scenes: Finalizing %d unique scenes.\n", g_SceneFiles.Count() );

	// get the string pool
	CUtlVector< unsigned int > stringOffsets;
	CUtlBuffer stringPool;
	g_ChoreoStringPool.GetTableAndPool( stringOffsets, stringPool );

	if ( !bQuiet )
		Msg( "Scenes: String Table: %d bytes\n", stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int ) );
		Msg( "Scenes: String Pool: %d bytes\n", stringPool.TellMaxPut() );

	// first header, then lookup table, then string pool blob
	int stringPoolStart = sizeof( SceneImageHeader_t ) + stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int );
	// then directory
	int sceneEntryStart = stringPoolStart + stringPool.TellMaxPut();
	// then variable sized summaries
	int sceneSummaryStart = sceneEntryStart + g_SceneFiles.Count() * sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t );
	// then variable sized compiled binary scene data
	int sceneDataStart = 0;

	// construct header
	SceneImageHeader_t imageHeader = { 0 };
	imageHeader.nId = SCENE_IMAGE_ID;
	imageHeader.nVersion = SCENE_IMAGE_VERSION;
	imageHeader.nNumScenes = g_SceneFiles.Count();
	imageHeader.nNumStrings = stringOffsets.Count();
	imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = sceneEntryStart;
	if ( !bLittleEndian )
		imageHeader.nId = BigLong( imageHeader.nId );
		imageHeader.nVersion = BigLong( imageHeader.nVersion );
		imageHeader.nNumScenes = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumScenes );
		imageHeader.nNumStrings = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumStrings );
		imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = BigLong( imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset );
	targetBuffer.Put( &imageHeader, sizeof( imageHeader ) );

	// header is immediately followed by string table and pool
	for ( int i = 0; i < stringOffsets.Count(); i++ )
		unsigned int offset = stringPoolStart + stringOffsets[i];
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			offset = BigLong( offset );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( offset );
	Assert( stringPoolStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	targetBuffer.Put( stringPool.Base(), stringPool.TellMaxPut() );

	// construct directory
	CUtlSortVector< SceneImageEntry_t, CSceneImageEntryLessFunc > imageDirectory;
	imageDirectory.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );

	// build directory
	// directory is linear sorted by filename checksum for later binary search
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_SceneFiles.Count(); i++ )
		SceneImageEntry_t imageEntry = { 0 };

		// name needs to be normalized for determinstic later CRC name calc
		// calc crc based on scenes\anydir\anyscene.vcd
		char szCleanName[MAX_PATH];
		V_strncpy( szCleanName, g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String(), sizeof( szCleanName ) );
		V_strlower( szCleanName );
		V_FixSlashes( szCleanName );
		char *pName = V_stristr( szCleanName, "scenes\\" );
		if ( !pName )
			// must have scenes\ in filename
			Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected lack of scenes prefix on %s\n", g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String() );

		CRC32_t crcFilename = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pName, strlen( pName ) );
		imageEntry.crcFilename = crcFilename;

		// temp store an index to its file, fixup later, necessary to access post sort
		imageEntry.nDataOffset = i;
		if ( imageDirectory.Find( imageEntry ) != imageDirectory.InvalidIndex() )
			// filename checksums must be unique or runtime binary search would be bogus
			Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected filename checksum collision!\n" );

		imageDirectory.Insert( imageEntry );

	// determine sort order and start of data after dynamic summaries
	CUtlVector< int > writeOrder;
	writeOrder.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );
	sceneDataStart = sceneSummaryStart;
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		// reclaim offset, indicates write order of scene file
		int iScene = imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset;
		writeOrder.AddToTail( iScene );

		// march past each variable sized summary to determine start of scene data
		int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		sceneDataStart += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + ( numSounds - 1 ) * sizeof( int );

	// finalize and write directory
	Assert( sceneEntryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	int nSummaryOffset = sceneSummaryStart;
	int nDataOffset = sceneDataStart;
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];

		imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = nDataOffset;
		imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();
		imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = nSummaryOffset;
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			imageDirectory[i].crcFilename = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].crcFilename );
			imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset );
			imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataLength );
			imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset );
		targetBuffer.Put( &imageDirectory[i], sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t ) );

		int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		nSummaryOffset += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + (numSounds - 1) * sizeof( int );

		nDataOffset += g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();

	// finalize and write summaries
	Assert( sceneSummaryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];
		int msecs = g_SceneFiles[iScene].msecs;
		int soundCount = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			msecs = BigLong( msecs );
			soundCount = BigLong( soundCount );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( msecs );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( soundCount );
		for ( int j = 0; j < g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count(); j++ )
			int soundId = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList[j];
			if ( !bLittleEndian )
				soundId = BigLong( soundId );
			targetBuffer.PutInt( soundId );

	// finalize and write data
	Assert( sceneDataStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];
		targetBuffer.Put( g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.Base(), g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut() );

	if ( !bQuiet )
		Msg( "Scenes: Final size: %.2f MB\n", targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() / (1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );

	// cleanup

	return true;
// Add the current snapshot to the db
void AddSnapshotToDatabase( void )
	char szSnapshot[1024];

	//Only update the prices and close.
	if ( g_bWeeklyUpdate == true )
		weeklyprice_t prices;
		CUtlBuffer buf;

		prices.iVersion = PRICE_BLOB_VERSION;

		for ( int i = 1; i < WEAPON_MAX; i ++ )
			Q_snprintf( szSnapshot, sizeof( szSnapshot ), "update weapon_info set current_price=%d, purchases_thisweek=0 where WeaponID=%d", g_iNewWeaponPrices[i], i  );

			int retcode = mysql->Execute( szSnapshot );
			if ( retcode != 0 )
				Msg( "Query:\n %s\n failed - Retcode: %d\n", szSnapshot, retcode );

			prices.iPreviousPrice[i] = g_Weapons[i].iCurrentPrice;
			prices.iCurrentPrice[i] = g_iNewWeaponPrices[i];

		buf.Put( &prices, sizeof( weeklyprice_t ) );

		if ( g_pFullFileSystem )
			g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( PRICE_BLOB_NAME, NULL, buf );

		Q_snprintf( szSnapshot, sizeof( szSnapshot ), "update reset_counter set counter=counter+1"  );

		int retcode = mysql->Execute( szSnapshot );
		if ( retcode != 0 )
			Msg( "Query:\n %s\n failed - Retcode: %d\n", szSnapshot, retcode );


	for ( int i = 1; i < WEAPON_MAX; i ++ )
		Q_snprintf( szSnapshot, sizeof( szSnapshot ), "Insert into purchases_pricing ( snapshot, dt2, weapon_id, purchases, current_price, projected_price, reset_counter ) values ( \"%d_%d\", NOW(), %d, %d, %d, %d, %d );",
					g_iCounter, i,
					g_iResetCounter );

		int retcode = mysql->Execute( szSnapshot );
		if ( retcode != 0 )
			Msg( "Query:\n %s\n failed - Retcode: %d\n", szSnapshot, retcode );

	Q_snprintf( szSnapshot, sizeof( szSnapshot ), "update snapshot_counter set counter=%d", g_iCounter  );

	int retcode = mysql->Execute( szSnapshot );
	if ( retcode != 0 )
		Msg( "Query:\n %s\n failed - Retcode: %d\n", szSnapshot, retcode );

	for ( int i = 1; i < WEAPON_MAX; i ++ )
		Q_snprintf( szSnapshot, sizeof( szSnapshot ), "update weapon_info set purchases=%d, purchases_thisweek=purchases_thisweek+%d where WeaponID=%d", g_iCurrentWeaponPurchases[i], g_iPurchaseDelta[i], i  );

		int retcode = mysql->Execute( szSnapshot );
		if ( retcode != 0 )
			Msg( "Query:\n %s\n failed - Retcode: %d\n", szSnapshot, retcode );

	Msg( "Added new snapshot to database\n", szSnapshot, retcode );
// Rebuilds all of a MDL's components.
static bool GenerateModelFiles( const char *pMdlFilename )
	CUtlBuffer	tempBuffer;
	int			fileSize;
	int			paddedSize;
	int			swappedSize;

	// .mdl
	CUtlBuffer mdlBuffer;
	if ( !scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pMdlFilename, mdlBuffer ) )
		return false;
	if ( !Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( (studiohdr_t *)mdlBuffer.Base() ))
		Msg("%s needs to be recompiled\n", pMdlFilename );

	// .vtx
	char szVtxFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVtxFilename, sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szVtxFilename, ".dx90.vtx", sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer vtxBuffer;
	bool bHasVtx = ReadFileToBuffer( szVtxFilename, vtxBuffer, false, true );
	// .vvd
	char szVvdFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVvdFilename, sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szVvdFilename, ".vvd", sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer vvdBuffer;
	bool bHasVvd = ReadFileToBuffer( szVvdFilename, vvdBuffer, false, true );

	if ( bHasVtx != bHasVvd )
		// paired resources, either mandates the other
		return false;

	// a .mdl file that has .vtx/.vvd gets re-processed to cull lod data
	if ( bHasVtx && bHasVvd )
		// cull lod if needed
		IMdlStripInfo *pStripInfo = NULL;
		bool bResult = mdllib->StripModelBuffers( mdlBuffer, vvdBuffer, vtxBuffer, &pStripInfo );
		if ( !bResult )
			return false;
		if ( pStripInfo )
			// .vsi
			CUtlBuffer vsiBuffer;
			pStripInfo->Serialize( vsiBuffer );

			// save strip info for later processing
			char szVsiFilename[MAX_PATH];
			V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVsiFilename, sizeof( szVsiFilename ) );
			V_strncat( szVsiFilename, ".vsi", sizeof( szVsiFilename ) );
			WriteBufferToFile( szVsiFilename, vsiBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );

	// .ani processing may further update .mdl buffer
	char szAniFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szAniFilename, sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szAniFilename, ".ani", sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer aniBuffer;
	bool bHasAni = ReadFileToBuffer( szAniFilename, aniBuffer, false, true );
	if ( bHasAni )
		// Some vestigal .ani files exist in the tree, only process valid .ani
		if ( ((studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base())->numanimblocks != 0 )
			// .ani processing modifies .mdl buffer
			fileSize = aniBuffer.TellPut();
			paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
			aniBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
			tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
			V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szAniFilename, sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
			V_strncat( szAniFilename, ".360.ani", sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
			swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szAniFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), aniBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
			if ( swappedSize > 0 )
				// .ani buffer is replaced with swapped data
				aniBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
				WriteBufferToFile( szAniFilename, aniBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
				return false;				

	// .phy
	char szPhyFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szPhyFilename, sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szPhyFilename, ".phy", sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer phyBuffer;
	bool bHasPhy = ReadFileToBuffer( szPhyFilename, phyBuffer, false, true );
	if ( bHasPhy )
		fileSize = phyBuffer.TellPut();
		paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
		phyBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szPhyFilename, sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
		V_strncat( szPhyFilename, ".360.phy", sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
		swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szPhyFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), phyBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
		if ( swappedSize > 0 )
			// .phy buffer is replaced with swapped data
			phyBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
			WriteBufferToFile( szPhyFilename, phyBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
			return false;				

	if ( bHasVtx )
		fileSize = vtxBuffer.TellPut();
		paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
		vtxBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVtxFilename, sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
		V_strncat( szVtxFilename, ".dx90.360.vtx", sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
		swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szVtxFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), vtxBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
		if ( swappedSize > 0 )
			// .vtx buffer is replaced with swapped data
			vtxBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
			WriteBufferToFile( szVtxFilename, vtxBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
			return false;				

	if ( bHasVvd )
		fileSize = vvdBuffer.TellPut();
		paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
		vvdBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVvdFilename, sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
		V_strncat( szVvdFilename, ".360.vvd", sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
		swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szVvdFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), vvdBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
		if ( swappedSize > 0 )
			// .vvd buffer is replaced with swapped data
			vvdBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
			WriteBufferToFile( szVvdFilename, vvdBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
			return false;				

	// swap and write final .mdl
	fileSize = mdlBuffer.TellPut();
	paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
	mdlBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
	tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
	char szMdlFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szMdlFilename, sizeof( szMdlFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szMdlFilename, ".360.mdl", sizeof( szMdlFilename ) );
	swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szMdlFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), mdlBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, NULL, CompressFunc );
	if ( swappedSize > 0 )
		// .mdl buffer is replaced with swapped data
		mdlBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
		WriteBufferToFile( szMdlFilename, mdlBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
		return false;				

	return true;
void CSentence::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf )
	int i, j;

	buf.Printf( "VERSION 1.0\n" );
	buf.Printf( "PLAINTEXT\n" );
	buf.Printf( "{\n" );
	buf.Printf( "%s\n", GetText() );
	buf.Printf( "}\n" );
	buf.Printf( "WORDS\n" );
	buf.Printf( "{\n" );
	for ( i = 0; i < m_Words.Size(); i++ )
		CWordTag *word = m_Words[ i ];
		Assert( word );

		buf.Printf( "WORD %s %.3f %.3f\n", 
			word->m_pszWord[ 0 ] ? word->m_pszWord : "???",
			word->m_flEndTime );

		buf.Printf( "{\n" );
		for ( j = 0; j < word->m_Phonemes.Size(); j++ )
			CPhonemeTag *phoneme = word->m_Phonemes[ j ];
			Assert( phoneme );

			buf.Printf( "%i %s %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", 
				phoneme->m_szPhoneme[ 0 ] ? phoneme->m_szPhoneme : "???",
				phoneme->m_flVolume );

		buf.Printf( "}\n" );
	buf.Printf( "}\n" );
	buf.Printf( "EMPHASIS\n" );
	buf.Printf( "{\n" );
	int c = m_EmphasisSamples.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CEmphasisSample *sample = &m_EmphasisSamples[ i ];
		Assert( sample );

		buf.Printf( "%f %f\n", sample->time, sample->value );

	buf.Printf( "}\n" );
	buf.Printf( "CLOSECAPTION\n" );
	buf.Printf( "{\n" );

	for ( int l = 0; l < CC_NUM_LANGUAGES; l++ )
		int count = GetCloseCaptionPhraseCount( l );
		if ( count == 0 && l == CC_ENGLISH )
			SetCloseCaptionFromText( l );
			count = GetCloseCaptionPhraseCount( l );

		if ( count <= 0 )

		buf.Printf( "%s\n", CCloseCaptionPhrase::NameForLanguage( l ) );
		buf.Printf( "{\n" );

		for ( int j = 0 ; j < count; j++ )
			CCloseCaptionPhrase *phrase = GetCloseCaptionPhrase( l, j );
			Assert( phrase );

			int len = wcslen( phrase->GetStream() );
			len <<= 1; // double because it's a wchar_t

			buf.Printf( "PHRASE unicode %i ", len );
			buf.Put( phrase->GetStream(), len );
			buf.Printf( " %.3f %.3f\n",
				phrase->GetEndTime() );

		buf.Printf( "}\n" );
	buf.Printf( "}\n" );

	buf.Printf( "OPTIONS\n" );
	buf.Printf( "{\n" );
	buf.Printf( "voice_duck %d\n", GetVoiceDuck() ? 1 : 0 );
	buf.Printf( "}\n" );
void CCompileCaptionsApp::CompileCaptionFile( char const *infile, char const *outfile )
	StringIndex_t maxindex = (StringIndex_t)-1;
	int maxunicodesize = 0;
	int totalsize = 0;

	int c = 0;

	int curblock = 0;
	int usedBytes = 0;
	int blockSize = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;

	int freeSpace = 0;

	CUtlVector< CaptionLookup_t >	directory;
	CUtlBuffer data;

	CUtlRBTree< unsigned int >	hashcollision( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( unsigned int ) );

	for ( StringIndex_t i = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetFirstStringIndex(); i != INVALID_LOCALIZE_STRING_INDEX; i = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNextStringIndex( i ), ++c )
		char const *entryName = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex( i );
		CaptionLookup_t entry;
		entry.SetHash( entryName );
		// 	vprint( 0, "%d / %d:  %s == %u\n", c, i, g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex( i ), entry.hash );

		if ( hashcollision.Find( entry.hash ) != hashcollision.InvalidIndex() )
			Error( "Hash name collision on %s!!!\n", g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex( i ) );

		hashcollision.Insert( entry.hash );

		const wchar_t *text = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetValueByIndex( i );
		if ( verbose )
			vprint( 0, "Processing: '%30.30s' = '%S'\n", entryName, text );
		int len = text ? ( wcslen( text ) + 1 ) * sizeof( short ) : 0;
		if ( len > maxunicodesize )
			maxindex = i;
			maxunicodesize = len;

		if ( len > blockSize )
			Error( "Caption text file '%s' contains a single caption '%s' of %d bytes (%d is max), change MAX_BLOCK_SIZE in captioncompiler.h to fix!!!\n", g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex( i ),
				entryName, len, blockSize );
		totalsize += len;

		if ( usedBytes + len >= blockSize )

			int leftover = ( blockSize - usedBytes );

			totalsize += leftover;

            freeSpace += leftover;

			while ( --leftover >= 0 )
				data.PutChar( 0 );

			usedBytes = len;
			entry.offset = 0;

			data.Put( (const void *)text, len );
			entry.offset = usedBytes;
			usedBytes += len;
			data.Put( (const void *)text, len );

		entry.length = len;
		entry.blockNum = curblock;

		directory.AddToTail( entry );
	int leftover = ( blockSize - usedBytes );
	totalsize += leftover;
	freeSpace += leftover;
	while ( --leftover >= 0 )
		data.PutChar( 0 );

	vprint( 0, "Found %i strings in '%s'\n", c, infile );

		vprint( 0, "Longest string '%s' = (%i) bytes average(%.3f)\n%",
			g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex( maxindex ), maxunicodesize, (float)totalsize/(float)c );

	vprint( 0, "%d blocks (%d bytes each), %d bytes wasted (%.3f per block average), total bytes %d\n",
		curblock + 1, blockSize, freeSpace, (float)freeSpace/(float)( curblock + 1 ), totalsize );

	vprint( 0, "directory size %d entries, %d bytes, data size %d bytes\n",
		directory.Count(), directory.Count() * sizeof( CaptionLookup_t ), data.TellPut() );

	CompiledCaptionHeader_t header;
	header.magic			= COMPILED_CAPTION_FILEID;
	header.version			= COMPILED_CAPTION_VERSION;
	header.numblocks		= curblock + 1;
	header.blocksize		= blockSize;
	header.directorysize	= directory.Count();
	header.dataoffset		= 0;

	// Now write the outfile
	CUtlBuffer out;
	out.Put( &header, sizeof( header ) );
	out.Put( directory.Base(), directory.Count() * sizeof( CaptionLookup_t ) );
	int curOffset = out.TellPut();
	// Round it up to the next 512 byte boundary
	int nBytesDestBuffer = AlignValue( curOffset, 512 );  // align to HD sector
	int nPadding = nBytesDestBuffer - curOffset;
	while ( --nPadding >= 0 )
		out.PutChar( 0 );
	out.Put( data.Base(), data.TellPut() );

	// Write out a corrected header
	header.dataoffset = nBytesDestBuffer;
	int savePos = out.TellPut();
	out.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
	out.Put( &header, sizeof( header ) );
	out.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, savePos );

	g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( outfile, NULL, out );

	// Jeep: this function no longer exisits
	/*if ( bX360 )
		UpdateOrCreateCaptionFile_X360( g_pFullFileSystem, outfile, NULL, true );
// Converts a buffer from a CRLF buffer to a CR buffer (and back)
// Returns false if no conversion was necessary (and outBuf is left untouched)
// If the conversion occurs, outBuf will be cleared.
bool CUtlBuffer::ConvertCRLF( CUtlBuffer &outBuf )
	if ( !IsText() || !outBuf.IsText() )
		return false;

	if ( ContainsCRLF() == outBuf.ContainsCRLF() )
		return false;

	int nInCount = TellMaxPut();

	outBuf.EnsureCapacity( nInCount );

	bool bFromCRLF = ContainsCRLF();

	// Start reading from the beginning
	int nGet = TellGet();
	int nPut = TellPut();
	int nGetDelta = 0;
	int nPutDelta = 0;

	const char *pBase = (const char*)Base();
	int nCurrGet = 0;
	while ( nCurrGet < nInCount )
		const char *pCurr = &pBase[nCurrGet];
		if ( bFromCRLF )
			const char *pNext = Q_strnistr( pCurr, "\r\n", nInCount - nCurrGet );
			if ( !pNext )
				outBuf.Put( pCurr, nInCount - nCurrGet );

			int nBytes = (size_t)pNext - (size_t)pCurr;
			outBuf.Put( pCurr, nBytes );
			outBuf.PutChar( '\n' );
			nCurrGet += nBytes + 2;
			if ( nGet >= nCurrGet - 1 )
			if ( nPut >= nCurrGet - 1 )
			const char *pNext = Q_strnchr( pCurr, '\n', nInCount - nCurrGet );
			if ( !pNext )
				outBuf.Put( pCurr, nInCount - nCurrGet );

			int nBytes = (size_t)pNext - (size_t)pCurr;
			outBuf.Put( pCurr, nBytes );
			outBuf.PutChar( '\r' );
			outBuf.PutChar( '\n' );
			nCurrGet += nBytes + 1;
			if ( nGet >= nCurrGet )
			if ( nPut >= nCurrGet )

	Assert(	nPut + nPutDelta <= outBuf.TellMaxPut() );

	outBuf.SeekGet( SEEK_HEAD, nGet + nGetDelta ); 
	outBuf.SeekPut( SEEK_HEAD, nPut + nPutDelta ); 

	return true;
void Disp_BuildVirtualMesh( int contentsMask )
	CUtlVector<CPhysCollide *> virtualMeshes;
	virtualMeshes.EnsureCount( g_CoreDispInfos.Count() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_CoreDispInfos.Count(); i++ )	
		CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo = g_CoreDispInfos[ i ];
		mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp = &mapdispinfo[ i ];

		virtualMeshes[i] = NULL;
		// not solid for this pass
		if ( !(pMapDisp->contents & contentsMask) )

		// Build a triangle list. This shares the tesselation code with the engine.
		CUtlVector<unsigned short> indices;
		CVBSPTesselateHelper helper;
		helper.m_pIndices = &indices;
		helper.m_pActiveVerts = pDispInfo->GetAllowedVerts().Base();
		helper.m_pPowerInfo = pDispInfo->GetPowerInfo();

		::TesselateDisplacement( &helper );

		// validate the collision data
		if ( 1 )
			int triCount = indices.Count() / 3;
			for ( int j = 0; j < triCount; j++ )
				int index = j * 3;
				Vector v0 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+0] );
				Vector v1 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+1] );
				Vector v2 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+2] );
				if ( v0 == v1 || v1 == v2 || v2 == v0 )
					Warning( "Displacement %d has bad geometry near %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, v0.x, v0.y, v0.z );
					texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pMapDisp->face.texinfo];
					dtexdata_t *pTexData = GetTexData( pTexInfo->texdata );
					const char *pMatName = TexDataStringTable_GetString( pTexData->nameStringTableID );

					Error( "Can't compile displacement physics, exiting.  Texture is %s\n", pMatName );

		CDispMeshEvent meshHandler( indices.Base(), indices.Count(), pDispInfo );
		virtualmeshparams_t params;
		params.buildOuterHull = true;
		params.pMeshEventHandler = &meshHandler;
		params.userData = &meshHandler;
		virtualMeshes[i] = physcollision->CreateVirtualMesh( params );
	unsigned int totalSize = 0;
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	dphysdisp_t header;
	header.numDisplacements = g_CoreDispInfos.Count();
	buf.PutObjects( &header );

	CUtlVector<char> dispBuf;
	for ( int i = 0; i < header.numDisplacements; i++ )
		if ( virtualMeshes[i] )
			unsigned int testSize = physcollision->CollideSize( virtualMeshes[i] );
			totalSize += testSize;
			buf.PutShort( testSize );
			buf.PutShort( -1 );
	for ( int i = 0; i < header.numDisplacements; i++ )
		if ( virtualMeshes[i] )
			unsigned int testSize = physcollision->CollideSize( virtualMeshes[i] );

			unsigned int outSize = physcollision->CollideWrite( dispBuf.Base(), virtualMeshes[i], false );
			Assert( outSize == testSize );
			buf.Put( dispBuf.Base(), outSize );
	g_PhysDispSize = totalSize + sizeof(dphysdisp_t) + (sizeof(unsigned short) * header.numDisplacements);
	Assert( buf.TellMaxPut() == g_PhysDispSize );
	g_PhysDispSize = buf.TellMaxPut();
	g_pPhysDisp = new byte[g_PhysDispSize];
	Q_memcpy( g_pPhysDisp, buf.Base(), g_PhysDispSize );
void WritePHXFile( const char *pName, const phyfile_t &file )
	if ( file.header.size != sizeof(file.header) || file.collide.solidCount <= 0 )

	CUtlBuffer out;

	char outName[1024];
	Q_snprintf( outName, sizeof(outName), "%s", pName );
	Q_SetExtension( outName, ".phx", sizeof(outName) );

	simplifyparams_t params;
	params.tolerance = (file.collide.solidCount > 1) ? 4.0f : 2.0f;
	// single solids constraint to AABB for placement help
	params.addAABBToSimplifiedHull = (file.collide.solidCount == 1) ? true : false;
	params.mergeConvexElements = true;
	params.mergeConvexTolerance = 0.025f;
	char *pSearch = Q_strstr( outName,"models\\" );
	if ( pSearch )
		char keyname[1024];
		pSearch += strlen("models\\");
		Q_StripExtension( pSearch, keyname, sizeof(keyname) );
		OverrideDefaultsForModel( keyname, params );
	out.Put( &file.header, sizeof(file.header) );
	int outSize = 0;
	bool bStoreSolidNames = file.collide.solidCount > 1 ? true : false;
	bStoreSolidNames = bStoreSolidNames || HasMultipleBones(outName);

	vcollide_t *pNewCollide = ConvertVCollideToPHX( &file.collide, params, &outSize, false, bStoreSolidNames);
	g_TotalOut += file.fileSize;
	for ( int i = 0; i < pNewCollide->solidCount; i++ )
		int collideSize = physcollision->CollideSize( pNewCollide->solids[i] );
		out.PutInt( collideSize );
		char *pMem = new char[collideSize];
		physcollision->CollideWrite( pMem, pNewCollide->solids[i] );
		out.Put( pMem, collideSize );
		delete[] pMem;

	if (!g_bQuiet)
		Msg("%s Compressed %d (%d text) to %d (%d text)\n", outName, file.fileSize, file.collide.descSize, out.TellPut(), pNewCollide->descSize );
	out.Put( pNewCollide->pKeyValues, pNewCollide->descSize );
	g_TotalCompress += out.TellPut();

#if 0
	//Msg("OLD:\n-----------------------------------\n%s\n", file.collide.pKeyValues );
	CPackedPhysicsDescription *pPacked = physcollision->CreatePackedDesc( pNewCollide->pKeyValues, pNewCollide->descSize );
	Msg("NEW:\n-----------------------------------\n" );
	for ( int i = 0; i < pPacked->m_solidCount; i++ )
		solid_t solid;
		pPacked->GetSolid( &solid, i );
		Msg("index %d\n", solid.index );
		Msg("name %s\n", solid.name );
		Msg("mass %.2f\n", solid.params.mass );
		Msg("surfaceprop %s\n", solid.surfaceprop);
		Msg("damping %.2f\n", solid.params.damping );
		Msg("rotdamping %.2f\n", solid.params.rotdamping );
		Msg("drag %.2f\n", solid.params.dragCoefficient );
		Msg("inertia %.2f\n", solid.params.inertia );
		Msg("volume %.2f\n", solid.params.volume );
	DestroyPHX( pNewCollide );
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( outName, NULL, out ) )
		Warning("Can't write file: %s\n", outName );
void CUtlBufferEditor::WriteToBuffer( CUtlBuffer &buf )
	int size = TellPut();

	buf.Put( Base(), size );