// Purpose: Updates the current sequence info with the new packet
//			scans the message window to see if future packets can be used
void CTrackerNET::UpdateSequence(NetworkTarget_t *target, int targetIndex, int seqNum)
	// update sequence
	target->incomingSequence = seqNum;

	// check to see when we should send acknowledgement
	if (!target->needAck)
		target->ackTime = m_pThreads->GetTime() + ACK_DELAY;
		target->needAck = true;

		// move the target to the end of the ack list

		if (m_TargetList.IsValidIndex(m_iHighestAckTarget) && m_TargetList.IsInList(m_iHighestAckTarget))
			m_TargetList.LinkAfter(m_iHighestAckTarget, targetIndex);

		// set the need high mark for the packets that need ack
		m_iHighestAckTarget = targetIndex;

	// check to see if packets in the window are now valid
	while (target->m_MessageWindow.Count())
		int index = target->m_MessageWindow.Head();
		if (target->m_MessageWindow[index].sequenceNumber == target->incomingSequence + 1)
			// this is the next message

			// update sequence numbers
			target->incomingSequence = target->m_MessageWindow[index].sequenceNumber;

			// add message to received list
			int receivedIndex = m_ReceivedMsgs.AddToTail();
			m_ReceivedMsgs[receivedIndex].message = target->m_MessageWindow[index].message;

			WriteToLog("-> Recv match in window (is: %d)\n", target->m_MessageWindow[index].sequenceNumber);

			// remove message from window
			// no more