bool RabidEngine::OnInitialize(int argc, char** argv) { LOG_START("rabid_log.html"); g_fileSystem = (IFileSystem*)new FileSystem(); g_fileSystem->AddPath(); g_defMgr = new DefMgr(); g_cvarSystem = new CVarSystem(); g_cvarSystem->Initialize(); CVar::RegisterStaticCVars(); g_console = new Console(); g_console->SetScreenDimensions(GetWidth(), GetHeight()); g_commandSystem = new CommandSystem(); g_commandSystem->Initialize(); g_common = new Common(); g_renderer = CreateRenderer("GL"); g_renderer->SetViewport(0,0, GetWidth(), GetHeight()); g_common->Print("\x009### Rabid Hardware Radiosity Engine"); g_common->Print("\x009### Based on the Catharsis Game Engine"); g_common->Print("\x009### Christopher Olsen"); g_common->Print("\x005### \x007SPACE\x005 distributes light ###"); g_common->Print("\x005### \x007TAB\x005 switches light view modes ###"); g_common->Print("\x005### \x007""B\x005 toggles the brightest surface ###"); LoadMap(""); cl_camrotx.SetFloat(0.0); cl_camroty.SetFloat(0.0); cl_camrotz.SetFloat(0.0); logo = g_materialSystem->GetMaterial("logo"); return true; }
bool RabidEngine::OnMouseMove(int dx, int dy) { if(!g_console->Active()) { { cl_camroty.SetFloat(cl_camroty.GetFloat() - dx); cl_camrotx.SetFloat(cl_camrotx.GetFloat() - dy); while(cl_camroty.GetFloat() > 360.0f) cl_camroty.SetFloat(cl_camroty.GetFloat() - 360.0f); while(cl_camroty.GetFloat() < 0.0f) cl_camroty.SetFloat(cl_camroty.GetFloat() + 360.0f); if(cl_camrotx.GetFloat() > 90) cl_camrotx.SetFloat(90.0); if(cl_camrotx.GetFloat() < -90) cl_camrotx.SetFloat(-90.0); } return true; } return false; }
void RabidEngine::OnIdle() { g_timer.Update(); const float dt = g_timer.GetTimeChange(); g_console->Update(dt); Transformation view; view.Rotate().FromEulerXYZ(cl_camrotx.GetFloat(), cl_camroty.GetFloat(), cl_camrotz.GetFloat()); // move const Vector3f forward = -view.Rotate().GetColumn(2); const Vector3f right = view.Rotate().GetColumn(0); const float vel = 50.0 * dt; if(keyState[B_FORWARD]) { cl_camx.SetFloat(cl_camx.GetFloat() + forward.x * vel); cl_camy.SetFloat(cl_camy.GetFloat() + forward.y * vel); cl_camz.SetFloat(cl_camz.GetFloat() + forward.z * vel); } if(keyState[B_BACKWARD]) { cl_camx.SetFloat(cl_camx.GetFloat() + -forward.x * vel); cl_camy.SetFloat(cl_camy.GetFloat() + -forward.y * vel); cl_camz.SetFloat(cl_camz.GetFloat() + -forward.z * vel); } if(keyState[B_RIGHT]) { cl_camx.SetFloat(cl_camx.GetFloat() + right.x * vel); cl_camy.SetFloat(cl_camy.GetFloat() + right.y * vel); cl_camz.SetFloat(cl_camz.GetFloat() + right.z * vel); } if(keyState[B_LEFT]) { cl_camx.SetFloat(cl_camx.GetFloat() + -right.x * vel); cl_camy.SetFloat(cl_camy.GetFloat() + -right.y * vel); cl_camz.SetFloat(cl_camz.GetFloat() + -right.z * vel); } if(keyState[B_RENDER]) { done.Set("0"); keyState[B_RENDER] = 0; } if(keyState[B_LIGHT_MODE]) { if(r_resid.GetBool()) r_resid.Set("0"); else r_resid.Set("1"); keyState[B_LIGHT_MODE] = 0; } if(keyState[B_TOGGLE_BRIGHTEST]) { if(r_showbrightest.GetBool()) r_showbrightest.Set("0"); else r_showbrightest.Set("1"); keyState[B_TOGGLE_BRIGHTEST] = 0; } static int pass; static int surf = -1; static int brightest; static int patches; if(done.GetBool()) { } else { if(pass == 0) { // clear accumulation buffers for(unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { // if(surfaces[i]->GetType() != S_LIGHT) // surfaces[i]->ClearAccum(); } } if(surf >= (int)surfaces.Size()) { surf = -2; pass++; done.Set("1"); } else if(surf == -1) { // Find Brightest Surface float maxPower = 0.0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { float p = surfaces[i]->GetPower(); if(p > maxPower) { brightest = i; maxPower = p; } } for(int i = 0; i < lights.Size(); i++) delete lights[i]; lights.Resize(0); surfaces[brightest]->CreateLights(lights); } else { Surface* lsurf = surfaces[surf]; bool skip = false; // lights can't receive light if(lsurf->GetType() == S_LIGHT) skip = true; // surface can light itself if(!skip && surf == brightest) { if(r_resid.GetBool()) lsurf->CopyResidualToLightMap(); skip = true; } if(!skip) { // Render each sub-light's contribution for(unsigned int l = 0; l < lights.Size(); l++) { Vector3f& p = lights[l]->p; Vector3f& d = lights[l]->d; float I = lights[l]->I; // light is on wrong side of surface if(Dot(p - lsurf->c, lsurf->N) < 0.1) continue; g_renderer->SetLight(0, p.x, p.y, p.z); g_renderer->SetLightDir(0, d.x, d.y, d.z); g_renderer->SetLightIntensity(0, I); g_renderer->SetLightFraction(0, 1.0 / (float)lights.Size()); lsurf->Frame(p); lsurf->CreateLightMap(p, d, surfaces); lsurf->AccumulateResidualLight(); lsurf->AccumulateLight(); g_renderer->SetViewMatrix(0); patches += lsurf->GetNumPatches(); } r_resid.Set(r_resid.GetBool() ? "1" : "0"); } } surf++; } if(r_resid.Changed()) { for(int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { Surface* lsurf = surfaces[i]; lsurf->Frame(lsurf->c + lsurf->N*10.0); if(r_resid.GetBool()) lsurf->CopyResidualToLightMap(); else lsurf->CopyAccumToLightMap(); } } // Render normal view view.Translate() = Vector3f(cl_camx.GetFloat(), cl_camy.GetFloat(), cl_camz.GetFloat()); view = view.Inverse(); g_renderer->SetViewport(0,0, GetWidth(),GetHeight()); g_renderer->SetViewMatrix(view); g_renderer->SetProjectionMatrix(0); g_renderer->SetClearColor(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.35f, 1.0f); g_renderer->BindMaterial(0); g_renderer->Clear(R_COLOR_BUFFER | R_DEPTH_BUFFER); g_renderer->SetColor(1,1,1); int bsurf = 0; float maxPower = 0.0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { float p = surfaces[i]->GetPower(); if(p > maxPower) { bsurf = i; maxPower = p; } } // draw all surfaces normally for(unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { if(r_showbrightest.GetBool()) { if(i == bsurf) g_renderDevice->SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.7); else g_renderDevice->SetColor(1,1,1); } surfaces[i]->Render(); } g_console->Draw(g_renderer); g_renderer->DrawTextP(15, 50, 16, r_resid.GetBool() ? "Residual" : "Accumulation"); g_renderer->DrawTextP(15, 30, 16, "Step: %d", pass); g_renderer->DrawTextP(15, 10, 16, "Patches: %d", patches); g_materialSystem->BindMaterial(logo); g_renderer->DrawRect(GetWidth()-200, 0, 200, 50, 0,0,1,1); g_renderer->Flip(); }