void CVehicleSeatActionRotateTurret::MaintainPartRotationWorldSpace(EVehicleTurretRotationType eType)
	CVehiclePartBase* pPart   = m_rotations[eType].m_pPart;
	IVehiclePart*     pParent = pPart->GetParent();
	IActor*           pActor  = m_pSeat->GetPassengerActor();

	bool remote     = m_pSeat->GetCurrentTransition() == IVehicleSeat::eVT_RemoteUsage;
	bool worldSpace = m_rotations[eType].m_worldSpace && VehicleCVars().v_independentMountedGuns != 0;

	if (worldSpace && pParent && pActor && pActor->IsClient() && !remote)
		// we want to keep the old worldspace rotation
		// therefore we're updating the local transform from it
		// NB: there is no need to clamp here, its done later

		Matrix34 localTM = pParent->GetWorldTM().GetInverted() * Matrix34(m_rotations[eType].m_prevWorldQuat);
		localTM.OrthonormalizeFast(); // precision issue

		const Matrix34 &baseTM = pPart->GetLocalBaseTM();

		if (!Matrix34::IsEquivalent(baseTM,localTM))
			Ang3 anglesCurr(baseTM);
			Ang3 angles(localTM);

			if (eType == eVTRT_Pitch)
				angles.y = anglesCurr.y;
				angles.z = anglesCurr.z;
			else if (eType == eVTRT_Yaw)
				angles.x = anglesCurr.x;
				angles.y = anglesCurr.y;



		if (VehicleCVars().v_debugdraw == eVDB_Parts)
			float color[] = {1,1,1,1};
			Ang3  a(localTM), aBase(baseTM);
			gEnv->pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(200,200,1.4f,color,false,"localAng: %.1f (real: %.1f)", RAD2DEG(a.z), RAD2DEG(aBase.z));
void CVehicleSeatActionRotateTurret::UpdatePartRotation(EVehicleTurretRotationType eType, float frameTime)
	CRY_ASSERT( eType < eVTRT_NumRotationTypes );

	const float threshold = 0.01f;
	if (frameTime > 0.08f) frameTime = 0.08f;

	CVehiclePartBase* pPart   = m_rotations[eType].m_pPart;
	IVehiclePart*     pParent = pPart->GetParent();
	IActor*           pActor  = m_pSeat->GetPassengerActor();

	float rot_dir      = fsgnf(m_rotations[eType].m_action);
	float max_rotation = fabsf(m_rotations[eType].m_action);
	float rot_speed    = DEG2RAD(fabsf(m_rotations[eType].m_speed)) * GetDamageSpeedMul(pPart);

	float delta = rot_dir * rot_speed  * frameTime;
	delta += m_rotations[eType].m_aimAssist;

	delta = fmod(delta, gf_PI2);
	if (delta > gf_PI)  delta -= gf_PI2;
	if (delta < -gf_PI) delta += gf_PI2;

	Limit( delta, -max_rotation, max_rotation);

	Ang3 deltaAngles(ZERO);
	if (eType == eVTRT_Pitch)
		deltaAngles.x = delta;
	else if (eType == eVTRT_Yaw)
		deltaAngles.z = delta;
		CRY_ASSERT(false && "Unknown turret rotation");

	Matrix34 tm     = pPart->GetLocalBaseTM();
	Ang3     angles = Ang3::GetAnglesXYZ(tm) + deltaAngles;

	float lerp = 0.f;
	if (eType == eVTRT_Pitch)
		Vec3 yAxis = m_rotations[eVTRT_Yaw].m_pPart->GetLocalBaseTM().GetColumn1();
		yAxis.z = 0.f;
		lerp = 0.5f - 0.5f * yAxis.y;
		Limit(lerp, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	// clamp to limits
	if (m_rotations[eType].m_minLimitF != 0.0f || m_rotations[eType].m_maxLimit != 0.0f)
		// Different clamp angles facing forwards/backwards
		float minLimit = m_rotations[eType].m_minLimitF + (m_rotations[eType].m_minLimitB - m_rotations[eType].m_minLimitF) * lerp;
		float angle    = (eType == eVTRT_Pitch) ? angles.x : angles.z;
		if (angle > m_rotations[eType].m_maxLimit || angle < minLimit)
			angle                             = clamp_tpl(angle, minLimit, m_rotations[eType].m_maxLimit);
			m_rotations[eType].m_currentValue = 0.f;

			if (eType == eVTRT_Pitch)
				angles.x = angle;
				angles.z = angle;


	m_rotations[eType].m_action    = 0.0f;
	m_rotations[eType].m_aimAssist = 0.0f;

	Matrix34 newTM(m_rotations[eType].m_orientation.Get().GetNormalized());

	// store world-space rotation
	const Matrix34 &worldTM = pPart->GetWorldTM();
	m_rotations[eType].m_prevWorldQuat = Quat(worldTM);

	// now update the turret sound based on the calculated rotation speed
	UpdateRotationSound(eType, delta, frameTime);
