bool CDAVFile::Execute(const CURL& url) { CURL url2(url); ParseAndCorrectUrl(url2); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CDAVFile::Execute(%p) %s", (void*)this, m_url.c_str()); ASSERT(!(!m_state->m_easyHandle ^ !m_state->m_multiHandle)); if( m_state->m_easyHandle == NULL ) g_curlInterface.easy_aquire(url2.GetProtocol().c_str(), url2.GetHostName().c_str(), &m_state->m_easyHandle, &m_state->m_multiHandle); // setup common curl options SetCommonOptions(m_state); SetRequestHeaders(m_state); lastResponseCode = m_state->Connect(m_bufferSize); if( lastResponseCode < 0 || lastResponseCode >= 400) return false; char* efurl; if (CURLE_OK == g_curlInterface.easy_getinfo(m_state->m_easyHandle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL,&efurl) && efurl) m_url = efurl; if (lastResponseCode == 207) { CStdString strResponse; ReadData(strResponse); CXBMCTinyXML davResponse; davResponse.Parse(strResponse); if (!davResponse.Parse(strResponse)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to process dav response (%s)", __FUNCTION__, m_url.c_str()); Close(); return false; } TiXmlNode *pChild; // Iterate over all responses for (pChild = davResponse.RootElement()->FirstChild(); pChild != 0; pChild = pChild->NextSibling()) { if (CDAVCommon::ValueWithoutNamespace(pChild, "response")) { CStdString sRetCode = CDAVCommon::GetStatusTag(pChild->ToElement()); CRegExp rxCode; rxCode.RegComp("HTTP/1\\.1\\s(\\d+)\\s.*"); if (rxCode.RegFind(sRetCode) >= 0) { if (rxCode.GetSubCount()) { lastResponseCode = atoi(rxCode.GetMatch(1).c_str()); if( lastResponseCode < 0 || lastResponseCode >= 400) return false; } } } } } return true; }
bool CVideoInfoTag::Save(TiXmlNode *node, const CStdString &tag, bool savePathInfo, const TiXmlElement *additionalNode) { if (!node) return false; // we start with a <tag> tag TiXmlElement movieElement(tag.c_str()); TiXmlNode *movie = node->InsertEndChild(movieElement); if (!movie) return false; XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "title", m_strTitle); if (!m_strOriginalTitle.IsEmpty()) XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "originaltitle", m_strOriginalTitle); if (!m_strShowTitle.IsEmpty()) XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "showtitle", m_strShowTitle); if (!m_strSortTitle.IsEmpty()) XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "sorttitle", m_strSortTitle); XMLUtils::SetFloat(movie, "rating", m_fRating); XMLUtils::SetFloat(movie, "epbookmark", m_fEpBookmark); XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "year", m_iYear); XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "top250", m_iTop250); if (tag == "episodedetails" || tag == "tvshow") { XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "season", m_iSeason); XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "episode", m_iEpisode); XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "displayseason",m_iSpecialSortSeason); XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "displayepisode",m_iSpecialSortEpisode); } if (tag == "musicvideo") { XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "track", m_iTrack); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "album", m_strAlbum); } XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "votes", m_strVotes); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "outline", m_strPlotOutline); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "plot", m_strPlot); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "tagline", m_strTagLine); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "runtime", m_strRuntime); if (!m_strPictureURL.m_xml.empty()) { CXBMCTinyXML doc; doc.Parse(m_strPictureURL.m_xml); const TiXmlNode* thumb = doc.FirstChild("thumb"); while (thumb) { movie->InsertEndChild(*thumb); thumb = thumb->NextSibling("thumb"); } } if (m_fanart.m_xml.size()) { CXBMCTinyXML doc; doc.Parse(m_fanart.m_xml); movie->InsertEndChild(*doc.RootElement()); } XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "mpaa", m_strMPAARating); XMLUtils::SetInt(movie, "playcount", m_playCount); XMLUtils::SetDate(movie, "lastplayed", m_lastPlayed); if (savePathInfo) { XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "file", m_strFile); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "path", m_strPath); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "filenameandpath", m_strFileNameAndPath); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "basepath", m_basePath); } if (!m_strEpisodeGuide.IsEmpty()) { CXBMCTinyXML doc; doc.Parse(m_strEpisodeGuide); if (doc.RootElement()) movie->InsertEndChild(*doc.RootElement()); else XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "episodeguide", m_strEpisodeGuide); } XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "id", m_strIMDBNumber); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "genre", m_genre); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "country", m_country); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "set", m_set); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "tag", m_tags); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "credits", m_writingCredits); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "director", m_director); XMLUtils::SetDate(movie, "premiered", m_premiered); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "status", m_strStatus); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "code", m_strProductionCode); XMLUtils::SetDate(movie, "aired", m_firstAired); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "studio", m_studio); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "trailer", m_strTrailer); if (m_streamDetails.HasItems()) { // it goes fileinfo/streamdetails/[video|audio|subtitle] TiXmlElement fileinfo("fileinfo"); TiXmlElement streamdetails("streamdetails"); for (int iStream=1; iStream<=m_streamDetails.GetVideoStreamCount(); iStream++) { TiXmlElement stream("video"); XMLUtils::SetString(&stream, "codec", m_streamDetails.GetVideoCodec(iStream)); XMLUtils::SetFloat(&stream, "aspect", m_streamDetails.GetVideoAspect(iStream)); XMLUtils::SetInt(&stream, "width", m_streamDetails.GetVideoWidth(iStream)); XMLUtils::SetInt(&stream, "height", m_streamDetails.GetVideoHeight(iStream)); XMLUtils::SetInt(&stream, "durationinseconds", m_streamDetails.GetVideoDuration(iStream)); streamdetails.InsertEndChild(stream); } for (int iStream=1; iStream<=m_streamDetails.GetAudioStreamCount(); iStream++) { TiXmlElement stream("audio"); XMLUtils::SetString(&stream, "codec", m_streamDetails.GetAudioCodec(iStream)); XMLUtils::SetString(&stream, "language", m_streamDetails.GetAudioLanguage(iStream)); XMLUtils::SetInt(&stream, "channels", m_streamDetails.GetAudioChannels(iStream)); streamdetails.InsertEndChild(stream); } for (int iStream=1; iStream<=m_streamDetails.GetSubtitleStreamCount(); iStream++) { TiXmlElement stream("subtitle"); XMLUtils::SetString(&stream, "language", m_streamDetails.GetSubtitleLanguage(iStream)); streamdetails.InsertEndChild(stream); } fileinfo.InsertEndChild(streamdetails); movie->InsertEndChild(fileinfo); } /* if has stream details */ // cast for (iCast it = m_cast.begin(); it != m_cast.end(); ++it) { // add a <actor> tag TiXmlElement cast("actor"); TiXmlNode *node = movie->InsertEndChild(cast); TiXmlElement actor("name"); TiXmlNode *actorNode = node->InsertEndChild(actor); TiXmlText name(it->strName); actorNode->InsertEndChild(name); TiXmlElement role("role"); TiXmlNode *roleNode = node->InsertEndChild(role); TiXmlText character(it->strRole); roleNode->InsertEndChild(character); TiXmlElement thumb("thumb"); TiXmlNode *thumbNode = node->InsertEndChild(thumb); TiXmlText th(it->thumbUrl.GetFirstThumb().m_url); thumbNode->InsertEndChild(th); } XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "artist", m_artist); XMLUtils::SetStringArray(movie, "showlink", m_showLink); TiXmlElement resume("resume"); XMLUtils::SetFloat(&resume, "position", (float)m_resumePoint.timeInSeconds); XMLUtils::SetFloat(&resume, "total", (float)m_resumePoint.totalTimeInSeconds); movie->InsertEndChild(resume); XMLUtils::SetString(movie, "dateadded", m_dateAdded.GetAsDBDateTime()); if (additionalNode) movie->InsertEndChild(*additionalNode); return true; }
bool CDVDStateSerializer::XMLToDVDState( dvd_state_t *state, const std::string &xmlstate ) { CXBMCTinyXML xmlDoc; xmlDoc.Parse(xmlstate.c_str()); if( xmlDoc.Error() ) return false; TiXmlHandle hRoot( xmlDoc.RootElement() ); if( strcmp( hRoot.Element()->Value(), "navstate" ) != 0 ) return false; TiXmlElement *element = NULL; TiXmlText *text = NULL; int index = 0; element = hRoot.FirstChildElement("registers").FirstChildElement("sprm").Element(); while( element ) { element->Attribute("index", &index); text = TiXmlHandle( element ).FirstChildElement("value").FirstChild().Text(); if( text && index >= 0 && index < 24 ) sscanf(text->Value(), "0x%hx", &state->registers.SPRM[index]); element = element->NextSiblingElement("sprm"); } element = hRoot.FirstChildElement("registers").FirstChildElement("gprm").Element(); while( element ) { element->Attribute("index", &index); if( index >= 0 && index < 16 ) { text = TiXmlHandle( element ).FirstChildElement("value").FirstChild().Text(); if( text ) sscanf(text->Value(), "0x%hx", &state->registers.GPRM[index]); text = TiXmlHandle( element ).FirstChildElement("mode").FirstChild().Text(); if( text ) sscanf(text->Value(), "0x%c", &state->registers.GPRM_mode[index]); text = TiXmlHandle( element ).FirstChildElement("time").FirstChildElement("tv_sec").FirstChild().Text(); if( text ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%ld", &state->registers.GPRM_time[index].tv_sec); text = TiXmlHandle( element ).FirstChildElement("time").FirstChildElement("tv_usec").FirstChild().Text(); if( text ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%ld", (long int*)&state->registers.GPRM_time[index].tv_usec); } element = element->NextSiblingElement("gprm"); } if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("domain").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", (int*) &state->domain); if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("vtsn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->vtsN); if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("pgcn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->pgcN); if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("pgn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->pgN); if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("celln").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->cellN); if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("cell_restart").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->cell_restart); if( (text = hRoot.FirstChildElement("blockn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->blockN); { TiXmlHandle hrsm = hRoot.FirstChildElement("rsm"); if( (text = hrsm.FirstChildElement("vtsn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->rsm_vtsN); if( (text = hrsm.FirstChildElement("blockn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->rsm_blockN); if( (text = hrsm.FirstChildElement("pgcn").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->rsm_pgcN); if( (text = hrsm.FirstChildElement("celln").FirstChild().Text()) ) sscanf(text->Value(), "%d", &state->rsm_cellN); element = hrsm.FirstChildElement("registers").FirstChildElement("sprm").Element(); while( element ) { element->Attribute("index", &index); text = TiXmlHandle(element).FirstChildElement("value").FirstChild().Text(); if( text && index >= 0 && index < 5 ) sscanf(text->Value(), "0x%hx", &state->rsm_regs[index]); element = element->NextSiblingElement("sprm"); } } return true; }
bool CDirectoryTuxBox::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items) { // so we know that we have enigma2 static bool enigma2 = false; // Detect and delete slash at end CStdString strRoot = strPath; URIUtils::RemoveSlashAtEnd(strRoot); //Get the request strings CStdString strBQRequest; CStdString strXMLRootString; CStdString strXMLChildString; if(!GetRootAndChildString(strRoot, strBQRequest, strXMLRootString, strXMLChildString)) return false; //Set url Protocol CURL url(strRoot); CStdString strFilter; CStdString protocol = url.GetProtocol(); CStdString strOptions = url.GetOptions(); url.SetProtocol("http"); bool bIsBouquet=false; int ipoint = strOptions.Find("?path="); if (ipoint >=0) { // send Zap! return g_tuxbox.ZapToUrl(url, strOptions, ipoint); } else { ipoint = strOptions.Find("&reference="); if (ipoint >=0 || enigma2) { //List reference strFilter = strOptions.Right((strOptions.size()-(ipoint+11))); bIsBouquet = false; //On Empty is Bouquet if (enigma2) { CStdString strPort; strPort.Format(":%i",url.GetPort()); if (strRoot.Right(strPort.GetLength()) != strPort) // If not root dir, enable Channels strFilter = "e2"; // Disable Bouquets for Enigma2 GetRootAndChildStringEnigma2(strBQRequest, strXMLRootString, strXMLChildString); url.SetOptions(""); url.SetFileName(strBQRequest); } } } if(strFilter.IsEmpty()) { url.SetOptions(strBQRequest); bIsBouquet = true; } //Open CFileCurl http; int iTryConnect = 0; int iWaitTimer = 20; bool result = false; while (iTryConnect < 4) { http.SetTimeout(iWaitTimer); if(http.Open(url)) { //We are connected! iTryConnect = 4; // restore protocol url.SetProtocol(protocol); int size_read = 0; int size_total = (int)http.GetLength(); int data_size = 0; CStdString data; data.reserve(size_total); // read response from server into string buffer char buffer[16384]; while ((size_read = http.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)) > 0) { buffer[size_read] = 0; data += buffer; data_size += size_read; } http.Close(); // parse returned xml CXBMCTinyXML doc; data.Replace("></",">-</"); //FILL EMPTY ELEMENTS WITH "-"! doc.Parse(data.c_str()); TiXmlElement *root = doc.RootElement(); if(root == NULL) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to parse xml", __FUNCTION__); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Sample follows...\n%s", __FUNCTION__, data.c_str()); return false; } if( strXMLRootString.Equals(root->Value()) && bIsBouquet) { data.Empty(); if (enigma2) result = g_tuxbox.ParseBouquetsEnigma2(root, items, url, strFilter, strXMLChildString); else result = g_tuxbox.ParseBouquets(root, items, url, strFilter, strXMLChildString); } else if( strXMLRootString.Equals(root->Value()) && !strFilter.IsEmpty() ) { data.Empty(); if (enigma2) result = g_tuxbox.ParseChannelsEnigma2(root, items, url, strFilter, strXMLChildString); else result = g_tuxbox.ParseChannels(root, items, url, strFilter, strXMLChildString); } else { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid root xml element for TuxBox", __FUNCTION__); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Sample follows...\n%s", __FUNCTION__, data.c_str()); data.Empty(); result = false; } } else { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to get XML structure! Try count:%i, Wait Timer:%is",__FUNCTION__, iTryConnect, iWaitTimer); iTryConnect++; if (iTryConnect == 2) //try enigma2 instead of enigma1, best entrypoint here i thought { enigma2 = true; GetRootAndChildStringEnigma2(strBQRequest, strXMLRootString, strXMLChildString); url.SetOptions(""); url.SetFileName(strBQRequest); // iTryConnect = 0; iWaitTimer = 20; } else iWaitTimer = iWaitTimer+10; result = false; http.Close(); // Close old connections } } items.SetContent("movies"); return result; }
bool CScraperUrl::Get(const SUrlEntry& scrURL, std::string& strHTML, XFILE::CCurlFile& http, const CStdString& cacheContext) { CURL url(scrURL.m_url); http.SetReferer(scrURL.m_spoof); CStdString strCachePath; if (scrURL.m_isgz) http.SetContentEncoding("gzip"); if (!scrURL.m_cache.empty()) { strCachePath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(g_advancedSettings.m_cachePath, "scrapers/" + cacheContext + "/" + scrURL.m_cache); if (XFILE::CFile::Exists(strCachePath)) { XFILE::CFile file; XFILE::auto_buffer buffer; if (file.LoadFile(strCachePath, buffer)) { strHTML.assign(buffer.get(), buffer.length()); return true; } } } CStdString strHTML1(strHTML); if (scrURL.m_post) { CStdString strOptions = url.GetOptions(); strOptions = strOptions.substr(1); url.SetOptions(""); if (!http.Post(url.Get(), strOptions, strHTML1)) return false; } else if (!http.Get(url.Get(), strHTML1)) return false; strHTML = strHTML1; std::string mimeType(http.GetMimeType()); CMime::EFileType ftype = CMime::GetFileTypeFromMime(mimeType); if (ftype == CMime::FileTypeUnknown) ftype = CMime::GetFileTypeFromContent(strHTML); if (ftype == CMime::FileTypeZip || ftype == CMime::FileTypeGZip) { XFILE::CZipFile file; std::string strBuffer; int iSize = file.UnpackFromMemory(strBuffer,strHTML,scrURL.m_isgz); // FIXME: use FileTypeGZip instead of scrURL.m_isgz? if (iSize > 0) { strHTML = strBuffer; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Archive \"%s\" was unpacked in memory", __FUNCTION__, scrURL.m_url.c_str()); } else CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s: \"%s\" looks like archive, but cannot be unpacked", __FUNCTION__, scrURL.m_url.c_str()); } std::string reportedCharset(http.GetServerReportedCharset()); if (ftype == CMime::FileTypeHtml) { std::string realHtmlCharset, converted; if (!CCharsetDetection::ConvertHtmlToUtf8(strHTML, converted, reportedCharset, realHtmlCharset)) CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s: Can't find precise charset for HTML \"%s\", using \"%s\" as fallback", __FUNCTION__, scrURL.m_url.c_str(), realHtmlCharset.c_str()); else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Using \"%s\" charset for HTML \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, realHtmlCharset.c_str(), scrURL.m_url.c_str()); strHTML = converted; } else if (ftype == CMime::FileTypeXml) { CXBMCTinyXML xmlDoc; xmlDoc.Parse(strHTML, reportedCharset); std::string realXmlCharset(xmlDoc.GetUsedCharset()); if (!realXmlCharset.empty()) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Using \"%s\" charset for XML \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, realXmlCharset.c_str(), scrURL.m_url.c_str()); std::string converted; g_charsetConverter.ToUtf8(realXmlCharset, strHTML, converted); strHTML = converted; } } else if (ftype == CMime::FileTypePlainText || StringUtils::CompareNoCase(mimeType.substr(0, 5), "text/") == 0) { std::string realTextCharset, converted; CCharsetDetection::ConvertPlainTextToUtf8(strHTML, converted, reportedCharset, realTextCharset); strHTML = converted; if (reportedCharset != realTextCharset) CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s: Using \"%s\" charset for plain text \"%s\" instead of server reported \"%s\" charset", __FUNCTION__, realTextCharset.c_str(), scrURL.m_url.c_str(), reportedCharset.c_str()); else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Using \"%s\" charset for plain text \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, realTextCharset.c_str(), scrURL.m_url.c_str()); } else if (!reportedCharset.empty()) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Using \"%s\" charset for \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, reportedCharset.c_str(), scrURL.m_url.c_str()); if (reportedCharset != "UTF-8") { std::string converted; g_charsetConverter.ToUtf8(reportedCharset, strHTML, converted); strHTML = converted; } } else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Using content of \"%s\" as binary or text with \"UTF-8\" charset", __FUNCTION__, scrURL.m_url.c_str()); if (!scrURL.m_cache.empty()) { CStdString strCachePath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(g_advancedSettings.m_cachePath, "scrapers/" + cacheContext + "/" + scrURL.m_cache); XFILE::CFile file; if (file.OpenForWrite(strCachePath,true)) file.Write(,strHTML.size()); file.Close(); } return true; }
//********************************************************************************************* bool CRTVDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL& url2, CFileItemList &items) { CURL url(url2); std::string strRoot = url.Get(); URIUtils::AddSlashAtEnd(strRoot); // Host name is "*" so we try to discover all ReplayTVs. This requires some trickery but works. if (url.GetHostName() == "*") { // Check to see whether the URL's path is blank or "Video" if (url.GetFileName() == "" || url.GetFileName() == "Video") { int iOldSize=items.Size(); struct RTV * rtv = NULL; int numRTV; // Request that all ReplayTVs on the LAN identify themselves. Each ReplayTV // is given 3000ms to respond to the request. rtv_discovery returns an array // of structs containing the IP and friendly name of all ReplayTVs found on the LAN. // For some reason, DVArchive doesn't respond to this request (probably only responds // to requests from an IP address of a real ReplayTV). numRTV = rtv_discovery(&rtv, 3000); // Run through the array and add the ReplayTVs found as folders in XBMC. // We must add the IP of each ReplayTV as if it is a file name at the end of a the // auto-discover URL--e.g. rtv://*/ XBMC does not permit // dyamically added shares and will not play from them. This little trickery is // the best workaround I could come up with. for (int i = 0; i < numRTV; i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(rtv[i].friendlyName)); // This will keep the /Video or / and allow one to set up an auto ReplayTV // share of either type--simple file listing or ReplayGuide listing. pItem->SetPath(strRoot + rtv[i].hostname); pItem->m_bIsFolder = true; pItem->SetLabelPreformated(true); items.Add(pItem); } free(rtv); return (items.Size()>iOldSize); // Else the URL's path should be an IP address of the ReplayTV } else { std::string strURL, strRTV; size_t pos; // Isolate the IP from the URL and replace the "*" with the real IP // of the ReplayTV. E.g., rtv://*/Video/ becomes // rtv:// . This trickery makes things work. strURL = StringUtils::TrimRight(strRoot, "/"); pos = strURL.rfind('/'); strRTV = strURL.substr(0, pos + 1); StringUtils::Replace(strRTV, "*", strURL.substr(pos + 1)); CURL tmpURL(strRTV); // Force the newly constructed share into the right variables to // be further processed by the remainder of GetDirectory. url = tmpURL; strRoot = strRTV; } } // Allow for ReplayTVs on ports other than 80 std::string strHostAndPort = url.GetHostName(); if (url.HasPort()) { char buffer[10]; sprintf(buffer,"%i",url.GetPort()); strHostAndPort += ':'; strHostAndPort += buffer; } // No path given, list shows from ReplayGuide if (url.GetFileName() == "") { unsigned char * data = NULL; // Get the RTV guide data in XML format rtv_get_guide_xml(&data, strHostAndPort.c_str()); // Begin parsing the XML data CXBMCTinyXML xmlDoc; xmlDoc.Parse( (const char *) data ); if ( xmlDoc.Error() ) { free(data); return false; } TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); if (!pRootElement) { free(data); return false; } const TiXmlNode *pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild(); while (pChild > 0) { std::string strTagName = pChild->ValueStr(); if ( !strcmpi(strTagName.c_str(), "ITEM") ) { const TiXmlNode *nameNode = pChild->FirstChild("DISPLAYNAME"); // const TiXmlNode *qualityNode = pChild->FirstChild("QUALITY"); const TiXmlNode *recordedNode = pChild->FirstChild("RECORDED"); const TiXmlNode *pathNode = pChild->FirstChild("PATH"); // const TiXmlNode *durationNode = pChild->FirstChild("DURATION"); const TiXmlNode *sizeNode = pChild->FirstChild("SIZE"); const TiXmlNode *atrbNode = pChild->FirstChild("ATTRIB"); SYSTEMTIME dtDateTime; DWORD dwFileSize = 0; memset(&dtDateTime, 0, sizeof(dtDateTime)); // DISPLAYNAME const char* szName = NULL; if (nameNode) { szName = nameNode->FirstChild()->Value() ; } else { // Something went wrong, the recording has no name free(data); return false; } // QUALITY // const char* szQuality = NULL; // if (qualityNode) // { // szQuality = qualityNode->FirstChild()->Value() ; // } // RECORDED if (recordedNode && recordedNode->FirstChild()) { std::string strRecorded = recordedNode->FirstChild()->ValueStr(); if (strRecorded.size() >= 19) { /* TODO:STRING_CLEANUP */ int iYear, iMonth, iDay; iYear = atoi(strRecorded.substr(0, 4).c_str()); iMonth = atoi(strRecorded.substr(5, 2).c_str()); iDay = atoi(strRecorded.substr(8, 2).c_str()); dtDateTime.wYear = iYear; dtDateTime.wMonth = iMonth; dtDateTime.wDay = iDay; int iHour, iMin, iSec; iHour = atoi(strRecorded.substr(11, 2).c_str()); iMin = atoi(strRecorded.substr(14, 2).c_str()); iSec = atoi(strRecorded.substr(17, 2).c_str()); dtDateTime.wHour = iHour; dtDateTime.wMinute = iMin; dtDateTime.wSecond = iSec; } } // PATH const char* szPath = NULL; if (pathNode) { szPath = pathNode->FirstChild()->Value() ; } else { // Something went wrong, the recording has no filename free(data); return false; } // DURATION // const char* szDuration = NULL; // if (durationNode) // { // szDuration = durationNode->FirstChild()->Value() ; // } // SIZE // NOTE: Size here is actually just duration in minutes because // filesize is not reported by the stripped down GuideParser I use if (sizeNode) { dwFileSize = atol( sizeNode->FirstChild()->Value() ); } // ATTRIB // NOTE: Not currently reported in the XML guide data, nor is it particularly // needed unless someone wants to add the ability to sub-divide the recordings // into categories, as on a real RTV. int attrib = 0; if (atrbNode) { attrib = atoi( atrbNode->FirstChild()->Value() ); } bool bIsFolder(false); if (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) bIsFolder = true; CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(szName)); pItem->m_dateTime=dtDateTime; pItem->SetPath(strRoot + szPath); // Hack to show duration of show in minutes as KB in XBMC because // it doesn't currently permit showing duration in minutes. // E.g., a 30 minute show will show as 29.3 KB in XBMC. pItem->m_dwSize = dwFileSize * 1000; pItem->m_bIsFolder = bIsFolder; pItem->SetLabelPreformated(true); items.Add(pItem); } pChild = pChild->NextSibling(); } free(data); // Path given (usually Video), list filenames only } else { unsigned char * data; char * p, * q; unsigned long status; // Return a listing of all files in the given path status = rtv_list_files(&data, strHostAndPort.c_str(), url.GetFileName().c_str()); if (status == 0) { return false; } // Loop through the file list using pointers p and q, where p will point to the current // filename and q will point to the next filename p = (char *) data; while (p) { // Look for the end of the current line of the file listing q = strchr(p, '\n'); // If found, replace the newline character with the NULL terminator if (q) { *q = '\0'; // Increment q so that it points to the next filename q++; // *p should be the current null-terminated filename in the list if (*p) { // Only display MPEG files in XBMC (but not circular.mpg, as that is the RTV // video buffer and XBMC may cause problems if it tries to play it) if (strstr(p, ".mpg") && !strstr(p, "circular")) { CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(p)); pItem->SetPath(strRoot + p); pItem->m_bIsFolder = false; // The list returned by the RTV doesn't include file sizes, unfortunately //pItem->m_dwSize = atol(szSize); pItem->SetLabelPreformated(true); items.Add(pItem); } } } // Point p to the next filename in the list and loop p = q; } free(data); } return true; }
bool CLastFmManager::RequestRadioTracks() { unsigned int start = XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis(); CStdString url; CStdString html; url.Format("http://" + m_RadioBaseUrl + m_RadioBasePath + "/xspf.php?sk=%s&discovery=0&desktop=", m_RadioSession); { CFileCurl http; if (!http.Get(url, html)) { m_RadioSession.empty(); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "LastFmManager: Connect to to request tracks failed."); return false; } } //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "RequestRadioTracks: %s", html.c_str()); //parse playlist CXBMCTinyXML xmlDoc; xmlDoc.Parse(html); if (xmlDoc.Error()) { m_RadioSession.empty(); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "LastFmManager: Unable to parse tracklist Error: %s", xmlDoc.ErrorDesc()); return false; } TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); if (!pRootElement ) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "LastFmManager: No more tracks received"); m_RadioSession.empty(); return false; } TiXmlElement* pBodyElement = pRootElement->FirstChildElement("trackList"); if (!pBodyElement ) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "LastFmManager: No more tracks received, no tracklist"); m_RadioSession.empty(); return false; } TiXmlElement* pTrackElement = pBodyElement->FirstChildElement("track"); if (!pTrackElement) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "LastFmManager: No more tracks received, empty tracklist"); m_RadioSession.empty(); return false; } while (pTrackElement) { CFileItemPtr newItem(new CFileItem); TiXmlElement* pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("location"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { CStdString url = child->Value(); url.Replace("http:", "lastfm:"); newItem->SetPath(url); } } pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("title"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { newItem->SetLabel(child->Value()); newItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetTitle(child->Value()); } } pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("creator"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { newItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetArtist(child->Value()); } } pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("album"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { newItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetAlbum(child->Value()); } } pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("duration"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { int iDuration = atoi(child->Value())/1000; newItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetDuration(iDuration); } } newItem->FillInDefaultIcon(); pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("image"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { CStdString coverUrl = child->Value(); if ((coverUrl != "") && (coverUrl.Find("noimage") == -1) && (coverUrl.Right(1) != "/")) { newItem->SetThumbnailImage(coverUrl); } } } //trackauth is needed for validating the track when scrobbling pElement = pTrackElement->FirstChildElement("lastfm:trackauth"); if (pElement) { TiXmlNode* child = pElement->FirstChild(); if (child) { CStdString trackAuth = child->Value(); //abuse comment field for the track authcode newItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetComment(trackAuth); } } { CSingleLock lock(m_lockCache); m_RadioTrackQueue->Add(newItem); } pTrackElement = pTrackElement->NextSiblingElement(); } //end parse CSingleLock lock(m_lockCache); int iNrCachedTracks = m_RadioTrackQueue->size(); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s: Done (time: %i ms)", __FUNCTION__, (int)(XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis() - start)); return iNrCachedTracks > 0; }