int WINAPI ZipFile(const char *pszPath,const char *pszZipFile) { try { CZipArchive zip;//压缩 CString strZip,strPath; strZip.Format("%s",pszZipFile); strPath.Format("%s",pszPath); zip.Open(strZip, CZipArchive::create, 0 ); if(zip.AddNewFile(pszPath, 8) == FALSE) { zip.Close(); return 0; } zip.Close(); } catch(...) { return 0; } return 1; }
bool CSimpleZip::Add( const void* src, const unsigned int& srcSize, void* dst, unsigned int& dstSize, std::string& szErrmsg) { if ( NULL==src ) { szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: Invalid source."; return false; } bool bRet = false; CZipMemFile mfIn; CZipMemFile mfOut; CZipArchive zip; try { mfIn.Write(src, srcSize); zip.Open(mfOut, CZipArchive::zipCreate); zip.AddNewFile(mfIn, _T("temp.txt")); zip.Close(); int nLen = (int)mfOut.GetLength(); if ( NULL==dst || dstSize<nLen ) { dstSize = nLen; szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: The size of destination buffer is too small."; return false; } BYTE* b = mfOut.Detach(); memcpy_s(dst, dstSize, b, nLen); dstSize = nLen; free(b); bRet = true; } catch(CZipException& e) { if (!zip.IsClosed()) zip.Close(); szErrmsg = e.GetErrorDescription().c_str(); } catch(...) { if (!zip.IsClosed()) zip.Close(); szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: failed to add, catch exception."; } return bRet; }
void WorkerThread::runRezip() { emit(beginRunRezip()); emit(stageEvent("Finding and saving modified game data")); emit(infoEvent("Identifying modified files (including previously modified files)")); QMap<QString, uint32_t> newChecksums; collectFiles(m_tempPath, &newChecksums); QStringList modified; // TODO: also determine removed files? QMapIterator<QString, uint32_t> i(newChecksums); while (i.hasNext()) {; if(!m_checksums.contains(i.key()) || m_checksums[i.key()] != i.value()) { modified << i.key(); } } if(modified.empty()) { emit(infoEvent("No modified files found")); return; } emit(infoEvent("Rezipping modified files")); QString gameFileBase = QFileInfo(m_gameFileName).baseName(); QString diffFileName = m_dataPath + "/" + gameFileBase + __WHDRun__DiffSuffix; CZipArchive zip; try { zip.Open(diffFileName.toUtf8(), CZipArchive::zipCreate); // TODO: review that path finding stuff some time. QDir tempDir(m_tempPath); tempDir.makeAbsolute(); foreach(QString externalPath, modified) { QDir externalDir(externalPath); externalDir.makeAbsolute(); QString internalPath = tempDir.relativeFilePath(externalDir.absolutePath()); zip.AddNewFile((LPCTSTR)externalPath.toUtf8(), (LPCTSTR)internalPath.toUtf8(), CZipCompressor::levelBest); } zip.Close(); } catch(CZipException ex) {
DWORD WINAPI zipCompress(LPVOID lpParam){ _filename = COMPRESS_PREPARING; sTime = time(NULL); CZipArchive zip; vector<__int64>filesize; _size_all = 1; /*char b[123]; sprintf(b, "%d", spanSize); MessageBox(0, b, "", 0);*/ if(spanSize == 0) zip.Open(archive_name, CZipArchive::OpenMode::zipCreate); else zip.Open(archive_name, CZipArchive::OpenMode::zipCreateSpan, spanSize); zip.SetPassword(passwd); //zip.SetAutoFlush(); _filename = COMPRESS_GETTING_FILE_SIZES; for (int i=0; i<int(filename.size()); ++i) { FILE* f=fopen(filename[i].c_str(), "rb"); if(f){ _fseeki64(f, 0LL, SEEK_END); filesize.push_back(_ftelli64(f)); _size_all += _ftelli64(f); fclose(f); } } for(int i=0;i<filename.size();i++){ _filename = filename[i]; //zip.AddNewFile(filename[i].c_str(), MEM); zip.AddNewFile(filename[i].c_str(), filename[i].c_str(), MEM); _done_all += filesize[i]; CZipFileHeader fhInfo; zip.GetFileInfo(fhInfo, i); _compressed += fhInfo.GetEffComprSize() + fhInfo.GetSize() + fhInfo.GetExtraFieldSize(); } zip.Close(); /*FILE *f = fopen(archive_name, "rb"); if(f){ _fseeki64(f, 0LL, SEEK_END); _compressed = _ftelli64(f); fclose(f); }*/ if(sfx_arch){ //do³¹czamy modu³ sfx _filename = COMPRESS_ADDING_SFX_MOD; /*archive_name[strlen(archive_name)-3] = '\0'; sprintf(archive_name, "%sexe", archive_name);*/ //odczytujemy œcie¿kê do modu³u HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess(); HMODULE hMod; DWORD cbNeeded; char processName[MAX_PATH]; EnumProcessModules(hProc, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded); GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, hMod, processName, MAX_PATH); for(int i=strlen(processName)-1;i>=0;i--){ if(processName[i] == '\\' || processName[i] == '/'){ processName[i+1] = '\0'; sprintf(processName, "%skgb_arch_sfx_zip.mod", processName); break; } } FILE *sfx = fopen(processName, "rb"); //MessageBox(0, "", "", 0); if(sfx == NULL){ MessageBox(0, "An internal error has occured, please reinstall KGB Archiver!", "KGB Archiver", 0); _fcloseall(); DeleteFile(archive_name); return false; } //MessageBox(0, archive_name, "", 0); FILE *archive = fopen(archive_name, "rb"); if(archive == NULL){ _fcloseall(); return false; } //MessageBox(0, "", "", 0); archive_name[strlen(archive_name)-3] = '\0'; sprintf(archive_name, "%sexe", archive_name); //MessageBox(0, archive_name, "", 0); FILE *archive_sfx = fopen(archive_name, "wb"); if(archive_sfx == NULL){ _fcloseall(); return false; } //MessageBox(0, "2", "", 0); int count=0; char buffer[65536]; while(!feof(sfx)){ count = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), sfx); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), count, archive_sfx); } while(!feof(archive)){ count = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), archive); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), count, archive_sfx); } fclose(archive); fclose(sfx); fclose(archive_sfx); archive_name[strlen(archive_name)-3] = '\0'; sprintf(archive_name, "%szip", archive_name); DeleteFile(archive_name); } _done_all++; return true; }
UINT CScormEngine::CreatePackage(HWND hWndParent) { // Reset progress (should be zero anyway) m_dwProgress = 0; m_dwCurrentFile = 0; m_bCancelRequested = false; // Create a temporary directory _TCHAR tszPath[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR tszDirectory[MAX_PATH]; bool success = LIo::CreateTempDir(_T("SCO"), tszPath, tszDirectory); if (success) { m_csBaseTempPath = tszPath; m_csRelTempPath = tszDirectory; m_csTargetDir = m_csBaseTempPath + m_csRelTempPath + CString(_T("\\")); } //MessageBox(hWndParent, tszDirectory, tszPath, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); if (success) DefineScormKeywords(); CString csImsManifest; if (success) success = LoadXmlResource(csImsManifest, IDR_XML_IMSMANIFEST); if (success && !m_bCancelRequested) { // Let's write the imsmanifest File. LTextBuffer tbImsManifest(csImsManifest); int nKwCount = m_aGeneralKeywords.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nKwCount; ++i) tbImsManifest.ReplaceAll(m_aGeneralKeywords[i], m_aGeneralValues[i]); success = tbImsManifest.SaveFile(m_csTargetDir + _T("imsmanifest.xml"), LFILE_TYPE_TEXT_UTF8, false); // Do not write a UTF8 BOM. } /* CString csScoMetadata; if (success) success = LoadXmlResource(csScoMetadata, IDR_XML_SCOMETADATA); if (success && !m_bCancelRequested) { // And now the scometadata.xml file. LTextBuffer tbScoMetadata(csScoMetadata); int nKwCount = m_aGeneralKeywords.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nKwCount; ++i) tbScoMetadata.ReplaceAll(m_aGeneralKeywords[i], m_aGeneralValues[i]); success = tbScoMetadata.SaveFile(m_csTargetDir + _T("scometadata.xml"), LFILE_TYPE_TEXT_UTF8, false); // No UTF8 BOM, thank you. }*/ if (success && !m_bCancelRequested) { CZipArchive zip; CScormZipCallback zipCallback(this); zip.SetCallback(&zipCallback); zip.Open(m_csTargetDir + m_csTargetFile + _T(".zip"), CZipArchive::zipCreate); zip.AddNewFile(m_csTargetDir + _T("imsmanifest.xml"), _T("imsmanifest.xml")); // zip.AddNewFile(m_csTargetDir + _T("scometadata.xml"), _T("scometadata.xml")); zip.AddNewFile(m_csRealIndexFileName, m_csIndexFileName); int nFileCount = m_aSourceFiles.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nFileCount; ++i) zip.AddNewFile(m_aSourceFiles[i], m_aTargetFiles[i]); zip.Close(); } if (m_bCancelRequested) return ERROR_CANCELLED; return success ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
/** @brief @author BHK @date 2009-04-28 오전 11:10:50 @param @return */ void CSaveProductToRevisionDlg::OnBnClickedOk() { char* pData = NULL; CELoadDocData& docData = CELoadDocData::GetInstance(); InsertLoadItemInCableSizingResultDoc(); const string rMDBFilePath = docData.GetProjectMDBFilePath(); CADODB adoDB; const STRING_T rConnectionString = STRING_T(PROVIDER) + _T("Data Source=") + rMDBFilePath + DB_PASSWORD; if(TRUE == adoDB.DBConnect(rConnectionString)) { CString strDesc; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DESC , strDesc); CString strZipFilePath; map<CString , CString > ZipFilePathMap; if((_T("LOAD SUMMARY-BUS") == m_rProductName) || (_T("LOAD SUMMARY-SUBBUS") == m_rProductName)) { strZipFilePath = string(docData.GetProjectFolderPath() + _T("Load Summary Result\\")).c_str(); ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(_T("Load Summary-BUS") , strZipFilePath)); strZipFilePath = string(docData.GetProjectFolderPath() + _T("Load Summary Result\\")).c_str(); ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(_T("Load Summary-SubBUS") , strZipFilePath)); } else if(_T("TRANSFORMER SIZING") == m_rProductName) { CTransformerSizingResultDoc::SaveTransformerSizingResultData(); CZipArchive zip; CString strProjectPath = docData.GetProjectFolderPath().c_str(); strZipFilePath = strProjectPath + _T("Transformer Sizing\\Transformer"); { if(!strZipFilePath.IsEmpty()) { zip.Open(strZipFilePath , CZipArchive::create ); zip.AddNewFile(strProjectPath + _T("Transformer Sizing\\Transformer Sizing.txt") , -1 , false); zip.Close(); } } ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(m_rProductName , strZipFilePath)); } else if(_T("AUTO POWER CABLE") == m_rProductName) { CZipArchive zip; CString strProjectPath = docData.GetProjectFolderPath().c_str(); strZipFilePath = strProjectPath + _T("Cable Sizing Result\\Cable Sizing"); { if(!strZipFilePath.IsEmpty()) { zip.Open(strZipFilePath , CZipArchive::create ); CString strDir = strProjectPath + CString(_T("Cable Sizing Result\\*.BUS")); CFileFind file; vector<string> rInterestingFileEntry; ///! 확장자가 *.BUS 파일을 찾는다. BOOL bFound = file.FindFile(strDir); if(bFound) { while(bFound) { bFound = file.FindNextFile(); if(file.IsDots()) continue; const CString rFileName = file.GetFileTitle().MakeUpper(); zip.AddNewFile(strProjectPath + CString(_T("Cable Sizing Result\\")) + rFileName + _T(".BUS") , -1 , false); } } zip.Close(); } } ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(m_rProductName , strZipFilePath)); } else if(_T("AUTO CONTROL CABLE") == m_rProductName) { CZipArchive zip; CString strProjectPath = docData.GetProjectFolderPath().c_str(); strZipFilePath = strProjectPath + _T("Control Cable Result\\Control Cable"); { if(!strZipFilePath.IsEmpty()) { zip.Open(strZipFilePath , CZipArchive::create ); CString strDir = strProjectPath + CString(_T("Control Cable Result\\*.BUS")); CFileFind file; vector<string> rInterestingFileEntry; ///! 확장자가 *.BUS 파일을 찾는다. BOOL bFound = file.FindFile(strDir); if(bFound) { while(bFound) { bFound = file.FindNextFile(); if(file.IsDots()) continue; const CString rFileName = file.GetFileTitle().MakeUpper(); zip.AddNewFile(strProjectPath + CString(_T("Control Cable Result\\")) + rFileName + _T(".BUS") , -1 , false); } } zip.Close(); } } ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(m_rProductName , strZipFilePath)); } else if(_T("CABLE SIZING TABLE") == m_rProductName) { CZipArchive zip; CString strProjectPath = docData.GetProjectFolderPath().c_str(); strZipFilePath = strProjectPath + _T("Cable Sizing Table\\Cable Sizing"); { if(!strZipFilePath.IsEmpty()) { zip.Open(strZipFilePath , CZipArchive::create ); CString strDir = strProjectPath + CString(_T("Cable Sizing Table\\*.TXT")); CFileFind file; vector<string> rInterestingFileEntry; ///! 확장자가 *.TXT 파일을 찾는다. BOOL bFound = file.FindFile(strDir); if(bFound) { while(bFound) { bFound = file.FindNextFile(); if(file.IsDots()) continue; const CString rFileName = file.GetFileTitle().MakeUpper(); zip.AddNewFile(strProjectPath + CString(_T("Cable Sizing Table\\")) + rFileName + _T(".TXT") , -1 , false); } } zip.Close(); } } ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(m_rProductName , strZipFilePath)); } else if((_T("CABLE SCHEDULE") == m_rProductName) || (_T("DRUM SCHEDULE") == m_rProductName)) { CZipArchive zip; CString strProjectPath = docData.GetProjectFolderPath().c_str() , rKeyString; if(_T("Cable Schedule") == m_rProductName) rKeyString = _T("Cable Schedule Result"); else rKeyString = _T("Drum Schedule Result"); strZipFilePath = strProjectPath + rKeyString + _T("\\") + rKeyString + _T(".zip"); { if(!strZipFilePath.IsEmpty()) { zip.Open(strZipFilePath , CZipArchive::create ); CString strDir = strProjectPath + rKeyString + CString(_T("\\*.TXT")); CFileFind file; vector<string> rInterestingFileEntry; ///! 확장자가 *.TXT 파일을 찾는다. BOOL bFound = file.FindFile(strDir); if(bFound) { while(bFound) { bFound = file.FindNextFile(); if(file.IsDots()) continue; const CString rFileName = file.GetFileTitle().MakeUpper(); zip.AddNewFile(strProjectPath + rKeyString + CString(_T("\\")) + rFileName + _T(".TXT") , -1 , false); } } zip.Close(); } } ZipFilePathMap.insert(make_pair(m_rProductName , strZipFilePath)); } if(!ZipFilePathMap.empty()) { ++m_nLastRevNo; for(map<CString , CString>::iterator itr = ZipFilePathMap.begin();itr != ZipFilePathMap.end();++itr) { CString strFormat = _T("INSERT INTO T_PRODUCT_REVISION(C_PRODUCT_NAME,C_REVISION_NO,C_DATE,C_DESC) VALUES('%s',%d,'%s','%s')"); CString strSQL; CTime CurTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CString strTimeData = CurTime.Format(_T("%Y년 %m월 %d일 - %H시 %M분")); strSQL.Format(strFormat , itr->first , m_nLastRevNo , strTimeData , strDesc); adoDB.ExecuteQuery(strSQL.operator LPCTSTR()); strSQL = _T("SELECT * FROM T_PRODUCT_REVISION WHERE C_PRODUCT_NAME = '") + itr->first + _T("' ORDER BY C_REVISION_NO DESC"); adoDB.OpenQuery(strSQL.operator LPCTSTR()); LONG lRecordCount = 0L; adoDB.GetRecordCount(&lRecordCount); CFile f(itr->second , CFile::modeRead); ULONGLONG fSize = f.GetLength(); if(NULL == pData) pData = (char*)calloc(1 , sizeof(char)*fSize); if(pData) { f.Read(pData,fSize); const int nFieldCount = adoDB.GetFieldCount(); for(int i = 0;i < nFieldCount;++i) { if(_T("C_DATA") == adoDB.GetFieldName(i)) { adoDB.AppendChunk(0 , i , pData , fSize); break; } } free((void*)pData); pData = NULL; } } } } else { AfxMessageBox(_T("Fail to connect database")); } OnOK(); }
bool CSimpleZip::Add(std::string strZipFile,std::list<std::string>& lstFile,std::string strRootPath,bool bFullPath) { CZipArchive zip; CZipString szArchive; int iVolumeSize = 0; int iMode = CZipArchive::zipOpen; szArchive =CZipString(strZipFile); if (!ZipPlatform::FileExists(szArchive)) iMode = CZipArchive::zipCreate; CZipPathComponent zpc(szArchive); SpanCallback span; zip.SetSpanCallback(&span); try { zip.Open(szArchive, iMode, iVolumeSize); } catch(...) { return FALSE; } zip.SetRootPath(strRootPath.c_str()); FILELIST lFiles; for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it =lstFile.begin();it!=lstFile.end();it++) { std::string strFileName; strFileName =*it; lFiles.push_back(CZipString(strFileName)); } FILELISTADD rev; for (FILELISTIT it = lFiles.begin(); it != lFiles.end(); ++it) { CZipString sz = zip.PredictFileNameInZip(*it, bFullPath); if (!sz.IsEmpty()) rev.push_back(CZipAddFileInfo(*it, sz)); } lFiles.clear(); // rev.sort(std::greater<CZipAddFileInfo>()); FILELISTADDIT it1; int iSmartLevel = CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart; for (it1 = rev.begin(); it1 != rev.end(); ++it1) { if (zip.AddNewFile((*it1).m_szFilePath, 5, bFullPath, iSmartLevel)) { printf ("%s added\n", (LPCTSTR)(*it1).m_szFileNameInZip); } else printf ("%s not added\n", (LPCTSTR)(*it1).m_szFilePath); } zip.Close(); return TRUE; }
int hb_CmpTdSpanStd( char * szFile, char * szFiletoCompress, int iCompLevel, PHB_ITEM pBlock, BOOL bOverWrite, char * szPassWord, int iSpanSize, BOOL bPath, BOOL bDrive, PHB_ITEM pProgress ) { DWORD dwSize; BOOL bAdded = FALSE; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; BOOL bFileExist = hb_fsFile( szFile ); CZipArchive szZip; SpanCallbackc span; SpanActionCallbackc spanac; szZip.SetSpanCallback( &span ); if( iSpanSize == 0 ) { iSpanSize = 1457664; } try { if( ( bFileExist && bOverWrite ) || ! bFileExist ) { szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipCreateSpan, iSpanSize ); } else { return ( int ) false; } } catch( CZipException ) { bReturn = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { } if( szPassWord != NULL ) { szZip.SetPassword( szPassWord ); } if( pZipI.szComment != NULL ) { szZip.SetGlobalComment( pZipI.szComment ); hb_xfree( pZipI.szComment ); } if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pProgress ) ) { pProgressInfo = pProgress; szZip.SetCallback( &spanac ); } if( bReturn ) { try { if( szPassWord != NULL ) { szZip.SetPassword( szPassWord ); } dwSize = GetCurrentFileSize( szFiletoCompress ); if( pBlock != NULL ) { PHB_ITEM FileName = hb_itemPutC( NULL, szFiletoCompress ); hb_vmEvalBlockV( pBlock, 1, FileName ); hb_itemRelease( FileName ); } #if defined( __WIN32__ ) || defined( __MINGW32__ ) if( bDrive && ! bAdded ) { if( ! szZip.AddNewFileDrv( szFiletoCompress, iCompLevel, true, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ) ) { bReturn = FALSE; } else { bAdded = TRUE; } } #endif if( bPath && ! bAdded ) { if( ! szZip.AddNewFile( szFiletoCompress, iCompLevel, true, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ) ) { bReturn = FALSE; } else { bAdded = TRUE; } } else if( ! bDrive && ! bPath && ! bAdded ) { if( ! szZip.AddNewFile( szFiletoCompress, iCompLevel, false, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ) ) { bReturn = FALSE; } } } catch( ... ) { } } try { szZip.Close(); } catch( CZipException ) { bReturn = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { } if( pProgressInfo ) { hb_itemRelease( pProgressInfo ); } return ( int ) bReturn; }
int hb_CmpTdSpan( const char * szFile, PHB_ITEM pArray, int iCompLevel, PHB_ITEM pBlock, BOOL bOverWrite, const char * szPassWord, int iSpanSize, BOOL bPath, BOOL bDrive, PHB_ITEM pProgress ) { ULONG ulCount = 0; const char * szDummy; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bAdded = FALSE; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; BOOL bFileExist = hb_fsFile( szFile ); CZipArchive szZip; SpanCallbackc span; SpanActionCallbackc spanac; szZip.SetSpanCallback( &span ); if( iSpanSize == 0 ) { iSpanSize = 1457664; } try { if( ( bFileExist && bOverWrite ) || ! bFileExist ) { szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipCreateSpan, iSpanSize ); } else { bReturn = FALSE; return ( int ) bReturn; } } catch( CZipException ) { bReturn = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { } //if (! bReturn ) //{ if( szPassWord != NULL ) { szZip.SetPassword( szPassWord ); } if( pZipI.szComment != NULL ) { szZip.SetGlobalComment( pZipI.szComment ); hb_xfree( pZipI.szComment ); } if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pProgress ) ) { pProgressInfo = pProgress; szZip.SetCallback( &spanac ); } for( ulCount = 1; ( ulCount <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ) ); ulCount++ ) { szDummy = ( char * ) hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount ); dwSize = GetCurrentFileSize( szDummy ); bAdded = FALSE; if( dwSize != ( DWORD ) -1 ) { if( pBlock != NULL ) { PHB_ITEM FileName = hb_itemPutC( NULL, hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount ) ), FilePos = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, ulCount ); hb_vmEvalBlockV( pBlock, 2, FileName, FilePos ); hb_itemRelease( FileName ); hb_itemRelease( FilePos ); } try { if( bPath && ! bAdded ) { szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, true, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ); bAdded = TRUE; } else if( ! bDrive && ! bPath && ! bAdded ) { szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, false, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ); } } catch( ... ) { } } } //} try { szZip.Close(); } catch( CZipException ) { bReturn = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { } return ( int ) bReturn; }
int hb_CompressFile( const char * szFile, PHB_ITEM pArray, int iCompLevel, PHB_ITEM pBlock, BOOL bOverWrite, const char * szPassWord, BOOL bPath, BOOL bDrive, PHB_ITEM pProgress ) { ULONG ulCount = 0; const char * szDummy; char * szDummyLower = NULL; char * szFileLower = hb_strdup( ( char * ) szFile ); BOOL bFileExist = hb_fsFile( szFile ); BOOL bAdded = FALSE; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; DWORD dwSize; CZipArchive szZip; SpanCallbackc span; SpanActionCallbackc spanac; szZip.SetSpanCallback( &span ); #ifdef HB_OS_WIN_32 hb_strLower( szFileLower, strlen( szFileLower ) ); #endif try { if( ( bFileExist && bOverWrite ) || ! bFileExist ) { szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipCreate, 0 ); } else { szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipOpen, 0 ); } } catch( CZipException ) { bReturn = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { } if( bReturn ) { if( szPassWord != NULL ) { szZip.SetPassword( szPassWord ); } if( pZipI.szComment != NULL ) { szZip.SetGlobalComment( pZipI.szComment ); hb_xfree( pZipI.szComment ); } if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pProgress ) ) { pProgressInfo = pProgress; szZip.SetCallback( &spanac ); } for( ulCount = 1; ( ulCount <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ) ); ulCount++ ) { szDummy = ( char * ) hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount ); dwSize = GetCurrentFileSize( szDummy ); bAdded = FALSE; szDummyLower = hb_strdup( ( char * ) szDummy ); #ifdef HB_OS_WIN_32 hb_strLower( szDummyLower, strlen( szDummyLower ) ); #endif // Prevent adding current archive file ! if( strstr( szFileLower, szDummyLower ) == NULL && strstr( szDummyLower, szFileLower ) == NULL ) { if( dwSize != ( DWORD ) -1 ) { if( pBlock != NULL ) { PHB_ITEM FileName = hb_itemPutC( NULL, hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount ) ), FilePos = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, ulCount ); hb_vmEvalBlockV( pBlock, 2, FileName, FilePos ); hb_itemRelease( FileName ); hb_itemRelease( FilePos ); } try { if( bPath && ! bAdded ) { szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, true, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ); bAdded = TRUE; } else if( ! bDrive && ! bPath && ! bAdded ) { szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, false, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 ); } } catch( ... ) { } } } hb_xfree( szDummyLower ); } } hb_xfree( szFileLower ); try { szZip.Close(); } catch( CZipException ) { bReturn = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { } return ( int ) bReturn; }