// Purpose:	get the translation
//			to bring a point into the 
//			bone instance space
//			of given boneID
// Output:	pLoc set
// Return:	none
void IgfxObject::BoneGetTransBoneSpace(s32 boneID, Vec3D *pLoc)
		CalSkeleton *pSkel = m_pCalModel->getSkeleton();
		CalBone *pBone = pSkel->getBone(boneID);
		CalVector cVec = pBone->getTranslationBoneSpace();

		pLoc->x = cVec.x;
		pLoc->y = cVec.y;
		pLoc->z = cVec.z;
int CalPhysique::calculateVerticesNormalsAndTexCoords(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, float *pVertexBuffer, int NumTexCoords) const
  // get bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = m_pModel->getSkeleton()->getVectorBone();

  // get vertex vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex>& vectorVertex = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorVertex();

  // get the texture coordinate vector vector
  std::vector<std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::TextureCoordinate> >& vectorvectorTextureCoordinate = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorVectorTextureCoordinate();

  int TextureCoordinateCount=(int)vectorvectorTextureCoordinate.size();

  // check if the map id is valid
  if(((NumTexCoords < 0) || (NumTexCoords > TextureCoordinateCount)))
		 CalError::setLastError(CalError::INVALID_HANDLE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		 return -1;

  // get physical property vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the number of vertices
  int vertexCount;
  vertexCount = pSubmesh->getVertexCount();

  // get the sub morph target vector from the core sub mesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubMorphTarget*>& vectorSubMorphTarget =

  // get the number of morph targets
  int morphTargetCount = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeightCount();

  // Check for spring case
  bool	hasSpringsAndInternalData =
	(pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getSpringCount() > 0) &&

  // calculate all submesh vertices
  int vertexId;
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < vertexCount; ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // blend the morph targets
    CalVector position=vertex.position;
    CalVector normal=vertex.normal;


      int morphTargetId;
      for(morphTargetId=0; morphTargetId < morphTargetCount;++morphTargetId)
         CalCoreSubMorphTarget::BlendVertex const * blendVertex =
         float currentWeight = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeight(morphTargetId);
         if( currentWeight != 0 ) {
            if( blendVertex ) {
               position.x += currentWeight*blendVertex->position.x;
               position.y += currentWeight*blendVertex->position.y;
               position.z += currentWeight*blendVertex->position.z;
               normal.x += currentWeight*blendVertex->normal.x;
               normal.y += currentWeight*blendVertex->normal.y;
               normal.z += currentWeight*blendVertex->normal.z;

    // initialize vertex
    float x, y, z;
    x = 0.0f;
    y = 0.0f;
    z = 0.0f;

	// initialize normal
    float nx, ny, nz;
    nx = 0.0f;
    ny = 0.0f;
    nz = 0.0f;

    // blend together all vertex influences
    int influenceId;
	int influenceCount=(int)vertex.vectorInfluence.size();
	if(influenceCount == 0)
      x = position.x;
      y = position.y;
      z = position.z;
      nx = normal.x;
      ny = normal.y;
      nz = normal.z;
		for(influenceId = 0; influenceId < influenceCount; ++influenceId)
			// get the influence
			CalCoreSubmesh::Influence& influence = vertex.vectorInfluence[influenceId];

			// get the bone of the influence vertex
			CalBone *pBone;
			pBone = vectorBone[influence.boneId];

			// transform vertex with current state of the bone
			CalVector v(position);
			v *= pBone->getTransformMatrix();
			v += pBone->getTranslationBoneSpace();

			x += influence.weight * v.x;
			y += influence.weight * v.y;
			z += influence.weight * v.z;

			// transform normal with current state of the bone
			CalVector n(normal);
			n *= pBone->getTransformMatrix();

			nx += influence.weight * n.x;
			ny += influence.weight * n.y;
			nz += influence.weight * n.z;

    // save vertex position
      // get the pgysical property of the vertex
      CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

      // assign new vertex position if there is no vertex weight
      if(physicalProperty.weight == 0.0f)
        pVertexBuffer[0] = x * m_axisFactorX;
        pVertexBuffer[1] = y * m_axisFactorY;
        pVertexBuffer[2] = z * m_axisFactorZ;
      pVertexBuffer[0] = x * m_axisFactorX;
      pVertexBuffer[1] = y * m_axisFactorY;
      pVertexBuffer[2] = z * m_axisFactorZ;

	 // re-normalize normal if necessary
    if (m_Normalize)
	  nx/= m_axisFactorX;
	  ny/= m_axisFactorY;
	  nz/= m_axisFactorZ;

      float scale;
      scale = (float) (1.0f / sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz));

      pVertexBuffer[3] = nx * scale;
      pVertexBuffer[4] = ny * scale;
      pVertexBuffer[5] = nz * scale;
      pVertexBuffer[3] = nx;
      pVertexBuffer[4] = ny;
      pVertexBuffer[5] = nz;

	pVertexBuffer += 6;

		for(int mapId=0; mapId < NumTexCoords; ++mapId)
			pVertexBuffer[0] = vectorvectorTextureCoordinate[mapId][vertexId].u;
			pVertexBuffer[1] = vectorvectorTextureCoordinate[mapId][vertexId].v;
			pVertexBuffer += 2;

  return vertexCount;
int CalPhysique::calculateVertices(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, float *pVertexBuffer, int stride) const
  if(stride <= 0)
	  stride = 3*sizeof(float);

  // get bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = m_pModel->getSkeleton()->getVectorBone();

  // get vertex vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex>& vectorVertex = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorVertex();

  // get physical property vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the number of vertices
  int vertexCount;
  vertexCount = pSubmesh->getVertexCount();

  // get the sub morph target vector from the core sub mesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubMorphTarget*>& vectorSubMorphTarget =

  // Get the number of morph targets and cache the weights in an array
  // that can be indexed quickly inside the vertex inner loop.
  int morphTargetCount = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeightCount();
  static int const morphTargetCountMax = 100; // Arbitrary.
  if( morphTargetCount > morphTargetCountMax ) {
     morphTargetCount = morphTargetCountMax;
  static float morphTargetScaleArray[ morphTargetCountMax ];
  for(int i = 0; i < morphTargetCount; i++ )
     morphTargetScaleArray[ i ] = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeight( i );

  // Check for spring case
  bool	hasSpringsAndInternalData =
	(pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getSpringCount() > 0) &&

  // calculate all submesh vertices
  int vertexId;
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < vertexCount; ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // blend the morph targets
    CalVector position=vertex.position;


      int morphTargetId;
      for(morphTargetId=0; morphTargetId < morphTargetCount;++morphTargetId)
         CalCoreSubMorphTarget::BlendVertex const * blendVertex =
         float morphScale = morphTargetScaleArray[ morphTargetId ];
         if( blendVertex )
            position.x += morphScale * blendVertex->position.x;
            position.y += morphScale * blendVertex->position.y;
            position.z += morphScale * blendVertex->position.z;


    // initialize vertex
    float x, y, z;
    x = 0.0f;
    y = 0.0f;
    z = 0.0f;

    // blend together all vertex influences
    size_t influenceCount=vertex.vectorInfluence.size();
    if(influenceCount == 0)
      x = position.x;
      y = position.y;
      z = position.z;
		for(size_t influenceId = 0; influenceId < influenceCount; ++influenceId)
			// get the influence
			CalCoreSubmesh::Influence& influence = vertex.vectorInfluence[influenceId];

			// get the bone of the influence vertex
			CalBone *pBone;
			pBone = vectorBone[influence.boneId];

			// transform vertex with current state of the bone
			CalVector v(position);
			v *= pBone->getTransformMatrix();
			v += pBone->getTranslationBoneSpace();

			x += influence.weight * v.x;
			y += influence.weight * v.y;
			z += influence.weight * v.z;

    // save vertex position
      // get the physical property of the vertex
      CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

      // assign new vertex position if there is no vertex weight
      if(physicalProperty.weight == 0.0f)
        pVertexBuffer[0] = x * m_axisFactorX;
        pVertexBuffer[1] = y * m_axisFactorY;
        pVertexBuffer[2] = z * m_axisFactorZ;
      pVertexBuffer[0] = x * m_axisFactorX;
      pVertexBuffer[1] = y * m_axisFactorY;
      pVertexBuffer[2] = z * m_axisFactorZ;

    // next vertex position in buffer
    pVertexBuffer = (float *)(((char *)pVertexBuffer) + stride) ;

  return vertexCount;
int CalPhysique::calculateVerticesAndNormals(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, float *pVertexBuffer, int stride) const
  if(stride <= 0)
	  stride = 6*sizeof(float);

  // get bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = m_pModel->getSkeleton()->getVectorBone();
 // CalBone ** vectorBonePtr = &vectorBone[0];

  // get vertex vector of the core submesh
  CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex* vectorVertex = &pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorVertex()[0];

  // get physical property vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the number of vertices
  int vertexCount = pSubmesh->getVertexCount();

  // get the sub morph target vector from the core sub mesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubMorphTarget*>& vectorSubMorphTarget =

  // get the number of morph targets
  int morphTargetCount = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeightCount();
  EnlargeMiawCacheAsNecessary( morphTargetCount );
  unsigned int numMiaws;
  pSubmesh->getMorphIdAndWeightArray( MiawCache, & numMiaws, ( unsigned int ) morphTargetCount );

  // Check for spring case
  bool	hasSpringsAndInternalData =
	(pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getSpringCount() > 0) &&

  // calculate all submesh vertices
  int vertexId;
  //CalCoreSubMorphTarget::BlendVertex	blendVertex;
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < vertexCount; ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // Off unless normalizing set to on and either there are morph targets or multiple influences.
    bool mustNormalize = false;

    // blend the morph targets
    CalVector position=vertex.position;
    CalVector normal=vertex.normal;


       mustNormalize = true; // Morph targets can skew normals.
       unsigned int i;

       for( i = 0; i < numMiaws; i++ ) {
          MorphIdAndWeight * miaw = & MiawCache[ i ];
          int morphTargetId = miaw->morphId_;
          CalCoreSubMorphTarget::BlendVertex const * blendVertex =
          float currentWeight = miaw->weight_;
          if( blendVertex ) {
             position.x += currentWeight*blendVertex->position.x;
             position.y += currentWeight*blendVertex->position.y;
             position.z += currentWeight*blendVertex->position.z;
             normal.x += currentWeight*blendVertex->normal.x;
             normal.y += currentWeight*blendVertex->normal.y;
             normal.z += currentWeight*blendVertex->normal.z;


    // initialize vertex
    float x, y, z;
    x = 0.0f;
    y = 0.0f;
    z = 0.0f;

	// initialize normal
    float nx, ny, nz;
    nx = 0.0f;
    ny = 0.0f;
    nz = 0.0f;

    // blend together all vertex influences
    int influenceId;
	int influenceCount=(int)vertex.vectorInfluence.size();
    if(influenceCount > 1)
      mustNormalize = true; // If multiple influences, normalize the normals!

    for(influenceId = 0; influenceId < influenceCount; ++influenceId)
       // get the influence
       CalCoreSubmesh::Influence& influence = vertex.vectorInfluence[influenceId];

       // get the bone of the influence vertex
       CalBone *pBone;
       pBone = vectorBone[influence.boneId];

       // transform vertex with current state of the bone
       CalVector v(position);
       v *= pBone->getTransformMatrix();
       v += pBone->getTranslationBoneSpace();

       x += influence.weight * v.x;
       y += influence.weight * v.y;
       z += influence.weight * v.z;

       // transform normal with current state of the bone
       CalVector n(normal);
       n *= pBone->getTransformMatrix();

       nx += influence.weight * n.x;
       ny += influence.weight * n.y;
       nz += influence.weight * n.z;
    // save vertex position
       mustNormalize = true;

      // get the physical property of the vertex
      CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

      // assign new vertex position if there is no vertex weight
      if(physicalProperty.weight == 0.0f)
        pVertexBuffer[0] = x * m_axisFactorX;
        pVertexBuffer[1] = y * m_axisFactorY;
        pVertexBuffer[2] = z * m_axisFactorZ;
      pVertexBuffer[0] = x * m_axisFactorX;
      pVertexBuffer[1] = y * m_axisFactorY;
      pVertexBuffer[2] = z * m_axisFactorZ;

    // re-normalize normal if necessary
    if (m_Normalize && mustNormalize)
	  nx/= m_axisFactorX;
	  ny/= m_axisFactorY;
	  nz/= m_axisFactorZ;

      float scale;
      scale = (float)( 1.0f / sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz));

      pVertexBuffer[3] = nx * scale;
      pVertexBuffer[4] = ny * scale;
      pVertexBuffer[5] = nz * scale;
      pVertexBuffer[3] = nx;
      pVertexBuffer[4] = ny;
      pVertexBuffer[5] = nz;

	// next vertex position in buffer
    pVertexBuffer = (float *)(((char *)pVertexBuffer) + stride) ;

  return vertexCount;
CalVector CalPhysique::calculateVertex(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, int vertexId)
  // get bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = m_pModel->getSkeleton()->getVectorBone();

  // get vertex of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex>& vectorVertex = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorVertex();

  // get physical property vector of the core submesh
  //std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the sub morph target vector from the core sub mesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubMorphTarget*>& vectorSubMorphTarget =

  // get the number of morph targets
  int morphTargetCount = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeightCount();

  // get the vertex
  CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

  // blend the morph targets
  CalVector position=vertex.position;


    int morphTargetId;
    for(morphTargetId=0; morphTargetId < morphTargetCount;++morphTargetId)
      CalCoreSubMorphTarget::BlendVertex	blendVertex;
	  vectorSubMorphTarget[morphTargetId]->getBlendVertex(vertexId, blendVertex);
      float currentWeight = pSubmesh->getMorphTargetWeight(morphTargetId);
      position.x += currentWeight*blendVertex.position.x;
      position.y += currentWeight*blendVertex.position.y;
      position.z += currentWeight*blendVertex.position.z;

  // initialize vertex
  float x, y, z;
  x = 0.0f;
  y = 0.0f;
  z = 0.0f;

  // blend together all vertex influences
  int influenceId;
  int influenceCount=(int)vertex.vectorInfluence.size();
  if(influenceCount == 0)
    x = position.x;
    y = position.y;
    z = position.z;
	  for(influenceId = 0; influenceId < influenceCount; ++influenceId)
		  // get the influence
		  CalCoreSubmesh::Influence& influence = vertex.vectorInfluence[influenceId];

		  // get the bone of the influence vertex
		  CalBone *pBone;
		  pBone = vectorBone[influence.boneId];

		  // transform vertex with current state of the bone
		  CalVector v(position);
		  v *= pBone->getTransformMatrix();
		  v += pBone->getTranslationBoneSpace();

		  x += influence.weight * v.x;
		  y += influence.weight * v.y;
		  z += influence.weight * v.z;
  // save vertex position
  if(pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getSpringCount() > 0 && pSubmesh->hasInternalData())
    // get the pgysical property of the vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // assign new vertex position if there is no vertex weight
    if(physicalProperty.weight == 0.0f)
      pVertexBuffer[0] = x;
      pVertexBuffer[1] = y;
      pVertexBuffer[2] = z;
    pVertexBuffer[0] = x;
    pVertexBuffer[1] = y;
    pVertexBuffer[2] = z;
  // return the vertex
  //return CalVector(x, y, z);
  return CalVector(x*m_axisFactorX,y*m_axisFactorY,z*m_axisFactorZ);