Status UpdateDriver::populateDocumentWithQueryFields(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                                                     const vector<FieldRef*>* immutablePathsPtr,
                                                     mutablebson::Document& doc) const {
    EqualityMatches equalities;
    Status status = Status::OK();

    if (isDocReplacement()) {
        FieldRefSet pathsToExtract;

        // TODO: Refactor update logic, make _id just another immutable field
        static const FieldRef idPath("_id");
        static const vector<FieldRef*> emptyImmutablePaths;
        const vector<FieldRef*>& immutablePaths =
            immutablePathsPtr ? *immutablePathsPtr : emptyImmutablePaths;


        // Extract only immutable fields from replacement-style
        status =
            pathsupport::extractFullEqualityMatches(*query.root(), pathsToExtract, &equalities);
    } else {
        // Extract all fields from op-style
        status = pathsupport::extractEqualityMatches(*query.root(), &equalities);

    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    status = pathsupport::addEqualitiesToDoc(equalities, &doc);
    return status;
bool SubplanStage::canUseSubplanning(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
    const QueryRequest& qr = query.getQueryRequest();
    const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

    // Hint provided
    if (!qr.getHint().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Min provided
    // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
    if (!qr.getMin().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Max provided
    // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
    if (!qr.getMax().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans.
    if (query.getQueryRequest().isTailable()) {
        return false;

    // We can only subplan rooted $or queries, and only if they have at least one clause.
    return MatchExpression::OR == expr->matchType() && expr->numChildren() > 0;
    bool PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
        const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
        const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

        // Collection scan
        // No sort order requested
        if (lpq.getSort().isEmpty() &&
            expr->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND && expr->numChildren() == 0) {
            return false;

        // Hint provided
        if (!lpq.getHint().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Min provided
        // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMin().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Max provided
        // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMax().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return true;
文件: subplan.cpp 项目: tsun-ot/mongo
bool SubplanStage::canUseSubplanning(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
    const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
    const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

    // Hint provided
    if (!lpq.getHint().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Min provided
    // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
    if (!lpq.getMin().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Max provided
    // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
    if (!lpq.getMax().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans.
    if (query.getParsed().isTailable()) {
        return false;

    // Snapshot is really a hint.
    if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
        return false;

    // TODO: For now we only allow rooted OR. We should consider also allowing contained OR that
    // does not have a TEXT or GEO_NEAR node.
    return MatchExpression::OR == expr->matchType();
    // static
    Status QueryPlanner::planFromCache(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                                       const QueryPlannerParams& params,
                                       CachedSolution* cachedSoln,
                                       QuerySolution** out) {

        // Create a copy of the expression tree.  We use cachedSoln to annotate this with indices.
        MatchExpression* clone = query.root()->shallowClone();

        // XXX: Use data in cachedSoln to tag 'clone' with the indices used.  The tags use an index
        // ID which is an index into some vector of IndexEntry(s).  How do we maintain this across
        // calls to plan?  Do we want to store in the soln the keypatterns of the indices and just
        // map those to an index into params.indices?  Might be easiest thing to do, and certainly
        // most intelligible for debugging.

        // Use the cached index assignments to build solnRoot.  Takes ownership of clone.
        QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot =
            QueryPlannerAccess::buildIndexedDataAccess(query, clone, false, params.indices);

        // XXX: are the NULL cases an error/when does this happen / can this happen?
        if (NULL != solnRoot) {
            QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
            if (NULL != soln) {
                QLOG() << "Planner: adding cached solution:\n" << soln->toString() << endl;
                *out = soln;

        // XXX: if any NULLs return error status?
        return Status::OK();
 PlanCacheKey PlanCache::computeKey(const CanonicalQuery& cq) const {
     str::stream ss;
     encodePlanCacheKeyTree(cq.root(), &ss);
     encodePlanCacheKeySort(cq.getParsed().getSort(), &ss);
     encodePlanCacheKeyProj(cq.getParsed().getProj(), &ss);
     return ss;
PlanCacheKey PlanCache::computeKey(const CanonicalQuery& cq) const {
    StringBuilder keyBuilder;
    encodeKeyForMatch(cq.root(), &keyBuilder);
    encodeKeyForSort(cq.getQueryRequest().getSort(), &keyBuilder);
    encodeKeyForProj(cq.getQueryRequest().getProj(), &keyBuilder);
    return keyBuilder.str();
  * Cache key is a string-ified combination of the query and sort obfuscated
  * for minimal user comprehension.
 PlanCacheKey PlanCache::getPlanCacheKey(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
     stringstream ss;
     encodePlanCacheKeyTree(query.root(), &ss);
     encodePlanCacheKeySort(query.getParsed().getSort(), &ss);
     encodePlanCacheKeyProj(query.getParsed().getProj(), &ss);
     PlanCacheKey key(ss.str());
     return key;
Status UpdateDriver::populateDocumentWithQueryFields(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                                                     const FieldRefSet& immutablePaths,
                                                     mutablebson::Document& doc) const {
    EqualityMatches equalities;
    Status status = Status::OK();

    if (_updateType == UpdateType::kReplacement) {
        // Extract only immutable fields.
        status =
            pathsupport::extractFullEqualityMatches(*query.root(), immutablePaths, &equalities);
    } else {
        // Extract all fields from op-style update.
        status = pathsupport::extractEqualityMatches(*query.root(), &equalities);

    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    status = pathsupport::addEqualitiesToDoc(equalities, &doc);
    return status;
// static
void Explain::generatePlannerInfo(PlanExecutor* exec,
                                  PlanStageStats* winnerStats,
                                  const vector<PlanStageStats*>& rejectedStats,
                                  BSONObjBuilder* out) {
    CanonicalQuery* query = exec->getCanonicalQuery();

    BSONObjBuilder plannerBob(out->subobjStart("queryPlanner"));

    plannerBob.append("plannerVersion", QueryPlanner::kPlannerVersion);
    plannerBob.append("namespace", exec->ns());

    // Find whether there is an index filter set for the query shape. The 'indexFilterSet'
    // field will always be false in the case of EOF or idhack plans.
    bool indexFilterSet = false;
    if (exec->collection() && exec->getCanonicalQuery()) {
        const CollectionInfoCache* infoCache = exec->collection()->infoCache();
        const QuerySettings* querySettings = infoCache->getQuerySettings();
        PlanCacheKey planCacheKey =
        AllowedIndices* allowedIndicesRaw;
        if (querySettings->getAllowedIndices(planCacheKey, &allowedIndicesRaw)) {
            // Found an index filter set on the query shape.
            std::unique_ptr<AllowedIndices> allowedIndices(allowedIndicesRaw);
            indexFilterSet = true;
    plannerBob.append("indexFilterSet", indexFilterSet);

    // In general we should have a canonical query, but sometimes we may avoid
    // creating a canonical query as an optimization (specifically, the update system
    // does not canonicalize for idhack updates). In these cases, 'query' is NULL.
    if (NULL != query) {
        BSONObjBuilder parsedQueryBob(plannerBob.subobjStart("parsedQuery"));

    BSONObjBuilder winningPlanBob(plannerBob.subobjStart("winningPlan"));
    statsToBSON(*winnerStats, &winningPlanBob, ExplainCommon::QUERY_PLANNER);

    // Genenerate array of rejected plans.
    BSONArrayBuilder allPlansBob(plannerBob.subarrayStart("rejectedPlans"));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rejectedStats.size(); i++) {
        BSONObjBuilder childBob(allPlansBob.subobjStart());
        statsToBSON(*rejectedStats[i], &childBob, ExplainCommon::QUERY_PLANNER);

    void ChunkManager::getShardIdsForQuery(set<ShardId>& shardIds, const BSONObj& query) const {
        CanonicalQuery* canonicalQuery = NULL;
        Status status = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(
        boost::scoped_ptr<CanonicalQuery> canonicalQueryPtr(canonicalQuery);
        uassert(status.code(), status.reason(), status.isOK());

        // Query validation
        if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(canonicalQuery->root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
            uassert(13501, "use geoNear command rather than $near query", false);

        // Transforms query into bounds for each field in the shard key
        // for example :
        //   Key { a: 1, b: 1 },
        //   Query { a : { $gte : 1, $lt : 2 },
        //            b : { $gte : 3, $lt : 4 } }
        //   => Bounds { a : [1, 2), b : [3, 4) }
        IndexBounds bounds = getIndexBoundsForQuery(_keyPattern.toBSON(), canonicalQuery);

        // Transforms bounds for each shard key field into full shard key ranges
        // for example :
        //   Key { a : 1, b : 1 }
        //   Bounds { a : [1, 2), b : [3, 4) }
        //   => Ranges { a : 1, b : 3 } => { a : 2, b : 4 }
        BoundList ranges = _keyPattern.flattenBounds(bounds);

        for (BoundList::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end();
            ++it) {

            getShardIdsForRange(shardIds, it->first /*min*/, it->second /*max*/);

            // once we know we need to visit all shards no need to keep looping
            if(shardIds.size() == _shardIds.size()) break;

        // SERVER-4914 Some clients of getShardIdsForQuery() assume at least one shard will be
        // returned.  For now, we satisfy that assumption by adding a shard with no matches rather
        // than return an empty set of shards.
        if (shardIds.empty()) {
            massert( 16068, "no chunk ranges available", !_chunkRanges.ranges().empty() );
IndexBounds ChunkManager::getIndexBoundsForQuery(const BSONObj& key,
                                                 const CanonicalQuery& canonicalQuery) {
    // $text is not allowed in planning since we don't have text index on mongos.
    // TODO: Treat $text query as a no-op in planning. So with shard key {a: 1},
    //       the query { a: 2, $text: { ... } } will only target to {a: 2}.
    if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(canonicalQuery.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) {
        IndexBounds bounds;
        IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(key, &bounds);  // [minKey, maxKey]
        return bounds;

    // Consider shard key as an index
    string accessMethod = IndexNames::findPluginName(key);
    dassert(accessMethod == IndexNames::BTREE || accessMethod == IndexNames::HASHED);

    // Use query framework to generate index bounds
    QueryPlannerParams plannerParams;
    // Must use "shard key" index
    plannerParams.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;
    IndexEntry indexEntry(key,
                          false /* multiKey */,
                          false /* sparse */,
                          false /* unique */,
                          NULL /* filterExpr */,

    OwnedPointerVector<QuerySolution> solutions;
    Status status = QueryPlanner::plan(canonicalQuery, plannerParams, &solutions.mutableVector());
    uassert(status.code(), status.reason(), status.isOK());

    IndexBounds bounds;

    for (vector<QuerySolution*>::const_iterator it = solutions.begin();
         bounds.size() == 0 && it != solutions.end();
         it++) {
        // Try next solution if we failed to generate index bounds, i.e. bounds.size() == 0
        bounds = collapseQuerySolution((*it)->root.get());

    if (bounds.size() == 0) {
        // We cannot plan the query without collection scan, so target to all shards.
        IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(key, &bounds);  // [minKey, maxKey]
    return bounds;
    bool PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
        const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
        const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

        // Collection scan
        // No sort order requested
        if (lpq.getSort().isEmpty() &&
            expr->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND && expr->numChildren() == 0) {
            return false;

        // Hint provided
        if (!lpq.getHint().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Min provided
        // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMin().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Max provided
        // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMax().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Explain queries are not-cacheable. This is primarily because of
        // the need to generate current and accurate information in allPlans.
        // If the explain report is generated by the cached plan runner using
        // stale information from the cache for the losing plans, allPlans would
        // simply be wrong.
        if (lpq.isExplain()) {
            return false;

        // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans.
        if (query.getParsed().isTailable()) {
            return false;

        // Snapshot is really a hint.
        if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
            return false;

        return true;
bool PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
    const QueryRequest& qr = query.getQueryRequest();
    const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

    // Collection scan
    // No sort order requested
    if (qr.getSort().isEmpty() && expr->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND &&
        expr->numChildren() == 0) {
        return false;

    // Hint provided
    if (!qr.getHint().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Min provided
    // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
    if (!qr.getMin().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // Max provided
    // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
    if (!qr.getMax().isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    // We don't read or write from the plan cache for explain. This ensures
    // that explain queries don't affect cache state, and it also makes
    // sure that we can always generate information regarding rejected plans
    // and/or trial period execution of candidate plans.
    if (qr.isExplain()) {
        return false;

    // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans.
    if (query.getQueryRequest().isTailable()) {
        return false;

    // Snapshot is really a hint.
    if (query.getQueryRequest().isSnapshot()) {
        return false;

    return true;
StatusWith<BSONObj> ShardKeyPattern::extractShardKeyFromQuery(const CanonicalQuery& query) const {
    if (!isValid())
        return StatusWith<BSONObj>(BSONObj());

    // Extract equalities from query.
    EqualityMatches equalities;
    // TODO: Build the path set initially?
    FieldRefSet keyPatternPathSet(_keyPatternPaths.vector());
    // We only care about extracting the full key pattern paths - if they don't exist (or are
    // conflicting), we don't contain the shard key.
    Status eqStatus =
        pathsupport::extractFullEqualityMatches(*query.root(), keyPatternPathSet, &equalities);
    // NOTE: Failure to extract equality matches just means we return no shard key - it's not
    // an error we propagate
    if (!eqStatus.isOK())
        return StatusWith<BSONObj>(BSONObj());

    // Extract key from equalities
    // NOTE: The method below is equivalent to constructing a BSONObj and running
    // extractShardKeyFromMatchable, but doesn't require creating the doc.

    BSONObjBuilder keyBuilder;
    // Iterate the parsed paths to avoid re-parsing
    for (OwnedPointerVector<FieldRef>::const_iterator it = _keyPatternPaths.begin();
         it != _keyPatternPaths.end();
         ++it) {
        const FieldRef& patternPath = **it;
        BSONElement equalEl = findEqualityElement(equalities, patternPath);

        if (!isShardKeyElement(equalEl, false))
            return StatusWith<BSONObj>(BSONObj());

        if (isHashedPattern()) {
                BSONElementHasher::hash64(equalEl, BSONElementHasher::DEFAULT_HASH_SEED));
        } else {
            // NOTE: The equal element may *not* have the same field name as the path -
            // nested $and, $eq, for example
            keyBuilder.appendAs(equalEl, patternPath.dottedField());

    return StatusWith<BSONObj>(keyBuilder.obj());
    // static
    bool SubplanRunner::canUseSubplanRunner(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
        const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
        const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

        // Only rooted ORs work with the subplan scheme.
        if (MatchExpression::OR != expr->matchType()) {
            return false;

        // Collection scan
        // No sort order requested
        if (lpq.getSort().isEmpty() &&
            expr->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND && expr->numChildren() == 0) {
            return false;

        // Hint provided
        if (!lpq.getHint().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Min provided
        // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMin().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Max provided
        // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMax().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans.
        if (query.getParsed().hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            return false;

        // Snapshot is really a hint.
        if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
            return false;

        return true;
    // static
    bool SubplanStage::canUseSubplanning(const CanonicalQuery& query) {
        const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
        const MatchExpression* expr = query.root();

        // Only rooted ORs work with the subplan scheme.
        if (MatchExpression::OR != expr->matchType()) {
            return false;

        // Hint provided
        if (!lpq.getHint().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Min provided
        // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMin().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Max provided
        // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries.
        if (!lpq.getMax().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans.
        if (query.getParsed().getOptions().tailable) {
            return false;

        // Snapshot is really a hint.
        if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
            return false;

        return true;
    Status getRunnerDistinct(Collection* collection,
                             const BSONObj& query,
                             const string& field,
                             Runner** out) {
        // This should'a been checked by the distinct command.

        // TODO: check for idhack here?

        // When can we do a fast distinct hack?
        // 1. There is a plan with just one leaf and that leaf is an ixscan.
        // 2. The ixscan indexes the field we're interested in.
        // 2a: We are correct if the index contains the field but for now we look for prefix.
        // 3. The query is covered/no fetch.
        // We go through normal planning (with limited parameters) to see if we can produce
        // a soln with the above properties.

        QueryPlannerParams plannerParams;
        plannerParams.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN;

        IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator(false);
        while (ii.more()) {
            const IndexDescriptor* desc = ii.next();
            // The distinct hack can work if any field is in the index but it's not always clear
            // if it's a win unless it's the first field.
            if (desc->keyPattern().firstElement().fieldName() == field) {

        // We only care about the field that we're projecting over.  Have to drop the _id field
        // explicitly because those are .find() semantics.
        // Applying a projection allows the planner to try to give us covered plans.
        BSONObj projection;
        if ("_id" == field) {
            projection = BSON("_id" << 1);
        else {
            projection = BSON("_id" << 0 << field << 1);

        // Apply a projection of the key.  Empty BSONObj() is for the sort.
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status status = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(collection->ns().ns(), query, BSONObj(), projection, &cq);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        // No index has the field we're looking for.  Punt to normal planning.
        if (plannerParams.indices.empty()) {
            // Takes ownership of cq.
            return getRunner(cq, out);

        // If we're here, we have an index prefixed by the field we're distinct-ing over.

        // If there's no query, we can just distinct-scan one of the indices.
        if (query.isEmpty()) {
            DistinctNode* dn = new DistinctNode();
            dn->indexKeyPattern = plannerParams.indices[0].keyPattern;
            dn->direction = 1;
            IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(dn->indexKeyPattern, &dn->bounds);
            dn->fieldNo = 0;

            QueryPlannerParams params;

            // Takes ownership of 'dn'.
            QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(*cq, params, dn);

            WorkingSet* ws;
            PlanStage* root;
            verify(StageBuilder::build(*soln, &root, &ws));
            *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection, cq, soln, root, ws);
            return Status::OK();

        // See if we can answer the query in a fast-distinct compatible fashion.
        vector<QuerySolution*> solutions;
        status = QueryPlanner::plan(*cq, plannerParams, &solutions);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return getRunner(cq, out);

        // XXX: why do we need to do this?  planner should prob do this internally

        // We look for a solution that has an ixscan we can turn into a distinctixscan
        for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
            if (turnIxscanIntoDistinctIxscan(solutions[i], field)) {
                // Great, we can use solutions[i].  Clean up the other QuerySolution(s).
                for (size_t j = 0; j < solutions.size(); ++j) {
                    if (j != i) {
                        delete solutions[j];

                // Build and return the SSR over solutions[i].
                WorkingSet* ws;
                PlanStage* root;
                verify(StageBuilder::build(*solutions[i], &root, &ws));
                *out = new SingleSolutionRunner(collection, cq, solutions[i], root, ws);
                return Status::OK();

        // If we're here, the planner made a soln with the restricted index set but we couldn't
        // translate any of them into a distinct-compatible soln.  So, delete the solutions and just
        // go through normal planning.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) {
            delete solutions[i];

        return getRunner(cq, out);
// static
StatusWith<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution>>> QueryPlanner::plan(
    const CanonicalQuery& query, const QueryPlannerParams& params) {
    LOG(5) << "Beginning planning..." << endl
           << "=============================" << endl
           << "Options = " << optionString(params.options) << endl
           << "Canonical query:" << endl
           << redact(query.toString()) << "=============================";

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution>> out;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
        LOG(5) << "Index " << i << " is " << params.indices[i].toString();

    const bool canTableScan = !(params.options & QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN);
    const bool isTailable = query.getQueryRequest().isTailable();

    // If the query requests a tailable cursor, the only solution is a collscan + filter with
    // tailable set on the collscan.
    if (isTailable) {
        if (!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) && canTableScan) {
            auto soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, isTailable, params);
            if (soln) {
        return {std::move(out)};

    // The hint or sort can be $natural: 1.  If this happens, output a collscan. If both
    // a $natural hint and a $natural sort are specified, then the direction of the collscan
    // is determined by the sign of the sort (not the sign of the hint).
    if (!query.getQueryRequest().getHint().isEmpty() ||
        !query.getQueryRequest().getSort().isEmpty()) {
        BSONObj hintObj = query.getQueryRequest().getHint();
        BSONObj sortObj = query.getQueryRequest().getSort();
        BSONElement naturalHint = dps::extractElementAtPath(hintObj, "$natural");
        BSONElement naturalSort = dps::extractElementAtPath(sortObj, "$natural");

        // A hint overrides a $natural sort. This means that we don't force a table
        // scan if there is a $natural sort with a non-$natural hint.
        if (!naturalHint.eoo() || (!naturalSort.eoo() && hintObj.isEmpty())) {
            LOG(5) << "Forcing a table scan due to hinted $natural";
            // min/max are incompatible with $natural.
            if (canTableScan && query.getQueryRequest().getMin().isEmpty() &&
                query.getQueryRequest().getMax().isEmpty()) {
                auto soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, isTailable, params);
                if (soln) {
            return {std::move(out)};

    // Figure out what fields we care about.
    unordered_set<string> fields;
    QueryPlannerIXSelect::getFields(query.root(), "", &fields);

    for (unordered_set<string>::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) {
        LOG(5) << "Predicate over field '" << *it << "'";

    // Filter our indices so we only look at indices that are over our predicates.
    vector<IndexEntry> relevantIndices;

    // Hints require us to only consider the hinted index.
    // If index filters in the query settings were used to override
    // the allowed indices for planning, we should not use the hinted index
    // requested in the query.
    BSONObj hintIndex;
    if (!params.indexFiltersApplied) {
        hintIndex = query.getQueryRequest().getHint();

    // If snapshot is set, default to collscanning. If the query param SNAPSHOT_USE_ID is set,
    // snapshot is a form of a hint, so try to use _id index to make a real plan. If that fails,
    // just scan the _id index.
    // Don't do this if the query is a geonear or text as as text search queries must be answered
    // using full text indices and geoNear queries must be answered using geospatial indices.
    if (query.getQueryRequest().isSnapshot()) {
        RARELY {
            warning() << "The snapshot option is deprecated. See "

        if (!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) &&
            !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) {
            const bool useIXScan = params.options & QueryPlannerParams::SNAPSHOT_USE_ID;

            if (!useIXScan) {
                auto soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, isTailable, params);
                if (soln) {
                return {std::move(out)};
            } else {
                // Find the ID index in indexKeyPatterns. It's our hint.
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    if (isIdIndex(params.indices[i].keyPattern)) {
                        hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;
    // static
    Status QueryPlanner::plan(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                              const QueryPlannerParams& params,
                              std::vector<QuerySolution*>* out) {

        QLOG() << "=============================\n"
               << "Beginning planning, options = " << optionString(params.options) << endl
               << "Canonical query:\n" << query.toString() << endl
               << "============================="
               << endl;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
            QLOG() << "idx " << i << " is " << params.indices[i].toString() << endl;

        bool canTableScan = !(params.options & QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN);

        // If the query requests a tailable cursor, the only solution is a collscan + filter with
        // tailable set on the collscan.  TODO: This is a policy departure.  Previously I think you
        // could ask for a tailable cursor and it just tried to give you one.  Now, we fail if we
        // can't provide one.  Is this what we want?
        if (query.getParsed().hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            if (!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)
                && canTableScan) {
                QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, true, params);
                if (NULL != soln) {
            return Status::OK();

        // The hint can be $natural: 1.  If this happens, output a collscan.  It's a weird way of
        // saying "table scan for two, please."
        if (!query.getParsed().getHint().isEmpty()) {
            BSONElement natural = query.getParsed().getHint().getFieldDotted("$natural");
            if (!natural.eoo()) {
                QLOG() << "forcing a table scan due to hinted $natural\n";
                // min/max are incompatible with $natural.
                if (canTableScan && query.getParsed().getMin().isEmpty()
                                 && query.getParsed().getMax().isEmpty()) {
                    QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
                    if (NULL != soln) {
                return Status::OK();

        // Figure out what fields we care about.
        unordered_set<string> fields;
        QueryPlannerIXSelect::getFields(query.root(), "", &fields);

        for (unordered_set<string>::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) {
            QLOG() << "predicate over field " << *it << endl;

        // Filter our indices so we only look at indices that are over our predicates.
        vector<IndexEntry> relevantIndices;

        // Hints require us to only consider the hinted index.
        BSONObj hintIndex = query.getParsed().getHint();

        // Snapshot is a form of a hint.  If snapshot is set, try to use _id index to make a real
        // plan.  If that fails, just scan the _id index.
        if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
            // Find the ID index in indexKeyPatterns.  It's our hint.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                if (isIdIndex(params.indices[i].keyPattern)) {
                    hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;

        size_t hintIndexNumber = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

        if (hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
            QueryPlannerIXSelect::findRelevantIndices(fields, params.indices, &relevantIndices);
        else {
            // Sigh.  If the hint is specified it might be using the index name.
            BSONElement firstHintElt = hintIndex.firstElement();
            if (str::equals("$hint", firstHintElt.fieldName()) && String == firstHintElt.type()) {
                string hintName = firstHintElt.String();
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    if (params.indices[i].name == hintName) {
                        QLOG() << "hint by name specified, restricting indices to "
                             << params.indices[i].keyPattern.toString() << endl;
                        hintIndexNumber = i;
                        hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;
            else {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    if (0 == params.indices[i].keyPattern.woCompare(hintIndex)) {
                        QLOG() << "hint specified, restricting indices to " << hintIndex.toString()
                             << endl;
                        hintIndexNumber = i;

            if (hintIndexNumber == numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "bad hint");

        // Deal with the .min() and .max() query options.  If either exist we can only use an index
        // that matches the object inside.
        if (!query.getParsed().getMin().isEmpty() || !query.getParsed().getMax().isEmpty()) {
            BSONObj minObj = query.getParsed().getMin();
            BSONObj maxObj = query.getParsed().getMax();

            // This is the index into params.indices[...] that we use.
            size_t idxNo = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

            // If there's an index hinted we need to be able to use it.
            if (!hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
                if (!minObj.isEmpty() && !indexCompatibleMaxMin(minObj, hintIndex)) {
                    QLOG() << "minobj doesnt work w hint";
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  "hint provided does not work with min query");

                if (!maxObj.isEmpty() && !indexCompatibleMaxMin(maxObj, hintIndex)) {
                    QLOG() << "maxobj doesnt work w hint";
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  "hint provided does not work with max query");

                idxNo = hintIndexNumber;
            else {
                // No hinted index, look for one that is compatible (has same field names and
                // ordering thereof).
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    const BSONObj& kp = params.indices[i].keyPattern;

                    BSONObj toUse = minObj.isEmpty() ? maxObj : minObj;
                    if (indexCompatibleMaxMin(toUse, kp)) {
                        idxNo = i;
            if (idxNo == numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
                QLOG() << "Can't find relevant index to use for max/min query";
                // Can't find an index to use, bail out.
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "unable to find relevant index for max/min query");

            // maxObj can be empty; the index scan just goes until the end.  minObj can't be empty
            // though, so if it is, we make a minKey object.
            if (minObj.isEmpty()) {
                BSONObjBuilder bob;
                minObj = bob.obj();
            else {
                // Must strip off the field names to make an index key.
                minObj = stripFieldNames(minObj);

            if (!maxObj.isEmpty()) {
                // Must strip off the field names to make an index key.
                maxObj = stripFieldNames(maxObj);

            QLOG() << "max/min query using index " << params.indices[idxNo].toString() << endl;

            // Make our scan and output.
            QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot = QueryPlannerAccess::makeIndexScan(params.indices[idxNo],

            QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
            if (NULL != soln) {

            return Status::OK();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < relevantIndices.size(); ++i) {
            QLOG() << "relevant idx " << i << " is " << relevantIndices[i].toString() << endl;

        // Figure out how useful each index is to each predicate.
        // query.root() is now annotated with RelevantTag(s).
        QueryPlannerIXSelect::rateIndices(query.root(), "", relevantIndices);

        QLOG() << "rated tree" << endl;
        QLOG() << query.root()->toString() << endl;

        // If there is a GEO_NEAR it must have an index it can use directly.
        // XXX: move into data access?
        MatchExpression* gnNode = NULL;
        if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR, &gnNode)) {
            // No index for GEO_NEAR?  No query.
            RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(gnNode->getTag());
            if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {
                QLOG() << "unable to find index for $geoNear query" << endl;
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "unable to find index for $geoNear query");

            GeoNearMatchExpression* gnme = static_cast<GeoNearMatchExpression*>(gnNode);

            vector<size_t> newFirst;

            // 2d + GEO_NEAR is annoying.  Because 2d's GEO_NEAR isn't streaming we have to embed
            // the full query tree inside it as a matcher.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < tag->first.size(); ++i) {
                // GEO_NEAR has a non-2d index it can use.  We can deal w/that in normal planning.
                if (!is2DIndex(relevantIndices[tag->first[i]].keyPattern)) {

                // If we're here, GEO_NEAR has a 2d index.  We create a 2dgeonear plan with the
                // entire tree as a filter, if possible.

                GeoNear2DNode* solnRoot = new GeoNear2DNode();
                solnRoot->nq = gnme->getData();
                if (NULL != query.getProj()) {
                    solnRoot->addPointMeta = query.getProj()->wantGeoNearPoint();
                    solnRoot->addDistMeta = query.getProj()->wantGeoNearDistance();

                if (MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR != query.root()->matchType()) {
                    // root is an AND, clone and delete the GEO_NEAR child.
                    MatchExpression* filterTree = query.root()->shallowClone();
                    verify(MatchExpression::AND == filterTree->matchType());

                    bool foundChild = false;
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < filterTree->numChildren(); ++i) {
                        if (MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR == filterTree->getChild(i)->matchType()) {
                            foundChild = true;
                            filterTree->getChildVector()->erase(filterTree->getChildVector()->begin() + i);

                solnRoot->numWanted = query.getParsed().getNumToReturn();
                if (0 == solnRoot->numWanted) {
                    solnRoot->numWanted = 100;
                solnRoot->indexKeyPattern = relevantIndices[tag->first[i]].keyPattern;

                // Remove the 2d index.  2d can only be the first field, and we know there is
                // only one GEO_NEAR, so we don't care if anyone else was assigned it; it'll
                // only be first for gnNode.
                tag->first.erase(tag->first.begin() + i);

                QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);

                if (NULL != soln) {

            // Continue planning w/non-2d indices tagged for this pred.

            if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {
                return Status::OK();

        // Likewise, if there is a TEXT it must have an index it can use directly.
        MatchExpression* textNode;
        if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT, &textNode)) {
            RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(textNode->getTag());
            if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {
                return Status::OK();

        // If we have any relevant indices, we try to create indexed plans.
        if (0 < relevantIndices.size()) {
            // The enumerator spits out trees tagged with IndexTag(s).
            PlanEnumeratorParams enumParams;
            enumParams.intersect = params.options & QueryPlannerParams::INDEX_INTERSECTION;
            enumParams.root = query.root();
            enumParams.indices = &relevantIndices;

            PlanEnumerator isp(enumParams);

            MatchExpression* rawTree;
            // XXX: have limit on # of indexed solns we'll consider.  We could have a perverse
            // query and index that could make n^2 very unpleasant.
            while (isp.getNext(&rawTree)) {
                QLOG() << "about to build solntree from tagged tree:\n" << rawTree->toString()
                       << endl;

                // This can fail if enumeration makes a mistake.
                QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot =
                    QueryPlannerAccess::buildIndexedDataAccess(query, rawTree, false, relevantIndices);

                if (NULL == solnRoot) { continue; }

                QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
                if (NULL != soln) {
                    QLOG() << "Planner: adding solution:\n" << soln->toString() << endl;

        QLOG() << "Planner: outputted " << out->size() << " indexed solutions.\n";

        // An index was hinted.  If there are any solutions, they use the hinted index.  If not, we
        // scan the entire index to provide results and output that as our plan.  This is the
        // desired behavior when an index is hinted that is not relevant to the query.
        if (!hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
            if (0 == out->size()) {
                QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[hintIndexNumber], query, params);
                verify(NULL != soln);
                QLOG() << "Planner: outputting soln that uses hinted index as scan." << endl;
            return Status::OK();

        // If a sort order is requested, there may be an index that provides it, even if that
        // index is not over any predicates in the query.
        if (!query.getParsed().getSort().isEmpty()
            && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)
            && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) {

            // See if we have a sort provided from an index already.
            bool usingIndexToSort = false;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < out->size(); ++i) {
                QuerySolution* soln = (*out)[i];
                if (!soln->hasSortStage) {
                    usingIndexToSort = true;

            if (!usingIndexToSort) {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    const IndexEntry& index = params.indices[i];
                    if (index.sparse) {
                    const BSONObj kp = LiteParsedQuery::normalizeSortOrder(index.keyPattern);
                    if (providesSort(query, kp)) {
                        QLOG() << "Planner: outputting soln that uses index to provide sort."
                               << endl;
                        QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[i], query, params);
                        if (NULL != soln) {
                    if (providesSort(query, QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(kp))) {
                        QLOG() << "Planner: outputting soln that uses (reverse) index "
                               << "to provide sort." << endl;
                        QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[i], query, params, -1);
                        if (NULL != soln) {

        // TODO: Do we always want to offer a collscan solution?
        // XXX: currently disabling the always-use-a-collscan in order to find more planner bugs.
        if (    !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)
             && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)
             && hintIndex.isEmpty()
             && ((params.options & QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_COLLSCAN) || (0 == out->size() && canTableScan)))
            QuerySolution* collscan = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
            if (NULL != collscan) {
                QLOG() << "Planner: outputting a collscan:\n";
                QLOG() << collscan->toString() << endl;

        return Status::OK();
    // static
    void QueryPlanner::plan(const CanonicalQuery& query, const vector<BSONObj>& indexKeyPatterns,
                            vector<QuerySolution*>* out) {
        // XXX: If pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) use FindingStartCursor equivalent which
        // must be translated into stages.

        // Planner Section 1: Calculate predicate/index data.

        // Get all the predicates (and their fields).
        PredicateMap predicates;
        makePredicateMap(query.root(), &predicates);

        // If the query requests a tailable cursor, the only solution is a collscan + filter with
        // tailable set on the collscan.  TODO: This is a policy departure.  Previously I think you
        // could ask for a tailable cursor and it just tried to give you one.  Now, we fail if we
        // can't provide one.  Is this what we want?
        if (query.getParsed().hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            if (!hasPredicate(predicates, MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
                out->push_back(makeCollectionScan(query, true));

        // NOR and NOT we can't handle well with indices.  If we see them here, they weren't
        // rewritten.  Just output a collscan for those.
        if (hasPredicate(predicates, MatchExpression::NOT)
            || hasPredicate(predicates, MatchExpression::NOR)) {

            // If there's a near predicate, we can't handle this.
            // TODO: Should canonicalized query detect this?
            if (hasPredicate(predicates, MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
                warning() << "Can't handle NOT/NOR with GEO_NEAR";
            out->push_back(makeCollectionScan(query, false));

        // Filter our indices so we only look at indices that are over our predicates.
        vector<BSONObj> relevantIndices;
        findRelevantIndices(predicates, indexKeyPatterns, &relevantIndices);

        // No indices, no work to do.
        if (0 == relevantIndices.size()) { return; }

        // Figure out how useful each index is to each predicate.
        rateIndices(relevantIndices, &predicates);

        // Planner Section 2: Use predicate/index data to output sets of indices that we can use.

        PlanEnumerator isp(&query, &predicates, &relevantIndices);

        MatchExpression* rawTree;
        while (isp.getNext(&rawTree)) {
            QuerySolutionNode* solutionRoot = NULL;

            // Planner Section 3: Logical Rewrite.  Use the index selection and the tree structure
            // to try to rewrite the tree.  TODO: Do this for real.  We treat the tree as static.

            // Planner Section 4: Covering.  If we're projecting, See if we get any covering from
            // this plan.  If not, add a fetch.
            if (!query.getParsed().getProj().isEmpty()) {
                warning() << "Can't deal with proj yet" << endl;
            else {
                // Note that we need a fetch, possibly tack on to end?

            // Planner Section 5: Sort.  If we're sorting, see if the plan gives us a sort for free.
            // If not, add a sort.
            if (!query.getParsed().getSort().isEmpty()) {
            else {
                // Note that we need a sort, possibly tack on to end?  may want to see if sort is
                // covered and then tack fetch on after the covered sort...

            // Planner Section 6: Final check.  Make sure that we build a valid solution.
            // TODO: Validate.

            if (NULL != solutionRoot) {
                QuerySolution* qs = new QuerySolution();

        // TODO: Do we always want to offer a collscan solution?
        if (!hasPredicate(predicates, MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
            out->push_back(makeCollectionScan(query, false));
文件: update.cpp 项目: liuhg/mongo
    void UpdateStage::transformAndUpdate(BSONObj& oldObj, DiskLoc& loc) {
        const UpdateRequest* request = _params.request;
        UpdateDriver* driver = _params.driver;
        CanonicalQuery* cq = _params.canonicalQuery;
        UpdateLifecycle* lifecycle = request->getLifecycle();

        // Ask the driver to apply the mods. It may be that the driver can apply those "in
        // place", that is, some values of the old document just get adjusted without any
        // change to the binary layout on the bson layer. It may be that a whole new
        // document is needed to accomodate the new bson layout of the resulting document.
        _doc.reset(oldObj, mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceEnabled);
        BSONObj logObj;

        FieldRefSet updatedFields;

        Status status = Status::OK();
        if (!driver->needMatchDetails()) {
            // If we don't need match details, avoid doing the rematch
            status = driver->update(StringData(), &_doc, &logObj, &updatedFields);
        else {
            // If there was a matched field, obtain it.
            MatchDetails matchDetails;

            verify(cq->root()->matchesBSON(oldObj, &matchDetails));

            string matchedField;
            if (matchDetails.hasElemMatchKey())
                matchedField = matchDetails.elemMatchKey();

            // TODO: Right now, each mod checks in 'prepare' that if it needs positional
            // data, that a non-empty StringData() was provided. In principle, we could do
            // that check here in an else clause to the above conditional and remove the
            // checks from the mods.

            status = driver->update(matchedField, &_doc, &logObj, &updatedFields);

        if (!status.isOK()) {
            uasserted(16837, status.reason());

        // Ensure _id exists and is first

        // If the driver applied the mods in place, we can ask the mutable for what
        // changed. We call those changes "damages". :) We use the damages to inform the
        // journal what was changed, and then apply them to the original document
        // ourselves. If, however, the driver applied the mods out of place, we ask it to
        // generate a new, modified document for us. In that case, the file manager will
        // take care of the journaling details for us.
        // This code flow is admittedly odd. But, right now, journaling is baked in the file
        // manager. And if we aren't using the file manager, we have to do jounaling
        // ourselves.
        bool docWasModified = false;
        BSONObj newObj;
        const char* source = NULL;
        bool inPlace = _doc.getInPlaceUpdates(&_damages, &source);

        // If something changed in the document, verify that no immutable fields were changed
        // and data is valid for storage.
        if ((!inPlace || !_damages.empty()) ) {
            if (!(request->isFromReplication() || request->isFromMigration())) {
                const std::vector<FieldRef*>* immutableFields = NULL;
                if (lifecycle)
                    immutableFields = lifecycle->getImmutableFields();

                                         driver->modOptions()) );

        // Save state before making changes

            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(request->getOpCtx());

            if (inPlace && !driver->modsAffectIndices()) {
                // If a set of modifiers were all no-ops, we are still 'in place', but there
                // is no work to do, in which case we want to consider the object unchanged.
                if (!_damages.empty() ) {
                    // Don't actually do the write if this is an explain.
                    if (!request->isExplain()) {
                        const RecordData oldRec(oldObj.objdata(), oldObj.objsize());
                        _collection->updateDocumentWithDamages(request->getOpCtx(), loc,
                                                               oldRec, source, _damages);
                    docWasModified = true;
                    _specificStats.fastmod = true;

                newObj = oldObj;
            else {
                // The updates were not in place. Apply them through the file manager.

                newObj = _doc.getObject();
                        str::stream() << "Resulting document after update is larger than "
                        << BSONObjMaxUserSize,
                        newObj.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);
                docWasModified = true;

                // Don't actually do the write if this is an explain.
                if (!request->isExplain()) {
                    StatusWith<DiskLoc> res = _collection->updateDocument(request->getOpCtx(),
                    DiskLoc newLoc = res.getValue();

                    // If the document moved, we might see it again in a collection scan (maybe it's
                    // a document after our current document).
                    // If the document is indexed and the mod changes an indexed value, we might see
                    // it again.  For an example, see the comment above near declaration of
                    // updatedLocs.
                    if (_updatedLocs && (newLoc != loc || driver->modsAffectIndices())) {

            // Call logOp if requested, and we're not an explain.
            if (request->shouldCallLogOp() && !logObj.isEmpty() && !request->isExplain()) {
                BSONObj idQuery = driver->makeOplogEntryQuery(newObj, request->isMulti());

        // Restore state after modification

        // As restoreState may restore (recreate) cursors, make sure to restore the
        // state outside of the WritUnitOfWork.


        // Only record doc modifications if they wrote (exclude no-ops). Explains get
        // recorded as if they wrote.
        if (docWasModified) {
    /* ns:      namespace, e.g. <database>.<collection>
       pattern: the "where" clause / criteria
       justOne: stop after 1 match
       god:     allow access to system namespaces, and don't yield
    long long deleteObjects(const StringData& ns, BSONObj pattern, bool justOne, bool logop, bool god) {
        if (!god) {
            if (ns.find( ".system.") != string::npos) {
                // note a delete from system.indexes would corrupt the db if done here, as there are
                // pointers into those objects in NamespaceDetails.
                uassert(12050, "cannot delete from system namespace", legalClientSystemNS( ns, true ) );

            if (ns.find('$') != string::npos) {
                log() << "cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name: " << ns << endl;
                uasserted( 10100, "cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name" );

        Collection* collection = currentClient.get()->database()->getCollection(ns);
        if (NULL == collection) {
            return 0;

                str::stream() << "can't remove from a capped collection: " << ns,

        string nsForLogOp = ns.toString(); // XXX-ERH

        long long nDeleted = 0;

        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        if (!CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(ns.toString(), pattern, &cq).isOK()) {
            uasserted(17218, "Can't canonicalize query " + pattern.toString());
            return 0;

        bool canYield = !god && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(cq->root(), MatchExpression::ATOMIC);

        Runner* rawRunner;
        if (!getRunner(cq, &rawRunner).isOK()) {
            uasserted(17219, "Can't get runner for query " + pattern.toString());
            return 0;

        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<ScopedRunnerRegistration> safety;

        if (canYield) {
            safety.reset(new ScopedRunnerRegistration(runner.get()));

        DiskLoc rloc;
        Runner::RunnerState state;
        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(NULL, &rloc))) {

            BSONObj toDelete;

            // XXX: do we want to buffer docs and delete them in a group rather than
            // saving/restoring state repeatedly?
            collection->deleteDocument(rloc, false, false, logop ? &toDelete : NULL );


            if (logop) {
                if ( toDelete.isEmpty() ) {
                    problem() << "deleted object without id, not logging" << endl;
                else {
                    bool replJustOne = true;
                    logOp("d", nsForLogOp.c_str(), toDelete, 0, &replJustOne);

            if (justOne) {

            if (!god) {

            if (debug && god && nDeleted == 100) {
                log() << "warning high number of deletes with god=true "
                      << " which could use significant memory b/c we don't commit journal";

        return nDeleted;
// static
Status QueryPlanner::plan(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                          const QueryPlannerParams& params,
                          std::vector<QuerySolution*>* out) {
    LOG(5) << "Beginning planning..." << endl
           << "=============================" << endl
           << "Options = " << optionString(params.options) << endl
           << "Canonical query:" << endl
           << query.toString() << "=============================" << endl;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
        LOG(5) << "Index " << i << " is " << params.indices[i].toString() << endl;

    bool canTableScan = !(params.options & QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN);

    // If the query requests a tailable cursor, the only solution is a collscan + filter with
    // tailable set on the collscan.  TODO: This is a policy departure.  Previously I think you
    // could ask for a tailable cursor and it just tried to give you one.  Now, we fail if we
    // can't provide one.  Is this what we want?
    if (query.getParsed().isTailable()) {
        if (!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) && canTableScan) {
            QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, true, params);
            if (NULL != soln) {
        return Status::OK();

    // The hint or sort can be $natural: 1.  If this happens, output a collscan. If both
    // a $natural hint and a $natural sort are specified, then the direction of the collscan
    // is determined by the sign of the sort (not the sign of the hint).
    if (!query.getParsed().getHint().isEmpty() || !query.getParsed().getSort().isEmpty()) {
        BSONObj hintObj = query.getParsed().getHint();
        BSONObj sortObj = query.getParsed().getSort();
        BSONElement naturalHint = hintObj.getFieldDotted("$natural");
        BSONElement naturalSort = sortObj.getFieldDotted("$natural");

        // A hint overrides a $natural sort. This means that we don't force a table
        // scan if there is a $natural sort with a non-$natural hint.
        if (!naturalHint.eoo() || (!naturalSort.eoo() && hintObj.isEmpty())) {
            LOG(5) << "Forcing a table scan due to hinted $natural\n";
            // min/max are incompatible with $natural.
            if (canTableScan && query.getParsed().getMin().isEmpty() &&
                query.getParsed().getMax().isEmpty()) {
                QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
                if (NULL != soln) {
            return Status::OK();

    // Figure out what fields we care about.
    unordered_set<string> fields;
    QueryPlannerIXSelect::getFields(query.root(), "", &fields);

    for (unordered_set<string>::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) {
        LOG(5) << "Predicate over field '" << *it << "'" << endl;

    // Filter our indices so we only look at indices that are over our predicates.
    vector<IndexEntry> relevantIndices;

    // Hints require us to only consider the hinted index.
    // If index filters in the query settings were used to override
    // the allowed indices for planning, we should not use the hinted index
    // requested in the query.
    BSONObj hintIndex;
    if (!params.indexFiltersApplied) {
        hintIndex = query.getParsed().getHint();

    // Snapshot is a form of a hint.  If snapshot is set, try to use _id index to make a real
    // plan.  If that fails, just scan the _id index.
    if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
        // Find the ID index in indexKeyPatterns.  It's our hint.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
            if (isIdIndex(params.indices[i].keyPattern)) {
                hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;

    size_t hintIndexNumber = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

    if (hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
        QueryPlannerIXSelect::findRelevantIndices(fields, params.indices, &relevantIndices);
    } else {
        // Sigh.  If the hint is specified it might be using the index name.
        BSONElement firstHintElt = hintIndex.firstElement();
        if (str::equals("$hint", firstHintElt.fieldName()) && String == firstHintElt.type()) {
            string hintName = firstHintElt.String();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                if (params.indices[i].name == hintName) {
                    LOG(5) << "Hint by name specified, restricting indices to "
                           << params.indices[i].keyPattern.toString() << endl;
                    hintIndexNumber = i;
                    hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                if (0 == params.indices[i].keyPattern.woCompare(hintIndex)) {
                    LOG(5) << "Hint specified, restricting indices to " << hintIndex.toString()
                           << endl;
                    hintIndexNumber = i;

        if (hintIndexNumber == numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "bad hint");

    // Deal with the .min() and .max() query options.  If either exist we can only use an index
    // that matches the object inside.
    if (!query.getParsed().getMin().isEmpty() || !query.getParsed().getMax().isEmpty()) {
        BSONObj minObj = query.getParsed().getMin();
        BSONObj maxObj = query.getParsed().getMax();

        // The unfinished siblings of these objects may not be proper index keys because they
        // may be empty objects or have field names. When an index is picked to use for the
        // min/max query, these "finished" objects will always be valid index keys for the
        // index's key pattern.
        BSONObj finishedMinObj;
        BSONObj finishedMaxObj;

        // This is the index into params.indices[...] that we use.
        size_t idxNo = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

        // If there's an index hinted we need to be able to use it.
        if (!hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
            if (!minObj.isEmpty() && !indexCompatibleMaxMin(minObj, hintIndex)) {
                LOG(5) << "Minobj doesn't work with hint";
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "hint provided does not work with min query");

            if (!maxObj.isEmpty() && !indexCompatibleMaxMin(maxObj, hintIndex)) {
                LOG(5) << "Maxobj doesn't work with hint";
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "hint provided does not work with max query");

            const BSONObj& kp = params.indices[hintIndexNumber].keyPattern;
            finishedMinObj = finishMinObj(kp, minObj, maxObj);
            finishedMaxObj = finishMaxObj(kp, minObj, maxObj);

            // The min must be less than the max for the hinted index ordering.
            if (0 <= finishedMinObj.woCompare(finishedMaxObj, kp, false)) {
                LOG(5) << "Minobj/Maxobj don't work with hint";
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "hint provided does not work with min/max query");

            idxNo = hintIndexNumber;
        } else {
            // No hinted index, look for one that is compatible (has same field names and
            // ordering thereof).
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                const BSONObj& kp = params.indices[i].keyPattern;

                BSONObj toUse = minObj.isEmpty() ? maxObj : minObj;
                if (indexCompatibleMaxMin(toUse, kp)) {
                    // In order to be fully compatible, the min has to be less than the max
                    // according to the index key pattern ordering. The first step in verifying
                    // this is "finish" the min and max by replacing empty objects and stripping
                    // field names.
                    finishedMinObj = finishMinObj(kp, minObj, maxObj);
                    finishedMaxObj = finishMaxObj(kp, minObj, maxObj);

                    // Now we have the final min and max. This index is only relevant for
                    // the min/max query if min < max.
                    if (0 >= finishedMinObj.woCompare(finishedMaxObj, kp, false)) {
                        // Found a relevant index.
                        idxNo = i;

                    // This index is not relevant; move on to the next.

        if (idxNo == numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
            LOG(5) << "Can't find relevant index to use for max/min query";
            // Can't find an index to use, bail out.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "unable to find relevant index for max/min query");

        LOG(5) << "Max/min query using index " << params.indices[idxNo].toString() << endl;

        // Make our scan and output.
        QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot = QueryPlannerAccess::makeIndexScan(
            params.indices[idxNo], query, params, finishedMinObj, finishedMaxObj);

        QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
        if (NULL != soln) {

        return Status::OK();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < relevantIndices.size(); ++i) {
        LOG(2) << "Relevant index " << i << " is " << relevantIndices[i].toString() << endl;

    // Figure out how useful each index is to each predicate.
    QueryPlannerIXSelect::rateIndices(query.root(), "", relevantIndices);
    QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripInvalidAssignments(query.root(), relevantIndices);

    // Unless we have GEO_NEAR, TEXT, or a projection, we may be able to apply an optimization
    // in which we strip unnecessary index assignments.
    // Disallowed with projection because assignment to a non-unique index can allow the plan
    // to be covered.
    // TEXT and GEO_NEAR are special because they require the use of a text/geo index in order
    // to be evaluated correctly. Stripping these "mandatory assignments" is therefore invalid.
    if (query.getParsed().getProj().isEmpty() &&
        !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) &&
        !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) {
        QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripUnneededAssignments(query.root(), relevantIndices);

    // query.root() is now annotated with RelevantTag(s).
    LOG(5) << "Rated tree:" << endl
           << query.root()->toString();

    // If there is a GEO_NEAR it must have an index it can use directly.
    MatchExpression* gnNode = NULL;
    if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR, &gnNode)) {
        // No index for GEO_NEAR?  No query.
        RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(gnNode->getTag());
        if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {
            LOG(5) << "Unable to find index for $geoNear query." << endl;
            // Don't leave tags on query tree.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "unable to find index for $geoNear query");

        LOG(5) << "Rated tree after geonear processing:" << query.root()->toString();

    // Likewise, if there is a TEXT it must have an index it can use directly.
    MatchExpression* textNode = NULL;
    if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT, &textNode)) {
        RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(textNode->getTag());

        // Exactly one text index required for TEXT.  We need to check this explicitly because
        // the text stage can't be built if no text index exists or there is an ambiguity as to
        // which one to use.
        size_t textIndexCount = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); i++) {
            if (INDEX_TEXT == params.indices[i].type) {
        if (textIndexCount != 1) {
            // Don't leave tags on query tree.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "need exactly one text index for $text query");

        // Error if the text node is tagged with zero indices.
        if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {
            // Don't leave tags on query tree.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "failed to use text index to satisfy $text query (if text index is "
                          "compound, are equality predicates given for all prefix fields?)");

        // At this point, we know that there is only one text index and that the TEXT node is
        // assigned to it.
        invariant(1 == tag->first.size() + tag->notFirst.size());

        LOG(5) << "Rated tree after text processing:" << query.root()->toString();

    // If we have any relevant indices, we try to create indexed plans.
    if (0 < relevantIndices.size()) {
        // The enumerator spits out trees tagged with IndexTag(s).
        PlanEnumeratorParams enumParams;
        enumParams.intersect = params.options & QueryPlannerParams::INDEX_INTERSECTION;
        enumParams.root = query.root();
        enumParams.indices = &relevantIndices;

        PlanEnumerator isp(enumParams);

        MatchExpression* rawTree;
        while (isp.getNext(&rawTree) && (out->size() < params.maxIndexedSolutions)) {
            LOG(5) << "About to build solntree from tagged tree:" << endl
                   << rawTree->toString();

            // The tagged tree produced by the plan enumerator is not guaranteed
            // to be canonically sorted. In order to be compatible with the cached
            // data, sort the tagged tree according to CanonicalQuery ordering.
            std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> clone(rawTree->shallowClone());

            PlanCacheIndexTree* cacheData;
            Status indexTreeStatus =
                cacheDataFromTaggedTree(clone.get(), relevantIndices, &cacheData);
            if (!indexTreeStatus.isOK()) {
                LOG(5) << "Query is not cachable: " << indexTreeStatus.reason() << endl;
            unique_ptr<PlanCacheIndexTree> autoData(cacheData);

            // This can fail if enumeration makes a mistake.
            QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot = QueryPlannerAccess::buildIndexedDataAccess(
                query, rawTree, false, relevantIndices, params);

            if (NULL == solnRoot) {

            QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
            if (NULL != soln) {
                LOG(5) << "Planner: adding solution:" << endl
                       << soln->toString();
                if (indexTreeStatus.isOK()) {
                    SolutionCacheData* scd = new SolutionCacheData();

    // Don't leave tags on query tree.

    LOG(5) << "Planner: outputted " << out->size() << " indexed solutions.\n";

    // Produce legible error message for failed OR planning with a TEXT child.
    // TODO: support collection scan for non-TEXT children of OR.
    if (out->size() == 0 && textNode != NULL && MatchExpression::OR == query.root()->matchType()) {
        MatchExpression* root = query.root();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < root->numChildren(); ++i) {
            if (textNode == root->getChild(i)) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "Failed to produce a solution for TEXT under OR - "
                              "other non-TEXT clauses under OR have to be indexed as well.");

    // An index was hinted.  If there are any solutions, they use the hinted index.  If not, we
    // scan the entire index to provide results and output that as our plan.  This is the
    // desired behavior when an index is hinted that is not relevant to the query.
    if (!hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
        if (0 == out->size()) {
            QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[hintIndexNumber], query, params);
            verify(NULL != soln);
            LOG(5) << "Planner: outputting soln that uses hinted index as scan." << endl;
        return Status::OK();

    // If a sort order is requested, there may be an index that provides it, even if that
    // index is not over any predicates in the query.
    if (!query.getParsed().getSort().isEmpty() &&
        !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) &&
        !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) {
        // See if we have a sort provided from an index already.
        // This is implied by the presence of a non-blocking solution.
        bool usingIndexToSort = false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < out->size(); ++i) {
            QuerySolution* soln = (*out)[i];
            if (!soln->hasBlockingStage) {
                usingIndexToSort = true;

        if (!usingIndexToSort) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                const IndexEntry& index = params.indices[i];
                // Only regular (non-plugin) indexes can be used to provide a sort, and only
                // non-sparse indexes can be used to provide a sort.
                // TODO: Sparse indexes can't normally provide a sort, because non-indexed
                // documents could potentially be missing from the result set.  However, if the
                // query predicate can be used to guarantee that all documents to be returned
                // are indexed, then the index should be able to provide the sort.
                // For example:
                // - Sparse index {a: 1, b: 1} should be able to provide a sort for
                //   find({b: 1}).sort({a: 1}).  SERVER-13908.
                // - Index {a: 1, b: "2dsphere"} (which is "geo-sparse", if
                //   2dsphereIndexVersion=2) should be able to provide a sort for
                //   find({b: GEO}).sort({a:1}).  SERVER-10801.
                if (index.type != INDEX_BTREE) {
                if (index.sparse) {

                // Partial indexes can only be used to provide a sort only if the query predicate is
                // compatible.
                if (index.filterExpr && !expression::isSubsetOf(query.root(), index.filterExpr)) {

                const BSONObj kp = QueryPlannerAnalysis::getSortPattern(index.keyPattern);
                if (providesSort(query, kp)) {
                    LOG(5) << "Planner: outputting soln that uses index to provide sort." << endl;
                    QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[i], query, params);
                    if (NULL != soln) {
                        PlanCacheIndexTree* indexTree = new PlanCacheIndexTree();
                        SolutionCacheData* scd = new SolutionCacheData();
                        scd->solnType = SolutionCacheData::WHOLE_IXSCAN_SOLN;
                        scd->wholeIXSolnDir = 1;

                if (providesSort(query, QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(kp))) {
                    LOG(5) << "Planner: outputting soln that uses (reverse) index "
                           << "to provide sort." << endl;
                    QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[i], query, params, -1);
                    if (NULL != soln) {
                        PlanCacheIndexTree* indexTree = new PlanCacheIndexTree();
                        SolutionCacheData* scd = new SolutionCacheData();
                        scd->solnType = SolutionCacheData::WHOLE_IXSCAN_SOLN;
                        scd->wholeIXSolnDir = -1;


    // geoNear and text queries *require* an index.
    // Also, if a hint is specified it indicates that we MUST use it.
    bool possibleToCollscan =
        !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) &&
        !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT) && hintIndex.isEmpty();

    // The caller can explicitly ask for a collscan.
    bool collscanRequested = (params.options & QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_COLLSCAN);

    // No indexed plans?  We must provide a collscan if possible or else we can't run the query.
    bool collscanNeeded = (0 == out->size() && canTableScan);

    if (possibleToCollscan && (collscanRequested || collscanNeeded)) {
        QuerySolution* collscan = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
        if (NULL != collscan) {
            SolutionCacheData* scd = new SolutionCacheData();
            scd->solnType = SolutionCacheData::COLLSCAN_SOLN;
            LOG(5) << "Planner: outputting a collscan:" << endl
                   << collscan->toString();

    return Status::OK();
// static
Status QueryPlanner::planFromCache(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                                   const QueryPlannerParams& params,
                                   const CachedSolution& cachedSoln,
                                   QuerySolution** out) {

    // A query not suitable for caching should not have made its way into the cache.

    // Look up winning solution in cached solution's array.
    const SolutionCacheData& winnerCacheData = *cachedSoln.plannerData[0];

    if (SolutionCacheData::WHOLE_IXSCAN_SOLN == winnerCacheData.solnType) {
        // The solution can be constructed by a scan over the entire index.
        QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(
            *winnerCacheData.tree->entry, query, params, winnerCacheData.wholeIXSolnDir);
        if (soln == NULL) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "plan cache error: soln that uses index to provide sort");
        } else {
            *out = soln;
            return Status::OK();
    } else if (SolutionCacheData::COLLSCAN_SOLN == winnerCacheData.solnType) {
        // The cached solution is a collection scan. We don't cache collscans
        // with tailable==true, hence the false below.
        QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
        if (soln == NULL) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "plan cache error: collection scan soln");
        } else {
            *out = soln;
            return Status::OK();

    // SolutionCacheData::USE_TAGS_SOLN == cacheData->solnType
    // If we're here then this is neither the whole index scan or collection scan
    // cases, and we proceed by using the PlanCacheIndexTree to tag the query tree.

    // Create a copy of the expression tree.  We use cachedSoln to annotate this with indices.
    unique_ptr<MatchExpression> clone = std::move(query.root()->shallowClone());

    LOG(5) << "Tagging the match expression according to cache data: " << endl
           << "Filter:" << endl
           << clone->toString() << "Cache data:" << endl
           << winnerCacheData.toString();

    // Map from index name to index number.
    // TODO: can we assume that the index numbering has the same lifetime
    // as the cache state?
    map<BSONObj, size_t> indexMap;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
        const IndexEntry& ie = params.indices[i];
        indexMap[ie.keyPattern] = i;
        LOG(5) << "Index " << i << ": " << ie.keyPattern.toString() << endl;

    Status s = tagAccordingToCache(clone.get(), winnerCacheData.tree.get(), indexMap);
    if (!s.isOK()) {
        return s;

    // The planner requires a defined sort order.

    LOG(5) << "Tagged tree:" << endl
           << clone->toString();

    // Use the cached index assignments to build solnRoot.
    QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot = QueryPlannerAccess::buildIndexedDataAccess(
        query, clone.release(), false, params.indices, params);

    if (!solnRoot) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "Failed to create data access plan from cache. Query: "
                                    << query.toStringShort());

    // Takes ownership of 'solnRoot'.
    QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
    if (!soln) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          << "Failed to analyze plan from cache. Query: " << query.toStringShort());

    LOG(5) << "Planner: solution constructed from the cache:\n" << soln->toString();
    *out = soln;
    return Status::OK();
    // static
    void QueryPlanner::plan(const CanonicalQuery& query,
                            const QueryPlannerParams& params,
                            vector<QuerySolution*>* out) {
        QLOG() << "=============================\n"
               << "Beginning planning, options = " << optionString(params.options) << endl
               << "Canonical query:\n" << query.toString() << endl
               << "============================="
               << endl;

        // The shortcut formerly known as IDHACK.  See if it's a simple _id query.  If so we might
        // just make an ixscan over the _id index and bypass the rest of planning entirely.
        if (!query.getParsed().isExplain() && !query.getParsed().showDiskLoc()
            && isSimpleIdQuery(query.getParsed().getFilter())
            && !query.getParsed().hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {

            // See if we can find an _id index.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                if (isIdIndex(params.indices[i].keyPattern)) {
                    const IndexEntry& index = params.indices[i];
                    QLOG() << "IDHACK using index " << index.toString() << endl;

                    // If so, we make a simple scan to find the doc.
                    IndexScanNode* isn = new IndexScanNode();
                    isn->indexKeyPattern = index.keyPattern;
                    isn->indexIsMultiKey = index.multikey;
                    isn->direction = 1;
                    isn->bounds.isSimpleRange = true;
                    BSONObj key = getKeyFromQuery(index.keyPattern, query.getParsed().getFilter());
                    isn->bounds.startKey = isn->bounds.endKey = key;
                    isn->bounds.endKeyInclusive = true;

                    QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, isn);

                    if (NULL != soln) {
                        QLOG() << "IDHACK solution is:\n" << (*out)[0]->toString() << endl;
                        // And that's it.

        for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
            QLOG() << "idx " << i << " is " << params.indices[i].toString() << endl;

        bool canTableScan = !(params.options & QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN);

        // If the query requests a tailable cursor, the only solution is a collscan + filter with
        // tailable set on the collscan.  TODO: This is a policy departure.  Previously I think you
        // could ask for a tailable cursor and it just tried to give you one.  Now, we fail if we
        // can't provide one.  Is this what we want?
        if (query.getParsed().hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            if (!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)
                && canTableScan) {
                QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, true, params);
                if (NULL != soln) {

        // The hint can be $natural: 1.  If this happens, output a collscan.  It's a weird way of
        // saying "table scan for two, please."
        if (!query.getParsed().getHint().isEmpty()) {
            BSONElement natural = query.getParsed().getHint().getFieldDotted("$natural");
            if (!natural.eoo()) {
                QLOG() << "forcing a table scan due to hinted $natural\n";
                if (canTableScan) {
                    QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
                    if (NULL != soln) {

        // NOR and NOT we can't handle well with indices.  If we see them here, they weren't
        // rewritten to remove the negation.  Just output a collscan for those.
        if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::NOT)
            || QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::NOR)) {

            // If there's a near predicate, we can't handle this.
            // TODO: Should canonicalized query detect this?
            if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
                warning() << "Can't handle NOT/NOR with GEO_NEAR";
            QLOG() << "NOT/NOR in plan, just outtping a collscan\n";
            if (canTableScan) {
                QuerySolution* soln = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
                if (NULL != soln) {

        // Figure out what fields we care about.
        unordered_set<string> fields;
        QueryPlannerIXSelect::getFields(query.root(), "", &fields);

        for (unordered_set<string>::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) {
            QLOG() << "predicate over field " << *it << endl;

        // Filter our indices so we only look at indices that are over our predicates.
        vector<IndexEntry> relevantIndices;

        // Hints require us to only consider the hinted index.
        BSONObj hintIndex = query.getParsed().getHint();

        // Snapshot is a form of a hint.  If snapshot is set, try to use _id index to make a real
        // plan.  If that fails, just scan the _id index.
        if (query.getParsed().isSnapshot()) {
            // Find the ID index in indexKeyPatterns.  It's our hint.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                if (isIdIndex(params.indices[i].keyPattern)) {
                    hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;

        size_t hintIndexNumber = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

        if (!hintIndex.isEmpty()) {
            // Sigh.  If the hint is specified it might be using the index name.
            BSONElement firstHintElt = hintIndex.firstElement();
            if (str::equals("$hint", firstHintElt.fieldName()) && String == firstHintElt.type()) {
                string hintName = firstHintElt.String();
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    if (params.indices[i].name == hintName) {
                        QLOG() << "hint by name specified, restricting indices to "
                             << params.indices[i].keyPattern.toString() << endl;
                        hintIndexNumber = i;
                        hintIndex = params.indices[i].keyPattern;
            else {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    if (0 == params.indices[i].keyPattern.woCompare(hintIndex)) {
                        QLOG() << "hint specified, restricting indices to " << hintIndex.toString()
                             << endl;
                        hintIndexNumber = i;

            if (hintIndexNumber == numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
                // This is supposed to be an error.
                warning() << "Can't find hint for " << hintIndex.toString();
        else {
            QLOG() << "Finding relevant indices\n";
            QueryPlannerIXSelect::findRelevantIndices(fields, params.indices, &relevantIndices);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < relevantIndices.size(); ++i) {
            QLOG() << "relevant idx " << i << " is " << relevantIndices[i].toString() << endl;

        // Figure out how useful each index is to each predicate.
        // query.root() is now annotated with RelevantTag(s).
        QueryPlannerIXSelect::rateIndices(query.root(), "", relevantIndices);

        QLOG() << "rated tree" << endl;
        QLOG() << query.root()->toString() << endl;

        // If there is a GEO_NEAR it must have an index it can use directly.
        // XXX: move into data access?
        MatchExpression* gnNode = NULL;
        if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR, &gnNode)) {
            // No index for GEO_NEAR?  No query.
            RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(gnNode->getTag());
            if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {

            GeoNearMatchExpression* gnme = static_cast<GeoNearMatchExpression*>(gnNode);

            vector<size_t> newFirst;

            // 2d + GEO_NEAR is annoying.  Because 2d's GEO_NEAR isn't streaming we have to embed
            // the full query tree inside it as a matcher.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < tag->first.size(); ++i) {
                // GEO_NEAR has a non-2d index it can use.  We can deal w/that in normal planning.
                if (!is2DIndex(relevantIndices[tag->first[i]].keyPattern)) {

                // If we're here, GEO_NEAR has a 2d index.  We create a 2dgeonear plan with the
                // entire tree as a filter, if possible.

                GeoNear2DNode* solnRoot = new GeoNear2DNode();
                solnRoot->nq = gnme->getData();

                if (MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR != query.root()->matchType()) {
                    // root is an AND, clone and delete the GEO_NEAR child.
                    MatchExpression* filterTree = query.root()->shallowClone();
                    verify(MatchExpression::AND == filterTree->matchType());

                    bool foundChild = false;
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < filterTree->numChildren(); ++i) {
                        if (MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR == filterTree->getChild(i)->matchType()) {
                            foundChild = true;
                            filterTree->getChildVector()->erase(filterTree->getChildVector()->begin() + i);

                solnRoot->numWanted = query.getParsed().getNumToReturn();
                if (0 == solnRoot->numWanted) {
                    solnRoot->numWanted = 100;
                solnRoot->indexKeyPattern = relevantIndices[tag->first[i]].keyPattern;

                // Remove the 2d index.  2d can only be the first field, and we know there is
                // only one GEO_NEAR, so we don't care if anyone else was assigned it; it'll
                // only be first for gnNode.
                tag->first.erase(tag->first.begin() + i);

                QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);

                if (NULL != soln) {

            // Continue planning w/non-2d indices tagged for this pred.

            if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {

        // Likewise, if there is a TEXT it must have an index it can use directly.
        MatchExpression* textNode;
        if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT, &textNode)) {
            RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(textNode->getTag());
            if (0 == tag->first.size() && 0 == tag->notFirst.size()) {

        // If we have any relevant indices, we try to create indexed plans.
        if (0 < relevantIndices.size()) {
            // The enumerator spits out trees tagged with IndexTag(s).
            PlanEnumerator isp(query.root(), &relevantIndices);

            MatchExpression* rawTree;
            while (isp.getNext(&rawTree)) {
                QLOG() << "about to build solntree from tagged tree:\n" << rawTree->toString()
                       << endl;

                // This can fail if enumeration makes a mistake.
                QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot =
                    QueryPlannerAccess::buildIndexedDataAccess(query, rawTree, false, relevantIndices);

                if (NULL == solnRoot) { continue; }

                QuerySolution* soln = QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(query, params, solnRoot);
                if (NULL != soln) {
                    QLOG() << "Planner: adding solution:\n" << soln->toString() << endl;

        QLOG() << "Planner: outputted " << out->size() << " indexed solutions.\n";

        // An index was hinted.  If there are any solutions, they use the hinted index.  If not, we
        // scan the entire index to provide results and output that as our plan.  This is the
        // desired behavior when an index is hinted that is not relevant to the query.
        if (!hintIndex.isEmpty() && (0 == out->size())) {
            QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[hintIndexNumber], query, params);
            if (NULL != soln) {
                QLOG() << "Planner: outputting soln that uses hinted index as scan." << endl;

        // If a sort order is requested, there may be an index that provides it, even if that
        // index is not over any predicates in the query.
        // XXX XXX: Can we do this even if the index is sparse?  Might we miss things?
        if (!query.getParsed().getSort().isEmpty()
            && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)
            && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) {

            // See if we have a sort provided from an index already.
            bool usingIndexToSort = false;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < out->size(); ++i) {
                QuerySolution* soln = (*out)[i];
                if (!soln->hasSortStage) {
                    usingIndexToSort = true;

            if (!usingIndexToSort) {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < params.indices.size(); ++i) {
                    const BSONObj& kp = params.indices[i].keyPattern;
                    if (providesSort(query, kp)) {
                        QLOG() << "Planner: outputting soln that uses index to provide sort."
                               << endl;
                        QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[i], query, params);
                        if (NULL != soln) {
                    if (providesSort(query, QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(kp))) {
                        QLOG() << "Planner: outputting soln that uses (reverse) index "
                               << "to provide sort." << endl;
                        QuerySolution* soln = buildWholeIXSoln(params.indices[i], query, params, -1);
                        if (NULL != soln) {

        // TODO: Do we always want to offer a collscan solution?
        // XXX: currently disabling the always-use-a-collscan in order to find more planner bugs.
        if (    !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)
             && !QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)
             && ((params.options & QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_COLLSCAN) || (0 == out->size() && canTableScan)))
            QuerySolution* collscan = buildCollscanSoln(query, false, params);
            if (NULL != collscan) {
                QLOG() << "Planner: outputting a collscan:\n";
                QLOG() << collscan->toString() << endl;
BSONObj UpdateStage::transformAndUpdate(const Snapshotted<BSONObj>& oldObj, RecordId& recordId) {
    const UpdateRequest* request = _params.request;
    UpdateDriver* driver = _params.driver;
    CanonicalQuery* cq = _params.canonicalQuery;
    UpdateLifecycle* lifecycle = request->getLifecycle();

    // If asked to return new doc, default to the oldObj, in case nothing changes.
    BSONObj newObj = oldObj.value();

    // Ask the driver to apply the mods. It may be that the driver can apply those "in
    // place", that is, some values of the old document just get adjusted without any
    // change to the binary layout on the bson layer. It may be that a whole new document
    // is needed to accomodate the new bson layout of the resulting document. In any event,
    // only enable in-place mutations if the underlying storage engine offers support for
    // writing damage events.
                    ? mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceEnabled
                    : mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceDisabled));

    BSONObj logObj;

    bool docWasModified = false;

    Status status = Status::OK();
    const bool validateForStorage = getOpCtx()->writesAreReplicated() && _enforceOkForStorage;
    FieldRefSet immutablePaths;
    if (getOpCtx()->writesAreReplicated() && !request->isFromMigration()) {
        if (lifecycle) {
            auto immutablePathsVector =
                getImmutableFields(getOpCtx(), request->getNamespaceString());
            if (immutablePathsVector) {
    if (!driver->needMatchDetails()) {
        // If we don't need match details, avoid doing the rematch
        status = driver->update(
            StringData(), &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, &logObj, &docWasModified);
    } else {
        // If there was a matched field, obtain it.
        MatchDetails matchDetails;

        verify(cq->root()->matchesBSON(oldObj.value(), &matchDetails));

        string matchedField;
        if (matchDetails.hasElemMatchKey())
            matchedField = matchDetails.elemMatchKey();

        status = driver->update(
            matchedField, &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, &logObj, &docWasModified);

    if (!status.isOK()) {
        uasserted(16837, status.reason());

    // Skip adding _id field if the collection is capped (since capped collection documents can
    // neither grow nor shrink).
    const auto createIdField = !_collection->isCapped();

    // Ensure if _id exists it is first
    status = ensureIdFieldIsFirst(&_doc);
    if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::InvalidIdField) {
        // Create ObjectId _id field if we are doing that
        if (createIdField) {
    } else {

    // See if the changes were applied in place
    const char* source = NULL;
    const bool inPlace = _doc.getInPlaceUpdates(&_damages, &source);

    if (inPlace && _damages.empty()) {
        // An interesting edge case. A modifier didn't notice that it was really a no-op
        // during its 'prepare' phase. That represents a missed optimization, but we still
        // shouldn't do any real work. Toggle 'docWasModified' to 'false'.
        // Currently, an example of this is '{ $push : { x : {$each: [], $sort: 1} } }' when the 'x'
        // array exists and is already sorted.
        docWasModified = false;

    if (docWasModified) {

        // Prepare to write back the modified document
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(getOpCtx());

        RecordId newRecordId;
        OplogUpdateEntryArgs args;
        if (!request->isExplain()) {
            auto* css = CollectionShardingState::get(getOpCtx(), _collection->ns());
            args.nss = _collection->ns();
            args.uuid = _collection->uuid();
            args.stmtId = request->getStmtId();
            args.update = logObj;
            args.criteria = css->getMetadata().extractDocumentKey(newObj);
                    "Multi-update operations require all documents to have an '_id' field",
                    !request->isMulti() || args.criteria.hasField("_id"_sd));
            args.fromMigrate = request->isFromMigration();
            args.storeDocOption = getStoreDocMode(*request);
            if (args.storeDocOption == OplogUpdateEntryArgs::StoreDocOption::PreImage) {
                args.preImageDoc = oldObj.value().getOwned();

        if (inPlace) {
            if (!request->isExplain()) {
                newObj = oldObj.value();
                const RecordData oldRec(oldObj.value().objdata(), oldObj.value().objsize());

                Snapshotted<RecordData> snap(oldObj.snapshotId(), oldRec);

                StatusWith<RecordData> newRecStatus = _collection->updateDocumentWithDamages(
                    getOpCtx(), recordId, std::move(snap), source, _damages, &args);

                newObj = uassertStatusOK(std::move(newRecStatus)).releaseToBson();

            newRecordId = recordId;
        } else {
            // The updates were not in place. Apply them through the file manager.

            newObj = _doc.getObject();
                    str::stream() << "Resulting document after update is larger than "
                                  << BSONObjMaxUserSize,
                    newObj.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);

            if (!request->isExplain()) {
                newRecordId = _collection->updateDocument(getOpCtx(),

        invariant(oldObj.snapshotId() == getOpCtx()->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId());

        // If the document moved, we might see it again in a collection scan (maybe it's
        // a document after our current document).
        // If the document is indexed and the mod changes an indexed value, we might see
        // it again.  For an example, see the comment above near declaration of
        // updatedRecordIds.
        // This must be done after the wunit commits so we are sure we won't be rolling back.
        if (_updatedRecordIds && (newRecordId != recordId || driver->modsAffectIndices())) {

    // Only record doc modifications if they wrote (exclude no-ops). Explains get
    // recorded as if they wrote.
    if (docWasModified || request->isExplain()) {

    return newObj;