void GlueMapWindow::DrawGesture(Canvas &canvas) const { if (!gestures.HasPoints()) return; const TCHAR *gesture = gestures.GetGesture(); if (gesture != nullptr && !InputEvents::IsGesture(gesture)) canvas.Select(gesture_look.invalid_pen); else canvas.Select(gesture_look.pen); canvas.SelectHollowBrush(); const auto &points = gestures.GetPoints(); auto it = points.begin(); auto it_last = it++; for (auto it_end = points.end(); it != it_end; it_last = it++) canvas.DrawLinePiece(*it_last, *it); }
void TrailRenderer::Draw(Canvas &canvas, const TraceComputer &trace_computer, const WindowProjection &projection, unsigned min_time, bool enable_traildrift, const RasterPoint pos, const NMEAInfo &basic, const DerivedInfo &calculated, const TrailSettings &settings) { if (settings.length == TrailSettings::Length::OFF) return; if (!LoadTrace(trace_computer, min_time, projection)) return; if (!calculated.wind_available) enable_traildrift = false; GeoPoint traildrift; if (enable_traildrift) { GeoPoint tp1 = FindLatitudeLongitude(basic.location, calculated.wind.bearing, calculated.wind.norm); traildrift = basic.location - tp1; } fixed value_max, value_min; GetMinMax(value_min, value_max, settings.type, trace); bool scaled_trail = settings.scaling_enabled && projection.GetMapScale() <= fixed_int_constant(6000); const GeoBounds bounds = projection.GetScreenBounds().Scale(fixed_four); RasterPoint last_point; bool last_valid = false; for (auto it = trace.begin(), end = trace.end(); it != end; ++it) { const GeoPoint gp = enable_traildrift ? it->GetLocation().Parametric(traildrift, it->CalculateDrift(basic.time)) : it->GetLocation(); if (!bounds.IsInside(gp)) { /* the point is outside of the MapWindow; don't paint it */ last_valid = false; continue; } RasterPoint pt = projection.GeoToScreen(gp); if (last_valid) { if (settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::ALTITUDE) { unsigned index((it->GetAltitude() - value_min) / (value_max - value_min) * (TrailLook::NUMSNAILCOLORS - 1)); index = max(0u, min(TrailLook::NUMSNAILCOLORS - 1, index)); canvas.Select(look.trail_pens[index]); canvas.DrawLinePiece(last_point, pt); } else { const fixed colour_vario = negative(it->GetVario()) ? - it->GetVario() / value_min : it->GetVario() / value_max ; unsigned color_index = GetSnailColorIndex(colour_vario); if (negative(it->GetVario()) && (settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::VARIO_1_DOTS || settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::VARIO_2_DOTS)) { canvas.SelectNullPen(); canvas.Select(look.trail_brushes[color_index]); canvas.DrawCircle((pt.x + last_point.x) / 2, (pt.y + last_point.y) / 2, look.trail_widths[color_index]); } else { if (!scaled_trail) canvas.Select(look.trail_pens[color_index]); else canvas.Select(look.scaled_trail_pens[color_index]); canvas.DrawLinePiece(last_point, pt); } } } last_point = pt; last_valid = true; } if (last_valid) canvas.DrawLine(last_point, pos); }
void TrailRenderer::Draw(Canvas &canvas, const TraceComputer &trace_computer, const WindowProjection &projection, unsigned min_time, bool enable_traildrift, const RasterPoint pos, const NMEAInfo &basic, const DerivedInfo &calculated, const TrailSettings &settings) { if (settings.length == TrailSettings::Length::OFF) return; if (!LoadTrace(trace_computer, min_time, projection)) return; if (!calculated.wind_available) enable_traildrift = false; GeoPoint traildrift; if (enable_traildrift) { GeoPoint tp1 = FindLatitudeLongitude(basic.location, calculated.wind.bearing, calculated.wind.norm); traildrift = basic.location - tp1; } auto minmax = GetMinMax(settings.type, trace); auto value_min = minmax.first; auto value_max = minmax.second; bool scaled_trail = settings.scaling_enabled && projection.GetMapScale() <= 6000; const GeoBounds bounds = projection.GetScreenBounds().Scale(4); RasterPoint last_point = RasterPoint(0, 0); bool last_valid = false; for (auto it = trace.begin(), end = trace.end(); it != end; ++it) { const GeoPoint gp = enable_traildrift ? it->GetLocation().Parametric(traildrift, it->CalculateDrift(basic.time)) : it->GetLocation(); if (!bounds.IsInside(gp)) { /* the point is outside of the MapWindow; don't paint it */ last_valid = false; continue; } RasterPoint pt = projection.GeoToScreen(gp); if (last_valid) { if (settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::ALTITUDE) { unsigned index = GetAltitudeColorIndex(it->GetAltitude(), value_min, value_max); canvas.Select(look.trail_pens[index]); canvas.DrawLinePiece(last_point, pt); } else { unsigned color_index = GetSnailColorIndex(it->GetVario(), value_min, value_max); if (it->GetVario() < 0 && (settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::VARIO_1_DOTS || settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::VARIO_2_DOTS || settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::VARIO_DOTS_AND_LINES)) { canvas.SelectNullPen(); canvas.Select(look.trail_brushes[color_index]); canvas.DrawCircle((pt.x + last_point.x) / 2, (pt.y + last_point.y) / 2, look.trail_widths[color_index]); } else { // positive vario case if (settings.type == TrailSettings::Type::VARIO_DOTS_AND_LINES) { canvas.Select(look.trail_brushes[color_index]); canvas.Select(look.trail_pens[color_index]); //fixed-width pen canvas.DrawCircle((pt.x + last_point.x) / 2, (pt.y + last_point.y) / 2, look.trail_widths[color_index]); } else if (scaled_trail) // width scaled to vario canvas.Select(look.scaled_trail_pens[color_index]); else // fixed-width pen canvas.Select(look.trail_pens[color_index]); canvas.DrawLinePiece(last_point, pt); } } } last_point = pt; last_valid = true; } if (last_valid) canvas.DrawLine(last_point, pos); }