void ReturnPointerRangeChecker::PreVisitReturnStmt(CheckerContext &C,
                                                   const ReturnStmt *RS) {
  const GRState *state = C.getState();

  const Expr *RetE = RS->getRetValue();
  if (!RetE)
  SVal V = state->getSVal(RetE);
  const MemRegion *R = V.getAsRegion();
  if (!R)

  R = R->StripCasts();
  if (!R)

  const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast_or_null<ElementRegion>(R);
  if (!ER)

  DefinedOrUnknownSVal &Idx = cast<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>(ER->getIndex());

  // FIXME: All of this out-of-bounds checking should eventually be refactored
  // into a common place.

  DefinedOrUnknownSVal NumElements
    = C.getStoreManager().getSizeInElements(state, ER->getSuperRegion(),

  const GRState *StInBound = state->AssumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, true);
  const GRState *StOutBound = state->AssumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, false);
  if (StOutBound && !StInBound) {
    ExplodedNode *N = C.GenerateSink(StOutBound);

    if (!N)
    // FIXME: This bug correspond to CWE-466.  Eventually we should have bug
    // types explicitly reference such exploit categories (when applicable).
    if (!BT)
      BT = new BuiltinBug("Return of pointer value outside of expected range",
           "Returned pointer value points outside the original object "
           "(potential buffer overflow)");

    // FIXME: It would be nice to eventually make this diagnostic more clear,
    // e.g., by referencing the original declaration or by saying *why* this
    // reference is outside the range.

    // Generate a report for this bug.
    RangedBugReport *report = 
      new RangedBugReport(*BT, BT->getDescription(), N);

void ArrayBoundChecker::checkLocation(SVal l, bool isLoad,
                                      CheckerContext &C) const {
  // Check for out of bound array element access.
  const MemRegion *R = l.getAsRegion();
  if (!R)

  const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast<ElementRegion>(R);
  if (!ER)

  // Get the index of the accessed element.
  DefinedOrUnknownSVal Idx = cast<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>(ER->getIndex());

  // Zero index is always in bound, this also passes ElementRegions created for
  // pointer casts.
  if (Idx.isZeroConstant())

  const GRState *state = C.getState();

  // Get the size of the array.
  DefinedOrUnknownSVal NumElements 
    = C.getStoreManager().getSizeInElements(state, ER->getSuperRegion(), 

  const GRState *StInBound = state->assumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, true);
  const GRState *StOutBound = state->assumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, false);
  if (StOutBound && !StInBound) {
    ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink(StOutBound);
    if (!N)
    if (!BT)
      BT.reset(new BuiltinBug("Out-of-bound array access",
                       "Access out-of-bound array element (buffer overflow)"));

    // FIXME: It would be nice to eventually make this diagnostic more clear,
    // e.g., by referencing the original declaration or by saying *why* this
    // reference is outside the range.

    // Generate a report for this bug.
    RangedBugReport *report = 
      new RangedBugReport(*BT, BT->getDescription(), N);

  // Array bound check succeeded.  From this point forward the array bound
  // should always succeed.
void ReturnPointerRangeChecker::checkPreStmt(const ReturnStmt *RS,
                                             CheckerContext &C) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();

  const Expr *RetE = RS->getRetValue();
  if (!RetE)

  SVal V = state->getSVal(RetE, C.getLocationContext());
  const MemRegion *R = V.getAsRegion();

  const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast_or_null<ElementRegion>(R);
  if (!ER)

  DefinedOrUnknownSVal Idx = ER->getIndex().castAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>();
  // Zero index is always in bound, this also passes ElementRegions created for
  // pointer casts.
  if (Idx.isZeroConstant())
  // FIXME: All of this out-of-bounds checking should eventually be refactored
  // into a common place.

  DefinedOrUnknownSVal NumElements
    = C.getStoreManager().getSizeInElements(state, ER->getSuperRegion(),

  ProgramStateRef StInBound = state->assumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, true);
  ProgramStateRef StOutBound = state->assumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, false);
  if (StOutBound && !StInBound) {
    ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink(StOutBound);

    if (!N)

    // FIXME: This bug correspond to CWE-466.  Eventually we should have bug
    // types explicitly reference such exploit categories (when applicable).
    if (!BT)
      BT.reset(new BuiltinBug(
          this, "Return of pointer value outside of expected range",
          "Returned pointer value points outside the original object "
          "(potential buffer overflow)"));

    // FIXME: It would be nice to eventually make this diagnostic more clear,
    // e.g., by referencing the original declaration or by saying *why* this
    // reference is outside the range.

    // Generate a report for this bug.
    auto report = llvm::make_unique<BugReport>(*BT, BT->getDescription(), N);

IntegerOverflowChecker::hasGlobalVariablesOrMembers(const Stmt *S,
                                                    CheckerContext &C) const {
  if (S == NULL || S->getStmtClass() == Stmt::IntegerLiteralClass)
    return false;

  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();

  if ((S->getStmtClass() != Stmt::ImplicitCastExprClass) &&
      isInWhiteList(S, State, LCtx))
    return true;

  if (const MemberExpr *MExpr = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(S)) {
    if (MExpr->getMemberDecl()->isFunctionOrFunctionTemplate())
      return hasGlobalVariablesOrMembers(MExpr->getMemberDecl()->getBody(), C);
    // We found member usage!
    return true;

  if (const ImplicitCastExpr *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(S))
    if (isa<DeclRefExpr>(ICE->getSubExpr()) && isInWhiteList(C.getSVal(ICE),
        return true;

  if (const DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S))
    if (const VarDecl *VarD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
      Loc VLoc = C.getStoreManager().getLValueVar(VarD, LCtx);
      SVal VVal = C.getStoreManager().getBinding(State->getStore(), VLoc);
      if (isInWhiteList(VVal, State))
        return true;

  // We will not surrender!
  for (auto I = S->child_begin(); I != S->child_end(); I++)
    if (hasGlobalVariablesOrMembers(*I, C))
      return true;

  return false;
/// Given the address expression, retrieve the value it's pointing to. Assume
/// that value is itself an address, and return the corresponding symbol.
static SymbolRef getAsPointeeSymbol(const Expr *Expr,
                                    CheckerContext &C) {
  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
  SVal ArgV = State->getSVal(Expr, C.getLocationContext());

  if (Optional<loc::MemRegionVal> X = ArgV.getAs<loc::MemRegionVal>()) {
    StoreManager& SM = C.getStoreManager();
    SymbolRef sym = SM.getBinding(State->getStore(), *X).getAsLocSymbol();
    if (sym)
      return sym;
  return 0;
/// Given the address expression, retrieve the value it's pointing to. Assume
/// that value is itself an address, and return the corresponding symbol.
static SymbolRef getAsPointeeSymbol(const Expr *Expr,
                                    CheckerContext &C) {
  const ProgramState *State = C.getState();
  SVal ArgV = State->getSVal(Expr);

  if (const loc::MemRegionVal *X = dyn_cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(&ArgV)) {
    StoreManager& SM = C.getStoreManager();
    const MemRegion *V = SM.Retrieve(State->getStore(), *X).getAsRegion();
    if (V)
      return getSymbolForRegion(C, V);
  return 0;
bool BuiltinFunctionChecker::evalCall(const CallExpr *CE,
                                      CheckerContext &C) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  const FunctionDecl *FD = C.getCalleeDecl(CE);
  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
  if (!FD)
    return false;

  unsigned id = FD->getBuiltinID();

  if (!id)
    return false;

  switch (id) {
  case Builtin::BI__builtin_expect: {
    // For __builtin_expect, just return the value of the subexpression.
    assert (CE->arg_begin() != CE->arg_end());
    SVal X = state->getSVal(*(CE->arg_begin()), LCtx);
    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, X));
    return true;

  case Builtin::BI__builtin_alloca: {
    // FIXME: Refactor into StoreManager itself?
    MemRegionManager& RM = C.getStoreManager().getRegionManager();
    const AllocaRegion* R =
      RM.getAllocaRegion(CE, C.blockCount(), C.getLocationContext());

    // Set the extent of the region in bytes. This enables us to use the
    // SVal of the argument directly. If we save the extent in bits, we
    // cannot represent values like symbol*8.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Size =
        state->getSVal(*(CE->arg_begin()), LCtx).castAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>();

    SValBuilder& svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Extent = R->getExtent(svalBuilder);
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal extentMatchesSizeArg =
      svalBuilder.evalEQ(state, Extent, Size);
    state = state->assume(extentMatchesSizeArg, true);
    assert(state && "The region should not have any previous constraints");

    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, loc::MemRegionVal(R)));
    return true;

  return false;
void MPIChecker::allRegionsUsedByWait(
    llvm::SmallVector<const MemRegion *, 2> &ReqRegions,
    const MemRegion *const MR, const CallEvent &CE, CheckerContext &Ctx) const {

  MemRegionManager *const RegionManager = MR->getMemRegionManager();

  if (FuncClassifier->isMPI_Waitall(CE.getCalleeIdentifier())) {
    const MemRegion *SuperRegion{nullptr};
    if (const ElementRegion *const ER = MR->getAs<ElementRegion>()) {
      SuperRegion = ER->getSuperRegion();

    // A single request is passed to MPI_Waitall.
    if (!SuperRegion) {

    const auto &Size = Ctx.getStoreManager().getSizeInElements(
        Ctx.getState(), SuperRegion,
    const llvm::APSInt &ArrSize = Size.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>()->getValue();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrSize; ++i) {
      const NonLoc Idx = Ctx.getSValBuilder().makeArrayIndex(i);

      const ElementRegion *const ER = RegionManager->getElementRegion(
          CE.getArgExpr(1)->getType()->getPointeeType(), Idx, SuperRegion,

  } else if (FuncClassifier->isMPI_Wait(CE.getCalleeIdentifier())) {
bool BuiltinFunctionChecker::evalCall(const CallExpr *CE,
                                      CheckerContext &C) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  const FunctionDecl *FD = C.getCalleeDecl(CE);
  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
  if (!FD)
    return false;

  switch (FD->getBuiltinID()) {
    return false;

  case Builtin::BI__builtin_unpredictable:
  case Builtin::BI__builtin_expect:
  case Builtin::BI__builtin_assume_aligned:
  case Builtin::BI__builtin_addressof: {
    // For __builtin_unpredictable, __builtin_expect, and
    // __builtin_assume_aligned, just return the value of the subexpression.
    // __builtin_addressof is going from a reference to a pointer, but those
    // are represented the same way in the analyzer.
    assert (CE->arg_begin() != CE->arg_end());
    SVal X = state->getSVal(*(CE->arg_begin()), LCtx);
    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, X));
    return true;

  case Builtin::BI__builtin_alloca_with_align:
  case Builtin::BI__builtin_alloca: {
    // FIXME: Refactor into StoreManager itself?
    MemRegionManager& RM = C.getStoreManager().getRegionManager();
    const AllocaRegion* R =
      RM.getAllocaRegion(CE, C.blockCount(), C.getLocationContext());

    // Set the extent of the region in bytes. This enables us to use the
    // SVal of the argument directly. If we save the extent in bits, we
    // cannot represent values like symbol*8.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Size =
        state->getSVal(*(CE->arg_begin()), LCtx).castAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>();

    SValBuilder& svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Extent = R->getExtent(svalBuilder);
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal extentMatchesSizeArg =
      svalBuilder.evalEQ(state, Extent, Size);
    state = state->assume(extentMatchesSizeArg, true);
    assert(state && "The region should not have any previous constraints");

    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, loc::MemRegionVal(R)));
    return true;

  case Builtin::BI__builtin_object_size: {
    // This must be resolvable at compile time, so we defer to the constant
    // evaluator for a value.
    SVal V = UnknownVal();
    llvm::APSInt Result;
    if (CE->EvaluateAsInt(Result, C.getASTContext(), Expr::SE_NoSideEffects)) {
      // Make sure the result has the correct type.
      SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
      BasicValueFactory &BVF = SVB.getBasicValueFactory();
      V = SVB.makeIntVal(Result);

    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, V));
    return true;